A. Mathis - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by A. Mathis
Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental, 2018
Temporalmente, as Reservas Extrativistas (RESEX) perdem identidade de Unidades de Conservação de ... more Temporalmente, as Reservas Extrativistas (RESEX) perdem identidade de Unidades de Conservação de uso sustentável, à medida que os resultados se apresentam insustentáveis. Nestes termos, avaliamos os resultados das políticas estatais, os sistemas produtivos e os impactos ambientais que impedem alcançar conservação e desenvolvimento. Este estudo é importante porque poucas literaturas discutem esta temática, e as que foram enunciadas até o momento não avaliam o modelo a partir da presença Estatal, dos sistemas de produção e dos impactos ao meio ambiente, portanto, oriundos destas interrelações. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida por meio do estudo de associação com interferência, onde algumas variáveis dependeram de outras, e, além do mais, foram aplicados formulários semiabertos e entrevistas livres. Aqui, concluímos que as RESEX são insustentáveis porque estas áreas foram criadas para conservação ecossistêmica, e não para melhoria de vida de milhares de famílias. De igual modo, a insustenta...
and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requi... more and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal ? Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim.
and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requi... more and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal ? Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim.
and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requi... more and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal ? Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim.
Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 2014
O artigo traz uma abordagem sobre as ações coletivas de participação nos conselhos municipais de ... more O artigo traz uma abordagem sobre as ações coletivas de participação nos conselhos municipais de saúde. A pesquisa que o fundamenta teve como objetivo verificar a atuação dos conselheiros nos conselhos municipais de saúde da Região Metropolitana de Belém (PA). Foi utilizado levantamento documental (período 2005 a 2010), entrevistas estruturadas com conselheiros e observações em sessões de reuniões dos conselhos de três municípios. Foi construído um indicador de três níveis de participação com base nas funções legais dos conselhos de saúde, tendo como fundamento analítico a teoria dos grupos sociais. Os resultados indicam que as ações dos conselhos são marcadas por cooptação de conselheiros, definição de agendas deliberativas por parte de representantes da gestão, predominando os interesses individuais dos conselheiros sobre os interesses coletivos nas deliberações. Concluiu que tais comportamentos contrariam os princípios do Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS e fragiliza a imagem social d...
tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society, 1970
A systemic approach to sustainability is suggested where the society-environment relationship is ... more A systemic approach to sustainability is suggested where the society-environment relationship is conceived in terms of complex, open systems. The sustainability of the relationship between society and the environment can be analyzed with the help of Material Flow Analysis (MFA). MFA reveals aspects of the economy that concern its relationship to the environment and can't be covered by monetary analyses. In this work material flows and their resulting indicators for the Brazilian economy from 1975 to 1995 are presented. The results show that the Brazilian economy in 1995 became much more intensive in material than in 1975. This development is in line with a global trend of material consumption becoming more intensive and unsustainable. The global economic system has not diminished its size, but expanded its consumption drive in relation to the environment.
Journal of Sustainable Development, 2021
The extractive reserves (RESEXs) were founded with the objective of minimizing the environmental ... more The extractive reserves (RESEXs) were founded with the objective of minimizing the environmental impacts caused by large producers and improving the lives of traditional Amazonian communities. Three decades later, the inhabitants of RESEXs still face challenges in ensuring food security and income that can maintain minimum well-being. This study aimed to evaluate whether the actions of the national state can promote socioeconomic development and sustainably maintain people, fauna, and flora in the Amazon RESEXs. From this perspective, the variables of economic and social groups are affected by interference from the institutions one. Here, we find that the income generated is too low to ensure subsistence because few families develop extraction, agriculture, and livestock activities in a coordinated way.
O setor pesqueiro e aquícola no Brasil possui grande potencial de desenvolvimento devido suas car... more O setor pesqueiro e aquícola no Brasil possui grande potencial de desenvolvimento devido suas características - uma extensa costa litorânea e grandes bacias hidrográficas - proporcionando a exploração da pesca extrativa tanto marinha quanto continental. Adicionalmente, a abundância de água doce e terras, mais mão de obra relativamente baratas, estimulam a aquicultura. Soma-se a este cenário um mercado consumidor crescente. O objetivo deste trabalho é averiguar se a concessão de crédito rural impacta no aumento da produção de pescado no Brasil e na Região Norte, no período de janeiro de 2013 a janeiro de 2018. Para tanto, utilizou-se como base de informações os dados do Banco Central do Brasil (BCB), a partir do Sistema de Operações do Crédito Rural e do Proagro – SICOR, que é o sistema que cadastra todas as operações de crédito rural e os enquadramentos no Programa de Garantia da Atividade Agropecuária. Em termos de resultados, a pesquisa apontou a concessão de um crédito crescente ...
Papers do NAEA, 2008
As discussões sobre elite, como parte da sociologia moderna, emerge na Europa dentro de um contex... more As discussões sobre elite, como parte da sociologia moderna, emerge na Europa dentro de um contexto histórica marcado por mudanças estruturais originadas por processos de urbanização e industrialização nas últimas décadas do século XIX. Para a burguesia tradicional o surgimento de um grande contingente de trabalhadores das indústrias constitui–se como uma ameaça ao seu status quo dentro da ordem social existente e ao mesmo tempo se tornou objeto de interesses científicos. Gustave Le Bon publicou em 1895 sua obra „Psicologia das massas? („La Psychologie des Foules?) tentando fornecer argumentos científicos para justificar a profunda desconfiança da classe burguesa do proletariado industrial. Le Bon vê a massa como propulsor de uma mudança social - em geral de forma violenta através de movimentos revolucionários. Desprovida de formação ela se torna objeto fácil de manipulação, ainda mais que ela está sempre em busca de uma liderança (MICHELS, 1982).Palavras-chave: Elites políticas. Sociologia
O texto destaca a importância do cientista politica Elmar Altvater para a interpretacao critica d... more O texto destaca a importância do cientista politica Elmar Altvater para a interpretacao critica dos processos de desenvolvimento da Amazonia e mostra a influencia que o seu convivo na regiao teve para a sua elaboracao teorica dos processos de transformacao social e economicos geradas pela globalizacao. Apos apresentacao do arcabouco teorico elaborado por Altvater para interpretar o processo de valorizacao da Amazonia, o artigo indica possibilidades e necessidades de ampliar o legado conceitual de Altvater para adequa-lo as mudancas que caraterizaram a regiao nos ultimos trinta anos. Palavras-chave: Amazonia. Elmar Altvater. Espaco funcional. Globalizacao. Organizacao. Desenvolvimento regional.
The Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), with the financial support from the World Bank/BIRD contr... more The Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), with the financial support from the World Bank/BIRD contracted a comprehensive study on the subject of Small Scale Mining (MPE) in order to upgrade the existing information and data, and, to complement available statistics. This study will generate key information and data regarding strategic planning issues complementary to the National Mining Plan – PNM 2030. The hired consortium Projekt Consult/RCS Global with the support of the Nucleus for Research Support (NAP) of the University of Sao Paulo is currently conducting an evaluation and update of available information and existing bibliographic and documentary data. Report No. 1 entitled “Preliminary identification of data sources and bibliographic and documentary research” compiles a large scope of information fomenting the upcoming technical analyses. Product 1 will be the bibliographic resource, reference base and starting point for the data acquisition in the field. The compilation of bib...
Fuzzy rules have been used extensively in data mining. Our model is proposed to construct Fuzzy R... more Fuzzy rules have been used extensively in data mining. Our model is proposed to construct Fuzzy Rules with considering criteria of accuracy. The model consists of five phases: (1) Automatic attributes fuzzification, (2) Feature selection via core and reduct, (3) Fuzzy rules extraction via SQL statement, (4) Calculates Accuracy and Confidence for each rule, (5) Genetic coding of fuzzy rules. The algorithm determines automatically the parameters width of each attribute then uses the rough set to reduce the number of attributes (Feature Selection) via core and reduct. The model then extracts fuzzy rules using SQL statements and calculates Accuracy and Confidence. Finally, our genetic model represents each fuzzy set by "Real number" to improve the accuracy. The model applied on Iris and Wine datasets and the result will be better than the other models in term of the number of fuzzy sets and classification rate for evaluating the accuracy of training and test instances.
The META MPE Project “Socioeconomic and Environmental Diagnosis of Small-scale Mining in Brazil,”... more The META MPE Project “Socioeconomic and Environmental Diagnosis of Small-scale Mining in Brazil,” is a comprehensive study of the SSM sector within the Brazilian context. Carried out on request from the Brazilian Ministry of Mining and Energy (MME), the study has as its objective to analyze the socioeconomic and environmental dynamics of SSM universe in Brazil and, from the evaluation of the sector’s current conditions, to recommend public policy aiming at its organization and promotion. In this way, the diagnostic made by the Projekt-Consult/RCS Global Consortium has the purpose of providing information for strategic planning. This study was requested by MME from the acknowledgment that the array of existing information on SSM in Brazil had several constraints. Being exclusively based on data related to formalized operations, it does not reflect the practical reality of the sector in the country. Official statistics are incomplete, outdated to some extent, and scattered throughout ...
Journal of Management and Sustainability
The first extractive reserves (RESEXs) have completed 32 years of foundation and still encounter ... more The first extractive reserves (RESEXs) have completed 32 years of foundation and still encounter environmental and socioeconomic problems. Hence, this study aims to evaluate whether integrating technologies to the productive activities of extractivism, agriculture, and animal husbandry improves the lives of local communities and reduces environmental resource impact. The study employs the association method because more than two variables in the set of environmental, economic, social, and institutional groups manifested a relationship of dependence. Hence, we conclude that the most suitable strategy associates plant extraction, agriculture, and animal husbandry with technological innovations indicated for this model.
and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requi... more and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal ? Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim.
Este artigo analisa alguns indicadores do recente ciclo de mineração no estado do Amapá entre os ... more Este artigo analisa alguns indicadores do recente ciclo de mineração no estado do Amapá entre os anos de 2004 e 2016. Foram levantados os números da produção mineral e o valor comercializado, além dos benefícios da atividade com a arrecadação de royalties, chamada de contribuição financeira pela exploração mineral (CFEM). Avaliou-se indiretamente o comportamento da pesquisa mineral, a partir da análise do pagamento da taxa anual por hectare (TAH). Os dados indicam que a produção industrial mineral do estado do Amapá cresceu até o ano de 2012, sofrendo forte queda a seguir. Os principais bens comercializados foram: o ferro (24,55 Mton), o ouro (27 ton) e o caulim (3,6 Mton). Quanto à arrecadação de CFEM que totalizou R$ 129 milhões no período, verificou-se crescimento, mas, em taxa anual bem inferior à região norte e nacional: 4% contra 30,77% e 30,54%, respectivamente. Quanto ao pagamento da TAH, o Amapá registrou significativa redução no valor e no percentual de processos de pesqui...
Aragón, Luis E.; Clusener-Godt, Miguel. …, 2004
Page 1. 57 4. Norbert Fenzl * Armin Mathis ** 1. POLLUTION IN AMAZONIAN RIVERS – GENERAL ASPECTS ... more Page 1. 57 4. Norbert Fenzl * Armin Mathis ** 1. POLLUTION IN AMAZONIAN RIVERS – GENERAL ASPECTS ... Arsenic metal is employed to improve corrosion resistance and tensile strength in copper alloys (Reese Jr. 2001). 5.2. Arsenic and health ...
International Journal of Social Science Studies, 2021
In an attempt to mitigate the environmental impacts caused by large farmers, extractive reserves ... more In an attempt to mitigate the environmental impacts caused by large farmers, extractive reserves (RESEXs) were founded with the objectives of conserving biological diversity and meeting traditional communities’ vital needs. This study aimed to evaluate whether the objectives of human needs satisfaction and environmental conservation were achieved based on institutional investments in a RESEX in the Brazilian Amazon. The study was developed through the association method, and we confirmed interference due to the dependence relationship that occurred between the variables of the economic and social groups with the institutional one. Here, we conclude that low investments in social (education and health) and productive policies (roads, transport, and technical assistance) prevent social development and consequently motivate deforestation when families seek to ensure subsistence.
This article presents Niklas Luhmann's conceptions concerning the theory of the systems using... more This article presents Niklas Luhmann's conceptions concerning the theory of the systems using for so much, the society concept to discourse concerning the referred author's vision on as the relationship is half processed between the man and the that inhabits. KEYWORD : Theory of the systems, Society; Social system; Man; Humanities.
Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental, 2018
Temporalmente, as Reservas Extrativistas (RESEX) perdem identidade de Unidades de Conservação de ... more Temporalmente, as Reservas Extrativistas (RESEX) perdem identidade de Unidades de Conservação de uso sustentável, à medida que os resultados se apresentam insustentáveis. Nestes termos, avaliamos os resultados das políticas estatais, os sistemas produtivos e os impactos ambientais que impedem alcançar conservação e desenvolvimento. Este estudo é importante porque poucas literaturas discutem esta temática, e as que foram enunciadas até o momento não avaliam o modelo a partir da presença Estatal, dos sistemas de produção e dos impactos ao meio ambiente, portanto, oriundos destas interrelações. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida por meio do estudo de associação com interferência, onde algumas variáveis dependeram de outras, e, além do mais, foram aplicados formulários semiabertos e entrevistas livres. Aqui, concluímos que as RESEX são insustentáveis porque estas áreas foram criadas para conservação ecossistêmica, e não para melhoria de vida de milhares de famílias. De igual modo, a insustenta...
and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requi... more and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal ? Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim.
and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requi... more and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal ? Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim.
and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requi... more and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal ? Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim.
Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 2014
O artigo traz uma abordagem sobre as ações coletivas de participação nos conselhos municipais de ... more O artigo traz uma abordagem sobre as ações coletivas de participação nos conselhos municipais de saúde. A pesquisa que o fundamenta teve como objetivo verificar a atuação dos conselheiros nos conselhos municipais de saúde da Região Metropolitana de Belém (PA). Foi utilizado levantamento documental (período 2005 a 2010), entrevistas estruturadas com conselheiros e observações em sessões de reuniões dos conselhos de três municípios. Foi construído um indicador de três níveis de participação com base nas funções legais dos conselhos de saúde, tendo como fundamento analítico a teoria dos grupos sociais. Os resultados indicam que as ações dos conselhos são marcadas por cooptação de conselheiros, definição de agendas deliberativas por parte de representantes da gestão, predominando os interesses individuais dos conselheiros sobre os interesses coletivos nas deliberações. Concluiu que tais comportamentos contrariam os princípios do Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS e fragiliza a imagem social d...
tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society, 1970
A systemic approach to sustainability is suggested where the society-environment relationship is ... more A systemic approach to sustainability is suggested where the society-environment relationship is conceived in terms of complex, open systems. The sustainability of the relationship between society and the environment can be analyzed with the help of Material Flow Analysis (MFA). MFA reveals aspects of the economy that concern its relationship to the environment and can't be covered by monetary analyses. In this work material flows and their resulting indicators for the Brazilian economy from 1975 to 1995 are presented. The results show that the Brazilian economy in 1995 became much more intensive in material than in 1975. This development is in line with a global trend of material consumption becoming more intensive and unsustainable. The global economic system has not diminished its size, but expanded its consumption drive in relation to the environment.
Journal of Sustainable Development, 2021
The extractive reserves (RESEXs) were founded with the objective of minimizing the environmental ... more The extractive reserves (RESEXs) were founded with the objective of minimizing the environmental impacts caused by large producers and improving the lives of traditional Amazonian communities. Three decades later, the inhabitants of RESEXs still face challenges in ensuring food security and income that can maintain minimum well-being. This study aimed to evaluate whether the actions of the national state can promote socioeconomic development and sustainably maintain people, fauna, and flora in the Amazon RESEXs. From this perspective, the variables of economic and social groups are affected by interference from the institutions one. Here, we find that the income generated is too low to ensure subsistence because few families develop extraction, agriculture, and livestock activities in a coordinated way.
O setor pesqueiro e aquícola no Brasil possui grande potencial de desenvolvimento devido suas car... more O setor pesqueiro e aquícola no Brasil possui grande potencial de desenvolvimento devido suas características - uma extensa costa litorânea e grandes bacias hidrográficas - proporcionando a exploração da pesca extrativa tanto marinha quanto continental. Adicionalmente, a abundância de água doce e terras, mais mão de obra relativamente baratas, estimulam a aquicultura. Soma-se a este cenário um mercado consumidor crescente. O objetivo deste trabalho é averiguar se a concessão de crédito rural impacta no aumento da produção de pescado no Brasil e na Região Norte, no período de janeiro de 2013 a janeiro de 2018. Para tanto, utilizou-se como base de informações os dados do Banco Central do Brasil (BCB), a partir do Sistema de Operações do Crédito Rural e do Proagro – SICOR, que é o sistema que cadastra todas as operações de crédito rural e os enquadramentos no Programa de Garantia da Atividade Agropecuária. Em termos de resultados, a pesquisa apontou a concessão de um crédito crescente ...
Papers do NAEA, 2008
As discussões sobre elite, como parte da sociologia moderna, emerge na Europa dentro de um contex... more As discussões sobre elite, como parte da sociologia moderna, emerge na Europa dentro de um contexto histórica marcado por mudanças estruturais originadas por processos de urbanização e industrialização nas últimas décadas do século XIX. Para a burguesia tradicional o surgimento de um grande contingente de trabalhadores das indústrias constitui–se como uma ameaça ao seu status quo dentro da ordem social existente e ao mesmo tempo se tornou objeto de interesses científicos. Gustave Le Bon publicou em 1895 sua obra „Psicologia das massas? („La Psychologie des Foules?) tentando fornecer argumentos científicos para justificar a profunda desconfiança da classe burguesa do proletariado industrial. Le Bon vê a massa como propulsor de uma mudança social - em geral de forma violenta através de movimentos revolucionários. Desprovida de formação ela se torna objeto fácil de manipulação, ainda mais que ela está sempre em busca de uma liderança (MICHELS, 1982).Palavras-chave: Elites políticas. Sociologia
O texto destaca a importância do cientista politica Elmar Altvater para a interpretacao critica d... more O texto destaca a importância do cientista politica Elmar Altvater para a interpretacao critica dos processos de desenvolvimento da Amazonia e mostra a influencia que o seu convivo na regiao teve para a sua elaboracao teorica dos processos de transformacao social e economicos geradas pela globalizacao. Apos apresentacao do arcabouco teorico elaborado por Altvater para interpretar o processo de valorizacao da Amazonia, o artigo indica possibilidades e necessidades de ampliar o legado conceitual de Altvater para adequa-lo as mudancas que caraterizaram a regiao nos ultimos trinta anos. Palavras-chave: Amazonia. Elmar Altvater. Espaco funcional. Globalizacao. Organizacao. Desenvolvimento regional.
The Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), with the financial support from the World Bank/BIRD contr... more The Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), with the financial support from the World Bank/BIRD contracted a comprehensive study on the subject of Small Scale Mining (MPE) in order to upgrade the existing information and data, and, to complement available statistics. This study will generate key information and data regarding strategic planning issues complementary to the National Mining Plan – PNM 2030. The hired consortium Projekt Consult/RCS Global with the support of the Nucleus for Research Support (NAP) of the University of Sao Paulo is currently conducting an evaluation and update of available information and existing bibliographic and documentary data. Report No. 1 entitled “Preliminary identification of data sources and bibliographic and documentary research” compiles a large scope of information fomenting the upcoming technical analyses. Product 1 will be the bibliographic resource, reference base and starting point for the data acquisition in the field. The compilation of bib...
Fuzzy rules have been used extensively in data mining. Our model is proposed to construct Fuzzy R... more Fuzzy rules have been used extensively in data mining. Our model is proposed to construct Fuzzy Rules with considering criteria of accuracy. The model consists of five phases: (1) Automatic attributes fuzzification, (2) Feature selection via core and reduct, (3) Fuzzy rules extraction via SQL statement, (4) Calculates Accuracy and Confidence for each rule, (5) Genetic coding of fuzzy rules. The algorithm determines automatically the parameters width of each attribute then uses the rough set to reduce the number of attributes (Feature Selection) via core and reduct. The model then extracts fuzzy rules using SQL statements and calculates Accuracy and Confidence. Finally, our genetic model represents each fuzzy set by "Real number" to improve the accuracy. The model applied on Iris and Wine datasets and the result will be better than the other models in term of the number of fuzzy sets and classification rate for evaluating the accuracy of training and test instances.
The META MPE Project “Socioeconomic and Environmental Diagnosis of Small-scale Mining in Brazil,”... more The META MPE Project “Socioeconomic and Environmental Diagnosis of Small-scale Mining in Brazil,” is a comprehensive study of the SSM sector within the Brazilian context. Carried out on request from the Brazilian Ministry of Mining and Energy (MME), the study has as its objective to analyze the socioeconomic and environmental dynamics of SSM universe in Brazil and, from the evaluation of the sector’s current conditions, to recommend public policy aiming at its organization and promotion. In this way, the diagnostic made by the Projekt-Consult/RCS Global Consortium has the purpose of providing information for strategic planning. This study was requested by MME from the acknowledgment that the array of existing information on SSM in Brazil had several constraints. Being exclusively based on data related to formalized operations, it does not reflect the practical reality of the sector in the country. Official statistics are incomplete, outdated to some extent, and scattered throughout ...
Journal of Management and Sustainability
The first extractive reserves (RESEXs) have completed 32 years of foundation and still encounter ... more The first extractive reserves (RESEXs) have completed 32 years of foundation and still encounter environmental and socioeconomic problems. Hence, this study aims to evaluate whether integrating technologies to the productive activities of extractivism, agriculture, and animal husbandry improves the lives of local communities and reduces environmental resource impact. The study employs the association method because more than two variables in the set of environmental, economic, social, and institutional groups manifested a relationship of dependence. Hence, we conclude that the most suitable strategy associates plant extraction, agriculture, and animal husbandry with technological innovations indicated for this model.
and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requi... more and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal ? Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim.
Este artigo analisa alguns indicadores do recente ciclo de mineração no estado do Amapá entre os ... more Este artigo analisa alguns indicadores do recente ciclo de mineração no estado do Amapá entre os anos de 2004 e 2016. Foram levantados os números da produção mineral e o valor comercializado, além dos benefícios da atividade com a arrecadação de royalties, chamada de contribuição financeira pela exploração mineral (CFEM). Avaliou-se indiretamente o comportamento da pesquisa mineral, a partir da análise do pagamento da taxa anual por hectare (TAH). Os dados indicam que a produção industrial mineral do estado do Amapá cresceu até o ano de 2012, sofrendo forte queda a seguir. Os principais bens comercializados foram: o ferro (24,55 Mton), o ouro (27 ton) e o caulim (3,6 Mton). Quanto à arrecadação de CFEM que totalizou R$ 129 milhões no período, verificou-se crescimento, mas, em taxa anual bem inferior à região norte e nacional: 4% contra 30,77% e 30,54%, respectivamente. Quanto ao pagamento da TAH, o Amapá registrou significativa redução no valor e no percentual de processos de pesqui...
Aragón, Luis E.; Clusener-Godt, Miguel. …, 2004
Page 1. 57 4. Norbert Fenzl * Armin Mathis ** 1. POLLUTION IN AMAZONIAN RIVERS – GENERAL ASPECTS ... more Page 1. 57 4. Norbert Fenzl * Armin Mathis ** 1. POLLUTION IN AMAZONIAN RIVERS – GENERAL ASPECTS ... Arsenic metal is employed to improve corrosion resistance and tensile strength in copper alloys (Reese Jr. 2001). 5.2. Arsenic and health ...
International Journal of Social Science Studies, 2021
In an attempt to mitigate the environmental impacts caused by large farmers, extractive reserves ... more In an attempt to mitigate the environmental impacts caused by large farmers, extractive reserves (RESEXs) were founded with the objectives of conserving biological diversity and meeting traditional communities’ vital needs. This study aimed to evaluate whether the objectives of human needs satisfaction and environmental conservation were achieved based on institutional investments in a RESEX in the Brazilian Amazon. The study was developed through the association method, and we confirmed interference due to the dependence relationship that occurred between the variables of the economic and social groups with the institutional one. Here, we conclude that low investments in social (education and health) and productive policies (roads, transport, and technical assistance) prevent social development and consequently motivate deforestation when families seek to ensure subsistence.
This article presents Niklas Luhmann's conceptions concerning the theory of the systems using... more This article presents Niklas Luhmann's conceptions concerning the theory of the systems using for so much, the society concept to discourse concerning the referred author's vision on as the relationship is half processed between the man and the that inhabits. KEYWORD : Theory of the systems, Society; Social system; Man; Humanities.