Artemio Carrillo Parra - (original) (raw)
Papers by Artemio Carrillo Parra
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Forestales, 2018
Reducir la pérdida de materia prima y mejorar la producción son tareas en continuo desarrollo e... more Reducir la pérdida de materia prima y mejorar la producción son tareas en continuo desarrollo en el sector productivo. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar el factor de conversión de materia prima para productos de tarimas para empaque. Se evaluó el proceso de asierre en cuatro aserraderos de El Salto, Durango, México; además se seleccionaron 308 trozas de pino con diámetros de 14 hasta 41 cm y 1.07 m de longitud, distribuidas en cuatro categorías diamétricas. El asierre se cronometró con una precisión de 1/100 segundos; el volumen de las trozas y los productos generados se cubicaron con un xilómetro; el rendimiento se estimó mediante la proporción de madera aserrada entre el volumen en rollo y los costos de producción, con la suma de los costos fijos y variables del proceso. Los resultados mostraron que por cada metro cúbico de madera en rollo aserrada es posible obtener 217 pies tabla (pt), en piezas de tarima y 207 pt de residuos. El tiempo para aserrar...
Agrofaz: publicación semestral de investigación científica, 2019
espanolExiste demanda de biomasa para abastecer requerimientos bioenergeticos e incorporar materi... more espanolExiste demanda de biomasa para abastecer requerimientos bioenergeticos e incorporar materia organica a suelos agricolas. El objetivo fue evaluar la produccion intensiva de biomasa con especies vegetales utiles en la elaboracion de abonos organicos y generacion de bioenergia. Se plantaron cinco especies: higuerilla (Ricinus communis), maralfalfa (Pennisetum sp.), acacia (Acacia retinoides), alamo blanco (Populus alba) y sauce (Salix sp.). El sitio experimental esta ubicado en Durango, Mexico (23° 59’ 14” N, 104° 37’ 19” O), a una altitud de 1,880 m. La plantacion se realizo el 6 y 7 de junio de 2018, en un diseno completamente aleatorio con arreglo en parcelas divididas y ocho repeticiones. Se utilizaron las densidades de plantacion: baja (4,934 plantas ha-1 , en hilera sencilla) y alta (8,902 plantas ha-1 , en hilera doble). Se instalo riego presurizado por goteo y la parcela experimental consistio de una hilera de 7.2 m de longitud y 3.0 m de separacion. Se evaluo mensualmente la altura de planta, diametro de copa (DC), diametro basal del tallo (DAC) y a los 126 dias despues del trasplante (DDT), se midio el rendimiento de biomasa fresca y seca. La maralfalfa mostro la altura mayor (356 cm a 360 cm); mientras que los valores mas altos del DAC (35-42 mm) y DC (114 cm-190 cm) se alcanzaron en higuerilla a los 106 DDT. Se detectaron diferencias significativas, entre densidades y especies, para el rendimiento de biomasa fresca y seca. En densidad alta se incremento significativamente (40 %) el rendimiento medio de biomasa fresca (25,480 kg ha-1) y seca (5,215 kg ha-1). La maralfalfa, en densidad alta, registro el rendimiento mas alto de biomasa fresca (81,496 kg ha-1) y seca (14,461 kg ha-1). En el corto plazo, la maralfalfa, higuerilla y acacia mostraron produccion alta de biomasa en plantaciones con densidad alta. EnglishDemand for biomass has been observed in order to satisfy requirements for bioenergy and to incorporate organic matter into agricultural soils. The objective was to evaluate the intensive biomass production using plant species useful to obtain bioenergy and organic fertilizers. Five plant species were used: castor bean (Ricinus communis), maralfalfa (Pennisetum sp.), acacia (Acacia retinoides), white poplar (Populus alba) and willow (Salix sp.). The experimental site is located in Durango, Mexico (23° 59’ 14” N, 104° 37’ 19” W), at an altitude of 1,880 m. The plantation was carried out on June 6 th and 7 th 2018, under a completely randomized design with a split-plot arrangement and eight replications. Two planting densities were included: low (4,934 plants ha-1 , in a single row) and high (8,902 plants ha-1 , in a double row). Pressurized drip irrigation was installed and the experimental plot consisted of a row 7.2 m in length and 3.0 m apart. Monthly, data were registered for plant height, basal stem diameter (BSD) and crown diameter (CD), the yield of fresh and dry biomass was also determined at 126 days after planting (DAP). Higher values for plant height were observed in maralfalfa (356 cm a 360 cm); while higher values for BSD (35-42 mm) and CD (114 cm-190 cm) were observed 106 DAP in castor bean. Significant differences were observed, between densities and plant species, for the yield of fresh and dry biomass. High plant density favored significant increments (40 %) for the mean yield of fresh (25,480 kg ha-1 ) and dry (5,215 kg ha-1 ) biomass. Maralfalfa, in the high-density system, showed the highest yield for fresh (81,496 kg ha-1 ) and dry biomass (14,461 kg ha-1 ). In the short term, maralfalfa, castor bean, and acacia showed high biomass production in high-density plantations.
Agrofaz: publicación semestral de investigación científica, 2015
Ciencia nicolaita, 2017
D ensidad, composición química y poder calorífico de la madera de tres especies de encino (Quercu... more D ensidad, composición química y poder calorífico de la madera de tres especies de encino (Quercus candicans, Q. laurina y Q. rugosa)
Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Agrarias, Sep 4, 2017
Are there any differences in carbon concentration among species of high conservation value forest... more Are there any differences in carbon concentration among species of high conservation value forests in Northern Mexico? ¿Hay variaciones en la concentración de carbono entre especies de bosques de alto valor de conservación en el norte de México?
Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Agrarias, Sep 4, 2017
Are there any differences in carbon concentration among species of high conservation value forest... more Are there any differences in carbon concentration among species of high conservation value forests in Northern Mexico? ¿Hay variaciones en la concentración de carbono entre especies de bosques de alto valor de conservación en el norte de México?
South Florida Journal of Development
Debido a la riqueza de contenido orgánico e inorgánico, los residuos agroindustriales están actua... more Debido a la riqueza de contenido orgánico e inorgánico, los residuos agroindustriales están actualmente considerándose como objeto de estudio para la generación de productos industriales en lugar de tratarlos como residuos; en el caso de la vinaza, que es un subproducto generado durante la obtención de la bebida sotol, se ha generado un interés especial debido a que la producción está aumentando año con año, generando ingresos económicos. Con un pH ácido, una alta carga orgánica y una producción de 12 litros de vinaza por litro de sotol, la disposición de este residuo en agua y suelos puede comprometer ambientalmente los recursos. La evaluación de las propiedades fisicoquímicas y orgánicas de este líquido, permitirá tomar decisiones sobre su tratamiento. El análisis se hizo siguiendo las Normas Mexicanas que apliquen a cada característica: pH, Conductividad Eléctrica, Sólidos Disueltos Totales (SDT), Demanda Bioquímica de Oxígeno (DBO), Demanda Química de Oxígeno (DQO), turbidez, co...
Tree growth models describe the growth and development of forest ecosystems by considering how th... more Tree growth models describe the growth and development of forest ecosystems by considering how the dimensions of each simulated tree change within a certain time. These models have commonly used three growth parameters that describe various biological processes and behaviours, considering a sigmoid growth function: (i) the upper asymptote (θ1), which is the maximal yield indicated by a final dimension (such as the maximal stem diameter); (ii) the maximum specific growth rate (θ2), defined as the slope of the tangent at the inflexion point; and (iii) the time elapsed (θ3), defined by the intercept of this tangent with the abscissas. To the best of our knowledge, however, associations between the three parameters have not been documented for tree species. Using diameter growth data from pine trees located in typical mixed and uneven-aged pine-oak forests in the Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexico, our study aims were: (i) to quantify the putative associations between the three growth para...
Revista mexicana de ciencias forestales, 2015
With the objective of ecologically characterize the woody plant communities, twelve sampling site... more With the objective of ecologically characterize the woody plant communities, twelve sampling sites were randomly se- lected based on cartographic material and digital ortophotos from the Tamaulipan matorral located in Northeastern Mexico. In each site, the minimum sampling area was determined. Thereafter quad - rats of 10 x 10 m were used in variable numbers for the evaluation of the tree and shrub layers, and of 1 m² for the herbaceous layer. In each quadrat, all individuals of any species were registered, measuring its height and crown projection for the determination of density, can- opy cover, frequency and importance value for each species. In order to evaluate the overall community a series of ecological indices were used: richness (Margalef ), diversity (Shannon-Weiner), equitativity (Shannon), dominance (Simpson) and similarity (Sorensen and Jac- card). A total of 160 taxa pertaining to 46 families were found. The families with a greater number of taxa were the Poaceae, Aste...
The interaction between wood and soil is one of the most hostile environment that a piece of wood... more The interaction between wood and soil is one of the most hostile environment that a piece of wood can be exposed to. However, few field tests have been developed to determine its natural durability of Mexican timber species. In this study, the natural durability of seven tropical timber species was determined in Mexico, according to the European Standard EN 252. Test stakes were placed at three sites (Veracruz, Michoacán and Nuevo León) with different climatic, altitude, biodiversity and soil type conditions. After one year of exposure, statistical differences (p < 0.001) in decay level for sites and species were determined. The site with the most adverse environment was Veracruz followed by Michoacán and Nuevo León. Dalbergia granadillo, Cordia elaeagnoides and Swietenia humillis were classified according to the European Standard EN 350-1 as very durable (Class 1), while Enterolobium cyclocarpum and Hura polyandra were classified as durable (Class 4). Tabebuia donell-smithii, Tabebuia rosea and Fagus sylvatica (control) were classified as non-durable (Class 5).
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Forestales, 2018
El objetivo del trabajo consistió en el desarrollo de ecuaciones alométricas para estimar la biom... more El objetivo del trabajo consistió en el desarrollo de ecuaciones alométricas para estimar la biomasa aérea por fracciones de grosor de la regeneración de Arbutus arizonica, Juniperus deppeana, Quercus sideroxyla y Pinus cooperi en la Unidad de Manejo Forestal (Umafor 1008) en el estado de Durango. Se utilizaron datos provenientes de 114 individuos (25, 29, 30 y 30, respectivamente), colectados mediante un muestreo destructivo para ajustar los modelos. La aditividad de las ecuaciones de estimación de biomasa se aseguró mediante el ajuste simultáneo de todas las ecuaciones, con el procedimiento estadístico denominado 3SLS (Three-Stage Least Squares). Los modelos desarrollados permiten estimar la biomasa en peso seco de los componentes, peso total, hojas, ramillas (< 0.5 cm), ramas finas (0.51 – 2.5 cm), ramas gruesas y tronco (> 2.51 cm). Las ecuaciones alométricas con mejor ajuste correspondieron al peso total, con valores de coeficiente de determinación ajustado de 0.97, 0.94,...
Forests, 2016
The current global energy crisis has generated growing interest in looking for alternatives to tr... more The current global energy crisis has generated growing interest in looking for alternatives to traditional fossil fuels, presenting lignocellulosic materials as a promising resource for sustainable energy production. In this paper, the calorific values and chemical composition of the trunks, branches, twigs and leaves of five timber species of the semi-arid land of Mexico (Helietta parvifolia (Gray) Benth., Ebenopsis ebano (Berl.) Barneby, Acacia berlandieri (Benth.), Havardia pallens (Benth.) Britton & Rose and Acacia wrightii (Benth.)) were determined according to international standards. The results highlighted the calorific value ranges of 17.56 to 18.61 MJ kg´1 in trunks, 17.15 to 18.45 MJ kg´1 in branches, 17.29 to 17.92 MJ kg´1 in twigs, and 17.35to 19.36 MJ kg´1 in leaves. The pH presented an acidic trend (3.95-5.64). The content of mineral elements varied in trunks (1.09%-2.29%), branches (0.86%-2.75%), twigs (4.26%-6.76%) and leaves (5.77%-11.79%), showing the higher proportion in Ca (57.03%-95.53%), followed by K (0.95%-19.21%) and Mg (0.88%-13.47%). The highest amount of extractives was obtained in the methanolic solvent (3.96%-17.03%). The lignin recorded values of 28.78%-35.84% for trunks, 17.14%-31.39% for branches and 20.61%-29.92% for twigs. Lignin showed a moderately strong correlation (r = 0.66) with calorific value, but the best mathematical model was registered with the calorific value depending on the pH and lignin (R 2 = 58.86%).
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Forestales, 2021
El manejo forestal a través de la aplicación de tratamientos silvícolas adecuados permite lograr ... more El manejo forestal a través de la aplicación de tratamientos silvícolas adecuados permite lograr la persistencia, el rendimiento sostenido y la máxima producción de los bosques. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el incremento en volumen fustal de árboles de Pinus durangensis, a partir del análisis de los anillos de crecimiento mediante la técnica del análisis troncal en rodales sometidos a cuatro tratamientos silvícolas; los cuales fueron cortas de regeneración con árboles Padre (realizada en 2007), matarrasa, selección y de aclareo aplicados en el año 2010. Se estudiaron 16 árboles muestra de Pinus durangensis recolectados en sitios de 100 m2, distribuidos al azar por cada tratamiento. Para el análisis troncal, por individuo se obtuvo una rodaja a la base, otra a 1.3 m sobre el nivel del suelo y posteriormente cada metro hasta llegar a la punta. Se estimó el diámetro y la altura de los árboles cada dos anillos de crecimiento y se estimó el volumen, para finalmente conocer los...
Forests, 2022
There is an increasing interest in using non-wood lignocellulosic materials for the production of... more There is an increasing interest in using non-wood lignocellulosic materials for the production of wood-based medium density fiberboard (MDF). Agave durangensis Gentry bagasse is a waste product produced in large quantities in the mezcal industry. This study evaluated the incorporation of A. durangensis bagasse fibers (ADBF) to elaborate MDF wood-based panels. Three types of panels with different ratios (wood fibers: bagasse fibers) were investigated. The ratios evaluated were 100:0, 90:10, and 70:30. The density profiles, water absorption, and thickness swell of the panels were determined, as well as the modulus of elasticity (MOE), modulus of rupture (MOR), and internal bond (IB), according to the ASTM D1037-06a standard. The results were compared to the ANSI A208.2-2016 standard. The effect of the addition of ADBF on the properties of the panels was analyzed. Density profiles were comparable among the three types of panels, while water absorption, thickness swelling, MOE, MOR, and...
BioResources, 2020
In this work, physical and chemical analyses of 28 sawdust samples (tropical woods, pine woods, a... more In this work, physical and chemical analyses of 28 sawdust samples (tropical woods, pine woods, and oak woods) derived from the primary process of wood transformation and 4 samples of citrus residues were performed, as an option to make densified biofuels. The study included the determination of initial moisture, particle size distribution, proximate analysis, ultimate analysis, calculation of the calorific value, and ash microanalysis. The initial moisture content of the biomass samples ranged from 6.04 to 75.21%. The biomass granulometry results indicate that the highest proportion corresponds to the 1.0-mm (33.10%) (Fraction retained in mesh 0.5 mm). Other results obtained indicate the following ranges: ash content (0.27 to 6.27%), volatile matter (78.90 to 90.50%), fixed carbon (9.10 to 20.44%), carbon (49.13 to 50.78%), oxygen (42.62 to 44.49%), and hydrogen (5.24 to 6.55%). The calculated calorific value ranged from 17.65 MJ/kg to 20.72 MJ/kg. The chemical elements with the hi...
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Forestales, 2018
Reducir la pérdida de materia prima y mejorar la producción son tareas en continuo desarrollo e... more Reducir la pérdida de materia prima y mejorar la producción son tareas en continuo desarrollo en el sector productivo. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar el factor de conversión de materia prima para productos de tarimas para empaque. Se evaluó el proceso de asierre en cuatro aserraderos de El Salto, Durango, México; además se seleccionaron 308 trozas de pino con diámetros de 14 hasta 41 cm y 1.07 m de longitud, distribuidas en cuatro categorías diamétricas. El asierre se cronometró con una precisión de 1/100 segundos; el volumen de las trozas y los productos generados se cubicaron con un xilómetro; el rendimiento se estimó mediante la proporción de madera aserrada entre el volumen en rollo y los costos de producción, con la suma de los costos fijos y variables del proceso. Los resultados mostraron que por cada metro cúbico de madera en rollo aserrada es posible obtener 217 pies tabla (pt), en piezas de tarima y 207 pt de residuos. El tiempo para aserrar...
Agrofaz: publicación semestral de investigación científica, 2019
espanolExiste demanda de biomasa para abastecer requerimientos bioenergeticos e incorporar materi... more espanolExiste demanda de biomasa para abastecer requerimientos bioenergeticos e incorporar materia organica a suelos agricolas. El objetivo fue evaluar la produccion intensiva de biomasa con especies vegetales utiles en la elaboracion de abonos organicos y generacion de bioenergia. Se plantaron cinco especies: higuerilla (Ricinus communis), maralfalfa (Pennisetum sp.), acacia (Acacia retinoides), alamo blanco (Populus alba) y sauce (Salix sp.). El sitio experimental esta ubicado en Durango, Mexico (23° 59’ 14” N, 104° 37’ 19” O), a una altitud de 1,880 m. La plantacion se realizo el 6 y 7 de junio de 2018, en un diseno completamente aleatorio con arreglo en parcelas divididas y ocho repeticiones. Se utilizaron las densidades de plantacion: baja (4,934 plantas ha-1 , en hilera sencilla) y alta (8,902 plantas ha-1 , en hilera doble). Se instalo riego presurizado por goteo y la parcela experimental consistio de una hilera de 7.2 m de longitud y 3.0 m de separacion. Se evaluo mensualmente la altura de planta, diametro de copa (DC), diametro basal del tallo (DAC) y a los 126 dias despues del trasplante (DDT), se midio el rendimiento de biomasa fresca y seca. La maralfalfa mostro la altura mayor (356 cm a 360 cm); mientras que los valores mas altos del DAC (35-42 mm) y DC (114 cm-190 cm) se alcanzaron en higuerilla a los 106 DDT. Se detectaron diferencias significativas, entre densidades y especies, para el rendimiento de biomasa fresca y seca. En densidad alta se incremento significativamente (40 %) el rendimiento medio de biomasa fresca (25,480 kg ha-1) y seca (5,215 kg ha-1). La maralfalfa, en densidad alta, registro el rendimiento mas alto de biomasa fresca (81,496 kg ha-1) y seca (14,461 kg ha-1). En el corto plazo, la maralfalfa, higuerilla y acacia mostraron produccion alta de biomasa en plantaciones con densidad alta. EnglishDemand for biomass has been observed in order to satisfy requirements for bioenergy and to incorporate organic matter into agricultural soils. The objective was to evaluate the intensive biomass production using plant species useful to obtain bioenergy and organic fertilizers. Five plant species were used: castor bean (Ricinus communis), maralfalfa (Pennisetum sp.), acacia (Acacia retinoides), white poplar (Populus alba) and willow (Salix sp.). The experimental site is located in Durango, Mexico (23° 59’ 14” N, 104° 37’ 19” W), at an altitude of 1,880 m. The plantation was carried out on June 6 th and 7 th 2018, under a completely randomized design with a split-plot arrangement and eight replications. Two planting densities were included: low (4,934 plants ha-1 , in a single row) and high (8,902 plants ha-1 , in a double row). Pressurized drip irrigation was installed and the experimental plot consisted of a row 7.2 m in length and 3.0 m apart. Monthly, data were registered for plant height, basal stem diameter (BSD) and crown diameter (CD), the yield of fresh and dry biomass was also determined at 126 days after planting (DAP). Higher values for plant height were observed in maralfalfa (356 cm a 360 cm); while higher values for BSD (35-42 mm) and CD (114 cm-190 cm) were observed 106 DAP in castor bean. Significant differences were observed, between densities and plant species, for the yield of fresh and dry biomass. High plant density favored significant increments (40 %) for the mean yield of fresh (25,480 kg ha-1 ) and dry (5,215 kg ha-1 ) biomass. Maralfalfa, in the high-density system, showed the highest yield for fresh (81,496 kg ha-1 ) and dry biomass (14,461 kg ha-1 ). In the short term, maralfalfa, castor bean, and acacia showed high biomass production in high-density plantations.
Agrofaz: publicación semestral de investigación científica, 2015
Ciencia nicolaita, 2017
D ensidad, composición química y poder calorífico de la madera de tres especies de encino (Quercu... more D ensidad, composición química y poder calorífico de la madera de tres especies de encino (Quercus candicans, Q. laurina y Q. rugosa)
Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Agrarias, Sep 4, 2017
Are there any differences in carbon concentration among species of high conservation value forest... more Are there any differences in carbon concentration among species of high conservation value forests in Northern Mexico? ¿Hay variaciones en la concentración de carbono entre especies de bosques de alto valor de conservación en el norte de México?
Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Agrarias, Sep 4, 2017
Are there any differences in carbon concentration among species of high conservation value forest... more Are there any differences in carbon concentration among species of high conservation value forests in Northern Mexico? ¿Hay variaciones en la concentración de carbono entre especies de bosques de alto valor de conservación en el norte de México?
South Florida Journal of Development
Debido a la riqueza de contenido orgánico e inorgánico, los residuos agroindustriales están actua... more Debido a la riqueza de contenido orgánico e inorgánico, los residuos agroindustriales están actualmente considerándose como objeto de estudio para la generación de productos industriales en lugar de tratarlos como residuos; en el caso de la vinaza, que es un subproducto generado durante la obtención de la bebida sotol, se ha generado un interés especial debido a que la producción está aumentando año con año, generando ingresos económicos. Con un pH ácido, una alta carga orgánica y una producción de 12 litros de vinaza por litro de sotol, la disposición de este residuo en agua y suelos puede comprometer ambientalmente los recursos. La evaluación de las propiedades fisicoquímicas y orgánicas de este líquido, permitirá tomar decisiones sobre su tratamiento. El análisis se hizo siguiendo las Normas Mexicanas que apliquen a cada característica: pH, Conductividad Eléctrica, Sólidos Disueltos Totales (SDT), Demanda Bioquímica de Oxígeno (DBO), Demanda Química de Oxígeno (DQO), turbidez, co...
Tree growth models describe the growth and development of forest ecosystems by considering how th... more Tree growth models describe the growth and development of forest ecosystems by considering how the dimensions of each simulated tree change within a certain time. These models have commonly used three growth parameters that describe various biological processes and behaviours, considering a sigmoid growth function: (i) the upper asymptote (θ1), which is the maximal yield indicated by a final dimension (such as the maximal stem diameter); (ii) the maximum specific growth rate (θ2), defined as the slope of the tangent at the inflexion point; and (iii) the time elapsed (θ3), defined by the intercept of this tangent with the abscissas. To the best of our knowledge, however, associations between the three parameters have not been documented for tree species. Using diameter growth data from pine trees located in typical mixed and uneven-aged pine-oak forests in the Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexico, our study aims were: (i) to quantify the putative associations between the three growth para...
Revista mexicana de ciencias forestales, 2015
With the objective of ecologically characterize the woody plant communities, twelve sampling site... more With the objective of ecologically characterize the woody plant communities, twelve sampling sites were randomly se- lected based on cartographic material and digital ortophotos from the Tamaulipan matorral located in Northeastern Mexico. In each site, the minimum sampling area was determined. Thereafter quad - rats of 10 x 10 m were used in variable numbers for the evaluation of the tree and shrub layers, and of 1 m² for the herbaceous layer. In each quadrat, all individuals of any species were registered, measuring its height and crown projection for the determination of density, can- opy cover, frequency and importance value for each species. In order to evaluate the overall community a series of ecological indices were used: richness (Margalef ), diversity (Shannon-Weiner), equitativity (Shannon), dominance (Simpson) and similarity (Sorensen and Jac- card). A total of 160 taxa pertaining to 46 families were found. The families with a greater number of taxa were the Poaceae, Aste...
The interaction between wood and soil is one of the most hostile environment that a piece of wood... more The interaction between wood and soil is one of the most hostile environment that a piece of wood can be exposed to. However, few field tests have been developed to determine its natural durability of Mexican timber species. In this study, the natural durability of seven tropical timber species was determined in Mexico, according to the European Standard EN 252. Test stakes were placed at three sites (Veracruz, Michoacán and Nuevo León) with different climatic, altitude, biodiversity and soil type conditions. After one year of exposure, statistical differences (p < 0.001) in decay level for sites and species were determined. The site with the most adverse environment was Veracruz followed by Michoacán and Nuevo León. Dalbergia granadillo, Cordia elaeagnoides and Swietenia humillis were classified according to the European Standard EN 350-1 as very durable (Class 1), while Enterolobium cyclocarpum and Hura polyandra were classified as durable (Class 4). Tabebuia donell-smithii, Tabebuia rosea and Fagus sylvatica (control) were classified as non-durable (Class 5).
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Forestales, 2018
El objetivo del trabajo consistió en el desarrollo de ecuaciones alométricas para estimar la biom... more El objetivo del trabajo consistió en el desarrollo de ecuaciones alométricas para estimar la biomasa aérea por fracciones de grosor de la regeneración de Arbutus arizonica, Juniperus deppeana, Quercus sideroxyla y Pinus cooperi en la Unidad de Manejo Forestal (Umafor 1008) en el estado de Durango. Se utilizaron datos provenientes de 114 individuos (25, 29, 30 y 30, respectivamente), colectados mediante un muestreo destructivo para ajustar los modelos. La aditividad de las ecuaciones de estimación de biomasa se aseguró mediante el ajuste simultáneo de todas las ecuaciones, con el procedimiento estadístico denominado 3SLS (Three-Stage Least Squares). Los modelos desarrollados permiten estimar la biomasa en peso seco de los componentes, peso total, hojas, ramillas (< 0.5 cm), ramas finas (0.51 – 2.5 cm), ramas gruesas y tronco (> 2.51 cm). Las ecuaciones alométricas con mejor ajuste correspondieron al peso total, con valores de coeficiente de determinación ajustado de 0.97, 0.94,...
Forests, 2016
The current global energy crisis has generated growing interest in looking for alternatives to tr... more The current global energy crisis has generated growing interest in looking for alternatives to traditional fossil fuels, presenting lignocellulosic materials as a promising resource for sustainable energy production. In this paper, the calorific values and chemical composition of the trunks, branches, twigs and leaves of five timber species of the semi-arid land of Mexico (Helietta parvifolia (Gray) Benth., Ebenopsis ebano (Berl.) Barneby, Acacia berlandieri (Benth.), Havardia pallens (Benth.) Britton & Rose and Acacia wrightii (Benth.)) were determined according to international standards. The results highlighted the calorific value ranges of 17.56 to 18.61 MJ kg´1 in trunks, 17.15 to 18.45 MJ kg´1 in branches, 17.29 to 17.92 MJ kg´1 in twigs, and 17.35to 19.36 MJ kg´1 in leaves. The pH presented an acidic trend (3.95-5.64). The content of mineral elements varied in trunks (1.09%-2.29%), branches (0.86%-2.75%), twigs (4.26%-6.76%) and leaves (5.77%-11.79%), showing the higher proportion in Ca (57.03%-95.53%), followed by K (0.95%-19.21%) and Mg (0.88%-13.47%). The highest amount of extractives was obtained in the methanolic solvent (3.96%-17.03%). The lignin recorded values of 28.78%-35.84% for trunks, 17.14%-31.39% for branches and 20.61%-29.92% for twigs. Lignin showed a moderately strong correlation (r = 0.66) with calorific value, but the best mathematical model was registered with the calorific value depending on the pH and lignin (R 2 = 58.86%).
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Forestales, 2021
El manejo forestal a través de la aplicación de tratamientos silvícolas adecuados permite lograr ... more El manejo forestal a través de la aplicación de tratamientos silvícolas adecuados permite lograr la persistencia, el rendimiento sostenido y la máxima producción de los bosques. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el incremento en volumen fustal de árboles de Pinus durangensis, a partir del análisis de los anillos de crecimiento mediante la técnica del análisis troncal en rodales sometidos a cuatro tratamientos silvícolas; los cuales fueron cortas de regeneración con árboles Padre (realizada en 2007), matarrasa, selección y de aclareo aplicados en el año 2010. Se estudiaron 16 árboles muestra de Pinus durangensis recolectados en sitios de 100 m2, distribuidos al azar por cada tratamiento. Para el análisis troncal, por individuo se obtuvo una rodaja a la base, otra a 1.3 m sobre el nivel del suelo y posteriormente cada metro hasta llegar a la punta. Se estimó el diámetro y la altura de los árboles cada dos anillos de crecimiento y se estimó el volumen, para finalmente conocer los...
Forests, 2022
There is an increasing interest in using non-wood lignocellulosic materials for the production of... more There is an increasing interest in using non-wood lignocellulosic materials for the production of wood-based medium density fiberboard (MDF). Agave durangensis Gentry bagasse is a waste product produced in large quantities in the mezcal industry. This study evaluated the incorporation of A. durangensis bagasse fibers (ADBF) to elaborate MDF wood-based panels. Three types of panels with different ratios (wood fibers: bagasse fibers) were investigated. The ratios evaluated were 100:0, 90:10, and 70:30. The density profiles, water absorption, and thickness swell of the panels were determined, as well as the modulus of elasticity (MOE), modulus of rupture (MOR), and internal bond (IB), according to the ASTM D1037-06a standard. The results were compared to the ANSI A208.2-2016 standard. The effect of the addition of ADBF on the properties of the panels was analyzed. Density profiles were comparable among the three types of panels, while water absorption, thickness swelling, MOE, MOR, and...
BioResources, 2020
In this work, physical and chemical analyses of 28 sawdust samples (tropical woods, pine woods, a... more In this work, physical and chemical analyses of 28 sawdust samples (tropical woods, pine woods, and oak woods) derived from the primary process of wood transformation and 4 samples of citrus residues were performed, as an option to make densified biofuels. The study included the determination of initial moisture, particle size distribution, proximate analysis, ultimate analysis, calculation of the calorific value, and ash microanalysis. The initial moisture content of the biomass samples ranged from 6.04 to 75.21%. The biomass granulometry results indicate that the highest proportion corresponds to the 1.0-mm (33.10%) (Fraction retained in mesh 0.5 mm). Other results obtained indicate the following ranges: ash content (0.27 to 6.27%), volatile matter (78.90 to 90.50%), fixed carbon (9.10 to 20.44%), carbon (49.13 to 50.78%), oxygen (42.62 to 44.49%), and hydrogen (5.24 to 6.55%). The calculated calorific value ranged from 17.65 MJ/kg to 20.72 MJ/kg. The chemical elements with the hi...