imonecoolasskid - Profile (original) (raw)
on 8 August 2005 (#7965824)
We're Better Than You. - A Rating Community.
Join us if you think you're cooler than us. We doubt it, but you can try. First five to apply get automatic acceptations. Then the rating will start.
1.) No spamming. You will be banned.
2.) It's a rating community. Don't be afraid to be harsh to newcomers. If you apply, don't be offended.
3.) When you join, pleez don type lyke dis!1 We want legible and intelligent writing. If we can't understand what you're writing, what's the point in applying?
4.) Post only once until you're stamped.
5.) When voting, voter must give reason for their vote.
6.) If you don't read the rules then you don't get accepted. You get one chance to fix it, more than once is just excessive and needless.
7.) Any breaking of the rules will result in a warning from one of the MODs, repeated rule breaking result in a BAN.
New Members:
1.) We want your opinions. Don't sugarcoat. Don't put what you think we want to hear because we want to hear what you have to say.
2.) Post your application under a LJ cut. Applications won't be accepted if they're not. If you don't know how to use an LJ cut, learn.
3.) Put "Listening to cool music makes you cool," in the subject line.
4.) If a member votes undecided and the applicant doesn't do something to sway them, the vote will count as a no.
5.) You will be stamped after three days.
Stamped Members
1.) Don't be too nice because you're afraid to say no.
2.) You must give a reason to why you said yes or no. No periods. No slashes. No "I hate you." No "You're rad." Explanations or reasons, please.
3.) Promote all you like! It's always appreciated.
4.) Put "stamped" in the subject line so we know you've been voted on already.
5.) Update as much as you like. Put long entries/pictures behind an LJ cut, some of the users may have dial up.
6.) Stay cool.
The Application
(I've already bolded the questions for you.)
imcool4466, boris_spy_887, psychosmurf210
We are your mods. Hurrah for us.
Accepted Members
Rejected Members
Yeah.. it sucks. Want to make a new one ? We'd all appreciate it.
1985, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 3d games, abercrombie, acorns, aeropostale, aerosmith, aim, air conditioners, aladdin, american idol, anorexia, aol, apples, babies, backstreet boys, bananas, bands, bathroom, bears, beauty and the beast, beef jerky, being awesome, being cool, birds, boy bands, boyfriends, boys, bug spray, bunnies, carnivals, cats, cd players, chanel, chastity, chatting, cities, coach purses, computers, conditioner, condoms, cookies, cool, cool friends, cool kids, crayons, cute fuzzy things, democrats, diets, disney channel, disney movies, dodgeball, dogs, doves, eating all the food, exercise, fairs, fans, farms, fat people, finding neverland, friends, fruit roll ups, gay, gel, girlfriends, girls, guys, hair brush, hair color, hate, hate school, hiking, hot dogs, ice pops, inch worms, ipods, jay leno, junk food, kareoke, kittens, ladies, lesbian, light bulbs, lilly pads, literati, llamas, loofa, love, lovers, low-fat, maddox, makeup, markers, nasa, natures, new jersey, new york, nickelodeon, owls, pac sun, panda bears, pants, paper, pennsylvania, perfume, pigs, posters, puppies, purses, push pins, reality tv, relationships, reptiles, republicans, rock music, sandwhiches, school of rock, sex, sexy singles, shampoo, showers, skiing, sleeping, snowboarding, soap, socks, soda, states, stereo systems, stumps, sugarcult, sweaters, swimming, tampons, the family guy, thongs, tommy girl, trees, twigs, u2, video games, video tapes, walking, water