Adem Kamalak - (original) (raw)
Papers by Adem Kamalak
Journal of agriculture, Jun 30, 2022
In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the nutrient content, gas production, methane production,... more In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the nutrient content, gas production, methane production, metabolisable energy, and organic matter digestibility of some fruit residues obtained from markets. Lemon, orange, tangerine, apple, melon, watermelon, pomegranate, and pear were used as study materials. On the collected materials, crude ash (CA), dry matter (DM), acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), ether extract (EE), and crude protein (CP) analysis were performed; gas production (GP) values were found; and metabolic energy (ME) contents and organic matter digestibility (OMD) degrees of residues were calculated depending on these values. The species significantly (P<0.001) affected the nutrient content and GP values of residues. The CA, DM, ADF, NDF, EE, and CP of fruit residues varied between 0.44 and 0.99%, 6.81 and 25.65%, 5.02 and 16.75%, 8.15 and 21.04%, 3.32 and 12.55%, and 1.81 and 10.89%, respectively. The GP, net methane, percentage of methane, ME, and OMD of residues varied between 61.22 and 90.95 ml, 6.93 to 11.04 ml, 10.96 to 12.92%, 10.91 to 14.92 mj kg-1 DM, and 72.62 to 98.96%, respectively. Based on the findings obtained as a result of the study, it is understood that these residues can be a good feed source for ruminant animals, but it is thought that studies on the use of these water-rich residues by both the drying method and silage with other feed materials should continue. Considering its anti-methanogenic properties, pomegranate residues were close to this potential but were not found at the desired level. By using these residues, which are seen as garbage, in animal nutrition, environmental pollution will be prevented.
Iğdır üniversitesi fen bilimleri enstitüsü dergisi, 2017
Black sea journal of agriculture, Oct 1, 2019
Özet Bu çalışmada, semt pazarları ve sebze meyve hallerinden elde edilen pazar artığı kök ve yumr... more Özet Bu çalışmada, semt pazarları ve sebze meyve hallerinden elde edilen pazar artığı kök ve yumrulu bitkilerin kimyasal kompozisyonları, gaz üretimleri, metan üretimleri, organik madde sindirim dereceleri ve metabolik enerji değerlerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma materyali olarak kullanılan patates, havuç, şekerpancarı, tatlı patates, şalgam, siyah havuç, turp ve yer elması Kahramanmaraş ilinde kurulan semt pazarları ile sabit sebze meyve halinden temin edilmiştir. Toplanan materyallerin kuru madde (KM), ham kül (HK), ham protein (HP), asit deterjan fiber (ADF), nötral deterjan fiber (NDF) ve ham yağ (HY) içerikleri ve gaz üretim (GÜ) miktarları belirlenmiş ve bu değerlere bağlı olarak organik madde sindirim dereceleri (OMSD) ve metabolik enerji (ME) içerikleri hesaplanmıştır. Kök ve yumrulu bitki pazar
Iğdır Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi
Bu çalışma 21 farklı baklagil yem bitkisinin kimyasal kompozisyonlarının, nispi yem değerlerinin ... more Bu çalışma 21 farklı baklagil yem bitkisinin kimyasal kompozisyonlarının, nispi yem değerlerinin (NYD), in-vitro gaz üretimi (IVGÜ) ile metabolik enerji (ME) ve organik madde sindirim derecelerinin (OMSD) belirlenmesi amacıyla yürütülmüştür. İncelenen türlerin ham protein (HP) oranları %12.75-24.96, ADF oranları %23.63-39.53, NDF oranları %36.29-49.16, nispi yem değerleri (NYD) 109.96-179.20, toplam gaz üretimleri (TG) 38.81-50.89 ml, metabolik enerjileri (ME) 8.52-10.45 MJ kg-1 KM, organik madde sindirim dereceleri (OMSD) %56.10-68.54 aralığında bulunmuştur. Macar fiği (Vicia pannonica Crantz.) ve koca fiğ (Vicia narbonensis L.) HP oranı bakımından öne çıkarken (sırasıyla %24.96 ve 24.72), ADF oranı bakımından koca fiğ (%23.63) ve fıçı yoncası (Medicago trancatula Gaertn.) (%23.64), NDF oranı bakımından sırasıyla anadolu üçgülü (Trifolium resupinatum L.) (%36.29), alaca taç otu (Coronilla varia L.) (%36.49) ve ak üçgül (Trifolium repens L.) (%36.72) öne çıkmıştır. NYD en yüksek ana...
This study was conducted to compare the nutritive value of the whole crop sweet corn or sweet cor... more This study was conducted to compare the nutritive value of the whole crop sweet corn or sweet corn residue silages with regular silage corn or its residue silages using the chemical composition, gas production kinetics, energy and digestibility. Although, Dry Matter (DM) contents of whole crop Sweet Corn Silage (SCS) and Sweet Corn Residue Silage (SCRS) were significantly (pThis study was conducted to compare the nutritive value of the whole crop sweet corn or sweet corn residue silages with regular silage corn or its residue silages using the chemical composition, gas production kinetics, energy and digestibility. Although, Dry Matter (DM) contents of whole crop Sweet Corn Silage (SCS) and Sweet Corn Residue Silage (SCRS) were significantly (p<0.001) lower than those obtained for counterparts, Crude Protein (CP) contents of SCS and SCRS were significantly (p<0.001) higher than those of conventional counterparts. Neutral Detergent Fibre (NDF) content of SCS was significantly (...
Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Çalışmada Muş ilinde ruminant beslemede kullanılan bazı kaba ve kesif yemlerin hayvan beslemede k... more Çalışmada Muş ilinde ruminant beslemede kullanılan bazı kaba ve kesif yemlerin hayvan beslemede kullanım olanakları için besin madde içerikleri, in vitro gaz üretimleri (İVGÜ), metabolik enerji (ME) ve organik madde sindirim derecesi (OMSD) değerlerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yem maddelerini yonca kuru otu (YKO), mısır silajı (MS), buğday samanı (BS) gibi kaba yemler ile buğday (BT), arpa (AT), mısır tane (MT) yemleri, buğday kepeği (BK), ayçiçeği tohumu küspesi (ATK), pamuk tohumu küspesi (PTK) gibi kesif yemler oluşturmaktadır. Kaba ve kesif yemlerin kimyasal bileşimleri, gaz üretimleri, ME ve OMSD’ lerinde önemli farklar tespit edilmiştir (p
Iğdır Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2021
Yapılan bu çalışmada ruminant hayvan beslemede kullanılan bazı kaba ve kesif yem materyallerinin ... more Yapılan bu çalışmada ruminant hayvan beslemede kullanılan bazı kaba ve kesif yem materyallerinin kimyasal kompozisyonları, gaz üretim parametreleri, metabolik enerji (ME) ve organik madde sindirim dereceleri in vitro gaz üretim tekniği kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Kaba yemlerin içeriğindeki asit deterjan fiber (ADF) ve nötral deterjan fiber (NDF) oranı ile yemlerin sindirilebilirlikleri arasında negatif bir ilişki olduğu görülmüştür. ADF ve NDF bakımından zengin bir kaba yem olan samanın organik madde sindirim derecesi (OMSD) düşük bulunmuştur. En yüksek Ham kül içeriğine saman (%9.22) sahip olurken en düşük kül içeriğine mısır danesi (%1.37) sahip olmuştur. Yemlerin ham kül (HK) içerikleri ile ürettikleri toplam gaz arasında negatif bir ilişki vardır. Ham kül içeriği fazla olan yemlerin ürettikleri toplam gaz (TG) miktarları düşük bulunmuştur. Yemlerin ham protein (HP) içerikleri %2.48 ile %28.52 arasında değişmiştir ve aralarındaki farklar istatistiksel olarak çok önemli bulunmuşt...
Bu calismada semt pazarlari ve sebze meyve hallerinden elde edilen pazar artigi kok ve yumrulu ye... more Bu calismada semt pazarlari ve sebze meyve hallerinden elde edilen pazar artigi kok ve yumrulu yemlerin kimyasal kompozisyonlari, gaz uretimi, metan uretimi, organik madde sindirim derecesi ve metabolik enerji degerlerinin belirlenmesi amaclanmistir. Calisma materyali olarak patates, havuc, sekerpancari, tatli patates, salgam, siyah havuc, turp ve yer elmasi kullanilmis ve bu artik materyaller Kahramanmaras ilinde kurulan semt pazarlari ile sabit sebze meyve halinden elde edilmistir. Toplanan materyallerin kuru madde (KM), ham kul (HK), ham protein (HP), asit deterjan fiber (ADF), notral deterjan fiber (NDF), ham yag (HY) analizleri yapilmis, gaz uretim (GU) degerleri bulunmus ve bu degerlere bagli olarak metabolik enerji (ME) icerikleri ve organik madde sindirim dereceleri (OMSD) hesaplanmistir. Materyalin turu kimyasal kompozisyonu ve gaz uretim degerlerini onemli derecede (P<0.001) etkilemistir. Kok ve yumrulu pazar artiklarinin HK, KM, ADF, NDF, HY ve HP icerikleri sirasiyla ...
The aim of the current study was to determine the effect of oak tannin extract (Artutan) on in si... more The aim of the current study was to determine the effect of oak tannin extract (Artutan) on in situ dry matter and crude protein degradability of alfalfa silage by sheep. Alfalfa plant harvested at the beginning of flowering stage was ensiled with oak tannin extract (0, 1.5, 3.0, 4.5 and 6.0 % on fresh basis) quadruplicate in plastic silo with 50 kg capacity. Although the oak tannin extract had a significant effect on crude protein degradation of alfalfa silage, oak tannin extract had no significant effect on the dry matter degradability. The quickly soluble protein content of alfalfa silage decreased whereas slowly degradable protein content increased with increasing level of oak tannin extract. As a conclusion, oak tannin extract has the potential to reduce the protein degradability in the rumen.
Chemical composition, nutritive value and rumen methane potential of some legume tree pods Abstra... more Chemical composition, nutritive value and rumen methane potential of some legume tree pods Abstract The aim of the experiment was to determine the chemical composition, in vitro gas and methane production and rumen degradable substrate of pods from five leguminous tree species (Leucaena leucocephala, Albiza julibrissin, Robinia pseudoacacia, Acacia karroo and Gleditsia triacanthos) fed to small ruminant animals in Turkey. The pods had adequate levels of crude protein (13-21% in DM), high levels of water soluble DM (30-50% in DM) and moderate levels of NDF (33-51% in DM). Concentrations of condensed tannin were relatively low (0.56-4.3% in DM) except for Gleditsia triacanthos (7.99%). In anin vitro rumen incubation, there was a close relationship (R 2 =0.75)) between level of condensed tannin in the pods and methane concentration in the gas for four of the five species. Gleditsia triacanthos with the highest level of condensed tannin (8.0%) and the highest level of methane in the gas (6.2%) did not fit this relationship; the high content of sugars reported for this species may have been the factor contributing to the atypical relationship between the condensed tannin content and methane production. Methane content of the gas was linearly related with rate of gas production (R 2 =0.91, dry matter mineralized over the 24 h incubation (R 2 =0.97) and with the content of waCer soluble dry matter in the pods (R 2 =0.99). The NDF content in the pods was a less reliable measure of methane production (R 2 =0.78).
The aim of the current study was to determine the effect of oak tannin extract (Artutan) on the a... more The aim of the current study was to determine the effect of oak tannin extract (Artutan) on the alfalfa silage composition. Alfalfa plant harvested at the beginning of flowering stage was ensiled with oak tannin extract (0, 1.5, 3.0, 4.5 and 6.0 on fresh basis) quadruplicate in plastic silo with 50 kg capacity. The oak tannin extract had a significant effect on the chemical composition and fermentation parameters of alfalfa silage. The dry matter contents of resultant alfalfa silages increased with increasing level of oak tannin extracts whereas ash, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber contents were decreased. The supplementation of oak tannin extract resulted in the decrease in ammonia, biogenic amine, acetic acid, butyric acid contents and pH values but the increase in lactic acid, propionic acid contents and fleig skore. As a conclusion, the supplementation of oak tannin extract is moderately improved silage quality of alfalfa.
Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 2019
Bu çalışmanın üç farklı zamanda hasat edilen sirken otunun (Chenopodium album) besleme değerini k... more Bu çalışmanın üç farklı zamanda hasat edilen sirken otunun (Chenopodium album) besleme değerini kimyasal kompozisyon ve gaz üretim tekniği kullanarak belirlemektir. Hasat zamanı Sirken otunun kimyasal kompozisyonunu önemli derecede etkilemiştir. Sirken otunun olgunlaşmasıyla beraber asit deterjan fiber (ADF) ve nötral deterjan fiber (NDF) içerikleri artarken, ham protein (HP), ham kül (HK) ve ham yağ (HY) içerikleri azalmıştır. Sirken otunun ADF ve NDF içerikleri sırasıyla % 23.56 ile 36.82 ve % 40.27 ile 52.64 arasında değişmiştir. Diğer taraftan Sirken otunun HP içeriği ise % 8.44 ile 19.32 arasında değişmiştir. Sirken otunun in vitro gaz üretim değerleri 28.93 ile 39.53 ml arasında değişmiştir. Olgunlaşma dönemlerinin ilerlemesiyle Sirken otunun besleme değeri düşmüştür. Olgunlaşma dönemlerinden ilk iki dönemde Sirken otunun ham protein ve metabolik enerji bakımından çok iyi derecede olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu yüzden ilk iki dönemde hasat edilen Sirken otu ruminant hayvanların...
Iğdır Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2018
Bu çalışma keçiboynuzu kırığının çayır silajının in vitro ve in situ parçalana birliğine olan etk... more Bu çalışma keçiboynuzu kırığının çayır silajının in vitro ve in situ parçalana birliğine olan etkisini belirlemekiçin yapılmıştır. Çayır otu, keçiboynuzu kırığı ( 0, 1.5, 3.0, 4.5 ve 6.0 % yaş olarak) ile 3 lt’lik plastik bidonlardaaltmış gün silolanmıştır. Çayır otunun yemlik keçiboynuzunu kırığı ile silolanması oluşan silajların in vitro ve in situparçalanmasını önemli derecede etkilemiştir. Kontrol grubuyla karşılaştırıldığında Yemlik keçiboynuzu kırığınınilavesi çayır silajlarının in vitro gaz üretim hızına (c) ve kolay fermente olan kısımdan elde edilen gaz üretimine (a)etkisi çok önemli olmasına rağmen, yavaş fermente olabilen kısımdan elde edilen gaz üretimini (b) etkilememiştir.Çayır otunun keçiboynuzu kırığı ile silolanması hızlı ve yavaş parçalanan kuru madde miktarını azaltmıştır. Diğertaraftan katkı maddesinin artmasıyla birlikte rumende proteinlerin parçalanmasının azaldığı görülmüştür. Sonuçolarak keçiboynuzu kırığı çayır otu silajında rumende proteinlerin aşırı parçal...
Hayvansal Üretim, 2017
The experiment was carried out to determine the effect of species on the nutritive value and meth... more The experiment was carried out to determine the effect of species on the nutritive value and methane production of citrus pulps. Species had a significant effects (P<0.001) on the chemical composition, gas production, methane production, metabolisable energy (ME) and organic matter digestibility (OMD) of citrus pulps. Crude protein (CP) content of Citrus paradise was significantly (P<0.001) higher than those of the other citrus species. Neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) contents of Citrus sinensis and Citrus reticulata were significantly (P<0.001) lower than the others. Methane production from Citrus reticulata was significantly (P<0.001) higher than those of Citrus limon and Citrus paradise. The ME of pulp from Citrus reticulata was significantly (P<0.001) higher than that of Citrus limon pulp whereas OMD of pulp from Citrus reticulata was significantly (P<0.001) higher than those of pulps from Citrus limon and Citrus paradise. As conclusion, citrus pulps from different species have a high potential as forage for ruminant animals since citrus pulps have high ME and OMD. However, the CP contents of citrus pulps should be taken into consideration and diets should be fortified with additional CP sources to compensate for the low crude protein when citrus pulps are included into ruminant diets.
Journal of Applied Animal Research, 2018
The purpose of present study was to determine the quality and in vitro digestion parameters in si... more The purpose of present study was to determine the quality and in vitro digestion parameters in silages of 100% pomegranate pomace (PPS), 100% apple pomace (APS) and 50% pomegranate pomace + 50% apple pomace (PAPS). The digestion parameters of 10% or 20% using of these silages in total mix ration (TMR) of dairy cattle were researched. The dry matter (DM), crude protein, flavonoids, tannins and anthocyanins of pomegranate pomace were higher than those of apple pomace. Fibrous and nonfibrous carbohydrates of pomegranate pomace were similar to those of apple pomace. The silage DM losses in APS decreased with pomegranate pomace (p = .004). The silage density, gas-methane production, and estimated digestion values of PPS and PAPS were higher than those of APS (p < .05). Lactic acid and pH value of APS and the PAPS were higher than the PPS (p < .01). The using of PPS up to 20% in TMR decreased in vitro estimated digestion of TMR (p < .05). The using of APS or PAPS up to 20% in TMR was appropriate for in vitro results. As a result, ensilaging of apple pomace with pomegranate pomace can increase silage density, silage DM; and can decrease silage DM losses; and do not affect silage quality-digestion parameters.
Ciencia e investigación agraria, 2017
I. Ulger, A. Kamalak, O. Kurt, E. Kaya, I. Guven. 2017. Comparison of chemical composition and an... more I. Ulger, A. Kamalak, O. Kurt, E. Kaya, I. Guven. 2017. Comparison of chemical composition and anti-methanogenic potential of Liquidambar orientalis leaves with Laurus nobilis and Eucalyptus globulus leaves using in vitro gas production technique. Cien. Inv. Agr. 44(1): 75-82. The aim of the present study was to compare the leaves of Liquidambar orientalis with the leaves of Laurus nobilis and Eucalyptus globulus in terms of their chemical composition and anti-methanogenic potential using an in vitro gas production technique. Species had a significant effect on the chemical composition, gas production, methane production, metabolizable energy and organic matter digestibility of the tree leaves. The crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and condensed tannin (CT) contents of the tree leaves ranged from 9.11 to 12.8, 22.49 to 35.85, 32.76 to 49.31, and 1.55 to 9.29%, respectively. The gas production, methane production, metabolizable energy (ME) and organic matter digestibility (OMD) ranged from 21.72 to 31.54 mL, 2.62 to 4.41 mL, 6.62 to 9.24 MJ kg-1 dry matter (DM), and 41.23 to 54.84%, respectively. It is likely that the leaves of L. orientalis would be more effective for methane mitigation in ruminant animals than those of E. globules or L. nobilis. However, prior to widespread implementation, the effect of the leaves of L. orientalis on animal production should be tested in vivo.
Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 2009
The objective of this study was to determine the eff ect of inclusion of essential oil thymol on ... more The objective of this study was to determine the eff ect of inclusion of essential oil thymol on the incubation on gas production kinetics, volatile fatty acids (VFA), organic matter digestibility (OMD) and metabolizable energy (ME) contents of alfalfa hay. Gas productions were determined at 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h incubation times. Thymol were added in the ratio of 0, 50, 100 and 200 mg/L. Gas production kinetics were determined using the equation Y = A (1-exp-ct). The thymol addition had a significant eff ect on the gas production kinetics, OMD and ME of alfalfa hay. Thymol at 200 mg/L resulted in 22.77% of decrease in potential gas production (A). The mean decrease in potential gas production per mg thymol supplementation was 0.0836 ml. The mean decreases in ME and OMD per mg thymol supplementation were 0.0132 (ME unit) and 0.086 (digestibility unit) respectively. The mean decreases in truly digestible dry matter (TDDM) and neutral detergent fibre (NDFD) per mg thymol supplementation were 0.0546 and 0.0748 digestibility units respectively (P<0.05; P<0.001). As a conclusion, thymol exhibit significant anti-microbial activity causing an inhibition of the overall fermentation process.
Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 2009
The aim of this study was to determine the gas production kinetics of wheat straw, alfalfa hay an... more The aim of this study was to determine the gas production kinetics of wheat straw, alfalfa hay and barley grain and estimate t25, t50, t75 and t95 using Y = A(1-exp-ct) exponential model. Gas productions were determined at 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h incubation times. At all incubation times gas production of barley grain was significantly (P<0.01) higher than those of wheat straw and alfalfa hay. The in vitro gas production rate (c) and total gas production (A) of barley grain was significantly (P<0.01) higher than those of wheat straw and alfalfa hay. Time to produce 25, 50, 75 and 95% of total gas production (t25, t50, t75 and t95) of barley grain also were significantly (P<0.01) lower than those of wheat straw and alfalfa hay. As a result, in addition to the "c" and "A", using Y = A(1-expct) exponential model the estimation of t25, t50, t75 and t95 will provide more useful data to compare feedstuffs in terms of in vitro fermentation studies.
Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 2012
The potential nutritive values of acorns of Quercus suber, Quercus branti, Quercus coccifera, Que... more The potential nutritive values of acorns of Quercus suber, Quercus branti, Quercus coccifera, Quercus cerris and Quercus infectoria were estimated by chemical composition and in vitro gas production technique. Acorns collected at least 10 different trees in three experimental plots. There were significant (P<0.001) differences in the chemical composition among acorns obtained from different oak species. Crude protein (CP) contents of acorns ranged from 25.48 to 61.94 g/kg dry matter (DM). Neutral detergent fiber (NDF) contents ranged from 231.4 to 326.3 g/kg DM. Acid detergent fiber (ADF) contents ranged from 155.9 to 215.4 g/kg DM. Condensed tannin (CT) contents ranged from 7.2 to 26.7 g/kg DM. Starch contents ranged from 600.0 to 681.5 g/kg DM. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) addition significantly (P<0.001) increased the gas production and some estimated parameters of oak acorns. Although there is no significant (P>0.5) differences in the potential gas production of acorn among oak species when incubated in the absence of PEG, there is significant (P<0.001) differences in the potential gas production of acorn among oak species when incubated in the presence of PEG. Although the estimated organic matter (OMD) and metabolisable (ME) contents of acorn for Q. suber and Q. infectoria were significantly (P<0.001) higher than those for Q. branti, Q. coccifera and Q. cerris when incubated in the absence of PEG, the estimated OMD and ME contents of acorn for Quercus cerris and Q. infectoria were significantly lower than those for Q. suber, Q. branti and Q. coccifera when incubated in the presence of PEG. The improvement in gas production, OMD and ME in the presence of PEG emphasizes the negative effect of tannins on digestibility. As a conclusion, oak acorns have potential nutritive values for ruminant animals such as sheep and goat since acorns have high starch, OMD and ME but low level of CT contents. However these results obtained in the current study should be supported by in vivo feeding experiments.
Journal of agriculture, Jun 30, 2022
In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the nutrient content, gas production, methane production,... more In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the nutrient content, gas production, methane production, metabolisable energy, and organic matter digestibility of some fruit residues obtained from markets. Lemon, orange, tangerine, apple, melon, watermelon, pomegranate, and pear were used as study materials. On the collected materials, crude ash (CA), dry matter (DM), acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), ether extract (EE), and crude protein (CP) analysis were performed; gas production (GP) values were found; and metabolic energy (ME) contents and organic matter digestibility (OMD) degrees of residues were calculated depending on these values. The species significantly (P<0.001) affected the nutrient content and GP values of residues. The CA, DM, ADF, NDF, EE, and CP of fruit residues varied between 0.44 and 0.99%, 6.81 and 25.65%, 5.02 and 16.75%, 8.15 and 21.04%, 3.32 and 12.55%, and 1.81 and 10.89%, respectively. The GP, net methane, percentage of methane, ME, and OMD of residues varied between 61.22 and 90.95 ml, 6.93 to 11.04 ml, 10.96 to 12.92%, 10.91 to 14.92 mj kg-1 DM, and 72.62 to 98.96%, respectively. Based on the findings obtained as a result of the study, it is understood that these residues can be a good feed source for ruminant animals, but it is thought that studies on the use of these water-rich residues by both the drying method and silage with other feed materials should continue. Considering its anti-methanogenic properties, pomegranate residues were close to this potential but were not found at the desired level. By using these residues, which are seen as garbage, in animal nutrition, environmental pollution will be prevented.
Iğdır üniversitesi fen bilimleri enstitüsü dergisi, 2017
Black sea journal of agriculture, Oct 1, 2019
Özet Bu çalışmada, semt pazarları ve sebze meyve hallerinden elde edilen pazar artığı kök ve yumr... more Özet Bu çalışmada, semt pazarları ve sebze meyve hallerinden elde edilen pazar artığı kök ve yumrulu bitkilerin kimyasal kompozisyonları, gaz üretimleri, metan üretimleri, organik madde sindirim dereceleri ve metabolik enerji değerlerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma materyali olarak kullanılan patates, havuç, şekerpancarı, tatlı patates, şalgam, siyah havuç, turp ve yer elması Kahramanmaraş ilinde kurulan semt pazarları ile sabit sebze meyve halinden temin edilmiştir. Toplanan materyallerin kuru madde (KM), ham kül (HK), ham protein (HP), asit deterjan fiber (ADF), nötral deterjan fiber (NDF) ve ham yağ (HY) içerikleri ve gaz üretim (GÜ) miktarları belirlenmiş ve bu değerlere bağlı olarak organik madde sindirim dereceleri (OMSD) ve metabolik enerji (ME) içerikleri hesaplanmıştır. Kök ve yumrulu bitki pazar
Iğdır Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi
Bu çalışma 21 farklı baklagil yem bitkisinin kimyasal kompozisyonlarının, nispi yem değerlerinin ... more Bu çalışma 21 farklı baklagil yem bitkisinin kimyasal kompozisyonlarının, nispi yem değerlerinin (NYD), in-vitro gaz üretimi (IVGÜ) ile metabolik enerji (ME) ve organik madde sindirim derecelerinin (OMSD) belirlenmesi amacıyla yürütülmüştür. İncelenen türlerin ham protein (HP) oranları %12.75-24.96, ADF oranları %23.63-39.53, NDF oranları %36.29-49.16, nispi yem değerleri (NYD) 109.96-179.20, toplam gaz üretimleri (TG) 38.81-50.89 ml, metabolik enerjileri (ME) 8.52-10.45 MJ kg-1 KM, organik madde sindirim dereceleri (OMSD) %56.10-68.54 aralığında bulunmuştur. Macar fiği (Vicia pannonica Crantz.) ve koca fiğ (Vicia narbonensis L.) HP oranı bakımından öne çıkarken (sırasıyla %24.96 ve 24.72), ADF oranı bakımından koca fiğ (%23.63) ve fıçı yoncası (Medicago trancatula Gaertn.) (%23.64), NDF oranı bakımından sırasıyla anadolu üçgülü (Trifolium resupinatum L.) (%36.29), alaca taç otu (Coronilla varia L.) (%36.49) ve ak üçgül (Trifolium repens L.) (%36.72) öne çıkmıştır. NYD en yüksek ana...
This study was conducted to compare the nutritive value of the whole crop sweet corn or sweet cor... more This study was conducted to compare the nutritive value of the whole crop sweet corn or sweet corn residue silages with regular silage corn or its residue silages using the chemical composition, gas production kinetics, energy and digestibility. Although, Dry Matter (DM) contents of whole crop Sweet Corn Silage (SCS) and Sweet Corn Residue Silage (SCRS) were significantly (pThis study was conducted to compare the nutritive value of the whole crop sweet corn or sweet corn residue silages with regular silage corn or its residue silages using the chemical composition, gas production kinetics, energy and digestibility. Although, Dry Matter (DM) contents of whole crop Sweet Corn Silage (SCS) and Sweet Corn Residue Silage (SCRS) were significantly (p<0.001) lower than those obtained for counterparts, Crude Protein (CP) contents of SCS and SCRS were significantly (p<0.001) higher than those of conventional counterparts. Neutral Detergent Fibre (NDF) content of SCS was significantly (...
Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Çalışmada Muş ilinde ruminant beslemede kullanılan bazı kaba ve kesif yemlerin hayvan beslemede k... more Çalışmada Muş ilinde ruminant beslemede kullanılan bazı kaba ve kesif yemlerin hayvan beslemede kullanım olanakları için besin madde içerikleri, in vitro gaz üretimleri (İVGÜ), metabolik enerji (ME) ve organik madde sindirim derecesi (OMSD) değerlerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yem maddelerini yonca kuru otu (YKO), mısır silajı (MS), buğday samanı (BS) gibi kaba yemler ile buğday (BT), arpa (AT), mısır tane (MT) yemleri, buğday kepeği (BK), ayçiçeği tohumu küspesi (ATK), pamuk tohumu küspesi (PTK) gibi kesif yemler oluşturmaktadır. Kaba ve kesif yemlerin kimyasal bileşimleri, gaz üretimleri, ME ve OMSD’ lerinde önemli farklar tespit edilmiştir (p
Iğdır Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2021
Yapılan bu çalışmada ruminant hayvan beslemede kullanılan bazı kaba ve kesif yem materyallerinin ... more Yapılan bu çalışmada ruminant hayvan beslemede kullanılan bazı kaba ve kesif yem materyallerinin kimyasal kompozisyonları, gaz üretim parametreleri, metabolik enerji (ME) ve organik madde sindirim dereceleri in vitro gaz üretim tekniği kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Kaba yemlerin içeriğindeki asit deterjan fiber (ADF) ve nötral deterjan fiber (NDF) oranı ile yemlerin sindirilebilirlikleri arasında negatif bir ilişki olduğu görülmüştür. ADF ve NDF bakımından zengin bir kaba yem olan samanın organik madde sindirim derecesi (OMSD) düşük bulunmuştur. En yüksek Ham kül içeriğine saman (%9.22) sahip olurken en düşük kül içeriğine mısır danesi (%1.37) sahip olmuştur. Yemlerin ham kül (HK) içerikleri ile ürettikleri toplam gaz arasında negatif bir ilişki vardır. Ham kül içeriği fazla olan yemlerin ürettikleri toplam gaz (TG) miktarları düşük bulunmuştur. Yemlerin ham protein (HP) içerikleri %2.48 ile %28.52 arasında değişmiştir ve aralarındaki farklar istatistiksel olarak çok önemli bulunmuşt...
Bu calismada semt pazarlari ve sebze meyve hallerinden elde edilen pazar artigi kok ve yumrulu ye... more Bu calismada semt pazarlari ve sebze meyve hallerinden elde edilen pazar artigi kok ve yumrulu yemlerin kimyasal kompozisyonlari, gaz uretimi, metan uretimi, organik madde sindirim derecesi ve metabolik enerji degerlerinin belirlenmesi amaclanmistir. Calisma materyali olarak patates, havuc, sekerpancari, tatli patates, salgam, siyah havuc, turp ve yer elmasi kullanilmis ve bu artik materyaller Kahramanmaras ilinde kurulan semt pazarlari ile sabit sebze meyve halinden elde edilmistir. Toplanan materyallerin kuru madde (KM), ham kul (HK), ham protein (HP), asit deterjan fiber (ADF), notral deterjan fiber (NDF), ham yag (HY) analizleri yapilmis, gaz uretim (GU) degerleri bulunmus ve bu degerlere bagli olarak metabolik enerji (ME) icerikleri ve organik madde sindirim dereceleri (OMSD) hesaplanmistir. Materyalin turu kimyasal kompozisyonu ve gaz uretim degerlerini onemli derecede (P<0.001) etkilemistir. Kok ve yumrulu pazar artiklarinin HK, KM, ADF, NDF, HY ve HP icerikleri sirasiyla ...
The aim of the current study was to determine the effect of oak tannin extract (Artutan) on in si... more The aim of the current study was to determine the effect of oak tannin extract (Artutan) on in situ dry matter and crude protein degradability of alfalfa silage by sheep. Alfalfa plant harvested at the beginning of flowering stage was ensiled with oak tannin extract (0, 1.5, 3.0, 4.5 and 6.0 % on fresh basis) quadruplicate in plastic silo with 50 kg capacity. Although the oak tannin extract had a significant effect on crude protein degradation of alfalfa silage, oak tannin extract had no significant effect on the dry matter degradability. The quickly soluble protein content of alfalfa silage decreased whereas slowly degradable protein content increased with increasing level of oak tannin extract. As a conclusion, oak tannin extract has the potential to reduce the protein degradability in the rumen.
Chemical composition, nutritive value and rumen methane potential of some legume tree pods Abstra... more Chemical composition, nutritive value and rumen methane potential of some legume tree pods Abstract The aim of the experiment was to determine the chemical composition, in vitro gas and methane production and rumen degradable substrate of pods from five leguminous tree species (Leucaena leucocephala, Albiza julibrissin, Robinia pseudoacacia, Acacia karroo and Gleditsia triacanthos) fed to small ruminant animals in Turkey. The pods had adequate levels of crude protein (13-21% in DM), high levels of water soluble DM (30-50% in DM) and moderate levels of NDF (33-51% in DM). Concentrations of condensed tannin were relatively low (0.56-4.3% in DM) except for Gleditsia triacanthos (7.99%). In anin vitro rumen incubation, there was a close relationship (R 2 =0.75)) between level of condensed tannin in the pods and methane concentration in the gas for four of the five species. Gleditsia triacanthos with the highest level of condensed tannin (8.0%) and the highest level of methane in the gas (6.2%) did not fit this relationship; the high content of sugars reported for this species may have been the factor contributing to the atypical relationship between the condensed tannin content and methane production. Methane content of the gas was linearly related with rate of gas production (R 2 =0.91, dry matter mineralized over the 24 h incubation (R 2 =0.97) and with the content of waCer soluble dry matter in the pods (R 2 =0.99). The NDF content in the pods was a less reliable measure of methane production (R 2 =0.78).
The aim of the current study was to determine the effect of oak tannin extract (Artutan) on the a... more The aim of the current study was to determine the effect of oak tannin extract (Artutan) on the alfalfa silage composition. Alfalfa plant harvested at the beginning of flowering stage was ensiled with oak tannin extract (0, 1.5, 3.0, 4.5 and 6.0 on fresh basis) quadruplicate in plastic silo with 50 kg capacity. The oak tannin extract had a significant effect on the chemical composition and fermentation parameters of alfalfa silage. The dry matter contents of resultant alfalfa silages increased with increasing level of oak tannin extracts whereas ash, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber contents were decreased. The supplementation of oak tannin extract resulted in the decrease in ammonia, biogenic amine, acetic acid, butyric acid contents and pH values but the increase in lactic acid, propionic acid contents and fleig skore. As a conclusion, the supplementation of oak tannin extract is moderately improved silage quality of alfalfa.
Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 2019
Bu çalışmanın üç farklı zamanda hasat edilen sirken otunun (Chenopodium album) besleme değerini k... more Bu çalışmanın üç farklı zamanda hasat edilen sirken otunun (Chenopodium album) besleme değerini kimyasal kompozisyon ve gaz üretim tekniği kullanarak belirlemektir. Hasat zamanı Sirken otunun kimyasal kompozisyonunu önemli derecede etkilemiştir. Sirken otunun olgunlaşmasıyla beraber asit deterjan fiber (ADF) ve nötral deterjan fiber (NDF) içerikleri artarken, ham protein (HP), ham kül (HK) ve ham yağ (HY) içerikleri azalmıştır. Sirken otunun ADF ve NDF içerikleri sırasıyla % 23.56 ile 36.82 ve % 40.27 ile 52.64 arasında değişmiştir. Diğer taraftan Sirken otunun HP içeriği ise % 8.44 ile 19.32 arasında değişmiştir. Sirken otunun in vitro gaz üretim değerleri 28.93 ile 39.53 ml arasında değişmiştir. Olgunlaşma dönemlerinin ilerlemesiyle Sirken otunun besleme değeri düşmüştür. Olgunlaşma dönemlerinden ilk iki dönemde Sirken otunun ham protein ve metabolik enerji bakımından çok iyi derecede olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu yüzden ilk iki dönemde hasat edilen Sirken otu ruminant hayvanların...
Iğdır Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2018
Bu çalışma keçiboynuzu kırığının çayır silajının in vitro ve in situ parçalana birliğine olan etk... more Bu çalışma keçiboynuzu kırığının çayır silajının in vitro ve in situ parçalana birliğine olan etkisini belirlemekiçin yapılmıştır. Çayır otu, keçiboynuzu kırığı ( 0, 1.5, 3.0, 4.5 ve 6.0 % yaş olarak) ile 3 lt’lik plastik bidonlardaaltmış gün silolanmıştır. Çayır otunun yemlik keçiboynuzunu kırığı ile silolanması oluşan silajların in vitro ve in situparçalanmasını önemli derecede etkilemiştir. Kontrol grubuyla karşılaştırıldığında Yemlik keçiboynuzu kırığınınilavesi çayır silajlarının in vitro gaz üretim hızına (c) ve kolay fermente olan kısımdan elde edilen gaz üretimine (a)etkisi çok önemli olmasına rağmen, yavaş fermente olabilen kısımdan elde edilen gaz üretimini (b) etkilememiştir.Çayır otunun keçiboynuzu kırığı ile silolanması hızlı ve yavaş parçalanan kuru madde miktarını azaltmıştır. Diğertaraftan katkı maddesinin artmasıyla birlikte rumende proteinlerin parçalanmasının azaldığı görülmüştür. Sonuçolarak keçiboynuzu kırığı çayır otu silajında rumende proteinlerin aşırı parçal...
Hayvansal Üretim, 2017
The experiment was carried out to determine the effect of species on the nutritive value and meth... more The experiment was carried out to determine the effect of species on the nutritive value and methane production of citrus pulps. Species had a significant effects (P<0.001) on the chemical composition, gas production, methane production, metabolisable energy (ME) and organic matter digestibility (OMD) of citrus pulps. Crude protein (CP) content of Citrus paradise was significantly (P<0.001) higher than those of the other citrus species. Neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) contents of Citrus sinensis and Citrus reticulata were significantly (P<0.001) lower than the others. Methane production from Citrus reticulata was significantly (P<0.001) higher than those of Citrus limon and Citrus paradise. The ME of pulp from Citrus reticulata was significantly (P<0.001) higher than that of Citrus limon pulp whereas OMD of pulp from Citrus reticulata was significantly (P<0.001) higher than those of pulps from Citrus limon and Citrus paradise. As conclusion, citrus pulps from different species have a high potential as forage for ruminant animals since citrus pulps have high ME and OMD. However, the CP contents of citrus pulps should be taken into consideration and diets should be fortified with additional CP sources to compensate for the low crude protein when citrus pulps are included into ruminant diets.
Journal of Applied Animal Research, 2018
The purpose of present study was to determine the quality and in vitro digestion parameters in si... more The purpose of present study was to determine the quality and in vitro digestion parameters in silages of 100% pomegranate pomace (PPS), 100% apple pomace (APS) and 50% pomegranate pomace + 50% apple pomace (PAPS). The digestion parameters of 10% or 20% using of these silages in total mix ration (TMR) of dairy cattle were researched. The dry matter (DM), crude protein, flavonoids, tannins and anthocyanins of pomegranate pomace were higher than those of apple pomace. Fibrous and nonfibrous carbohydrates of pomegranate pomace were similar to those of apple pomace. The silage DM losses in APS decreased with pomegranate pomace (p = .004). The silage density, gas-methane production, and estimated digestion values of PPS and PAPS were higher than those of APS (p < .05). Lactic acid and pH value of APS and the PAPS were higher than the PPS (p < .01). The using of PPS up to 20% in TMR decreased in vitro estimated digestion of TMR (p < .05). The using of APS or PAPS up to 20% in TMR was appropriate for in vitro results. As a result, ensilaging of apple pomace with pomegranate pomace can increase silage density, silage DM; and can decrease silage DM losses; and do not affect silage quality-digestion parameters.
Ciencia e investigación agraria, 2017
I. Ulger, A. Kamalak, O. Kurt, E. Kaya, I. Guven. 2017. Comparison of chemical composition and an... more I. Ulger, A. Kamalak, O. Kurt, E. Kaya, I. Guven. 2017. Comparison of chemical composition and anti-methanogenic potential of Liquidambar orientalis leaves with Laurus nobilis and Eucalyptus globulus leaves using in vitro gas production technique. Cien. Inv. Agr. 44(1): 75-82. The aim of the present study was to compare the leaves of Liquidambar orientalis with the leaves of Laurus nobilis and Eucalyptus globulus in terms of their chemical composition and anti-methanogenic potential using an in vitro gas production technique. Species had a significant effect on the chemical composition, gas production, methane production, metabolizable energy and organic matter digestibility of the tree leaves. The crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and condensed tannin (CT) contents of the tree leaves ranged from 9.11 to 12.8, 22.49 to 35.85, 32.76 to 49.31, and 1.55 to 9.29%, respectively. The gas production, methane production, metabolizable energy (ME) and organic matter digestibility (OMD) ranged from 21.72 to 31.54 mL, 2.62 to 4.41 mL, 6.62 to 9.24 MJ kg-1 dry matter (DM), and 41.23 to 54.84%, respectively. It is likely that the leaves of L. orientalis would be more effective for methane mitigation in ruminant animals than those of E. globules or L. nobilis. However, prior to widespread implementation, the effect of the leaves of L. orientalis on animal production should be tested in vivo.
Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 2009
The objective of this study was to determine the eff ect of inclusion of essential oil thymol on ... more The objective of this study was to determine the eff ect of inclusion of essential oil thymol on the incubation on gas production kinetics, volatile fatty acids (VFA), organic matter digestibility (OMD) and metabolizable energy (ME) contents of alfalfa hay. Gas productions were determined at 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h incubation times. Thymol were added in the ratio of 0, 50, 100 and 200 mg/L. Gas production kinetics were determined using the equation Y = A (1-exp-ct). The thymol addition had a significant eff ect on the gas production kinetics, OMD and ME of alfalfa hay. Thymol at 200 mg/L resulted in 22.77% of decrease in potential gas production (A). The mean decrease in potential gas production per mg thymol supplementation was 0.0836 ml. The mean decreases in ME and OMD per mg thymol supplementation were 0.0132 (ME unit) and 0.086 (digestibility unit) respectively. The mean decreases in truly digestible dry matter (TDDM) and neutral detergent fibre (NDFD) per mg thymol supplementation were 0.0546 and 0.0748 digestibility units respectively (P<0.05; P<0.001). As a conclusion, thymol exhibit significant anti-microbial activity causing an inhibition of the overall fermentation process.
Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 2009
The aim of this study was to determine the gas production kinetics of wheat straw, alfalfa hay an... more The aim of this study was to determine the gas production kinetics of wheat straw, alfalfa hay and barley grain and estimate t25, t50, t75 and t95 using Y = A(1-exp-ct) exponential model. Gas productions were determined at 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h incubation times. At all incubation times gas production of barley grain was significantly (P<0.01) higher than those of wheat straw and alfalfa hay. The in vitro gas production rate (c) and total gas production (A) of barley grain was significantly (P<0.01) higher than those of wheat straw and alfalfa hay. Time to produce 25, 50, 75 and 95% of total gas production (t25, t50, t75 and t95) of barley grain also were significantly (P<0.01) lower than those of wheat straw and alfalfa hay. As a result, in addition to the "c" and "A", using Y = A(1-expct) exponential model the estimation of t25, t50, t75 and t95 will provide more useful data to compare feedstuffs in terms of in vitro fermentation studies.
Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 2012
The potential nutritive values of acorns of Quercus suber, Quercus branti, Quercus coccifera, Que... more The potential nutritive values of acorns of Quercus suber, Quercus branti, Quercus coccifera, Quercus cerris and Quercus infectoria were estimated by chemical composition and in vitro gas production technique. Acorns collected at least 10 different trees in three experimental plots. There were significant (P<0.001) differences in the chemical composition among acorns obtained from different oak species. Crude protein (CP) contents of acorns ranged from 25.48 to 61.94 g/kg dry matter (DM). Neutral detergent fiber (NDF) contents ranged from 231.4 to 326.3 g/kg DM. Acid detergent fiber (ADF) contents ranged from 155.9 to 215.4 g/kg DM. Condensed tannin (CT) contents ranged from 7.2 to 26.7 g/kg DM. Starch contents ranged from 600.0 to 681.5 g/kg DM. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) addition significantly (P<0.001) increased the gas production and some estimated parameters of oak acorns. Although there is no significant (P>0.5) differences in the potential gas production of acorn among oak species when incubated in the absence of PEG, there is significant (P<0.001) differences in the potential gas production of acorn among oak species when incubated in the presence of PEG. Although the estimated organic matter (OMD) and metabolisable (ME) contents of acorn for Q. suber and Q. infectoria were significantly (P<0.001) higher than those for Q. branti, Q. coccifera and Q. cerris when incubated in the absence of PEG, the estimated OMD and ME contents of acorn for Quercus cerris and Q. infectoria were significantly lower than those for Q. suber, Q. branti and Q. coccifera when incubated in the presence of PEG. The improvement in gas production, OMD and ME in the presence of PEG emphasizes the negative effect of tannins on digestibility. As a conclusion, oak acorns have potential nutritive values for ruminant animals such as sheep and goat since acorns have high starch, OMD and ME but low level of CT contents. However these results obtained in the current study should be supported by in vivo feeding experiments.