Fernando Aragão - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Fernando Aragão
Fisioterapia e Pesquisa, Dec 1, 2015
Time performance and CoP displacement of hemiplegic subjects in a virtual reality game task: shor... more Time performance and CoP displacement of hemiplegic subjects in a virtual reality game task: short and long-term effects of a training protocol Desempenho de tempo e deslocamento do centro de pressão em hemiplégicos em uma tarefa de jogo de realidade virtual: efeitos de curto e longo prazo de um protocolo de treinamento Desempeño de tiempo y desplazamiento del centro de presión en hemipléjicos en una tarea de juego de realidad virtual: efectos de curto y longo plazo de un protocolo de capacitación
Motriz-revista De Educacao Fisica, Jun 1, 2015
Reliability is essential to all aspects of the measure, as it shows the quality of the informatio... more Reliability is essential to all aspects of the measure, as it shows the quality of the information and allows rational conclusions with regard to the data. There has been controversial results regarding the reliability of electromyographic parameters assessed during stair ascent and descent in individuals with patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS). Therefore, this study aims to determine the reliability of time and frequency domain electromyographic parameters on both gestures in women with PFPS. Thirty-one women with PFPS were selected to participate in this study. Data from vastus lateralis and medialis were collected during stair deambulation. The selected parameters were: automatic onset, median frequency bands of low, medium and high frequency. Reliability was determined by intraclass correlation coefficient and the standard error of measurement. The frequency domain variables have shown good reliability, with the stair ascent presenting the best rates. On the other hand, onset has proved to be inconsistent in all measures. Our findings suggest that stair ascent is more reliable than stair descent to evaluate subjects with PFPS in the most cases.
Clinical Biomechanics, Feb 1, 2015
Background: Excessive rearfoot eversion is thought to be a risk factor for patellofemoral pain de... more Background: Excessive rearfoot eversion is thought to be a risk factor for patellofemoral pain development, due to the kinesiological relationship with ascendant adaptations. Individuals with patellofemoral pain are often diagnosed through static clinical tests, in scientific studies and clinical practice. However, the adaptations seem to appear in dynamic conditions. Performing static vs. dynamic evaluations of widely used measures would add to the knowledge in this area. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine the reliability and differentiation capability of three rearfoot eversion measures: rearfoot range of motion, static clinical test and static measurement using a three-dimensional system. Method: A total of 29 individuals with patellofemoral pain and 25 control individuals (18-30 years) participated in this study. Each subject underwent three-dimensional motion analysis during stair climbing and static clinical tests. Intraclass correlation coefficient and standard error measurements were performed to verify the reliability of the variables and receiver operating characteristic curves to show the diagnostic accuracy of each variable. In addition, analyses of variance were performed to identify differences between groups. Findings: Rearfoot range of motion demonstrated higher diagnostic accuracy (an area under the curve score of 0.72) than static measures and was able to differentiate the groups. Only the static clinical test presented poor and moderate reliability. Other variables presented high to very high values. Interpretation: Rearfoot range of motion was the variable that presented the best results in terms of reliability and differentiation capability. Static variables do not seem to be related to patellofemoral pain and have low accuracy values.
Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia, Dec 1, 2015
Objective: Comparison of the biomechanical parameters (spatiotemporal and kinetic) during walking... more Objective: Comparison of the biomechanical parameters (spatiotemporal and kinetic) during walking of young people, falling, and non-falling elderly persons. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed of 29 individuals divided into three groups: young persons (n=10); falling elderly individuals (n=7) and non-falling individuals (n=12). Gait analysis was performed based on the recording of three walking gait cycles along an 8 meter platform, which was attached to a force plate with a recording frequency of 200 Hz. Gait cycles were also recorded by three video cameras positioned perpendicular to the force plate with a recording frequency of 60 Hz. The data analyzed was: average step velocity, stance time, Froude number and anteroposterior ground reaction force. Results: The average step velocity was higher among young persons and there was no difference in the Froude number among the three groups. During the stance and impulse phase, anterior and posterior force was higher among young persons than in the non-falling elderly group. The foot stance time of young individuals was also lower than the nonfalling elderly group (p=0.000) and the foot stance time of the falling elderly group was lower than that of the non-falling elderly group (p=0.004). Conclusion: Falling and non-falling elderly persons have different gait biomechanical characteristics than young women, other than with respect to the Froude number. Furthermore, falling elderly persons spend more time in the gait swing phase than non-falling elderly persons.
Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia, Sep 1, 2015
Objective: To analyze the relationship between vertical ground reaction force and knee angular ve... more Objective: To analyze the relationship between vertical ground reaction force and knee angular velocity of young and elderly persons during stair descent. Methods: The sample consisted of two groups: the Elderly Group (EG; n=10) and the Young Group (YG; n=16). A ladder test consisting of seven steps, with a force plate coupled to the fourth step to acquire kinetic data and determine the moment of foot contact with the step, was used, as well as a system of three-dimensional kinematics with four infrared cameras. The volunteers descended the stairs continuously, at a self-selected speed and pace. The Student's t-test was used for independent samples and the Pearson correlation test was used to test the correlation of the variables, with a level of significance of α=0.05. Results: The results showed a significant difference between the YG group (240.7±10.5 g/s) and the EG group (186.4±13.2 g/s) for mean peak knee angular velocity. Regarding peak vertical force (Fz), YG had a higher magnitude of force (1.39±0.03) than EG (1.15±0.02), with a significant difference between the groups (p=0.00). The results also showed a positive correlation between variables (r=0.4). Conclusion: The results indicate that elderly persons have a lower knee angular velocity and lower vertical force during stair descent than young people and that there was a correlation between the variables.
Scientia Medica, Jan 18, 2015
Influência da preocupação com quedas na mobilidade e na força de reação do solo em idosas durante... more Influência da preocupação com quedas na mobilidade e na força de reação do solo em idosas durante descida de escada Influence of concern about falls in mobility and ground reaction force in elderly women's during stairs descent
Varia Scientia - Ciências da Saúde, Dec 29, 2017
Scientia Medica, 2014
Objetivos: Verificar a diferença entre idosas com e sem preocupação com quedas na mobilidade e na... more Objetivos: Verificar a diferença entre idosas com e sem preocupação com quedas na mobilidade e na força vertical de reação do solo durante a descida de escada. Métodos: O estudo incluiu idosas atendidas pelo Centro de Reabilitação Física da Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná com idade entre 60 e 75 anos, sem doenças neurológicas e cardiovasculares que acarretassem risco pelas atividades do estudo. Foram excluídas também idosas com órteses para locomoção, doenças osteoarticulares ou cirurgias de membros inferiores e histórico de queda. As participantes foram divididas em dois grupos, com e sem preocupação com quedas em atividades diárias, identificados pela Falls Efficacy Scale International traduzida para o português. Para avaliação da mobilidade, todas as voluntárias realizaram o teste Timed Up and Go. A força de reação do solo foi avaliada em cinco descidas de escada para coleta dos dados cinéticos (primeiro pico da força vertical de reação do solo) através de uma plataforma...
ISSN 1981-9900 versão eletrônica P e r i ó d i c o do I n s t i t u t o B r a s i l e i r o d e P... more ISSN 1981-9900 versão eletrônica P e r i ó d i c o do I n s t i t u t o B r a s i l e i r o d e P e sq u i s a e E n si n o e m F i s i o l o gi a do E x e r c í c i o w w w. i b p e f e x. c o m. b r / w w w. r b p f e x. c o m. b r PERFORMANCE DE SUJEITOS JOVENS SAUDÁVEIS EM UM PROGRAMA DE TREINAMENTO EM REALIDADE VIRTUAL: EFEITO IMEDIATO E AO LONGO DO TEMPO RESUMO Introdução: Apesar do reconhecimento da importância da atividade física na qualidade de vida, atualmente os níveis apresentados pela população têm sido considerados baixos com relação aos ideais. Uma possibilidade de recurso não convencional que vem sendo empregada como atividade física é a realidade virtual (RV), com consoles de baixo custo, entretanto, são necessárias evidências quanto a sua eficácia e principalmente informações acerca da manutenção dos efeitos obtidos ao longo do tempo. Objetivo: Analisar o efeito de um programa de treinos em RV sobre a performance de indivíduos saudáveis e verificar a manutenção do ...
Os nervos perifericos sao comumente acometidos por lesoes. Dentre as causas mais comuns, estao: t... more Os nervos perifericos sao comumente acometidos por lesoes. Dentre as causas mais comuns, estao: traumas, estiramento, pincamento, compressao e esmagamento do tecido nervoso, que resulta em comprometimentos motores, sensoriais e limitacoes funcionais. Existem diversas formas de tratamento, dentre as abordagens terapeuticas nao cirurgicas, pode-se citar o laser de baixa potencia, o qual apresenta uma serie de indicacoes, desempenhando acao analgesica, anti-inflamatoria e cicatrizante. Entretanto, ha uma aparente carencia na literatura brasileira com relacao ao efeito do laser da faixa de luz visivel (luz vermelha) como modalidade de tratamento para lesao nervosa periferica, bem como, a falta de revisoes sistematicas publicadas. Desta maneira, o objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma revisao sistematica sobre o laser de baixa potencia, no espectro de luz vermelha em lesao nervosa periferica. Para a realizacao deste estudo foram consultadas as bases de dados Scielo, Lilacs e Google Acad...
Revista Brasileira de Ortopedia, 2014
O conhecimento dos fatores determinantes de uma alta ou de uma baixa motivacao abre um amplo cami... more O conhecimento dos fatores determinantes de uma alta ou de uma baixa motivacao abre um amplo caminho de intervencoes terapeuticas. Assim, deve-se considerar a reabilitacao como um complexo processo que envolve tanto o aspecto fisico como o psicossocial. No presente estudo buscou-se avaliar a qualidade do processo de reabilitacao de pacientes com doencas neurologicas cronicas que realizam tratamento fisioterapeutico na clinica de fisioterapia da Unioeste. A avaliacao foi feita atraves da implementacao de um questionario que englobava tanto aspectos psicologicos como fisicos dos pacientes em tratamento e que estavam relacionados ao processo de reabilitacao. Foram sujeitos da pesquisa 13 pacientes, submetidos a um questionario composto por 49 questoes, subdivididas em quatro topicos principais: esclarecimento, estado emocional, qualidade do atendimento e apoio ao paciente. Os resultados observados foram alocados como categorias que caracterizavam a qualidade do processo de reabilitacao...
Kinesiology, 2014
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of neuromuscular fatigue on vastus medialis and ... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of neuromuscular fatigue on vastus medialis and vastus lateralis co-contraction. Fifteen healthy young subjects performed an isometric leg extension test in two different condition phases: i) maximum test for determining the maximum voluntary isometric contraction, and ii) fatigue test for exercises executed at 50% of the maximum voluntary contraction in three distinct periods with seven-day intervals between the tests. To quantify the co-contraction between the vastus medialis and vastus lateralis muscles, the signals overlapped and the intersection area was calculated. The data reliability was verified with the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and standard error measurement (SEM). Values of median frequency and root mean square for both muscles showed a significant difference between the beginning and the end of the test, which indicates occurrence of the neuromuscular fatigue. The median frequency and root mean square ICC v...
Gladson Ricardo Flor Bertolini , Elisangela Lourdes Artifon , Lígia Inez da Silva , Lucinéia de F... more Gladson Ricardo Flor Bertolini , Elisangela Lourdes Artifon , Lígia Inez da Silva , Lucinéia de Fátima Chasko Ribeiro , Rose Meire Costa Brancalhão , Carolina Silva Flóride , Fernando Amâncio Aragão . 1 Laboratory of Injury Research and Rehabilitation, S tate University of West Parana Unioeste, Cascavel -PR, Brazil. 2 Dept. of Physical Therapy, Human Movement Research Laboratory LAPEMH, State University of West Paran a Unioeste, Cascavel-PR, Brazil. E-mail: gladson_ricardo@uol.com.br
309 Q angle and subtalar pronation are not good predictors of pain and function in individuals wi... more 309 Q angle and subtalar pronation are not good predictors of pain and function in individuals with patellofemoral pain syndrome Ângulo Q e pronação subtalar não são bons preditores de dor e função em indivíduos com Síndrome da Dor Femoropatelar Ángulo Q y pronación subtalar no son buenos predictores del dolor y función en individuos con Síndrome de Dolor Femoropatelar Danilo de Oliveira Silva1, Ronaldo Valdir Briani2, Deisi Ferrari3, Marcella Ferrazz Pazzinatto2, Fernando Amâncio Aragão4, Fabio Mícolis de Azevedo5 DOI: 10.590/1809-2950/14031522032015
Fiep Bulletin on Line, 2012
The human body is a system capable of performing many movements, walking in is one of the most co... more The human body is a system capable of performing many movements, walking in is one of the most common performed skills. It is very important to undertand the normal walking pattern adopted by the young and healthy, in order to be able to study the changes resulting from pathological conditions. Therefore, this study aims to make a descriptive analysis of kinematic and temporal parameters of one step thoughout a walking condition. The variables analyzed were the joint angles of the lower limb, duration and step length of young female adults. In addition, the study compares whether there are differences in the walking pattern among three repetition trials of the step gesture. Ten women aged between 18 and 23 years participated in the study which consists of recording the step biomechanical variables while walking. No significant differences were found between the three step trials analyzed. The values found for the stride duration and length were 0.73 s. and 125.86 cm respectively. Concerning the step duration and length were found 0.39 s. and 35.93 cm. The mean values for the hip were 166° and 188°; for the knee 177° and 151° and for the ankle angle 120° and 123° in the stance phase and in the impulse phase, respectively.
Revista Pesquisa em Fisioterapia, 2015
Vaz (orient.) (UFRGS). O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da imobilização no torque m... more Vaz (orient.) (UFRGS). O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da imobilização no torque máximo e na arquitetura do músculo Gastrocnêmico Medial (GM) em indivíduos acometidos por entorse grau II da articulação do tornozelo. Nossas hipóteses são de que o torque máximo dos flexores plantares, a espessura, o ângulo de penação e o comprimento de fascículo muscular do GM estarão reduzidos no tornozelo com entorse quando comparado ao saudável (contralateral), ao serem analisados pelo aparelho de ultra-sonografia. Três homens e quatro mulheres com idade 30, 00
Performance of healthy subjects in a training programe in virtual reality: immediate effect and p... more Performance of healthy subjects in a training programe in virtual reality: immediate effect and post effect.
Fisioterapia e Pesquisa, Dec 1, 2015
Time performance and CoP displacement of hemiplegic subjects in a virtual reality game task: shor... more Time performance and CoP displacement of hemiplegic subjects in a virtual reality game task: short and long-term effects of a training protocol Desempenho de tempo e deslocamento do centro de pressão em hemiplégicos em uma tarefa de jogo de realidade virtual: efeitos de curto e longo prazo de um protocolo de treinamento Desempeño de tiempo y desplazamiento del centro de presión en hemipléjicos en una tarea de juego de realidad virtual: efectos de curto y longo plazo de un protocolo de capacitación
Motriz-revista De Educacao Fisica, Jun 1, 2015
Reliability is essential to all aspects of the measure, as it shows the quality of the informatio... more Reliability is essential to all aspects of the measure, as it shows the quality of the information and allows rational conclusions with regard to the data. There has been controversial results regarding the reliability of electromyographic parameters assessed during stair ascent and descent in individuals with patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS). Therefore, this study aims to determine the reliability of time and frequency domain electromyographic parameters on both gestures in women with PFPS. Thirty-one women with PFPS were selected to participate in this study. Data from vastus lateralis and medialis were collected during stair deambulation. The selected parameters were: automatic onset, median frequency bands of low, medium and high frequency. Reliability was determined by intraclass correlation coefficient and the standard error of measurement. The frequency domain variables have shown good reliability, with the stair ascent presenting the best rates. On the other hand, onset has proved to be inconsistent in all measures. Our findings suggest that stair ascent is more reliable than stair descent to evaluate subjects with PFPS in the most cases.
Clinical Biomechanics, Feb 1, 2015
Background: Excessive rearfoot eversion is thought to be a risk factor for patellofemoral pain de... more Background: Excessive rearfoot eversion is thought to be a risk factor for patellofemoral pain development, due to the kinesiological relationship with ascendant adaptations. Individuals with patellofemoral pain are often diagnosed through static clinical tests, in scientific studies and clinical practice. However, the adaptations seem to appear in dynamic conditions. Performing static vs. dynamic evaluations of widely used measures would add to the knowledge in this area. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine the reliability and differentiation capability of three rearfoot eversion measures: rearfoot range of motion, static clinical test and static measurement using a three-dimensional system. Method: A total of 29 individuals with patellofemoral pain and 25 control individuals (18-30 years) participated in this study. Each subject underwent three-dimensional motion analysis during stair climbing and static clinical tests. Intraclass correlation coefficient and standard error measurements were performed to verify the reliability of the variables and receiver operating characteristic curves to show the diagnostic accuracy of each variable. In addition, analyses of variance were performed to identify differences between groups. Findings: Rearfoot range of motion demonstrated higher diagnostic accuracy (an area under the curve score of 0.72) than static measures and was able to differentiate the groups. Only the static clinical test presented poor and moderate reliability. Other variables presented high to very high values. Interpretation: Rearfoot range of motion was the variable that presented the best results in terms of reliability and differentiation capability. Static variables do not seem to be related to patellofemoral pain and have low accuracy values.
Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia, Dec 1, 2015
Objective: Comparison of the biomechanical parameters (spatiotemporal and kinetic) during walking... more Objective: Comparison of the biomechanical parameters (spatiotemporal and kinetic) during walking of young people, falling, and non-falling elderly persons. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed of 29 individuals divided into three groups: young persons (n=10); falling elderly individuals (n=7) and non-falling individuals (n=12). Gait analysis was performed based on the recording of three walking gait cycles along an 8 meter platform, which was attached to a force plate with a recording frequency of 200 Hz. Gait cycles were also recorded by three video cameras positioned perpendicular to the force plate with a recording frequency of 60 Hz. The data analyzed was: average step velocity, stance time, Froude number and anteroposterior ground reaction force. Results: The average step velocity was higher among young persons and there was no difference in the Froude number among the three groups. During the stance and impulse phase, anterior and posterior force was higher among young persons than in the non-falling elderly group. The foot stance time of young individuals was also lower than the nonfalling elderly group (p=0.000) and the foot stance time of the falling elderly group was lower than that of the non-falling elderly group (p=0.004). Conclusion: Falling and non-falling elderly persons have different gait biomechanical characteristics than young women, other than with respect to the Froude number. Furthermore, falling elderly persons spend more time in the gait swing phase than non-falling elderly persons.
Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia, Sep 1, 2015
Objective: To analyze the relationship between vertical ground reaction force and knee angular ve... more Objective: To analyze the relationship between vertical ground reaction force and knee angular velocity of young and elderly persons during stair descent. Methods: The sample consisted of two groups: the Elderly Group (EG; n=10) and the Young Group (YG; n=16). A ladder test consisting of seven steps, with a force plate coupled to the fourth step to acquire kinetic data and determine the moment of foot contact with the step, was used, as well as a system of three-dimensional kinematics with four infrared cameras. The volunteers descended the stairs continuously, at a self-selected speed and pace. The Student's t-test was used for independent samples and the Pearson correlation test was used to test the correlation of the variables, with a level of significance of α=0.05. Results: The results showed a significant difference between the YG group (240.7±10.5 g/s) and the EG group (186.4±13.2 g/s) for mean peak knee angular velocity. Regarding peak vertical force (Fz), YG had a higher magnitude of force (1.39±0.03) than EG (1.15±0.02), with a significant difference between the groups (p=0.00). The results also showed a positive correlation between variables (r=0.4). Conclusion: The results indicate that elderly persons have a lower knee angular velocity and lower vertical force during stair descent than young people and that there was a correlation between the variables.
Scientia Medica, Jan 18, 2015
Influência da preocupação com quedas na mobilidade e na força de reação do solo em idosas durante... more Influência da preocupação com quedas na mobilidade e na força de reação do solo em idosas durante descida de escada Influence of concern about falls in mobility and ground reaction force in elderly women's during stairs descent
Varia Scientia - Ciências da Saúde, Dec 29, 2017
Scientia Medica, 2014
Objetivos: Verificar a diferença entre idosas com e sem preocupação com quedas na mobilidade e na... more Objetivos: Verificar a diferença entre idosas com e sem preocupação com quedas na mobilidade e na força vertical de reação do solo durante a descida de escada. Métodos: O estudo incluiu idosas atendidas pelo Centro de Reabilitação Física da Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná com idade entre 60 e 75 anos, sem doenças neurológicas e cardiovasculares que acarretassem risco pelas atividades do estudo. Foram excluídas também idosas com órteses para locomoção, doenças osteoarticulares ou cirurgias de membros inferiores e histórico de queda. As participantes foram divididas em dois grupos, com e sem preocupação com quedas em atividades diárias, identificados pela Falls Efficacy Scale International traduzida para o português. Para avaliação da mobilidade, todas as voluntárias realizaram o teste Timed Up and Go. A força de reação do solo foi avaliada em cinco descidas de escada para coleta dos dados cinéticos (primeiro pico da força vertical de reação do solo) através de uma plataforma...
ISSN 1981-9900 versão eletrônica P e r i ó d i c o do I n s t i t u t o B r a s i l e i r o d e P... more ISSN 1981-9900 versão eletrônica P e r i ó d i c o do I n s t i t u t o B r a s i l e i r o d e P e sq u i s a e E n si n o e m F i s i o l o gi a do E x e r c í c i o w w w. i b p e f e x. c o m. b r / w w w. r b p f e x. c o m. b r PERFORMANCE DE SUJEITOS JOVENS SAUDÁVEIS EM UM PROGRAMA DE TREINAMENTO EM REALIDADE VIRTUAL: EFEITO IMEDIATO E AO LONGO DO TEMPO RESUMO Introdução: Apesar do reconhecimento da importância da atividade física na qualidade de vida, atualmente os níveis apresentados pela população têm sido considerados baixos com relação aos ideais. Uma possibilidade de recurso não convencional que vem sendo empregada como atividade física é a realidade virtual (RV), com consoles de baixo custo, entretanto, são necessárias evidências quanto a sua eficácia e principalmente informações acerca da manutenção dos efeitos obtidos ao longo do tempo. Objetivo: Analisar o efeito de um programa de treinos em RV sobre a performance de indivíduos saudáveis e verificar a manutenção do ...
Os nervos perifericos sao comumente acometidos por lesoes. Dentre as causas mais comuns, estao: t... more Os nervos perifericos sao comumente acometidos por lesoes. Dentre as causas mais comuns, estao: traumas, estiramento, pincamento, compressao e esmagamento do tecido nervoso, que resulta em comprometimentos motores, sensoriais e limitacoes funcionais. Existem diversas formas de tratamento, dentre as abordagens terapeuticas nao cirurgicas, pode-se citar o laser de baixa potencia, o qual apresenta uma serie de indicacoes, desempenhando acao analgesica, anti-inflamatoria e cicatrizante. Entretanto, ha uma aparente carencia na literatura brasileira com relacao ao efeito do laser da faixa de luz visivel (luz vermelha) como modalidade de tratamento para lesao nervosa periferica, bem como, a falta de revisoes sistematicas publicadas. Desta maneira, o objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma revisao sistematica sobre o laser de baixa potencia, no espectro de luz vermelha em lesao nervosa periferica. Para a realizacao deste estudo foram consultadas as bases de dados Scielo, Lilacs e Google Acad...
Revista Brasileira de Ortopedia, 2014
O conhecimento dos fatores determinantes de uma alta ou de uma baixa motivacao abre um amplo cami... more O conhecimento dos fatores determinantes de uma alta ou de uma baixa motivacao abre um amplo caminho de intervencoes terapeuticas. Assim, deve-se considerar a reabilitacao como um complexo processo que envolve tanto o aspecto fisico como o psicossocial. No presente estudo buscou-se avaliar a qualidade do processo de reabilitacao de pacientes com doencas neurologicas cronicas que realizam tratamento fisioterapeutico na clinica de fisioterapia da Unioeste. A avaliacao foi feita atraves da implementacao de um questionario que englobava tanto aspectos psicologicos como fisicos dos pacientes em tratamento e que estavam relacionados ao processo de reabilitacao. Foram sujeitos da pesquisa 13 pacientes, submetidos a um questionario composto por 49 questoes, subdivididas em quatro topicos principais: esclarecimento, estado emocional, qualidade do atendimento e apoio ao paciente. Os resultados observados foram alocados como categorias que caracterizavam a qualidade do processo de reabilitacao...
Kinesiology, 2014
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of neuromuscular fatigue on vastus medialis and ... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of neuromuscular fatigue on vastus medialis and vastus lateralis co-contraction. Fifteen healthy young subjects performed an isometric leg extension test in two different condition phases: i) maximum test for determining the maximum voluntary isometric contraction, and ii) fatigue test for exercises executed at 50% of the maximum voluntary contraction in three distinct periods with seven-day intervals between the tests. To quantify the co-contraction between the vastus medialis and vastus lateralis muscles, the signals overlapped and the intersection area was calculated. The data reliability was verified with the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and standard error measurement (SEM). Values of median frequency and root mean square for both muscles showed a significant difference between the beginning and the end of the test, which indicates occurrence of the neuromuscular fatigue. The median frequency and root mean square ICC v...
Gladson Ricardo Flor Bertolini , Elisangela Lourdes Artifon , Lígia Inez da Silva , Lucinéia de F... more Gladson Ricardo Flor Bertolini , Elisangela Lourdes Artifon , Lígia Inez da Silva , Lucinéia de Fátima Chasko Ribeiro , Rose Meire Costa Brancalhão , Carolina Silva Flóride , Fernando Amâncio Aragão . 1 Laboratory of Injury Research and Rehabilitation, S tate University of West Parana Unioeste, Cascavel -PR, Brazil. 2 Dept. of Physical Therapy, Human Movement Research Laboratory LAPEMH, State University of West Paran a Unioeste, Cascavel-PR, Brazil. E-mail: gladson_ricardo@uol.com.br
309 Q angle and subtalar pronation are not good predictors of pain and function in individuals wi... more 309 Q angle and subtalar pronation are not good predictors of pain and function in individuals with patellofemoral pain syndrome Ângulo Q e pronação subtalar não são bons preditores de dor e função em indivíduos com Síndrome da Dor Femoropatelar Ángulo Q y pronación subtalar no son buenos predictores del dolor y función en individuos con Síndrome de Dolor Femoropatelar Danilo de Oliveira Silva1, Ronaldo Valdir Briani2, Deisi Ferrari3, Marcella Ferrazz Pazzinatto2, Fernando Amâncio Aragão4, Fabio Mícolis de Azevedo5 DOI: 10.590/1809-2950/14031522032015
Fiep Bulletin on Line, 2012
The human body is a system capable of performing many movements, walking in is one of the most co... more The human body is a system capable of performing many movements, walking in is one of the most common performed skills. It is very important to undertand the normal walking pattern adopted by the young and healthy, in order to be able to study the changes resulting from pathological conditions. Therefore, this study aims to make a descriptive analysis of kinematic and temporal parameters of one step thoughout a walking condition. The variables analyzed were the joint angles of the lower limb, duration and step length of young female adults. In addition, the study compares whether there are differences in the walking pattern among three repetition trials of the step gesture. Ten women aged between 18 and 23 years participated in the study which consists of recording the step biomechanical variables while walking. No significant differences were found between the three step trials analyzed. The values found for the stride duration and length were 0.73 s. and 125.86 cm respectively. Concerning the step duration and length were found 0.39 s. and 35.93 cm. The mean values for the hip were 166° and 188°; for the knee 177° and 151° and for the ankle angle 120° and 123° in the stance phase and in the impulse phase, respectively.
Revista Pesquisa em Fisioterapia, 2015
Vaz (orient.) (UFRGS). O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da imobilização no torque m... more Vaz (orient.) (UFRGS). O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da imobilização no torque máximo e na arquitetura do músculo Gastrocnêmico Medial (GM) em indivíduos acometidos por entorse grau II da articulação do tornozelo. Nossas hipóteses são de que o torque máximo dos flexores plantares, a espessura, o ângulo de penação e o comprimento de fascículo muscular do GM estarão reduzidos no tornozelo com entorse quando comparado ao saudável (contralateral), ao serem analisados pelo aparelho de ultra-sonografia. Três homens e quatro mulheres com idade 30, 00
Performance of healthy subjects in a training programe in virtual reality: immediate effect and p... more Performance of healthy subjects in a training programe in virtual reality: immediate effect and post effect.