Arif Wibowo - (original) (raw)
Papers by Arif Wibowo
Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia
Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria has been known for its ability to induce plant resistance on... more Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria has been known for its ability to induce plant resistance on shallot against twisted disease. Its ability as a bioprotectant agent is estimated to be comparable to the efficacy of Trichoderma which is currently widely used as a biological control agent.. This study aims to determine the content of jasmonic acid, salicylic acid, peroxidase, and disease suppression in shallot by application of Bacillus velezensis B-27, Bacillus cereus RC76, and application with combination of both rhizobacteria. The application was carried out with tuber dipping for 30 minutes in each treatment with a bacterial density of 108 CFU mL-1. Application using Trichoderma was used as the comparison treatment, and the control plot was not given any treatment. Pathogen inoculation was carried out simultaneously as planting using Fusarium acutatum with a spore density of 106 CFU mL-1. The jasmonic and salicylic acids content was measured using the High-Performance Liquid Ch...
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 2021
Phytophthora nicotianae has caused heart rot in pineapple. This study identified the population g... more Phytophthora nicotianae has caused heart rot in pineapple. This study identified the population genetic diversity of P. nicotianae, collecting 90 isolates of P. nicotianae from the pineapple plantation sites in three provinces of Indonesia and, as comparisons, seven isolates from non-pineapple sites. Six polymorphic microsatellite markers amplified the non-coding region was used to characterize the population diversity. The phylogenetic tree constructed by MEGA revealed three major clades; the first and second clades were dominated by the isolates from pineapple plantation sites, and the third clade contained isolates from the non-pineapple sites. The allelic pattern analysis using Genalex software revealed the local alleles specific to Lampung and Blitar populations. The AMOVA of microsatellite genotypes data showed that the isolates had a low diversity among the population (6%) but high diversity within individual. Conclusively, P. nicotianae population associated with heart rot in pineapple showed geneflow between populations.
Pengetahuan tentang kesehatan reproduksi sangat diperlukan oleh remaja sejak memasuki masa pubert... more Pengetahuan tentang kesehatan reproduksi sangat diperlukan oleh remaja sejak memasuki masa pubertas. Akan tetapi, pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi di Indonesia masih jarang dilaksanakan. Perlu ada pendidikan untuk mencegah terjadinya masalah terkait kesehatan reproduksi, salah satunya melalui penyuluhan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh penyuluhan terhadap tingkat pengetahuan kesehatan reproduksi pada remaja siswa SMP N 1 Madapangga. Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan quasi-experimental one group pretest-posttest design. Sebanyak 33 sampel diambil secara cluster sampling dari siswa kelas II. Subyek diberi kuesioner pretest dilanjutkan dengan penyuluhan, dan diberi kuesioner posttest satu minggu setelahnya. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan paired t test dan alternatifnya yaitu uji Wilcoxon. Hasil Terdapat perbedaan tingkat pengetahuan yang bermakna setelah dilakukan penyuluhan (p<0,01). Perbedaan tingkat pengetahuan yang bermakna ada pada topik anatomi dan fisiologi kesehatan reproduksi, cara memelihara kesehatan organ reproduksi, serta penyakit menular seksual (PMS) dan HIV/AIDS dengan nilai p masing-masing 0,028; 0,022; dan 0,013 secara berurutan. Kesimpulan Penyuluhan berpengaruh terhadap tingkat pengetahuan kesehatan reproduksi remaja siswa SMP N 1 Madapangga. Terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan pada topik anatomi dan fisiologi organ reproduksi, cara memelihara kesehatan reproduksi, serta penyakit menular seksual (PMS) dan HIV/AIDS.
ABSTRAK Pengembangan kawasan minapolitan berkelanjutan adalah pembangunan kawasan yang mengintegr... more ABSTRAK Pengembangan kawasan minapolitan berkelanjutan adalah pembangunan kawasan yang mengintegrasikan antara dimensi ekologi, dimensi ekonomi, dimensi sosial, dimensi infrastruktur, dan dimensi hukum dan kelembagaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk: 1) mengkaji status keberlanjutan dimensi ekologi dalam pengembangan kawasan minapolitan, 2) mengkaji atribut yang sensitif berpengaruh terhadap nilai indeks dan status keberlanjutan dimensi ekologi pengembangan kawasan minapolitan serta 3) merumuskan prioritas kebijakan yang bisa diterapkan untuk pengembangan kawasan minapolitan berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Magelang. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei sampai dengan September 2014 berlokasi di tiga kecamatan (Sawangan, Mungkid dan Muntilan) di Kabupaten Magelang. Responden sebagai sumber informasi berasal dari unsur pemerintah, pembudidaya, dan unsur akademisi yang dipilih menggunakan teknik purposive random sampling. Analisa data penentuan status dan faktor pengungkit men...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Designing climate change adaptation actions are considerably a challenge, as the actions should b... more Designing climate change adaptation actions are considerably a challenge, as the actions should be targeted uniquely addressing climate change impacts. One of the challenges is to determine climate change adaptation sites. The complexity raises considering climate change impact a wide range of economic sectors, which require a lot of resources to conduct a comprehensive climate change assessments. This study proposes the use of climate change hotspots as an initiative to firstly consider the potential targeted sites. The target of global efforts to maintain air temperature under 2°C was employed as a clue to prioritize areas that air temperature is increasing beyond the thresholds to which can affect human activities. This study employed spatial and threshold analysis to develop climate change hotspots of projected temperature change for 2021-2050 over Indonesia. The thresholds were defined by considering the effects of base temperature of 32 °C, 35 °C, and 38 °C on agriculture, env...
The aims of the research is to know the effect of phosphite acid and fosetyl-aluminium fungicides... more The aims of the research is to know the effect of phosphite acid and fosetyl-aluminium fungicides on Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense (Foc) in vitro and the effect of these fungicides to fusarium wilt of banana. The experiments consist of in vitro and in planta tests. Fungicides concentrations used were 0; 500; 1,000; 2,000; and 4,000 ppm. Isolate tested was A13 isolate Foc on 4 months old Cavendish cultivar banana seedlings. The result showed that phosphite acid was better than fosetyl aluminium in reducing mycelium growth in vitro . Its also inhibited disease development in banana seedling. The phosphite acid and fosetyl-aluminium increased the resistance of banana Cavendish cultivar to fusarium wilt. Its because the two fungicides are working systemic fungicides. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh fungisida asam fosfit dan aluminium-fosetil terhadap pertumbuhan jamur Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense (Foc) in vitro dan pengaruh fungisida tersebut terhadap penyaki...
The objective of this study was to identify the causal agent of some dragon fruit disease emergin... more The objective of this study was to identify the causal agent of some dragon fruit disease emerging in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) and Central Java. Samples were taken from the dragon fruit plantation from the district of Sleman and Kulonprogo, Province of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta as well as Magelang, Province of Central Java. Isolation of pathogen from symptomatic plant tissue was performed on Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) for fungi and Nutrient Agar (NA) for bacteria and continued with Koch's postulates testing. The results of field observation showed that the disease commonly occured in all 3 plantations of dragon fruit were stem rot caused by Erwinia sp. and scab caused by Pestalotiopsis sp. Other miscellaneous diseases found among the plantations were brown spot (Fusarium sp.), anthracnose (Colletotrichum sp.), mosaic that might be caused by Cactus Virus X, root knotnematode (Meloidogyne sp.), black rot and red spot which were still unidentified. Penelitian ini bertujuan...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jamur kontaminan pada budidaya jamur shiitake (Le... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jamur kontaminan pada budidaya jamur shiitake (Lentinus edodus) dan mengetahui interaksi antara jamur kontaminan dengan jamur shiitake. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Trichoderma aureoviridae dan T. koningii berperan sebagai jamur kontaminan pada budidaya jamur shiitake. Uji antagonisme secara in vitro antara kedua isolat Trichoderma tersebut dengan jamur shiitake menunjukkan bahwa kedua isolat Trichoderma tersebut mampu menghambat pertumbuh!lnkoloni jamur shiitake dan pada tepi koloni jamur shiitake yang berbatasan dengan koloni Trichoderma terjadi perubahan warna menjadi kecoklatan. Mekanisme antagonis. yang terjadi pada interaksi antara T. aureoviridae dan T. koningii dengan jamur shiitake meliputi kompetisi dan mikoparasitisme
One of the major constraints of banana plantation in Indonesia is the occurrence of fusarium wilt... more One of the major constraints of banana plantation in Indonesia is the occurrence of fusarium wilt disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense. The pathogen produced series of cell wall degradation extracellular enzymes which have important roles in pathogenicity. Many studies have been conducted to know the role of degrading enzyme banana pectin is the major component of cell wall. Many pectinolytic enzymes such as polygalacturonase and others have been isolated from many fungal plant pathogens. The study was aimed to know the role of polygalacturonase towards the virulence of race 4 of F. oxysporum f.sp. cubense. The result showed that from 10 isolates of race 4 of F. oxysporum f.sp. cubense, the most virulent isolate was Lmp1 followed by Srg1, Bgl6, Mln1, Bgl3, A13, Bnt2, Gnk3, Kjg1 dan Wsb5. This was indicated by high and low percentage of wilting leaves of banana cultivar Cavendish when they were inoculated with these isolates. Incubation period varied from 3 to 6 weeks a...
Distilasi adalah proses pemisahan komponen suatu campuran berdasarkan perbedaan titik didih. Dala... more Distilasi adalah proses pemisahan komponen suatu campuran berdasarkan perbedaan titik didih. Dalam proses distilasi terdapat dua tahap proses yaitu proses penguapan dan proses pengembunan. Campuran bahan dalam tangki destilasi dididihkan, bahan yang memiliki titik didih lebih rendah akan menguap terlebih dahulu. Uap hasil distilasi kemudian didinginkan dalam kondensor sehingga uap kembali menjadi cairan. Rangkaian alat distilasi bertingkat terdiri dari 2 bagian yaitu tangki distilasi dan kondensor. Rangkaian alat distilasi bertingkat ini dibuat dengan dimensi panjang 1,5 m tinggi 2 m dan lebar 0,5 m. kapasitas dari tabung distilasi pertama sampai tabung distilasi ke-3 berturut-turut adalah 11 liter, 7 liter dan 1 liter pada tiap tangki distilasi masing-masing dihubungkan ke kondesor. Kondensor dibuat dari pipa tembaga membentuk koil, tembaga dipilih karena mudah untuk di bengkokan dan tahan terhadap korosif. Sistem pada distilasi bertingkat didasarkan pada perbedaan titik didih pada...
Corn is one of strategic commodities in Indonesia. Corn productivity from year to year continues ... more Corn is one of strategic commodities in Indonesia. Corn productivity from year to year continues to increase, but it is lower than the world productivity. This research analyzes the comparative and competitive advantages of corn farm management in Grobogan district, Central Java province. Corn is financially and economically profitable, besides that, it also has comparative and competitive advantages. Government policy on corn commodity has not been running effectively. The most sensitive component of the profit earned in corn commodity in Grobogan is a component of the output price.
ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Sindrom Koroner Akut adalah ketidak mampuan jantung akut akibat suplai darah... more ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Sindrom Koroner Akut adalah ketidak mampuan jantung akut akibat suplai darah yang mengandung oksigen ke jantung tidak adekuat. Prevalensi jantung koroner berdasarkan terdiagnosis dokter tertinggi Sulawesi Tengah (0,8%) diikuti Sulawesi Utara, DKI Jakarta, Aceh masing-masing 0,7 persen. Sementara prevalensi jantung koroner menurut diagnosis atau gejala tertinggi di Nusa Tenggara Timur (4,4%), diikuti Sulawesi Tengah (3,8%), Sulawesi Selatan (2,9%), dan Sulawesi Barat (2,6%).Sindrom Koroner Akut disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor risiko. Salah satu faktor risiko utama yang menyebabkan terjadinya sindrom koroner akut adalah tekanan darah yang tinggi (hipertensi). Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan desain potong lintang, penelitian ini di lakukan pada bulan november 2016 di RS Haji Medan.Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 232 pasien yang datanya di ambil dari rekam medis di RS Haji Medan. Hasil: Pasien sindroma koroner aku...
Sustainable food production is an essential issue for human beings, while the problems of global ... more Sustainable food production is an essential issue for human beings, while the problems of global warming and environmental conservation are becoming more serious. Developing advanced research and technology on production systems in agricultural fields is a very important priority. In this Symposium, we would like to share the recent research results and to discuss the necessity of collaborative work for the establishment of sustainable agriculture in
Problem caused by pathogen in Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus sp.) cultivation became very important bec... more Problem caused by pathogen in Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus sp.) cultivation became very important because it decreased significantly the quantity and quality of the fruit production. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of some pesticides against pathogens that cause diseases of dragon fruit in several plantations in the DIY (Sleman and Kulon Progo) and Central Java (Magelang and Batang). Test of fungicide effectiveness was done in vitro on PDA medium (potato dextrose agar) by poisoned food technique. The fungicides were mancozeb 80 %, methyl tiofanat 70 %, copper hydroxide 80 %, chlorotalonil 75 %, mancozeb 64 % + metalaxyl 4 %, mancozeb karbendazim 73.8 % + 6.8 %,benomyl 50 % at a concentration of 1g/L. The bactericides used were streptomycin sulfate 20 % and oxytetracycline 150 AL with each concentration of 1 g/L and 1 mL /L. The results showed that benomyl 50 % was the most effective fungicide to suppress the growth of Fusarium sp. (brown spot), Colletotrichum sp. (anthrac...
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 2020
One of the obstacles in increasing rice production is the presence of sheath rot pathogen infecti... more One of the obstacles in increasing rice production is the presence of sheath rot pathogen infection, which causes changes in color on the rice sheath to brown or reddish-brown, sometimes does not produce rice grain. The major fungal pathogens that cause sheath rot disease are Sarocladium oryzae and Fusarium spp. The loss of rice yields reaches 85%. The disease found in six provinces, some of which are the largest rice-producing centers in Indonesia. A total of twenty-four Sarocladium sp. were isolated from leaf sheath symptom on potato dextrose agar and water agar medium. Sheath rot pathogen identification based on molecular method was performed using internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rDNA gene sequencing. Necrosis occurs after artificial inoculation in Ciherang rice variety was observed and showed that all isolates were pathogenic. Morphological characterization of the isolates identified them as Sarocladium sp. Molecular identification showed that six representatives isolates belonging to S. oryzae. These findings are important information about the fungal pathogen that causes sheath rot disease in Indonesia, and in studies for formulating control measures of the pathogen in the future to prevent the disease epidemic on rice. This is the first report about the existence of sheath rot disease, morphological characterization and molecular identification of S. oryzae in various rice fields in Indonesia.
The twisted disease is one of the essential diseases in shallots caused by Fusarium spp. This stu... more The twisted disease is one of the essential diseases in shallots caused by Fusarium spp. This study aimed to study pathogenicity and identify Fusarium species isolated from shallot plants with twisted symptoms in Nganjuk and Bantul areas. The Fusarium isolates were identified and then tested for pathogenicity levels and the effect of the hormones GA3 and IAA on shallot symptoms. Molecular identification using NF2 and NF4 successfully identified one isolate of Fusarium oxysporum, three isolates of F. acutatum, and three isolates of F. solani. Each of these species produces different symptoms. Pathogenicity test showed that all isolates had disease incidence reaching 100%, except isolates of F. solani1 causing wilt and F. solani3 causing twisted have the lower disease incidence were 77.8% and 77.7%, respectively. The investigation caused twisted shallot related to different symptoms was tested using the Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) method. The result indicates that all isolates did...
Penyakit layu fusarium pada pisang disebabkan oleh Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense (Foc). Foc me... more Penyakit layu fusarium pada pisang disebabkan oleh Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense (Foc). Foc merupakan salah satu patogen tular tanah. Intensitas serangan penyakit di lahan berbeda-beda, lahan dengan intensitas sangat parah disebut tanah kondusif. Tanah supresif dapat menekan dan mengontrol laju perkembangan patogen tular tanah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sifat fisika dan kimia tanah supresif dan kondusif terhadap penyakit layu fusarium pisang serta mengetahui efek dan kadar hara dari penambahan pupuk kandang dan silika terhadap penyakit layu fusarium pisang. Sampel tanah supresif berasal dari Sarampad, Cianjur dan tanah kondusif berasal dari Salaman, Magelang. Tanaman pisang kultivar Ambon Kuning digunakan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pupuk kandang dan silika terhadap layu fusarium. Analisis sifat kimia menunjukkan tanah supresif memiliki pH netral, kelas tekstur geluh pasiran, N total, P total, C organik, bahan organik, Si tersedia yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan tana...
Jurnal Ilmu Kesejahteraan Sosial, 2015
This research discusses about the role of vulnerable groups who are being Task Force in disaster ... more This research discusses about the role of vulnerable groups who are being Task Force in disaster management and disaster risk reduction efforts in Gunung Geulis Village, Bogor Region. This study examine the process of formation of the Task Force, the role of vulnerable groups into the Task Force, and the supporting factors and inhibiting factors of the vulnerable groups into the Task Force. This study is a descriptive study with qualitative methods. The methods used are observation, in-depth interviews, and the study of literature. The end results show that the involvement of vulnerable groups as Task Force has been suitable with the regulation, the Task Force from vulnerable groups are active in disaster management and disaster risk reduction efforts, and supporting factors are likely more as long as their needs are accommodated and customize the tasks according to their capacity.
Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia
Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria has been known for its ability to induce plant resistance on... more Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria has been known for its ability to induce plant resistance on shallot against twisted disease. Its ability as a bioprotectant agent is estimated to be comparable to the efficacy of Trichoderma which is currently widely used as a biological control agent.. This study aims to determine the content of jasmonic acid, salicylic acid, peroxidase, and disease suppression in shallot by application of Bacillus velezensis B-27, Bacillus cereus RC76, and application with combination of both rhizobacteria. The application was carried out with tuber dipping for 30 minutes in each treatment with a bacterial density of 108 CFU mL-1. Application using Trichoderma was used as the comparison treatment, and the control plot was not given any treatment. Pathogen inoculation was carried out simultaneously as planting using Fusarium acutatum with a spore density of 106 CFU mL-1. The jasmonic and salicylic acids content was measured using the High-Performance Liquid Ch...
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 2021
Phytophthora nicotianae has caused heart rot in pineapple. This study identified the population g... more Phytophthora nicotianae has caused heart rot in pineapple. This study identified the population genetic diversity of P. nicotianae, collecting 90 isolates of P. nicotianae from the pineapple plantation sites in three provinces of Indonesia and, as comparisons, seven isolates from non-pineapple sites. Six polymorphic microsatellite markers amplified the non-coding region was used to characterize the population diversity. The phylogenetic tree constructed by MEGA revealed three major clades; the first and second clades were dominated by the isolates from pineapple plantation sites, and the third clade contained isolates from the non-pineapple sites. The allelic pattern analysis using Genalex software revealed the local alleles specific to Lampung and Blitar populations. The AMOVA of microsatellite genotypes data showed that the isolates had a low diversity among the population (6%) but high diversity within individual. Conclusively, P. nicotianae population associated with heart rot in pineapple showed geneflow between populations.
Pengetahuan tentang kesehatan reproduksi sangat diperlukan oleh remaja sejak memasuki masa pubert... more Pengetahuan tentang kesehatan reproduksi sangat diperlukan oleh remaja sejak memasuki masa pubertas. Akan tetapi, pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi di Indonesia masih jarang dilaksanakan. Perlu ada pendidikan untuk mencegah terjadinya masalah terkait kesehatan reproduksi, salah satunya melalui penyuluhan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh penyuluhan terhadap tingkat pengetahuan kesehatan reproduksi pada remaja siswa SMP N 1 Madapangga. Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan quasi-experimental one group pretest-posttest design. Sebanyak 33 sampel diambil secara cluster sampling dari siswa kelas II. Subyek diberi kuesioner pretest dilanjutkan dengan penyuluhan, dan diberi kuesioner posttest satu minggu setelahnya. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan paired t test dan alternatifnya yaitu uji Wilcoxon. Hasil Terdapat perbedaan tingkat pengetahuan yang bermakna setelah dilakukan penyuluhan (p<0,01). Perbedaan tingkat pengetahuan yang bermakna ada pada topik anatomi dan fisiologi kesehatan reproduksi, cara memelihara kesehatan organ reproduksi, serta penyakit menular seksual (PMS) dan HIV/AIDS dengan nilai p masing-masing 0,028; 0,022; dan 0,013 secara berurutan. Kesimpulan Penyuluhan berpengaruh terhadap tingkat pengetahuan kesehatan reproduksi remaja siswa SMP N 1 Madapangga. Terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan pada topik anatomi dan fisiologi organ reproduksi, cara memelihara kesehatan reproduksi, serta penyakit menular seksual (PMS) dan HIV/AIDS.
ABSTRAK Pengembangan kawasan minapolitan berkelanjutan adalah pembangunan kawasan yang mengintegr... more ABSTRAK Pengembangan kawasan minapolitan berkelanjutan adalah pembangunan kawasan yang mengintegrasikan antara dimensi ekologi, dimensi ekonomi, dimensi sosial, dimensi infrastruktur, dan dimensi hukum dan kelembagaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk: 1) mengkaji status keberlanjutan dimensi ekologi dalam pengembangan kawasan minapolitan, 2) mengkaji atribut yang sensitif berpengaruh terhadap nilai indeks dan status keberlanjutan dimensi ekologi pengembangan kawasan minapolitan serta 3) merumuskan prioritas kebijakan yang bisa diterapkan untuk pengembangan kawasan minapolitan berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Magelang. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei sampai dengan September 2014 berlokasi di tiga kecamatan (Sawangan, Mungkid dan Muntilan) di Kabupaten Magelang. Responden sebagai sumber informasi berasal dari unsur pemerintah, pembudidaya, dan unsur akademisi yang dipilih menggunakan teknik purposive random sampling. Analisa data penentuan status dan faktor pengungkit men...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Designing climate change adaptation actions are considerably a challenge, as the actions should b... more Designing climate change adaptation actions are considerably a challenge, as the actions should be targeted uniquely addressing climate change impacts. One of the challenges is to determine climate change adaptation sites. The complexity raises considering climate change impact a wide range of economic sectors, which require a lot of resources to conduct a comprehensive climate change assessments. This study proposes the use of climate change hotspots as an initiative to firstly consider the potential targeted sites. The target of global efforts to maintain air temperature under 2°C was employed as a clue to prioritize areas that air temperature is increasing beyond the thresholds to which can affect human activities. This study employed spatial and threshold analysis to develop climate change hotspots of projected temperature change for 2021-2050 over Indonesia. The thresholds were defined by considering the effects of base temperature of 32 °C, 35 °C, and 38 °C on agriculture, env...
The aims of the research is to know the effect of phosphite acid and fosetyl-aluminium fungicides... more The aims of the research is to know the effect of phosphite acid and fosetyl-aluminium fungicides on Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense (Foc) in vitro and the effect of these fungicides to fusarium wilt of banana. The experiments consist of in vitro and in planta tests. Fungicides concentrations used were 0; 500; 1,000; 2,000; and 4,000 ppm. Isolate tested was A13 isolate Foc on 4 months old Cavendish cultivar banana seedlings. The result showed that phosphite acid was better than fosetyl aluminium in reducing mycelium growth in vitro . Its also inhibited disease development in banana seedling. The phosphite acid and fosetyl-aluminium increased the resistance of banana Cavendish cultivar to fusarium wilt. Its because the two fungicides are working systemic fungicides. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh fungisida asam fosfit dan aluminium-fosetil terhadap pertumbuhan jamur Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense (Foc) in vitro dan pengaruh fungisida tersebut terhadap penyaki...
The objective of this study was to identify the causal agent of some dragon fruit disease emergin... more The objective of this study was to identify the causal agent of some dragon fruit disease emerging in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) and Central Java. Samples were taken from the dragon fruit plantation from the district of Sleman and Kulonprogo, Province of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta as well as Magelang, Province of Central Java. Isolation of pathogen from symptomatic plant tissue was performed on Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) for fungi and Nutrient Agar (NA) for bacteria and continued with Koch's postulates testing. The results of field observation showed that the disease commonly occured in all 3 plantations of dragon fruit were stem rot caused by Erwinia sp. and scab caused by Pestalotiopsis sp. Other miscellaneous diseases found among the plantations were brown spot (Fusarium sp.), anthracnose (Colletotrichum sp.), mosaic that might be caused by Cactus Virus X, root knotnematode (Meloidogyne sp.), black rot and red spot which were still unidentified. Penelitian ini bertujuan...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jamur kontaminan pada budidaya jamur shiitake (Le... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jamur kontaminan pada budidaya jamur shiitake (Lentinus edodus) dan mengetahui interaksi antara jamur kontaminan dengan jamur shiitake. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Trichoderma aureoviridae dan T. koningii berperan sebagai jamur kontaminan pada budidaya jamur shiitake. Uji antagonisme secara in vitro antara kedua isolat Trichoderma tersebut dengan jamur shiitake menunjukkan bahwa kedua isolat Trichoderma tersebut mampu menghambat pertumbuh!lnkoloni jamur shiitake dan pada tepi koloni jamur shiitake yang berbatasan dengan koloni Trichoderma terjadi perubahan warna menjadi kecoklatan. Mekanisme antagonis. yang terjadi pada interaksi antara T. aureoviridae dan T. koningii dengan jamur shiitake meliputi kompetisi dan mikoparasitisme
One of the major constraints of banana plantation in Indonesia is the occurrence of fusarium wilt... more One of the major constraints of banana plantation in Indonesia is the occurrence of fusarium wilt disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense. The pathogen produced series of cell wall degradation extracellular enzymes which have important roles in pathogenicity. Many studies have been conducted to know the role of degrading enzyme banana pectin is the major component of cell wall. Many pectinolytic enzymes such as polygalacturonase and others have been isolated from many fungal plant pathogens. The study was aimed to know the role of polygalacturonase towards the virulence of race 4 of F. oxysporum f.sp. cubense. The result showed that from 10 isolates of race 4 of F. oxysporum f.sp. cubense, the most virulent isolate was Lmp1 followed by Srg1, Bgl6, Mln1, Bgl3, A13, Bnt2, Gnk3, Kjg1 dan Wsb5. This was indicated by high and low percentage of wilting leaves of banana cultivar Cavendish when they were inoculated with these isolates. Incubation period varied from 3 to 6 weeks a...
Distilasi adalah proses pemisahan komponen suatu campuran berdasarkan perbedaan titik didih. Dala... more Distilasi adalah proses pemisahan komponen suatu campuran berdasarkan perbedaan titik didih. Dalam proses distilasi terdapat dua tahap proses yaitu proses penguapan dan proses pengembunan. Campuran bahan dalam tangki destilasi dididihkan, bahan yang memiliki titik didih lebih rendah akan menguap terlebih dahulu. Uap hasil distilasi kemudian didinginkan dalam kondensor sehingga uap kembali menjadi cairan. Rangkaian alat distilasi bertingkat terdiri dari 2 bagian yaitu tangki distilasi dan kondensor. Rangkaian alat distilasi bertingkat ini dibuat dengan dimensi panjang 1,5 m tinggi 2 m dan lebar 0,5 m. kapasitas dari tabung distilasi pertama sampai tabung distilasi ke-3 berturut-turut adalah 11 liter, 7 liter dan 1 liter pada tiap tangki distilasi masing-masing dihubungkan ke kondesor. Kondensor dibuat dari pipa tembaga membentuk koil, tembaga dipilih karena mudah untuk di bengkokan dan tahan terhadap korosif. Sistem pada distilasi bertingkat didasarkan pada perbedaan titik didih pada...
Corn is one of strategic commodities in Indonesia. Corn productivity from year to year continues ... more Corn is one of strategic commodities in Indonesia. Corn productivity from year to year continues to increase, but it is lower than the world productivity. This research analyzes the comparative and competitive advantages of corn farm management in Grobogan district, Central Java province. Corn is financially and economically profitable, besides that, it also has comparative and competitive advantages. Government policy on corn commodity has not been running effectively. The most sensitive component of the profit earned in corn commodity in Grobogan is a component of the output price.
ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Sindrom Koroner Akut adalah ketidak mampuan jantung akut akibat suplai darah... more ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Sindrom Koroner Akut adalah ketidak mampuan jantung akut akibat suplai darah yang mengandung oksigen ke jantung tidak adekuat. Prevalensi jantung koroner berdasarkan terdiagnosis dokter tertinggi Sulawesi Tengah (0,8%) diikuti Sulawesi Utara, DKI Jakarta, Aceh masing-masing 0,7 persen. Sementara prevalensi jantung koroner menurut diagnosis atau gejala tertinggi di Nusa Tenggara Timur (4,4%), diikuti Sulawesi Tengah (3,8%), Sulawesi Selatan (2,9%), dan Sulawesi Barat (2,6%).Sindrom Koroner Akut disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor risiko. Salah satu faktor risiko utama yang menyebabkan terjadinya sindrom koroner akut adalah tekanan darah yang tinggi (hipertensi). Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan desain potong lintang, penelitian ini di lakukan pada bulan november 2016 di RS Haji Medan.Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 232 pasien yang datanya di ambil dari rekam medis di RS Haji Medan. Hasil: Pasien sindroma koroner aku...
Sustainable food production is an essential issue for human beings, while the problems of global ... more Sustainable food production is an essential issue for human beings, while the problems of global warming and environmental conservation are becoming more serious. Developing advanced research and technology on production systems in agricultural fields is a very important priority. In this Symposium, we would like to share the recent research results and to discuss the necessity of collaborative work for the establishment of sustainable agriculture in
Problem caused by pathogen in Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus sp.) cultivation became very important bec... more Problem caused by pathogen in Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus sp.) cultivation became very important because it decreased significantly the quantity and quality of the fruit production. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of some pesticides against pathogens that cause diseases of dragon fruit in several plantations in the DIY (Sleman and Kulon Progo) and Central Java (Magelang and Batang). Test of fungicide effectiveness was done in vitro on PDA medium (potato dextrose agar) by poisoned food technique. The fungicides were mancozeb 80 %, methyl tiofanat 70 %, copper hydroxide 80 %, chlorotalonil 75 %, mancozeb 64 % + metalaxyl 4 %, mancozeb karbendazim 73.8 % + 6.8 %,benomyl 50 % at a concentration of 1g/L. The bactericides used were streptomycin sulfate 20 % and oxytetracycline 150 AL with each concentration of 1 g/L and 1 mL /L. The results showed that benomyl 50 % was the most effective fungicide to suppress the growth of Fusarium sp. (brown spot), Colletotrichum sp. (anthrac...
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 2020
One of the obstacles in increasing rice production is the presence of sheath rot pathogen infecti... more One of the obstacles in increasing rice production is the presence of sheath rot pathogen infection, which causes changes in color on the rice sheath to brown or reddish-brown, sometimes does not produce rice grain. The major fungal pathogens that cause sheath rot disease are Sarocladium oryzae and Fusarium spp. The loss of rice yields reaches 85%. The disease found in six provinces, some of which are the largest rice-producing centers in Indonesia. A total of twenty-four Sarocladium sp. were isolated from leaf sheath symptom on potato dextrose agar and water agar medium. Sheath rot pathogen identification based on molecular method was performed using internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rDNA gene sequencing. Necrosis occurs after artificial inoculation in Ciherang rice variety was observed and showed that all isolates were pathogenic. Morphological characterization of the isolates identified them as Sarocladium sp. Molecular identification showed that six representatives isolates belonging to S. oryzae. These findings are important information about the fungal pathogen that causes sheath rot disease in Indonesia, and in studies for formulating control measures of the pathogen in the future to prevent the disease epidemic on rice. This is the first report about the existence of sheath rot disease, morphological characterization and molecular identification of S. oryzae in various rice fields in Indonesia.
The twisted disease is one of the essential diseases in shallots caused by Fusarium spp. This stu... more The twisted disease is one of the essential diseases in shallots caused by Fusarium spp. This study aimed to study pathogenicity and identify Fusarium species isolated from shallot plants with twisted symptoms in Nganjuk and Bantul areas. The Fusarium isolates were identified and then tested for pathogenicity levels and the effect of the hormones GA3 and IAA on shallot symptoms. Molecular identification using NF2 and NF4 successfully identified one isolate of Fusarium oxysporum, three isolates of F. acutatum, and three isolates of F. solani. Each of these species produces different symptoms. Pathogenicity test showed that all isolates had disease incidence reaching 100%, except isolates of F. solani1 causing wilt and F. solani3 causing twisted have the lower disease incidence were 77.8% and 77.7%, respectively. The investigation caused twisted shallot related to different symptoms was tested using the Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) method. The result indicates that all isolates did...
Penyakit layu fusarium pada pisang disebabkan oleh Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense (Foc). Foc me... more Penyakit layu fusarium pada pisang disebabkan oleh Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense (Foc). Foc merupakan salah satu patogen tular tanah. Intensitas serangan penyakit di lahan berbeda-beda, lahan dengan intensitas sangat parah disebut tanah kondusif. Tanah supresif dapat menekan dan mengontrol laju perkembangan patogen tular tanah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sifat fisika dan kimia tanah supresif dan kondusif terhadap penyakit layu fusarium pisang serta mengetahui efek dan kadar hara dari penambahan pupuk kandang dan silika terhadap penyakit layu fusarium pisang. Sampel tanah supresif berasal dari Sarampad, Cianjur dan tanah kondusif berasal dari Salaman, Magelang. Tanaman pisang kultivar Ambon Kuning digunakan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pupuk kandang dan silika terhadap layu fusarium. Analisis sifat kimia menunjukkan tanah supresif memiliki pH netral, kelas tekstur geluh pasiran, N total, P total, C organik, bahan organik, Si tersedia yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan tana...
Jurnal Ilmu Kesejahteraan Sosial, 2015
This research discusses about the role of vulnerable groups who are being Task Force in disaster ... more This research discusses about the role of vulnerable groups who are being Task Force in disaster management and disaster risk reduction efforts in Gunung Geulis Village, Bogor Region. This study examine the process of formation of the Task Force, the role of vulnerable groups into the Task Force, and the supporting factors and inhibiting factors of the vulnerable groups into the Task Force. This study is a descriptive study with qualitative methods. The methods used are observation, in-depth interviews, and the study of literature. The end results show that the involvement of vulnerable groups as Task Force has been suitable with the regulation, the Task Force from vulnerable groups are active in disaster management and disaster risk reduction efforts, and supporting factors are likely more as long as their needs are accommodated and customize the tasks according to their capacity.