L. Zelena | Danilo Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology National Academy Scieces of Ukraine (original) (raw)
Papers by L. Zelena
Mikrobiolohichnyi Zhurnal, 2017
З мікробного угруповання феросфери ґрунту виділено три штами гетеротрофних амоніфікувальних та за... more З мікробного угруповання феросфери ґрунту виділено три штами гетеротрофних амоніфікувальних та залізовідновлювальних бактерій, які за комплексом мікробіологічних ознак, фізіолого-біохімічних властивостей та на основі сиквенсу фрагмента гена 16S рРНК (за результатами філогенетичного аналізу) віднесено до видів Bacillus simplex, Streptomyces gardneri та роду Fictibacillus sp. Нуклеотидні послідовності гена 16S рРНК зареєстровані у базі даних GenBank. Досліджено чутливість бактерій виділених штамів до похідних сечовини на основі пестициду лінурон. Встановлено високу чутливість штамів B. simplex ChNPU F1 і S. gardneri ChNPU F3 та слабку штаму Fictibacillus sp. ChNPU ZVB1. Визначено, що для захисту від мікробної корозії перспективною сполукою з антибактеріальними властивостями є похідна з фрагментом антипірину. Встановлено можливість зменшення токсичності лінурону щодо ґрунтових бактерій введенням у його молекулу фрагменту піперидину. Ключові слова: феросфера, гетеротрофні амоніфікувальні бактерії, гетеротрофні залізовідновлювальні бактерії, фенотипові ознаки, ген 16S pРНК, бактерициди, пестицид лінурон.
Mikrobiolohichnyi Zhurnal
Staphylococcus aureus is a widespread opportunistic pathogen, causing community-acquired and noso... more Staphylococcus aureus is a widespread opportunistic pathogen, causing community-acquired and nosocomial infections with both acute and chronic recurrent courses. The process of chronicity of the disease is provided by biofilms. Features of the structure and functioning of biofilms, in particular the presence of matrix, quorum sensing systems, persistent cells, and efflux pumps, provide microbial communities with resistance to antimicrobial drugs under their action in therapeutic concentrations. The insufficient eff ectiveness of modern antimicrobial chemotherapy against biofi lm microorganisms indicates the urgency of the problem to search for compounds with antibiofilm activity that can affect various stages of the biofilm formation and the formed biofilm. The aim of the study is to establish the antibiofilm activity of 4-(adamantyl-1)-1-(1-aminobutyl) benzol against methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) and to determine the mechanism of its action. Methods. The ability of adamant...
Ecological Sciences
Біобезпека та біозахист важливі для ефективного управління біоризиками, безпечного майбутнього та... more Біобезпека та біозахист важливі для ефективного управління біоризиками, безпечного майбутнього та сталого розвитку. Зокрема впровадження правил і технік біологічної безпеки є важливим питанням навчального та науково-дослідницького процесів на природничих факультетах, адже підвищує обізнаність студентів та молодих науковців щодо питань біобезпеки та біозахисту та дозволяє знизити індивідуальні та суспільні ризики. Наразі зонами найбільш високого біоризику вважаються навчальні мікробіологічні лабораторії, в яких дозволяється працювати з агентами групи ризику 1 (відсутній або дуже низький індивідуальний і суспільний ризик), а лабораторний захист полягає у застосуванні «правильних мікробіологічних технік». Учбовими мікроорганізмами, використовуваними при опануванні курсів мікробіологічного та генетичного спрямування, що викладаються студентам-бакалаврам Національного університету «Чернігівський колегіум» імені Т. Г. Шевченка та Відкритого міжнародного університету розвитку людини «Україна», є чисті культури бактерій 1-ї групи ризику: Bacillus simplex ChNPU F1, Streptomyces gardneri ChNPU F3, S. canus NUChC F2, Bacillus velezensis NUChC C1 та NUChC C2b, Anaerotignum (Clostridium) propionicum NUChC Sat1, Desulfovibrio oryzae NUChC SRB1 та NUChC SRB2. Зазначені мікроорганізми виділено та ідентифіковано авторами статті за участі студентів, їх нуклеотидні послідовності зареєстровані у базі ГенБанк. В статті визначено методичні аспекти безпечного формування фахових компетенцій з використанням чистих культур зазначених бактерій при проведенні лабораторних робіт з курсів мікробіологічного та генетичного спрямування, які викладаються студентам-бакалаврам природничих факультетів вказаних закладів вищої освіти. В результаті аналізу навчальних програм дисциплін вперше сформульовано перелік компетенцій (знань, вмінь, навичок), яких повинен набути бакалавр в рамках навчальних курсів «Мікробіологія і вірусологія з основами імунології» та «Генетика» з використанням чистих культур бактерій. Зазначається, що використані в ході викладання дисциплін «Мікробіологія і вірусологія з основами імунології» та «Генетика» чисті культури бактерій дозволяють сформувати значний обсяг базових фахових компетенцій з цих навчальних дисциплін. Приналежність бактерій до 1-ї групи ризику дозволяє робити це безпечно для життя й здоров'я здобувачів вищої освіти, викладачів та лаборантів. Ключові слова: біобезпека, вища освіта, генетика, мікробіологія, фахові компетенції. Biosafety in the formation of professional competencies of bachelors in the courses "Microbiology and Virology with the basics of Immunology" and "Genetics". Tkachuk N., Zelena L. Biosafety and biosecurity are important for effective biorisk management, secure futures and sustainable development. In particular, the implementation of biosafety rules and techniques is an important issue of educational and research processes at the faculties of natural sciences, as it raises awareness of students and young scientists on biosafety and biosecurity and reduces individual and societal risks. Currently, the areas of highest biorisk are considered to be microbiological training laboratories, which are allowed to work with agents of risk group 1 (no or very low individual and social risk), and laboratory protection is the use of "correct microbiological techniques". The educational microorganisms used in mastering the courses of microbiological and genetic orientation, taught to students-bachelors of the T. H. Shevchenko National University "Chernihiv Colehium" and the Open International University of Human Development "Ukraine", are pure cultures of bacteria of the 1st risk group: Bacillus simplex ChNPU F1, Streptomyces gardneri ChNPU F3, S. canus NUChC F2, Bacillus velezensis NUChC C1 та NUChC C2b, Anaerotignum (Clostridium) propionicum NUChC Sat1, Desulfovibrio oryzae NUChC SRB1 and NUChC SRB2. These microorganisms were isolated and identified by the authors with the participation of students, their nucleotide sequences are registered in the GenBank database. The article identifies methodological aspects of safe formation of professional competencies with the use of pure cultures of these bacteria in laboratory work on courses of microbiological and genetic orientation, which are taught to students-bachelors of natural faculties of these universities. As a result of the analysis of programs of disciplines the list of competences (knowledge, abilities, skills) which the bachelors should acquire within the limits of training courses "Microbiology and virology with bases of immunology" and "Genetics" with use of pure cultures of bacteria is formulated for the first time. It is noted that pure cultures of bacteria used in the teaching of disciplines "Microbiology and virology with the basics of immunology" and "Genetics" allow to form a significant amount of basic professional competencies in these disciplines. Bacteria belong to the 1st risk group, which allows them to do so safely for the life and health of higher education students, teachers and laboratory assistants.
2nd International Conference on Biological Research and Applied Science
Fermented foods play an important role in human daily lives. Among them the dairy products are th... more Fermented foods play an important role in human daily lives. Among them the dairy products are the most popular. Growing amount of researches aredevoted to the assessment of the effects of the dairy products on human health. Lactic acid bacteria are the main group of microorganisms used to produce fermented milk products. The present study demonstrated the results of the microbiological analysis ofindustrial and homemadedairy products and quantitative evaluation of enterococci content in them. The results revealed that microbiome of both, industrial and home-made products, consisted ofbacteria and fungi; the highest amount of enterococci was detected in feta cheese, the lowestin milk.
Ecological Sciences
Інститут мікробіології і вірусології ім. Д.К. Заболотного Національної академії наукУкраїни вул. ... more Інститут мікробіології і вірусології ім. Д.К. Заболотного Національної академії наукУкраїни вул. Академіка Заболотного,
he present studies were carried out to evaluate a potential biofuel application of the native str... more he present studies were carried out to evaluate a potential biofuel application of the native strain Monoraphidium sp. IBASU-A 574 (Selenastraceae, Chlorophyta) adapted to the temperate zone climatic conditions. This strain was isolated from a small freshwater lake situated in Kyiv-city (Ukraine) by the reached culture method for obtaining desired strains of different species with high growth rate. It was identified based on its morphological characterization under light microscopy and 18S rRNA sequence analysis. Its culture’s growth, kinetic characteristics (specific growth rate and productivity) and biological peculiarities of the investigated strain were studied in comparison with the well-known biomass producer Chlorella vulgaris Beijer. CALU 157 under the same autotrophic cultivating conditions with using the modified Tamiya medium. It was established an active growth of Monoraphidium sp. IBASU-A 574 which was practically equal to the well-known producer and characterized by fo...
Cytology and Genetics, Jul 1, 2016
Cytology and Genetics, 2021
Proceedings of 3rd International Electronic Conference on Medicinal Chemistry, 2017
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is associated with a number of lymphoproliferative and autoimmune diseas... more Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is associated with a number of lymphoproliferative and autoimmune diseases. Use of the drugs, which would not only inhibit the reproduction of the virus, but also would stimulate the elimination of tumor cells, is important for the treatment of virus-associated tumors. In the current research the antiviral effects of the herbal extracts Proteflazid and Neoflazid were studied on the models of latent, acute and chronic EBV infections in Raji and B95-8 lymphoblastoid cells. Neoflazid was more toxic towards Raji cells than Proteflazid: the CC 50 indices were 8 µg/ml and 36 µg/ml respectively. Toxicities of these compounds in B95-8 cells were almost the same and their CC 50 indices were close to 25 µg/ml. Both drugs showed high antiviral activity against EBV lytic infection in Raji cells and EC 50 was 0.02 and 0.083 µg/ml for Proteflazid and Neoflazid, respectively, and selectivity indinces were 1800 and 96. They were less effective in B95-8 cells and even at a concentration of 10 µg/ml these compounds inhibited virus replication by only 10-19%. We checked the ability of Proteflazid to induce apoptosis and found that the drug stimulated the apoptotic cell death in latent and lytic EBV infections at cytotoxic concentrations (30 µg/ml). The non-toxic concentration (5 µg/ml) induced apoptosis more actively (by 10%) during EBV lytic infection in cells B95-8 than in the case of latent infection in Raji cells.
Cytology and Genetics, 2021
Ecological Sciences, 2021
Siderophores are non-toxic, environmentally unobjectionable compounds that exhibit a number of us... more Siderophores are non-toxic, environmentally unobjectionable compounds that exhibit a number of useful properties for solving some agriculture, environmental, technical problems and can determine the development of bacterial infections. Siderophores, in the chemical structure of which there is a dihydroxybenzoate fragment, effectively chelating iron, belong to dihydroxybenzoate-capped siderophores. Some dihydroxybenzoate-capped siderophores are acinetobactin, bacillibactin, enterobactin, petrobactin, salmochelins, trivanchrobactin, vanchrobactin, vibriobactin. The review article analyzes and summarizes information about microorganismsproducers such siderophores, the practical importance of these compounds for ecology, agriculture, technology, health. The considered dihydroxybenzoate-capped siderophores are represented in the group of catecholate siderophores and in the group of mixed siderophores. Their producers are both pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms. It was determined that among the considered siderophores only bacillibactin is used in agriculture, perspective bioremediation agents are bacillibactin and petrobactin. Biological control in the industry for corrosion protection can be an alternative to the use of corrosion inhibitors to address environmental, safety and health concerns. Attention is paid to the use of siderophores as smart-green corrosion inhibitors to prevent corrosion, in particular, microbiologically influenced. It is noted that bacillilibactin and enterobactin should be considered as green smart-corrosion inhibitors. Intervention in the mechanisms of providing pathogens with iron by disrupting the biosynthesis of microbial siderophores, the use of siderophores as antimicrobial conjugates is discussed as a promising way to solve the problem of combating bacterial infections and maintaining human health.
Corrosion and Materials Degradation, 2021
This paper tackles bacteria of the genus Bacillus as both biodamaging/biodegrading and biocontrol... more This paper tackles bacteria of the genus Bacillus as both biodamaging/biodegrading and biocontrolling agents. The article addresses the said bacteria’s ability to form biofilms and corrosive, antimicrobial and antibiofilm proactive compounds, primarily, siderophores. Their role depends on the species, microorganism strain, production of antimicrobial substances, biofilm formation, and the type of damaged material. The bacteria under analysis have demonstrated the ability to cause as well as inhibit biodamage. The involvement of bacteria of the genus Bacillus in microbiologically influenced corrosion processes is determined by the production of corrosive metabolites and the impact of certain bioelectrochemical mechanisms. Lipopeptides generated by Bacillus subtilis (surfactin, iturin and fengycin) are capable of modifying surfaces’ hydrophobic properties and impacting the microbes’ adhesion to surfaces. Produced by Bacillus velezensis, the siderophore bacillibactin at a high concentr...
Mikrobiolohichnyi Zhurnal, 2017
З мікробного угруповання феросфери ґрунту виділено три штами гетеротрофних амоніфікувальних та за... more З мікробного угруповання феросфери ґрунту виділено три штами гетеротрофних амоніфікувальних та залізовідновлювальних бактерій, які за комплексом мікробіологічних ознак, фізіолого-біохімічних властивостей та на основі сиквенсу фрагмента гена 16S рРНК (за результатами філогенетичного аналізу) віднесено до видів Bacillus simplex, Streptomyces gardneri та роду Fictibacillus sp. Нуклеотидні послідовності гена 16S рРНК зареєстровані у базі даних GenBank. Досліджено чутливість бактерій виділених штамів до похідних сечовини на основі пестициду лінурон. Встановлено високу чутливість штамів B. simplex ChNPU F1 і S. gardneri ChNPU F3 та слабку штаму Fictibacillus sp. ChNPU ZVB1. Визначено, що для захисту від мікробної корозії перспективною сполукою з антибактеріальними властивостями є похідна з фрагментом антипірину. Встановлено можливість зменшення токсичності лінурону щодо ґрунтових бактерій введенням у його молекулу фрагменту піперидину. Ключові слова: феросфера, гетеротрофні амоніфікувальні бактерії, гетеротрофні залізовідновлювальні бактерії, фенотипові ознаки, ген 16S pРНК, бактерициди, пестицид лінурон.
Mikrobiolohichnyi Zhurnal, 2020
Mikrobiolohichnyi Zhurnal, 2015
Ecological Questions, 2020
The purpose of this work was the isolation of the predominant representatives of sulfate-reducing... more The purpose of this work was the isolation of the predominant representatives of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) of the sulfidogenic microbial community separated from the soil ferrosphere and the examination of their morphological, physiological, biochemical and genotypic peculiarities, the evaluation of some physiological processes under co-culturing with their satellite species Anaerotignum propionicum. During the study two isolates of sulfate-reducing bacteria NUChC SRB1 and NUChC SRB2 were obtained from sulfidogenic microbial community isolated from soil ferrosphere on Postgate's "B" medium and their belonging to different strains (using ISSR-PCR method) was proved. As a result of molecular-genetic analysis of the strains, a 16S rRNA gene fragments of 613 bp and 522 bp were amplified and sequenced. The strains were identified as Desulfovibrio oryzae by the complex of microbiological, physiological and biochemical features and on the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequences (phylogenetic analysis). The 16S rRNA gene sequences were submitted in GenBank as MT102713 (NUChC SRB1) and MT102714 (NUChC SRB2). The co-cultivation of isolated SRB strains with A. propionicum NUChC Sat1 strain (in the absence of electron donors, the presence of sulfates and yeast extract) showed the formation of sulfur-reducing bacteria of hydrogen sulfide, which was not observed during their mono-cultivation. In this case, the phenomenon of syntrophy probably takes place-co-growth on the nutrient substrate, and the electron donor appears due to the use of the yeast extract compounds by the NUChC Sat1 strain. Therefore, in the sulfidogenic community isolated from the soil ferrosphere, there is a mutual growth of the association of bacteria D. oryzae and A. propionicum, which is caused by trophic interaction. Possibly the contribution of these associated bacteria to the corrosion process lies in the utilization of hydrogen (D. oryzae) and the formation of substrate products of SRB metabolism (hydrogen and organic acids), which are both corrosive compounds (A. propionicum). Without a doubt the corrosion process involving this association needs further investigation. ferrosphere, sulfate-reducing bacteria, Desulfovibrio oryzae, 16S rRNA gene, ISSR-PCR.
Mikrobiolohichnyi Zhurnal, 2016
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2020
Microbe-based decontamination of phenol-polluted environments has significant advantages over phy... more Microbe-based decontamination of phenol-polluted environments has significant advantages over physical and chemical approaches by being relatively cheaper and ensuring complete phenol degradation. There is a need to search for commercially prospective bacterial strains that are resistant to phenol and other co-pollutants, e.g. oil hydrocarbons, in contaminated environments, and able to carry out efficient phenol biodegradation at a variable range of concentrations. This research characterizes the phenol-biodegrading ability of a new actinobacteria strain isolated from a lubricant-contaminated soil environment. Phenotypic and phylogenetic analyses showed that the novel strain UCM Ac-603 belonged to the speciesRhodococcus aetherivorans, and phenol degrading ability was quantitatively characterized for the first time.R.aetherivoransUCM Ac-603 tolerated and assimilated phenol (100% of supplied concentration) and various hydrocarbons (56.2–94.4%) as sole carbon sources. Additional nutrie...
Mikrobiolohichnyi Zhurnal, 2017
З мікробного угруповання феросфери ґрунту виділено три штами гетеротрофних амоніфікувальних та за... more З мікробного угруповання феросфери ґрунту виділено три штами гетеротрофних амоніфікувальних та залізовідновлювальних бактерій, які за комплексом мікробіологічних ознак, фізіолого-біохімічних властивостей та на основі сиквенсу фрагмента гена 16S рРНК (за результатами філогенетичного аналізу) віднесено до видів Bacillus simplex, Streptomyces gardneri та роду Fictibacillus sp. Нуклеотидні послідовності гена 16S рРНК зареєстровані у базі даних GenBank. Досліджено чутливість бактерій виділених штамів до похідних сечовини на основі пестициду лінурон. Встановлено високу чутливість штамів B. simplex ChNPU F1 і S. gardneri ChNPU F3 та слабку штаму Fictibacillus sp. ChNPU ZVB1. Визначено, що для захисту від мікробної корозії перспективною сполукою з антибактеріальними властивостями є похідна з фрагментом антипірину. Встановлено можливість зменшення токсичності лінурону щодо ґрунтових бактерій введенням у його молекулу фрагменту піперидину. Ключові слова: феросфера, гетеротрофні амоніфікувальні бактерії, гетеротрофні залізовідновлювальні бактерії, фенотипові ознаки, ген 16S pРНК, бактерициди, пестицид лінурон.
Mikrobiolohichnyi Zhurnal
Staphylococcus aureus is a widespread opportunistic pathogen, causing community-acquired and noso... more Staphylococcus aureus is a widespread opportunistic pathogen, causing community-acquired and nosocomial infections with both acute and chronic recurrent courses. The process of chronicity of the disease is provided by biofilms. Features of the structure and functioning of biofilms, in particular the presence of matrix, quorum sensing systems, persistent cells, and efflux pumps, provide microbial communities with resistance to antimicrobial drugs under their action in therapeutic concentrations. The insufficient eff ectiveness of modern antimicrobial chemotherapy against biofi lm microorganisms indicates the urgency of the problem to search for compounds with antibiofilm activity that can affect various stages of the biofilm formation and the formed biofilm. The aim of the study is to establish the antibiofilm activity of 4-(adamantyl-1)-1-(1-aminobutyl) benzol against methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) and to determine the mechanism of its action. Methods. The ability of adamant...
Ecological Sciences
Біобезпека та біозахист важливі для ефективного управління біоризиками, безпечного майбутнього та... more Біобезпека та біозахист важливі для ефективного управління біоризиками, безпечного майбутнього та сталого розвитку. Зокрема впровадження правил і технік біологічної безпеки є важливим питанням навчального та науково-дослідницького процесів на природничих факультетах, адже підвищує обізнаність студентів та молодих науковців щодо питань біобезпеки та біозахисту та дозволяє знизити індивідуальні та суспільні ризики. Наразі зонами найбільш високого біоризику вважаються навчальні мікробіологічні лабораторії, в яких дозволяється працювати з агентами групи ризику 1 (відсутній або дуже низький індивідуальний і суспільний ризик), а лабораторний захист полягає у застосуванні «правильних мікробіологічних технік». Учбовими мікроорганізмами, використовуваними при опануванні курсів мікробіологічного та генетичного спрямування, що викладаються студентам-бакалаврам Національного університету «Чернігівський колегіум» імені Т. Г. Шевченка та Відкритого міжнародного університету розвитку людини «Україна», є чисті культури бактерій 1-ї групи ризику: Bacillus simplex ChNPU F1, Streptomyces gardneri ChNPU F3, S. canus NUChC F2, Bacillus velezensis NUChC C1 та NUChC C2b, Anaerotignum (Clostridium) propionicum NUChC Sat1, Desulfovibrio oryzae NUChC SRB1 та NUChC SRB2. Зазначені мікроорганізми виділено та ідентифіковано авторами статті за участі студентів, їх нуклеотидні послідовності зареєстровані у базі ГенБанк. В статті визначено методичні аспекти безпечного формування фахових компетенцій з використанням чистих культур зазначених бактерій при проведенні лабораторних робіт з курсів мікробіологічного та генетичного спрямування, які викладаються студентам-бакалаврам природничих факультетів вказаних закладів вищої освіти. В результаті аналізу навчальних програм дисциплін вперше сформульовано перелік компетенцій (знань, вмінь, навичок), яких повинен набути бакалавр в рамках навчальних курсів «Мікробіологія і вірусологія з основами імунології» та «Генетика» з використанням чистих культур бактерій. Зазначається, що використані в ході викладання дисциплін «Мікробіологія і вірусологія з основами імунології» та «Генетика» чисті культури бактерій дозволяють сформувати значний обсяг базових фахових компетенцій з цих навчальних дисциплін. Приналежність бактерій до 1-ї групи ризику дозволяє робити це безпечно для життя й здоров'я здобувачів вищої освіти, викладачів та лаборантів. Ключові слова: біобезпека, вища освіта, генетика, мікробіологія, фахові компетенції. Biosafety in the formation of professional competencies of bachelors in the courses "Microbiology and Virology with the basics of Immunology" and "Genetics". Tkachuk N., Zelena L. Biosafety and biosecurity are important for effective biorisk management, secure futures and sustainable development. In particular, the implementation of biosafety rules and techniques is an important issue of educational and research processes at the faculties of natural sciences, as it raises awareness of students and young scientists on biosafety and biosecurity and reduces individual and societal risks. Currently, the areas of highest biorisk are considered to be microbiological training laboratories, which are allowed to work with agents of risk group 1 (no or very low individual and social risk), and laboratory protection is the use of "correct microbiological techniques". The educational microorganisms used in mastering the courses of microbiological and genetic orientation, taught to students-bachelors of the T. H. Shevchenko National University "Chernihiv Colehium" and the Open International University of Human Development "Ukraine", are pure cultures of bacteria of the 1st risk group: Bacillus simplex ChNPU F1, Streptomyces gardneri ChNPU F3, S. canus NUChC F2, Bacillus velezensis NUChC C1 та NUChC C2b, Anaerotignum (Clostridium) propionicum NUChC Sat1, Desulfovibrio oryzae NUChC SRB1 and NUChC SRB2. These microorganisms were isolated and identified by the authors with the participation of students, their nucleotide sequences are registered in the GenBank database. The article identifies methodological aspects of safe formation of professional competencies with the use of pure cultures of these bacteria in laboratory work on courses of microbiological and genetic orientation, which are taught to students-bachelors of natural faculties of these universities. As a result of the analysis of programs of disciplines the list of competences (knowledge, abilities, skills) which the bachelors should acquire within the limits of training courses "Microbiology and virology with bases of immunology" and "Genetics" with use of pure cultures of bacteria is formulated for the first time. It is noted that pure cultures of bacteria used in the teaching of disciplines "Microbiology and virology with the basics of immunology" and "Genetics" allow to form a significant amount of basic professional competencies in these disciplines. Bacteria belong to the 1st risk group, which allows them to do so safely for the life and health of higher education students, teachers and laboratory assistants.
2nd International Conference on Biological Research and Applied Science
Fermented foods play an important role in human daily lives. Among them the dairy products are th... more Fermented foods play an important role in human daily lives. Among them the dairy products are the most popular. Growing amount of researches aredevoted to the assessment of the effects of the dairy products on human health. Lactic acid bacteria are the main group of microorganisms used to produce fermented milk products. The present study demonstrated the results of the microbiological analysis ofindustrial and homemadedairy products and quantitative evaluation of enterococci content in them. The results revealed that microbiome of both, industrial and home-made products, consisted ofbacteria and fungi; the highest amount of enterococci was detected in feta cheese, the lowestin milk.
Ecological Sciences
Інститут мікробіології і вірусології ім. Д.К. Заболотного Національної академії наукУкраїни вул. ... more Інститут мікробіології і вірусології ім. Д.К. Заболотного Національної академії наукУкраїни вул. Академіка Заболотного,
he present studies were carried out to evaluate a potential biofuel application of the native str... more he present studies were carried out to evaluate a potential biofuel application of the native strain Monoraphidium sp. IBASU-A 574 (Selenastraceae, Chlorophyta) adapted to the temperate zone climatic conditions. This strain was isolated from a small freshwater lake situated in Kyiv-city (Ukraine) by the reached culture method for obtaining desired strains of different species with high growth rate. It was identified based on its morphological characterization under light microscopy and 18S rRNA sequence analysis. Its culture’s growth, kinetic characteristics (specific growth rate and productivity) and biological peculiarities of the investigated strain were studied in comparison with the well-known biomass producer Chlorella vulgaris Beijer. CALU 157 under the same autotrophic cultivating conditions with using the modified Tamiya medium. It was established an active growth of Monoraphidium sp. IBASU-A 574 which was practically equal to the well-known producer and characterized by fo...
Cytology and Genetics, Jul 1, 2016
Cytology and Genetics, 2021
Proceedings of 3rd International Electronic Conference on Medicinal Chemistry, 2017
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is associated with a number of lymphoproliferative and autoimmune diseas... more Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is associated with a number of lymphoproliferative and autoimmune diseases. Use of the drugs, which would not only inhibit the reproduction of the virus, but also would stimulate the elimination of tumor cells, is important for the treatment of virus-associated tumors. In the current research the antiviral effects of the herbal extracts Proteflazid and Neoflazid were studied on the models of latent, acute and chronic EBV infections in Raji and B95-8 lymphoblastoid cells. Neoflazid was more toxic towards Raji cells than Proteflazid: the CC 50 indices were 8 µg/ml and 36 µg/ml respectively. Toxicities of these compounds in B95-8 cells were almost the same and their CC 50 indices were close to 25 µg/ml. Both drugs showed high antiviral activity against EBV lytic infection in Raji cells and EC 50 was 0.02 and 0.083 µg/ml for Proteflazid and Neoflazid, respectively, and selectivity indinces were 1800 and 96. They were less effective in B95-8 cells and even at a concentration of 10 µg/ml these compounds inhibited virus replication by only 10-19%. We checked the ability of Proteflazid to induce apoptosis and found that the drug stimulated the apoptotic cell death in latent and lytic EBV infections at cytotoxic concentrations (30 µg/ml). The non-toxic concentration (5 µg/ml) induced apoptosis more actively (by 10%) during EBV lytic infection in cells B95-8 than in the case of latent infection in Raji cells.
Cytology and Genetics, 2021
Ecological Sciences, 2021
Siderophores are non-toxic, environmentally unobjectionable compounds that exhibit a number of us... more Siderophores are non-toxic, environmentally unobjectionable compounds that exhibit a number of useful properties for solving some agriculture, environmental, technical problems and can determine the development of bacterial infections. Siderophores, in the chemical structure of which there is a dihydroxybenzoate fragment, effectively chelating iron, belong to dihydroxybenzoate-capped siderophores. Some dihydroxybenzoate-capped siderophores are acinetobactin, bacillibactin, enterobactin, petrobactin, salmochelins, trivanchrobactin, vanchrobactin, vibriobactin. The review article analyzes and summarizes information about microorganismsproducers such siderophores, the practical importance of these compounds for ecology, agriculture, technology, health. The considered dihydroxybenzoate-capped siderophores are represented in the group of catecholate siderophores and in the group of mixed siderophores. Their producers are both pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms. It was determined that among the considered siderophores only bacillibactin is used in agriculture, perspective bioremediation agents are bacillibactin and petrobactin. Biological control in the industry for corrosion protection can be an alternative to the use of corrosion inhibitors to address environmental, safety and health concerns. Attention is paid to the use of siderophores as smart-green corrosion inhibitors to prevent corrosion, in particular, microbiologically influenced. It is noted that bacillilibactin and enterobactin should be considered as green smart-corrosion inhibitors. Intervention in the mechanisms of providing pathogens with iron by disrupting the biosynthesis of microbial siderophores, the use of siderophores as antimicrobial conjugates is discussed as a promising way to solve the problem of combating bacterial infections and maintaining human health.
Corrosion and Materials Degradation, 2021
This paper tackles bacteria of the genus Bacillus as both biodamaging/biodegrading and biocontrol... more This paper tackles bacteria of the genus Bacillus as both biodamaging/biodegrading and biocontrolling agents. The article addresses the said bacteria’s ability to form biofilms and corrosive, antimicrobial and antibiofilm proactive compounds, primarily, siderophores. Their role depends on the species, microorganism strain, production of antimicrobial substances, biofilm formation, and the type of damaged material. The bacteria under analysis have demonstrated the ability to cause as well as inhibit biodamage. The involvement of bacteria of the genus Bacillus in microbiologically influenced corrosion processes is determined by the production of corrosive metabolites and the impact of certain bioelectrochemical mechanisms. Lipopeptides generated by Bacillus subtilis (surfactin, iturin and fengycin) are capable of modifying surfaces’ hydrophobic properties and impacting the microbes’ adhesion to surfaces. Produced by Bacillus velezensis, the siderophore bacillibactin at a high concentr...
Mikrobiolohichnyi Zhurnal, 2017
З мікробного угруповання феросфери ґрунту виділено три штами гетеротрофних амоніфікувальних та за... more З мікробного угруповання феросфери ґрунту виділено три штами гетеротрофних амоніфікувальних та залізовідновлювальних бактерій, які за комплексом мікробіологічних ознак, фізіолого-біохімічних властивостей та на основі сиквенсу фрагмента гена 16S рРНК (за результатами філогенетичного аналізу) віднесено до видів Bacillus simplex, Streptomyces gardneri та роду Fictibacillus sp. Нуклеотидні послідовності гена 16S рРНК зареєстровані у базі даних GenBank. Досліджено чутливість бактерій виділених штамів до похідних сечовини на основі пестициду лінурон. Встановлено високу чутливість штамів B. simplex ChNPU F1 і S. gardneri ChNPU F3 та слабку штаму Fictibacillus sp. ChNPU ZVB1. Визначено, що для захисту від мікробної корозії перспективною сполукою з антибактеріальними властивостями є похідна з фрагментом антипірину. Встановлено можливість зменшення токсичності лінурону щодо ґрунтових бактерій введенням у його молекулу фрагменту піперидину. Ключові слова: феросфера, гетеротрофні амоніфікувальні бактерії, гетеротрофні залізовідновлювальні бактерії, фенотипові ознаки, ген 16S pРНК, бактерициди, пестицид лінурон.
Mikrobiolohichnyi Zhurnal, 2020
Mikrobiolohichnyi Zhurnal, 2015
Ecological Questions, 2020
The purpose of this work was the isolation of the predominant representatives of sulfate-reducing... more The purpose of this work was the isolation of the predominant representatives of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) of the sulfidogenic microbial community separated from the soil ferrosphere and the examination of their morphological, physiological, biochemical and genotypic peculiarities, the evaluation of some physiological processes under co-culturing with their satellite species Anaerotignum propionicum. During the study two isolates of sulfate-reducing bacteria NUChC SRB1 and NUChC SRB2 were obtained from sulfidogenic microbial community isolated from soil ferrosphere on Postgate's "B" medium and their belonging to different strains (using ISSR-PCR method) was proved. As a result of molecular-genetic analysis of the strains, a 16S rRNA gene fragments of 613 bp and 522 bp were amplified and sequenced. The strains were identified as Desulfovibrio oryzae by the complex of microbiological, physiological and biochemical features and on the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequences (phylogenetic analysis). The 16S rRNA gene sequences were submitted in GenBank as MT102713 (NUChC SRB1) and MT102714 (NUChC SRB2). The co-cultivation of isolated SRB strains with A. propionicum NUChC Sat1 strain (in the absence of electron donors, the presence of sulfates and yeast extract) showed the formation of sulfur-reducing bacteria of hydrogen sulfide, which was not observed during their mono-cultivation. In this case, the phenomenon of syntrophy probably takes place-co-growth on the nutrient substrate, and the electron donor appears due to the use of the yeast extract compounds by the NUChC Sat1 strain. Therefore, in the sulfidogenic community isolated from the soil ferrosphere, there is a mutual growth of the association of bacteria D. oryzae and A. propionicum, which is caused by trophic interaction. Possibly the contribution of these associated bacteria to the corrosion process lies in the utilization of hydrogen (D. oryzae) and the formation of substrate products of SRB metabolism (hydrogen and organic acids), which are both corrosive compounds (A. propionicum). Without a doubt the corrosion process involving this association needs further investigation. ferrosphere, sulfate-reducing bacteria, Desulfovibrio oryzae, 16S rRNA gene, ISSR-PCR.
Mikrobiolohichnyi Zhurnal, 2016
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2020
Microbe-based decontamination of phenol-polluted environments has significant advantages over phy... more Microbe-based decontamination of phenol-polluted environments has significant advantages over physical and chemical approaches by being relatively cheaper and ensuring complete phenol degradation. There is a need to search for commercially prospective bacterial strains that are resistant to phenol and other co-pollutants, e.g. oil hydrocarbons, in contaminated environments, and able to carry out efficient phenol biodegradation at a variable range of concentrations. This research characterizes the phenol-biodegrading ability of a new actinobacteria strain isolated from a lubricant-contaminated soil environment. Phenotypic and phylogenetic analyses showed that the novel strain UCM Ac-603 belonged to the speciesRhodococcus aetherivorans, and phenol degrading ability was quantitatively characterized for the first time.R.aetherivoransUCM Ac-603 tolerated and assimilated phenol (100% of supplied concentration) and various hydrocarbons (56.2–94.4%) as sole carbon sources. Additional nutrie...