Anthony Welch - (original) (raw)

Papers by Anthony Welch

Research paper thumbnail of COVID Crisis, Culture Wars and Australian Higher Education

Higher Education Policy, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of China’s Southern Borderlands and ASEAN Higher Education: A Cartography of Connectivity

Geographies of the University, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Audit Culture and Academic Production: Re-Shaping Australian Social Science Research Output (1993–2013)

Measuring Up in Higher Education, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Finance, State Capacity, Privatisation and Transparency in South-East Asian Higher Education

Financing Higher Education and Economic Development in East Asia, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Counting the cost : financing Asian higher education for inclusive growth

Research paper thumbnail of Evolving ASEAN-Australia relations in Higher Education. Towards a Regional Knowledge Network?

The International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives, 2016

Australia’s attitude towards ASEAN has waxed and waned over recent decades, including in higher e... more Australia’s attitude towards ASEAN has waxed and waned over recent decades, including in higher education. In part a reflection of tensions between its geography and history, it highlighted the question of the extent to which Australia saw itself as an Asian country (an uncertainty shared by number of its ASEAN neighbours). Reviewing changes in several key indices (Asian languages strategy, International student policy, Education as Aid), the prospects for a regional knowledge network comprising Australia, ASEAN and China are assessed, with the conclusion that the whole would be greater than the sum of the parts, but that for the prospect to be realised, greater consistency in Australian government policy towards the region is needed.

Research paper thumbnail of World class university publication pressure across different systems

International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of PISA Performance and Australian Education : myths and realities

Revista Española de Educación Comparada, 2011

Australia's record as one of the higher performing nations on therecent PISA tests occasioned... more Australia's record as one of the higher performing nations on therecent PISA tests occasioned more interest internationally than domestically. Not with standing this success however, it is argued that its overall national success on the PISA tests is something of a myth, masking wide differences between the overall majority, and certain disadvantaged minorities. Disaggregating the performance data reveals the actual situation with respect to indigenous Australians, certain ethnic minorities and the effects of social class, which in each case is complemented with analysis of test performance differentials from PISA and NAPLAN. This examination reveals the reality that Australia is less successful than several other countries in extending high levels of school performance to key minorities. Given this failure, the myth of Australian high performance needs to be re-examined: much more needs to be done to boost the educational success of disadvantaged minorities. Los resultados de A...

Research paper thumbnail of Global Ambitions: Internationalization and China’s Rise as Knowledge Hub

Frontiers of Education in China, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Immigrant Student Achievement and the Performance Disadvantage

Immigrant Student Achievement and Education Policy, 2018

Education is a human right, and among the indicators of human development, education is indisputa... more Education is a human right, and among the indicators of human development, education is indisputably one of the most important ones for its impact both on individuals’ lives as well as on communities and countries at large. Despite its evident importance, it cannot be taken for granted that everyone has access to (high quality) education. Equality and equity in access to education is a priority policy issue not only in developing countries but also in developed countries. In this era of knowledge based economy, the extent to which countries are able to provide high quality education (however it may be defined) to all members of their society is a significant predictor of economic growth and socioeconomic development. Within this context, identifying the disadvantaged groups within the student population and finding ways to mitigate the negative effects of these disadvantages while at the same time targeting the students with special support needs are crucial policy objectives. The objective of this book is to focus on the case of a growing and diverse group, namely students with a migration background. We seek to examine the extent to which immigrant students are integrated to education systems in their new settlement countries, whether their relative achievement in schools require special attention in comparison with their native peers, and how the receiving countries with diverse immigrant populations deal with challenges related to immigrant student achievement in their education policy.

Research paper thumbnail of Academic Drift in China’s Universities of Applied Technology

International Higher Education, 2018

The priority attached to innovation in China means that its universities are seen as a major pill... more The priority attached to innovation in China means that its universities are seen as a major pillar of innovation. But with respect to the new Universities of Applied Technology (UATs), their original mission of strengthening industry collaboration is subverted by the persistence of perverse incentives, whichmake them emulate research universities rather than fulfil their original purpose.

Research paper thumbnail of Be Careful What You Wish For: Pending Privatization of Australian Higher Education

International Higher Education, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of The Perils of Commercialism: Australia's Example

International Higher Education, 2015

International higher education has become a major income producer for Australia for more than two... more International higher education has become a major income producer for Australia for more than two decades. The prime goal of internationalization was moneymaking, which resulted in creating problems in ethics, quality, and academic integrity. The recent policy change in reducing international students has affected institutions that had been too dependent upon high proportions of international enrollments. All of this is a predictable outcome of commercialism shaping international education.

Research paper thumbnail of Ho Chi Minh meets the market: Public and private higher education in Viet Nam

International Education Journal Comparative Perspectives, Feb 26, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of A New Epistemic Silk Road? The Chinese Knowledge Diaspora, and its Implications for the Europe of Knowledge

European Review, 2015

The paper examines the implications of the extensive and increasingly significant Chinese knowled... more The paper examines the implications of the extensive and increasingly significant Chinese knowledge diaspora for the Europe of Knowledge. Based on extensive fieldwork, the paper examines the size, significance and key issues surrounding the growth of the Chinese Knowledge Diaspora. A portrait is developed of a highly-skilled group (bi-lingual and bi-cultural) who have the capacity to contribute to teaching and research both in China and their host nations, and who are often willing and eager to act as a bridge between both sides. Reference is also made to China’s numerous Overseas Talent Recruitment Schemes, which often target such individuals, and to the significance of this group to China’s dramatic, and ongoing, scientific rise. Key issues are discussed, as well as some limitations and the prospects for the future. Based on available information, data on PRC students and academics in Europe are presented and an assessment made of both the potential, and of the relatively limited ...

Research paper thumbnail of Australian Education and the Pacific Rim: An Emerging Relationship

Research paper thumbnail of Performance and Australian Education: Myths and realities

Revista Espanola De Educacion Comparada, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of China-ASEAN Relations in Higher Education: An Analytical Framework

Emerging International Dimensions in East Asian Higher Education, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Seek Knowledge Throughout the World? Mobility in Islamic Higher Education

Research in Comparative and International Education, 2012

While Southeast Asia as a region is generally poorly represented in scholarship on higher educati... more While Southeast Asia as a region is generally poorly represented in scholarship on higher education, this is even more the case when considering Islamic higher education in the region. While patterns of mobility within the Islamic world are ancient, with mediaeval scholarly centres such as Baghdad, Cairo and Alexandria attracting scholars and students from many parts, scholarly mobility in Southeast Asia also has its own history. The earlier part of this article concentrates on the flowering of Islamic scholarly centres, with a particular focus on mobility. Subsequently, contemporary Islamic higher education in Southeast Asia, particularly in countries such as Malaysia, and Indonesia, is analyzed, focusing particularly on international mobility patterns, particularly of students. This includes both regionalism (students from Southeast Asia travelling to other countries within the region to pursue Islamic higher education), and efforts by countries such as Malaysia to recruit signifi...

Research paper thumbnail of The Internationalization of East Asian Higher Education

Research paper thumbnail of COVID Crisis, Culture Wars and Australian Higher Education

Higher Education Policy, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of China’s Southern Borderlands and ASEAN Higher Education: A Cartography of Connectivity

Geographies of the University, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Audit Culture and Academic Production: Re-Shaping Australian Social Science Research Output (1993–2013)

Measuring Up in Higher Education, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Finance, State Capacity, Privatisation and Transparency in South-East Asian Higher Education

Financing Higher Education and Economic Development in East Asia, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Counting the cost : financing Asian higher education for inclusive growth

Research paper thumbnail of Evolving ASEAN-Australia relations in Higher Education. Towards a Regional Knowledge Network?

The International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives, 2016

Australia’s attitude towards ASEAN has waxed and waned over recent decades, including in higher e... more Australia’s attitude towards ASEAN has waxed and waned over recent decades, including in higher education. In part a reflection of tensions between its geography and history, it highlighted the question of the extent to which Australia saw itself as an Asian country (an uncertainty shared by number of its ASEAN neighbours). Reviewing changes in several key indices (Asian languages strategy, International student policy, Education as Aid), the prospects for a regional knowledge network comprising Australia, ASEAN and China are assessed, with the conclusion that the whole would be greater than the sum of the parts, but that for the prospect to be realised, greater consistency in Australian government policy towards the region is needed.

Research paper thumbnail of World class university publication pressure across different systems

International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of PISA Performance and Australian Education : myths and realities

Revista Española de Educación Comparada, 2011

Australia's record as one of the higher performing nations on therecent PISA tests occasioned... more Australia's record as one of the higher performing nations on therecent PISA tests occasioned more interest internationally than domestically. Not with standing this success however, it is argued that its overall national success on the PISA tests is something of a myth, masking wide differences between the overall majority, and certain disadvantaged minorities. Disaggregating the performance data reveals the actual situation with respect to indigenous Australians, certain ethnic minorities and the effects of social class, which in each case is complemented with analysis of test performance differentials from PISA and NAPLAN. This examination reveals the reality that Australia is less successful than several other countries in extending high levels of school performance to key minorities. Given this failure, the myth of Australian high performance needs to be re-examined: much more needs to be done to boost the educational success of disadvantaged minorities. Los resultados de A...

Research paper thumbnail of Global Ambitions: Internationalization and China’s Rise as Knowledge Hub

Frontiers of Education in China, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Immigrant Student Achievement and the Performance Disadvantage

Immigrant Student Achievement and Education Policy, 2018

Education is a human right, and among the indicators of human development, education is indisputa... more Education is a human right, and among the indicators of human development, education is indisputably one of the most important ones for its impact both on individuals’ lives as well as on communities and countries at large. Despite its evident importance, it cannot be taken for granted that everyone has access to (high quality) education. Equality and equity in access to education is a priority policy issue not only in developing countries but also in developed countries. In this era of knowledge based economy, the extent to which countries are able to provide high quality education (however it may be defined) to all members of their society is a significant predictor of economic growth and socioeconomic development. Within this context, identifying the disadvantaged groups within the student population and finding ways to mitigate the negative effects of these disadvantages while at the same time targeting the students with special support needs are crucial policy objectives. The objective of this book is to focus on the case of a growing and diverse group, namely students with a migration background. We seek to examine the extent to which immigrant students are integrated to education systems in their new settlement countries, whether their relative achievement in schools require special attention in comparison with their native peers, and how the receiving countries with diverse immigrant populations deal with challenges related to immigrant student achievement in their education policy.

Research paper thumbnail of Academic Drift in China’s Universities of Applied Technology

International Higher Education, 2018

The priority attached to innovation in China means that its universities are seen as a major pill... more The priority attached to innovation in China means that its universities are seen as a major pillar of innovation. But with respect to the new Universities of Applied Technology (UATs), their original mission of strengthening industry collaboration is subverted by the persistence of perverse incentives, whichmake them emulate research universities rather than fulfil their original purpose.

Research paper thumbnail of Be Careful What You Wish For: Pending Privatization of Australian Higher Education

International Higher Education, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of The Perils of Commercialism: Australia's Example

International Higher Education, 2015

International higher education has become a major income producer for Australia for more than two... more International higher education has become a major income producer for Australia for more than two decades. The prime goal of internationalization was moneymaking, which resulted in creating problems in ethics, quality, and academic integrity. The recent policy change in reducing international students has affected institutions that had been too dependent upon high proportions of international enrollments. All of this is a predictable outcome of commercialism shaping international education.

Research paper thumbnail of Ho Chi Minh meets the market: Public and private higher education in Viet Nam

International Education Journal Comparative Perspectives, Feb 26, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of A New Epistemic Silk Road? The Chinese Knowledge Diaspora, and its Implications for the Europe of Knowledge

European Review, 2015

The paper examines the implications of the extensive and increasingly significant Chinese knowled... more The paper examines the implications of the extensive and increasingly significant Chinese knowledge diaspora for the Europe of Knowledge. Based on extensive fieldwork, the paper examines the size, significance and key issues surrounding the growth of the Chinese Knowledge Diaspora. A portrait is developed of a highly-skilled group (bi-lingual and bi-cultural) who have the capacity to contribute to teaching and research both in China and their host nations, and who are often willing and eager to act as a bridge between both sides. Reference is also made to China’s numerous Overseas Talent Recruitment Schemes, which often target such individuals, and to the significance of this group to China’s dramatic, and ongoing, scientific rise. Key issues are discussed, as well as some limitations and the prospects for the future. Based on available information, data on PRC students and academics in Europe are presented and an assessment made of both the potential, and of the relatively limited ...

Research paper thumbnail of Australian Education and the Pacific Rim: An Emerging Relationship

Research paper thumbnail of Performance and Australian Education: Myths and realities

Revista Espanola De Educacion Comparada, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of China-ASEAN Relations in Higher Education: An Analytical Framework

Emerging International Dimensions in East Asian Higher Education, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Seek Knowledge Throughout the World? Mobility in Islamic Higher Education

Research in Comparative and International Education, 2012

While Southeast Asia as a region is generally poorly represented in scholarship on higher educati... more While Southeast Asia as a region is generally poorly represented in scholarship on higher education, this is even more the case when considering Islamic higher education in the region. While patterns of mobility within the Islamic world are ancient, with mediaeval scholarly centres such as Baghdad, Cairo and Alexandria attracting scholars and students from many parts, scholarly mobility in Southeast Asia also has its own history. The earlier part of this article concentrates on the flowering of Islamic scholarly centres, with a particular focus on mobility. Subsequently, contemporary Islamic higher education in Southeast Asia, particularly in countries such as Malaysia, and Indonesia, is analyzed, focusing particularly on international mobility patterns, particularly of students. This includes both regionalism (students from Southeast Asia travelling to other countries within the region to pursue Islamic higher education), and efforts by countries such as Malaysia to recruit signifi...

Research paper thumbnail of The Internationalization of East Asian Higher Education