Berkan ALPAY - (original) (raw)
Papers by Berkan ALPAY
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the muscle damages resulted from wrestling competitions ... more The purpose of this study is to evaluate the muscle damages resulted from wrestling competitions according to the classification of body mass index (BMI) and weight. Voluntary 18 male sportsmen, all of whom participated in international competitions, with age of 20,4 ± 2,8, (years), height of 174 ± 0,5, (cm), weight of 77,4 ± 16,22, (kg), age of beginning to training of 7,45 ± 4,29 (years), and BMI of 21,12±1,01 averagely were selected as subjects for the study. The rules of FILA were applied for the wrestling competitions. The times of meal and resting were taken under control, and therefore, care was taken for submitting similar diets to the subjects. In the study, the levels of serum AST, ALT, LDH, and CK were analyzed so that skeletal muscle damages of the subjects involved in the study could be determined accordingly. Some blood samples were collected from fore arm veins before competitions, immediately after competitions, and 24, 48 and 72 hours after competitions respectively in order to identify the activations of those enzymes. No meaningful difference was observed when the AST, ALT, LDH, and CK levels of the groups were compared with reference to weights and BMI values (p>0, 05), but it was found, when the same time measurements of the groups were checked, that there were some numerical increases at certain time intervals, and then afore stated levels returned to the baseline values at 72 nd hour. Consequently, while no statistical difference were identified among the groups as a result of the measurements accomplished for the aspects of both weight and body mass index, some numerical differences were, on the other hand, determined. It has been considered that the reason for having more increased levels, during post-exercise times, for both light and middle weights was due to increased numbers of technical application of competitions for both of these weights, and therefore, the reason for lagging gathering strength times for heavy weight group was due to, with great possibility, increased mechanical loads applied on the muscles for the ones having body fats at excessive amounts without having simultaneous power increase within the cross-sectional area of weight-bearing muscles.[ C.Berkan Alpay.
The Anthropologist, 2016
The aim of this study is to compare the athletic performances of post-preparation soccer players ... more The aim of this study is to compare the athletic performances of post-preparation soccer players interms of their positions in game. The soccer players (n=30) competing for Pazarcik Spor in the 3rd Males RegionalAmateur League of Turkey participated in the relevant study. The athletic performances (aerobic and anaerobicpower) as well as pulmonary function tests of the athletes participated in the study were measured accordingly. Thenormality testing ofthe obtained data was performed using the Shapiro-Wilk test. The Kruskal-Wallis H test fromthenon-parametric tests was used to compare the data not showing normal distribution. The “Pairwise MultipleComparisons Test” was, on the other hand, used for fixing the differences between groups. Though some differenceswere found in some respiratory levels of post-preparation athletes in relations to their positions in play, nostatistically significant difference was observed for their athletic performances.
Bu arastirma ortaogretimde egitim-ogretim goren ogrencilere uygulanan 12 haftalik temel badminton... more Bu arastirma ortaogretimde egitim-ogretim goren ogrencilere uygulanan 12 haftalik temel badminton antrenmanlarinin motorik ozellikler uzerine etkisini belirlemek amaciyla yapilmistir. Arastirmaya 14-16 yas araliginda 16 kadin ve 32 erkek gonullu olmak uzere toplam 48 ogrenci katilmistir. Gonulluler rastgele secim yontemi ile deney grubu (24 kisi) ve kontrol grubu (24 kisi) olmak uzere iki gruba ayrilmistir. Deney grubuna 12 hafta boyunca haftada 3 gun temel badminton antrenmani uygulanmis olup, kontrol grubuna herhangi bir antrenman programi uygulanmamistir. Katilimcilara boy uzunlugu, vucut agirligi, sag el-sol el kavrama kuvveti, bacak kuvveti, sirt kuvveti, dikey sicrama, anaerobik guc, 10 m surat, T-ceviklik, cabukluk, esneklik ve flamingo denge olcumleri uygulanmistir. Grup ici analizlerde Paired Samples T-Test ve Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Testi, gruplarin karsilastirilmasinda Independent Samples T-test ve Mann Whitney U Testi tercih edilmistir. Yapilan arastirmanin sonucuna gore; ...
Bu arastirmanin amaci egzersiz programina katilan 48- 60 aylik cocuklar ile programa katilmayan c... more Bu arastirmanin amaci egzersiz programina katilan 48- 60 aylik cocuklar ile programa katilmayan cocuklarin fiziksel ve motorik ozellikleri arasinda fark olup olmadigini belirlemektir. Calisma grubunu Gazi Universitesi bunyesinde bulunan iki uygulama anaokuluna devam eden 48- 60 aylik 35 cocuk olusturmustur. Calisma grubu 18 deney, 17 kontrol grubu olacak sekilde iki gruba ayrilmistir. Verilerin toplanmasinda kisisel bilgi formu ve vucut agirligi, boy, genislik(cap), cevre, deri alti yag ve esneklik olcumleri kullanilmistir. Egzersiz programi deney grubuna 8 hafta boyunca yas grubuna ozgu egzersiz calismalari uygulanmistir. Kontrol grubunda bulunan cocuklar ise mufredatlarinda yer alan egitim faaliyetlerine devam etmislerdir. Arastirmada deney ve kontrol gruplarini on ve son test verileri acisindan karsilastirmak icin non-parametrik testlerden olan gruplarin on ve son test verilerinin degisimini test etmek icin Wilcoxon testi kullanilmistir. Arastirmanin sonunda deney grubunun on-s...
Journal of Human Sciences, 2016
The aim of this research is abstracting the relation between the job satisfaction levels and life... more The aim of this research is abstracting the relation between the job satisfaction levels and life satisfaction levels of physical education and sport teachers by analysing them in terms of demographic variables. 308 physical education and sport teachers working in Şanlıurfa participated in this research volintarily. 20 itemed short form of Minnesota Job Satisfaction (internal satisfaction and external satisfaction) Scale, Life Satisfaction Scale consisting of 5 items enhanced by Diener and his friends and information forms including personal data have been applied to the participants. The relations between variables have been examined by the Pearson correlation analysis at the evaluation of the data obtained, independent sample t test has been used for two groups and ANOVA has been used for more than two groups at the comparison of variables. According to the research; it has been ascertained that there is a posivite directional moderately significant relation between life satisfac...
International Journal of Wrestling Science, 2017
The rules of wrestling competition were changed by United World Wrestling (UWW) before the 2016 O... more The rules of wrestling competition were changed by United World Wrestling (UWW) before the 2016 Olympic Games. The aim of this study was to develop a wrestling competition analysis form according to the latest wrestling competition rules of UWW for all age categories and styles. We observed and separately analyzed 300 wrestling competitions. Thereafter, we identified the deficiencies, confusions, and defects in the form and made a common decision about variables. Finally, we obtained the revised form. This form provides access to the latest wrestling rules, which will make it easier for researchers working on wrestling competition analysis, as well as helping coaches and managers to record the bouts of their wrestlers in competitions and their opponents. As a result, wrestlers can use this form to decide when, where, and how they applied a technique; from which lateral they applied the technique; and how many points they received. Moreover, the form will help them to obtain permanent results. Thus, the characteristics of wrestlers can be recorded according to the latest wrestling competition rules.
Asian Journal of Education and Training, 2018
The purpose of this study is to determine the personality characteristics of the students who stu... more The purpose of this study is to determine the personality characteristics of the students who study at the High School of Physical Education and Sports and to determine the differences between the personalities according to the demographic characteristics of them. The "Proactive Personality Scale" was used for collecting research data. Independent t-test was used for two groups and the one-way analysis of variance for more than two groups in the comparison of the subjects' opinions, in terms of the proactive personality traits, according to their individual characteristics. As a conclusion, though there were no statistically significant difference between gender, number of siblings, environment they lived in, sports branches, education level of mother, education level of father, and income levels of the students participated in the survey (p>0,05), significant difference was detected in terms of sporting status, sport ages, achievement levels, and family income levels of (p <0.05).
Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 2006
Yaptlan calismada Turkiye Serbest Gures A Milli Takiminda, y~ ortalamalan 24.3 ± 2.24 yilolan 20 ... more Yaptlan calismada Turkiye Serbest Gures A Milli Takiminda, y~ ortalamalan 24.3 ± 2.24 yilolan 20 guresci ile Nigde Universite Gures Takiminda guresen yas ortalamasi 21.55 ±2.44 yilolan gurescilerin bazi solunum ve dolasim parametreleri tespit edilerek bu parametrelerde guruplar arasindaki farkliliklar kiyaslanarak perfonnansla iliskisi irdelenmistir. Guruplann dolasim parametrelerinde istirahat nabzt, sistolik basinc ve diastolik basinclan, solunum parametrelerinden PI max, PE max, FVe, FEV i %, MVV ve LA degerleri olculmustur: Guruplarin nabiz olcumlerinde milli takim sporculan lehine anlamli bir azalma tespit edilirken (p< 0,01) sistolik ve diastolik basinc olcumlerinde milli takim sporculannm degerlerinin daha dusuk olmasina ragmen aradaki fark anlamli degildir. Gmuplann inspirasyon, ekspirasyon, FVe, FEVI %, MVV ve LA olcum degerlerinde anlamli bir fark olmadigi tespit edilmistir. Sonuc olarak dolasim parametrelerinde istirahattaki nabzin milli takim gurubunda dusuk olmasi milli takim sporcularinin kardiovaslcUler kapasitesinin daha yuksek oldugunu gostennektedir. Bunun sebebinin spor gecmisi ve perfonnansa bagli hipertrofiden kaynaklandigi dusunulebilir. Solunum degerlerinde guruplar arasinda fark istatistiksel acidan anlamli degildir. Istirahat nabzt, kan basinci, inspirasyon kuvveti ve ekspirasyon kuvveti gures sporunda perfonnans kriteri olarak kabul edilirken akciger hacim ve kapasiteleri baskin olarak anaerobik encrji metabolizmasirun kullanildigi gures ve benzeri spor branslannda perfonnansm kriteri olmadigi dusunulmektedir Anahtar kelimeler: dol~im, solunum, gures AB8TRACT In this study, the respiratian and blood circulation parameters are measured and compared for 20 wrestlers from the National Free Wrestling Team of Turkey with an average agc of 24.3 ± 2.24 and for 20 wrest\ers from Nigde University Wrestling Team with an average age of21.55 ± 2.44. Based on these experiments, an investigation is carried out to determine the differences between the groups' parameters and the reasons thai Iikely contribute to these differences. Heartbeat at rest, sysiolic pressures, diastolic pressures of bloodstream pai:ameters of the gwups and , inspiration, expirations, FVe, FEVI%, MVV and LA values of respiration parameters of the groups were measured. Heartbeat measurements show a meaningful decrease in favor of the national team (p< 0,01). Although the systolic and diastolic pressures values of National Team of Turkey is found to be lower, the differenee is not meaningful. No significant differences in the inspiration, expiration, FVe, FEVI%, MVV an<l LA values are identified. To sum up, the low level of the heartbeat at rest indicates that the members of the National Free Wrestling Team of Turkey has a higher cardiovascular capacity, which might be attributed to the past sport record of the members of Nalional Team and the hypertrophy which based on their perfonnanee. Although there is not a significant statistical difference between the respiratory parameters of tearos, Heartbeat at rest, blood pressure, inspiration strength, expiration strength are considered as perfonnance criteria in wrestling whereas it is believed that there are no perfonnance criteria in wrestling and similai: sports where anaerobic energy metabolism is used heavily as lung volume and capacity. Key word: circulation, respiratory, wrestling,
Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 2007
Bu calismanin amaci farklt branslarda yer alan adolesan sporcular arasinda cesitli kas gucleri, v... more Bu calismanin amaci farklt branslarda yer alan adolesan sporcular arasinda cesitli kas gucleri, vucut yag orani, 'i.rucut kitle indeksindeki farkliliklar ve cesitli kas kuvvetleri ile vucut kitle indeksi arasindaki iliskileri belirlemekti. Calismaya katilan 76 adolesan erkek sporcunun 20' si boksor. 19' u karateci, 18' i judocu ve i 9'u ise guresciydi. Sporcularin vucut kitle indeksi ve bacak kuvvetleri arasindaki fark istatistikselolarak anlamliydi. Vucut kitle indeksi gurescilerde oldukca yuksekti (19.83±1.99) ve kararecilerde ise en dusuk seviyede bulundu (17.32 ± 1.89). Sporcularin sag el, sol el, sirt kuvveti ve vucut yag oraninda istalistiksel acidan farklilik gorulmedi. Farkli branslardaki sporculann bacak kuvvetlerindeki ortalama deger istatistiksel acidan farkliydi (hn = 3. i 2, P = 0.03). Gurescilerde bacak kuvveti ortalama degeri en yuksek degerde (96.32 ± 27.03); boksor1erde ise en dusuk degerde bulundu (76.65 ± 20.84). Anahtar Kelimcler: Adolesan, Vucut kitle indeksi, Kas Kuvveti ve Vucut Yagi AB8TRACT In this study, it is aimed that to determine the relations belween body mass index and various muscular power, as well as ditferenece in body mass index, fat rale, various muscular power among adolescent sportsmen in different branches. 20 ofthose 76 male adolescent sportsmen were boxers, 19 karateka, 18 judoka and 19 wrestlers. Difference between body mass index and leg power was statistically significant. Body mass index \Vas rather high in wrestler (l9.83±1.99) and it was in the lowest level at karateka. (I 7.32 ± 1.89). There has been found no stalistically significant at hands and back power and tal rale of sportsmen. Average value at leg power of spOtismen in different branches were statisrically significant (FJ .72 = 3. i 2, p = 0.03). [t has been found that wrets1ers had the highesi level of average leg power (96.32 ± 27.03), while boxers had the lowest !evel (76.65 ± 20.84). Key Words: Adolescent, Body Mass Index, Muscular Power and Body Fat
Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 2007
Elit güreşçilerde güreş müsabakasının serbest radikal formasyonu ve antioksidan sisteme etkisinin... more Elit güreşçilerde güreş müsabakasının serbest radikal formasyonu ve antioksidan sisteme etkisinin incelenmesi amacıyla yapılan çalışmada deney grubu Niğde Üniversitesi, Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokulunda okuyan, yaş ortalaması 21,33±2,61 yıl, boyartalaması, 71±O,03cm. kilo ortalaması 73,66±7,53kg olan sağlıklı, gönüllü 18 erkek güreşçiden oluşturulmuştur. Çalışmaya katılan deneklerin beslenme alışkanlıkları kontrol altına alınmıştır. ftL.A kuralları çerçevesinde her bir denek yarımşar saat ara ile 5'er kez güreş müsabakası yapmıştır. Müsabakadan üç gün önce herhangi bir egzersiz yapmalanna izin verilmemiştir. Çalışmaya katılan deneklerden müsabaka öncesi (Mo,,), toplam 5 maçlık müsabakadan hemen sonra (M son), 24 saal sonra (M 24) ve müsabakadan 48 saal sonra (M 4s), ön koldan venöz kan örneği alınmıştır. Santrifüj edildikten sonra serumlarda total antioksidan kapasite (TAC), melondialdehid (MDA) ve total sülfidril grubu (RSH) na bakı1mıştır. Yapılan çalışmada MDA ve TAC da anlamlı artışlar tespit edilirken RSH da anlamlı azalma olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Güreş müsabakası güreşçilerde önemli ölçüde oksidan strese sebep olurken total annoksidan kapasitede artışa, nonenzimatik antioksidan kapasitede ise azalmaya sebep olmaktadır. Bu bağlamda güreşçilerin müsabaka öncesi nonenzimatik antioksidan etkisi olan vitamin ve diğer ergojenlerle desteklenmesinin oluşan oksidan stresi azaltmada etkili olacağı düşünülebilir.
International journal of Science Culture and Sport, 2015
The aim of this study is to determine the difference between body compositions and some mineral l... more The aim of this study is to determine the difference between body compositions and some mineral levels of elite wrestlers (at an international level) who have loss of weight and who have not loss of weight. 69 volunteer elite wrestlers involving in Turkey Championship participated in this study. The wrestler who had loss of weight and who had not loss of weight in order to compete in their weight class before the championship are randomly chosen and at the time of race weighing, an information form including demographic information, Tanita BC 418, bioelectrical impedance analyzer (BİA) with USA brand, body compositions and 5 cc of blood from their forearm venous with vacutainer (closed blood collection system) are received from wrestlers who participated in the study. The blood samples are divided into serums by centrifuged at 4000 rpm in 5 minutes by using NF-400 model centrifuge device with Nüve brand. Whether the wrestlers have loss of weight or not is calculated with a formula after their Sodium (Na +), Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) and Glucose levels are analyzed and they are separated into two groups according to their Plasma Osmolarity (P Osm) levels. The wrestlers whose P Osm level ≤290 are discussed as the group not having loss of weight and the wrestler whose P Osm level >290 are discussed as the group having loss of weight. The information about the amount of loss of weight that they have before a race as a demographic variable is received from the sportsmen participating in this study. The basal metabolic rate, percentage of body fat, fat mass, free fat mass, total body water was determined with BİA. In the blood samples; Na + , BUN, Glucose, Iron (Fe), Calcium (Ca), Potassium (K) and Chlorine (Cl) levels are measured by using kits with brand of Beckman Coulter in the AU2700 Plus model biochemical auto analyzer with brand of Beckman Coulter and Vitamin B12 and insulin levels are measured by using kits with brand of Roche in the Cobas E601 model hormone auto analyzer with brand of Roche Hitachi. Testing of normality of the data obtained is carried by Shapiro Wilk Test and the relations among the variables with normal distribution are examined with correlation analysis. Independent Samples T Test for two groups while one way variance analysis (One Way ANOVA) was used for the groups more than two groups. Also; in order to determine what caused the differences obtained as the result of variance analysis; LSD test, which is one of the multiple comparison tests, was used. It is determined that there are not statistically significant differences among demographic variables (age, height, weight and body mass index) of the group that has loss of weight and the one that have not (p>0,05). When the body compositions are compared, statistically significant differences between free fat mass and total body water is determined (p < 0,05) and it is found that there is not any significant difference among basal metabolic rate, percentage of body fat and fat mass (p >0,05). When the difference of mineral levels of groups is examined, there is statistically significant difference in the BUN, Na + and P Osm levels (p<0,05) and there is not any statistically significant difference among the Glucose, Fe, Ca, K, Cl, Vitamin B12 and Insulin levels (p>0,05). In conclusion, it was found that the wrestlers who have weight loss increased total body water and free fat mass levels and therefore, BUN, Na + and P Osm levels increased.
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2013
The intensive acute exercises results in too much oxygen consumption and hence produce excessive ... more The intensive acute exercises results in too much oxygen consumption and hence produce excessive free radicals and damage of tissues. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of thyme tea on free radical formation and antioxidant system. Eighteen elite volunteer wrestlers joined the study. The wrestlers were randomly divided into two groups to from experiment and control groups. The subjects wrested five times during the study period according to F.I.L.A rules. The measurement are performed before and after the thyme tea loading. Study groups drunk thyme tea three times a day in 35 day period before loading after first measurement. The subjects participated in the study pre-contest (Comp. Before), immediately after the competition (Comp. After), 24 hours after the competition (Comp. after 24 h), 48 hours after the competition (Comp. After 48 h), blood samples were collected from forearm vein by 5cc total of 2 tubes. Tubes, centrifuge immediately after serums and transferred to tubes Eppendorf Total of Antioxidant Capacity (TAC), Malondialdehyde (MDA) and total sulfhydryl group (RSH) stored at the 75 C until o determination of analysis. The results showed that no difference was noted between the values of the groups before the thyme loading process, a meaningful increase (p<0.05) was determined in the level of TAC, after thyme loading, for the experimental group when it was compared to the pre-loading levels. Therefore, the decrease observed in the level of MDA after thyme loading process was meaningful statistically (p<0.01). The numerical decrease observed in the experimental group, meanwhile, in the levels of RSH wasn't meaningful (p>0.05). Whereas significant differences were found in the levels of MDA and TAC, after thyme loading, for the experimental group when compared to the control group (p<0.05), no meaningful difference was observed for the level of RSH. it is determined in the study that wrestling competition causes significant oxidant stress in wrestlers and increase total antioxidant capacity. However, it is detected that it makes nonenzymatic antioxidant capacity fall.
Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, 2014
The Ghrelin is produced primarily by enteroendocrine cells in the gastric mucosa, and increases g... more The Ghrelin is produced primarily by enteroendocrine cells in the gastric mucosa, and increases gastric emptying in normal subjects. The purpose of this study is to determine the differences in the Ghrelin level during different times along the day, and to assess the differences between the athletes and sedentary at the end of Ramadan fasting period of one month. The results indicated that there were no significant difference among the Ghrelin levels of athletes and sedentary during different times through the day (p>0.05). Significant differences were observed between pre-and post-tests mean Ghrelin scores of subjects (p<0.05) without making a separation as an athlete and sedentary. Also, the results indicated no significant difference between repeated Ghrelin measurements of athletes and sedentary (p>0.05). A significant and positive relationship was found in the middle level at the percentages of BMI and body fat of both groups. Moreover, there were significant differences among BMI scores (p<0.01) and body fat % (p<0.05) of the athletes and sedentary. Consequently, fasting during Ramadan did not cause any differentiation on the serum Ghrelin level of athletes and sedentary, but without group differentiation there was significant increase from the initial measurement to the last measurement of the serum Ghrelin level. There was a significant and positive relationship at middle level between BMI and body fat % of both groups of athletes and sedentary. There was a significant relationship, on the other hand, between BMI and repeated Ghrelin measurements of subjects.
Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, 2014
This study aims to examine the effects of changing rules of wrestling competitions on the elite w... more This study aims to examine the effects of changing rules of wrestling competitions on the elite wrestlers' muscular damage levels. Twenty male wrestlers from the wrestling team established by the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality, which competes in the 1st Wrestling League, volunteered to take part in the research. The age average of the wrestlers was 20.4±2.8 years, their average age of sports 7.45±4.29 years, their height average 173,8 ±4,97 cm, and weight average 77.4 ±16.22 kg. Some blood samples of 5 cc each were taken from each wrestler's forearm vein by means of the vacutainer (a closed blood taking system) for the two competitions separately before and after the competitions; and on 24th, 48th, and 72nd hours following the competitions in the research. For looking at the levels of Creatine Kinase (CK), Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH), Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST), and Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT), serums were obtained by centrifuging the blood samples those taken to determine the levels of the skeletal muscle damages of the wrestlers at 1000 RPM for 20 minutes. The enzyme levels of the blood samples (the serum of which was decomposed) were determined by the SIEMENS ADVIA biochemistry auto-analyzer using the SIEMENS kit. While the repetitive measurements were assessed via one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), the Bonferroni testing was applied in order to determine from which measurement times the differences were originated. The Paired Samples-t testing, meanwhile, was performed in order to compare the blood samples collected from the athletes at same times for the both completed competitions having different rules. No significant difference was observed between AST and ALT values on the aminotransferase of the wrestlers according to two different rules (p˃0.05). Whereas significant differences were confirmed between the values of 48 hours after and 72 hours after the competition for the LDH values (p<0.05), no significant difference, on the other hand, were detected between other values (p˃0.05). Although significant differences were observed between the results obtained following competition and 72 hours after the competition for the CK values (p<0.05), there was no significant difference between other values (p˃0.05). Consequently, it was observed that when the wrestlers took part in two-day wrestling competitions, the basal values were reached 72nd hour after the competition, and no muscle damage remained, whereas when they took part in half-day wrestling competitions it was confirmed at the end of the 72nd hour that the LDH and CK levels of the wrestlers couldn't come close to the basal and the muscle damage was present (p<0.05).
Selçuk Üniversitesi Beden …, 2011
Page 1. Orta Yaş Sedanter Bayanlarda Sekiz Haftalık Step-Aerobik Egzersizin Solunum Parametreleri... more Page 1. Orta Yaş Sedanter Bayanlarda Sekiz Haftalık Step-Aerobik Egzersizin Solunum Parametrelerine Etkisi * Sedef KURT, Serkan HAZAR, Berkan ALPAY, Serkan İBİŞ ... 14.Sevim Y. Antrenman Bilgisi Gazi Büro Kitabevi, Ankara; 1997. 15. ...
International Journal of …, 2010
Orta yaş sedanter bayanlara 8 haftalık step-aerobik egzersiz programının bazı fiziksel uygunluk p... more Orta yaş sedanter bayanlara 8 haftalık step-aerobik egzersiz programının bazı fiziksel uygunluk parametrelerine etkisini incelemek amacı ile yapılan çalışmaya yaş ortalamaları 39,33±4,67 yıl olan sağlıklı 15 bayan, gönüllü olarak katılmıştır. Araştırma grubuna haftada 3 gün 45-55 dakika süreli, %50-60 şiddetinde step-aerobik egzersiz programı uygulandı. Katılımcıların, egzersiz programı öncesi ve sonrası, vücut ağırlıkları, vücut kitle indeksleri, istirahat durumundaki nabızları, beş dakika yürüyüş bandı sonrası nabızları, esneklikleri, anaerobik güçleri, aerobik kapasiteleri, sırt-bacak kuvvetleri, el kavrama kuvvetleri, vücut yağ yüzdeleri, sistolik ve diastolik kan basınçları ölçüldü. Verilerin istatistiksel analizi paired t-testi ile yapıldı. Çalışma sonunda araştırma grubunun istirahat durumundaki nabızları, beş dakika yürüyüş bandı sonrası nabızları, vücut yağ yüzdeleri, sistolik kan basınçları değerlerinde anlamlı bir azalma tespit edilirken esneklik, anaerobik güç, aerobik kapasite, bacak kuvveti, sağ ve sol kavrama kuvveti değerlerinde anlamlı bir artış, tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak düzenli ve uzun süreli yapılan step-aerobik egzersizin orta yaş sedanter bayanlarda fiziksel uygunluk parametrelerine pozitif etkileri olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2011
British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2010
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the muscle damages resulted from wrestling competitions ... more The purpose of this study is to evaluate the muscle damages resulted from wrestling competitions according to the classification of body mass index (BMI) and weight. Voluntary 18 male sportsmen, all of whom participated in international competitions, with age of 20,4 ± 2,8, (years), height of 174 ± 0,5, (cm), weight of 77,4 ± 16,22, (kg), age of beginning to training of 7,45 ± 4,29 (years), and BMI of 21,12±1,01 averagely were selected as subjects for the study. The rules of FILA were applied for the wrestling competitions. The times of meal and resting were taken under control, and therefore, care was taken for submitting similar diets to the subjects. In the study, the levels of serum AST, ALT, LDH, and CK were analyzed so that skeletal muscle damages of the subjects involved in the study could be determined accordingly. Some blood samples were collected from fore arm veins before competitions, immediately after competitions, and 24, 48 and 72 hours after competitions respectively in order to identify the activations of those enzymes. No meaningful difference was observed when the AST, ALT, LDH, and CK levels of the groups were compared with reference to weights and BMI values (p>0, 05), but it was found, when the same time measurements of the groups were checked, that there were some numerical increases at certain time intervals, and then afore stated levels returned to the baseline values at 72 nd hour. Consequently, while no statistical difference were identified among the groups as a result of the measurements accomplished for the aspects of both weight and body mass index, some numerical differences were, on the other hand, determined. It has been considered that the reason for having more increased levels, during post-exercise times, for both light and middle weights was due to increased numbers of technical application of competitions for both of these weights, and therefore, the reason for lagging gathering strength times for heavy weight group was due to, with great possibility, increased mechanical loads applied on the muscles for the ones having body fats at excessive amounts without having simultaneous power increase within the cross-sectional area of weight-bearing muscles.[ C.Berkan Alpay.
The Anthropologist, 2016
The aim of this study is to compare the athletic performances of post-preparation soccer players ... more The aim of this study is to compare the athletic performances of post-preparation soccer players interms of their positions in game. The soccer players (n=30) competing for Pazarcik Spor in the 3rd Males RegionalAmateur League of Turkey participated in the relevant study. The athletic performances (aerobic and anaerobicpower) as well as pulmonary function tests of the athletes participated in the study were measured accordingly. Thenormality testing ofthe obtained data was performed using the Shapiro-Wilk test. The Kruskal-Wallis H test fromthenon-parametric tests was used to compare the data not showing normal distribution. The “Pairwise MultipleComparisons Test” was, on the other hand, used for fixing the differences between groups. Though some differenceswere found in some respiratory levels of post-preparation athletes in relations to their positions in play, nostatistically significant difference was observed for their athletic performances.
Bu arastirma ortaogretimde egitim-ogretim goren ogrencilere uygulanan 12 haftalik temel badminton... more Bu arastirma ortaogretimde egitim-ogretim goren ogrencilere uygulanan 12 haftalik temel badminton antrenmanlarinin motorik ozellikler uzerine etkisini belirlemek amaciyla yapilmistir. Arastirmaya 14-16 yas araliginda 16 kadin ve 32 erkek gonullu olmak uzere toplam 48 ogrenci katilmistir. Gonulluler rastgele secim yontemi ile deney grubu (24 kisi) ve kontrol grubu (24 kisi) olmak uzere iki gruba ayrilmistir. Deney grubuna 12 hafta boyunca haftada 3 gun temel badminton antrenmani uygulanmis olup, kontrol grubuna herhangi bir antrenman programi uygulanmamistir. Katilimcilara boy uzunlugu, vucut agirligi, sag el-sol el kavrama kuvveti, bacak kuvveti, sirt kuvveti, dikey sicrama, anaerobik guc, 10 m surat, T-ceviklik, cabukluk, esneklik ve flamingo denge olcumleri uygulanmistir. Grup ici analizlerde Paired Samples T-Test ve Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Testi, gruplarin karsilastirilmasinda Independent Samples T-test ve Mann Whitney U Testi tercih edilmistir. Yapilan arastirmanin sonucuna gore; ...
Bu arastirmanin amaci egzersiz programina katilan 48- 60 aylik cocuklar ile programa katilmayan c... more Bu arastirmanin amaci egzersiz programina katilan 48- 60 aylik cocuklar ile programa katilmayan cocuklarin fiziksel ve motorik ozellikleri arasinda fark olup olmadigini belirlemektir. Calisma grubunu Gazi Universitesi bunyesinde bulunan iki uygulama anaokuluna devam eden 48- 60 aylik 35 cocuk olusturmustur. Calisma grubu 18 deney, 17 kontrol grubu olacak sekilde iki gruba ayrilmistir. Verilerin toplanmasinda kisisel bilgi formu ve vucut agirligi, boy, genislik(cap), cevre, deri alti yag ve esneklik olcumleri kullanilmistir. Egzersiz programi deney grubuna 8 hafta boyunca yas grubuna ozgu egzersiz calismalari uygulanmistir. Kontrol grubunda bulunan cocuklar ise mufredatlarinda yer alan egitim faaliyetlerine devam etmislerdir. Arastirmada deney ve kontrol gruplarini on ve son test verileri acisindan karsilastirmak icin non-parametrik testlerden olan gruplarin on ve son test verilerinin degisimini test etmek icin Wilcoxon testi kullanilmistir. Arastirmanin sonunda deney grubunun on-s...
Journal of Human Sciences, 2016
The aim of this research is abstracting the relation between the job satisfaction levels and life... more The aim of this research is abstracting the relation between the job satisfaction levels and life satisfaction levels of physical education and sport teachers by analysing them in terms of demographic variables. 308 physical education and sport teachers working in Şanlıurfa participated in this research volintarily. 20 itemed short form of Minnesota Job Satisfaction (internal satisfaction and external satisfaction) Scale, Life Satisfaction Scale consisting of 5 items enhanced by Diener and his friends and information forms including personal data have been applied to the participants. The relations between variables have been examined by the Pearson correlation analysis at the evaluation of the data obtained, independent sample t test has been used for two groups and ANOVA has been used for more than two groups at the comparison of variables. According to the research; it has been ascertained that there is a posivite directional moderately significant relation between life satisfac...
International Journal of Wrestling Science, 2017
The rules of wrestling competition were changed by United World Wrestling (UWW) before the 2016 O... more The rules of wrestling competition were changed by United World Wrestling (UWW) before the 2016 Olympic Games. The aim of this study was to develop a wrestling competition analysis form according to the latest wrestling competition rules of UWW for all age categories and styles. We observed and separately analyzed 300 wrestling competitions. Thereafter, we identified the deficiencies, confusions, and defects in the form and made a common decision about variables. Finally, we obtained the revised form. This form provides access to the latest wrestling rules, which will make it easier for researchers working on wrestling competition analysis, as well as helping coaches and managers to record the bouts of their wrestlers in competitions and their opponents. As a result, wrestlers can use this form to decide when, where, and how they applied a technique; from which lateral they applied the technique; and how many points they received. Moreover, the form will help them to obtain permanent results. Thus, the characteristics of wrestlers can be recorded according to the latest wrestling competition rules.
Asian Journal of Education and Training, 2018
The purpose of this study is to determine the personality characteristics of the students who stu... more The purpose of this study is to determine the personality characteristics of the students who study at the High School of Physical Education and Sports and to determine the differences between the personalities according to the demographic characteristics of them. The "Proactive Personality Scale" was used for collecting research data. Independent t-test was used for two groups and the one-way analysis of variance for more than two groups in the comparison of the subjects' opinions, in terms of the proactive personality traits, according to their individual characteristics. As a conclusion, though there were no statistically significant difference between gender, number of siblings, environment they lived in, sports branches, education level of mother, education level of father, and income levels of the students participated in the survey (p>0,05), significant difference was detected in terms of sporting status, sport ages, achievement levels, and family income levels of (p <0.05).
Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 2006
Yaptlan calismada Turkiye Serbest Gures A Milli Takiminda, y~ ortalamalan 24.3 ± 2.24 yilolan 20 ... more Yaptlan calismada Turkiye Serbest Gures A Milli Takiminda, y~ ortalamalan 24.3 ± 2.24 yilolan 20 guresci ile Nigde Universite Gures Takiminda guresen yas ortalamasi 21.55 ±2.44 yilolan gurescilerin bazi solunum ve dolasim parametreleri tespit edilerek bu parametrelerde guruplar arasindaki farkliliklar kiyaslanarak perfonnansla iliskisi irdelenmistir. Guruplann dolasim parametrelerinde istirahat nabzt, sistolik basinc ve diastolik basinclan, solunum parametrelerinden PI max, PE max, FVe, FEV i %, MVV ve LA degerleri olculmustur: Guruplarin nabiz olcumlerinde milli takim sporculan lehine anlamli bir azalma tespit edilirken (p< 0,01) sistolik ve diastolik basinc olcumlerinde milli takim sporculannm degerlerinin daha dusuk olmasina ragmen aradaki fark anlamli degildir. Gmuplann inspirasyon, ekspirasyon, FVe, FEVI %, MVV ve LA olcum degerlerinde anlamli bir fark olmadigi tespit edilmistir. Sonuc olarak dolasim parametrelerinde istirahattaki nabzin milli takim gurubunda dusuk olmasi milli takim sporcularinin kardiovaslcUler kapasitesinin daha yuksek oldugunu gostennektedir. Bunun sebebinin spor gecmisi ve perfonnansa bagli hipertrofiden kaynaklandigi dusunulebilir. Solunum degerlerinde guruplar arasinda fark istatistiksel acidan anlamli degildir. Istirahat nabzt, kan basinci, inspirasyon kuvveti ve ekspirasyon kuvveti gures sporunda perfonnans kriteri olarak kabul edilirken akciger hacim ve kapasiteleri baskin olarak anaerobik encrji metabolizmasirun kullanildigi gures ve benzeri spor branslannda perfonnansm kriteri olmadigi dusunulmektedir Anahtar kelimeler: dol~im, solunum, gures AB8TRACT In this study, the respiratian and blood circulation parameters are measured and compared for 20 wrestlers from the National Free Wrestling Team of Turkey with an average agc of 24.3 ± 2.24 and for 20 wrest\ers from Nigde University Wrestling Team with an average age of21.55 ± 2.44. Based on these experiments, an investigation is carried out to determine the differences between the groups' parameters and the reasons thai Iikely contribute to these differences. Heartbeat at rest, sysiolic pressures, diastolic pressures of bloodstream pai:ameters of the gwups and , inspiration, expirations, FVe, FEVI%, MVV and LA values of respiration parameters of the groups were measured. Heartbeat measurements show a meaningful decrease in favor of the national team (p< 0,01). Although the systolic and diastolic pressures values of National Team of Turkey is found to be lower, the differenee is not meaningful. No significant differences in the inspiration, expiration, FVe, FEVI%, MVV an<l LA values are identified. To sum up, the low level of the heartbeat at rest indicates that the members of the National Free Wrestling Team of Turkey has a higher cardiovascular capacity, which might be attributed to the past sport record of the members of Nalional Team and the hypertrophy which based on their perfonnanee. Although there is not a significant statistical difference between the respiratory parameters of tearos, Heartbeat at rest, blood pressure, inspiration strength, expiration strength are considered as perfonnance criteria in wrestling whereas it is believed that there are no perfonnance criteria in wrestling and similai: sports where anaerobic energy metabolism is used heavily as lung volume and capacity. Key word: circulation, respiratory, wrestling,
Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 2007
Bu calismanin amaci farklt branslarda yer alan adolesan sporcular arasinda cesitli kas gucleri, v... more Bu calismanin amaci farklt branslarda yer alan adolesan sporcular arasinda cesitli kas gucleri, vucut yag orani, 'i.rucut kitle indeksindeki farkliliklar ve cesitli kas kuvvetleri ile vucut kitle indeksi arasindaki iliskileri belirlemekti. Calismaya katilan 76 adolesan erkek sporcunun 20' si boksor. 19' u karateci, 18' i judocu ve i 9'u ise guresciydi. Sporcularin vucut kitle indeksi ve bacak kuvvetleri arasindaki fark istatistikselolarak anlamliydi. Vucut kitle indeksi gurescilerde oldukca yuksekti (19.83±1.99) ve kararecilerde ise en dusuk seviyede bulundu (17.32 ± 1.89). Sporcularin sag el, sol el, sirt kuvveti ve vucut yag oraninda istalistiksel acidan farklilik gorulmedi. Farkli branslardaki sporculann bacak kuvvetlerindeki ortalama deger istatistiksel acidan farkliydi (hn = 3. i 2, P = 0.03). Gurescilerde bacak kuvveti ortalama degeri en yuksek degerde (96.32 ± 27.03); boksor1erde ise en dusuk degerde bulundu (76.65 ± 20.84). Anahtar Kelimcler: Adolesan, Vucut kitle indeksi, Kas Kuvveti ve Vucut Yagi AB8TRACT In this study, it is aimed that to determine the relations belween body mass index and various muscular power, as well as ditferenece in body mass index, fat rale, various muscular power among adolescent sportsmen in different branches. 20 ofthose 76 male adolescent sportsmen were boxers, 19 karateka, 18 judoka and 19 wrestlers. Difference between body mass index and leg power was statistically significant. Body mass index \Vas rather high in wrestler (l9.83±1.99) and it was in the lowest level at karateka. (I 7.32 ± 1.89). There has been found no stalistically significant at hands and back power and tal rale of sportsmen. Average value at leg power of spOtismen in different branches were statisrically significant (FJ .72 = 3. i 2, p = 0.03). [t has been found that wrets1ers had the highesi level of average leg power (96.32 ± 27.03), while boxers had the lowest !evel (76.65 ± 20.84). Key Words: Adolescent, Body Mass Index, Muscular Power and Body Fat
Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 2007
Elit güreşçilerde güreş müsabakasının serbest radikal formasyonu ve antioksidan sisteme etkisinin... more Elit güreşçilerde güreş müsabakasının serbest radikal formasyonu ve antioksidan sisteme etkisinin incelenmesi amacıyla yapılan çalışmada deney grubu Niğde Üniversitesi, Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokulunda okuyan, yaş ortalaması 21,33±2,61 yıl, boyartalaması, 71±O,03cm. kilo ortalaması 73,66±7,53kg olan sağlıklı, gönüllü 18 erkek güreşçiden oluşturulmuştur. Çalışmaya katılan deneklerin beslenme alışkanlıkları kontrol altına alınmıştır. ftL.A kuralları çerçevesinde her bir denek yarımşar saat ara ile 5'er kez güreş müsabakası yapmıştır. Müsabakadan üç gün önce herhangi bir egzersiz yapmalanna izin verilmemiştir. Çalışmaya katılan deneklerden müsabaka öncesi (Mo,,), toplam 5 maçlık müsabakadan hemen sonra (M son), 24 saal sonra (M 24) ve müsabakadan 48 saal sonra (M 4s), ön koldan venöz kan örneği alınmıştır. Santrifüj edildikten sonra serumlarda total antioksidan kapasite (TAC), melondialdehid (MDA) ve total sülfidril grubu (RSH) na bakı1mıştır. Yapılan çalışmada MDA ve TAC da anlamlı artışlar tespit edilirken RSH da anlamlı azalma olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Güreş müsabakası güreşçilerde önemli ölçüde oksidan strese sebep olurken total annoksidan kapasitede artışa, nonenzimatik antioksidan kapasitede ise azalmaya sebep olmaktadır. Bu bağlamda güreşçilerin müsabaka öncesi nonenzimatik antioksidan etkisi olan vitamin ve diğer ergojenlerle desteklenmesinin oluşan oksidan stresi azaltmada etkili olacağı düşünülebilir.
International journal of Science Culture and Sport, 2015
The aim of this study is to determine the difference between body compositions and some mineral l... more The aim of this study is to determine the difference between body compositions and some mineral levels of elite wrestlers (at an international level) who have loss of weight and who have not loss of weight. 69 volunteer elite wrestlers involving in Turkey Championship participated in this study. The wrestler who had loss of weight and who had not loss of weight in order to compete in their weight class before the championship are randomly chosen and at the time of race weighing, an information form including demographic information, Tanita BC 418, bioelectrical impedance analyzer (BİA) with USA brand, body compositions and 5 cc of blood from their forearm venous with vacutainer (closed blood collection system) are received from wrestlers who participated in the study. The blood samples are divided into serums by centrifuged at 4000 rpm in 5 minutes by using NF-400 model centrifuge device with Nüve brand. Whether the wrestlers have loss of weight or not is calculated with a formula after their Sodium (Na +), Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) and Glucose levels are analyzed and they are separated into two groups according to their Plasma Osmolarity (P Osm) levels. The wrestlers whose P Osm level ≤290 are discussed as the group not having loss of weight and the wrestler whose P Osm level >290 are discussed as the group having loss of weight. The information about the amount of loss of weight that they have before a race as a demographic variable is received from the sportsmen participating in this study. The basal metabolic rate, percentage of body fat, fat mass, free fat mass, total body water was determined with BİA. In the blood samples; Na + , BUN, Glucose, Iron (Fe), Calcium (Ca), Potassium (K) and Chlorine (Cl) levels are measured by using kits with brand of Beckman Coulter in the AU2700 Plus model biochemical auto analyzer with brand of Beckman Coulter and Vitamin B12 and insulin levels are measured by using kits with brand of Roche in the Cobas E601 model hormone auto analyzer with brand of Roche Hitachi. Testing of normality of the data obtained is carried by Shapiro Wilk Test and the relations among the variables with normal distribution are examined with correlation analysis. Independent Samples T Test for two groups while one way variance analysis (One Way ANOVA) was used for the groups more than two groups. Also; in order to determine what caused the differences obtained as the result of variance analysis; LSD test, which is one of the multiple comparison tests, was used. It is determined that there are not statistically significant differences among demographic variables (age, height, weight and body mass index) of the group that has loss of weight and the one that have not (p>0,05). When the body compositions are compared, statistically significant differences between free fat mass and total body water is determined (p < 0,05) and it is found that there is not any significant difference among basal metabolic rate, percentage of body fat and fat mass (p >0,05). When the difference of mineral levels of groups is examined, there is statistically significant difference in the BUN, Na + and P Osm levels (p<0,05) and there is not any statistically significant difference among the Glucose, Fe, Ca, K, Cl, Vitamin B12 and Insulin levels (p>0,05). In conclusion, it was found that the wrestlers who have weight loss increased total body water and free fat mass levels and therefore, BUN, Na + and P Osm levels increased.
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2013
The intensive acute exercises results in too much oxygen consumption and hence produce excessive ... more The intensive acute exercises results in too much oxygen consumption and hence produce excessive free radicals and damage of tissues. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of thyme tea on free radical formation and antioxidant system. Eighteen elite volunteer wrestlers joined the study. The wrestlers were randomly divided into two groups to from experiment and control groups. The subjects wrested five times during the study period according to F.I.L.A rules. The measurement are performed before and after the thyme tea loading. Study groups drunk thyme tea three times a day in 35 day period before loading after first measurement. The subjects participated in the study pre-contest (Comp. Before), immediately after the competition (Comp. After), 24 hours after the competition (Comp. after 24 h), 48 hours after the competition (Comp. After 48 h), blood samples were collected from forearm vein by 5cc total of 2 tubes. Tubes, centrifuge immediately after serums and transferred to tubes Eppendorf Total of Antioxidant Capacity (TAC), Malondialdehyde (MDA) and total sulfhydryl group (RSH) stored at the 75 C until o determination of analysis. The results showed that no difference was noted between the values of the groups before the thyme loading process, a meaningful increase (p<0.05) was determined in the level of TAC, after thyme loading, for the experimental group when it was compared to the pre-loading levels. Therefore, the decrease observed in the level of MDA after thyme loading process was meaningful statistically (p<0.01). The numerical decrease observed in the experimental group, meanwhile, in the levels of RSH wasn't meaningful (p>0.05). Whereas significant differences were found in the levels of MDA and TAC, after thyme loading, for the experimental group when compared to the control group (p<0.05), no meaningful difference was observed for the level of RSH. it is determined in the study that wrestling competition causes significant oxidant stress in wrestlers and increase total antioxidant capacity. However, it is detected that it makes nonenzymatic antioxidant capacity fall.
Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, 2014
The Ghrelin is produced primarily by enteroendocrine cells in the gastric mucosa, and increases g... more The Ghrelin is produced primarily by enteroendocrine cells in the gastric mucosa, and increases gastric emptying in normal subjects. The purpose of this study is to determine the differences in the Ghrelin level during different times along the day, and to assess the differences between the athletes and sedentary at the end of Ramadan fasting period of one month. The results indicated that there were no significant difference among the Ghrelin levels of athletes and sedentary during different times through the day (p>0.05). Significant differences were observed between pre-and post-tests mean Ghrelin scores of subjects (p<0.05) without making a separation as an athlete and sedentary. Also, the results indicated no significant difference between repeated Ghrelin measurements of athletes and sedentary (p>0.05). A significant and positive relationship was found in the middle level at the percentages of BMI and body fat of both groups. Moreover, there were significant differences among BMI scores (p<0.01) and body fat % (p<0.05) of the athletes and sedentary. Consequently, fasting during Ramadan did not cause any differentiation on the serum Ghrelin level of athletes and sedentary, but without group differentiation there was significant increase from the initial measurement to the last measurement of the serum Ghrelin level. There was a significant and positive relationship at middle level between BMI and body fat % of both groups of athletes and sedentary. There was a significant relationship, on the other hand, between BMI and repeated Ghrelin measurements of subjects.
Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, 2014
This study aims to examine the effects of changing rules of wrestling competitions on the elite w... more This study aims to examine the effects of changing rules of wrestling competitions on the elite wrestlers' muscular damage levels. Twenty male wrestlers from the wrestling team established by the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality, which competes in the 1st Wrestling League, volunteered to take part in the research. The age average of the wrestlers was 20.4±2.8 years, their average age of sports 7.45±4.29 years, their height average 173,8 ±4,97 cm, and weight average 77.4 ±16.22 kg. Some blood samples of 5 cc each were taken from each wrestler's forearm vein by means of the vacutainer (a closed blood taking system) for the two competitions separately before and after the competitions; and on 24th, 48th, and 72nd hours following the competitions in the research. For looking at the levels of Creatine Kinase (CK), Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH), Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST), and Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT), serums were obtained by centrifuging the blood samples those taken to determine the levels of the skeletal muscle damages of the wrestlers at 1000 RPM for 20 minutes. The enzyme levels of the blood samples (the serum of which was decomposed) were determined by the SIEMENS ADVIA biochemistry auto-analyzer using the SIEMENS kit. While the repetitive measurements were assessed via one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), the Bonferroni testing was applied in order to determine from which measurement times the differences were originated. The Paired Samples-t testing, meanwhile, was performed in order to compare the blood samples collected from the athletes at same times for the both completed competitions having different rules. No significant difference was observed between AST and ALT values on the aminotransferase of the wrestlers according to two different rules (p˃0.05). Whereas significant differences were confirmed between the values of 48 hours after and 72 hours after the competition for the LDH values (p<0.05), no significant difference, on the other hand, were detected between other values (p˃0.05). Although significant differences were observed between the results obtained following competition and 72 hours after the competition for the CK values (p<0.05), there was no significant difference between other values (p˃0.05). Consequently, it was observed that when the wrestlers took part in two-day wrestling competitions, the basal values were reached 72nd hour after the competition, and no muscle damage remained, whereas when they took part in half-day wrestling competitions it was confirmed at the end of the 72nd hour that the LDH and CK levels of the wrestlers couldn't come close to the basal and the muscle damage was present (p<0.05).
Selçuk Üniversitesi Beden …, 2011
Page 1. Orta Yaş Sedanter Bayanlarda Sekiz Haftalık Step-Aerobik Egzersizin Solunum Parametreleri... more Page 1. Orta Yaş Sedanter Bayanlarda Sekiz Haftalık Step-Aerobik Egzersizin Solunum Parametrelerine Etkisi * Sedef KURT, Serkan HAZAR, Berkan ALPAY, Serkan İBİŞ ... 14.Sevim Y. Antrenman Bilgisi Gazi Büro Kitabevi, Ankara; 1997. 15. ...
International Journal of …, 2010
Orta yaş sedanter bayanlara 8 haftalık step-aerobik egzersiz programının bazı fiziksel uygunluk p... more Orta yaş sedanter bayanlara 8 haftalık step-aerobik egzersiz programının bazı fiziksel uygunluk parametrelerine etkisini incelemek amacı ile yapılan çalışmaya yaş ortalamaları 39,33±4,67 yıl olan sağlıklı 15 bayan, gönüllü olarak katılmıştır. Araştırma grubuna haftada 3 gün 45-55 dakika süreli, %50-60 şiddetinde step-aerobik egzersiz programı uygulandı. Katılımcıların, egzersiz programı öncesi ve sonrası, vücut ağırlıkları, vücut kitle indeksleri, istirahat durumundaki nabızları, beş dakika yürüyüş bandı sonrası nabızları, esneklikleri, anaerobik güçleri, aerobik kapasiteleri, sırt-bacak kuvvetleri, el kavrama kuvvetleri, vücut yağ yüzdeleri, sistolik ve diastolik kan basınçları ölçüldü. Verilerin istatistiksel analizi paired t-testi ile yapıldı. Çalışma sonunda araştırma grubunun istirahat durumundaki nabızları, beş dakika yürüyüş bandı sonrası nabızları, vücut yağ yüzdeleri, sistolik kan basınçları değerlerinde anlamlı bir azalma tespit edilirken esneklik, anaerobik güç, aerobik kapasite, bacak kuvveti, sağ ve sol kavrama kuvveti değerlerinde anlamlı bir artış, tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak düzenli ve uzun süreli yapılan step-aerobik egzersizin orta yaş sedanter bayanlarda fiziksel uygunluk parametrelerine pozitif etkileri olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2011
British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2010