Antonio Lino - (original) (raw)

Papers by Antonio Lino

Research paper thumbnail of Utilização De Técnica Óptica Para Medição Dinâmica Em Materiais

Engenharia Agricola, Aug 23, 2016

O conhecimento do comportamento mecânico de materiais e de extrema importância e auxilio para a E... more O conhecimento do comportamento mecânico de materiais e de extrema importância e auxilio para a Engenharia Agricola na area de projeto de maquinas agricolas. Analises mais precisas testam isoladamente o elemento empregando tecnicas experimentais. Recentemente as tecnicas opticas perfilometricas estao sendo utilizadas na solucao de problemas envolvendo solicitacoes estaticas ou dinâmicas. As tecnicas opticas fornecem campo de deslocamento completo e sao denominadas como tecnicas fotomecânicas e sao metodos experimentais na analise de tensoes e deformacoes quando associados a metodologia hibrida. Entre as tecnicas opticas perfilometricas destaca-se as tecnicas de moire. A Tecnica de Moire e baseada na interferencia de duas grades superpostas que produzem franjas padroes, sendo que esta permite analisar o comportamento mecânico do material. O objetivo deste trabalho de pesquisa e de determinar experimentalmente o deslocamento mecânico de viga delgada atraves do uso da tecnica optica de Moire com Deslocamento de Fase. O arranjo experimental fotomecânico incluiu o uso de uma câmera digital, um projetor multimidia e um PC. Situacoes de oscilacao foram analisadas. Os resultados mostraram dados e informacoes de grande importância para projetos de maquinas agricolas e que devem ser levados em conta no desenvolvimento de projetos. Este trabalho e concluido com informacoes de grande importância para desenvolvimento de projetos de maquinas agricolas.

Research paper thumbnail of Fruit volumetric determination based on Moiré techniques

INMATEH-Agricultural Engineering, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Tecnica optica de moire visando a aplicação no estudo de superficies irregulares

AGRADECIMENTOS À Deus por sua presença em minha vida. Ao professor Inácio M. Dal Fabbro, pela ami... more AGRADECIMENTOS À Deus por sua presença em minha vida. Ao professor Inácio M. Dal Fabbro, pela amizade, paciência, apoio e orientação. À minha esposa e filhos pelo apoio, compreensão e incentivo.

Research paper thumbnail of Microclima, produção e composição do mosto da ‘Syrah’ cultivada sob cobertura de plástico

Revista de Ciências Agroveterinárias, Aug 23, 2019

Foi feita a caracterização do microclima do vinhedo, das variáveis de produção das videiras e das... more Foi feita a caracterização do microclima do vinhedo, das variáveis de produção das videiras e das propriedades físico-químicas do mosto da uva para vinho 'Syrah' cultivada com cobertura e sem cobertura de plástico impermeável (ráfia). As videiras foram sustentadas em Y e manejadas em regime de safra de inverno na região produtora de uvas de Louveira, SP. Durante o período da maturação das uvas foram feitas determinações, na altura dos cachos, da radiação solar e da temperatura do ar. Na colheita foram determinadas as variáveis fitotécnicas (número de ramos, número de cachos, massa dos cachos e produtividade) e físico-químicas do mosto (teor de sólidos solúveis, acidez total, teor de ácido tartárico, antocianinas, polifenóis totais e taninos). Os valores de temperatura máxima do ar foram superiores nas videiras sob cobertura de plástico em comparação às cultivadas a céu aberto enquanto a radiação solar foi mais elevada na condição sem cobertura. A produtividade e o teor de sólidos solúveis totais foram mais elevados para as videiras sob cobertura de plástico. Não foi observada influência da cobertura de plástico impermeável nos teores de antocianina, polifenóis totais e taninos das uvas.

Research paper thumbnail of Aplicação de moire de projeção com deslocamento de fase na geração de modelos digitais topograficos de orgão vegetais

A Deus por sua presença em minha vida. Ao professor Inácio Maria Dal Fabbro, pela amizade, paciên... more A Deus por sua presença em minha vida. Ao professor Inácio Maria Dal Fabbro, pela amizade, paciência, apoio e orientação. À minha esposa e filhos pelo apoio, compreensão e incentivo. Ao Pr. Narciso de Souza, meu mentor espiritual, pela sabedoria que me tem transmitido.

Research paper thumbnail of Toward New Ideas on the Control of Pesticide Application: A Low-cost Tunnel Sprayer for Vineyards

International journal of new technology and research, Aug 31, 2019

A prototype of recycling sprayer was tested in a vineyard with the aim to analyze the distributio... more A prototype of recycling sprayer was tested in a vineyard with the aim to analyze the distribution of spray in the canopy leaves and the general spraying efficiency. The sprayer was developed at the Instituto Agronômico (IAC) at the Centro de Engenharia Agrícola, located in Jundiaí (São Paulo State, Brasil). The experiment was carried out from 2017 to 2109. The nozzles were fitted inside air spouts placed along vertical air ducts, located so that two converging air jets reached the canopy in two different opposite positions. Two vertical panels (1,20m x 1,90m) were installed on the same folding arms on which the air ducts are placed. The machine was enabled to perform electrostatic spraying. Excess liquid collected on the bottom of the panels were sucked back into the tank by a micro hydraulic pump. The prototype was submitted to field tests to verify the leaf spray coverage and the capability of the machine to save active ingredient during the spray. Leaf image analysis was used to study leaf spray coverage in field tests. The recycling device confirmed its efficiency with a saving of about 50% of active ingredients at the end of the treatments, and the use of electrostatic spray was beneficial for the leaf coverage uniformity, for spraying under high liquid pressure.

Research paper thumbnail of Aplication of Phase Shift Projection Moire Technique in Solid Surfaces Topographic Survey

Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, 2008

The application of projection moiré with phase shift techniques in vegetable organs surface topog... more The application of projection moiré with phase shift techniques in vegetable organs surface topography survey had to step up basic procedures before reaching significant conclusions. As recommended by [1], the proposed method should be tested on virtual surfaces [1] before being carried on solid symmetric surfaces [2], followed by tests on asymmetric surfaces as fruits [3] and finally a generation

Research paper thumbnail of Application of Phase Shifting Projection Moire on Solid Regular Figures and Plant Organs Three Dimensional Digital Model Generation

Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, 2008

The conception of a tridimensional digital model of solid figures and plant organs started from t... more The conception of a tridimensional digital model of solid figures and plant organs started from topographic survey of virtual surfaces [1], followed by topographic survey of solid figures [2], fruit surface survey [3] and finally the generation of a 3D digital model [4] as presented by [1]. In this research work, i.e. step number [4] tested objects included cylinders, cubes, spheres and fruits. A Ronchi grid named G1 was generated in a PC, from which other grids referred as G2, G3, and G4 were set out of phase by 1∕4, 1∕2 and 3∕4 of period from G1. Grid G1 was then projected onto the samples surface. Projected grid was named Gd. The difference between Gd and G1 followed by filtration generated de moire´ fringes M1 and so on, obtaining the fringes M2, M3 and M4 from Gd. Fringes are out of phase one from each other by 1∕4 of period, which were processed by the Rising Sun Moire´ software to produce packed phase and further on, the unpacked fringes. Tested object was placed on a goniometer and rotate to generate four surfaces topography. These four surveyed surfaces were assembled by means of a SCILAB software, obtaining a three column matrix, corresponding to the object coordinates xi, also having elevation values and coordinates corrected as well. The work includes conclusions on the reliability of the proposed method as well as the setup simplicity and of low cost.

Research paper thumbnail of Development and test of a confining and recycling sprayer for viticulture

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Oct 1, 2021

Abstract In the tropical and subtropical viticulture, it is notorious that the occurrence of a fa... more Abstract In the tropical and subtropical viticulture, it is notorious that the occurrence of a favorable microclimate leads to a high incidence of plant pathologies. This affects the productivity and longevity of the vines. In many cases, the incidence of rainfall and high relative humidity, during most of the vine cycle, leads to a large number of interventions for phytosanitary control. The continuous, and not always correct use of pesticides, causes their residues to be deposited in the environment, leading to changes in the ecosystem, accumulation in non-target organisms and the water, with the potential to cause serious problems for man and his habitat. That matter has highlighted the need for more accurate technologies for the spraying of active ingredients in crops. Therefore, the investigation of more appropriate procedures and equipment is justified, for greater protection of the workers and the microenvironment, as well as for higher efficiency in the application of active ingredients. Based on the above, a prototype of a confining and recycling sprayer was developed and tested at the Centro de Engenharia e Automacao (CEA) of the Instituto Agronomico (IAC), in Jundiai (Sao Paulo state), between 2017 and 2019 growing seasons. Spray outlets were arranged in vertical ducts and accommodated in two shield panels. The prototype was arranged as a straddle, floating over-the-row. Part of the liquid sprayed, not adhered to the leaves, was collected at the bottom of the shield panels and pumped back into a reservoir for recirculation. Tests were carried out to evaluate the performance as for uniformity of adaxial leaf coverage in the vineyard, using image analysis. The results showed that the mechanical configuration used made it possible to promote significant recovery of the liquid and a satisfactory percentage of leaf coverage.

Research paper thumbnail of Solar Para Grãos, Associado a Silo Subterrâneo , Associado a Silo Subterrâneo , Associado a Silo Subterrâneo , Associado a Silo Subterrâneo , Associado a Silo Subterrâneo

Abstract: act: A batch-type, solar-heated air drier with mechanical system of unloading was teste... more Abstract: act: A batch-type, solar-heated air drier with mechanical system of unloading was testedin drying edible beans (Phaseolus vulgaris, L.). Reductions in drying time and area, reached 83and 76%, respectively, as compared with the natural drying process. A hand-driven mechanicalunloading system incorporated allows 95% reduction in unloading time.Key words:ds: edible beans, drier, solar hating INTRODUCAO O Brasil, alem de maior produtor, e tambem o maiorconsumidor de feijao, visto que este produto representa naoapenas valor economico significativo para o Pais mas, acimade tudo, alimento basico de grande alcance social,principalmente das classes menos favorecidas.A secagem do feijao pode ocorrer no campo, ainda naplanta, em terreiro ou artificialmente, em secadores mecânicos,ao passo em que a armazenagem tem lugar em paiol, galpao eem grandes silos, no caso de lavouras mais extensas.Segundo Sathler et ali, (1980), citando Hukill (1974), o teorde umidade contida nos graos afeta a...

Research paper thumbnail of Moiré Inteferometry Applied to Plant Architectural Studies / Moiré Interferométrico Aplicado Ao Estudo Da Arquitetura De Plantas

Revista Brasileira de Engenharia de Biossistemas, 2008

Plant architecture research subjects are of significant importance to genetics, photosynthesis, t... more Plant architecture research subjects are of significant importance to genetics, photosynthesis, tran-spiration, crop-machine mechanical relationship, etc. In this sense, this research work had been carried in developing a new technique to generate the three dimensional view of plant shape. In this work the plant architecture determination will be carried out by means of a phase shift moiré method. The importance of the proposed method is based on the application of a sequence of four grids out of phase by an angle of π/2 radians one from each other. A digital camera was employed to capture the moiré patterns, which will generate the image to be processed. The procedure of image analysis involved softwares as Microsoft Powerpoint, Coreldraw and Idrisi. The use of a highly continuous sinusoidal grid, of a collimated light beam, of a higher resolution Charge Coupled Device Camera, as well as the superposition of image discontinuities during the unwrapping pro-cedure included in the pha...

Research paper thumbnail of The use of digital images in the classification of cutting flowers

Research paper thumbnail of Development and Test of a Low-Cost Tunnel Sprayer for Vineyards

Editora Artemis eBooks, Feb 26, 2023

O conteúdo deste livro está licenciado sob uma Licença de Atribuição Creative Commons Atribuição-... more O conteúdo deste livro está licenciado sob uma Licença de Atribuição Creative Commons Atribuição-Não-Comercial NãoDerivativos 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). Direitos para esta edição cedidos à Editora Artemis pelos autores. Permitido o download da obra e o compartilhamento, desde que sejam atribuídos créditos aos autores, e sem a possibilidade de alterá-la de nenhuma forma ou utilizá-la para fins comerciais. A responsabilidade pelo conteúdo dos artigos e seus dados, em sua forma, correção e confiabilidade é exclusiva dos autores. A Editora Artemis, em seu compromisso de manter e aperfeiçoar a qualidade e confiabilidade dos trabalhos que publica, conduz a avaliação cega pelos pares de todos manuscritos publicados, com base em critérios de neutralidade e imparcialidade acadêmica.

Research paper thumbnail of Development of an image analysis toolbox for the SCILAB software

Research paper thumbnail of O Uso de Imagens Digitais na Classificação de Flores de Corte

Revista Brasileira de Horticultura Ornamental, Dec 22, 2010

Uso de Imagens Digitais na Classificação de Flores de Corte (1) GLÁUCIA MORAES DIAS (2) , ANTONIO... more Uso de Imagens Digitais na Classificação de Flores de Corte (1) GLÁUCIA MORAES DIAS (2) , ANTONIO CARLOS LOUREIRO LINO (2) , JULIANA SANCHES (2), FREDERICO AUGUSTO BERGAMINI LIMA (2) , THAISA SAMPAIO NASCIMENTO (2) RESUMO O uso de técnicas de imagem em processo de produção agrícola está se tornando uma ferramenta muito promissora em apoio ao desenvolvimento da padronização, levando em consideração a forma e o tamanho do produto. A análise dos elementos individuais no processo de classificação ou reconhecimento inicial da espécie atende aos requisitos de tempo e precisão. O Brasil apresenta um enorme potencial para desenvolver a produção de flores e plantas ornamentais para os mercados interno e externo. Atualmente, a produção de flores proporciona uma renda próxima a EUA $ 1,3 bilhões / ano, reunindo mais de 500 produtores concentrados em uma área de 8500 hectares, tendo gerado uma receita de U $ 35 milhões no ano de 2007. As flores do Brasil e a estratégia de exportação de plantas ornamentais têm o objetivo de orientar e dirigir as potencialidades específicas de produção de flores para aproveitar as oportunidades comerciais oferecidas pelo mercado internacional, enfatizando a tecnologia pós-colheita. É possível expressar um produto de qualidade por meio de imagens digitais. Programas de computador geram satisfatoriamente as análises necessárias para os padrões desejados, produzindo um processo rápido e eficiente. Espera-se que no futuro o mercado brasileiro venha a adotar a classificação automática, reduzindo custos, melhorando a eficiência e a qualidade do produto oferecido ao consumidor. Palavras-chave: Gerbera jamesonii, padrão de flores, mercado.

Research paper thumbnail of Agregação de Latossolo Vermelho sob diferentes sistemas de preparo do solo, após um único cultivo com girassol

Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agricola e Ambiental, Jun 1, 2005

The objective of the present research was to evaluate the effect of single sunflower crop on soil... more The objective of the present research was to evaluate the effect of single sunflower crop on soil aggregation under different tillage systems. Four tillage systems were used: heavy disk harrow + leveling harrow (GA), leveling harrow (GN), sowing on straw (SP) without tillage (PD), in the autumn-winter, and chisel plow + leveling harrow in the spring-summer cultivation, except for PD treatment. The research was conducted under field conditions in Candido Mota and Pedrinhas Paulista, Sao Paulo State. Soybean was sowed in the spring-summer season and sunflower in the autumn-winter. The soil aggregates were evaluated before sowing and after sunflower harvest. The use of sunflower crop induced a better soil aggregation in both places, for all tillage systems.

Research paper thumbnail of Análise da fragmentação de fitomassa realizada por uma roçadora em área com predominância de capim-colonião

Research paper thumbnail of Image processing techniques for lemons and tomatoes classification

Bragantia, 2008

Vegetable quality is frequently referred to size, shape, mass, firmness, color and bruises from w... more Vegetable quality is frequently referred to size, shape, mass, firmness, color and bruises from which fruits can be classified and sorted. However, technological by small and middle producers implementation to assess this quality is unfeasible, due to high costs of software, equipment as well as operational costs. Based on these considerations, the proposal of this research is to evaluate a new open software that enables the classification system by recognizing fruit shape, volume, color and possibly bruises at a unique glance. The software named ImageJ, compatible with Windows, Linux and MAC/OS, is quite popular in medical research and practices, and offers algorithms to obtain the above mentioned parameters. The software allows calculation of volume, area, averages, border detection, image improvement and morphological operations in a variety of image archive formats as well as extensions by means of "plugins" written in Java.

Research paper thumbnail of Desenvolvimento De Um Sistema De Medição Da Cobertura De Aplicação De Defensivo Agrícola Usando Marcadores Ultravioleta

Research paper thumbnail of Development of a Laser Profilometer for the Generation of 3D- Models to Measure the Volume of Fertilizer Applied by Fertilizer Sowers

Engenharia na agricultura, Dec 31, 2020

Laser profilometry based on triangulation is a method for measuring depth of points in space that... more Laser profilometry based on triangulation is a method for measuring depth of points in space that uses a laser beam to scan the object. The image of a laser-line projected onto a surface of an object is captured and treated in image-analysis software, which calculates its profile. The union of a sequence of profiles allows the construction of the 3D-digital models of objects. The objective of this work was to develop a methodology and to build a prototype of a threedimensional scanner based on laser triangulation. A prototype was built, with a gantry structure containing a car on which are a laser diode and a camera. This car is driven by an endless shaft driven by an electric motor with variable speed. When moving the car, the laser module produces a line on the surface of the object that is filmed by a camera fixed at a known angle, obtaining the necessary information to generate the 3D model of the object. Tests were made on regular objects: hubcaps, pyramids and cobblestones and the results showed that the 3D-models produced had the same dimensions. Tests were also made on irregular objects such as soil surface and fruit. The prototype proved to be solid for generating 3D models of objects.

Research paper thumbnail of Utilização De Técnica Óptica Para Medição Dinâmica Em Materiais

Engenharia Agricola, Aug 23, 2016

O conhecimento do comportamento mecânico de materiais e de extrema importância e auxilio para a E... more O conhecimento do comportamento mecânico de materiais e de extrema importância e auxilio para a Engenharia Agricola na area de projeto de maquinas agricolas. Analises mais precisas testam isoladamente o elemento empregando tecnicas experimentais. Recentemente as tecnicas opticas perfilometricas estao sendo utilizadas na solucao de problemas envolvendo solicitacoes estaticas ou dinâmicas. As tecnicas opticas fornecem campo de deslocamento completo e sao denominadas como tecnicas fotomecânicas e sao metodos experimentais na analise de tensoes e deformacoes quando associados a metodologia hibrida. Entre as tecnicas opticas perfilometricas destaca-se as tecnicas de moire. A Tecnica de Moire e baseada na interferencia de duas grades superpostas que produzem franjas padroes, sendo que esta permite analisar o comportamento mecânico do material. O objetivo deste trabalho de pesquisa e de determinar experimentalmente o deslocamento mecânico de viga delgada atraves do uso da tecnica optica de Moire com Deslocamento de Fase. O arranjo experimental fotomecânico incluiu o uso de uma câmera digital, um projetor multimidia e um PC. Situacoes de oscilacao foram analisadas. Os resultados mostraram dados e informacoes de grande importância para projetos de maquinas agricolas e que devem ser levados em conta no desenvolvimento de projetos. Este trabalho e concluido com informacoes de grande importância para desenvolvimento de projetos de maquinas agricolas.

Research paper thumbnail of Fruit volumetric determination based on Moiré techniques

INMATEH-Agricultural Engineering, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Tecnica optica de moire visando a aplicação no estudo de superficies irregulares

AGRADECIMENTOS À Deus por sua presença em minha vida. Ao professor Inácio M. Dal Fabbro, pela ami... more AGRADECIMENTOS À Deus por sua presença em minha vida. Ao professor Inácio M. Dal Fabbro, pela amizade, paciência, apoio e orientação. À minha esposa e filhos pelo apoio, compreensão e incentivo.

Research paper thumbnail of Microclima, produção e composição do mosto da ‘Syrah’ cultivada sob cobertura de plástico

Revista de Ciências Agroveterinárias, Aug 23, 2019

Foi feita a caracterização do microclima do vinhedo, das variáveis de produção das videiras e das... more Foi feita a caracterização do microclima do vinhedo, das variáveis de produção das videiras e das propriedades físico-químicas do mosto da uva para vinho 'Syrah' cultivada com cobertura e sem cobertura de plástico impermeável (ráfia). As videiras foram sustentadas em Y e manejadas em regime de safra de inverno na região produtora de uvas de Louveira, SP. Durante o período da maturação das uvas foram feitas determinações, na altura dos cachos, da radiação solar e da temperatura do ar. Na colheita foram determinadas as variáveis fitotécnicas (número de ramos, número de cachos, massa dos cachos e produtividade) e físico-químicas do mosto (teor de sólidos solúveis, acidez total, teor de ácido tartárico, antocianinas, polifenóis totais e taninos). Os valores de temperatura máxima do ar foram superiores nas videiras sob cobertura de plástico em comparação às cultivadas a céu aberto enquanto a radiação solar foi mais elevada na condição sem cobertura. A produtividade e o teor de sólidos solúveis totais foram mais elevados para as videiras sob cobertura de plástico. Não foi observada influência da cobertura de plástico impermeável nos teores de antocianina, polifenóis totais e taninos das uvas.

Research paper thumbnail of Aplicação de moire de projeção com deslocamento de fase na geração de modelos digitais topograficos de orgão vegetais

A Deus por sua presença em minha vida. Ao professor Inácio Maria Dal Fabbro, pela amizade, paciên... more A Deus por sua presença em minha vida. Ao professor Inácio Maria Dal Fabbro, pela amizade, paciência, apoio e orientação. À minha esposa e filhos pelo apoio, compreensão e incentivo. Ao Pr. Narciso de Souza, meu mentor espiritual, pela sabedoria que me tem transmitido.

Research paper thumbnail of Toward New Ideas on the Control of Pesticide Application: A Low-cost Tunnel Sprayer for Vineyards

International journal of new technology and research, Aug 31, 2019

A prototype of recycling sprayer was tested in a vineyard with the aim to analyze the distributio... more A prototype of recycling sprayer was tested in a vineyard with the aim to analyze the distribution of spray in the canopy leaves and the general spraying efficiency. The sprayer was developed at the Instituto Agronômico (IAC) at the Centro de Engenharia Agrícola, located in Jundiaí (São Paulo State, Brasil). The experiment was carried out from 2017 to 2109. The nozzles were fitted inside air spouts placed along vertical air ducts, located so that two converging air jets reached the canopy in two different opposite positions. Two vertical panels (1,20m x 1,90m) were installed on the same folding arms on which the air ducts are placed. The machine was enabled to perform electrostatic spraying. Excess liquid collected on the bottom of the panels were sucked back into the tank by a micro hydraulic pump. The prototype was submitted to field tests to verify the leaf spray coverage and the capability of the machine to save active ingredient during the spray. Leaf image analysis was used to study leaf spray coverage in field tests. The recycling device confirmed its efficiency with a saving of about 50% of active ingredients at the end of the treatments, and the use of electrostatic spray was beneficial for the leaf coverage uniformity, for spraying under high liquid pressure.

Research paper thumbnail of Aplication of Phase Shift Projection Moire Technique in Solid Surfaces Topographic Survey

Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, 2008

The application of projection moiré with phase shift techniques in vegetable organs surface topog... more The application of projection moiré with phase shift techniques in vegetable organs surface topography survey had to step up basic procedures before reaching significant conclusions. As recommended by [1], the proposed method should be tested on virtual surfaces [1] before being carried on solid symmetric surfaces [2], followed by tests on asymmetric surfaces as fruits [3] and finally a generation

Research paper thumbnail of Application of Phase Shifting Projection Moire on Solid Regular Figures and Plant Organs Three Dimensional Digital Model Generation

Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, 2008

The conception of a tridimensional digital model of solid figures and plant organs started from t... more The conception of a tridimensional digital model of solid figures and plant organs started from topographic survey of virtual surfaces [1], followed by topographic survey of solid figures [2], fruit surface survey [3] and finally the generation of a 3D digital model [4] as presented by [1]. In this research work, i.e. step number [4] tested objects included cylinders, cubes, spheres and fruits. A Ronchi grid named G1 was generated in a PC, from which other grids referred as G2, G3, and G4 were set out of phase by 1∕4, 1∕2 and 3∕4 of period from G1. Grid G1 was then projected onto the samples surface. Projected grid was named Gd. The difference between Gd and G1 followed by filtration generated de moire´ fringes M1 and so on, obtaining the fringes M2, M3 and M4 from Gd. Fringes are out of phase one from each other by 1∕4 of period, which were processed by the Rising Sun Moire´ software to produce packed phase and further on, the unpacked fringes. Tested object was placed on a goniometer and rotate to generate four surfaces topography. These four surveyed surfaces were assembled by means of a SCILAB software, obtaining a three column matrix, corresponding to the object coordinates xi, also having elevation values and coordinates corrected as well. The work includes conclusions on the reliability of the proposed method as well as the setup simplicity and of low cost.

Research paper thumbnail of Development and test of a confining and recycling sprayer for viticulture

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Oct 1, 2021

Abstract In the tropical and subtropical viticulture, it is notorious that the occurrence of a fa... more Abstract In the tropical and subtropical viticulture, it is notorious that the occurrence of a favorable microclimate leads to a high incidence of plant pathologies. This affects the productivity and longevity of the vines. In many cases, the incidence of rainfall and high relative humidity, during most of the vine cycle, leads to a large number of interventions for phytosanitary control. The continuous, and not always correct use of pesticides, causes their residues to be deposited in the environment, leading to changes in the ecosystem, accumulation in non-target organisms and the water, with the potential to cause serious problems for man and his habitat. That matter has highlighted the need for more accurate technologies for the spraying of active ingredients in crops. Therefore, the investigation of more appropriate procedures and equipment is justified, for greater protection of the workers and the microenvironment, as well as for higher efficiency in the application of active ingredients. Based on the above, a prototype of a confining and recycling sprayer was developed and tested at the Centro de Engenharia e Automacao (CEA) of the Instituto Agronomico (IAC), in Jundiai (Sao Paulo state), between 2017 and 2019 growing seasons. Spray outlets were arranged in vertical ducts and accommodated in two shield panels. The prototype was arranged as a straddle, floating over-the-row. Part of the liquid sprayed, not adhered to the leaves, was collected at the bottom of the shield panels and pumped back into a reservoir for recirculation. Tests were carried out to evaluate the performance as for uniformity of adaxial leaf coverage in the vineyard, using image analysis. The results showed that the mechanical configuration used made it possible to promote significant recovery of the liquid and a satisfactory percentage of leaf coverage.

Research paper thumbnail of Solar Para Grãos, Associado a Silo Subterrâneo , Associado a Silo Subterrâneo , Associado a Silo Subterrâneo , Associado a Silo Subterrâneo , Associado a Silo Subterrâneo

Abstract: act: A batch-type, solar-heated air drier with mechanical system of unloading was teste... more Abstract: act: A batch-type, solar-heated air drier with mechanical system of unloading was testedin drying edible beans (Phaseolus vulgaris, L.). Reductions in drying time and area, reached 83and 76%, respectively, as compared with the natural drying process. A hand-driven mechanicalunloading system incorporated allows 95% reduction in unloading time.Key words:ds: edible beans, drier, solar hating INTRODUCAO O Brasil, alem de maior produtor, e tambem o maiorconsumidor de feijao, visto que este produto representa naoapenas valor economico significativo para o Pais mas, acimade tudo, alimento basico de grande alcance social,principalmente das classes menos favorecidas.A secagem do feijao pode ocorrer no campo, ainda naplanta, em terreiro ou artificialmente, em secadores mecânicos,ao passo em que a armazenagem tem lugar em paiol, galpao eem grandes silos, no caso de lavouras mais extensas.Segundo Sathler et ali, (1980), citando Hukill (1974), o teorde umidade contida nos graos afeta a...

Research paper thumbnail of Moiré Inteferometry Applied to Plant Architectural Studies / Moiré Interferométrico Aplicado Ao Estudo Da Arquitetura De Plantas

Revista Brasileira de Engenharia de Biossistemas, 2008

Plant architecture research subjects are of significant importance to genetics, photosynthesis, t... more Plant architecture research subjects are of significant importance to genetics, photosynthesis, tran-spiration, crop-machine mechanical relationship, etc. In this sense, this research work had been carried in developing a new technique to generate the three dimensional view of plant shape. In this work the plant architecture determination will be carried out by means of a phase shift moiré method. The importance of the proposed method is based on the application of a sequence of four grids out of phase by an angle of π/2 radians one from each other. A digital camera was employed to capture the moiré patterns, which will generate the image to be processed. The procedure of image analysis involved softwares as Microsoft Powerpoint, Coreldraw and Idrisi. The use of a highly continuous sinusoidal grid, of a collimated light beam, of a higher resolution Charge Coupled Device Camera, as well as the superposition of image discontinuities during the unwrapping pro-cedure included in the pha...

Research paper thumbnail of The use of digital images in the classification of cutting flowers

Research paper thumbnail of Development and Test of a Low-Cost Tunnel Sprayer for Vineyards

Editora Artemis eBooks, Feb 26, 2023

O conteúdo deste livro está licenciado sob uma Licença de Atribuição Creative Commons Atribuição-... more O conteúdo deste livro está licenciado sob uma Licença de Atribuição Creative Commons Atribuição-Não-Comercial NãoDerivativos 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). Direitos para esta edição cedidos à Editora Artemis pelos autores. Permitido o download da obra e o compartilhamento, desde que sejam atribuídos créditos aos autores, e sem a possibilidade de alterá-la de nenhuma forma ou utilizá-la para fins comerciais. A responsabilidade pelo conteúdo dos artigos e seus dados, em sua forma, correção e confiabilidade é exclusiva dos autores. A Editora Artemis, em seu compromisso de manter e aperfeiçoar a qualidade e confiabilidade dos trabalhos que publica, conduz a avaliação cega pelos pares de todos manuscritos publicados, com base em critérios de neutralidade e imparcialidade acadêmica.

Research paper thumbnail of Development of an image analysis toolbox for the SCILAB software

Research paper thumbnail of O Uso de Imagens Digitais na Classificação de Flores de Corte

Revista Brasileira de Horticultura Ornamental, Dec 22, 2010

Uso de Imagens Digitais na Classificação de Flores de Corte (1) GLÁUCIA MORAES DIAS (2) , ANTONIO... more Uso de Imagens Digitais na Classificação de Flores de Corte (1) GLÁUCIA MORAES DIAS (2) , ANTONIO CARLOS LOUREIRO LINO (2) , JULIANA SANCHES (2), FREDERICO AUGUSTO BERGAMINI LIMA (2) , THAISA SAMPAIO NASCIMENTO (2) RESUMO O uso de técnicas de imagem em processo de produção agrícola está se tornando uma ferramenta muito promissora em apoio ao desenvolvimento da padronização, levando em consideração a forma e o tamanho do produto. A análise dos elementos individuais no processo de classificação ou reconhecimento inicial da espécie atende aos requisitos de tempo e precisão. O Brasil apresenta um enorme potencial para desenvolver a produção de flores e plantas ornamentais para os mercados interno e externo. Atualmente, a produção de flores proporciona uma renda próxima a EUA $ 1,3 bilhões / ano, reunindo mais de 500 produtores concentrados em uma área de 8500 hectares, tendo gerado uma receita de U $ 35 milhões no ano de 2007. As flores do Brasil e a estratégia de exportação de plantas ornamentais têm o objetivo de orientar e dirigir as potencialidades específicas de produção de flores para aproveitar as oportunidades comerciais oferecidas pelo mercado internacional, enfatizando a tecnologia pós-colheita. É possível expressar um produto de qualidade por meio de imagens digitais. Programas de computador geram satisfatoriamente as análises necessárias para os padrões desejados, produzindo um processo rápido e eficiente. Espera-se que no futuro o mercado brasileiro venha a adotar a classificação automática, reduzindo custos, melhorando a eficiência e a qualidade do produto oferecido ao consumidor. Palavras-chave: Gerbera jamesonii, padrão de flores, mercado.

Research paper thumbnail of Agregação de Latossolo Vermelho sob diferentes sistemas de preparo do solo, após um único cultivo com girassol

Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agricola e Ambiental, Jun 1, 2005

The objective of the present research was to evaluate the effect of single sunflower crop on soil... more The objective of the present research was to evaluate the effect of single sunflower crop on soil aggregation under different tillage systems. Four tillage systems were used: heavy disk harrow + leveling harrow (GA), leveling harrow (GN), sowing on straw (SP) without tillage (PD), in the autumn-winter, and chisel plow + leveling harrow in the spring-summer cultivation, except for PD treatment. The research was conducted under field conditions in Candido Mota and Pedrinhas Paulista, Sao Paulo State. Soybean was sowed in the spring-summer season and sunflower in the autumn-winter. The soil aggregates were evaluated before sowing and after sunflower harvest. The use of sunflower crop induced a better soil aggregation in both places, for all tillage systems.

Research paper thumbnail of Análise da fragmentação de fitomassa realizada por uma roçadora em área com predominância de capim-colonião

Research paper thumbnail of Image processing techniques for lemons and tomatoes classification

Bragantia, 2008

Vegetable quality is frequently referred to size, shape, mass, firmness, color and bruises from w... more Vegetable quality is frequently referred to size, shape, mass, firmness, color and bruises from which fruits can be classified and sorted. However, technological by small and middle producers implementation to assess this quality is unfeasible, due to high costs of software, equipment as well as operational costs. Based on these considerations, the proposal of this research is to evaluate a new open software that enables the classification system by recognizing fruit shape, volume, color and possibly bruises at a unique glance. The software named ImageJ, compatible with Windows, Linux and MAC/OS, is quite popular in medical research and practices, and offers algorithms to obtain the above mentioned parameters. The software allows calculation of volume, area, averages, border detection, image improvement and morphological operations in a variety of image archive formats as well as extensions by means of "plugins" written in Java.

Research paper thumbnail of Desenvolvimento De Um Sistema De Medição Da Cobertura De Aplicação De Defensivo Agrícola Usando Marcadores Ultravioleta

Research paper thumbnail of Development of a Laser Profilometer for the Generation of 3D- Models to Measure the Volume of Fertilizer Applied by Fertilizer Sowers

Engenharia na agricultura, Dec 31, 2020

Laser profilometry based on triangulation is a method for measuring depth of points in space that... more Laser profilometry based on triangulation is a method for measuring depth of points in space that uses a laser beam to scan the object. The image of a laser-line projected onto a surface of an object is captured and treated in image-analysis software, which calculates its profile. The union of a sequence of profiles allows the construction of the 3D-digital models of objects. The objective of this work was to develop a methodology and to build a prototype of a threedimensional scanner based on laser triangulation. A prototype was built, with a gantry structure containing a car on which are a laser diode and a camera. This car is driven by an endless shaft driven by an electric motor with variable speed. When moving the car, the laser module produces a line on the surface of the object that is filmed by a camera fixed at a known angle, obtaining the necessary information to generate the 3D model of the object. Tests were made on regular objects: hubcaps, pyramids and cobblestones and the results showed that the 3D-models produced had the same dimensions. Tests were also made on irregular objects such as soil surface and fruit. The prototype proved to be solid for generating 3D models of objects.