Alessio Mannucci - (original) (raw)

Books by Alessio Mannucci

Research paper thumbnail of WAR OF THE WORLDS (La Guerra dei Mondi) Alessio Mannucci 2016


The press, photography, radio, even before television, have prepared the masses for total immersi... more The press, photography, radio, even before television, have prepared the masses for total immersion in the technologically advanced virtual realities that currently dominate and disorient us, destroying identities, without our realizing it. The Matrix is ​​a world where the sacredness of life and the miracle of birth no longer exist, where life can be interfaced, and transformed, with machines, until it is completely replaced by copies, simulacra, artificial ones (such as robots). Virtual reality, as a technology of representation, is nothing other than the extreme consequence of the will of nihilistic domination, the will of omnipotence, the will of death, which pushes man towards the annihilation of himself and of the real world.

"... art is everywhere because artifice is at the center of reality. Thus art is death, because not only is its critical transcendence dead, but because reality itself has been confused with its own image, it no longer even has the time to acquire reality value" (Jean Baudrillard)

"... with the real world we have also eliminated the apparent one" (Friedrich Nietzsche)

Research paper thumbnail of PORN EMPIRE (PORNO IMPERO) Alessio Mannucci  Quarta Edizione 2016


In the current era of mass porn, the dominant pornculture, with its "porno-aesthetic" and "porno-... more In the current era of mass porn, the dominant pornculture, with its "porno-aesthetic" and "porno-social" dictates, aspires to transform all women into "pornès", prostitutes.
Neoliberal "porn-globalization" and the growth of the sex industries have made it possible to define prostitution as "freedom", effectively fueling the human trafficking for sexual purposes.
“Porno Babylon”, the world empire of false religion, has extended its dominion over peoples and nations through porno-idolatry, immorality, wars, a greedy and oppressive porn-economic system. It is the satanic world system which includes, in addition to the world religious empire, also the "Porno Empire", the porno-commercial and porno-political empire.

Drafts by Alessio Mannucci

Research paper thumbnail of WAR OF THE WORLDS (LA GUERRA DEI MONDI) - OVERVIEW

LA GUERRA DEI MONDI (Seconda Edizione), 2016

The passage of art from the sphere of the sacred and ritual to that of politics and mass communic... more The passage of art from the sphere of the sacred and ritual to that of politics and mass communication did not at all favor a democratic revolution but ended up conferring new forms of power in the hands of the capitalist technocrats who control the cultural industry.

The omnipresent virtuality of social media marks, paradoxically, "the end of the social" (Baudrillard).

Ultimately, the desacralization of art has allowed art to penetrate all cultural fields (political, social, economic, scientific), as the avant-gardes preached, but this has not translated into a liberation but rather into a new form of oppression, a dictatorship of images without aura that dominates the "spectacular society" unchallenged. The mediated experience (Erlebnis) has engulfed the real one (Erfahrung) taking possession of the minds and souls of the masses, reduced to cerebral mush by a continuous visual electro-shock, an infinite psychic torture porn, a hyper-estrangement, the crime Perfect.

" The combined action of psycho-technologies - infotainment, atrocity exhibition, pornography, advertising, psycho-pharmacology - produces a lethal cocktail capable of transforming anyone into a potential Mr. Hyde, a ruthless, primordial, demonic being, he and the only one who, 'among humans, was pure evil' ”

Research paper thumbnail of LA GUERRA DEI MONDI (WAR OF THE WORLDS) - OVERVIEW


" L'azione combinata delle psico-tecnologie - infotainment, mostra delle atrocità, pornografia, p... more " L'azione combinata delle psico-tecnologie - infotainment, mostra delle atrocità, pornografia, pubblicità, psico-farmacologia - produce un cocktail letale in grado di trasformare chiunque in un potenziale Mr.Hyde, un essere spietato, primordiale, demoniaco, colui e il solo che, 'nel novero degli umani, era il male allo stato puro' ”.

L'onniprosente virtualità dei social media segna, paradossalmente, “la fine del sociale" (Beaudrillard).

Research paper thumbnail of POP PORNO A DIRTY HISTORY OF MUSIC From Dirty Blues to Porno Rap (Preview)

POP PORNO A DIRTY HISTORY OF MUSIC From Dirty Blues to Porno Rap, 2025

"POP PORNO A DIRTY HISTORY OF MUSIC From Dirty Blues to Porno Rap" intends to trace a new history... more "POP PORNO A DIRTY HISTORY OF MUSIC From Dirty Blues to Porno Rap" intends to trace a new history of sexuality by investigating how this has been represented over time in popular music.

Research paper thumbnail of PORN EMPIRE (Edition IV) Alessio Mannucci 2016 OVERVIEW

PORNO IMPERO (Edition IV), 2016

SYNOPSIS In the era of mass pornography, the prevailing pornculture, with its "porno-aesthetic" a... more SYNOPSIS In the era of mass pornography, the prevailing pornculture, with its "porno-aesthetic" and porno-social dictates, aspires to transform all women into "pornès", prostitutes. Neoliberal porn-globalization and the growth of the sex industries have made it possible to define prostitution as a "freedom", effectively fueling the trafficking of women and children for sexual purposes.

As Annalisa Verza points out, [...] the representation of the "porné", i.e. the "whore", does not occur by staging stories of prostitution (the payment for the sexual service is never depicted), but by mostly depicting ordinary women, thus suggesting, by synecdoche, that all women are actually “porné”. […] What is most serious, in this form of defamation, is its hiding a form of domination, an "eroticized power", as underlined by Catherine MacKinnon: the image of the woman conveyed by pornography is the exact opposite of that ideal of "customs" that the same "male community", creator and user of pornography, has imposed on women. Pornography, therefore, represents “shameless,” degraded women who are inevitably breaking the model of behavior they should honorably follow. In practice, it is a double deception: on the one hand, a certain model of morality is prescribed to women, and on the other, the same male culture insinuates through pornography that all women cannot maintain this code of honorability. […] .

Research paper thumbnail of POP PORNO Una Sporca Storia della Musica Dal Dirty Blues al Porno Rap (Anteprima)

POP PORNO Una Sporca Storia della Musica Dal Dirty Blues al Porno Rap, 2025

"Pop Porno una Sporca Storia della Musica Dal Dirty Blues al Porno Rap" intende tracciare una nuo... more "Pop Porno una Sporca Storia della Musica Dal Dirty Blues al Porno Rap" intende tracciare una nuova storia della sessualità indagando su come questa è stata rappresentata nel corso del tempo nell'ambito della musica popolare .

Research paper thumbnail of PORNO IMPERO (Overview)


SINOSSI Nell'era della pornografia di massa, la pornocultura imperante, con i suoi dettami “porno... more SINOSSI Nell'era della pornografia di massa, la pornocultura imperante, con i suoi dettami “porno-estetici” e porno-sociali", aspira a trasformare tutte le donne in delle "pornès", delle prostitute. La porno-globalizzazione neoliberale e la crescita delle industrie del sesso hanno reso possibile definire la prostituzione una “libertà”, alimentando di fatto il traffico di donne e bambini a scopo sessuale.

Come fa notare Annalisa Verza, […] la rappresentazione della “porné”, vale a dire della “puttana”, non avviene mettendo in scena storie di prostituzione (non viene mai raffigurato il pagamento della prestazione sessuale), ma raffigurando perlopiù donne comuni, quindi suggerendo, per sineddoche, che tutte le donne sono in realtà “porné”. […] Ciò che è più grave, in questo forma di diffamazione, è il suo nascondere una forma di dominio, un “potere erotizzato”, come sottolineato da Catherine MacKinnon: l’immagine della donna veicolata dalla pornografia è all’esatto opposto di quell’ideale di “costumatezza” che la stessa “comunità maschile”, creatrice e fruitrice della pornografia, ha imposto alle donne. La pornografia, quindi, rappresenta donne “svergognate”, degradate, che stanno inevitabilmente infrangendo il modello di comportamento che dovrebbero onorevolmente seguire. Si tratta in pratica di un doppio inganno: da un lato alla donna viene prescritto un certo modello di costumatezza, e dall’altro la stessa cultura maschile insinua per mezzo della pornografia che tutte le donne non possono mantenere questo codice di onorabilità. […] .

Research paper thumbnail of PORNO LIBERALISMO


«Tutto ciò che è nel mondo, la concupiscenza della carne, la concupiscenza degli occhi e l'orgogl... more «Tutto ciò che è nel mondo, la concupiscenza della carne, la concupiscenza degli occhi e l'orgoglio della vita, non viene dal Padre, ma dal mondo».

«All that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not from the Father, but from the world».

Research paper thumbnail of The Real Anthony Fauci Bill Gates Big Pharma e la guerra globale alla democrazia e alla salute pubblica

The Real Anthony Fauci Bill Gates Big Pharma e la guerra globale alla democrazia e alla salute pubblica, 2021

In his latest book, Robert Kennedy Jr. paints Gates and Fauci as heirs of the Rockefeller lineage... more In his latest book, Robert Kennedy Jr. paints Gates and Fauci as heirs of the Rockefeller lineage, perfectly at ease in the course charted by that mythical single man, John Davison Rockefeller, who became the richest of all time, the demiurge capitalist who directed destiny towards the iatrogenic catastrophe: an immanent, totalitarian medical malpractice, which feeds on toxic medicines aimed exclusively at profit...

Research paper thumbnail of DOPESICK Spacciatori di Malattie

DOPESICK Desease Dealers, 2021

The eight-part drama - based on Beth Macy's investigative book of the same name "Dopesick: Dealer... more The eight-part drama - based on Beth Macy's investigative book of the same name "Dopesick: Dealers, Doctors, and the Drug Company that addicted America" ​​- is a very timely indictment of the capitalist power of Big Pharma and to post-human medicine.



Life ain't nothin' but bitches and money 'Cause I'm tha type o' nigga that's built ta last If ya ... more Life ain't nothin' but bitches and money 'Cause I'm tha type o' nigga that's built ta last If ya fuck wit me I'll put a foot in ya ass

Le "video vixens", le modelle che appaiono nei video musicali orientati all'hip hop, artisti/e hip-hop e le star del cinema per adulti, tutti insieme hanno contribuito a promuovere e rendere popolare il genere "porno hip-hop" attraverso musica, immagini e video divenuti mainstream che hanno sfocato i confini tra hip-hop e pornografia, pop e porno...

"Video vixens", models appearing in hip-hop oriented music videos, hip-hop artists and adult film stars, have collectively helped promote and popularize the "hip-hop porn" genre. through music, images and videos that have become mainstream and have blurred the lines between hip-hop and pornography, pop and porn...


Papers by Alessio Mannucci

Research paper thumbnail of STORIA DELLA PROSTITUZIONE

Gli antichi spiegavano la nascita e l'esistenza della prostituzione sacra con un racconto mitico ... more Gli antichi spiegavano la nascita e l'esistenza della prostituzione sacra con un racconto mitico che narra di una vendetta: al tempo in cui la Lidia viveva anni di pace e prosperità, nacque tra gli uomini l'idea di disonorare delle donne straniere. Tra esse c'era Onfale, futura regina delle Amazzoni. Costei non si perse d'animo e attaccò la Lidia col suo esercito, sconfiggendo la nazione. Per vendicarsi, costrinse le figlie dei Lidi a prostituirsi nel luogo stesso in cui questi avevano violentato le donne straniere (Ateneo: 50,13).

Research paper thumbnail of STORIA DELLA PROSTITUZIONE


"Non vi sia prostituta fra le figlie d'Israele, né vi sia prostituto tra i figli d'Israele. Non p... more "Non vi sia prostituta fra le figlie d'Israele, né vi sia prostituto tra i figli d'Israele. Non portare mercede di meretrice o prezzo di cinedo nella casa del Signore, tuo Dio, per alcun voto, perchè ambedue sono in abominio al Signore, tuo Dio” (Deuteronomio 23,18-19).

Research paper thumbnail of Totem and Taboo

Totem And Taboo

Totemism participates in knowledge; the needs to which it responds, the very way in which it seek... more Totemism participates in knowledge; the needs to which it responds, the very way in which it seeks to satisfy them, are primarily of a cultural nature. In this sense it has nothing archaic about it.

Research paper thumbnail of STORIA DELLA PROSTITUZIONE


"Non vi sia prostituta fra le figlie d'Israele, né vi sia prostituto tra i figli d'Israele. Non p... more "Non vi sia prostituta fra le figlie d'Israele, né vi sia prostituto tra i figli d'Israele. Non portare mercede di meretrice o prezzo di cinedo nella casa del Signore, tuo Dio, per alcun voto, perchè ambedue sono in abominio al Signore, tuo Dio” (Deuteronomio 23,18-19).



Perverso è chi non vuole l'altro ma se stesso. L'amore, senza amore, muore. Perverse is someo... more Perverso è chi non vuole l'altro ma se stesso.
L'amore, senza amore, muore.

Perverse is someone who does not want the other but himself.
Love, without love, dies.

Research paper thumbnail of TOTEM AND TABOO

Totem and Taboo, 2010

Totemism participates in knowledge; the needs to which it responds, the very way in which it seek... more Totemism participates in knowledge; the needs to which it responds, the very way in which it seeks to satisfy them, are primarily of a cultural nature. In this sense it has nothing archaic about it.

Research paper thumbnail of SHOCKING TRUTH


Who are these women who say they are happy after being mounted by an army? Who are these human be... more Who are these women who say they are happy after being mounted by an army? Who are these human beings who hide behind the names of dogs and candy?
A lot of blood flows from these anonymous asses, from the names of pastries...



L'esposizione prolungata a materiale pornografico, violento e non, porta ad una crescente insensi... more L'esposizione prolungata a materiale pornografico, violento e non, porta ad una crescente insensibilità verso le vittime di violenza sessuale, all'accettazione di “miti di stupro” e ad una maggiore probabilità di coltivare fantasie morbose e violente.

Prolonged exposure to pornographic materials, violent or otherwise, leads to an increasing insensitivity to victims of sexual violence, to the acceptance of "myths of rape" and to a greater likelihood of cultivating morbid violent fantasies.

Research paper thumbnail of WAR OF THE WORLDS (La Guerra dei Mondi) Alessio Mannucci 2016


The press, photography, radio, even before television, have prepared the masses for total immersi... more The press, photography, radio, even before television, have prepared the masses for total immersion in the technologically advanced virtual realities that currently dominate and disorient us, destroying identities, without our realizing it. The Matrix is ​​a world where the sacredness of life and the miracle of birth no longer exist, where life can be interfaced, and transformed, with machines, until it is completely replaced by copies, simulacra, artificial ones (such as robots). Virtual reality, as a technology of representation, is nothing other than the extreme consequence of the will of nihilistic domination, the will of omnipotence, the will of death, which pushes man towards the annihilation of himself and of the real world.

"... art is everywhere because artifice is at the center of reality. Thus art is death, because not only is its critical transcendence dead, but because reality itself has been confused with its own image, it no longer even has the time to acquire reality value" (Jean Baudrillard)

"... with the real world we have also eliminated the apparent one" (Friedrich Nietzsche)

Research paper thumbnail of PORN EMPIRE (PORNO IMPERO) Alessio Mannucci  Quarta Edizione 2016


In the current era of mass porn, the dominant pornculture, with its "porno-aesthetic" and "porno-... more In the current era of mass porn, the dominant pornculture, with its "porno-aesthetic" and "porno-social" dictates, aspires to transform all women into "pornès", prostitutes.
Neoliberal "porn-globalization" and the growth of the sex industries have made it possible to define prostitution as "freedom", effectively fueling the human trafficking for sexual purposes.
“Porno Babylon”, the world empire of false religion, has extended its dominion over peoples and nations through porno-idolatry, immorality, wars, a greedy and oppressive porn-economic system. It is the satanic world system which includes, in addition to the world religious empire, also the "Porno Empire", the porno-commercial and porno-political empire.

Research paper thumbnail of WAR OF THE WORLDS (LA GUERRA DEI MONDI) - OVERVIEW

LA GUERRA DEI MONDI (Seconda Edizione), 2016

The passage of art from the sphere of the sacred and ritual to that of politics and mass communic... more The passage of art from the sphere of the sacred and ritual to that of politics and mass communication did not at all favor a democratic revolution but ended up conferring new forms of power in the hands of the capitalist technocrats who control the cultural industry.

The omnipresent virtuality of social media marks, paradoxically, "the end of the social" (Baudrillard).

Ultimately, the desacralization of art has allowed art to penetrate all cultural fields (political, social, economic, scientific), as the avant-gardes preached, but this has not translated into a liberation but rather into a new form of oppression, a dictatorship of images without aura that dominates the "spectacular society" unchallenged. The mediated experience (Erlebnis) has engulfed the real one (Erfahrung) taking possession of the minds and souls of the masses, reduced to cerebral mush by a continuous visual electro-shock, an infinite psychic torture porn, a hyper-estrangement, the crime Perfect.

" The combined action of psycho-technologies - infotainment, atrocity exhibition, pornography, advertising, psycho-pharmacology - produces a lethal cocktail capable of transforming anyone into a potential Mr. Hyde, a ruthless, primordial, demonic being, he and the only one who, 'among humans, was pure evil' ”

Research paper thumbnail of LA GUERRA DEI MONDI (WAR OF THE WORLDS) - OVERVIEW


" L'azione combinata delle psico-tecnologie - infotainment, mostra delle atrocità, pornografia, p... more " L'azione combinata delle psico-tecnologie - infotainment, mostra delle atrocità, pornografia, pubblicità, psico-farmacologia - produce un cocktail letale in grado di trasformare chiunque in un potenziale Mr.Hyde, un essere spietato, primordiale, demoniaco, colui e il solo che, 'nel novero degli umani, era il male allo stato puro' ”.

L'onniprosente virtualità dei social media segna, paradossalmente, “la fine del sociale" (Beaudrillard).

Research paper thumbnail of POP PORNO A DIRTY HISTORY OF MUSIC From Dirty Blues to Porno Rap (Preview)

POP PORNO A DIRTY HISTORY OF MUSIC From Dirty Blues to Porno Rap, 2025

"POP PORNO A DIRTY HISTORY OF MUSIC From Dirty Blues to Porno Rap" intends to trace a new history... more "POP PORNO A DIRTY HISTORY OF MUSIC From Dirty Blues to Porno Rap" intends to trace a new history of sexuality by investigating how this has been represented over time in popular music.

Research paper thumbnail of PORN EMPIRE (Edition IV) Alessio Mannucci 2016 OVERVIEW

PORNO IMPERO (Edition IV), 2016

SYNOPSIS In the era of mass pornography, the prevailing pornculture, with its "porno-aesthetic" a... more SYNOPSIS In the era of mass pornography, the prevailing pornculture, with its "porno-aesthetic" and porno-social dictates, aspires to transform all women into "pornès", prostitutes. Neoliberal porn-globalization and the growth of the sex industries have made it possible to define prostitution as a "freedom", effectively fueling the trafficking of women and children for sexual purposes.

As Annalisa Verza points out, [...] the representation of the "porné", i.e. the "whore", does not occur by staging stories of prostitution (the payment for the sexual service is never depicted), but by mostly depicting ordinary women, thus suggesting, by synecdoche, that all women are actually “porné”. […] What is most serious, in this form of defamation, is its hiding a form of domination, an "eroticized power", as underlined by Catherine MacKinnon: the image of the woman conveyed by pornography is the exact opposite of that ideal of "customs" that the same "male community", creator and user of pornography, has imposed on women. Pornography, therefore, represents “shameless,” degraded women who are inevitably breaking the model of behavior they should honorably follow. In practice, it is a double deception: on the one hand, a certain model of morality is prescribed to women, and on the other, the same male culture insinuates through pornography that all women cannot maintain this code of honorability. […] .

Research paper thumbnail of POP PORNO Una Sporca Storia della Musica Dal Dirty Blues al Porno Rap (Anteprima)

POP PORNO Una Sporca Storia della Musica Dal Dirty Blues al Porno Rap, 2025

"Pop Porno una Sporca Storia della Musica Dal Dirty Blues al Porno Rap" intende tracciare una nuo... more "Pop Porno una Sporca Storia della Musica Dal Dirty Blues al Porno Rap" intende tracciare una nuova storia della sessualità indagando su come questa è stata rappresentata nel corso del tempo nell'ambito della musica popolare .

Research paper thumbnail of PORNO IMPERO (Overview)


SINOSSI Nell'era della pornografia di massa, la pornocultura imperante, con i suoi dettami “porno... more SINOSSI Nell'era della pornografia di massa, la pornocultura imperante, con i suoi dettami “porno-estetici” e porno-sociali", aspira a trasformare tutte le donne in delle "pornès", delle prostitute. La porno-globalizzazione neoliberale e la crescita delle industrie del sesso hanno reso possibile definire la prostituzione una “libertà”, alimentando di fatto il traffico di donne e bambini a scopo sessuale.

Come fa notare Annalisa Verza, […] la rappresentazione della “porné”, vale a dire della “puttana”, non avviene mettendo in scena storie di prostituzione (non viene mai raffigurato il pagamento della prestazione sessuale), ma raffigurando perlopiù donne comuni, quindi suggerendo, per sineddoche, che tutte le donne sono in realtà “porné”. […] Ciò che è più grave, in questo forma di diffamazione, è il suo nascondere una forma di dominio, un “potere erotizzato”, come sottolineato da Catherine MacKinnon: l’immagine della donna veicolata dalla pornografia è all’esatto opposto di quell’ideale di “costumatezza” che la stessa “comunità maschile”, creatrice e fruitrice della pornografia, ha imposto alle donne. La pornografia, quindi, rappresenta donne “svergognate”, degradate, che stanno inevitabilmente infrangendo il modello di comportamento che dovrebbero onorevolmente seguire. Si tratta in pratica di un doppio inganno: da un lato alla donna viene prescritto un certo modello di costumatezza, e dall’altro la stessa cultura maschile insinua per mezzo della pornografia che tutte le donne non possono mantenere questo codice di onorabilità. […] .

Research paper thumbnail of PORNO LIBERALISMO


«Tutto ciò che è nel mondo, la concupiscenza della carne, la concupiscenza degli occhi e l'orgogl... more «Tutto ciò che è nel mondo, la concupiscenza della carne, la concupiscenza degli occhi e l'orgoglio della vita, non viene dal Padre, ma dal mondo».

«All that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not from the Father, but from the world».

Research paper thumbnail of The Real Anthony Fauci Bill Gates Big Pharma e la guerra globale alla democrazia e alla salute pubblica

The Real Anthony Fauci Bill Gates Big Pharma e la guerra globale alla democrazia e alla salute pubblica, 2021

In his latest book, Robert Kennedy Jr. paints Gates and Fauci as heirs of the Rockefeller lineage... more In his latest book, Robert Kennedy Jr. paints Gates and Fauci as heirs of the Rockefeller lineage, perfectly at ease in the course charted by that mythical single man, John Davison Rockefeller, who became the richest of all time, the demiurge capitalist who directed destiny towards the iatrogenic catastrophe: an immanent, totalitarian medical malpractice, which feeds on toxic medicines aimed exclusively at profit...

Research paper thumbnail of DOPESICK Spacciatori di Malattie

DOPESICK Desease Dealers, 2021

The eight-part drama - based on Beth Macy's investigative book of the same name "Dopesick: Dealer... more The eight-part drama - based on Beth Macy's investigative book of the same name "Dopesick: Dealers, Doctors, and the Drug Company that addicted America" ​​- is a very timely indictment of the capitalist power of Big Pharma and to post-human medicine.



Life ain't nothin' but bitches and money 'Cause I'm tha type o' nigga that's built ta last If ya ... more Life ain't nothin' but bitches and money 'Cause I'm tha type o' nigga that's built ta last If ya fuck wit me I'll put a foot in ya ass

Le "video vixens", le modelle che appaiono nei video musicali orientati all'hip hop, artisti/e hip-hop e le star del cinema per adulti, tutti insieme hanno contribuito a promuovere e rendere popolare il genere "porno hip-hop" attraverso musica, immagini e video divenuti mainstream che hanno sfocato i confini tra hip-hop e pornografia, pop e porno...

"Video vixens", models appearing in hip-hop oriented music videos, hip-hop artists and adult film stars, have collectively helped promote and popularize the "hip-hop porn" genre. through music, images and videos that have become mainstream and have blurred the lines between hip-hop and pornography, pop and porn...


Research paper thumbnail of STORIA DELLA PROSTITUZIONE

Gli antichi spiegavano la nascita e l'esistenza della prostituzione sacra con un racconto mitico ... more Gli antichi spiegavano la nascita e l'esistenza della prostituzione sacra con un racconto mitico che narra di una vendetta: al tempo in cui la Lidia viveva anni di pace e prosperità, nacque tra gli uomini l'idea di disonorare delle donne straniere. Tra esse c'era Onfale, futura regina delle Amazzoni. Costei non si perse d'animo e attaccò la Lidia col suo esercito, sconfiggendo la nazione. Per vendicarsi, costrinse le figlie dei Lidi a prostituirsi nel luogo stesso in cui questi avevano violentato le donne straniere (Ateneo: 50,13).

Research paper thumbnail of STORIA DELLA PROSTITUZIONE


"Non vi sia prostituta fra le figlie d'Israele, né vi sia prostituto tra i figli d'Israele. Non p... more "Non vi sia prostituta fra le figlie d'Israele, né vi sia prostituto tra i figli d'Israele. Non portare mercede di meretrice o prezzo di cinedo nella casa del Signore, tuo Dio, per alcun voto, perchè ambedue sono in abominio al Signore, tuo Dio” (Deuteronomio 23,18-19).

Research paper thumbnail of Totem and Taboo

Totem And Taboo

Totemism participates in knowledge; the needs to which it responds, the very way in which it seek... more Totemism participates in knowledge; the needs to which it responds, the very way in which it seeks to satisfy them, are primarily of a cultural nature. In this sense it has nothing archaic about it.

Research paper thumbnail of STORIA DELLA PROSTITUZIONE


"Non vi sia prostituta fra le figlie d'Israele, né vi sia prostituto tra i figli d'Israele. Non p... more "Non vi sia prostituta fra le figlie d'Israele, né vi sia prostituto tra i figli d'Israele. Non portare mercede di meretrice o prezzo di cinedo nella casa del Signore, tuo Dio, per alcun voto, perchè ambedue sono in abominio al Signore, tuo Dio” (Deuteronomio 23,18-19).



Perverso è chi non vuole l'altro ma se stesso. L'amore, senza amore, muore. Perverse is someo... more Perverso è chi non vuole l'altro ma se stesso.
L'amore, senza amore, muore.

Perverse is someone who does not want the other but himself.
Love, without love, dies.

Research paper thumbnail of TOTEM AND TABOO

Totem and Taboo, 2010

Totemism participates in knowledge; the needs to which it responds, the very way in which it seek... more Totemism participates in knowledge; the needs to which it responds, the very way in which it seeks to satisfy them, are primarily of a cultural nature. In this sense it has nothing archaic about it.

Research paper thumbnail of SHOCKING TRUTH


Who are these women who say they are happy after being mounted by an army? Who are these human be... more Who are these women who say they are happy after being mounted by an army? Who are these human beings who hide behind the names of dogs and candy?
A lot of blood flows from these anonymous asses, from the names of pastries...



L'esposizione prolungata a materiale pornografico, violento e non, porta ad una crescente insensi... more L'esposizione prolungata a materiale pornografico, violento e non, porta ad una crescente insensibilità verso le vittime di violenza sessuale, all'accettazione di “miti di stupro” e ad una maggiore probabilità di coltivare fantasie morbose e violente.

Prolonged exposure to pornographic materials, violent or otherwise, leads to an increasing insensitivity to victims of sexual violence, to the acceptance of "myths of rape" and to a greater likelihood of cultivating morbid violent fantasies.

Research paper thumbnail of LA DOTTRINA PORNO-GIURIDICA

The Porn-Juridical Doctrine, 2010

All this operates in society an involutionary process to be considered as the beginning of the mo... more All this operates in society an involutionary process to be considered as the beginning of the most shameful liberalization of malpractice in the most provocative contempt of fundamental principles contained in the constitutional charter.

Research paper thumbnail of PORNO LIBERALISMO 2


Di lì a poco, migliaia di occhi avidi si chinarono sui buchi degli stereoscopi come sugli abbaini... more Di lì a poco, migliaia di occhi avidi si chinarono sui buchi degli stereoscopi come sugli abbaini dell’infinito. L’amore dell’osceno, naturalmente vivo nel cuore dell’uomo quanto l’amore di sé, non lasciò sfuggire un’occasione così bella per soddisfarsi. E non si dica che i ragazzi di ritorno dalla scuola fossero i soli a godere di quelle porcherie; esse furono la frenesia della società...

Soon, thousands of greedy eyes bent over the holes of the stereoscopes like the dormer windows of infinity. The love of the obscene, naturally as alive in the heart of man as the love of self, did not miss such a beautiful opportunity to satisfy itself. And let it not be said that the kids returning from school were the only ones to enjoy that filth; they were the frenzy of society...

Research paper thumbnail of Ultimatum Alla Terra

Ultimatum to Earth , 2009

"Destroy the Earth no more or you will be annihilated" (Ultimatum to Earth, Scott Derrickson, USA... more "Destroy the Earth no more or you will be annihilated" (Ultimatum to Earth, Scott Derrickson, USA, 2008).

Research paper thumbnail of Eco Apocalypse

Eco-Apocalypse, 2009

And the locusts hailed over the whole land of Egypt and settled over the whole territory in large... more And the locusts hailed over the whole land of Egypt and settled over the whole territory in large quantities. There has never been such a scourge before and there will never be another one

Research paper thumbnail of NET REVOLUTION

Net Revolution, 2011

The first serious Info-War Is now engaged. The field of battle Is WikiLeaks. You are the troops.

Research paper thumbnail of NET GOVERNMENT

Net Government, 2009

Each of us is a different voice, but we can compose our song in such a way that it blends harmoni... more Each of us is a different voice, but we can compose our song in such a way that it blends harmoniously with the others. The game of Collective Intelligence consists in being able to relentlessly create new types of harmony, increasingly capable of understanding chaos.

Research paper thumbnail of INTERNET GOVERNANCE

Internet Governance, 2009

The future of the Internet and the possible effective realization of a real electronic democracy ... more The future of the Internet and the possible effective realization of a real electronic democracy will strictly depend on the results of the information war - legal, technological, techno-social - that we are all called to fight.

Research paper thumbnail of BUON COMPLEANNO INTERNET

Happy Birthday Internet, 2009

"In not many years the human mind and computers will be very closely interconnected and this man-... more "In not many years the human mind and computers will be very closely interconnected and this man-machine alliance will be able to think as no human being has ever neglected ..."


Cyberspace Is the Place (Let's Get Spiritual), 2009

Quando la Nuova Era avrà Tempo di pronunciarsi tutto sarà rimesso a posto, e quelle Opere Grandio... more Quando la Nuova Era avrà Tempo di pronunciarsi tutto sarà rimesso a posto, e quelle Opere Grandiose degli Uomini più antichi e più consapevolmente e dichiaratamemte ispirati riprenderanno il loro rango e le Figlie della Memoria diventeranno le Figlie dell'Ispirazione. Non ci occorrono modelli se si è giusti e fedeli all'immaginazione.

Research paper thumbnail of Teoria Dell Infocaos

Infochaos Theory, 2009

Too much information running through my brain Too much information driving me insane Too much inf... more Too much information running through my brain
Too much information driving me insane
Too much information running through my brain
Too much information driving me insane

Research paper thumbnail of INFORMATION EXPLOSION

Information Explosion, 2011

The first deluge was of water, the second is the deluge of information

Research paper thumbnail of The Atrocity Exhibition part 2

La Mostra delle Atrocità 2, 2009

No illusion is possible anymore because there is no longer any reality. With the real world we h... more No illusion is possible anymore because there is no longer any reality.

With the real world we have eliminated even the apparent one.