Ardik Lahdimawan - (original) (raw)
Papers by Ardik Lahdimawan
Indonesian Journal of Case Reports, Nov 17, 2023
Tuberculous meningitis (TBM) is the predominant bacterial meningitis form in children under 13, w... more Tuberculous meningitis (TBM) is the predominant bacterial meningitis form in children under 13, with an incidence of 8.6 per 100,000 before age 15. Tuberculous Hydrocephalus (TH), often presenting with hydrocephalus, poses a significant challenge in Indonesia for both children and adults. The commonly used Ventriculo-peritoneal (VP)-shunt procedure for TH, though prevalent, is associated with multiple complications. As an alternative, the Ventriculo-atrial (VA)-shunt procedure has been explored, but reports on its use in TH in Indonesia are lacking. This case report details a 1-year-old girl with TH who initially underwent a VP-shunt procedure, which proved unsuccessful. Subsequently, the VAshunt procedure was employed, leading to a complete recovery. Our findings contribute valuable insights into the potential effectiveness of the VA-shunt as an alternative intervention for TH, especially in the Indonesian medical landscape.
Asia Pacific journal of health management, Dec 2, 2023
BACKGROUND: Various regions of Indonesia have unfulfilled close contact tracing for COVID-19 resp... more BACKGROUND: Various regions of Indonesia have unfulfilled close contact tracing for COVID-19 responsibilities as prevention and control measures, including Banjar Regency which is part of the contributory factors to the low goal of containment. The four factors of influence are communication, disposition, resource, and bureaucratic structure of trac ing as implementation actors of close contact tracing, but other factors can strengthen or weaken policy implementation. This study aims to analyse the factors involved in close contact tracing. METHODS: This quantitative study used a cross-sectional approach with the moderator variable being the policy context. The independent variables are communication, disposition, resource, and bureaucratic structure. The dependent variable is the implementation of close contact tracing of COVID-19. The instrument used is a questionnaire with a sample of 119 respondents that were taken with proportional random sampling. Data analysis used SPSS 26 application with moderated regression analysis (MRA). RESULTS: The four factors communication, disposition, resource, and bureaucratic structure together affected the implementation of close contact tracing of COVID-19 by 51.8% and the other variables were not observed in this study. The effect increased to 55.7% after introducing the policy context variable. In the partial variable test, there is no effect on the resource, but after the interaction of the moderator variable in the policy context, there is a significant p-value of 0.036 on the resource variable. CONCLUSIONS: Communication, disposition, resource, and bureaucratic structure impacted simultaneously on tracers in the implementation of close contact tracing of COVID-19 in Banjar Regency. They increased with a policy context variable as a moderator variable. The policy context variable can increase the effect of the resource factor as a pure moderator.
Homeostasis, Aug 25, 2023
Trauma is damage to living tissue due to physical impact on limbs. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVI... more Trauma is damage to living tissue due to physical impact on limbs. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is affecting the healthcare system. This study aims to analyze the differences in the characteristics of trauma surgery emergency patients before and during the pandemic COVID-19 at Ulin Hospital in Banjarmasin based on age, length of arrival, causes, and time of treatment. This study is an analytic observational study with a retrospective cohort study design. The subjects of this study were trauma surgery emergency patients at Ulin Hospital Banjarmasin September 2018-August 2021 according to the inclusion criteria. The sampling method is simple random sampling. The results show that the mean age of trauma surgery emergency patients before and during the COVID-19 pandemic was 32.25±14.27 and 32.9±19.06 (p=0.918), the mean length of arrival was 12.88±21.74 and 26.25±60.61 (p=0.250), the mean of treatment time was 1.59±0.88 and 1.38±0.73 (p=0.236), and the Chi-Square test on causative variables was obtained p=0.513. It was concluded that there was no difference in age, length of arrival, cause, and time of treatment of trauma surgery emergency patients before and during the COVID-19 pandemic at Ulin Hospital Banjarmasin.
Jurnal Berkala Kesehatan, Dec 2, 2021
Tuberculosis is one of 10 causes of death in the world. In 2018 TB sufferers in Indonesia reached... more Tuberculosis is one of 10 causes of death in the world. In 2018 TB sufferers in Indonesia reached 840 thousand people, the third-highest figure in the world after India and China. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between contact with tuberculosis patients, occupancy density and ventilation area with tuberculosis' incidence. This study used meta-analysis, the articles' sources were from Google Scholar, PubMed and DOAJ published from 2011-2020. There were 12 articles that met the conditions for contact-free variables with tuberculosis patients, 12 articles of occupancy density, and 10 articles of ventilation area variable. The results were contacting with tuberculosis patients had 5.93 times more of getting tuberculosis compared to people who had no contact with tuberculosis patients, people who lived in densely populated areas were 2.41 times more getting tuberculosis compared to people living in occupancy that is not crowded, people who live in dwellings with a non-standard ventilation area were 2.14 times more getting tuberculosis when compared to people who live in an area where the ventilation area meets the standard. The conclusion of this study is tuberculosis patient contact, occupancy density, and ventilation area with the incidence of tuberculosis have a significant relationship.
Homeostasis, Aug 31, 2022
Hydrocephalus is a disorder or disease caused by increased intracranial pressure which is charact... more Hydrocephalus is a disorder or disease caused by increased intracranial pressure which is characterized by an increase in cerebrospinal fluid, caused by tumors, congenital, vascular disorders, infections, and head injuries. Hydrocephalus can cause seizures, neurological deficits, headache, fever, and paralysis, which causes a decrease in quality of life. This study aims to determine the characteristics of hydrocephalus patients at Ulin Hospital Banjarmasin in 2018-2020. This type of research is a descriptive retrospective research. The highest number of hydrocephalus cases was in 2018 namely 143 patients (49.14%). The 46-55 years old age group is the most patient age group. Males were found the most among hydrocephalus patients. The majority of patients came from South Kalimantan. Islam is the religion of most of the patients. The majority of patients are BPJS participants. Family history was found in 81 patients (29.56%) and a history of allergies was found in 19 patients (6.52%). Patients with headache and loss of consciousness are the majority of clinical symptoms in patients. Vascular abnormalities, tumors, and congenital are the most common causes in patients. Communicating hydrocephalus is the most common classification. The category of GCS scores in and out of patients that are often encountered is GCS 13-15. The majority of patients' length of stay was 15 days. The majority of patients improved after undergoing treatment. So, it can be concluded that most
Homeostasis, Apr 11, 2022
Berkala kedokteran, Sep 25, 2020
Ball bearing (BB) and pellet guns are non-power guns but their related injuries have been reporte... more Ball bearing (BB) and pellet guns are non-power guns but their related injuries have been reported worldwide. They represent a significant cause of injury especially among children and teenagers. Their potentially harmful and lethal effects have been well documented in the medical literature since the early 1980s. Fatality rate is closely related to the damaged part of the brain and the level of the damage. In this Case Report we documented a 6-years-old girl was getting shot at the head by herself, who initially want to play around, using her neighbour's Air gun rifle. The pellet trajectory passed through the left frontal lobe, left temporal lobe, left posterior putamen, posteriorly left crus posterior of internal capsule, left occipital horn of lateral ventricle, left occipital lobe, and ended at left cerebral falx between both medial surfaces of occipital lobes. Directional slope of the pellet was medially upward, with its tracking left Intracerebral Hemorrhage (ICH) with perifocal edema and Intraventricular Hemorrhage (IVH) dominant in the left lateral ventricle. After 8 days management, the patient was discharged from our hospital with stable condition, GCS 15 without any significant neurological deficits. Intracranial intracerebral pellet due to air gun shot injury, may have fatal and lethal manifestation if the pellet damage the eloquent area and/or deep area of the brain (hypothalamus, thalamus and brain stem). If accessible the foreign body or pellet should be removed immediately for better outcome.
Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 2018
Berkala kedokteran, Sep 1, 2014
ABSTRACT: Head injury is the leading cause of death and long-term disability . Head injuries can ... more ABSTRACT: Head injury is the leading cause of death and long-term disability . Head injuries can occur due to various reasons one of which is traffic accidents. Accidents can happen in a variety of road users such as pedestrians, cyclists, passenger vehicles, motorcyclists and car drivers. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of road users characteristics with the severity of head injuries in emergency room of Ulin Hospital. The study design was an analytic descriptive with cross sectional approach. The number of samples in this study were 121 people who were taken in accordance with the inclusion and exclusion criteria using consecutive sampling method. Most of road users who suffered head injury were 97 persons motorcyclists (80.1%), followed by 15 pedestrians (12.4%), 4 cyclists and car drivers (3.3%) as well as 1 passenger vehicle (0.8%). Most of patients had mild head injury (59.5%) followed by moderate head injury (24.8%) and severe head injury (15.7%). Based on the results, pedestrians had the most severe head injuries, while the vehicle passenger and the car driver had the mildest head injuries. Based on statistical tests, there were no significant relationship between the characteristics of the traffic aaccident victim with head injury severity, p = 0.070 (p <0.05). It can be concluded that all road users are at risk for severe head injury so that all road users are required to be careful on the highway. Key words : road traffic accident, road users, head injury, GCS ABSTRAK: Cedera kepala merupakan penyebab utama kematian dan kecacatan jangka panjang . Cedera kepala dapat terjadi akibat berbagai sebab salah satunya Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas Darat (KLLD). Kecelakaan dapat terjadi pada berbagai pengguna jalan seperti pejalan kaki, pengguna sepeda, penumpang mobil, pengendara sepeda motor dan pengendara mobil. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan karakteristik pengguna jalan KLLD dengan derajat keparahan cedera kepala di IGD RSUD Ulin. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional . Jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini adalah 121 orang yang diambil sesuai kriteria inklusi eksklusi dengan metode consecutive sampling . Pengendara sepeda motor merupakan pengguna jalan terbanyak yang mengalami cedera kepala yaitu 97 orang (80,1%) disusul oleh pejalan kaki 15 orang (12,4 %), pengguna sepeda dan pengendara mobil 4 orang (3,3%) serta penumpang mobil 1 orang (0,8 %). Derajat cedera kepala yang terbanyak adalah cedera kepala ringan (59,5%) disusul cedera kepala sedang (24,8 %) dan cedera kepala berat (15,7 %). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian kelompok pejalan kaki mengalami cedera kepala paling berat, sedangkan penumpang dan pengendara mobil merupakan kelompok dengan cedera kepala teringan. Berdasarkan uji statistik, tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara karakteristik korban KLLD dengan derajat keparahan cedera kepala, p = 0,070 (p < 0,05). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa semua pengguna jalan memiliki risiko untuk mengalami cedera kepala yang berat sehingga seluruh pengguna jalan wajib berhati-hati di jalan raya. Kata-kata kunci : kecelakaan lalu lintas darat, pengguna jalan, cedera kepala, GCS
Jurnal Berkala Kesehatan, May 25, 2016
Indonesian is one of the developing countries with various kinds of issues which is population gr... more Indonesian is one of the developing countries with various kinds of issues which is population growth was too high and the problem of maternal mortality. One of ways government to keep pressing the rate of increase parity through family planning programs. Family planning programs in Indonesia be stagnant has marked with the increase family planning service where the number of family planning participants had just reach 57,9%. Family planning program in South Kalimantan on 2014 was not yet reached a target where the participants of family planning programs recorded 52,82% of the mother. This study is to analyze if there are relationship between the mother's knowledge about contraceptive method and mother's occupation with injection contraception selection in Paringin City, South Kalimantan. The study used analytic observasional method with cross sectional approach. The samples were taken as many as 50 people were considered representative of study sites. The instrument used was a questionnaire. Samples were taken by using purposive sampling technique. The primary data analysis research using by chi-square test. Based on the results, relationship between mother's knowledge with injection contraception selection was not significant (p-value=0,180). However, there is a significant relationship between mother's occupation with injection contraception selection (p=0,031, OR=4,455). If mother's knowledge about methods of contraception getting better, the user of injection contraception will be increase. Occupation status will affect the economic status of the family. A family with high economic status is encouraged the formation of a large family. Therefore, it is necessary to further dissemination of the benefits and impacts of using the injection contraception selection that have an impact on increasing public knowledge.
Bali Medical Journal, Apr 30, 2022
Jurnal Neuroanestesi Indonesia, Feb 19, 2021
Meningokel adalah kondisi kegagalan fusi selubung saraf medulla spinalis yang umum ditemui pada p... more Meningokel adalah kondisi kegagalan fusi selubung saraf medulla spinalis yang umum ditemui pada pasien pediatrik. Koreksi meningokel dilakukan dalam posisi prone yang memerlukan tatalaksana anestesi yang hati-hati. Fisiologi neonatus dan infant berbeda dengan orang dewasa, karena fungsi fisiologis system organ masih imatur dan menyebabkan safety margin terbatas, sehingga pilihan obat adalah yang metabolismenya tidak tergantung pada fungsi hati dan ginjal normal. Dalam bidang neuroanestesi pediatrik, penggunaan remifentanil semakin luas, karena onset cepat, efek analgesik poten dan eliminasi cepat. Seorang bayi laki-laki, usia 7 bulan dengan berat badan 7 kg, diagnosis meningokel lumbosacral dilakukan tindakan eksisi meningokel. Pasien diberikan remifentanil 1 mcg/kgbb selama 1 menit dilanjutkan dengan remifentanil kontinyus 0.05-1mcg/kgbb/mnt. Induksi dengan propofol, diberikan atracurium sebelum intubasi. Selama operasi kondisi stabil, tidak terjadi episode bradikardi dan pascaoperasi pasien langsung diekstubasi. Penggunaan remifentanil menjadi pilihan karena onset cepat, efek analgesik poten, eliminasi cepat dan memberikan stabilitas hemodinamik selama operasi. Operasi dengan posisi prone pada pasien pediatrik memerlukan kehati-hatian terutama saat memposisikan pasien, dimana harus yakin pipa ett tidak mengalami dislokasi atau kinking, mencegah efek penekanan pada mata dan pencegahan terjadinya neuropati perioperatif. Pemakaian remifentanil pada kasus ini memberikan stabilitas hemodinamik yang baik dan pulih sadar yang cepat.
Neurologico Spinale Medico Chirurgico, Jan 8, 2019
Background: Head injury (HI) has been one among leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwi... more Background: Head injury (HI) has been one among leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide especially in the peripheries area. In South Borneo, 9.4% of trauma cases was a head injury. Especially, Tanah Bumbu Regency, one of peripheries area in South Borneo ranks third for head injuries after Tabalong and Tanah Laut Regency in 2007. Objective: The aim of this study was to describe the characteristics of head injury patient and referral number at Dr. H. Andi Abdurrahman Noor general hospital. Methods: All head injury patients admitted to the emergency department (ED) of Dr. H. Andi Abdurrahman Noor general Hospital in a one-year period (2017) were registered in this retrospective study. Using the total population sampling method, 413 cases of head injury during the period were included as a subject of study. Result: This study showed that mild head injury was the most cases of head injury with 325 cases (78.2%). 61 patients were referred to a higher trauma center in 2017. Head injury was most common in 11-20 years old age group. Men also had higher incident rate compared to women (2:1). Most of the patients were a nonstate employee. Head injury is commonly caused by traffic accident. Conclusion: This study shows that characteristics of HI in the peripheries area such Tanah Bumbu regency are no different from other countries. Our findings suggest that several prevention steps should be taken to reduce the number of head injury based on the distribution and characteristics of head injury sustainers.
IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences, 2014
Objective: The objective of this study was to determine whether Ramadan fasting (RF) alters the a... more Objective: The objective of this study was to determine whether Ramadan fasting (RF) alters the ability of serum, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and macrophages to kill Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tb). Methods: Thirty healthy male volunteers who fasted during Ramadan participated in the study. Blood sampling was conducted seven days before and on the seventh and 21 st day of Ramadan. The following parameters were measured by ELISA: Complement C3, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), superoxide dismutase (SOD) levels in serum and PBMC. The killing ability of immune components from these volunteers was determined by measuring colony-forming units (CFUs). Results: The CFU in PBMC infected with M. tb (PIM) and macrophages infected with M. tb (MIM) decreased on the seventh day of RF compared with that observed before RF. The CFUs in serum infected with M. tb (SIM) increased and CFUs in MIM decreased on the 21 st day of RF compared with before RF. The levels of iNOS in serum and the CFUs in MIM decreased and the CFUs in SIM and PIM increased on the 21 st day of RF compared with the seventh day of RF. The levels of iNOS in PBMC significantly increased (p<0.05) on the seventh and 21 st day of Ramadan compared with before RF. The other differences were not significantly different. Conclusions: This study suggests that RF has a beneficial effect on host defence against M. tb and decreases the risk of tuberculosis (TB) infection in healthy subjects.
IOSR Journal of Pharmacy, May 1, 2013
Ramadan fasting (RF) is stressor that will be altered immune system. Macrophage is one of immune ... more Ramadan fasting (RF) is stressor that will be altered immune system. Macrophage is one of immune cell and IFNgamma, TNF-alpha, iNOS and SOD is important component on the classically activated, oxidative stress and inflammation of macrophage, so the aim of this study was to determine the effect of RF as stressor on level IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, iNOS and SOD of macrophage. Twenty seven healthy volunteers male aged 18-22 years (mean±SD 20.26±1.13 years) who fasted during Ramadan participated in the study. Blood sampling was conducted on 7 days before Ramadan, days 7 and days 21 of Ramadan. The following were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method: IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, iNOS and SOD of macrophage. Macrophage IFN-gamma on day 21 was increase significant (p<0.05) compared with days 7. TNF-alpha on days 7 increase significant (p<0.05) compared to before RF and on days 21 was decrease significant (p<0.05) compared with days 7. iNOS on days 7 and 21 increase significant (p<0.05) compared to before RF, and days 21 compared to days 7. SOD on days 7 and days 21 decrease significant (p<0.05) compared to before RF. The others were not significantly difference. The results obtained indicate that RF altered classically activated macrophage regulation / signaling and increase macrophage function, in which RF induces classically activated, inflammation and reduce oxidative stress of macrophage. This study reveals that macrophage was in eustress condition.
Bali Medical Journal, Apr 30, 2022
Homeostasis, Aug 31, 2022
Hydrocephalus is a disorder or disease caused by increased intracranial pressure which is charact... more Hydrocephalus is a disorder or disease caused by increased intracranial pressure which is characterized by an increase in cerebrospinal fluid, caused by tumors, congenital, vascular disorders, infections, and head injuries. Hydrocephalus can cause seizures, neurological deficits, headache, fever, and paralysis, which causes a decrease in quality of life. This study aims to determine the characteristics of hydrocephalus patients at Ulin Hospital Banjarmasin in 2018-2020. This type of research is a descriptive retrospective research. The highest number of hydrocephalus cases was in 2018 namely 143 patients (49.14%). The 46-55 years old age group is the most patient age group. Males were found the most among hydrocephalus patients. The majority of patients came from South Kalimantan. Islam is the religion of most of the patients. The majority of patients are BPJS participants. Family history was found in 81 patients (29.56%) and a history of allergies was found in 19 patients (6.52%). Patients with headache and loss of consciousness are the majority of clinical symptoms in patients. Vascular abnormalities, tumors, and congenital are the most common causes in patients. Communicating hydrocephalus is the most common classification. The category of GCS scores in and out of patients that are often encountered is GCS 13-15. The majority of patients' length of stay was 15 days. The majority of patients improved after undergoing treatment. So, it can be concluded that most
Homeostasis, Apr 11, 2022
Jurnal Berkala Kesehatan, 2021
Tuberculosis is one of 10 causes of death in the world. In 2018 TB sufferers in Indonesia reached... more Tuberculosis is one of 10 causes of death in the world. In 2018 TB sufferers in Indonesia reached 840 thousand people, the third-highest figure in the world after India and China. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between contact with tuberculosis patients, occupancy density and ventilation area with tuberculosis’ incidence. This study used meta-analysis, the articles’ sources were from Google Scholar, PubMed and DOAJ published from 2011-2020. There were 12 articles that met the conditions for contact-free variables with tuberculosis patients, 12 articles of occupancy density, and 10 articles of ventilation area variable. The results were contacting with tuberculosis patients had 5.93 times more of getting tuberculosis compared to people who had no contact with tuberculosis patients, people who lived in densely populated areas were 2.41 times more getting tuberculosis compared to people living in occupancy that is not crowded, people who live in dwellings wit...
Indonesian Journal of Case Reports, Nov 17, 2023
Tuberculous meningitis (TBM) is the predominant bacterial meningitis form in children under 13, w... more Tuberculous meningitis (TBM) is the predominant bacterial meningitis form in children under 13, with an incidence of 8.6 per 100,000 before age 15. Tuberculous Hydrocephalus (TH), often presenting with hydrocephalus, poses a significant challenge in Indonesia for both children and adults. The commonly used Ventriculo-peritoneal (VP)-shunt procedure for TH, though prevalent, is associated with multiple complications. As an alternative, the Ventriculo-atrial (VA)-shunt procedure has been explored, but reports on its use in TH in Indonesia are lacking. This case report details a 1-year-old girl with TH who initially underwent a VP-shunt procedure, which proved unsuccessful. Subsequently, the VAshunt procedure was employed, leading to a complete recovery. Our findings contribute valuable insights into the potential effectiveness of the VA-shunt as an alternative intervention for TH, especially in the Indonesian medical landscape.
Asia Pacific journal of health management, Dec 2, 2023
BACKGROUND: Various regions of Indonesia have unfulfilled close contact tracing for COVID-19 resp... more BACKGROUND: Various regions of Indonesia have unfulfilled close contact tracing for COVID-19 responsibilities as prevention and control measures, including Banjar Regency which is part of the contributory factors to the low goal of containment. The four factors of influence are communication, disposition, resource, and bureaucratic structure of trac ing as implementation actors of close contact tracing, but other factors can strengthen or weaken policy implementation. This study aims to analyse the factors involved in close contact tracing. METHODS: This quantitative study used a cross-sectional approach with the moderator variable being the policy context. The independent variables are communication, disposition, resource, and bureaucratic structure. The dependent variable is the implementation of close contact tracing of COVID-19. The instrument used is a questionnaire with a sample of 119 respondents that were taken with proportional random sampling. Data analysis used SPSS 26 application with moderated regression analysis (MRA). RESULTS: The four factors communication, disposition, resource, and bureaucratic structure together affected the implementation of close contact tracing of COVID-19 by 51.8% and the other variables were not observed in this study. The effect increased to 55.7% after introducing the policy context variable. In the partial variable test, there is no effect on the resource, but after the interaction of the moderator variable in the policy context, there is a significant p-value of 0.036 on the resource variable. CONCLUSIONS: Communication, disposition, resource, and bureaucratic structure impacted simultaneously on tracers in the implementation of close contact tracing of COVID-19 in Banjar Regency. They increased with a policy context variable as a moderator variable. The policy context variable can increase the effect of the resource factor as a pure moderator.
Homeostasis, Aug 25, 2023
Trauma is damage to living tissue due to physical impact on limbs. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVI... more Trauma is damage to living tissue due to physical impact on limbs. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is affecting the healthcare system. This study aims to analyze the differences in the characteristics of trauma surgery emergency patients before and during the pandemic COVID-19 at Ulin Hospital in Banjarmasin based on age, length of arrival, causes, and time of treatment. This study is an analytic observational study with a retrospective cohort study design. The subjects of this study were trauma surgery emergency patients at Ulin Hospital Banjarmasin September 2018-August 2021 according to the inclusion criteria. The sampling method is simple random sampling. The results show that the mean age of trauma surgery emergency patients before and during the COVID-19 pandemic was 32.25±14.27 and 32.9±19.06 (p=0.918), the mean length of arrival was 12.88±21.74 and 26.25±60.61 (p=0.250), the mean of treatment time was 1.59±0.88 and 1.38±0.73 (p=0.236), and the Chi-Square test on causative variables was obtained p=0.513. It was concluded that there was no difference in age, length of arrival, cause, and time of treatment of trauma surgery emergency patients before and during the COVID-19 pandemic at Ulin Hospital Banjarmasin.
Jurnal Berkala Kesehatan, Dec 2, 2021
Tuberculosis is one of 10 causes of death in the world. In 2018 TB sufferers in Indonesia reached... more Tuberculosis is one of 10 causes of death in the world. In 2018 TB sufferers in Indonesia reached 840 thousand people, the third-highest figure in the world after India and China. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between contact with tuberculosis patients, occupancy density and ventilation area with tuberculosis' incidence. This study used meta-analysis, the articles' sources were from Google Scholar, PubMed and DOAJ published from 2011-2020. There were 12 articles that met the conditions for contact-free variables with tuberculosis patients, 12 articles of occupancy density, and 10 articles of ventilation area variable. The results were contacting with tuberculosis patients had 5.93 times more of getting tuberculosis compared to people who had no contact with tuberculosis patients, people who lived in densely populated areas were 2.41 times more getting tuberculosis compared to people living in occupancy that is not crowded, people who live in dwellings with a non-standard ventilation area were 2.14 times more getting tuberculosis when compared to people who live in an area where the ventilation area meets the standard. The conclusion of this study is tuberculosis patient contact, occupancy density, and ventilation area with the incidence of tuberculosis have a significant relationship.
Homeostasis, Aug 31, 2022
Hydrocephalus is a disorder or disease caused by increased intracranial pressure which is charact... more Hydrocephalus is a disorder or disease caused by increased intracranial pressure which is characterized by an increase in cerebrospinal fluid, caused by tumors, congenital, vascular disorders, infections, and head injuries. Hydrocephalus can cause seizures, neurological deficits, headache, fever, and paralysis, which causes a decrease in quality of life. This study aims to determine the characteristics of hydrocephalus patients at Ulin Hospital Banjarmasin in 2018-2020. This type of research is a descriptive retrospective research. The highest number of hydrocephalus cases was in 2018 namely 143 patients (49.14%). The 46-55 years old age group is the most patient age group. Males were found the most among hydrocephalus patients. The majority of patients came from South Kalimantan. Islam is the religion of most of the patients. The majority of patients are BPJS participants. Family history was found in 81 patients (29.56%) and a history of allergies was found in 19 patients (6.52%). Patients with headache and loss of consciousness are the majority of clinical symptoms in patients. Vascular abnormalities, tumors, and congenital are the most common causes in patients. Communicating hydrocephalus is the most common classification. The category of GCS scores in and out of patients that are often encountered is GCS 13-15. The majority of patients' length of stay was 15 days. The majority of patients improved after undergoing treatment. So, it can be concluded that most
Homeostasis, Apr 11, 2022
Berkala kedokteran, Sep 25, 2020
Ball bearing (BB) and pellet guns are non-power guns but their related injuries have been reporte... more Ball bearing (BB) and pellet guns are non-power guns but their related injuries have been reported worldwide. They represent a significant cause of injury especially among children and teenagers. Their potentially harmful and lethal effects have been well documented in the medical literature since the early 1980s. Fatality rate is closely related to the damaged part of the brain and the level of the damage. In this Case Report we documented a 6-years-old girl was getting shot at the head by herself, who initially want to play around, using her neighbour's Air gun rifle. The pellet trajectory passed through the left frontal lobe, left temporal lobe, left posterior putamen, posteriorly left crus posterior of internal capsule, left occipital horn of lateral ventricle, left occipital lobe, and ended at left cerebral falx between both medial surfaces of occipital lobes. Directional slope of the pellet was medially upward, with its tracking left Intracerebral Hemorrhage (ICH) with perifocal edema and Intraventricular Hemorrhage (IVH) dominant in the left lateral ventricle. After 8 days management, the patient was discharged from our hospital with stable condition, GCS 15 without any significant neurological deficits. Intracranial intracerebral pellet due to air gun shot injury, may have fatal and lethal manifestation if the pellet damage the eloquent area and/or deep area of the brain (hypothalamus, thalamus and brain stem). If accessible the foreign body or pellet should be removed immediately for better outcome.
Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 2018
Berkala kedokteran, Sep 1, 2014
ABSTRACT: Head injury is the leading cause of death and long-term disability . Head injuries can ... more ABSTRACT: Head injury is the leading cause of death and long-term disability . Head injuries can occur due to various reasons one of which is traffic accidents. Accidents can happen in a variety of road users such as pedestrians, cyclists, passenger vehicles, motorcyclists and car drivers. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of road users characteristics with the severity of head injuries in emergency room of Ulin Hospital. The study design was an analytic descriptive with cross sectional approach. The number of samples in this study were 121 people who were taken in accordance with the inclusion and exclusion criteria using consecutive sampling method. Most of road users who suffered head injury were 97 persons motorcyclists (80.1%), followed by 15 pedestrians (12.4%), 4 cyclists and car drivers (3.3%) as well as 1 passenger vehicle (0.8%). Most of patients had mild head injury (59.5%) followed by moderate head injury (24.8%) and severe head injury (15.7%). Based on the results, pedestrians had the most severe head injuries, while the vehicle passenger and the car driver had the mildest head injuries. Based on statistical tests, there were no significant relationship between the characteristics of the traffic aaccident victim with head injury severity, p = 0.070 (p <0.05). It can be concluded that all road users are at risk for severe head injury so that all road users are required to be careful on the highway. Key words : road traffic accident, road users, head injury, GCS ABSTRAK: Cedera kepala merupakan penyebab utama kematian dan kecacatan jangka panjang . Cedera kepala dapat terjadi akibat berbagai sebab salah satunya Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas Darat (KLLD). Kecelakaan dapat terjadi pada berbagai pengguna jalan seperti pejalan kaki, pengguna sepeda, penumpang mobil, pengendara sepeda motor dan pengendara mobil. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan karakteristik pengguna jalan KLLD dengan derajat keparahan cedera kepala di IGD RSUD Ulin. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional . Jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini adalah 121 orang yang diambil sesuai kriteria inklusi eksklusi dengan metode consecutive sampling . Pengendara sepeda motor merupakan pengguna jalan terbanyak yang mengalami cedera kepala yaitu 97 orang (80,1%) disusul oleh pejalan kaki 15 orang (12,4 %), pengguna sepeda dan pengendara mobil 4 orang (3,3%) serta penumpang mobil 1 orang (0,8 %). Derajat cedera kepala yang terbanyak adalah cedera kepala ringan (59,5%) disusul cedera kepala sedang (24,8 %) dan cedera kepala berat (15,7 %). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian kelompok pejalan kaki mengalami cedera kepala paling berat, sedangkan penumpang dan pengendara mobil merupakan kelompok dengan cedera kepala teringan. Berdasarkan uji statistik, tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara karakteristik korban KLLD dengan derajat keparahan cedera kepala, p = 0,070 (p < 0,05). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa semua pengguna jalan memiliki risiko untuk mengalami cedera kepala yang berat sehingga seluruh pengguna jalan wajib berhati-hati di jalan raya. Kata-kata kunci : kecelakaan lalu lintas darat, pengguna jalan, cedera kepala, GCS
Jurnal Berkala Kesehatan, May 25, 2016
Indonesian is one of the developing countries with various kinds of issues which is population gr... more Indonesian is one of the developing countries with various kinds of issues which is population growth was too high and the problem of maternal mortality. One of ways government to keep pressing the rate of increase parity through family planning programs. Family planning programs in Indonesia be stagnant has marked with the increase family planning service where the number of family planning participants had just reach 57,9%. Family planning program in South Kalimantan on 2014 was not yet reached a target where the participants of family planning programs recorded 52,82% of the mother. This study is to analyze if there are relationship between the mother's knowledge about contraceptive method and mother's occupation with injection contraception selection in Paringin City, South Kalimantan. The study used analytic observasional method with cross sectional approach. The samples were taken as many as 50 people were considered representative of study sites. The instrument used was a questionnaire. Samples were taken by using purposive sampling technique. The primary data analysis research using by chi-square test. Based on the results, relationship between mother's knowledge with injection contraception selection was not significant (p-value=0,180). However, there is a significant relationship between mother's occupation with injection contraception selection (p=0,031, OR=4,455). If mother's knowledge about methods of contraception getting better, the user of injection contraception will be increase. Occupation status will affect the economic status of the family. A family with high economic status is encouraged the formation of a large family. Therefore, it is necessary to further dissemination of the benefits and impacts of using the injection contraception selection that have an impact on increasing public knowledge.
Bali Medical Journal, Apr 30, 2022
Jurnal Neuroanestesi Indonesia, Feb 19, 2021
Meningokel adalah kondisi kegagalan fusi selubung saraf medulla spinalis yang umum ditemui pada p... more Meningokel adalah kondisi kegagalan fusi selubung saraf medulla spinalis yang umum ditemui pada pasien pediatrik. Koreksi meningokel dilakukan dalam posisi prone yang memerlukan tatalaksana anestesi yang hati-hati. Fisiologi neonatus dan infant berbeda dengan orang dewasa, karena fungsi fisiologis system organ masih imatur dan menyebabkan safety margin terbatas, sehingga pilihan obat adalah yang metabolismenya tidak tergantung pada fungsi hati dan ginjal normal. Dalam bidang neuroanestesi pediatrik, penggunaan remifentanil semakin luas, karena onset cepat, efek analgesik poten dan eliminasi cepat. Seorang bayi laki-laki, usia 7 bulan dengan berat badan 7 kg, diagnosis meningokel lumbosacral dilakukan tindakan eksisi meningokel. Pasien diberikan remifentanil 1 mcg/kgbb selama 1 menit dilanjutkan dengan remifentanil kontinyus 0.05-1mcg/kgbb/mnt. Induksi dengan propofol, diberikan atracurium sebelum intubasi. Selama operasi kondisi stabil, tidak terjadi episode bradikardi dan pascaoperasi pasien langsung diekstubasi. Penggunaan remifentanil menjadi pilihan karena onset cepat, efek analgesik poten, eliminasi cepat dan memberikan stabilitas hemodinamik selama operasi. Operasi dengan posisi prone pada pasien pediatrik memerlukan kehati-hatian terutama saat memposisikan pasien, dimana harus yakin pipa ett tidak mengalami dislokasi atau kinking, mencegah efek penekanan pada mata dan pencegahan terjadinya neuropati perioperatif. Pemakaian remifentanil pada kasus ini memberikan stabilitas hemodinamik yang baik dan pulih sadar yang cepat.
Neurologico Spinale Medico Chirurgico, Jan 8, 2019
Background: Head injury (HI) has been one among leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwi... more Background: Head injury (HI) has been one among leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide especially in the peripheries area. In South Borneo, 9.4% of trauma cases was a head injury. Especially, Tanah Bumbu Regency, one of peripheries area in South Borneo ranks third for head injuries after Tabalong and Tanah Laut Regency in 2007. Objective: The aim of this study was to describe the characteristics of head injury patient and referral number at Dr. H. Andi Abdurrahman Noor general hospital. Methods: All head injury patients admitted to the emergency department (ED) of Dr. H. Andi Abdurrahman Noor general Hospital in a one-year period (2017) were registered in this retrospective study. Using the total population sampling method, 413 cases of head injury during the period were included as a subject of study. Result: This study showed that mild head injury was the most cases of head injury with 325 cases (78.2%). 61 patients were referred to a higher trauma center in 2017. Head injury was most common in 11-20 years old age group. Men also had higher incident rate compared to women (2:1). Most of the patients were a nonstate employee. Head injury is commonly caused by traffic accident. Conclusion: This study shows that characteristics of HI in the peripheries area such Tanah Bumbu regency are no different from other countries. Our findings suggest that several prevention steps should be taken to reduce the number of head injury based on the distribution and characteristics of head injury sustainers.
IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences, 2014
Objective: The objective of this study was to determine whether Ramadan fasting (RF) alters the a... more Objective: The objective of this study was to determine whether Ramadan fasting (RF) alters the ability of serum, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and macrophages to kill Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tb). Methods: Thirty healthy male volunteers who fasted during Ramadan participated in the study. Blood sampling was conducted seven days before and on the seventh and 21 st day of Ramadan. The following parameters were measured by ELISA: Complement C3, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), superoxide dismutase (SOD) levels in serum and PBMC. The killing ability of immune components from these volunteers was determined by measuring colony-forming units (CFUs). Results: The CFU in PBMC infected with M. tb (PIM) and macrophages infected with M. tb (MIM) decreased on the seventh day of RF compared with that observed before RF. The CFUs in serum infected with M. tb (SIM) increased and CFUs in MIM decreased on the 21 st day of RF compared with before RF. The levels of iNOS in serum and the CFUs in MIM decreased and the CFUs in SIM and PIM increased on the 21 st day of RF compared with the seventh day of RF. The levels of iNOS in PBMC significantly increased (p<0.05) on the seventh and 21 st day of Ramadan compared with before RF. The other differences were not significantly different. Conclusions: This study suggests that RF has a beneficial effect on host defence against M. tb and decreases the risk of tuberculosis (TB) infection in healthy subjects.
IOSR Journal of Pharmacy, May 1, 2013
Ramadan fasting (RF) is stressor that will be altered immune system. Macrophage is one of immune ... more Ramadan fasting (RF) is stressor that will be altered immune system. Macrophage is one of immune cell and IFNgamma, TNF-alpha, iNOS and SOD is important component on the classically activated, oxidative stress and inflammation of macrophage, so the aim of this study was to determine the effect of RF as stressor on level IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, iNOS and SOD of macrophage. Twenty seven healthy volunteers male aged 18-22 years (mean±SD 20.26±1.13 years) who fasted during Ramadan participated in the study. Blood sampling was conducted on 7 days before Ramadan, days 7 and days 21 of Ramadan. The following were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method: IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, iNOS and SOD of macrophage. Macrophage IFN-gamma on day 21 was increase significant (p<0.05) compared with days 7. TNF-alpha on days 7 increase significant (p<0.05) compared to before RF and on days 21 was decrease significant (p<0.05) compared with days 7. iNOS on days 7 and 21 increase significant (p<0.05) compared to before RF, and days 21 compared to days 7. SOD on days 7 and days 21 decrease significant (p<0.05) compared to before RF. The others were not significantly difference. The results obtained indicate that RF altered classically activated macrophage regulation / signaling and increase macrophage function, in which RF induces classically activated, inflammation and reduce oxidative stress of macrophage. This study reveals that macrophage was in eustress condition.
Bali Medical Journal, Apr 30, 2022
Homeostasis, Aug 31, 2022
Hydrocephalus is a disorder or disease caused by increased intracranial pressure which is charact... more Hydrocephalus is a disorder or disease caused by increased intracranial pressure which is characterized by an increase in cerebrospinal fluid, caused by tumors, congenital, vascular disorders, infections, and head injuries. Hydrocephalus can cause seizures, neurological deficits, headache, fever, and paralysis, which causes a decrease in quality of life. This study aims to determine the characteristics of hydrocephalus patients at Ulin Hospital Banjarmasin in 2018-2020. This type of research is a descriptive retrospective research. The highest number of hydrocephalus cases was in 2018 namely 143 patients (49.14%). The 46-55 years old age group is the most patient age group. Males were found the most among hydrocephalus patients. The majority of patients came from South Kalimantan. Islam is the religion of most of the patients. The majority of patients are BPJS participants. Family history was found in 81 patients (29.56%) and a history of allergies was found in 19 patients (6.52%). Patients with headache and loss of consciousness are the majority of clinical symptoms in patients. Vascular abnormalities, tumors, and congenital are the most common causes in patients. Communicating hydrocephalus is the most common classification. The category of GCS scores in and out of patients that are often encountered is GCS 13-15. The majority of patients' length of stay was 15 days. The majority of patients improved after undergoing treatment. So, it can be concluded that most
Homeostasis, Apr 11, 2022
Jurnal Berkala Kesehatan, 2021
Tuberculosis is one of 10 causes of death in the world. In 2018 TB sufferers in Indonesia reached... more Tuberculosis is one of 10 causes of death in the world. In 2018 TB sufferers in Indonesia reached 840 thousand people, the third-highest figure in the world after India and China. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between contact with tuberculosis patients, occupancy density and ventilation area with tuberculosis’ incidence. This study used meta-analysis, the articles’ sources were from Google Scholar, PubMed and DOAJ published from 2011-2020. There were 12 articles that met the conditions for contact-free variables with tuberculosis patients, 12 articles of occupancy density, and 10 articles of ventilation area variable. The results were contacting with tuberculosis patients had 5.93 times more of getting tuberculosis compared to people who had no contact with tuberculosis patients, people who lived in densely populated areas were 2.41 times more getting tuberculosis compared to people living in occupancy that is not crowded, people who live in dwellings wit...