Ana Bovan - (original) (raw)

Papers by Ana Bovan

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring Association Between HR Independence in Organizing Educational Programs and the Availability of Educational and Talent Management Programs in the Companies from Serbia and the Republic of Srpska

EMC Review - Časopis za ekonomiju - APEIRON

The aim of the study is to examine the association between HR independence in organizing educatio... more The aim of the study is to examine the association between HR independence in organizing educational programs and the availability of educational and talent management programs in the company. This study was conducted with the aim of demonstrating the importance of giving higher responsibility and independence to HR managers, especially in the field of education and training where they are undoubtedly experts. More recent articles were used, drawing conclusions from global practices on the topics of Human resource management and HR practices, Talent management, Management education, Development and training of employees, Labor market, Soft skills and hard skills of employees, Work environment, Organisational leadership, Performance management, Compensation strategies, Employee engagement, Employee motivation, and Organisational psychology. The study is part of the CEDEF (Central European Development Forum) research project, where 43 HR representatives answered structured in-depth te...

Research paper thumbnail of Application of integrated marketing communications in business family firms in Republic of Srpska

Research paper thumbnail of Lobbying in the Eu in Relation to Democratic Legitimacy and Resource Dependance

The institutional establishment of the European Union has created a high level of cooperation wit... more The institutional establishment of the European Union has created a high level of cooperation with noninstitutional interest groups. The goal of the paper is to analyse the roots of this collaboration in relation to democratic legitimacy and resource dependency. This paper further studies the role that lobbying has in fulfilling several key systemic functions in the scope of democratic legitimacy. We examine herein the theoretical foundations of interest representation in the EU in the context of theories of deliberative and participatory democracy. We further analyse the sources of intense collaboration of EU institutions and interest groups through the perspective of resource dependency theory, which explains why the relationship between the lobbyists and the EU institutions has developed to be so intense and interdependent.


III Međunarodni naučni skup ''MOĆ KOMUNIKACIJE 2014'', 2014

Apstrakt Javna komunikacija tokom nepredviđenih i kriznih situacija danas je nezamisliva bez odno... more Apstrakt Javna komunikacija tokom nepredviđenih i kriznih situacija danas je nezamisliva bez odnosa sa medijima. U savremenim uslovima koja su bitno obeležena rastućih komunikacionim tehnologijama i demokratizacijom društvenih zajednica, odnosi sa javnošću u segmentu odnosa s medijima odlikuju se verodostojnošću i stručnošću. Kriznih događaja oduvek je bilo, nekad više nekad manje, međutim za mnoge uopšte nismo saznali, što znači da se nisu dogodili. U današnje vreme je to nemoguće zahvaljujući savremenim komunikacionim tehnologijama. Kada se dogodi nešto na jednom kraju sveta jako brzo će se proširiti i na drugu stranu sveta. Veliki broj medija uključen je u komunikacije danas, a među njima prednjači Internet. Kreiranje informacija, nekad je bilo ekskluzivno "pravo" profesionalih novinara i izveštača. Kada su korporativne krizne komunikacije u pitanju mogu se javiti greške sa nesagledivim posledicama, od pogrešno objavljenih podataka imena i broja stradalih, do prejudiciranja rada istražnih i pravosudnih organa, ili do namerne dezinformacije javnosti upravo kada se očekuje brza, pravovremena i verodostojna informacija. Da sve bude gore sve se to dešava u medijima u kojima rade profesionalni novinari obučeni i osposobljeni za medijsko praćenje, koje se često poziva na etičko, odgovorno i uravnoteženo izveštavanje u skladu sa novinarskim standardima opisanim u profesionalnim kodeksima. Upravo novinarsko izveštavanje utemeljeno na senzacionalizmu može značajno uticati na javno mnjenje i u potpunosti može da promeni tok razvoja događaja ili da utiče na sudbinu pojedinaca, grupa ili organizacija. Mesto i uloga profesionalnih komunikatora u korporativnim kriznim situacijama predsudna je za sliku koja će se stvoriti povodom događaja. Ključne reči: korporativne komunikacije, kriza, mediji, novi vidovi kriznih komunikacija Jel klasifikacija: M39 UVOD Krize se u kompanijskom poslovanju pojavljuju iz više razloga i u više oblika. Predstavljaju pretnju za ljude, poslovne procese, finansije i reputaciju. Uzrok može biti ljudski faktor, kao nemar i izazivanje eksplozije, zagađenja reka, poslovni skandal ili konflikt, ili može biti u pitanju "vis maior" kao što su zemljotresi ili poplave. Krize ljude dovode u opasnost fizički, emotivno i finansijski, one ometaju i ugrožavaju ustaljeni život i rad kompanije i svi očekuju njenu brzu reakciju. Krize stvaraju dodatnu opasnost da se nanese šteta ugledu kompanije, jer se javlja 1

Research paper thumbnail of Branding of Tourist Destination as an Important Strategic Resource of Economic Development

The process of branding in tourism can be long, lasting and demanding, but also profitable for ma... more The process of branding in tourism can be long, lasting and demanding, but also profitable for many years. Branding is necessary to monitor and promote, and the constant monitoring of successful brands in the market enables continual assessment of the potential need for any necessary redesign. In order for unique branding of any destination to be successful it is important to know the target market, their role and positioning, what are the attractive destinations and the differences with the competition. Regardless of how well known the destination is, how rich its culture and natural beauties are, the level of the visitors experience, how they feel they are treated there and how they felt during their stay in a certain place are the most important factors. What is important is popularity and how famous the place is, and the key of success is certainly a mixture of location, variety of activities, different environments as well as emotions which tourists connect and relate with cert...

Research paper thumbnail of The Interaction of Populist Politics and ( Populist ) Media

The paper deals with the issue of the interaction of populist political communication and populis... more The paper deals with the issue of the interaction of populist political communication and populist reporting and the style increasingly characteristic of journalists and media outlets. It raises the thesis that populist policy guidance and communication is producing adaptation of media and that media are often actively supporting populist politics. The role and responsibility of media workers who are often exposed to political pressure and influences have been re-examined. The working conditions in the media which help to create the conditions for populist reporting and interpretation have also been analyzed. As there are numerous mechanisms of manipulation that are increasingly more supported through populist politics, we conclude that due to various reasons these influences are often more powerful than journalistic ethics and professional behavior of the media. In the current state of affairs, it makes them extremely topical in the communication process and makes the public and so...


FPSP, 2021

The paper analyses EU energy and environment governance from the approach of actor-centered insti... more The paper analyses EU energy and environment governance from the approach of actor-centered institutionalism. It aims to dissect the specific type of actor within the institutional frameworks of EU, namely the civil society and its increasing influence. The behaviour and various forms of impact, lobbying and negotiation are studied, within a framework of theory of social dynamics. As the dominant structural feature of the European Union are the multi-level governance networks rather than hierarchical political authority, such networks encompass member state representatives, networks linking the national and the European levels of decision-making, and networks linking public, private and civil society actors across policy sectors and political levels. Alike in other policy areas in the multilevel system of the EU, an assortment of actors drafts the environment and energy policy, and they come from the institutional and non-institutional ranks. Despite the academic discussion of the legitimacy of civil society’s role as a contributor in international political arenas or the real effect it has in influencing governments, we present the rising official and unofficial influence of the third sector in the climate change arena.

Research paper thumbnail of Internal communications as a factor of company's efficiency


The starting question in the paper is: how should the organization set itself up in the process o... more The starting question in the paper is: how should the organization set itself up in the process of internal communication in order to conduct its workflow more efficiently, remain unique, recognizable and successful in a more turbulent and competitive environment? The main goal of this paper is to present contemporary trends in internal communications and how it affects efficiency in an organization. The study builds on existing literature by emphasizing the internal communication and its impact on employees and organizational efficiency. Also, the authors present the results of the research on internal communications conducted in the insurance company Dunav osiguranje. The idea for this paper arose from the necessity of improving internal communications as to improve efficiency due to rapid technological changes and market demands. In the research, 255 respondents from all organizational units of Dunav osiguranje were surveyed. The research presented in this paper confirms the importance and relevance of the communication process with the company's employees and its impact on efficient workflow. This paper expands existing research related to the internal communication and organizational efficiency pointing the practical relevance of consistent and good employee communication and its importance for business.

Research paper thumbnail of Negotiating Energy Diplomacy and its Relationship with Foreign Policy and National Security

International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 2020

Energy diplomacy is a complex field of international relations, closely linked to its principal, ... more Energy diplomacy is a complex field of international relations, closely linked to its principal, foreign policy and overall national security. We observe the relationship of issues that belong to the three concepts and how they are intertwined in the geopolitical reality. Despite the ontological hierarchy of the three concepts, where national security is on the highest level of generality, and energy diplomacy on the lowest, it is a recurring theme for them to continuously meet and intersect in realpolitik in a dynamic relationship. The article specifically looks at the integration of energy diplomacy into foreign policy. We discuss two pathways that energy diplomacy has taken on its integration course into foreign policy, namely the path marked by national security topics and the path that is dominantly an economic one. The article also observes the nexus of national security, foreign policy, economic security and economic diplomacy, which is termed the energy security paradox. It exemplifies the
inconsistencies in the general state of affairs in which resource riches of a country result in a stable exporter status and consequentially, stable exporting energy diplomacy. The recommendation for further research is suggested, directed at the new dynamics of the relation of energy transition and energy diplomacy. Research could facilitate in understanding or envisaging how new low carbon energy sources coupled with energy efficiency will influence the new geopolitical map, affecting energy diplomacy in the geopolitical context where geography will have a lesser dominance on international relations.

Research paper thumbnail of Energy Efficiency as a Sustainable Management Challenge - Case of Serbia

MEST Journal, 2015

Based on the current Serbian Energy Strategy, energy efficiency (EE) has been recognized as the s... more Based on the current Serbian Energy Strategy, energy efficiency (EE) has been recognized as the second priority of the economical use of quality energy products. Companies in Serbia predominantly use electricity, the most energy inefficient and expensive form of heat generation, so overspending is the consequence, resources are drained, and pollution increases. The level of importance and implementation of EE management among Serbian small and medium enterprises (SMEs) was a topic of survey conducted in December 2012. The participants rated the general level of awareness of rational energy consumption in Serbia as very low among SMEs. It is also considered that the State and the media are not making enough effort to inform the public about the importance of rational energy consumption. Regarding advisory assistance in the domain of EE the general view is that SMEs in Serbia need advisory assistance in the area of improving EE, both in legislation and administration, and in technical solutions and financing issues. Several recommendations are proposed as a means to providing more implementation of EE measures in companies in Serbia.

Research paper thumbnail of Negotiating Energy Diplomacy and Its Relationship with Foreign Policy and National Security

International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy

Energy diplomacy is a complex field of international relations, closely linked to its principal, ... more Energy diplomacy is a complex field of international relations, closely linked to its principal, foreign policy and overall national security. We observe the relationship of issues that belong to the three concepts and how they are intertwined in the geopolitical reality. Despite the ontological hierarchy of the three concepts, where national security is on the highest level of generality, and energy diplomacy on the lowest, it is a recurring theme for them to continuously meet and intersect in realpolitik in a dynamic relationship. The article specifically looks at the integration of energy diplomacy into foreign policy. We discuss two pathways that energy diplomacy has taken on its integration course into foreign policy, namely the path marked by national security topics and the path that is dominantly an economic one. The article also observes the nexus of national security, foreign policy, economic security and economic diplomacy, which is termed the energy security paradox. It exemplifies the inconsistencies in the general state of affairs in which resource riches of a country result in a stable exporter status and consequentially, stable exporting energy diplomacy. The recommendation for further research is suggested, directed at the new dynamics of the relation of energy transition and energy diplomacy. Research could facilitate in understanding or envisaging how new low carbon energy sources coupled with energy efficiency will influence the new geopolitical map, affecting energy diplomacy in the geopolitical context where geography will have a lesser dominance on international relations.

Conference Presentations by Ana Bovan


ICSD 2017, 2017

Interest group influence on policy making continues to be a fundamental issue for un... more Interest group influence on policy making continues to be a fundamental issue for understanding the legitimacy of interest groups’ relative power. In order to better understand their impact on policymaking we study a particularly influential and persuasive social group, the economic interest group. The paper looks into the capacities and source of power of organised business interests, mainly their internal strengths. The global view is taken, covering
democratic pluralist societies in which lobbying is an established institution, with special note on the European Union.
Four aspects of internal power sources of business interests are discussed: group size; organisational agility; resources
- namely finances, relationships and information; and the phenomenon of the regeneration of the groups influence. The research also looks into the opposing interest groups who could potentially develop, use and nurture the same capacities. The paper concludes that the most effective internal assets of this interest group are its size and the regeneration of power, which are difficult to replicate by other organised interests. Further research recommendations are proposed.


ICSD 2016, 2016

The institutional establishment of the European Union has created a high level of cooperation wit... more The institutional establishment of the European Union has created a high level of cooperation with noninstitutional interest groups. The goal of the paper is to analyse the roots of this collaboration in relation to democratic legitimacy and resource dependency. This paper further studies the role that lobbying has in fulfilling several key systemic functions in the scope of democratic legitimacy. We examine herein the theoretical foundations of interest representation in the EU in the context of theories of deliberative and participatory democracy. We further analyse the sources of intense collaboration of EU institutions and interest groups through the perspective of resource dependency
theory, which explains why the relationship between the lobbyists and the EU institutions has developed to be so intense and interdependent.


SED 2017, 2017

The process of branding in tourism can be long, lasting and demanding, but also profitable for ma... more The process of branding in tourism can be long, lasting and demanding, but also profitable for many years. Branding is
necessary to monitor and promote, and the constant monitoring of successful brands in the market enables continual assessment of
the potential need for any necessary redesign. In order for unique branding of any destination to be successful it is important to know
the target market, their role and positioning, what are the attractive destinations and the differences with the competition.
Regardless of how well known the destination is, how rich its culture and natural beauties are, the level of the visitors experience,
how they feel they are treated there and how they felt during their stay in a certain place are the most important factors. What is
important is popularity and how famous the place is, and the key of success is certainly a mixture of location, variety of activities,
different environments as well as emotions which tourists connect and relate with certain destinations. By continually working on
quality and authenticity, many destinations in the world have become famous through constantly high visitor numbers, and thus very
profitable. Branding the country as a tourist destination can be very important strategic resource of economic development, so it is
necessary for branding strategies of Serbia to be carefully planned.


ITOP, 2017

Associations, companies, individuals and other interest organisations apply methodologies and lob... more Associations, companies, individuals and other interest organisations apply methodologies and lobbying strategies to advocate their interests and exert influence on decision and policy making process. The issues of each lobbying programme is particular in relation to policies and actors which are targeted therefore a strategy needs to be created which must take into account the specifics of each case. We propose a classification of lobbying and influencing strategies that can guide interest organisations while opting for the right strategy that matches their exact circumstances. The classification is based on two basic criteria: strategies relating to participants and strategies relating to the process. The classifications stems into further into sub elements which can be used in their pure form or combined.

Research paper thumbnail of Komuniciranje kompanija tokom krize - odosi s medijima

, III International Scientific Conference on the Development of Market Communication - The Power of Communication, 2014

Javna komunikacija tokom nepredviđenih i kriznih situacija danas je nezamisliva bez odnosa sa med... more Javna komunikacija tokom nepredviđenih i kriznih situacija danas je nezamisliva bez odnosa sa medijima. U savremenim uslovima koja su bitno obeležena rastućih komunikacionim tehnologijama i demokratizacijom društvenih zajednica, odnosi sa javnošću u segmentu odnosa s medijima odlikuju se verodostojnošću i stručnošću. Kriznih događaja oduvek je bilo, nekad više nekad manje, međutim za mnoge uopšte nismo saznali, što znači da se nisu dogodili. U današnje vreme je to nemoguće zahvaljujući savremenim komunikacionim tehnologijama. Kada se dogodi nešto na jednom kraju sveta jako brzo će se proširiti i na drugu stranu sveta. Veliki broj medija uključen je u komunikacije danas, a među njima prednjači Internet. Kreiranje informacija, nekad je bilo ekskluzivno "pravo" profesionalih novinara i izveštača. Kada su korporativne krizne komunikacije u pitanju mogu se javiti greške sa nesagledivim posledicama, od pogrešno objavljenih podataka imena i broja stradalih, do prejudiciranja rada istražnih i pravosudnih organa, ili do namerne dezinformacije javnosti upravo kada se očekuje brza, pravovremena i verodostojna informacija. Da sve bude gore sve se to dešava u medijima u kojima rade profesionalni novinari obučeni i osposobljeni za medijsko praćenje, koje se često poziva na etičko, odgovorno i uravnoteženo izveštavanje u skladu sa novinarskim standardima opisanim u profesionalnim kodeksima. Upravo novinarsko izveštavanje utemeljeno na senzacionalizmu može značajno uticati na javno mnjenje i u potpunosti može da promeni tok razvoja događaja ili da utiče na sudbinu pojedinaca, grupa ili organizacija. Mesto i uloga profesionalnih komunikatora u korporativnim kriznim situacijama predsudna je za sliku koja će se stvoriti povodom događaja.

Research paper thumbnail of Energy and Climate change policies an expanding arena for civil society lobbying

Conference Paper, 2015

Energy and climate change policies, two major global challenges of the 21st century, are being ta... more Energy and climate change policies, two major global challenges of the 21st century, are being tackled by the European Union through a process that aims to reduce global warming, increase energy efficiency and promote the use of renewable energies. Competence and jurisdiction in the fields of energy and environment are shared between the EU and its Member States. The Member States are being prompted to comply, even though not all policy decisions are easy to implement in the national jurisdiction. This paper bases its analysis of EU energy and environment governance on the approach called actor-centered institutionalism. It is concerned with actors and their relationships and interaction within institutional frameworks. Mayntz [1] Their collective behavior, alliance building, exchange, bargaining, various forms of influence and negotiation, as well as authoritative intervention co-exist and are causally interrelated within a framework of theory of social dynamics. The dominant structural feature of The European Union is multi-level governance networks rather than hierarchical political authority. The networks encompass member state representatives, networks linking the national and the European levels of decision-making, and networks linking public and private actors across policy sectors and political levels. Alike in other policy areas in the multilevel system of the EU, an assortment of actors draft the energy policy, and they are both institutional and non-institutional. In the institutional category are the EU institutions and relevant institutions of Member States. The most important EU actors are the European Commission, the European Parliament and the European Council. In addition, the regulation is created via the input and influence of the Member States, their governments, ministries and agencies, which still have the decisive say with regard to the energy mix and energy foreign policy. The non institutional actors are from the private sector, corporations, industry, energy companies and their organized interests in the form of business and professional associations. Relationship with energy companies is paramount for EU policy makers.

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring Association Between HR Independence in Organizing Educational Programs and the Availability of Educational and Talent Management Programs in the Companies from Serbia and the Republic of Srpska

EMC Review - Časopis za ekonomiju - APEIRON

The aim of the study is to examine the association between HR independence in organizing educatio... more The aim of the study is to examine the association between HR independence in organizing educational programs and the availability of educational and talent management programs in the company. This study was conducted with the aim of demonstrating the importance of giving higher responsibility and independence to HR managers, especially in the field of education and training where they are undoubtedly experts. More recent articles were used, drawing conclusions from global practices on the topics of Human resource management and HR practices, Talent management, Management education, Development and training of employees, Labor market, Soft skills and hard skills of employees, Work environment, Organisational leadership, Performance management, Compensation strategies, Employee engagement, Employee motivation, and Organisational psychology. The study is part of the CEDEF (Central European Development Forum) research project, where 43 HR representatives answered structured in-depth te...

Research paper thumbnail of Application of integrated marketing communications in business family firms in Republic of Srpska

Research paper thumbnail of Lobbying in the Eu in Relation to Democratic Legitimacy and Resource Dependance

The institutional establishment of the European Union has created a high level of cooperation wit... more The institutional establishment of the European Union has created a high level of cooperation with noninstitutional interest groups. The goal of the paper is to analyse the roots of this collaboration in relation to democratic legitimacy and resource dependency. This paper further studies the role that lobbying has in fulfilling several key systemic functions in the scope of democratic legitimacy. We examine herein the theoretical foundations of interest representation in the EU in the context of theories of deliberative and participatory democracy. We further analyse the sources of intense collaboration of EU institutions and interest groups through the perspective of resource dependency theory, which explains why the relationship between the lobbyists and the EU institutions has developed to be so intense and interdependent.


III Međunarodni naučni skup ''MOĆ KOMUNIKACIJE 2014'', 2014

Apstrakt Javna komunikacija tokom nepredviđenih i kriznih situacija danas je nezamisliva bez odno... more Apstrakt Javna komunikacija tokom nepredviđenih i kriznih situacija danas je nezamisliva bez odnosa sa medijima. U savremenim uslovima koja su bitno obeležena rastućih komunikacionim tehnologijama i demokratizacijom društvenih zajednica, odnosi sa javnošću u segmentu odnosa s medijima odlikuju se verodostojnošću i stručnošću. Kriznih događaja oduvek je bilo, nekad više nekad manje, međutim za mnoge uopšte nismo saznali, što znači da se nisu dogodili. U današnje vreme je to nemoguće zahvaljujući savremenim komunikacionim tehnologijama. Kada se dogodi nešto na jednom kraju sveta jako brzo će se proširiti i na drugu stranu sveta. Veliki broj medija uključen je u komunikacije danas, a među njima prednjači Internet. Kreiranje informacija, nekad je bilo ekskluzivno "pravo" profesionalih novinara i izveštača. Kada su korporativne krizne komunikacije u pitanju mogu se javiti greške sa nesagledivim posledicama, od pogrešno objavljenih podataka imena i broja stradalih, do prejudiciranja rada istražnih i pravosudnih organa, ili do namerne dezinformacije javnosti upravo kada se očekuje brza, pravovremena i verodostojna informacija. Da sve bude gore sve se to dešava u medijima u kojima rade profesionalni novinari obučeni i osposobljeni za medijsko praćenje, koje se često poziva na etičko, odgovorno i uravnoteženo izveštavanje u skladu sa novinarskim standardima opisanim u profesionalnim kodeksima. Upravo novinarsko izveštavanje utemeljeno na senzacionalizmu može značajno uticati na javno mnjenje i u potpunosti može da promeni tok razvoja događaja ili da utiče na sudbinu pojedinaca, grupa ili organizacija. Mesto i uloga profesionalnih komunikatora u korporativnim kriznim situacijama predsudna je za sliku koja će se stvoriti povodom događaja. Ključne reči: korporativne komunikacije, kriza, mediji, novi vidovi kriznih komunikacija Jel klasifikacija: M39 UVOD Krize se u kompanijskom poslovanju pojavljuju iz više razloga i u više oblika. Predstavljaju pretnju za ljude, poslovne procese, finansije i reputaciju. Uzrok može biti ljudski faktor, kao nemar i izazivanje eksplozije, zagađenja reka, poslovni skandal ili konflikt, ili može biti u pitanju "vis maior" kao što su zemljotresi ili poplave. Krize ljude dovode u opasnost fizički, emotivno i finansijski, one ometaju i ugrožavaju ustaljeni život i rad kompanije i svi očekuju njenu brzu reakciju. Krize stvaraju dodatnu opasnost da se nanese šteta ugledu kompanije, jer se javlja 1

Research paper thumbnail of Branding of Tourist Destination as an Important Strategic Resource of Economic Development

The process of branding in tourism can be long, lasting and demanding, but also profitable for ma... more The process of branding in tourism can be long, lasting and demanding, but also profitable for many years. Branding is necessary to monitor and promote, and the constant monitoring of successful brands in the market enables continual assessment of the potential need for any necessary redesign. In order for unique branding of any destination to be successful it is important to know the target market, their role and positioning, what are the attractive destinations and the differences with the competition. Regardless of how well known the destination is, how rich its culture and natural beauties are, the level of the visitors experience, how they feel they are treated there and how they felt during their stay in a certain place are the most important factors. What is important is popularity and how famous the place is, and the key of success is certainly a mixture of location, variety of activities, different environments as well as emotions which tourists connect and relate with cert...

Research paper thumbnail of The Interaction of Populist Politics and ( Populist ) Media

The paper deals with the issue of the interaction of populist political communication and populis... more The paper deals with the issue of the interaction of populist political communication and populist reporting and the style increasingly characteristic of journalists and media outlets. It raises the thesis that populist policy guidance and communication is producing adaptation of media and that media are often actively supporting populist politics. The role and responsibility of media workers who are often exposed to political pressure and influences have been re-examined. The working conditions in the media which help to create the conditions for populist reporting and interpretation have also been analyzed. As there are numerous mechanisms of manipulation that are increasingly more supported through populist politics, we conclude that due to various reasons these influences are often more powerful than journalistic ethics and professional behavior of the media. In the current state of affairs, it makes them extremely topical in the communication process and makes the public and so...


FPSP, 2021

The paper analyses EU energy and environment governance from the approach of actor-centered insti... more The paper analyses EU energy and environment governance from the approach of actor-centered institutionalism. It aims to dissect the specific type of actor within the institutional frameworks of EU, namely the civil society and its increasing influence. The behaviour and various forms of impact, lobbying and negotiation are studied, within a framework of theory of social dynamics. As the dominant structural feature of the European Union are the multi-level governance networks rather than hierarchical political authority, such networks encompass member state representatives, networks linking the national and the European levels of decision-making, and networks linking public, private and civil society actors across policy sectors and political levels. Alike in other policy areas in the multilevel system of the EU, an assortment of actors drafts the environment and energy policy, and they come from the institutional and non-institutional ranks. Despite the academic discussion of the legitimacy of civil society’s role as a contributor in international political arenas or the real effect it has in influencing governments, we present the rising official and unofficial influence of the third sector in the climate change arena.

Research paper thumbnail of Internal communications as a factor of company's efficiency


The starting question in the paper is: how should the organization set itself up in the process o... more The starting question in the paper is: how should the organization set itself up in the process of internal communication in order to conduct its workflow more efficiently, remain unique, recognizable and successful in a more turbulent and competitive environment? The main goal of this paper is to present contemporary trends in internal communications and how it affects efficiency in an organization. The study builds on existing literature by emphasizing the internal communication and its impact on employees and organizational efficiency. Also, the authors present the results of the research on internal communications conducted in the insurance company Dunav osiguranje. The idea for this paper arose from the necessity of improving internal communications as to improve efficiency due to rapid technological changes and market demands. In the research, 255 respondents from all organizational units of Dunav osiguranje were surveyed. The research presented in this paper confirms the importance and relevance of the communication process with the company's employees and its impact on efficient workflow. This paper expands existing research related to the internal communication and organizational efficiency pointing the practical relevance of consistent and good employee communication and its importance for business.

Research paper thumbnail of Negotiating Energy Diplomacy and its Relationship with Foreign Policy and National Security

International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 2020

Energy diplomacy is a complex field of international relations, closely linked to its principal, ... more Energy diplomacy is a complex field of international relations, closely linked to its principal, foreign policy and overall national security. We observe the relationship of issues that belong to the three concepts and how they are intertwined in the geopolitical reality. Despite the ontological hierarchy of the three concepts, where national security is on the highest level of generality, and energy diplomacy on the lowest, it is a recurring theme for them to continuously meet and intersect in realpolitik in a dynamic relationship. The article specifically looks at the integration of energy diplomacy into foreign policy. We discuss two pathways that energy diplomacy has taken on its integration course into foreign policy, namely the path marked by national security topics and the path that is dominantly an economic one. The article also observes the nexus of national security, foreign policy, economic security and economic diplomacy, which is termed the energy security paradox. It exemplifies the
inconsistencies in the general state of affairs in which resource riches of a country result in a stable exporter status and consequentially, stable exporting energy diplomacy. The recommendation for further research is suggested, directed at the new dynamics of the relation of energy transition and energy diplomacy. Research could facilitate in understanding or envisaging how new low carbon energy sources coupled with energy efficiency will influence the new geopolitical map, affecting energy diplomacy in the geopolitical context where geography will have a lesser dominance on international relations.

Research paper thumbnail of Energy Efficiency as a Sustainable Management Challenge - Case of Serbia

MEST Journal, 2015

Based on the current Serbian Energy Strategy, energy efficiency (EE) has been recognized as the s... more Based on the current Serbian Energy Strategy, energy efficiency (EE) has been recognized as the second priority of the economical use of quality energy products. Companies in Serbia predominantly use electricity, the most energy inefficient and expensive form of heat generation, so overspending is the consequence, resources are drained, and pollution increases. The level of importance and implementation of EE management among Serbian small and medium enterprises (SMEs) was a topic of survey conducted in December 2012. The participants rated the general level of awareness of rational energy consumption in Serbia as very low among SMEs. It is also considered that the State and the media are not making enough effort to inform the public about the importance of rational energy consumption. Regarding advisory assistance in the domain of EE the general view is that SMEs in Serbia need advisory assistance in the area of improving EE, both in legislation and administration, and in technical solutions and financing issues. Several recommendations are proposed as a means to providing more implementation of EE measures in companies in Serbia.

Research paper thumbnail of Negotiating Energy Diplomacy and Its Relationship with Foreign Policy and National Security

International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy

Energy diplomacy is a complex field of international relations, closely linked to its principal, ... more Energy diplomacy is a complex field of international relations, closely linked to its principal, foreign policy and overall national security. We observe the relationship of issues that belong to the three concepts and how they are intertwined in the geopolitical reality. Despite the ontological hierarchy of the three concepts, where national security is on the highest level of generality, and energy diplomacy on the lowest, it is a recurring theme for them to continuously meet and intersect in realpolitik in a dynamic relationship. The article specifically looks at the integration of energy diplomacy into foreign policy. We discuss two pathways that energy diplomacy has taken on its integration course into foreign policy, namely the path marked by national security topics and the path that is dominantly an economic one. The article also observes the nexus of national security, foreign policy, economic security and economic diplomacy, which is termed the energy security paradox. It exemplifies the inconsistencies in the general state of affairs in which resource riches of a country result in a stable exporter status and consequentially, stable exporting energy diplomacy. The recommendation for further research is suggested, directed at the new dynamics of the relation of energy transition and energy diplomacy. Research could facilitate in understanding or envisaging how new low carbon energy sources coupled with energy efficiency will influence the new geopolitical map, affecting energy diplomacy in the geopolitical context where geography will have a lesser dominance on international relations.


ICSD 2017, 2017

Interest group influence on policy making continues to be a fundamental issue for un... more Interest group influence on policy making continues to be a fundamental issue for understanding the legitimacy of interest groups’ relative power. In order to better understand their impact on policymaking we study a particularly influential and persuasive social group, the economic interest group. The paper looks into the capacities and source of power of organised business interests, mainly their internal strengths. The global view is taken, covering
democratic pluralist societies in which lobbying is an established institution, with special note on the European Union.
Four aspects of internal power sources of business interests are discussed: group size; organisational agility; resources
- namely finances, relationships and information; and the phenomenon of the regeneration of the groups influence. The research also looks into the opposing interest groups who could potentially develop, use and nurture the same capacities. The paper concludes that the most effective internal assets of this interest group are its size and the regeneration of power, which are difficult to replicate by other organised interests. Further research recommendations are proposed.


ICSD 2016, 2016

The institutional establishment of the European Union has created a high level of cooperation wit... more The institutional establishment of the European Union has created a high level of cooperation with noninstitutional interest groups. The goal of the paper is to analyse the roots of this collaboration in relation to democratic legitimacy and resource dependency. This paper further studies the role that lobbying has in fulfilling several key systemic functions in the scope of democratic legitimacy. We examine herein the theoretical foundations of interest representation in the EU in the context of theories of deliberative and participatory democracy. We further analyse the sources of intense collaboration of EU institutions and interest groups through the perspective of resource dependency
theory, which explains why the relationship between the lobbyists and the EU institutions has developed to be so intense and interdependent.


SED 2017, 2017

The process of branding in tourism can be long, lasting and demanding, but also profitable for ma... more The process of branding in tourism can be long, lasting and demanding, but also profitable for many years. Branding is
necessary to monitor and promote, and the constant monitoring of successful brands in the market enables continual assessment of
the potential need for any necessary redesign. In order for unique branding of any destination to be successful it is important to know
the target market, their role and positioning, what are the attractive destinations and the differences with the competition.
Regardless of how well known the destination is, how rich its culture and natural beauties are, the level of the visitors experience,
how they feel they are treated there and how they felt during their stay in a certain place are the most important factors. What is
important is popularity and how famous the place is, and the key of success is certainly a mixture of location, variety of activities,
different environments as well as emotions which tourists connect and relate with certain destinations. By continually working on
quality and authenticity, many destinations in the world have become famous through constantly high visitor numbers, and thus very
profitable. Branding the country as a tourist destination can be very important strategic resource of economic development, so it is
necessary for branding strategies of Serbia to be carefully planned.


ITOP, 2017

Associations, companies, individuals and other interest organisations apply methodologies and lob... more Associations, companies, individuals and other interest organisations apply methodologies and lobbying strategies to advocate their interests and exert influence on decision and policy making process. The issues of each lobbying programme is particular in relation to policies and actors which are targeted therefore a strategy needs to be created which must take into account the specifics of each case. We propose a classification of lobbying and influencing strategies that can guide interest organisations while opting for the right strategy that matches their exact circumstances. The classification is based on two basic criteria: strategies relating to participants and strategies relating to the process. The classifications stems into further into sub elements which can be used in their pure form or combined.

Research paper thumbnail of Komuniciranje kompanija tokom krize - odosi s medijima

, III International Scientific Conference on the Development of Market Communication - The Power of Communication, 2014

Javna komunikacija tokom nepredviđenih i kriznih situacija danas je nezamisliva bez odnosa sa med... more Javna komunikacija tokom nepredviđenih i kriznih situacija danas je nezamisliva bez odnosa sa medijima. U savremenim uslovima koja su bitno obeležena rastućih komunikacionim tehnologijama i demokratizacijom društvenih zajednica, odnosi sa javnošću u segmentu odnosa s medijima odlikuju se verodostojnošću i stručnošću. Kriznih događaja oduvek je bilo, nekad više nekad manje, međutim za mnoge uopšte nismo saznali, što znači da se nisu dogodili. U današnje vreme je to nemoguće zahvaljujući savremenim komunikacionim tehnologijama. Kada se dogodi nešto na jednom kraju sveta jako brzo će se proširiti i na drugu stranu sveta. Veliki broj medija uključen je u komunikacije danas, a među njima prednjači Internet. Kreiranje informacija, nekad je bilo ekskluzivno "pravo" profesionalih novinara i izveštača. Kada su korporativne krizne komunikacije u pitanju mogu se javiti greške sa nesagledivim posledicama, od pogrešno objavljenih podataka imena i broja stradalih, do prejudiciranja rada istražnih i pravosudnih organa, ili do namerne dezinformacije javnosti upravo kada se očekuje brza, pravovremena i verodostojna informacija. Da sve bude gore sve se to dešava u medijima u kojima rade profesionalni novinari obučeni i osposobljeni za medijsko praćenje, koje se često poziva na etičko, odgovorno i uravnoteženo izveštavanje u skladu sa novinarskim standardima opisanim u profesionalnim kodeksima. Upravo novinarsko izveštavanje utemeljeno na senzacionalizmu može značajno uticati na javno mnjenje i u potpunosti može da promeni tok razvoja događaja ili da utiče na sudbinu pojedinaca, grupa ili organizacija. Mesto i uloga profesionalnih komunikatora u korporativnim kriznim situacijama predsudna je za sliku koja će se stvoriti povodom događaja.

Research paper thumbnail of Energy and Climate change policies an expanding arena for civil society lobbying

Conference Paper, 2015

Energy and climate change policies, two major global challenges of the 21st century, are being ta... more Energy and climate change policies, two major global challenges of the 21st century, are being tackled by the European Union through a process that aims to reduce global warming, increase energy efficiency and promote the use of renewable energies. Competence and jurisdiction in the fields of energy and environment are shared between the EU and its Member States. The Member States are being prompted to comply, even though not all policy decisions are easy to implement in the national jurisdiction. This paper bases its analysis of EU energy and environment governance on the approach called actor-centered institutionalism. It is concerned with actors and their relationships and interaction within institutional frameworks. Mayntz [1] Their collective behavior, alliance building, exchange, bargaining, various forms of influence and negotiation, as well as authoritative intervention co-exist and are causally interrelated within a framework of theory of social dynamics. The dominant structural feature of The European Union is multi-level governance networks rather than hierarchical political authority. The networks encompass member state representatives, networks linking the national and the European levels of decision-making, and networks linking public and private actors across policy sectors and political levels. Alike in other policy areas in the multilevel system of the EU, an assortment of actors draft the energy policy, and they are both institutional and non-institutional. In the institutional category are the EU institutions and relevant institutions of Member States. The most important EU actors are the European Commission, the European Parliament and the European Council. In addition, the regulation is created via the input and influence of the Member States, their governments, ministries and agencies, which still have the decisive say with regard to the energy mix and energy foreign policy. The non institutional actors are from the private sector, corporations, industry, energy companies and their organized interests in the form of business and professional associations. Relationship with energy companies is paramount for EU policy makers.