Марія Вінічук - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Марія Вінічук
Naukovij vìsnik Lʹvìvsʹkogo deržavnogo unìversitetu vnutrìšnìh sprav. Serìâ ekonomìčna, Jun 28, 2024
Socìalʹno-pravovì studìï, 2021
The formation of an integrated international financial and economic system creates ample opportun... more The formation of an integrated international financial and economic system creates ample opportunities for mobilizing resources, ensuring sustainable socioeconomic development of countries, expanding their capabilities and potential. The merger of the borders of national financial markets has led to the creation of favorable conditions for the intensification of the development of the illegal sector of the economy, the results of which require legalization and involvement in the official sector. As a result, seeking to legalize illegally obtained income, economic agents resort to the services of organized crime groups specializing in money laundering. Offshore zones are used to complicate the monitoring of the flow of such shadow capital. Under such conditions, the offshore research problem as a tool for legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime becomes relevant. The article is aimed at advanced research of the theoretical foundations and practical recommendations on the role of offshore companies in the system of legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime. The basic concepts and problems of the functioning of offshore zones are defined in the article. The role of offshore companies in the system of legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime has been analyzed. The advantages and risks of using offshore zones have been studied. The main schemes of legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime via offshore companies are considered. A study of measures aimed at deoffshorization of the Ukrainian economy has been carried out. The relationship between offshoring and the shadowing of the economy has been established. The necessity of effective counteraction to legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime in offshore has been proved. The negative impact of offshore zones on the socioeconomic development of the country is highlighted. The main measures to counteract the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime via offshore companies have been suggested.
Včenì zapiski Unìversitetu "KROK"/Včenì zapiski unìversitetu "KROK", Mar 30, 2024
The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of anti-crisis management of the enterpr... more The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of anti-crisis management of the enterprise in conditions of uncertainty and the strengthening of the influence of forced labor migration of the population caused by the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, and to identify the main problems of its provision in the conditions of European integration. The article defines the essence of anti-crisis management of the enterprise and forced labor migration of the population, investigates the peculiarities and reveals the main problems of anti-crisis management of the enterprise under the influence of modern factors of uncertainty, instability and the war of Russia against Ukraine, as a result of which the processes of forced labor migration of the population became more active. It was established that the essence of anti-crisis management is manifested in the implementation of a set of special measures aimed at prevention, prevention and countermeasures against crisis situations that arise at the enterprise and are caused by the destabilizing influence of factors of the external and internal environment. It was found that forced labor migration has a significant destabilizing effect on the activities of enterprises and unbalances their management mechanisms. The uncontrollability of the processes of forced labor migration during the period of military resistance to Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine and the intensification of the chaotic movement of the population in conditions of danger to its life and health have been proven. A significant destructive effect of forced labor migration on the functioning of business in Ukraine and on the activities of enterprises of various forms of ownership was revealed. The need to form a complex of anti-crisis measures aimed at solving the problems of forced labor migration, attracting highly qualified workers and reducing the risks of the financial and economic activity of enterprises has been proved. The main areas of improvement of anti-crisis management of the enterprise in conditions of uncertainty and strengthening of the influence of forced labor migration of the population are proposed. In order to minimize the risks of increasing forced labor migration, the need to: review and improve labor market regulation mechanisms and prevent the departure of highly qualified workers outside of Ukraine is substantiated; stimulation of the economic activity of enterprises and their attraction of innovations; reducing the tax burden on business entities during the war; improvement of migration policy; ensuring countermeasures against illegal employment.
Naukovij vìsnik Nacìonalʹnogo gìrničogo unìversitetu, Apr 30, 2024
Purpose. To analyze the main aspects and identify the problems of ensuring the institutional stab... more Purpose. To analyze the main aspects and identify the problems of ensuring the institutional stability of public administration in the context of achieving the goals of sustainable development under the influence of the challenges under the conditions of martial law in Ukraine. Methodology. General scientific methods and special methods of research were used, in particular: the method of abstract analysis and generalization, systematic and comparative analysis, factor analysis, which, by their totality, made it possible to con duct applied research on the state and dynamics of changes in the Integral indicator of public administration and the Global Index of Sustainable Development, on the basis of which it was found that when the value of the Integral indicator of public administra tion increases, there is an increase in the Global Index of Sustainable Development. Findings. The results of the conducted research give grounds for asserting that in modern conditions there are serious problems of ensuring the institutional stability of public administration and sustainable development of the countries of Europe and Ukraine. The work analyzes the essence of the institutional stability of public administration and proves its significant influence on the pa rameters of sustainable development. The main problems and destabilizing factors of ensuring the institutional stability of public administration in the context of achieving the goals of sustainable development under the influence of the challenges of martial law in Ukraine have been identified, among which the most significant are: low level of institutional capacity of public administration bodies; failure of public administration bodies to ensure transparency and openness of their activities; lack of transparency of elec tion processes and the election of representatives of clanoligarchic structures to public authorities; the presence of obstacles to the free will of citizens; excessive political pressure on public authorities by representatives of business and criminal structures; in creased political instability, uncertainty of the political course and shortening of political cycles; the imperfection of the current legislation and its inability to fully protect the interests of the public; the rapid growth of the level of corruption and the imperfec tion of anticorruption mechanisms. Originality. The scientific novelty consists in the substantiation of the author's approach to the study of the economic and legal dimension of ensuring the institutional stability of public administration, primarily within the framework of achieving the goals of sustainable development under the influence of the challenges of martial law. Practical value. The main directions of strengthening the institutional stability of public administration on the basis of strength ening sustainable development are proposed, in particular, the need for the formation of effective mechanisms for ensuring politi cal stability and sustainable development, the harmonization of national legislation with norms of European and international law, as well as the development of effective mechanisms for combating corruption is proved.
Рецензенти: Ковальчук З.Я.-завідувач кафедри теоретичної психології Інституту управління, психоло... more Рецензенти: Ковальчук З.Я.-завідувач кафедри теоретичної психології Інституту управління, психології та безпеки Львівського державног оуніверситету внутрішніх справ, доктор психологічних наук, професор; Рудніченко Є.М.-декан факультету управління, адміністрування та туризму Хмельницького національного університету доктор економічних наук, професор; Штангрет А.М.-завідувач кафедри фінансово-економічної безпеки, обліку і оподаткування Української академії друкарства, доктор економічних наук, професор
The purpose of the article is to analyze the status of international migration and identify the p... more The purpose of the article is to analyze the status of international migration and identify the problems of its economic and legal regulation in the context of ensuring financial and economic cooperation of countries in the conditions of increasing the influence of military factors. The results of the study prove that military factors have a dominant impact on the intensification of international migration processes. It is established that international migration is considered to be a complex, unpredictable socioeconomic phenomenon that is gaining a global scale, covers a large number of countries, is difficult to regulate at the economic and legal level and periodically intensifies under the influence of factors and dangers of an economic, social, political and military nature. The authors prove a significant increase in the volume of international migration under the influence of the war of russia against Ukraine, which intensified as a result of the mass movement of the Ukrainian population outside the country in order to save their lives and health. The significant problems regarding the economic and legal regulation of international migration in the context of ensuring financial and economic cooperation of countries in the conditions of the increasing influence of military factors are identified, which are manifested in the inconsistency of international law with the provisions of national legislation of the countries of the world. It is found that the growth of international migration processes stimulates destructive changes in the international labour market, and causes an increase in unemployment and a decrease in employment rates at the national level. In the article proposes to review the existing mechanisms of legal regulation of international migration and protection of the rights of migrants outside Ukraine, and formulate an international strategy for harmonizing migration policies of different countries of the world.
Науковий вісник Львівського державного університету внутрішніх справ (серія економічна), Nov 29, 2023
Копитко Марта Іванівна доктор економічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри соціально-поведінкови... more Копитко Марта Іванівна доктор економічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри соціально-поведінкових, гуманітарних наук та економічної безпеки, Львівський державний університет внутрішніх справ вулиця Городоцька,
Fìnansovo-kreditna dìâlʹnìstʹ: problemi teorìï ta praktiki, Aug 30, 2023
The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical foundations and practical aspects of the e... more The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical foundations and practical aspects of the economic and legal regulation of the process of ensuring the effectiveness of counteracting corruption in the system of anti-corruption measures of state authorities. The results of the conducted research allow us to assert that corruption is one of the most serious problems of our time, which has emerged acutely in Ukraine, and its scale threatens the sustainable socioeconomic and socio-political development of the country and successful integration into the European Union. It is determined that the essence of corruption consists in the commission of deliberate illegal acts by officials, aimed at the use of official powers for personal gain and enrichment. It is established that the existing system of prevention and counteraction to corruption in Ukraine is not able to restrain the rapid pace of its spread, and the main anti-corruption measures are characterized by a low level of effectiveness. The imperfection and weakness of the normative and legal regulation of the processes of prevention and counteraction to corruption in Ukraine by state authorities are revealed. It is found that the highest anti-corruption effectiveness indicators in 2022 were recorded for the activities of the President and the Office of the President of Ukraine, as well as the Security Service of Ukraine, and the lowest for the activities of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Strategic guidelines for increasing the effectiveness of counteracting corruption in Ukraine are proposed, among which the primary importance belongs to the activation of the processes of implementation of the anti-corruption reform; normalization of the main aspects of interaction between state authorities and the public in the field of counteracting corruption; development and approval of the Methodology for assessing the level of corruption in Ukraine.
Fìnansovo-kreditna dìâlʹnìstʹ: problemi teorìì̈ ta praktiki, Jun 30, 2024
Науковий вісник Львівського державного університету внутрішніх справ (серія економічна)
У статті визначено сутність соціальної безпеки держави, особливості її забезпечення в умовах війс... more У статті визначено сутність соціальної безпеки держави, особливості її забезпечення в умовах військового протистояння Російській Федерації та окреслено основні рівні її забезпечення: соціальна безпека людини (нанорівень); соціальна безпека суб’єктів господарювання (мікрорівень); соціальна безпека регіону (мезорівень); соціальна безпека держави (макрорівень); глобальна соціальна безпека (мегарівень). Виявлено основні проблеми забезпечення соціальної безпеки України, серед яких посилення впливу чинників воєнного характеру; поглиблення соціальної напруженості в суспільстві; зниження рівня зайнятості населення та зростання рівня безробіття; зростання показників бідності та зубожіння населення. Доведено зниження рівня соціальної безпеки держави в умовах посилення суспільно-політичних та соціально-економічних криз. Проаналізовано динаміку рівня зайнятості та безробіття населення у 2013–2022 рр., зміни розмірів соціального забезпечення за основними його видами, зміни розмірів середньої зар...
Науковий вісник Львівського державного університету внутрішніх справ (серія економічна)
У статті визначено значний вплив війни та збройних конфліктів на цінності, якими керується як сус... more У статті визначено значний вплив війни та збройних конфліктів на цінності, якими керується як суспільство загалом, так і державне управління зокрема. Виявлено наявність в Україні в умовах російсько-української війни вагомих дестабілізуючих чинників розвитку держави та суспільства, які провокують значні деструктивні зміни та зумовлюють часткове нівелювання суспільних цінносте, а також порушення права і свободи людини й громадянина. Встановлено, що інтенсивний та руйнівний характер війни може призвести до зміни суспільних цінностей, оскільки населення та державні інституції стикаються з новими викликами й небезпеками, які формують подальші пріоритети соціально-економічного розвитку країни. В процесі здійсненого наукового дослідження розглянуто роль цінностей у суспільстві та в державному управлінні під час війни, а також з’ясовано їх вагомість для соціально-економічного розвитку країни в умовах невизначеності та нестабільності. Виявлено значну залежність та тісну взаємодію органів дер...
Naukovij vìsnik Lʹvìvsʹkogo deržavnogo unìversitetu vnutrìšnìh sprav. Serìâ ekonomìčna, Jun 28, 2024
Socìalʹno-pravovì studìï, 2021
The formation of an integrated international financial and economic system creates ample opportun... more The formation of an integrated international financial and economic system creates ample opportunities for mobilizing resources, ensuring sustainable socioeconomic development of countries, expanding their capabilities and potential. The merger of the borders of national financial markets has led to the creation of favorable conditions for the intensification of the development of the illegal sector of the economy, the results of which require legalization and involvement in the official sector. As a result, seeking to legalize illegally obtained income, economic agents resort to the services of organized crime groups specializing in money laundering. Offshore zones are used to complicate the monitoring of the flow of such shadow capital. Under such conditions, the offshore research problem as a tool for legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime becomes relevant. The article is aimed at advanced research of the theoretical foundations and practical recommendations on the role of offshore companies in the system of legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime. The basic concepts and problems of the functioning of offshore zones are defined in the article. The role of offshore companies in the system of legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime has been analyzed. The advantages and risks of using offshore zones have been studied. The main schemes of legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime via offshore companies are considered. A study of measures aimed at deoffshorization of the Ukrainian economy has been carried out. The relationship between offshoring and the shadowing of the economy has been established. The necessity of effective counteraction to legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime in offshore has been proved. The negative impact of offshore zones on the socioeconomic development of the country is highlighted. The main measures to counteract the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime via offshore companies have been suggested.
Včenì zapiski Unìversitetu "KROK"/Včenì zapiski unìversitetu "KROK", Mar 30, 2024
The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of anti-crisis management of the enterpr... more The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of anti-crisis management of the enterprise in conditions of uncertainty and the strengthening of the influence of forced labor migration of the population caused by the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, and to identify the main problems of its provision in the conditions of European integration. The article defines the essence of anti-crisis management of the enterprise and forced labor migration of the population, investigates the peculiarities and reveals the main problems of anti-crisis management of the enterprise under the influence of modern factors of uncertainty, instability and the war of Russia against Ukraine, as a result of which the processes of forced labor migration of the population became more active. It was established that the essence of anti-crisis management is manifested in the implementation of a set of special measures aimed at prevention, prevention and countermeasures against crisis situations that arise at the enterprise and are caused by the destabilizing influence of factors of the external and internal environment. It was found that forced labor migration has a significant destabilizing effect on the activities of enterprises and unbalances their management mechanisms. The uncontrollability of the processes of forced labor migration during the period of military resistance to Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine and the intensification of the chaotic movement of the population in conditions of danger to its life and health have been proven. A significant destructive effect of forced labor migration on the functioning of business in Ukraine and on the activities of enterprises of various forms of ownership was revealed. The need to form a complex of anti-crisis measures aimed at solving the problems of forced labor migration, attracting highly qualified workers and reducing the risks of the financial and economic activity of enterprises has been proved. The main areas of improvement of anti-crisis management of the enterprise in conditions of uncertainty and strengthening of the influence of forced labor migration of the population are proposed. In order to minimize the risks of increasing forced labor migration, the need to: review and improve labor market regulation mechanisms and prevent the departure of highly qualified workers outside of Ukraine is substantiated; stimulation of the economic activity of enterprises and their attraction of innovations; reducing the tax burden on business entities during the war; improvement of migration policy; ensuring countermeasures against illegal employment.
Naukovij vìsnik Nacìonalʹnogo gìrničogo unìversitetu, Apr 30, 2024
Purpose. To analyze the main aspects and identify the problems of ensuring the institutional stab... more Purpose. To analyze the main aspects and identify the problems of ensuring the institutional stability of public administration in the context of achieving the goals of sustainable development under the influence of the challenges under the conditions of martial law in Ukraine. Methodology. General scientific methods and special methods of research were used, in particular: the method of abstract analysis and generalization, systematic and comparative analysis, factor analysis, which, by their totality, made it possible to con duct applied research on the state and dynamics of changes in the Integral indicator of public administration and the Global Index of Sustainable Development, on the basis of which it was found that when the value of the Integral indicator of public administra tion increases, there is an increase in the Global Index of Sustainable Development. Findings. The results of the conducted research give grounds for asserting that in modern conditions there are serious problems of ensuring the institutional stability of public administration and sustainable development of the countries of Europe and Ukraine. The work analyzes the essence of the institutional stability of public administration and proves its significant influence on the pa rameters of sustainable development. The main problems and destabilizing factors of ensuring the institutional stability of public administration in the context of achieving the goals of sustainable development under the influence of the challenges of martial law in Ukraine have been identified, among which the most significant are: low level of institutional capacity of public administration bodies; failure of public administration bodies to ensure transparency and openness of their activities; lack of transparency of elec tion processes and the election of representatives of clanoligarchic structures to public authorities; the presence of obstacles to the free will of citizens; excessive political pressure on public authorities by representatives of business and criminal structures; in creased political instability, uncertainty of the political course and shortening of political cycles; the imperfection of the current legislation and its inability to fully protect the interests of the public; the rapid growth of the level of corruption and the imperfec tion of anticorruption mechanisms. Originality. The scientific novelty consists in the substantiation of the author's approach to the study of the economic and legal dimension of ensuring the institutional stability of public administration, primarily within the framework of achieving the goals of sustainable development under the influence of the challenges of martial law. Practical value. The main directions of strengthening the institutional stability of public administration on the basis of strength ening sustainable development are proposed, in particular, the need for the formation of effective mechanisms for ensuring politi cal stability and sustainable development, the harmonization of national legislation with norms of European and international law, as well as the development of effective mechanisms for combating corruption is proved.
Рецензенти: Ковальчук З.Я.-завідувач кафедри теоретичної психології Інституту управління, психоло... more Рецензенти: Ковальчук З.Я.-завідувач кафедри теоретичної психології Інституту управління, психології та безпеки Львівського державног оуніверситету внутрішніх справ, доктор психологічних наук, професор; Рудніченко Є.М.-декан факультету управління, адміністрування та туризму Хмельницького національного університету доктор економічних наук, професор; Штангрет А.М.-завідувач кафедри фінансово-економічної безпеки, обліку і оподаткування Української академії друкарства, доктор економічних наук, професор
The purpose of the article is to analyze the status of international migration and identify the p... more The purpose of the article is to analyze the status of international migration and identify the problems of its economic and legal regulation in the context of ensuring financial and economic cooperation of countries in the conditions of increasing the influence of military factors. The results of the study prove that military factors have a dominant impact on the intensification of international migration processes. It is established that international migration is considered to be a complex, unpredictable socioeconomic phenomenon that is gaining a global scale, covers a large number of countries, is difficult to regulate at the economic and legal level and periodically intensifies under the influence of factors and dangers of an economic, social, political and military nature. The authors prove a significant increase in the volume of international migration under the influence of the war of russia against Ukraine, which intensified as a result of the mass movement of the Ukrainian population outside the country in order to save their lives and health. The significant problems regarding the economic and legal regulation of international migration in the context of ensuring financial and economic cooperation of countries in the conditions of the increasing influence of military factors are identified, which are manifested in the inconsistency of international law with the provisions of national legislation of the countries of the world. It is found that the growth of international migration processes stimulates destructive changes in the international labour market, and causes an increase in unemployment and a decrease in employment rates at the national level. In the article proposes to review the existing mechanisms of legal regulation of international migration and protection of the rights of migrants outside Ukraine, and formulate an international strategy for harmonizing migration policies of different countries of the world.
Науковий вісник Львівського державного університету внутрішніх справ (серія економічна), Nov 29, 2023
Копитко Марта Іванівна доктор економічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри соціально-поведінкови... more Копитко Марта Іванівна доктор економічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри соціально-поведінкових, гуманітарних наук та економічної безпеки, Львівський державний університет внутрішніх справ вулиця Городоцька,
Fìnansovo-kreditna dìâlʹnìstʹ: problemi teorìï ta praktiki, Aug 30, 2023
The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical foundations and practical aspects of the e... more The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical foundations and practical aspects of the economic and legal regulation of the process of ensuring the effectiveness of counteracting corruption in the system of anti-corruption measures of state authorities. The results of the conducted research allow us to assert that corruption is one of the most serious problems of our time, which has emerged acutely in Ukraine, and its scale threatens the sustainable socioeconomic and socio-political development of the country and successful integration into the European Union. It is determined that the essence of corruption consists in the commission of deliberate illegal acts by officials, aimed at the use of official powers for personal gain and enrichment. It is established that the existing system of prevention and counteraction to corruption in Ukraine is not able to restrain the rapid pace of its spread, and the main anti-corruption measures are characterized by a low level of effectiveness. The imperfection and weakness of the normative and legal regulation of the processes of prevention and counteraction to corruption in Ukraine by state authorities are revealed. It is found that the highest anti-corruption effectiveness indicators in 2022 were recorded for the activities of the President and the Office of the President of Ukraine, as well as the Security Service of Ukraine, and the lowest for the activities of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Strategic guidelines for increasing the effectiveness of counteracting corruption in Ukraine are proposed, among which the primary importance belongs to the activation of the processes of implementation of the anti-corruption reform; normalization of the main aspects of interaction between state authorities and the public in the field of counteracting corruption; development and approval of the Methodology for assessing the level of corruption in Ukraine.
Fìnansovo-kreditna dìâlʹnìstʹ: problemi teorìì̈ ta praktiki, Jun 30, 2024
Науковий вісник Львівського державного університету внутрішніх справ (серія економічна)
У статті визначено сутність соціальної безпеки держави, особливості її забезпечення в умовах війс... more У статті визначено сутність соціальної безпеки держави, особливості її забезпечення в умовах військового протистояння Російській Федерації та окреслено основні рівні її забезпечення: соціальна безпека людини (нанорівень); соціальна безпека суб’єктів господарювання (мікрорівень); соціальна безпека регіону (мезорівень); соціальна безпека держави (макрорівень); глобальна соціальна безпека (мегарівень). Виявлено основні проблеми забезпечення соціальної безпеки України, серед яких посилення впливу чинників воєнного характеру; поглиблення соціальної напруженості в суспільстві; зниження рівня зайнятості населення та зростання рівня безробіття; зростання показників бідності та зубожіння населення. Доведено зниження рівня соціальної безпеки держави в умовах посилення суспільно-політичних та соціально-економічних криз. Проаналізовано динаміку рівня зайнятості та безробіття населення у 2013–2022 рр., зміни розмірів соціального забезпечення за основними його видами, зміни розмірів середньої зар...
Науковий вісник Львівського державного університету внутрішніх справ (серія економічна)
У статті визначено значний вплив війни та збройних конфліктів на цінності, якими керується як сус... more У статті визначено значний вплив війни та збройних конфліктів на цінності, якими керується як суспільство загалом, так і державне управління зокрема. Виявлено наявність в Україні в умовах російсько-української війни вагомих дестабілізуючих чинників розвитку держави та суспільства, які провокують значні деструктивні зміни та зумовлюють часткове нівелювання суспільних цінносте, а також порушення права і свободи людини й громадянина. Встановлено, що інтенсивний та руйнівний характер війни може призвести до зміни суспільних цінностей, оскільки населення та державні інституції стикаються з новими викликами й небезпеками, які формують подальші пріоритети соціально-економічного розвитку країни. В процесі здійсненого наукового дослідження розглянуто роль цінностей у суспільстві та в державному управлінні під час війни, а також з’ясовано їх вагомість для соціально-економічного розвитку країни в умовах невизначеності та нестабільності. Виявлено значну залежність та тісну взаємодію органів дер...