Atsushi Kameyama - (original) (raw)

Papers by Atsushi Kameyama

Research paper thumbnail of Physico-Mechanical Properties of a Newly Developed Base Material Containing Mineral Trioxide Aggregate


The aim of this study was to evaluate the physico-mechanical properties of a new cavity base mate... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the physico-mechanical properties of a new cavity base material containing mineral trioxide aggregate, LA-T1, prototyped by Neo Dental Chemical Products for indirect restoration. Three base materials, LA-T1, Cavios (CAV, Neo Dental Chemical Products), and Bulk Base Hard (BBH, Sun Medical), were examined. The depth of cure, microshear bond strength with a resin-based luting cement, and the compressive strength of these materials were investigated. The depth of cure of LA-T1 was similar to that of CAV, while the depth of cure of BBH was above the measurement limit. The distance from the base material to the light source, 0 mm and 4 mm, did not significantly affect the depth of cure of all materials. The microshear bond strength of LA-T1 bonded to a resin-based luting cement was slightly higher than that of CAV and similar to that of BBH, both of which were bonded to the same luting cement under the same conditions. The compressive strength of LA-T...

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Research paper thumbnail of やればやるほど楽しくなるコンポジットレジン修復


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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of free-hand vs uniform irradiation on tensile bond strength in Er:YAG-lased dentin

The journal of adhesive dentistry, 2008

PURPOSE To compare effects of free-hand and mechanically applied uniform irradiation on tensile b... more PURPOSE To compare effects of free-hand and mechanically applied uniform irradiation on tensile bond strength of 4-META/MMA-TBB resin to Er:YAG laser-irradiated dentin using an X-Y moving stage. MATERIALS AND METHODS Three different laser conditions were evaluated: 1.0 W, 100 mJ/pulse, 10 pps; 1.0 W, 50 mJ/pulse, 20 pps; 1.0 W, 33 mJ/pulse, 30 pps. Samples of bovine dentin were set on a moving stage and mechanically irradiated with an Er:YAG laser at a scanning speed of 1.0 mm/s or subjected to free-hand irradiation. The lased dentin surfaces were acid conditioned with 10% citric acid/3% ferric chloride for 15 s, rinsed, and dried. The surfaces were bonded to PMMA rods with 4-META/MMA-TBB resin, and mini-dumbbell-shaped bonded specimens were prepared. Tensile bond strength was measured and compared with the results for free-hand irradiated samples obtained under the same conditions in an earlier study. SEM observations of fractured surfaces after tensile bond testing were also perfo...

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Research paper thumbnail of Micrographic and spectroscopic analyses of the application of methyl methacrylate-p-styrene sulfonic acid copolymer-based desensitizing agents to bovine dentin

Asian Pacific Journal of Dentistry

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Research paper thumbnail of Marginal Leakage of Endodontic Temporary Restorative Materials around Access Cavities Prepared with Pre-Endodontic Composite Build-Up: An In Vitro Study


This study aimed to examine the marginal seal between various commercial temporary restorative ma... more This study aimed to examine the marginal seal between various commercial temporary restorative materials and exposed dentin/built-up composite. Sixty bovine incisors were cut above the cemento-enamel junction, and half of the dentin was removed to form a step, which was built up using flowable resin composite. The root canals were irrigated, filled with calcium hydroxide, and sealed using one of six temporary sealing materials (hydraulic temporary restorative material, temporary stopping material, zinc oxide eugenol cement, glass-ionomer cement, auto-cured resin-based temporary restorative material, and light-cured resin-based temporary restorative material) (n = 10 for each material). The samples were thermocycled 500 times and immersed in an aqueous solution of methylene blue. After 2 days, they were cut along the long axis of the tooth and the depth of dye penetration was measured at the dentin side and the built-up composite side. For the margins of the pre-endodontic resin comp...

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Research paper thumbnail of Repair Bond Strength of a Resin Composite to Plasma-Treated or UV-Irradiated CAD/CAM Ceramic Surface


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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of solvent evaporation on ultimate tensile strength of contemporary dental adhesives

Applied Adhesion Science

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Research paper thumbnail of {"__content__"=>"Combined effects of electric toothbrushing and dentifrice on artificial stain removal: An study.", "i"=>{"__content__"=>"in vitro"}}

Journal of clinical and experimental dentistry, 2018

This study aimed to clarify the combined effect of electric toothbrushing and dentifrice on the r... more This study aimed to clarify the combined effect of electric toothbrushing and dentifrice on the removal of artificial stain. Twenty-five bovine incisors were cut at the cervix and the crown was embedded in auto-cured acrylic resin. Specimens were abraded using #240 SiC paper to obtain a flat enamel surface, and 20 specimens were treated with 10% citric acid / 3% ferric chloride solution followed by 1% tannic acid solution to produce surface staining. They were divided into four groups: 1) brushing with an electric toothbrush and whitening dentifrice (group S+B); 2) brushing with an electric toothbrush and fluoride dentifrice (group S+C); 3) brushing with an electric toothbrush and no dentifrice (group S); and 4) no brushing (control group). The remaining five specimens were used as a baseline. Color values (, , and were measured before brushing (0 min), and at 1 min, 5 min, 10 min, and 20 min using a microscopic area spectrophotometer. The color change () was calculated by subtracti...

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Research paper thumbnail of Clinical observation of the tooth surface during air-drying of self-etching primer under 3D video microscope

Applied Adhesion Science

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of professional dental prophylaxis on the surface gloss and roughness of CAD/CAM restorative materials

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry

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Research paper thumbnail of Survey of Dental Students’ Attitude Regarding Oriental Medicine/Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Comparison Between Two Japanese Dental Schools

African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative medicines

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Research paper thumbnail of Resin Bonding to Erbium Laser-Irradiated Tooth Structures

Nippon Laser Igakkaishi

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Research paper thumbnail of Resin Bonding of Self-Etch Adhesives to Bovine Dentin Bleached from Pulp Chamber

BioMed research international, 2016

This study evaluated the microtensile bond strength (μTBS) of 1-step self-etch adhesives (1-SEAs)... more This study evaluated the microtensile bond strength (μTBS) of 1-step self-etch adhesives (1-SEAs) and 2-step self-etch adhesives (2-SEAs) to pulp chamber dentin immediately after bleaching with 2 types of common bleaching techniques. Pulp chamber dentin of bovine teeth was bleached using 30% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) solution with quartz-tungsten-halogen light-curing unit (Group 1) and 3.5% H2O2-containing titanium dioxide (TiO2) (Pyrenees®) activated with 405-nm violet diode laser for 15 min (Group 2). Unbleached specimens were placed in distilled water for 15 min and used as controls. After treatment, dentin was bonded with resin composite using 1-SEA or 2-SEA and stored in water at 37°C for 24 h. Each specimen was sectioned and trimmed to an hourglass-shape and μTBS was measured. Fractured specimens were examined under a scanning electron microscope to determine fracture modes. All specimens in Group 1 failed before proper bonding tests. In Group 2, the μTBS of 2-SEA was significa...

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Research paper thumbnail of Bonding Effectiveness of Luting Composites to Different CAD/CAM Materials

The journal of adhesive dentistry, Jan 23, 2016

To evaluate the influence of different surface treatments of six novel CAD/CAM materials on the b... more To evaluate the influence of different surface treatments of six novel CAD/CAM materials on the bonding effectiveness of two luting composites. Six different CAD/CAM materials were tested: four ceramics - Vita Mark II; IPS Empress CAD and IPS e.max CAD; Celtra Duo - one hybrid ceramic, Vita Enamic, and one composite CAD/CAM block, Lava Ultimate. A total of 60 blocks (10 per material) received various mechanical surface treatments: 1. 600-grit SiC paper; 2. sandblasting with 30-μm Al2O3; 3. tribochemical silica coating (CoJet). Subsequent chemical surface treatments involved either no further treatment (control), HF acid etching (HF), silanization (S, or HF acid etching followed by silanization (HF+S). Two specimens with the same surface treatment were bonded together using two dual-curing luting composites: Clearfil Esthetic Cement (self-etching) or Panavia SA Cement (self-adhesive). After 1 week of water storage, the microtensile bond strength of the sectioned microspecimens was me...

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Research paper thumbnail of Efectos de tres técnicas de campo operatorio seco sobre la temperatura y la humedad relativa intraorales

The Journal of the American Dental Association, 2011

Introduccion. Los autores han analizado los efectos de tres tecnicas de mantenimiento del campo o... more Introduccion. Los autores han analizado los efectos de tres tecnicas de mantenimiento del campo operatorio seco (el dique de goma, el sistema i2 de Isolite [Isolite Systems, Santa Barbara, California] y el sistema Coolex [APT, Osaka, Japon]) sobre la temperatura y la humedad relativa (HR) intraorales y los han comparado con los efectos de un control sin aislamiento. Metodos. Los autores midieron la temperatura ambiente y la HR y, a continuacion, colocaron los dispositivos de mantenimiento del campo operatorio seco a cinco participantes, midiendo la temperatura y la HR intraorales durante 20 minutos. Posteriormente, retiraron los dispositivos o desconectaron los sistemas de aspirado y midieron la temperatura intraoral durante otros cinco minutos. Resultados. No se observaron diferencias significativas en la temperatura o la HR intraorales en ningun momento del intervalo de medida en el grupo control sin sistema de aislamiento (P > 0, 05); la temperatura intraoral fue mayor de 30°C y la HR intraoral fue mayor del 95%. Por otro lado, con el uso de tecnicas de mantenimiento del campo operatorio seco, se redujo significativamente tanto la temperatura como la HR intraorales cuando se coloco el dique de goma o cuando se activaron los sistemas de aspirado (P > 0, 05). La temperatura y la HR intraorales aumentaron gradualmente despues de que los autores retiraron el dique de goma o desconectaron los aspiradores. Conclusiones. Los resultados de este estudio revelan que las tres tecnicas de mantenimiento del campo operatorio seco pueden reducir tanto la temperatura como la HR eficazmente. Implicaciones clinicas. El sistema i2 de Isolite y el sistema Coolex pueden proporcionan condiciones ambientales similares a las utilizadas durante la preparacion in vitro de las muestras para investigar las propiedades mecanicas de los materiales utilizados en restauraciones dentales.

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of different acid conditioners on the tensile bond strength of 4-META/MMA-TBB resin to Er:YAG laser-irradiated bovine dentin

The Journal of Adhesive Dentistry, Feb 1, 2000

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Research paper thumbnail of 紫色半導体レーザーを用いた光重合型レジン系材料の硬化とその特性

Journal of Japanese Society for Laser Dentistry, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Correlations between Perceived Oral Malodor Levels and Self-Reported Oral Complaints

International journal of dentistry, 2015

Objectives. Even though objective data indicating the absence of oral malodor are presented to pa... more Objectives. Even though objective data indicating the absence of oral malodor are presented to patients, they may be skeptical about the results, possibly due to the presence of some discomfort in the oral cavity. The objective of this study was to investigate whether there is an association among self-perceptions of oral malodor, oral complaints, and the actual oral malodor test result. Materials and Methods. Questions concerning self-perceptions of oral malodor and subjective intraoral symptoms were extracted from a questionnaire on oral malodor completed by 363 subjects who visited the clinic for oral malodor of Tokyo Dental College Chiba Hospital and gave consent to this study. In addition, the association of self-perception of oral malodor with values obtained after organoleptic and OralChroma measurement was analyzed. Results. No correlation between 195 subjects (54%) who were judged "with oral malodor" (organoleptic score of ≥1) and 294 subjects (81.6%) who had a se...

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of different acid conditioner on tensile bond strength of 4-META/MMA-TBB resin to Er : YAG laser-irradiated bovine dentin

The journal of adhesive dentistry

This study evaluated the effect of acid conditioners on resin bonding to dentin following irradia... more This study evaluated the effect of acid conditioners on resin bonding to dentin following irradiation with an Er:YAG laser and investigated the characteristics of resin bonding to the laser-treated dentin. Extracted bovine teeth were cervically sectioned to expose a dentin surface. After polishing, the dentin was irradiated with an Er:YAG laser. Aqueous solutions of 10% citric acid (10-0) or 10% citric acid/3% ferric chloride (10-3) were then applied to the laser-treated surface as acid conditioners. After the acid treatment, a PMMA rod was bonded to the irradiated dentin using 4-META/MMA-TBB resin, and miniaturized dumbbell-shaped bonded specimens were prepared. These specimens were subjected to tensile testing, and fractured surfaces were observed with field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) to determine the mode of fracture. Additionally, the resin-dentin interfaces were observed under FE-SEM. The tensile bond strength of acid-conditioned bonded specimens was lower t...

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Research paper thumbnail of Potential smear interference with self-etch hybridization studied by TEM

Objectives: To evaluate whether hybridization of enamel/dentin by self-etch adhesives may be affe... more Objectives: To evaluate whether hybridization of enamel/dentin by self-etch adhesives may be affected by smear. Methods: Two 2-step self-etch adhesives, the recently marketed Optibond XTR (O-XTR; Kerr) and Clearfil SE Bond (C-SE; Kuraray), were bonded strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions to either (1) bur-cut (100-m grit) enamel/dentin, (2) 600-grit SiC-paper ground enamel/dentin, or (3) smear-free un-cut enamel and fractured dentin (non-carious human third molars). The 3-step etch-and-rinse adhesive Optibond FL (O-FL, Kerr) served as control. After 1-day storage in water (37C), non-demineralized/demineralized 70-90 nm sections were prepared following common TEM-specimen processing, and eventually examined by TEM (JEM-1200EX II, Jeol). Results: At enamel, a tight bond based on only superficial interaction was observed for both O-XTR and C-SE. Especially at uncut enamel, hydroxyapatite rods appeared hardly dissolved (in contrast to phosphoric-acid etched enamel i...

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Research paper thumbnail of Physico-Mechanical Properties of a Newly Developed Base Material Containing Mineral Trioxide Aggregate


The aim of this study was to evaluate the physico-mechanical properties of a new cavity base mate... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the physico-mechanical properties of a new cavity base material containing mineral trioxide aggregate, LA-T1, prototyped by Neo Dental Chemical Products for indirect restoration. Three base materials, LA-T1, Cavios (CAV, Neo Dental Chemical Products), and Bulk Base Hard (BBH, Sun Medical), were examined. The depth of cure, microshear bond strength with a resin-based luting cement, and the compressive strength of these materials were investigated. The depth of cure of LA-T1 was similar to that of CAV, while the depth of cure of BBH was above the measurement limit. The distance from the base material to the light source, 0 mm and 4 mm, did not significantly affect the depth of cure of all materials. The microshear bond strength of LA-T1 bonded to a resin-based luting cement was slightly higher than that of CAV and similar to that of BBH, both of which were bonded to the same luting cement under the same conditions. The compressive strength of LA-T...

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Research paper thumbnail of やればやるほど楽しくなるコンポジットレジン修復


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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of free-hand vs uniform irradiation on tensile bond strength in Er:YAG-lased dentin

The journal of adhesive dentistry, 2008

PURPOSE To compare effects of free-hand and mechanically applied uniform irradiation on tensile b... more PURPOSE To compare effects of free-hand and mechanically applied uniform irradiation on tensile bond strength of 4-META/MMA-TBB resin to Er:YAG laser-irradiated dentin using an X-Y moving stage. MATERIALS AND METHODS Three different laser conditions were evaluated: 1.0 W, 100 mJ/pulse, 10 pps; 1.0 W, 50 mJ/pulse, 20 pps; 1.0 W, 33 mJ/pulse, 30 pps. Samples of bovine dentin were set on a moving stage and mechanically irradiated with an Er:YAG laser at a scanning speed of 1.0 mm/s or subjected to free-hand irradiation. The lased dentin surfaces were acid conditioned with 10% citric acid/3% ferric chloride for 15 s, rinsed, and dried. The surfaces were bonded to PMMA rods with 4-META/MMA-TBB resin, and mini-dumbbell-shaped bonded specimens were prepared. Tensile bond strength was measured and compared with the results for free-hand irradiated samples obtained under the same conditions in an earlier study. SEM observations of fractured surfaces after tensile bond testing were also perfo...

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Research paper thumbnail of Micrographic and spectroscopic analyses of the application of methyl methacrylate-p-styrene sulfonic acid copolymer-based desensitizing agents to bovine dentin

Asian Pacific Journal of Dentistry

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Research paper thumbnail of Marginal Leakage of Endodontic Temporary Restorative Materials around Access Cavities Prepared with Pre-Endodontic Composite Build-Up: An In Vitro Study


This study aimed to examine the marginal seal between various commercial temporary restorative ma... more This study aimed to examine the marginal seal between various commercial temporary restorative materials and exposed dentin/built-up composite. Sixty bovine incisors were cut above the cemento-enamel junction, and half of the dentin was removed to form a step, which was built up using flowable resin composite. The root canals were irrigated, filled with calcium hydroxide, and sealed using one of six temporary sealing materials (hydraulic temporary restorative material, temporary stopping material, zinc oxide eugenol cement, glass-ionomer cement, auto-cured resin-based temporary restorative material, and light-cured resin-based temporary restorative material) (n = 10 for each material). The samples were thermocycled 500 times and immersed in an aqueous solution of methylene blue. After 2 days, they were cut along the long axis of the tooth and the depth of dye penetration was measured at the dentin side and the built-up composite side. For the margins of the pre-endodontic resin comp...

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Research paper thumbnail of Repair Bond Strength of a Resin Composite to Plasma-Treated or UV-Irradiated CAD/CAM Ceramic Surface


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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of solvent evaporation on ultimate tensile strength of contemporary dental adhesives

Applied Adhesion Science

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Research paper thumbnail of {"__content__"=>"Combined effects of electric toothbrushing and dentifrice on artificial stain removal: An study.", "i"=>{"__content__"=>"in vitro"}}

Journal of clinical and experimental dentistry, 2018

This study aimed to clarify the combined effect of electric toothbrushing and dentifrice on the r... more This study aimed to clarify the combined effect of electric toothbrushing and dentifrice on the removal of artificial stain. Twenty-five bovine incisors were cut at the cervix and the crown was embedded in auto-cured acrylic resin. Specimens were abraded using #240 SiC paper to obtain a flat enamel surface, and 20 specimens were treated with 10% citric acid / 3% ferric chloride solution followed by 1% tannic acid solution to produce surface staining. They were divided into four groups: 1) brushing with an electric toothbrush and whitening dentifrice (group S+B); 2) brushing with an electric toothbrush and fluoride dentifrice (group S+C); 3) brushing with an electric toothbrush and no dentifrice (group S); and 4) no brushing (control group). The remaining five specimens were used as a baseline. Color values (, , and were measured before brushing (0 min), and at 1 min, 5 min, 10 min, and 20 min using a microscopic area spectrophotometer. The color change () was calculated by subtracti...

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Research paper thumbnail of Clinical observation of the tooth surface during air-drying of self-etching primer under 3D video microscope

Applied Adhesion Science

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of professional dental prophylaxis on the surface gloss and roughness of CAD/CAM restorative materials

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry

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Research paper thumbnail of Survey of Dental Students’ Attitude Regarding Oriental Medicine/Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Comparison Between Two Japanese Dental Schools

African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative medicines

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Research paper thumbnail of Resin Bonding to Erbium Laser-Irradiated Tooth Structures

Nippon Laser Igakkaishi

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Research paper thumbnail of Resin Bonding of Self-Etch Adhesives to Bovine Dentin Bleached from Pulp Chamber

BioMed research international, 2016

This study evaluated the microtensile bond strength (μTBS) of 1-step self-etch adhesives (1-SEAs)... more This study evaluated the microtensile bond strength (μTBS) of 1-step self-etch adhesives (1-SEAs) and 2-step self-etch adhesives (2-SEAs) to pulp chamber dentin immediately after bleaching with 2 types of common bleaching techniques. Pulp chamber dentin of bovine teeth was bleached using 30% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) solution with quartz-tungsten-halogen light-curing unit (Group 1) and 3.5% H2O2-containing titanium dioxide (TiO2) (Pyrenees®) activated with 405-nm violet diode laser for 15 min (Group 2). Unbleached specimens were placed in distilled water for 15 min and used as controls. After treatment, dentin was bonded with resin composite using 1-SEA or 2-SEA and stored in water at 37°C for 24 h. Each specimen was sectioned and trimmed to an hourglass-shape and μTBS was measured. Fractured specimens were examined under a scanning electron microscope to determine fracture modes. All specimens in Group 1 failed before proper bonding tests. In Group 2, the μTBS of 2-SEA was significa...

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Research paper thumbnail of Bonding Effectiveness of Luting Composites to Different CAD/CAM Materials

The journal of adhesive dentistry, Jan 23, 2016

To evaluate the influence of different surface treatments of six novel CAD/CAM materials on the b... more To evaluate the influence of different surface treatments of six novel CAD/CAM materials on the bonding effectiveness of two luting composites. Six different CAD/CAM materials were tested: four ceramics - Vita Mark II; IPS Empress CAD and IPS e.max CAD; Celtra Duo - one hybrid ceramic, Vita Enamic, and one composite CAD/CAM block, Lava Ultimate. A total of 60 blocks (10 per material) received various mechanical surface treatments: 1. 600-grit SiC paper; 2. sandblasting with 30-μm Al2O3; 3. tribochemical silica coating (CoJet). Subsequent chemical surface treatments involved either no further treatment (control), HF acid etching (HF), silanization (S, or HF acid etching followed by silanization (HF+S). Two specimens with the same surface treatment were bonded together using two dual-curing luting composites: Clearfil Esthetic Cement (self-etching) or Panavia SA Cement (self-adhesive). After 1 week of water storage, the microtensile bond strength of the sectioned microspecimens was me...

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Research paper thumbnail of Efectos de tres técnicas de campo operatorio seco sobre la temperatura y la humedad relativa intraorales

The Journal of the American Dental Association, 2011

Introduccion. Los autores han analizado los efectos de tres tecnicas de mantenimiento del campo o... more Introduccion. Los autores han analizado los efectos de tres tecnicas de mantenimiento del campo operatorio seco (el dique de goma, el sistema i2 de Isolite [Isolite Systems, Santa Barbara, California] y el sistema Coolex [APT, Osaka, Japon]) sobre la temperatura y la humedad relativa (HR) intraorales y los han comparado con los efectos de un control sin aislamiento. Metodos. Los autores midieron la temperatura ambiente y la HR y, a continuacion, colocaron los dispositivos de mantenimiento del campo operatorio seco a cinco participantes, midiendo la temperatura y la HR intraorales durante 20 minutos. Posteriormente, retiraron los dispositivos o desconectaron los sistemas de aspirado y midieron la temperatura intraoral durante otros cinco minutos. Resultados. No se observaron diferencias significativas en la temperatura o la HR intraorales en ningun momento del intervalo de medida en el grupo control sin sistema de aislamiento (P > 0, 05); la temperatura intraoral fue mayor de 30°C y la HR intraoral fue mayor del 95%. Por otro lado, con el uso de tecnicas de mantenimiento del campo operatorio seco, se redujo significativamente tanto la temperatura como la HR intraorales cuando se coloco el dique de goma o cuando se activaron los sistemas de aspirado (P > 0, 05). La temperatura y la HR intraorales aumentaron gradualmente despues de que los autores retiraron el dique de goma o desconectaron los aspiradores. Conclusiones. Los resultados de este estudio revelan que las tres tecnicas de mantenimiento del campo operatorio seco pueden reducir tanto la temperatura como la HR eficazmente. Implicaciones clinicas. El sistema i2 de Isolite y el sistema Coolex pueden proporcionan condiciones ambientales similares a las utilizadas durante la preparacion in vitro de las muestras para investigar las propiedades mecanicas de los materiales utilizados en restauraciones dentales.

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of different acid conditioners on the tensile bond strength of 4-META/MMA-TBB resin to Er:YAG laser-irradiated bovine dentin

The Journal of Adhesive Dentistry, Feb 1, 2000

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Research paper thumbnail of 紫色半導体レーザーを用いた光重合型レジン系材料の硬化とその特性

Journal of Japanese Society for Laser Dentistry, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Correlations between Perceived Oral Malodor Levels and Self-Reported Oral Complaints

International journal of dentistry, 2015

Objectives. Even though objective data indicating the absence of oral malodor are presented to pa... more Objectives. Even though objective data indicating the absence of oral malodor are presented to patients, they may be skeptical about the results, possibly due to the presence of some discomfort in the oral cavity. The objective of this study was to investigate whether there is an association among self-perceptions of oral malodor, oral complaints, and the actual oral malodor test result. Materials and Methods. Questions concerning self-perceptions of oral malodor and subjective intraoral symptoms were extracted from a questionnaire on oral malodor completed by 363 subjects who visited the clinic for oral malodor of Tokyo Dental College Chiba Hospital and gave consent to this study. In addition, the association of self-perception of oral malodor with values obtained after organoleptic and OralChroma measurement was analyzed. Results. No correlation between 195 subjects (54%) who were judged "with oral malodor" (organoleptic score of ≥1) and 294 subjects (81.6%) who had a se...

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of different acid conditioner on tensile bond strength of 4-META/MMA-TBB resin to Er : YAG laser-irradiated bovine dentin

The journal of adhesive dentistry

This study evaluated the effect of acid conditioners on resin bonding to dentin following irradia... more This study evaluated the effect of acid conditioners on resin bonding to dentin following irradiation with an Er:YAG laser and investigated the characteristics of resin bonding to the laser-treated dentin. Extracted bovine teeth were cervically sectioned to expose a dentin surface. After polishing, the dentin was irradiated with an Er:YAG laser. Aqueous solutions of 10% citric acid (10-0) or 10% citric acid/3% ferric chloride (10-3) were then applied to the laser-treated surface as acid conditioners. After the acid treatment, a PMMA rod was bonded to the irradiated dentin using 4-META/MMA-TBB resin, and miniaturized dumbbell-shaped bonded specimens were prepared. These specimens were subjected to tensile testing, and fractured surfaces were observed with field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) to determine the mode of fracture. Additionally, the resin-dentin interfaces were observed under FE-SEM. The tensile bond strength of acid-conditioned bonded specimens was lower t...

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Research paper thumbnail of Potential smear interference with self-etch hybridization studied by TEM

Objectives: To evaluate whether hybridization of enamel/dentin by self-etch adhesives may be affe... more Objectives: To evaluate whether hybridization of enamel/dentin by self-etch adhesives may be affected by smear. Methods: Two 2-step self-etch adhesives, the recently marketed Optibond XTR (O-XTR; Kerr) and Clearfil SE Bond (C-SE; Kuraray), were bonded strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions to either (1) bur-cut (100-m grit) enamel/dentin, (2) 600-grit SiC-paper ground enamel/dentin, or (3) smear-free un-cut enamel and fractured dentin (non-carious human third molars). The 3-step etch-and-rinse adhesive Optibond FL (O-FL, Kerr) served as control. After 1-day storage in water (37C), non-demineralized/demineralized 70-90 nm sections were prepared following common TEM-specimen processing, and eventually examined by TEM (JEM-1200EX II, Jeol). Results: At enamel, a tight bond based on only superficial interaction was observed for both O-XTR and C-SE. Especially at uncut enamel, hydroxyapatite rods appeared hardly dissolved (in contrast to phosphoric-acid etched enamel i...

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