Agus Luthfi - (original) (raw)

Papers by Agus Luthfi


Jurnal Agribisnis dan Komunikasi Pertanian, Nov 7, 2022

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis usaha pertanian beras organik pada kelompok tani dan ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis usaha pertanian beras organik pada kelompok tani dan untuk menganalisis kelembagaan, menghitung keuntungan usahatani padi organik, modal sosial dan saluran distribusi beras organik di kelompok tani. Penelitian dilakukan selama 2 bulan terhitung dari bulan April sampai bulan Mei dengan cara wawancara dan observasi langsung ke tempat penelitian. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan melalui pendekatan biaya produksi menghitung pendapatan usahatani padi organik dan peran kelembagaan Koperasi Tani Jaya II pada petani padi organik di Desa Rowosari, Kecamatan Sumberjambe Kabupaten Jember. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa usahatani padi organik dikatakan efisien, modal sosial dapat menunjang keberlanjutan usahatani dan distribusi pada pertanian beras organik lebih menguntungkan jika dijual ke Koperasi Tani Jaya II karena koperasi berani membeli padi dengan harga yang lebih mahal daripada pengepul dan mitra bisnis usaha pertanian beras organik di Kabupaten Jember dengan kelompok tani Jaya II sangat berpotensi baik dikarenakan permintaan beras organik tinggi dari beberapa perusahaan ternama.

Research paper thumbnail of Participatory Planning Model as an Integrative Village Development Instrument in National Villages in Situbondo Regency

EFFLATOUNIA - Multidisciplinary Journal, Sep 1, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of MODEL KELEMBAGAAN TATA KELOLA SUMBERDAYA AIR TANAH YANG BERKELANJUTAN (Studi di Desa Sumberjati Kecamatan Silo Kabupaten Jember)

Sustainable Environmental and Optimizing Industry Journal, 2019

Peningkatan kebutuhan air telah menimbulkan eksploitasi sumberdaya air secara berlebihan, sehingg... more Peningkatan kebutuhan air telah menimbulkan eksploitasi sumberdaya air secara berlebihan, sehingga mengakibatkan penurunan daya dukung lingkungan. Peningkatan kegiatan ekonomi di Kabupaten Jember juga mendorong terjadinya peningkatan kebutuhan sumberdaya air. Hal ini menjadi penyebab adanya proses trade of terhadap komoditas air. Fenomena kelangkaan terhadap sumberdaya air di Kabupaten Jember mendorong perilaku atau kebijakan yang dapat mendukung keseimbangan antara kondisi ekonomi dan ekologi dalam pengelolaan sumberdaya alam air. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menerapkan Model Kelembagaan Tata Kelola Sumberdaya Air Tanah Berkelanjutan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Model tata kelola sumberdaya air tanah di Desa Sumberjati yang berkelanjutan berbentuk pemanfaatan barang publik menjadi barang privat untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah berkelanjutan melalui Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUM Desa). common property resources harus dikelola secara bersama-sama oleh masyarakat melalui BUM De...

Research paper thumbnail of Aplikasi Model Tipologi Dalam Pemetaan Potensi Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Dan Pengukuran Kinerja Daerah Dalam Rangka Menunjang Pelaksanaan Otonomi Daerah Di Provinsi Jawa Timur

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis Of Granger Construction Between Debt Sovereign And Gross Domestic Product In Indonesia

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Carrying Capacity Analysis of Sustainable Groundwater Sources (Case Study in Sumberjati Village, Sillo District, Jember Regency)

Wacana: Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora, 2018

Sumberjati Village is one of water supply area in East Jember Regency. The existence of natural r... more Sumberjati Village is one of water supply area in East Jember Regency. The existence of natural resources potential, which is groundwater sources, give an impact to the excessive use of that common goods by local and nearby village. If this condition continues, in the long term, there will be water scarcity in Sumberjati Village. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyse the carrying capacity of sustainable groundwater resources in Sumberjati Village. This research is using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) as main methods, which consist of 3 (three) components: (i) soil water resources (ii) environment; and (iii) social economy. Based on PCA analysis results, it is known that that for the groundwater resources component, variables that have a positive effect on the carrying capacity of groundwater resources in Sumberjati Village are; (i) number of water sources, and (ii) water wasted amount. While for the environmental component, the variables that have a positive effect is; ...

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Arus Investasi Langsung Dan Tidak Langsung DI Asean 4 Dalam Perspektif Margin Intensif Dan Ekstensif

Globalization in economic has an impact on the massive movement of foreign direct (FDI) and indir... more Globalization in economic has an impact on the massive movement of foreign direct (FDI) and indirect (Foriegn Private Investment / FPI) investments in developing countries in the world. By intensive margin government and authority in each country utilizes these conditions as development capital and technology transfer, while for extensive margin foreign investment are used to maintain a conducive relationship between investors and investment destination countries. Foreign investment is an important part of development especially for developing countries. For ASEAN 4 countries investment is very useful as a driver of the national economy, so the consideration of a stable investment climate and macroeconomic environment is important in policy formulation. The method used to analyze the relationship to the intensive and extensive margins of FDI and FPI in ASEAN 4 is the Panel Least Square (PLS) with annual panel data from Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand from 2003 to 2015....

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Sustainable Groundwater Resources Management in Jember District (Study in Sumberjati Village, Silo Sub-District)

Resources and Environment, 2018

The results of research in Sumberjati village found 15 different type of ground to water resource... more The results of research in Sumberjati village found 15 different type of ground to water resources, out of that 11 ground water used as a source of clean water that is distributed by pipeline to households, and 4 water resources are not distributed to households. Potential water supply in Sumberjati village per hamlet is as follows: Sepuran hamlet 61.65%; Kajar hamlet 27,79%, Kajar hamlet 9.34% and the smallest potential is in Krajan hamlet 1,29%. The ground water of Sepuran hamlet is utilized by Krajan hamlet, Kajar, Karang Kebun, Garahanjati hamlet, Garahandan Village, Sempolan Village. The average of clean water consumption in Sumberjati Village is higher than the survey result of Directorate of Drinking Water Development, Ditjen Cipta Karya, it is 144 liters per day per person, standart of Indonesia and UNESCO is 60 liters / capita / day. Estimated clean water needs of entire population in Sumber Jati Village using weighted average is 2,909,41 m3 / day or 2,909,414.63 liters / d...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Integrasi Ekonomi Indonesia-China Terhadap Perekonomian Indonesia (Sebelum dan Sesudah ACFTA)

Integrasi ekonomi Indonesia-China ( Asean-China Free Trade Area) dihipotesiskan berdampak positif... more Integrasi ekonomi Indonesia-China ( Asean-China Free Trade Area) dihipotesiskan berdampak positif terhadap kinerja perekonomian Indonesia melalui kegiatan perdagangan dan investasi. Namun, hal tersebut masih banyak diperdebatkan oleh peneliti-peneliti sebelumnya. Mereka berpendapat bahwa kerjasama tersebut banyak memberikan keuntungan kepada China dibandingkan negara-negara ASEAN lain terutama Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah integrasi ekonomi yang terjadi antara ASEAN khususnya Indonesia ke China berpengaruh terhadap perekonomian Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Ordinary Least Square (OLS). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ekspor Indonesia ke China berpengaruh positif signifikan namun impor berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap perekonomian Indonesia. Sedangkan Investasi dan integrasi ACFTA baik sebelum dan sesudah berpengaruh positif tidak signifikan terhadap perekonomian Indonesia.

Research paper thumbnail of The Impacts Of Inbound Tourism Activities And Macroeconomic Variables On Environmental Degradation In Asean-4

Media Trend, Dec 27, 2019

This study aims to analyze the impacts and causal relationship between inbound tourism activities... more This study aims to analyze the impacts and causal relationship between inbound tourism activities and macroeconomic variables on environmental degradation and to analyze the environmental degradation response due to shocks that occur in inbound tourism activities and macroeconomic variables in four countries with the highest international tourist visits in the ASEAN region of Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand known as ASEAN-4 for Periode 1995-2015. The method used in the research is panel vector error correction model (PVECM). The results showed that inbound tourism activities positively influence in the long-term and short-term environmental degradation in ASEAN-4. Among macroeconomic variables only gross domestic product (GDP) positively affects environmental degradation in the long term and short term whereas energy consumption only affects environmental degradation in the short term. There is a direct causal relationship of inbound tourism activity with environmental degradation and environmental degradation with GDP. Energy consumption and environmental degradation manifest bidirectional causality with a feedback effect. Impulse response function indicates environmental degradation responds negatively to the shocks that occur in Inbound tourism and GDP activities. The positive response is indicated by environmental degradation in case of shock to energy consumption.

Research paper thumbnail of Penelitian Implementasi Kebijakan Industrialisasi DI Kabupaten Jember Era Otonomi Daerahs

Research paper thumbnail of Potential Developmet Based On Rural Area In Southern Region Of East Java Province (Study In Jember Regency)

Rural development becomes important as an effort to minimize disparities between regions. The pur... more Rural development becomes important as an effort to minimize disparities between regions. The purpose of this study is to analyze the economic potential in rural areas and design policies in Jember Regency, especially in the Southern Region. The method used to analyze data is Location Quotient (LQ) analysis, MRP analysis, Overlay Analysis and AHP. Sampling data taken in 6 districts in Jember Regency. The Jember Regency was chosen because it was included in the largest food granary in East Java. The analysis shows that each sub-district has a superior sector each, namely certain commodities that have a competitive advantage compared to other districts.

Research paper thumbnail of Model Tata Kelola Sumber Daya Air Tanah Yang Berkelanjutan (Studi Di Desa Sumberjati Kecamatan Silo Kabupaten Jember)

Research paper thumbnail of Ability to Pay and Willingness to Pay Analysis of Clean Water Needs from Dusun Sepuran, Jember Regency

Journal of Indonesian Applied Economics, 2018

This research aimed to discover how Dusun Sepuran society could fulfill clean water needs using A... more This research aimed to discover how Dusun Sepuran society could fulfill clean water needs using Ability to Pay (ATP) and Willingness to Pay (WTP) approach. This research used quantitative analysis method affirmed by qualitative method. Based on data processing result, it was known that Dusun Sepuran society ATP categorized within captive rider category. It means that, ATP value for water needs proportion is lower than WTP. This is due to high Electricity Base Tariff Rate which cause water fulfillment cost, as most of Dusun Sepuran people must use water pump. Therefore proper policy implementation is necessary in handling water crisis threat at Dusun Sepuran in the future

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of World Food Price Fluctuation towards Indonesian Macroeconomics

Sebelas Maret Business Review

Stability of price is a crucial factor for export and import activities, especially food commodit... more Stability of price is a crucial factor for export and import activities, especially food commodities. Indonesia with the characteristics of a small open economy are vulnerable to external price shock as the implication of economic globalization. Understanding the food price shock useful for designing risk mitigation to minimize the effects of shocks to macroeconomic variables. The purpose of this research is to analyze the impact of macroeconomics from Vector Auto-Regression (VAR) methods. The sensitivity of impulse response estimation and variance decomposition which outlines how large and how the effect of the food price shock. Impulse response analysis shows shocks on global food price got the response by fastest and the most powerful by inflation. While the description of variance decomposition, variation described by economic growth. The results show that the global food price affects economic growth that is transmitted through inflation.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Industri Perbankan Tahun 2007-2016 dengan Pendekatan SCP: Studi Kasus Negara Indonesia dan Filipina

e-Journal Ekonomi Bisnis dan Akuntansi

The phenomenon of the global financial crisis in 2008 has an impact on the instability of banks, ... more The phenomenon of the global financial crisis in 2008 has an impact on the instability of banks, so the banking industry is changes. The emerging change of the banking industry, as a result of the bank's efforts to increase profitability. The structure- conduct-performance analysis becomes an appropriate paradigm for analyzing changes in the banking industry using three minds: traditional hypotheses, differentiation hypotheses, and efficiency hypotheses. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of market structure and behavior variables on banking profitability. The method used in this study was the calculation of the ratio of concentration, HHI, and fixed effect model in the banking industry of Indonesian and the Philippines. The results of this study indicated that the market structure of the Indonesian banking industry was in a strict oligopoly condition so that it undergoes a change towards increasingly concentrated competition and into the traditional hypothese...

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Kebijakan Industrialisasi DI Kabupaten Jember Era Otonomi Daerah

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Disparitas Pendapatan Kabupaten dan Kota Di Provinsi Jawa Timur

E Journal Ekonomi Bisnis Dan Akuntansi, Jan 20, 2015

Pemerintah Republik Indonesia melakukan kebijakan otonomi yang awalnya sentralisasi menjadi desen... more Pemerintah Republik Indonesia melakukan kebijakan otonomi yang awalnya sentralisasi menjadi desentralisasi yang bertujuan agar terciptanya pembangunan ekonomi wilayah yang mandiri (Nurikhsan, 2007). Hal tersebut tertera dalam ketetapan pemerintah pada Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 32 tahun 2004 tentang pemerintah daerah dan Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 33 tahun 2004 tentang perimbangan keuangan antara pemerintah pusat dan pemerintah daerah. UU RI Nomor 32 tahun 2004 tentang pemerintah daerah, berisi mengenai kebijakan pemerintah pusat memberi kewenangan dalam mengatur maupun mengurus pemerintahan terhadap pemerintahan daerah melalui desentralisasi maupun dekonsentrasi.


Jurnal Agribisnis dan Komunikasi Pertanian, Nov 7, 2022

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis usaha pertanian beras organik pada kelompok tani dan ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis usaha pertanian beras organik pada kelompok tani dan untuk menganalisis kelembagaan, menghitung keuntungan usahatani padi organik, modal sosial dan saluran distribusi beras organik di kelompok tani. Penelitian dilakukan selama 2 bulan terhitung dari bulan April sampai bulan Mei dengan cara wawancara dan observasi langsung ke tempat penelitian. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan melalui pendekatan biaya produksi menghitung pendapatan usahatani padi organik dan peran kelembagaan Koperasi Tani Jaya II pada petani padi organik di Desa Rowosari, Kecamatan Sumberjambe Kabupaten Jember. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa usahatani padi organik dikatakan efisien, modal sosial dapat menunjang keberlanjutan usahatani dan distribusi pada pertanian beras organik lebih menguntungkan jika dijual ke Koperasi Tani Jaya II karena koperasi berani membeli padi dengan harga yang lebih mahal daripada pengepul dan mitra bisnis usaha pertanian beras organik di Kabupaten Jember dengan kelompok tani Jaya II sangat berpotensi baik dikarenakan permintaan beras organik tinggi dari beberapa perusahaan ternama.

Research paper thumbnail of Participatory Planning Model as an Integrative Village Development Instrument in National Villages in Situbondo Regency

EFFLATOUNIA - Multidisciplinary Journal, Sep 1, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of MODEL KELEMBAGAAN TATA KELOLA SUMBERDAYA AIR TANAH YANG BERKELANJUTAN (Studi di Desa Sumberjati Kecamatan Silo Kabupaten Jember)

Sustainable Environmental and Optimizing Industry Journal, 2019

Peningkatan kebutuhan air telah menimbulkan eksploitasi sumberdaya air secara berlebihan, sehingg... more Peningkatan kebutuhan air telah menimbulkan eksploitasi sumberdaya air secara berlebihan, sehingga mengakibatkan penurunan daya dukung lingkungan. Peningkatan kegiatan ekonomi di Kabupaten Jember juga mendorong terjadinya peningkatan kebutuhan sumberdaya air. Hal ini menjadi penyebab adanya proses trade of terhadap komoditas air. Fenomena kelangkaan terhadap sumberdaya air di Kabupaten Jember mendorong perilaku atau kebijakan yang dapat mendukung keseimbangan antara kondisi ekonomi dan ekologi dalam pengelolaan sumberdaya alam air. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menerapkan Model Kelembagaan Tata Kelola Sumberdaya Air Tanah Berkelanjutan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Model tata kelola sumberdaya air tanah di Desa Sumberjati yang berkelanjutan berbentuk pemanfaatan barang publik menjadi barang privat untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah berkelanjutan melalui Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUM Desa). common property resources harus dikelola secara bersama-sama oleh masyarakat melalui BUM De...

Research paper thumbnail of Aplikasi Model Tipologi Dalam Pemetaan Potensi Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Dan Pengukuran Kinerja Daerah Dalam Rangka Menunjang Pelaksanaan Otonomi Daerah Di Provinsi Jawa Timur

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis Of Granger Construction Between Debt Sovereign And Gross Domestic Product In Indonesia

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Carrying Capacity Analysis of Sustainable Groundwater Sources (Case Study in Sumberjati Village, Sillo District, Jember Regency)

Wacana: Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora, 2018

Sumberjati Village is one of water supply area in East Jember Regency. The existence of natural r... more Sumberjati Village is one of water supply area in East Jember Regency. The existence of natural resources potential, which is groundwater sources, give an impact to the excessive use of that common goods by local and nearby village. If this condition continues, in the long term, there will be water scarcity in Sumberjati Village. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyse the carrying capacity of sustainable groundwater resources in Sumberjati Village. This research is using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) as main methods, which consist of 3 (three) components: (i) soil water resources (ii) environment; and (iii) social economy. Based on PCA analysis results, it is known that that for the groundwater resources component, variables that have a positive effect on the carrying capacity of groundwater resources in Sumberjati Village are; (i) number of water sources, and (ii) water wasted amount. While for the environmental component, the variables that have a positive effect is; ...

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Arus Investasi Langsung Dan Tidak Langsung DI Asean 4 Dalam Perspektif Margin Intensif Dan Ekstensif

Globalization in economic has an impact on the massive movement of foreign direct (FDI) and indir... more Globalization in economic has an impact on the massive movement of foreign direct (FDI) and indirect (Foriegn Private Investment / FPI) investments in developing countries in the world. By intensive margin government and authority in each country utilizes these conditions as development capital and technology transfer, while for extensive margin foreign investment are used to maintain a conducive relationship between investors and investment destination countries. Foreign investment is an important part of development especially for developing countries. For ASEAN 4 countries investment is very useful as a driver of the national economy, so the consideration of a stable investment climate and macroeconomic environment is important in policy formulation. The method used to analyze the relationship to the intensive and extensive margins of FDI and FPI in ASEAN 4 is the Panel Least Square (PLS) with annual panel data from Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand from 2003 to 2015....

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Sustainable Groundwater Resources Management in Jember District (Study in Sumberjati Village, Silo Sub-District)

Resources and Environment, 2018

The results of research in Sumberjati village found 15 different type of ground to water resource... more The results of research in Sumberjati village found 15 different type of ground to water resources, out of that 11 ground water used as a source of clean water that is distributed by pipeline to households, and 4 water resources are not distributed to households. Potential water supply in Sumberjati village per hamlet is as follows: Sepuran hamlet 61.65%; Kajar hamlet 27,79%, Kajar hamlet 9.34% and the smallest potential is in Krajan hamlet 1,29%. The ground water of Sepuran hamlet is utilized by Krajan hamlet, Kajar, Karang Kebun, Garahanjati hamlet, Garahandan Village, Sempolan Village. The average of clean water consumption in Sumberjati Village is higher than the survey result of Directorate of Drinking Water Development, Ditjen Cipta Karya, it is 144 liters per day per person, standart of Indonesia and UNESCO is 60 liters / capita / day. Estimated clean water needs of entire population in Sumber Jati Village using weighted average is 2,909,41 m3 / day or 2,909,414.63 liters / d...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Integrasi Ekonomi Indonesia-China Terhadap Perekonomian Indonesia (Sebelum dan Sesudah ACFTA)

Integrasi ekonomi Indonesia-China ( Asean-China Free Trade Area) dihipotesiskan berdampak positif... more Integrasi ekonomi Indonesia-China ( Asean-China Free Trade Area) dihipotesiskan berdampak positif terhadap kinerja perekonomian Indonesia melalui kegiatan perdagangan dan investasi. Namun, hal tersebut masih banyak diperdebatkan oleh peneliti-peneliti sebelumnya. Mereka berpendapat bahwa kerjasama tersebut banyak memberikan keuntungan kepada China dibandingkan negara-negara ASEAN lain terutama Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah integrasi ekonomi yang terjadi antara ASEAN khususnya Indonesia ke China berpengaruh terhadap perekonomian Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Ordinary Least Square (OLS). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ekspor Indonesia ke China berpengaruh positif signifikan namun impor berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap perekonomian Indonesia. Sedangkan Investasi dan integrasi ACFTA baik sebelum dan sesudah berpengaruh positif tidak signifikan terhadap perekonomian Indonesia.

Research paper thumbnail of The Impacts Of Inbound Tourism Activities And Macroeconomic Variables On Environmental Degradation In Asean-4

Media Trend, Dec 27, 2019

This study aims to analyze the impacts and causal relationship between inbound tourism activities... more This study aims to analyze the impacts and causal relationship between inbound tourism activities and macroeconomic variables on environmental degradation and to analyze the environmental degradation response due to shocks that occur in inbound tourism activities and macroeconomic variables in four countries with the highest international tourist visits in the ASEAN region of Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand known as ASEAN-4 for Periode 1995-2015. The method used in the research is panel vector error correction model (PVECM). The results showed that inbound tourism activities positively influence in the long-term and short-term environmental degradation in ASEAN-4. Among macroeconomic variables only gross domestic product (GDP) positively affects environmental degradation in the long term and short term whereas energy consumption only affects environmental degradation in the short term. There is a direct causal relationship of inbound tourism activity with environmental degradation and environmental degradation with GDP. Energy consumption and environmental degradation manifest bidirectional causality with a feedback effect. Impulse response function indicates environmental degradation responds negatively to the shocks that occur in Inbound tourism and GDP activities. The positive response is indicated by environmental degradation in case of shock to energy consumption.

Research paper thumbnail of Penelitian Implementasi Kebijakan Industrialisasi DI Kabupaten Jember Era Otonomi Daerahs

Research paper thumbnail of Potential Developmet Based On Rural Area In Southern Region Of East Java Province (Study In Jember Regency)

Rural development becomes important as an effort to minimize disparities between regions. The pur... more Rural development becomes important as an effort to minimize disparities between regions. The purpose of this study is to analyze the economic potential in rural areas and design policies in Jember Regency, especially in the Southern Region. The method used to analyze data is Location Quotient (LQ) analysis, MRP analysis, Overlay Analysis and AHP. Sampling data taken in 6 districts in Jember Regency. The Jember Regency was chosen because it was included in the largest food granary in East Java. The analysis shows that each sub-district has a superior sector each, namely certain commodities that have a competitive advantage compared to other districts.

Research paper thumbnail of Model Tata Kelola Sumber Daya Air Tanah Yang Berkelanjutan (Studi Di Desa Sumberjati Kecamatan Silo Kabupaten Jember)

Research paper thumbnail of Ability to Pay and Willingness to Pay Analysis of Clean Water Needs from Dusun Sepuran, Jember Regency

Journal of Indonesian Applied Economics, 2018

This research aimed to discover how Dusun Sepuran society could fulfill clean water needs using A... more This research aimed to discover how Dusun Sepuran society could fulfill clean water needs using Ability to Pay (ATP) and Willingness to Pay (WTP) approach. This research used quantitative analysis method affirmed by qualitative method. Based on data processing result, it was known that Dusun Sepuran society ATP categorized within captive rider category. It means that, ATP value for water needs proportion is lower than WTP. This is due to high Electricity Base Tariff Rate which cause water fulfillment cost, as most of Dusun Sepuran people must use water pump. Therefore proper policy implementation is necessary in handling water crisis threat at Dusun Sepuran in the future

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of World Food Price Fluctuation towards Indonesian Macroeconomics

Sebelas Maret Business Review

Stability of price is a crucial factor for export and import activities, especially food commodit... more Stability of price is a crucial factor for export and import activities, especially food commodities. Indonesia with the characteristics of a small open economy are vulnerable to external price shock as the implication of economic globalization. Understanding the food price shock useful for designing risk mitigation to minimize the effects of shocks to macroeconomic variables. The purpose of this research is to analyze the impact of macroeconomics from Vector Auto-Regression (VAR) methods. The sensitivity of impulse response estimation and variance decomposition which outlines how large and how the effect of the food price shock. Impulse response analysis shows shocks on global food price got the response by fastest and the most powerful by inflation. While the description of variance decomposition, variation described by economic growth. The results show that the global food price affects economic growth that is transmitted through inflation.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Industri Perbankan Tahun 2007-2016 dengan Pendekatan SCP: Studi Kasus Negara Indonesia dan Filipina

e-Journal Ekonomi Bisnis dan Akuntansi

The phenomenon of the global financial crisis in 2008 has an impact on the instability of banks, ... more The phenomenon of the global financial crisis in 2008 has an impact on the instability of banks, so the banking industry is changes. The emerging change of the banking industry, as a result of the bank's efforts to increase profitability. The structure- conduct-performance analysis becomes an appropriate paradigm for analyzing changes in the banking industry using three minds: traditional hypotheses, differentiation hypotheses, and efficiency hypotheses. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of market structure and behavior variables on banking profitability. The method used in this study was the calculation of the ratio of concentration, HHI, and fixed effect model in the banking industry of Indonesian and the Philippines. The results of this study indicated that the market structure of the Indonesian banking industry was in a strict oligopoly condition so that it undergoes a change towards increasingly concentrated competition and into the traditional hypothese...

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Kebijakan Industrialisasi DI Kabupaten Jember Era Otonomi Daerah

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Disparitas Pendapatan Kabupaten dan Kota Di Provinsi Jawa Timur

E Journal Ekonomi Bisnis Dan Akuntansi, Jan 20, 2015

Pemerintah Republik Indonesia melakukan kebijakan otonomi yang awalnya sentralisasi menjadi desen... more Pemerintah Republik Indonesia melakukan kebijakan otonomi yang awalnya sentralisasi menjadi desentralisasi yang bertujuan agar terciptanya pembangunan ekonomi wilayah yang mandiri (Nurikhsan, 2007). Hal tersebut tertera dalam ketetapan pemerintah pada Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 32 tahun 2004 tentang pemerintah daerah dan Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 33 tahun 2004 tentang perimbangan keuangan antara pemerintah pusat dan pemerintah daerah. UU RI Nomor 32 tahun 2004 tentang pemerintah daerah, berisi mengenai kebijakan pemerintah pusat memberi kewenangan dalam mengatur maupun mengurus pemerintahan terhadap pemerintahan daerah melalui desentralisasi maupun dekonsentrasi.