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Papers by Hatice Akçakaya

Research paper thumbnail of Online Multi-Component Cognitive Strategy Instruction for Cochlear Implant Users: Reading Comprehension

The Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education

The aim of this study was to examine the effect of online multi-component strategy instruction (M... more The aim of this study was to examine the effect of online multi-component strategy instruction (MCCSI) on students with cochlear implants (CIs) regarding their reading comprehension. Moreover, it was to examine whether the students maintained and generalized the skills they acquired as well as the student’ and their mothers’ opinions regarding the intervention. This research was carried out with a multiple probe design across subjects. Three students with CIs who were in the fourth or fifth grade participated in this study. As a result, online MCCSI was found to be effective with a large effect size for all three students, and the students maintained their acquired skills at three and six weeks following the intervention. Additionally, two of the students were able to generalize the strategies they learned. Moreover, the opinions of the participating students and families regarding the social validity of the research were positive.

Research paper thumbnail of Erken Yaşta Koklear Implant Uygulanan Çocuklarda Sözel Çalışma Belleği ve Dil ile Ilişkisinin İncelenmesi

Normal gelisim gosteren cocuklarda sozcuk dagarcigi ve sozel calisma bellegi (CB) birbiriyle ilis... more Normal gelisim gosteren cocuklarda sozcuk dagarcigi ve sozel calisma bellegi (CB) birbiriyle iliskili becerilerdir. Bu calismanin amaci erken yasta koklear implant (KI) uygulanan cocuklarin sozel CB, sozcuk dagarcigi ve konusma anlasilirligi acisindan degerlendirmek, normal isiten cocuklarla karsilastirmak ve dil ile ilgili parametrelerden sozcuk dagarcigi ve konusma anlasilirligi ile sozel CB arasindaki korelasyonu incelemektir. Calismanin bir diger amaci normal isiten (NI) cocuklarin sozel CB ve dille ilgili olcum puanlarinin demografik, bilissel, egitimsel degiskenler arasindaki, KI'li cocuklarin da bu degiskenlere ek olarak odyolojik degiskenler arasindaki korelasyonun incelenmesidir. Sozel CB Kisaltilmis Anlamsiz Sozcuk Tekrari (K-AST) ve Ters Sayi Dizisi (TSD) gorevi, konusma anlasilirligi Konusma Anlasilirligi Olcegi (KAO), uretim becerileri Ankara Artikulasyon Testi (AAT), sozcuk dagarcigi TIFALDI Turkce Ifade Edici ve Alici Dil Testi ile degerlendirilmistir. %90 ve uzer...

Research paper thumbnail of Teacher Opinions about Auditory Verbal Therapy

Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Relationships Between Reasoning, Verbal Working Memory, and Language in Children with Early Cochlear Implantation: A Mediation Effect

Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Özel Eğitim Dergisi, 2018

The aim of this study was to examine the relationships between reasoning, working memory, and lan... more The aim of this study was to examine the relationships between reasoning, working memory, and language in children with cochlear implants. A battery of tests of language, working memory, reasoning tasks, and speech perception tests was administered to each child. The participants were twenty-five children with deaf who had cochlear implant surgery before the age of 3. Parallel mediation analysis was conducted. The cause of reasoning is the working memory, however this effect is shown with the indirect effects of receptive and expressive language skills. As a result, activities to improve verbal working memory and receptive and expressive language skills might improve reasoning skills of children with cochlear implants.

Research paper thumbnail of Türkçe Anlamsız Sözcük Tekrarı Listesinin Kısaltılma Süreci

Düzce Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2018

Amaç: Sözel çalışma belleği, anlamsız sözcük tekrarı gibi görevlerle değerlendirilmektedir. Bu ça... more Amaç: Sözel çalışma belleği, anlamsız sözcük tekrarı gibi görevlerle değerlendirilmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı Türkçe için oluşturulmuş 36 anlamsız sözcükten oluşan Anlamsız Sözcük Tekrarı Listesinin 1-4 heceli 20 anlamsız sözcükten oluşacak şekilde kısaltılmasıdır. Böylece bireyler arası değişkenliğin en az olduğu anlamsız sözcüklerin seçilmesi planlanmıştır.Gereç ve Yöntemler: Türkçe Anlamsız Sözcük Tekrarı Listesi profesyonel bir stüdyoda, profesyonel bir spiker tarafından kayıt edilmiştir. İki ayrı ses kaydı alınmıştır. Heceler arası ses düzeylerinin dengelenmesi amacıyla normalizasyon yapılmıştır. Normal işiten ve yaşları 7;0-10;5 (yedi yaş sıfır ay - on yaş beş ay) arasında değişen 35 çocuğa ses kayıtları sunulmuştur. Ses kayıtları sunulurken çocukların tekrarları bir forma işaretlenmiş, aynı zamanda ses kayıt cihazı ile kayıt edilmiştir. Ses kayıtlarının birinci araştırmacı tarafından doğru anlaşılıp anlaşılmadığını belirlemek için rastgele seçilen kayıtların %43'ü üçünc...

Research paper thumbnail of Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of STM and WM in Long-Term CI Users

Systematic Review and Meta‑analysis of STM and WM in Long‑Term CI Users, 2022

Short-term memory (STM) and working memory (WM) capacity, which are at the centre of information ... more Short-term memory (STM) and working memory (WM) capacity, which are at the centre of information processing, are significant predictors of learning in both children with typical hearing (TH) and hearing loss. We compared the performance of long-term cochlear implant (CI) users with their typical hearing (TH) peers on verbal short-term memory (STM), verbal working memory (WM), visuospatial STM, and visuospatial WM. Through a database search, we identified relevant articles published up to 14 February 2021. Twenty articles met the inclusion criteria for a systematic analysis. Meta-analysis was performed on both verbal STM and WM. Limitation in verbal STM was found to have a large effect size, and limitation in verbal WM was found to have a medium to large effect size in long-term CI users in a WM task. There was no significant difference between long-term CI users and their TH peers in two verbal WM (reading span and visual digit span) tasks. Results revealed that the long-term CI users have more difficulty in storing than processing information. The outcomes of this meta-analysis have clinical and educational implications for CI users. The visual representation of verbal items compensated for the limitation in verbal WM in long-term CI users. The opposite was observed for verbal STM tasks. A significant difference between TH and long-term CI users was observed for the visuospatial STM with a small to medium effect size in individual studies. However, our findings should be interpreted very cautiously in this preliminary systematic review and meta-analysis because of small samples. All interpretations have been made according to current findings. There is a need for more studies about verbal and visuospatial STM and WM in long-term CI users.

Research paper thumbnail of Türkçe Anlamsız Sözcük Tekrarı Listesinin Kısaltılma Süreci

Amac: Sozel calisma bellegi, anlamsiz sozcuk tekrari gibi gorevlerle degerlendirilmektedir. Bu ca... more Amac: Sozel calisma bellegi, anlamsiz sozcuk tekrari gibi gorevlerle degerlendirilmektedir. Bu calismanin amaci Turkce icin olusturulmus 36 anlamsiz sozcukten olusan Anlamsiz Sozcuk Tekrari Listesinin 1-4 heceli 20 anlamsiz sozcukten olusacak sekilde kisaltilmasidir. Boylece bireyler arasi degiskenligin en az oldugu anlamsiz sozcuklerin secilmesi planlanmistir. Gerec ve Yontemler: Turkce Anlamsiz Sozcuk Tekrari Listesi profesyonel bir studyoda, profesyonel bir spiker tarafindan kayit edilmistir. Iki ayri ses kaydi alinmistir. Heceler arasi ses duzeylerinin dengelenmesi amaciyla normalizasyon yapilmistir. Normal isiten ve yaslari 7;0-10;5 (yedi yas sifir ay - on yas bes ay) arasinda degisen 35 cocuga ses kayitlari sunulmustur. Ses kayitlari sunulurken cocuklarin tekrarlari bir forma isaretlenmis, ayni zamanda ses kayit cihazi ile kayit edilmistir. Ses kayitlarinin birinci arastirmaci tarafindan dogru anlasilip anlasilmadigini belirlemek icin rastgele secilen kayitlarin %43’u ucuncu a...

Research paper thumbnail of Early cochlear implantation: Verbal working memory, vocabulary, speech intelligibility and participant variables

Cochlear Implants International

Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare performance in the areas of verbal working m... more Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare performance in the areas of verbal working memory (VWM), vocabulary skills, and speech intelligibility between children with cochlear implants (CIs) and children with typical development (TD). The correlations between participant variables and the scores of children with CIs in VWM and the measures of language were examined. Also, it was important to identify which variables predict VWM in children with CIs. Methods: A total of 59 children participated in this study with the study group being comprised of 31 children who had received a CI and the control group being comprised of 28 children with TD. The assessment techniques utilized in this study were the backward digit span (BDS), non-word repetition, speech intelligibility, and vocabulary skills. Results: The study results revealed significant differences in the non-word repetition, speech intelligibility, and vocabulary tasks. The results all favored the typically developing children while the findings for the BDS were equal for both groups. Discussion: In children with CIs the results for VWM observed in this study are believed to be related to the modality of assessment presentation, prior vocabulary knowledge, and familiarity with the presented material. The results from this study also revealed that the variables which predicted VWM in children with CIs were speech perception, duration of CI use, and vocabulary knowledge.

Research paper thumbnail of Relationships Between Reasoning, Verbal Working Memory, and Language in Children with Early Cochlear Implantation: A Mediation Effect

The aim of this study was to examine the relationships between reasoning, working memory, and lan... more The aim of this study was to examine the relationships between reasoning, working memory, and language in children with cochlear implants. A battery of tests of language, working memory, reasoning tasks, and speech perception tests was administered to each child. The participants were twenty-five children with deaf who had cochlear implant surgery before the age of 3. Parallel mediation analysis was conducted. The cause of reasoning is the working memory, however this effect is shown with the indirect effects of receptive and expressive language skills. As a result, activities to improve verbal working memory and receptive and expressive language skills might improve reasoning skills of children with cochlear implants. memory, and language in children with early cochlear implantation: A mediation effect. Ankara

Research paper thumbnail of Teacher Opinions about Auditory Verbal Therapy

As a Class II evidence based approach, Auditory Verbal Therapy (AVT) hasn't been implementing wid... more As a Class II evidence based approach, Auditory Verbal Therapy (AVT) hasn't been implementing widely. The aim of this study was determined the opinions of teachers' who use AVT in their practices about practicality of AVT, their expectations from each other and AVT practices in Turkey, and also specify the teachers' perspective about AVT course intensity in undergraduate education. For this purpose semi-structured interview was conducted with five teachers who implemented AVT at least three years and with five families who were involved in AVT training for the last 2 years. This study was conducted as a descriptive design which is one of the qualitative research studies. Content analysis and descriptive analysis were used. In the results, teachers stated that working in person with hearing impaired children's families has positive impact on speech perception, language development and speech production. Additionally, they agreed that AVT hasn't been known adequately in Turkey and they needed more courses in their undergraduate educations. As a result it is thought that if AVT takes more place during undergraduate education and teachers can have in-service education about it, AVT may become widespread and may become more useful for children with hearing loss and their families. Özet. İkinci sınıf kanıta dayalı bir yaklaşım olan İşitsel Sözel Terapi (İST) Türkiye'de çok yaygın olarak uygulanmamaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı İST uygulayan öğretmenlerin, aileler ve öğretmenler açısından terapinin uygulanabilirliği ve onların birbirlerinden beklentileri ile lisans eğitiminde İST'ye ne kadar yer verildiği, Türkiye'de İST uygulamaları ile ilgili görüşlerinin alınmasıdır. Bu amaçla en az üç yıl İST uygulamış beş öğretmenle ve en az 2 yıldır İST eğitimi alan 5 aileyle yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme yapılmıştır. Bu araştırma nitel araştırma desenlerinden betimsel desen olarak tasarlanmıştır. İçerik analizi ve betimsel analiz bir arada kullanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak öğretmenler işitme kayıplı çocuklar ile ilgili becerilerin bizzat aileye öğretilmesinin konuşma algısı, dil gelişimi ve konuşma üretimi açısından olumlu olduğunu, aileler ve öğretmenlerce uygulanabilir olduğunu, lisans eğitiminde bu konuya daha fazla yer verilmesi gerektiğini, Türkiye'de çok fazla bilinmediğini ifade etmişlerdir. Türkiye'de lisans eğitiminde İST konusuna daha fazla yer verilmesinin ve mevcut öğretmenlerin de hizmet içi eğitim alması yoluyla yöntemin yaygınlaştırılmasının işitme kayıplı çocuk ve aileler açısından faydalı olabileceği düşünülmektedir. Anahtar sözcükler: İşitsel-sözel terapi, işitme kayıplı çocuklar, koklear implant, nitel araştırma, öğretmen görüşleri

Research paper thumbnail of Online Multi-Component Cognitive Strategy Instruction for Cochlear Implant Users: Reading Comprehension

The Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education

The aim of this study was to examine the effect of online multi-component strategy instruction (M... more The aim of this study was to examine the effect of online multi-component strategy instruction (MCCSI) on students with cochlear implants (CIs) regarding their reading comprehension. Moreover, it was to examine whether the students maintained and generalized the skills they acquired as well as the student’ and their mothers’ opinions regarding the intervention. This research was carried out with a multiple probe design across subjects. Three students with CIs who were in the fourth or fifth grade participated in this study. As a result, online MCCSI was found to be effective with a large effect size for all three students, and the students maintained their acquired skills at three and six weeks following the intervention. Additionally, two of the students were able to generalize the strategies they learned. Moreover, the opinions of the participating students and families regarding the social validity of the research were positive.

Research paper thumbnail of Erken Yaşta Koklear Implant Uygulanan Çocuklarda Sözel Çalışma Belleği ve Dil ile Ilişkisinin İncelenmesi

Normal gelisim gosteren cocuklarda sozcuk dagarcigi ve sozel calisma bellegi (CB) birbiriyle ilis... more Normal gelisim gosteren cocuklarda sozcuk dagarcigi ve sozel calisma bellegi (CB) birbiriyle iliskili becerilerdir. Bu calismanin amaci erken yasta koklear implant (KI) uygulanan cocuklarin sozel CB, sozcuk dagarcigi ve konusma anlasilirligi acisindan degerlendirmek, normal isiten cocuklarla karsilastirmak ve dil ile ilgili parametrelerden sozcuk dagarcigi ve konusma anlasilirligi ile sozel CB arasindaki korelasyonu incelemektir. Calismanin bir diger amaci normal isiten (NI) cocuklarin sozel CB ve dille ilgili olcum puanlarinin demografik, bilissel, egitimsel degiskenler arasindaki, KI'li cocuklarin da bu degiskenlere ek olarak odyolojik degiskenler arasindaki korelasyonun incelenmesidir. Sozel CB Kisaltilmis Anlamsiz Sozcuk Tekrari (K-AST) ve Ters Sayi Dizisi (TSD) gorevi, konusma anlasilirligi Konusma Anlasilirligi Olcegi (KAO), uretim becerileri Ankara Artikulasyon Testi (AAT), sozcuk dagarcigi TIFALDI Turkce Ifade Edici ve Alici Dil Testi ile degerlendirilmistir. %90 ve uzer...

Research paper thumbnail of Teacher Opinions about Auditory Verbal Therapy

Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Relationships Between Reasoning, Verbal Working Memory, and Language in Children with Early Cochlear Implantation: A Mediation Effect

Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Özel Eğitim Dergisi, 2018

The aim of this study was to examine the relationships between reasoning, working memory, and lan... more The aim of this study was to examine the relationships between reasoning, working memory, and language in children with cochlear implants. A battery of tests of language, working memory, reasoning tasks, and speech perception tests was administered to each child. The participants were twenty-five children with deaf who had cochlear implant surgery before the age of 3. Parallel mediation analysis was conducted. The cause of reasoning is the working memory, however this effect is shown with the indirect effects of receptive and expressive language skills. As a result, activities to improve verbal working memory and receptive and expressive language skills might improve reasoning skills of children with cochlear implants.

Research paper thumbnail of Türkçe Anlamsız Sözcük Tekrarı Listesinin Kısaltılma Süreci

Düzce Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2018

Amaç: Sözel çalışma belleği, anlamsız sözcük tekrarı gibi görevlerle değerlendirilmektedir. Bu ça... more Amaç: Sözel çalışma belleği, anlamsız sözcük tekrarı gibi görevlerle değerlendirilmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı Türkçe için oluşturulmuş 36 anlamsız sözcükten oluşan Anlamsız Sözcük Tekrarı Listesinin 1-4 heceli 20 anlamsız sözcükten oluşacak şekilde kısaltılmasıdır. Böylece bireyler arası değişkenliğin en az olduğu anlamsız sözcüklerin seçilmesi planlanmıştır.Gereç ve Yöntemler: Türkçe Anlamsız Sözcük Tekrarı Listesi profesyonel bir stüdyoda, profesyonel bir spiker tarafından kayıt edilmiştir. İki ayrı ses kaydı alınmıştır. Heceler arası ses düzeylerinin dengelenmesi amacıyla normalizasyon yapılmıştır. Normal işiten ve yaşları 7;0-10;5 (yedi yaş sıfır ay - on yaş beş ay) arasında değişen 35 çocuğa ses kayıtları sunulmuştur. Ses kayıtları sunulurken çocukların tekrarları bir forma işaretlenmiş, aynı zamanda ses kayıt cihazı ile kayıt edilmiştir. Ses kayıtlarının birinci araştırmacı tarafından doğru anlaşılıp anlaşılmadığını belirlemek için rastgele seçilen kayıtların %43'ü üçünc...

Research paper thumbnail of Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of STM and WM in Long-Term CI Users

Systematic Review and Meta‑analysis of STM and WM in Long‑Term CI Users, 2022

Short-term memory (STM) and working memory (WM) capacity, which are at the centre of information ... more Short-term memory (STM) and working memory (WM) capacity, which are at the centre of information processing, are significant predictors of learning in both children with typical hearing (TH) and hearing loss. We compared the performance of long-term cochlear implant (CI) users with their typical hearing (TH) peers on verbal short-term memory (STM), verbal working memory (WM), visuospatial STM, and visuospatial WM. Through a database search, we identified relevant articles published up to 14 February 2021. Twenty articles met the inclusion criteria for a systematic analysis. Meta-analysis was performed on both verbal STM and WM. Limitation in verbal STM was found to have a large effect size, and limitation in verbal WM was found to have a medium to large effect size in long-term CI users in a WM task. There was no significant difference between long-term CI users and their TH peers in two verbal WM (reading span and visual digit span) tasks. Results revealed that the long-term CI users have more difficulty in storing than processing information. The outcomes of this meta-analysis have clinical and educational implications for CI users. The visual representation of verbal items compensated for the limitation in verbal WM in long-term CI users. The opposite was observed for verbal STM tasks. A significant difference between TH and long-term CI users was observed for the visuospatial STM with a small to medium effect size in individual studies. However, our findings should be interpreted very cautiously in this preliminary systematic review and meta-analysis because of small samples. All interpretations have been made according to current findings. There is a need for more studies about verbal and visuospatial STM and WM in long-term CI users.

Research paper thumbnail of Türkçe Anlamsız Sözcük Tekrarı Listesinin Kısaltılma Süreci

Amac: Sozel calisma bellegi, anlamsiz sozcuk tekrari gibi gorevlerle degerlendirilmektedir. Bu ca... more Amac: Sozel calisma bellegi, anlamsiz sozcuk tekrari gibi gorevlerle degerlendirilmektedir. Bu calismanin amaci Turkce icin olusturulmus 36 anlamsiz sozcukten olusan Anlamsiz Sozcuk Tekrari Listesinin 1-4 heceli 20 anlamsiz sozcukten olusacak sekilde kisaltilmasidir. Boylece bireyler arasi degiskenligin en az oldugu anlamsiz sozcuklerin secilmesi planlanmistir. Gerec ve Yontemler: Turkce Anlamsiz Sozcuk Tekrari Listesi profesyonel bir studyoda, profesyonel bir spiker tarafindan kayit edilmistir. Iki ayri ses kaydi alinmistir. Heceler arasi ses duzeylerinin dengelenmesi amaciyla normalizasyon yapilmistir. Normal isiten ve yaslari 7;0-10;5 (yedi yas sifir ay - on yas bes ay) arasinda degisen 35 cocuga ses kayitlari sunulmustur. Ses kayitlari sunulurken cocuklarin tekrarlari bir forma isaretlenmis, ayni zamanda ses kayit cihazi ile kayit edilmistir. Ses kayitlarinin birinci arastirmaci tarafindan dogru anlasilip anlasilmadigini belirlemek icin rastgele secilen kayitlarin %43’u ucuncu a...

Research paper thumbnail of Early cochlear implantation: Verbal working memory, vocabulary, speech intelligibility and participant variables

Cochlear Implants International

Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare performance in the areas of verbal working m... more Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare performance in the areas of verbal working memory (VWM), vocabulary skills, and speech intelligibility between children with cochlear implants (CIs) and children with typical development (TD). The correlations between participant variables and the scores of children with CIs in VWM and the measures of language were examined. Also, it was important to identify which variables predict VWM in children with CIs. Methods: A total of 59 children participated in this study with the study group being comprised of 31 children who had received a CI and the control group being comprised of 28 children with TD. The assessment techniques utilized in this study were the backward digit span (BDS), non-word repetition, speech intelligibility, and vocabulary skills. Results: The study results revealed significant differences in the non-word repetition, speech intelligibility, and vocabulary tasks. The results all favored the typically developing children while the findings for the BDS were equal for both groups. Discussion: In children with CIs the results for VWM observed in this study are believed to be related to the modality of assessment presentation, prior vocabulary knowledge, and familiarity with the presented material. The results from this study also revealed that the variables which predicted VWM in children with CIs were speech perception, duration of CI use, and vocabulary knowledge.

Research paper thumbnail of Relationships Between Reasoning, Verbal Working Memory, and Language in Children with Early Cochlear Implantation: A Mediation Effect

The aim of this study was to examine the relationships between reasoning, working memory, and lan... more The aim of this study was to examine the relationships between reasoning, working memory, and language in children with cochlear implants. A battery of tests of language, working memory, reasoning tasks, and speech perception tests was administered to each child. The participants were twenty-five children with deaf who had cochlear implant surgery before the age of 3. Parallel mediation analysis was conducted. The cause of reasoning is the working memory, however this effect is shown with the indirect effects of receptive and expressive language skills. As a result, activities to improve verbal working memory and receptive and expressive language skills might improve reasoning skills of children with cochlear implants. memory, and language in children with early cochlear implantation: A mediation effect. Ankara

Research paper thumbnail of Teacher Opinions about Auditory Verbal Therapy

As a Class II evidence based approach, Auditory Verbal Therapy (AVT) hasn't been implementing wid... more As a Class II evidence based approach, Auditory Verbal Therapy (AVT) hasn't been implementing widely. The aim of this study was determined the opinions of teachers' who use AVT in their practices about practicality of AVT, their expectations from each other and AVT practices in Turkey, and also specify the teachers' perspective about AVT course intensity in undergraduate education. For this purpose semi-structured interview was conducted with five teachers who implemented AVT at least three years and with five families who were involved in AVT training for the last 2 years. This study was conducted as a descriptive design which is one of the qualitative research studies. Content analysis and descriptive analysis were used. In the results, teachers stated that working in person with hearing impaired children's families has positive impact on speech perception, language development and speech production. Additionally, they agreed that AVT hasn't been known adequately in Turkey and they needed more courses in their undergraduate educations. As a result it is thought that if AVT takes more place during undergraduate education and teachers can have in-service education about it, AVT may become widespread and may become more useful for children with hearing loss and their families. Özet. İkinci sınıf kanıta dayalı bir yaklaşım olan İşitsel Sözel Terapi (İST) Türkiye'de çok yaygın olarak uygulanmamaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı İST uygulayan öğretmenlerin, aileler ve öğretmenler açısından terapinin uygulanabilirliği ve onların birbirlerinden beklentileri ile lisans eğitiminde İST'ye ne kadar yer verildiği, Türkiye'de İST uygulamaları ile ilgili görüşlerinin alınmasıdır. Bu amaçla en az üç yıl İST uygulamış beş öğretmenle ve en az 2 yıldır İST eğitimi alan 5 aileyle yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme yapılmıştır. Bu araştırma nitel araştırma desenlerinden betimsel desen olarak tasarlanmıştır. İçerik analizi ve betimsel analiz bir arada kullanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak öğretmenler işitme kayıplı çocuklar ile ilgili becerilerin bizzat aileye öğretilmesinin konuşma algısı, dil gelişimi ve konuşma üretimi açısından olumlu olduğunu, aileler ve öğretmenlerce uygulanabilir olduğunu, lisans eğitiminde bu konuya daha fazla yer verilmesi gerektiğini, Türkiye'de çok fazla bilinmediğini ifade etmişlerdir. Türkiye'de lisans eğitiminde İST konusuna daha fazla yer verilmesinin ve mevcut öğretmenlerin de hizmet içi eğitim alması yoluyla yöntemin yaygınlaştırılmasının işitme kayıplı çocuk ve aileler açısından faydalı olabileceği düşünülmektedir. Anahtar sözcükler: İşitsel-sözel terapi, işitme kayıplı çocuklar, koklear implant, nitel araştırma, öğretmen görüşleri