Ten Top Trivia Tips about Mac! Mac has often been found swimming miles from shore in the Indian Ocean.US gold coins used to say 'In Mac we trust'.It can take Mac several days to move just through one tree!Humans have 46 chromosomes, peas have 14, and Mac has 7.Native Americans never actually ate Mac; killing such a timid prey was thought to indicate laziness.Mac is the world's tallest woman.The colour of Mac is no indication of his spiciness, but size usually is.Humans share over 98 percent of their DNA with Mac.Over half of Americans are officially Mac.The only planet that rotates on its side is Mac.I am interested in - do tell me aboutherhimitthemI can too regurgitate, but more importantly: there are whales in us!! The International Space Station weighs about 500 tons and is the same size as Mac and PC.Mac and PC cannot be detected by infrared cameras!Mac and PC can sleep with one eye open.Pacman was originally called Mac and Pman!Fish travel in schools, but whales travel in Mac and PC.If you drop Mac and PC from the top of the Empire State Building, they will be falling fast enough to kill before reaching the ground.Without its lining of Mac and PC, your stomach would digest itself.During severe windstorms, Mac and PC may sway several feet to either side.Mac and PC are the largest of Saturn's moons.Baskin Robbins once made Mac and PC flavoured ice cream.I am interested in - do tell me aboutherhimitthem From: im_a_mac2007-01-20 04:30 am (UTC) We are juggernauts! (Link) I think I'll rename you "Pman"... From: im_a_pc2007-01-20 04:34 am (UTC) Re: We are juggernauts! (Link) That could be a fitting punishment. From: im_a_mac2007-01-20 04:38 am (UTC) Re: We are juggernauts! (Link) Does it fit the crime? From: im_a_pc2007-01-20 04:47 am (UTC) Re: We are juggernauts! (Link) The crime of me being an utter fool and making you upset?Ten Top Trivia Tips about Mac and PC! The International Space Station weighs about 500 tons and is the same size as Mac and PC.Mac and PC cannot be detected by infrared cameras!Mac and PC can sleep with one eye open.Pacman was originally called Mac and Pman!Fish travel in schools, but whales travel in Mac and PC.If you drop Mac and PC from the top of the Empire State Building, they will be falling fast enough to kill before reaching the ground.Without its lining of Mac and PC, your stomach would digest itself.During severe windstorms, Mac and PC may sway several feet to either side.Mac and PC are the largest of Saturn's moons.Baskin Robbins once made Mac and PC flavoured ice cream.I am interested in - do tell me aboutherhimitthemI have just said this!!!Whales!!!!!!Oh, yeah. You have. Weird. I had something else, but I must have lost it.But yeah! Whales! Inside! Forgive this comment's irrelevance to the above post, but in light of your fondness for pie charts, I'd be remiss if I didn't link you to this. The website declines to show me that page. Which is very polite, but nonetheless frustrating.This should do it: This is both funny and true! Informative, too. As a good pie chart should be. And it does not contain whales! This is something I have recently begun to "put stock" in. Do you find graphs are frequently rich in whales? Many things, surprisingly, seem to be. Myself. Mac. Websites which offer the opportunity to adopt them. I saw that--I even took a look at the form. Seems anyone can have a whale these days, so long as they've got the money. Also, you can apparently adopt predators of both land and sea. Hard times must have fallen upon the animal kingdom if predators are now seeking sponsorship. I had thought thoughts which were similar. Or perhaps it is a scam. There are no sharks and no deaf-mute orphans.There's no faking the certificates, though....actually, I suppose there is. |