At Taqaddum - (original) (raw)

Papers by At Taqaddum

Research paper thumbnail of Yulia Romadiastri Nov

To improve the quality of mathematics learning, Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in district Ngaliyan has cond... more To improve the quality of mathematics learning, Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in district Ngaliyan has conducted various types of activities, one of the efforts was to form a working group on teachers (KKG). As a result, madrasah teacher empowerment especially in mathematics learning both in concept and mastery learning methodologies are not as expected. KKG as formal institution that hosts MI teachers need to be empowered with the support of various parties. Problems occurred was a classroom teacher MI less mastered the concept of integrative mathematics so there was some misconception of the material and they also has limited knowledge of the variation of mathematics learning method in a fun, meaningful and engaging the liveliness of the learners according scientific approach. The phases program public service performed are: (1) brainstorming and (2) training. The result of these outreach programs include: training PAIKEM Learning and Contextual ICT Media for the teachers who are members of KKG MI Subdistrict Ngaliyan goeswell. Participants who attend the training look very enthusiastic because theyrarely get similar training. From the results of training obtained by awide range of new knowledge about learning math in an active and funway. Producing a contextual ICT media for learning mathematics. Brainstorming is done against the commitee of KKG MI Ngaliyan and greeted with enthusiasm, especially with the offer of assistance and cooperation with the


One of the problems that arise in the Islamic financial management is the governance model (manag... more One of the problems that arise in the Islamic financial management is the governance model (management) used are the same as a conventional financial institution management in general, Therefore we need innovation in management. Management Implementation of Sharia in the Islamic financial institutions are expected to improve the performance and quality of these institutions. Implementation of sharia management really comes down to the issue of Total Quality Management (TQM) on financial institutions syar'iah focused on the process of continuous improvement to uphold the values of Shariah. Management of sharia is considered important in the company since its implementation in the areas of services and operating in personal competence, maintaining the availability of knowledge and innovation as well as product development. Through sharia management is expected to increase the skills and motivation to work on giliranyya will improve the reinforcement of the operational side. The perpetrator of Islamic financial institutions in terms of technical skills are adequate but the problem is the knowledge of the management of sharia. Knowledge management in Islamic financial institutions will be judged by the public that the management is not different from the conventional financial institutions. Abstrak Salah satu masalah yang timbul dalam pengelolaan keuangan Islam adalah model tata kelola (manajemen) yang digunakan adalah sama sebagai manajemen lembaga keuangan konvensional pada umumnya, karena itu kita perlu inovasi dalam manajemen. Implementasi manajemen Syariah di lembaga keuangan syariah diharapkan untuk meningkatkan kinerja dan kualitas Ulasan institutions. Implementation ini manajemen syariah benar-benar turun ke isu Total Quality Management (TQM) pada lembaga


Murder in the Islamic criminal law including jarimah qishas-diyat, namely jarimah punishable by q... more Murder in the Islamic criminal law including jarimah qishas-diyat, namely jarimah punishable by qishas (punishment commensurate/proportional) or punishment diyat (fines/restitution), the specified limits his sentence, but is categorized as a right adami (human/individual), in which the victim or his family can forgive the perpetrators, so that the penalty (qishas-diyat) can remove altogether, because in qishas no entitlements for victims' families to act as "institutions forgiving", they can ask for their right to forgive or not forgive the criminal act. According to scholars' Salaf that the policy of punishment given is based on the viewpoint of the habit of Arab society that never applies to the Muslim community early, namely regarding who is authorized to determine the wisdom qishas or of diyat is heavily influenced by the practice habits of Arab society in the 7th century M, both about social status, as well as the local culture, the sunnah and the practice run early Muslims who provide input or benchmarks in detail the principles prinsp Islamic criminal law (jinayat), so that in determining the sentence still is discrimination, whether social status, gender and religion. Therefore, in the modern era according to scholars' khalaf that sentencing for murder should be equated between the murder of men with women, killing of Muslims by non-Muslims, the murder of a father with his son, should remain punishable qishas and diyat amount laki-men with diyat amount for women should be equal, so that the position of human beings are equal before the law (there is no discrimination; social status, gender and religion. Abstrak Pembunuhan dalam hukum pidana Islam termasuk jarimah qishas-diyat, yaitu jarimah yang diancam dengan hukuman qishas (hukuman sepadan/sebanding) atau hukuman diyat (denda/ganti rugi), yang sudah ditentukan batasan hukumannya, namun dikategorikan sebagai hak adami (manusia/perorangan), di mana pihak korban ataupun keluarganya dapat memaafkan pelaku, sehingga hukuman (qishas-diyat) bisa hapus sama sekali, karena dalam qishas ada pemberian hak bagi keluarga korban untuk berperan sebagai " lembaga pemaaf " , mereka bisa meminta haknya untuk memaafkan atau tidak memaafkan terhadap perbuatan pelaku tindak pidana. Menurut ulama " salaf bahwa kebijakan hukuman yang diberikan


This study tried to the analyze practices mudharabah fund management in Islamic banking from the ... more This study tried to the analyze practices mudharabah fund management in Islamic banking from the perspective of normative and philosophical. Mudharabah is interesting to examine, because the beginning of a substitute interest (riba) is the contract of profit sharing, one of which is based on mudharabah. Mudharabah is also rated as the contract representing equity in the transaction. However, in reality, the application of this mudharabah is not so simple, there are some problems inside it. The research found some results, among other things: First, the contract of mudharabah is one of contracts that is used by the Islamic bank to manage the funding and financing in order to avoid the practice of interest (riba). Second, ideally, mudharabah becone the mainstay products of Islamic banking, both in terms of funding or financing. Because, with the principle of partnership, the two parties are equally benefited. Thirdly, in fact, the bank and the customer will not want for various losses. While the mudharabah practice allows for this. Therefore, it requires tactical steps to minimize the impact of such losses. One of these steps is to conduct the training to prospective mudharib intensively for in terms of professionalism and confidence (trust) it. Further, it requires accompaniment for the candidate of capital manager (mudharib). Abstrak Penelitian ini mencoba melihat praktek akad mudharabah di perbankan Syariah dari perspektif normatif dan filosofis. Akad mudharabah ini menarik untuk dikaji, sebab awal mula pengganti bunga (riba) adalah akad bagi hasil yang salah satunya didasarkan pada akad mudharabah ini. Akad mudharabah ini juga dinilai sebagai akad yang merepresentasikan keadilan dalam bertransaksi. Akan tetapi, dalam realitasnya, penerapan mudharabah ini tidak semudah yang dibayangkan, ada beberapa kendala di dalamnya. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan beberapa hasil, antara lain: Pertama, akad Mudharabah merupakan salah satu akad yang dipergunakan oleh bank syari " ah untuk mengelola pendanaan dan pembiayaan dalam rangkan untuk menjauhi praktek bunga (riba). Kedua, akad mudharabah ini


The Indonesian government has launched a 9-year compulsory education program for all students in ... more The Indonesian government has launched a 9-year compulsory education program for all students in Indonesia. The word "all" should have been touching all levels of society including the blind students. However, the fact shows different condition. Many schools still refuse to accept the blind students. In addition, some facilities like braille books for the blind students are also still limited while these books become the main pillar of education. They still become such "luxury stuffs" for the blind students in Indonesia. The cost of producing Braille books equals with fourfold financing regular books. This is because the Braille books need heavier papers, approximately 120 grams for every sheet of paper. To resolve this problem is by creating an audiobook or better known as a "voiced book" for the blind students. The extraordinary school (SLB) of category A is an outstanding school specifying for the blind students in Semarang who desperately need an audiobook. This audiobook has many benefits for the blind students of SLB category A. Firstly, it facilitates the students to "read" a book through the hearing sense. Secondly, it minimizes the cost of school expenditures in the book procurement both regular books for teachers or braille books for students. At last, it supports the government program of campaigning " paperless office ". Abstrak Pemerintah Indonesia telah meluncurkan program wajib belajar 9 tahun bagi semua siswa di Indonesia. Kata "semua" seharusnya menyentuh semua lapisan masyarakat termasuk para pelajar tunanetra. Namun, fakta menunjukkan kondisi yang berbeda. Banyak sekolah masih menolak untuk menerima siswa tunanetra. Selain itu, beberapa fasilitas seperti buku braille bagi siswa tunanetra juga masih terbatas sementara buku-buku ini menjadi pilar utama pendidikan. Mereka masih menjadi seperti "barang mewah" untuk siswa tunanetra di Indonesia.


Historically, the presence of the Islamic science can not be separated from the problems faced by... more Historically, the presence of the Islamic science can not be separated from the problems faced by humans, because the presence of knowledge brought by Islamic scholars' were the result of their thinking in order to solve that problems. The different opinion among causes five varieties of Islamic science paradigm; ie textual, theological-ideological, of scientific, philosophical and illuminatif (kasyf). These Five paradigm must be paired and connected with each other. This, Islamic sciences become fresh sciences. Abstrak Secara historis, keberadaan ilmu Islam tidak bisa dipisahkan dari masalah yang dihadapi oleh manusia, karena kehadiran pengetahuan yang dibawa oleh ulama Islam adalah hasil dari pemikiran mereka untuk memecahkan masalah. Pendapat berbeda antara penyebab lima varietas paradigma ilmu pengetahuan Islam; yaitu tekstual, teologis-ideologis, ilmiah, filosofis dan illuminatif (Kasyf). Ini Lima paradigma harus dipasangkan dan terhubung satu sama lain. Ini, ilmu-ilmu Islam menjadi ilmu segar.


Sufism is considered as the cause of the destruction and bankruptcy of civilization. The presumpt... more Sufism is considered as the cause of the destruction and bankruptcy of civilization. The presumption is based on the allegation that Sufism teaches thoughts of pantheism (doctrine that equates God with the forces and laws of the universe), cult (worship) on the human individual (including the trustee), drunkenness and insanity (ekstatisme/syaṭāḥāt), the story of suprarasional abilities, experiences that do not make sense and heresy, as well as other misguided thinking. In the thought of Sufism, Ibn Qayyim called ijtihad implementation of Sufism by referring back to the al-Quran and al-Hadith, prioritize science than Sunnah worship, perform ijtihad that Sufism is not blind following to the masyāyikh, do contextualization of Sufism appropriate time and place (Zaman wa eat) so understood Muslims all the time, do not isolate themselves from social life and make a series of Salik on the way to God (sair ilallah) not required sequence (tartib Gair mustaḥiqq), but optional (mustaḥsan). Ibn Qayyim see Islam builds the concept of life departed from the faith, Islam and charity. Ibn Qayyim thinking about the meaning of the ascetic, more encouraging as the efforts for the improvement of human life, instill a positive attitude to the world and dare to face the reality of life and the challenges of advancement of age. In solitude, Ibn Qayyim requires a deep appreciation of esoteric religious but did not retreat from social life, but still actively involved in the community. The principles of balance (tawazun) are the laws for the entire universe. Therefore, Ibn Qayyim considers that violate the principle of balance is a cosmic sin, for breaking the law of Allah which controls the universe. Through remembrance, Ibn Qayyim explained that dhikr in complete sentences and meaningful then one more assured in terms of their faith because of a similar phrase that is active, confirmed the meaning and certain

Research paper thumbnail of DINAMIKA EKONOMI ISLAM DI INDONESIA; Telaah Sosio-Historis Teologis Terhadap Bank Muamalat Indonesia

Bank Muamalat Indonesia (BMI with) is the symbol of the birth of the new banking system (GLBT) wh... more Bank Muamalat Indonesia (BMI with) is the symbol of the birth of the new banking system (GLBT) which gives the alternative regarding financial management in accordance with the Islamic Sharia. The establishment of the theological orientation in addition to BMI, also can not be separated from the calculation (rationality) behavioral economics. In terms of BMI is as an expression of the orientation of worldliness that is powerful enough to provide a secure banking system options. Analysis using qualitative methods of descriptive-i.e. not limited to at the level of the collection and compiling of data only. But includes also interpretations as to the meaning of the data obtained in an effort to elucidate the socio historical theological against BMI. Thus, BMI as a manifestation of a very important theological orientation, just as important as when the Muslims consider the manifestation of religious orientation embodied in the form of ritual piety (eg: build the mosque, went on Hajj, and so forth). So, in this context the presence of BMI in sociological proves the existence of close relationships (positive correlation) between the doctrines of religion with the actions/behavior of the economic life of the Muslims. Abstrak Bank Muamalat Indonesia (selanjutnya disebut dengan BMI) adalah merupakan symbol lahirnya sistem perbankan baru (islami) yang memberikan alternative mengenai pengelolaan keuangan sesuai dengan syariah Islam. Berdirinya BMI selain orientasi teologis, juga tidak bisa dipisahkan dari perhitungan (rasionalitas) perilaku ekonomi. Dalam arti BMI adalah sebagai ekspresi dari orientasi keduniawian yang cukup kuat dalam memberikan pilihan sistem perbankan yang aman. Analisis menggunakan metode deskriptif-kualitatif yaitu tidak terbatas sampai pada tingkat pengumpulan dan menyusun data saja. Tetapi meliputi juga interpretasi mengenai makna data yang diperoleh sebagai upaya untuk

Research paper thumbnail of TEKNIK-TEKNIK OBSERVASI (Sebuah Alternatif Metode Pengumpulan Data Kualitatif Ilmu-ilmu Sosial

The purpose of this paper to describe observation techniques, as an alternative method of collect... more The purpose of this paper to describe observation techniques, as an alternative method of collecting qualitative data for social sciences. Observation is one of the scientific activity is empirical, factual, and besed on the real text. Observations carried out through the experience derived from sensing without using any manipulation. The purpose of observation is the description, in qualitative research, observation produces theories and hypotheses, in quantitative research, observation used for testing theories and hypotheses. To be able to approach the social phenomenon, an observer needs to have close access to the settings and the subject. Doing the observation techniques have to heed the ethical principles such as respect for human dignity, respect for privacy and confidentiality, respect for justice and inclusiveness, balancing harms and benefits. Method of observation, if positioned as a part of the methodological spectrum (includes techniques and data collection strategies) in proportion, it will produce a high validity and reliability, as the fundamental basis for all methods, to find strategic development policies. Abstrak Tujuan penulisan artikel ini untuk mendeskripsikan teknik observasi sebagai alternative metode pengumpulan data kualitatif ilmu-ilmu sosial. Observasi merupakan salah satu kegiatan ilmiah empiris yang mendasarkan fakta-fakta lapangan maupun teks, melalui pengalaman panca indra tanpa menggunakan manipulasi apapun. Tujuan dari observasi adalah deskripsi, pada penelitian kualitatif melahirkan teori dan hipotesis, atau pada penelitian kuantitatif digunakan untuk menguji teori dan hipotesis. Untuk dapat mendekati fenomena sosial, seorang observer atau pengamat perlu memiliki kedekatan akses dengan setting dan subjek penelitian. Melakukan teknik observasi harus memperhatikan prinsip etis yaitu, menghormati harkat dan martabat kemanusiaan (respect for human dignity), privasi dan kerahasiaan subjek (respect for privacy and confidentiality), keadilan dan inklusivitas (respect for justice and


This study is realized in the manufacture of digital flashcards vocabulary 80% of the Qur'an. Beg... more This study is realized in the manufacture of digital flashcards vocabulary 80% of the Qur'an. Begins with a study of journals, books, and articles on the internet about the vocabulary of the Qur'an. Then proceed with the creation of a digital database. This database is the source of 80% of the vocabulary of the Qur'an booklet which is the result of research by Dr. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raheem from India. Once the database is materialized and the result is save as in the format tab-separated.txt with UFT-8 encoding, then followed with a database that has finished importing into Anymemo android application. The final step is to test whether a digital flashcard can run either smartphone or tablet and share the application to the public. Keyword : digital flash cards, 80% vocabulary of The Qur'an Abstrak Penelitian ini diwujudkan dalam pembuatan flashcards digital kosakata 80% dari Alquran. Dimulai dengan studi jurnal, buku, dan artikel di internet tentang kosakata Al-Qur'an. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan penciptaan database digital. Database ini adalah sumber dari 80% dari kosa kata dari buku Qur'an yang merupakan hasil dari penelitian oleh Dr Abdul Aziz Abdul Raheem dari India. Setelah database terwujud dan hasilnya adalah save as dalam format tab-separated.txt dengan UFT-8 encoding, kemudian diikuti dengan database yang telah selesai mengimpor ke Anymemo aplikasi android. Langkah terakhir adalah untuk menguji apakah flashcard digital dapat berjalan baik smartphone atau tablet dan berbagi aplikasi untuk umum. Kata kunci : kartu flash digital, 80% kosakata Al-Qur'an

Research paper thumbnail of Yulia Romadiastri Nov

To improve the quality of mathematics learning, Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in district Ngaliyan has cond... more To improve the quality of mathematics learning, Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in district Ngaliyan has conducted various types of activities, one of the efforts was to form a working group on teachers (KKG). As a result, madrasah teacher empowerment especially in mathematics learning both in concept and mastery learning methodologies are not as expected. KKG as formal institution that hosts MI teachers need to be empowered with the support of various parties. Problems occurred was a classroom teacher MI less mastered the concept of integrative mathematics so there was some misconception of the material and they also has limited knowledge of the variation of mathematics learning method in a fun, meaningful and engaging the liveliness of the learners according scientific approach. The phases program public service performed are: (1) brainstorming and (2) training. The result of these outreach programs include: training PAIKEM Learning and Contextual ICT Media for the teachers who are members of KKG MI Subdistrict Ngaliyan goeswell. Participants who attend the training look very enthusiastic because theyrarely get similar training. From the results of training obtained by awide range of new knowledge about learning math in an active and funway. Producing a contextual ICT media for learning mathematics. Brainstorming is done against the commitee of KKG MI Ngaliyan and greeted with enthusiasm, especially with the offer of assistance and cooperation with the


One of the problems that arise in the Islamic financial management is the governance model (manag... more One of the problems that arise in the Islamic financial management is the governance model (management) used are the same as a conventional financial institution management in general, Therefore we need innovation in management. Management Implementation of Sharia in the Islamic financial institutions are expected to improve the performance and quality of these institutions. Implementation of sharia management really comes down to the issue of Total Quality Management (TQM) on financial institutions syar'iah focused on the process of continuous improvement to uphold the values of Shariah. Management of sharia is considered important in the company since its implementation in the areas of services and operating in personal competence, maintaining the availability of knowledge and innovation as well as product development. Through sharia management is expected to increase the skills and motivation to work on giliranyya will improve the reinforcement of the operational side. The perpetrator of Islamic financial institutions in terms of technical skills are adequate but the problem is the knowledge of the management of sharia. Knowledge management in Islamic financial institutions will be judged by the public that the management is not different from the conventional financial institutions. Abstrak Salah satu masalah yang timbul dalam pengelolaan keuangan Islam adalah model tata kelola (manajemen) yang digunakan adalah sama sebagai manajemen lembaga keuangan konvensional pada umumnya, karena itu kita perlu inovasi dalam manajemen. Implementasi manajemen Syariah di lembaga keuangan syariah diharapkan untuk meningkatkan kinerja dan kualitas Ulasan institutions. Implementation ini manajemen syariah benar-benar turun ke isu Total Quality Management (TQM) pada lembaga


Murder in the Islamic criminal law including jarimah qishas-diyat, namely jarimah punishable by q... more Murder in the Islamic criminal law including jarimah qishas-diyat, namely jarimah punishable by qishas (punishment commensurate/proportional) or punishment diyat (fines/restitution), the specified limits his sentence, but is categorized as a right adami (human/individual), in which the victim or his family can forgive the perpetrators, so that the penalty (qishas-diyat) can remove altogether, because in qishas no entitlements for victims' families to act as "institutions forgiving", they can ask for their right to forgive or not forgive the criminal act. According to scholars' Salaf that the policy of punishment given is based on the viewpoint of the habit of Arab society that never applies to the Muslim community early, namely regarding who is authorized to determine the wisdom qishas or of diyat is heavily influenced by the practice habits of Arab society in the 7th century M, both about social status, as well as the local culture, the sunnah and the practice run early Muslims who provide input or benchmarks in detail the principles prinsp Islamic criminal law (jinayat), so that in determining the sentence still is discrimination, whether social status, gender and religion. Therefore, in the modern era according to scholars' khalaf that sentencing for murder should be equated between the murder of men with women, killing of Muslims by non-Muslims, the murder of a father with his son, should remain punishable qishas and diyat amount laki-men with diyat amount for women should be equal, so that the position of human beings are equal before the law (there is no discrimination; social status, gender and religion. Abstrak Pembunuhan dalam hukum pidana Islam termasuk jarimah qishas-diyat, yaitu jarimah yang diancam dengan hukuman qishas (hukuman sepadan/sebanding) atau hukuman diyat (denda/ganti rugi), yang sudah ditentukan batasan hukumannya, namun dikategorikan sebagai hak adami (manusia/perorangan), di mana pihak korban ataupun keluarganya dapat memaafkan pelaku, sehingga hukuman (qishas-diyat) bisa hapus sama sekali, karena dalam qishas ada pemberian hak bagi keluarga korban untuk berperan sebagai " lembaga pemaaf " , mereka bisa meminta haknya untuk memaafkan atau tidak memaafkan terhadap perbuatan pelaku tindak pidana. Menurut ulama " salaf bahwa kebijakan hukuman yang diberikan


This study tried to the analyze practices mudharabah fund management in Islamic banking from the ... more This study tried to the analyze practices mudharabah fund management in Islamic banking from the perspective of normative and philosophical. Mudharabah is interesting to examine, because the beginning of a substitute interest (riba) is the contract of profit sharing, one of which is based on mudharabah. Mudharabah is also rated as the contract representing equity in the transaction. However, in reality, the application of this mudharabah is not so simple, there are some problems inside it. The research found some results, among other things: First, the contract of mudharabah is one of contracts that is used by the Islamic bank to manage the funding and financing in order to avoid the practice of interest (riba). Second, ideally, mudharabah becone the mainstay products of Islamic banking, both in terms of funding or financing. Because, with the principle of partnership, the two parties are equally benefited. Thirdly, in fact, the bank and the customer will not want for various losses. While the mudharabah practice allows for this. Therefore, it requires tactical steps to minimize the impact of such losses. One of these steps is to conduct the training to prospective mudharib intensively for in terms of professionalism and confidence (trust) it. Further, it requires accompaniment for the candidate of capital manager (mudharib). Abstrak Penelitian ini mencoba melihat praktek akad mudharabah di perbankan Syariah dari perspektif normatif dan filosofis. Akad mudharabah ini menarik untuk dikaji, sebab awal mula pengganti bunga (riba) adalah akad bagi hasil yang salah satunya didasarkan pada akad mudharabah ini. Akad mudharabah ini juga dinilai sebagai akad yang merepresentasikan keadilan dalam bertransaksi. Akan tetapi, dalam realitasnya, penerapan mudharabah ini tidak semudah yang dibayangkan, ada beberapa kendala di dalamnya. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan beberapa hasil, antara lain: Pertama, akad Mudharabah merupakan salah satu akad yang dipergunakan oleh bank syari " ah untuk mengelola pendanaan dan pembiayaan dalam rangkan untuk menjauhi praktek bunga (riba). Kedua, akad mudharabah ini


The Indonesian government has launched a 9-year compulsory education program for all students in ... more The Indonesian government has launched a 9-year compulsory education program for all students in Indonesia. The word "all" should have been touching all levels of society including the blind students. However, the fact shows different condition. Many schools still refuse to accept the blind students. In addition, some facilities like braille books for the blind students are also still limited while these books become the main pillar of education. They still become such "luxury stuffs" for the blind students in Indonesia. The cost of producing Braille books equals with fourfold financing regular books. This is because the Braille books need heavier papers, approximately 120 grams for every sheet of paper. To resolve this problem is by creating an audiobook or better known as a "voiced book" for the blind students. The extraordinary school (SLB) of category A is an outstanding school specifying for the blind students in Semarang who desperately need an audiobook. This audiobook has many benefits for the blind students of SLB category A. Firstly, it facilitates the students to "read" a book through the hearing sense. Secondly, it minimizes the cost of school expenditures in the book procurement both regular books for teachers or braille books for students. At last, it supports the government program of campaigning " paperless office ". Abstrak Pemerintah Indonesia telah meluncurkan program wajib belajar 9 tahun bagi semua siswa di Indonesia. Kata "semua" seharusnya menyentuh semua lapisan masyarakat termasuk para pelajar tunanetra. Namun, fakta menunjukkan kondisi yang berbeda. Banyak sekolah masih menolak untuk menerima siswa tunanetra. Selain itu, beberapa fasilitas seperti buku braille bagi siswa tunanetra juga masih terbatas sementara buku-buku ini menjadi pilar utama pendidikan. Mereka masih menjadi seperti "barang mewah" untuk siswa tunanetra di Indonesia.


Historically, the presence of the Islamic science can not be separated from the problems faced by... more Historically, the presence of the Islamic science can not be separated from the problems faced by humans, because the presence of knowledge brought by Islamic scholars' were the result of their thinking in order to solve that problems. The different opinion among causes five varieties of Islamic science paradigm; ie textual, theological-ideological, of scientific, philosophical and illuminatif (kasyf). These Five paradigm must be paired and connected with each other. This, Islamic sciences become fresh sciences. Abstrak Secara historis, keberadaan ilmu Islam tidak bisa dipisahkan dari masalah yang dihadapi oleh manusia, karena kehadiran pengetahuan yang dibawa oleh ulama Islam adalah hasil dari pemikiran mereka untuk memecahkan masalah. Pendapat berbeda antara penyebab lima varietas paradigma ilmu pengetahuan Islam; yaitu tekstual, teologis-ideologis, ilmiah, filosofis dan illuminatif (Kasyf). Ini Lima paradigma harus dipasangkan dan terhubung satu sama lain. Ini, ilmu-ilmu Islam menjadi ilmu segar.


Sufism is considered as the cause of the destruction and bankruptcy of civilization. The presumpt... more Sufism is considered as the cause of the destruction and bankruptcy of civilization. The presumption is based on the allegation that Sufism teaches thoughts of pantheism (doctrine that equates God with the forces and laws of the universe), cult (worship) on the human individual (including the trustee), drunkenness and insanity (ekstatisme/syaṭāḥāt), the story of suprarasional abilities, experiences that do not make sense and heresy, as well as other misguided thinking. In the thought of Sufism, Ibn Qayyim called ijtihad implementation of Sufism by referring back to the al-Quran and al-Hadith, prioritize science than Sunnah worship, perform ijtihad that Sufism is not blind following to the masyāyikh, do contextualization of Sufism appropriate time and place (Zaman wa eat) so understood Muslims all the time, do not isolate themselves from social life and make a series of Salik on the way to God (sair ilallah) not required sequence (tartib Gair mustaḥiqq), but optional (mustaḥsan). Ibn Qayyim see Islam builds the concept of life departed from the faith, Islam and charity. Ibn Qayyim thinking about the meaning of the ascetic, more encouraging as the efforts for the improvement of human life, instill a positive attitude to the world and dare to face the reality of life and the challenges of advancement of age. In solitude, Ibn Qayyim requires a deep appreciation of esoteric religious but did not retreat from social life, but still actively involved in the community. The principles of balance (tawazun) are the laws for the entire universe. Therefore, Ibn Qayyim considers that violate the principle of balance is a cosmic sin, for breaking the law of Allah which controls the universe. Through remembrance, Ibn Qayyim explained that dhikr in complete sentences and meaningful then one more assured in terms of their faith because of a similar phrase that is active, confirmed the meaning and certain

Research paper thumbnail of DINAMIKA EKONOMI ISLAM DI INDONESIA; Telaah Sosio-Historis Teologis Terhadap Bank Muamalat Indonesia

Bank Muamalat Indonesia (BMI with) is the symbol of the birth of the new banking system (GLBT) wh... more Bank Muamalat Indonesia (BMI with) is the symbol of the birth of the new banking system (GLBT) which gives the alternative regarding financial management in accordance with the Islamic Sharia. The establishment of the theological orientation in addition to BMI, also can not be separated from the calculation (rationality) behavioral economics. In terms of BMI is as an expression of the orientation of worldliness that is powerful enough to provide a secure banking system options. Analysis using qualitative methods of descriptive-i.e. not limited to at the level of the collection and compiling of data only. But includes also interpretations as to the meaning of the data obtained in an effort to elucidate the socio historical theological against BMI. Thus, BMI as a manifestation of a very important theological orientation, just as important as when the Muslims consider the manifestation of religious orientation embodied in the form of ritual piety (eg: build the mosque, went on Hajj, and so forth). So, in this context the presence of BMI in sociological proves the existence of close relationships (positive correlation) between the doctrines of religion with the actions/behavior of the economic life of the Muslims. Abstrak Bank Muamalat Indonesia (selanjutnya disebut dengan BMI) adalah merupakan symbol lahirnya sistem perbankan baru (islami) yang memberikan alternative mengenai pengelolaan keuangan sesuai dengan syariah Islam. Berdirinya BMI selain orientasi teologis, juga tidak bisa dipisahkan dari perhitungan (rasionalitas) perilaku ekonomi. Dalam arti BMI adalah sebagai ekspresi dari orientasi keduniawian yang cukup kuat dalam memberikan pilihan sistem perbankan yang aman. Analisis menggunakan metode deskriptif-kualitatif yaitu tidak terbatas sampai pada tingkat pengumpulan dan menyusun data saja. Tetapi meliputi juga interpretasi mengenai makna data yang diperoleh sebagai upaya untuk

Research paper thumbnail of TEKNIK-TEKNIK OBSERVASI (Sebuah Alternatif Metode Pengumpulan Data Kualitatif Ilmu-ilmu Sosial

The purpose of this paper to describe observation techniques, as an alternative method of collect... more The purpose of this paper to describe observation techniques, as an alternative method of collecting qualitative data for social sciences. Observation is one of the scientific activity is empirical, factual, and besed on the real text. Observations carried out through the experience derived from sensing without using any manipulation. The purpose of observation is the description, in qualitative research, observation produces theories and hypotheses, in quantitative research, observation used for testing theories and hypotheses. To be able to approach the social phenomenon, an observer needs to have close access to the settings and the subject. Doing the observation techniques have to heed the ethical principles such as respect for human dignity, respect for privacy and confidentiality, respect for justice and inclusiveness, balancing harms and benefits. Method of observation, if positioned as a part of the methodological spectrum (includes techniques and data collection strategies) in proportion, it will produce a high validity and reliability, as the fundamental basis for all methods, to find strategic development policies. Abstrak Tujuan penulisan artikel ini untuk mendeskripsikan teknik observasi sebagai alternative metode pengumpulan data kualitatif ilmu-ilmu sosial. Observasi merupakan salah satu kegiatan ilmiah empiris yang mendasarkan fakta-fakta lapangan maupun teks, melalui pengalaman panca indra tanpa menggunakan manipulasi apapun. Tujuan dari observasi adalah deskripsi, pada penelitian kualitatif melahirkan teori dan hipotesis, atau pada penelitian kuantitatif digunakan untuk menguji teori dan hipotesis. Untuk dapat mendekati fenomena sosial, seorang observer atau pengamat perlu memiliki kedekatan akses dengan setting dan subjek penelitian. Melakukan teknik observasi harus memperhatikan prinsip etis yaitu, menghormati harkat dan martabat kemanusiaan (respect for human dignity), privasi dan kerahasiaan subjek (respect for privacy and confidentiality), keadilan dan inklusivitas (respect for justice and


This study is realized in the manufacture of digital flashcards vocabulary 80% of the Qur'an. Beg... more This study is realized in the manufacture of digital flashcards vocabulary 80% of the Qur'an. Begins with a study of journals, books, and articles on the internet about the vocabulary of the Qur'an. Then proceed with the creation of a digital database. This database is the source of 80% of the vocabulary of the Qur'an booklet which is the result of research by Dr. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raheem from India. Once the database is materialized and the result is save as in the format tab-separated.txt with UFT-8 encoding, then followed with a database that has finished importing into Anymemo android application. The final step is to test whether a digital flashcard can run either smartphone or tablet and share the application to the public. Keyword : digital flash cards, 80% vocabulary of The Qur'an Abstrak Penelitian ini diwujudkan dalam pembuatan flashcards digital kosakata 80% dari Alquran. Dimulai dengan studi jurnal, buku, dan artikel di internet tentang kosakata Al-Qur'an. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan penciptaan database digital. Database ini adalah sumber dari 80% dari kosa kata dari buku Qur'an yang merupakan hasil dari penelitian oleh Dr Abdul Aziz Abdul Raheem dari India. Setelah database terwujud dan hasilnya adalah save as dalam format tab-separated.txt dengan UFT-8 encoding, kemudian diikuti dengan database yang telah selesai mengimpor ke Anymemo aplikasi android. Langkah terakhir adalah untuk menguji apakah flashcard digital dapat berjalan baik smartphone atau tablet dan berbagi aplikasi untuk umum. Kata kunci : kartu flash digital, 80% kosakata Al-Qur'an