Ning Adiasih - (original) (raw)

Papers by Ning Adiasih

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Yuridis Kewenangan Pengadilan Niaga Mengadili Putusan Homologasi Antara Pekerja Dengan Perusahaan

Reformasi Hukum Trisakti

Putusan No 274.Pdt.Sus-PKPU/2020/PN Niaga.Jkt.Pst merupakan gugatan yang dilakukan oleh pekerja k... more Putusan No 274.Pdt.Sus-PKPU/2020/PN Niaga.Jkt.Pst merupakan gugatan yang dilakukan oleh pekerja karena tidak dilaksanakannya Putusan Pengadilan Hubungan Industrial yang berkekuatan hukum tetap oleh PT. Sari Keramindo International. Pokok permasalahan yang diteliti adalah bagaimana kewenangan Pengadilan Niaga Jakarta Pusat dalam memeriksa dan memutus sengketa antara pekerja dengan PT. Sari Keramindo International dan bagaimana proses penyelesaian sengketa dalam putusan homologasi antara pekerja dengan PT. Sari Keramindo International berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Penelitian hukum normatif yang bersifat deskriptif, melalui studi kepustakaan dengan analisis kualitatif, dan menarik kesimpulan secara deduktif. Kesimpulan adalah bahwa Pengadilan Niaga berwenang untuk mengadili sengketa antara pekerja dengan PT. Sari Keramindo International dikarenakan upah dan uang pesangon yang karena dapat dikategorikan sebagai utang yang lahir karena undang-undang akibat tidak ...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Yuridis Tehradap Harta Pusaka Tinggi Yang Diperjualbelikan Menurut Hukum Waris Adat Kerinci

Reformasi Hukum Trisakti, 2020

Salah satu masalah yang sering muncul dalam hukum waris adat adalah hukum warisnya, seringkali ke... more Salah satu masalah yang sering muncul dalam hukum waris adat adalah hukum warisnya, seringkali ketentuan-ketentuan hukum waris adat dilanggar oleh para pihak yang memiliki kepentingannya sendiri berdasarkan hal tersebut banyak hakim di Indonesia yang berbeda memberikan putusan mengenai waris adat. Pokok permasalahannya yaitu : 1) Apakah harta pusaka tinggi bisa diperjualbelikan menurut hukum waris adat Kerinci ? 2) Bagaimana kesesuaian putusan Mahkamah Agung No. 419 PK/ Pdt/ 2016 ?. Metode penelitian yang digunakan terdiri dari objek penelitian yaitu adalah putusan, Tipe penelitian yaitu tipe penelitian hukum normatif, Sifat penelitian yaitu deskriptif analisis, Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder, Dengan cara pengumpulan data melalui studi kepustakaan, Analisis data yaitu menggunakan metode kualitatif dan penarikan kesimpulan menggunakan logika deduktif. Kesimpulan 1) Kedudukan harta pusaka tinggi Minangkabau / Kerinci berlaku ketentuan adat yaitu tajua indak dimakan bali (ter...

Research paper thumbnail of Dissenting Opinion Mengenai Legal Standing Dalam Gugatan Perbuatan Melawan Hukum (Studi Putusan No. 52/PTD.G/2019/PN.DPK)

Reformasi Hukum Trisakti, 2020

Pengajuan gugatan secara class action diatur dalam PERMA RI Nomor: 1 Tahun 2002, tentang Acara Gu... more Pengajuan gugatan secara class action diatur dalam PERMA RI Nomor: 1 Tahun 2002, tentang Acara Gugatan Perwakilan Kelompok. Namun pada Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Depok Nomor: 52/Pdt.G/2019/Pn.Dpk. menyatakan menolak gugatan dikarenakan para penggugat tidak memiliki legal standing, dalam putusan tersebut terdapat dissenting opinion yang menyatakan bahwa para penggugat memiliki legal standing. Hal ini menarik untuk dilakukan penelitian yang mempermasalahkan: 1). Apakah penolakan gugatan pada putusan Nomor 52/Pdt.G/2019/Pn.Dpk mengenai penggugat tidak memiliki Legal Standing sudah sesuai dengan PERMA Nomor: 1 Tahun 2002 dan 2). Bagaimana kedudukan Dissenting Opinion yang menyatakan para penggugat memiliki Legal standing. Guna menjawab permasalahan tersebut, maka dilakukan penelitian hukum normatif, yang bersumber pada data sekunder, dianalisis secara kualitatif, dan ditarik kesimpulan dengan metode deduktif. Adapun dari hasil penelitian yaitu bahwa para penggugat yang mengajukan gugatan...

Research paper thumbnail of Several Problems on the Implementation of Fiduciary Guarantee Execution on Four Automotive Financing Companies after the Constitutional Court Decision Number 18/PUU-XVII/2019

Proceedings of the First Lekantara Annual Conference on Public Administration, Literature, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Education, LePALISSHE 2021, August 3, 2021, Malang, Indonesia, 2022

The execution of a fiduciary guarantee on the vehicle financing practice often creates problems e... more The execution of a fiduciary guarantee on the vehicle financing practice often creates problems even though the position of the recipients of the fiduciary guarantee is strong, as mentioned in Indonesia’s Law No. 42/1999. If the agreement is broken, the execution of the fiduciary guarantee can be carried out in three ways: (1) the execution through the executorial title, (2) the sale of the object of the fiduciary guarantee, and (3) the sale under the hand based on an agreement between the giver and the recipient of the fiduciary. After the Constitutional Court Decision No. 18/PUU-XVII/2019 is issued, there are additional provisions, namely agreement on the broken promise which needs to be included and voluntary submission concerning the object of fiduciary. This study was conducted on four automotive financing companies after the Constitutional Court Decision No. 18/PUU-XVII/2019, whose implementation was different. The type of this study was normative legal research with a descrip...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Terhadap

In practice, there will be events which were not regulated by was Laws, or even if it was regulat... more In practice, there will be events which were not regulated by was Laws, or even if it was regulated, still unclear or incomplete. Therefore, a Judge is responsible to fulfill the absence of law by creating, complete or clarify the law it if it needs to be created, completed or clarified by finding the law through exploration and understanding legal norms and justice which lives inside the society so that the law will be applied to the particular event. To provide justice, a Judge should seek the truth behind any event which proceed upon him/her by examining an event and connect it with the governing law and provide a Judgment by stating the law for the particular event. This research is using normative legal research by researching literature and supported by data from interview both from practitioner and academician. The specification of this research is descriptive analytic, and the data compiled is analyze qualitatively towards the substance of legal finding. Good law is law whic...

Research paper thumbnail of The Application of Online Arbitration as an Alternative for Business Dispute Resolution During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Proceedings of the First Lekantara Annual Conference on Public Administration, Literature, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Education, LePALISSHE 2021, August 3, 2021, Malang, Indonesia, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Pelatihan simulasi persidangan perkara perdata bagi siswa SMA di Jakarta

Dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat, kadangkala kita memiliki sengketa atau masalah perdata dengan oran... more Dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat, kadangkala kita memiliki sengketa atau masalah perdata dengan orang lain. Oleh karena itu perlu diketahui bagaimana cara menyelesaikan perkara perdata tersebut, agar supaya para siswa SMA di Jakarta memahami dan mengetahuinya. Untuk membekali masyarakat tentang hal tersebut, kiranya perlu dilakukan sosialisasi dan pelatihan simulasi penanganan perkara kepada murid-murid SMA sebagai bekal sebelum nantinya mereka terjun ke masyarakat. Dipilih lokasi Jakarta mengingat lokasi tersebut merupakan wilayah hukum yang sama dengan kampus Universitas Trisakti. Berdasarkan kegiatan PKM pelatihan hukum ini, maka dapat ditarik beberapa kesimpulan sebaga iberikut: 1. Siswa SMAN 39 Jakarta merupakan sasaran yang tepat sebagai sasaran Pelatihan Hukum Mengenai Pelatihan Simulasi Persidangan Perkara Perdata Bagi Siswa SMA di Jakarta karena Para siswa menunjukan rasa minat dan ketertarikan yang sangat besar terhadap masalah hukum. 2. Dengan kredebilitas para pemberi mater...

Research paper thumbnail of Utilization of the IoT-based early warning system (EWS) for early detection of floods in Setu District, South Tangerang City

Community Empowerment, 2021

Cisadane River is the largest river whose overflow often causes flooding in several locations in ... more Cisadane River is the largest river whose overflow often causes flooding in several locations in South Tangerang City. One of them is located in Pesona Serpong Housing, Setu District, South Tangerang City. The Cisadane Environmental Echo Community (GEMALA) is a community that cares about the sustainability of the Cisadane River. This community service aims to improve understanding of river maintenance and socialize the IoT-based Early Warning System (EWS) tool to the GEMALA community as an early flood detection tool. The method used is to use an ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 which will measure the water level of the river and will send a signal via the Telegram messaging application. At the end of this activity, an IoT-based Early Warning System (EWS) tool was produced that could be utilized by the GEMALA community as an early flood detection tool.

Research paper thumbnail of Bunga Rampai APHA Indonesia: Melihat Covid-19 dari Perspektif Hukum Adat

Journal of Indonesian Adat Law (JIAL), 2020

Ketika pertama kali diumumkan sebagai pandemi global pada 11 Maret 2020 lalu oleh WHO jumlah infe... more Ketika pertama kali diumumkan sebagai pandemi global pada 11 Maret 2020 lalu oleh WHO jumlah infeksi di seluruh dunia telah mencapai lebih dari 121.000. Indonesia masih merasa aman dari wabah virus yang sudah melumpuhkan sebagian negara-negara di dunia, Presiden Joko Widodo pada awal Maret lalu yang tadinya membuat masyarakat berada di zona nyaman, harus mengakui kekalahan dengan adanya laporan kasus covid-19 yang disebabkan oleh virus SARS-Cov-2 atau yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan virus Corona. Penyebaran virus yang tak-pernah-disangka akan sampai di Indonesia itu hingga kini masih berlanjut. Pusat Pemodelan Matematika dan Simulasi Institut Teknologi Bandung mempekirakan pandemi ini akan mencapai puncaknya pada akhir Maret dan berakhir pada pertengahan April 2020. Bahkan dengan kedinamisan data yang ada, prediksi tersebut bisa saja berubah. Data ini tentunya bukan untuk membuat kepanikan di tengah masyarakat, namun lebih untuk membuat masyarakat waspada dan memberikan gambaran b...

Research paper thumbnail of Kepastian Hukum Dari Penerapan Ketentuan Batas Waktu Pengajuan Upaya Hukum Verzet (Studi Terhadap Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Barat Nomor 9/Pdt.Plw./2017/PN..JKT.BRT. Jo. Putusan Pengadilan Tinggi Dki Jakarta Nomor 107/Pdt/2018/PT.DKI)

Jurnal Hukum Adigama, 2019

As state of law, Indonesia must guarantee legal certainty in all fields including the Civil Proce... more As state of law, Indonesia must guarantee legal certainty in all fields including the Civil Procedure Code. Legal certainty is achieved if the rule cannot be interpreted differently and is contained in the realization of the consistency of each judge's decision. The time limit for the submission of verzet has been regulated in Article 129 Paragraph (2) HIR. However, the verdict used as study material contained inconsistencies in the decisions of judges between West Jakarta District Court in case number 9 / Pdt.Plw / 2017PN.JKT.BRT. and Jakarta High Court in case number 107 / Pdt / 2018 / PT.DKI Both have different ratio decidendi. What is the legal certainty of applying the deadline for submitting verzet legal remedies? The author uses normative legal research methods and uses interview data as supporting data. The results of the study revealed that there was no legal certainty in the application of the time limit for submitting verzet legal remedies, especially in the condition...


Jurnal Hukum Adigama, 2018

The purpose of this study is to know how the case process in the Tangerang District Court, how it... more The purpose of this study is to know how the case process in the Tangerang District Court, how its application with the Supreme Court Circular No. 2 of 2014 in the acceleration of Civil procedure law cases in the Tangerang District Court from 2015 to 2017. By using normative juridical research methods, concluded: 1. The case process that occurred in the State Court as from the beginning until the judge's decision became the most effective alternative today. Because it can be seen from cases that have been systematic for the realization of justice. 2. The establishment of the Supreme Court Circular No. 2 of 2014 is very useful and provides basic guidance in the Tangerang District Court in the event of a speedy trial. However, in the practice of the Tangerang District Court on the issue of implementation in accordance with the Supreme Court Circular No. 2 of 2014 in the court environment does not go according to the hope of the formation of the regulation. There are some disputes ...

Research paper thumbnail of Penemuan Hukum Oleh Hakim Dalam Perkara Waris Sesuai Asas Keadilan

ADHAPER: Jurnal Hukum Acara Perdata, 2018

The living law is a refl ection of the community values as accommodated in Article 5(1) of Law No... more The living law is a refl ection of the community values as accommodated in Article 5(1) of Law No. 48 of 2009 concerning Judiciary Power, which encourages judges to fi nd and apprehend the values of law and justice of the societies. Inheritance dispute settlement in Indonesia may give the judges some options to implement certain law because of the pluralistic pattern of Indonesian inheritance law. On the other hand, the judges may have function to complement statutory laws and may create new law through forming law or fi nding law to be implemented on certain pending case. The judges must have a thorough knowledge and interpret the law applied on certain case. For instance when the deceased was a Moslem, while one of the heirs is a non-Muslim, the judges of religious court may decide that non-Muslim heir entitled to the bequest as wasiat wajibah. Likewise, the judges of district court may implement inheritance law of adat law or Civil Code. The pluralism of the sources of law in inh...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Terhadap Putusan Pengadilan Dalam Perkara Perdata Yang Hukumnya Tidak Ada Atau Hukumnya Tidak Jelas

Jurnal Hukum PRIORIS, 2017

In practice, there will be events which were not regulated by was Laws, or even if it was regulat... more In practice, there will be events which were not regulated by was Laws, or even if it was regulated, still unclear or incomplete. Therefore, a Judge is responsible to fulfill the absence of law by creating, complete or clarify the law it if it needs to be created, completed or clarified by finding the law through exploration and understanding legal norms and justice which lives inside the society so that the law will be applied to the particular event. To provide justice, a Judge should seek the truth behind any event which proceed upon him/her by examining an event and connect it with the governing law and provide a Judgment by stating the law for the particular event. This research is using normative legal research by researching literature and supported by data from interview both from practitioner and academician. The specification of this research is descriptive analytic, and the data compiled is analyze qualitatively towards the substance of legal finding. Good law is law whic...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Yuridis Kewenangan Pengadilan Niaga Mengadili Putusan Homologasi Antara Pekerja Dengan Perusahaan

Reformasi Hukum Trisakti

Putusan No 274.Pdt.Sus-PKPU/2020/PN Niaga.Jkt.Pst merupakan gugatan yang dilakukan oleh pekerja k... more Putusan No 274.Pdt.Sus-PKPU/2020/PN Niaga.Jkt.Pst merupakan gugatan yang dilakukan oleh pekerja karena tidak dilaksanakannya Putusan Pengadilan Hubungan Industrial yang berkekuatan hukum tetap oleh PT. Sari Keramindo International. Pokok permasalahan yang diteliti adalah bagaimana kewenangan Pengadilan Niaga Jakarta Pusat dalam memeriksa dan memutus sengketa antara pekerja dengan PT. Sari Keramindo International dan bagaimana proses penyelesaian sengketa dalam putusan homologasi antara pekerja dengan PT. Sari Keramindo International berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Penelitian hukum normatif yang bersifat deskriptif, melalui studi kepustakaan dengan analisis kualitatif, dan menarik kesimpulan secara deduktif. Kesimpulan adalah bahwa Pengadilan Niaga berwenang untuk mengadili sengketa antara pekerja dengan PT. Sari Keramindo International dikarenakan upah dan uang pesangon yang karena dapat dikategorikan sebagai utang yang lahir karena undang-undang akibat tidak ...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Yuridis Tehradap Harta Pusaka Tinggi Yang Diperjualbelikan Menurut Hukum Waris Adat Kerinci

Reformasi Hukum Trisakti, 2020

Salah satu masalah yang sering muncul dalam hukum waris adat adalah hukum warisnya, seringkali ke... more Salah satu masalah yang sering muncul dalam hukum waris adat adalah hukum warisnya, seringkali ketentuan-ketentuan hukum waris adat dilanggar oleh para pihak yang memiliki kepentingannya sendiri berdasarkan hal tersebut banyak hakim di Indonesia yang berbeda memberikan putusan mengenai waris adat. Pokok permasalahannya yaitu : 1) Apakah harta pusaka tinggi bisa diperjualbelikan menurut hukum waris adat Kerinci ? 2) Bagaimana kesesuaian putusan Mahkamah Agung No. 419 PK/ Pdt/ 2016 ?. Metode penelitian yang digunakan terdiri dari objek penelitian yaitu adalah putusan, Tipe penelitian yaitu tipe penelitian hukum normatif, Sifat penelitian yaitu deskriptif analisis, Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder, Dengan cara pengumpulan data melalui studi kepustakaan, Analisis data yaitu menggunakan metode kualitatif dan penarikan kesimpulan menggunakan logika deduktif. Kesimpulan 1) Kedudukan harta pusaka tinggi Minangkabau / Kerinci berlaku ketentuan adat yaitu tajua indak dimakan bali (ter...

Research paper thumbnail of Dissenting Opinion Mengenai Legal Standing Dalam Gugatan Perbuatan Melawan Hukum (Studi Putusan No. 52/PTD.G/2019/PN.DPK)

Reformasi Hukum Trisakti, 2020

Pengajuan gugatan secara class action diatur dalam PERMA RI Nomor: 1 Tahun 2002, tentang Acara Gu... more Pengajuan gugatan secara class action diatur dalam PERMA RI Nomor: 1 Tahun 2002, tentang Acara Gugatan Perwakilan Kelompok. Namun pada Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Depok Nomor: 52/Pdt.G/2019/Pn.Dpk. menyatakan menolak gugatan dikarenakan para penggugat tidak memiliki legal standing, dalam putusan tersebut terdapat dissenting opinion yang menyatakan bahwa para penggugat memiliki legal standing. Hal ini menarik untuk dilakukan penelitian yang mempermasalahkan: 1). Apakah penolakan gugatan pada putusan Nomor 52/Pdt.G/2019/Pn.Dpk mengenai penggugat tidak memiliki Legal Standing sudah sesuai dengan PERMA Nomor: 1 Tahun 2002 dan 2). Bagaimana kedudukan Dissenting Opinion yang menyatakan para penggugat memiliki Legal standing. Guna menjawab permasalahan tersebut, maka dilakukan penelitian hukum normatif, yang bersumber pada data sekunder, dianalisis secara kualitatif, dan ditarik kesimpulan dengan metode deduktif. Adapun dari hasil penelitian yaitu bahwa para penggugat yang mengajukan gugatan...

Research paper thumbnail of Several Problems on the Implementation of Fiduciary Guarantee Execution on Four Automotive Financing Companies after the Constitutional Court Decision Number 18/PUU-XVII/2019

Proceedings of the First Lekantara Annual Conference on Public Administration, Literature, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Education, LePALISSHE 2021, August 3, 2021, Malang, Indonesia, 2022

The execution of a fiduciary guarantee on the vehicle financing practice often creates problems e... more The execution of a fiduciary guarantee on the vehicle financing practice often creates problems even though the position of the recipients of the fiduciary guarantee is strong, as mentioned in Indonesia’s Law No. 42/1999. If the agreement is broken, the execution of the fiduciary guarantee can be carried out in three ways: (1) the execution through the executorial title, (2) the sale of the object of the fiduciary guarantee, and (3) the sale under the hand based on an agreement between the giver and the recipient of the fiduciary. After the Constitutional Court Decision No. 18/PUU-XVII/2019 is issued, there are additional provisions, namely agreement on the broken promise which needs to be included and voluntary submission concerning the object of fiduciary. This study was conducted on four automotive financing companies after the Constitutional Court Decision No. 18/PUU-XVII/2019, whose implementation was different. The type of this study was normative legal research with a descrip...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Terhadap

In practice, there will be events which were not regulated by was Laws, or even if it was regulat... more In practice, there will be events which were not regulated by was Laws, or even if it was regulated, still unclear or incomplete. Therefore, a Judge is responsible to fulfill the absence of law by creating, complete or clarify the law it if it needs to be created, completed or clarified by finding the law through exploration and understanding legal norms and justice which lives inside the society so that the law will be applied to the particular event. To provide justice, a Judge should seek the truth behind any event which proceed upon him/her by examining an event and connect it with the governing law and provide a Judgment by stating the law for the particular event. This research is using normative legal research by researching literature and supported by data from interview both from practitioner and academician. The specification of this research is descriptive analytic, and the data compiled is analyze qualitatively towards the substance of legal finding. Good law is law whic...

Research paper thumbnail of The Application of Online Arbitration as an Alternative for Business Dispute Resolution During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Proceedings of the First Lekantara Annual Conference on Public Administration, Literature, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Education, LePALISSHE 2021, August 3, 2021, Malang, Indonesia, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Pelatihan simulasi persidangan perkara perdata bagi siswa SMA di Jakarta

Dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat, kadangkala kita memiliki sengketa atau masalah perdata dengan oran... more Dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat, kadangkala kita memiliki sengketa atau masalah perdata dengan orang lain. Oleh karena itu perlu diketahui bagaimana cara menyelesaikan perkara perdata tersebut, agar supaya para siswa SMA di Jakarta memahami dan mengetahuinya. Untuk membekali masyarakat tentang hal tersebut, kiranya perlu dilakukan sosialisasi dan pelatihan simulasi penanganan perkara kepada murid-murid SMA sebagai bekal sebelum nantinya mereka terjun ke masyarakat. Dipilih lokasi Jakarta mengingat lokasi tersebut merupakan wilayah hukum yang sama dengan kampus Universitas Trisakti. Berdasarkan kegiatan PKM pelatihan hukum ini, maka dapat ditarik beberapa kesimpulan sebaga iberikut: 1. Siswa SMAN 39 Jakarta merupakan sasaran yang tepat sebagai sasaran Pelatihan Hukum Mengenai Pelatihan Simulasi Persidangan Perkara Perdata Bagi Siswa SMA di Jakarta karena Para siswa menunjukan rasa minat dan ketertarikan yang sangat besar terhadap masalah hukum. 2. Dengan kredebilitas para pemberi mater...

Research paper thumbnail of Utilization of the IoT-based early warning system (EWS) for early detection of floods in Setu District, South Tangerang City

Community Empowerment, 2021

Cisadane River is the largest river whose overflow often causes flooding in several locations in ... more Cisadane River is the largest river whose overflow often causes flooding in several locations in South Tangerang City. One of them is located in Pesona Serpong Housing, Setu District, South Tangerang City. The Cisadane Environmental Echo Community (GEMALA) is a community that cares about the sustainability of the Cisadane River. This community service aims to improve understanding of river maintenance and socialize the IoT-based Early Warning System (EWS) tool to the GEMALA community as an early flood detection tool. The method used is to use an ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 which will measure the water level of the river and will send a signal via the Telegram messaging application. At the end of this activity, an IoT-based Early Warning System (EWS) tool was produced that could be utilized by the GEMALA community as an early flood detection tool.

Research paper thumbnail of Bunga Rampai APHA Indonesia: Melihat Covid-19 dari Perspektif Hukum Adat

Journal of Indonesian Adat Law (JIAL), 2020

Ketika pertama kali diumumkan sebagai pandemi global pada 11 Maret 2020 lalu oleh WHO jumlah infe... more Ketika pertama kali diumumkan sebagai pandemi global pada 11 Maret 2020 lalu oleh WHO jumlah infeksi di seluruh dunia telah mencapai lebih dari 121.000. Indonesia masih merasa aman dari wabah virus yang sudah melumpuhkan sebagian negara-negara di dunia, Presiden Joko Widodo pada awal Maret lalu yang tadinya membuat masyarakat berada di zona nyaman, harus mengakui kekalahan dengan adanya laporan kasus covid-19 yang disebabkan oleh virus SARS-Cov-2 atau yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan virus Corona. Penyebaran virus yang tak-pernah-disangka akan sampai di Indonesia itu hingga kini masih berlanjut. Pusat Pemodelan Matematika dan Simulasi Institut Teknologi Bandung mempekirakan pandemi ini akan mencapai puncaknya pada akhir Maret dan berakhir pada pertengahan April 2020. Bahkan dengan kedinamisan data yang ada, prediksi tersebut bisa saja berubah. Data ini tentunya bukan untuk membuat kepanikan di tengah masyarakat, namun lebih untuk membuat masyarakat waspada dan memberikan gambaran b...

Research paper thumbnail of Kepastian Hukum Dari Penerapan Ketentuan Batas Waktu Pengajuan Upaya Hukum Verzet (Studi Terhadap Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Barat Nomor 9/Pdt.Plw./2017/PN..JKT.BRT. Jo. Putusan Pengadilan Tinggi Dki Jakarta Nomor 107/Pdt/2018/PT.DKI)

Jurnal Hukum Adigama, 2019

As state of law, Indonesia must guarantee legal certainty in all fields including the Civil Proce... more As state of law, Indonesia must guarantee legal certainty in all fields including the Civil Procedure Code. Legal certainty is achieved if the rule cannot be interpreted differently and is contained in the realization of the consistency of each judge's decision. The time limit for the submission of verzet has been regulated in Article 129 Paragraph (2) HIR. However, the verdict used as study material contained inconsistencies in the decisions of judges between West Jakarta District Court in case number 9 / Pdt.Plw / 2017PN.JKT.BRT. and Jakarta High Court in case number 107 / Pdt / 2018 / PT.DKI Both have different ratio decidendi. What is the legal certainty of applying the deadline for submitting verzet legal remedies? The author uses normative legal research methods and uses interview data as supporting data. The results of the study revealed that there was no legal certainty in the application of the time limit for submitting verzet legal remedies, especially in the condition...


Jurnal Hukum Adigama, 2018

The purpose of this study is to know how the case process in the Tangerang District Court, how it... more The purpose of this study is to know how the case process in the Tangerang District Court, how its application with the Supreme Court Circular No. 2 of 2014 in the acceleration of Civil procedure law cases in the Tangerang District Court from 2015 to 2017. By using normative juridical research methods, concluded: 1. The case process that occurred in the State Court as from the beginning until the judge's decision became the most effective alternative today. Because it can be seen from cases that have been systematic for the realization of justice. 2. The establishment of the Supreme Court Circular No. 2 of 2014 is very useful and provides basic guidance in the Tangerang District Court in the event of a speedy trial. However, in the practice of the Tangerang District Court on the issue of implementation in accordance with the Supreme Court Circular No. 2 of 2014 in the court environment does not go according to the hope of the formation of the regulation. There are some disputes ...

Research paper thumbnail of Penemuan Hukum Oleh Hakim Dalam Perkara Waris Sesuai Asas Keadilan

ADHAPER: Jurnal Hukum Acara Perdata, 2018

The living law is a refl ection of the community values as accommodated in Article 5(1) of Law No... more The living law is a refl ection of the community values as accommodated in Article 5(1) of Law No. 48 of 2009 concerning Judiciary Power, which encourages judges to fi nd and apprehend the values of law and justice of the societies. Inheritance dispute settlement in Indonesia may give the judges some options to implement certain law because of the pluralistic pattern of Indonesian inheritance law. On the other hand, the judges may have function to complement statutory laws and may create new law through forming law or fi nding law to be implemented on certain pending case. The judges must have a thorough knowledge and interpret the law applied on certain case. For instance when the deceased was a Moslem, while one of the heirs is a non-Muslim, the judges of religious court may decide that non-Muslim heir entitled to the bequest as wasiat wajibah. Likewise, the judges of district court may implement inheritance law of adat law or Civil Code. The pluralism of the sources of law in inh...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Terhadap Putusan Pengadilan Dalam Perkara Perdata Yang Hukumnya Tidak Ada Atau Hukumnya Tidak Jelas

Jurnal Hukum PRIORIS, 2017

In practice, there will be events which were not regulated by was Laws, or even if it was regulat... more In practice, there will be events which were not regulated by was Laws, or even if it was regulated, still unclear or incomplete. Therefore, a Judge is responsible to fulfill the absence of law by creating, complete or clarify the law it if it needs to be created, completed or clarified by finding the law through exploration and understanding legal norms and justice which lives inside the society so that the law will be applied to the particular event. To provide justice, a Judge should seek the truth behind any event which proceed upon him/her by examining an event and connect it with the governing law and provide a Judgment by stating the law for the particular event. This research is using normative legal research by researching literature and supported by data from interview both from practitioner and academician. The specification of this research is descriptive analytic, and the data compiled is analyze qualitatively towards the substance of legal finding. Good law is law whic...