Ayub Rusmanto - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Ayub Rusmanto

Research paper thumbnail of Persepsi Mengucap Syukur Atas Kasih Karunia Allah Berdasarkan Teks 1 Korintus 1:4-9

Giving thanks is a positive attitude of believers who have received God's grace. This study explo... more Giving thanks is a positive attitude of believers who have received God's grace. This study explores the perception of giving thanks for God's grace based on the text of 1 Corinthians 1:4-9. In Paul's letter this helps strengthen, and evaluate the way of life of Christians in Corinth. Paul gave thanks based on the fact that he knew salvation came entirely from God. It is God who calls His people from spiritual death into His salvation. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method to explain how the text of 1 Corinthians 1:4-9 is aimed at helping to strengthen and evaluate the way of life of Corinthian Christians and Christians today. The result of the research is that Corinthian Christians have been called by God and can have confidence and know that it is God who calls for the grace that He has bestowed in Christ Jesus. Besides that, giving thanks for God's grace The congregation in Corinth is still relevant in the lives of today's believers.

Research paper thumbnail of Mengembangkan Budaya Kepemimpinan berdasarkan Titus 1:5 Menilik Gereja Masa Kini

This paper intends to find out the relevant congregational leadership in the church's journey in ... more This paper intends to find out the relevant congregational leadership in the church's journey in the world according to the presbyter while its relevance to the progress of today's church organizations. Various challenges and contemporary conversations seem to be obstacles to the dynamics of ecclesiastical ministry. The author implements the expression in Titus 1:5 as a text of validity coinciding the main invention for that exposition. The methodology used by the author in this study uses a literature study of the literature that is correlated with the subject to study and explore in developing a relevant leadership culture based on Titus 1:5 looking at the leadership of church elders today. In the context of the Bible, the position of elder as a person in charge in the midst of the congregation is not creating a hierarchy in Christian leadership, but as elders who protect, guard, and fortify the congregation from heresy. By reflecting that developing a relevant leadership culture based on Titus 1:5 is a gift from God, whatever the duties and functions, they are still accountable to God in carrying out the ministry.

Research paper thumbnail of Pemberdayaan Kaum Awam dalam Pengembangan Pelayanan Gereja untuk Mewartakan Kabar Keselamatan

DIDASKO: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen

This article presents facts about the dichotomy of ecclesiastical ministry perspective between th... more This article presents facts about the dichotomy of ecclesiastical ministry perspective between the ordained (Pastors, Bible teachers and those with theological education background) and the laity (ordinary church members). The church is present in the midst of the world as an announcer of salvation and must convey references and attributes in its mission so that it can organize and help humans to experience the existence and existence of God in an ever-changing world. The church must be responsive and capable of responding to the challenges that become obstacles in carrying out missions in this world. In significance, the dichotomy between the ordained and the laity (ordinary church members) continues to be pursued and fought for in the ministry of the church to proclaim salvation. The method used in this paper is a qualitative descriptive analysis method with a library approach, related literature, journals as the basis for a descriptive discussion to examine the empowerment of the...

Research paper thumbnail of Konkritisasi Kepercayaan Keselamatan Kaum Baptis Dalam Kisah 4:12 Sebagai Landasan Misiologi Masa Kini

Jurnal Lentera Nusantara

The principle of salvation according to the Baptists is a very basic principle or doctrine in the... more The principle of salvation according to the Baptists is a very basic principle or doctrine in the life of a believer, which must be interpreted correctly and inventively in proportion to the prescriptions of God's Word. Therefore, analyzing, investigating and reviewing and researching it comprehensively is something that is very significant. Salvation is the urgency, interest and hope of all mankind, because humans have fallen into sin both individually and communally. The research method used is a qualitative type through library research and this research stage is carried out by mobilizing and collecting several library sources, both basic and subordinate. This study aims to comprehensively investigate the beliefs of the Baptists: the concretization of the belief in salvation in Acts 4:12 as the foundation of contemporary missiology. Through this research, it is found that the understanding of salvation as the foundation of the present mission given to Baptists has a definite ...

Research paper thumbnail of Mengembangkan Budaya Kepemimpinan berdasarkan Titus 1:5 Menilik Gereja Masa Kini

EPIGNOSIS: Jurnal Pendidikan Kristiani dan Teologi

This paper intends to find out the relevant congregational leadership in the church's journey in ... more This paper intends to find out the relevant congregational leadership in the church's journey in the world according to the presbyter while its relevance to the progress of today's church organizations. Various challenges and contemporary conversations seem to be obstacles to the dynamics of ecclesiastical ministry. The author implements the expression in Titus 1:5 as a text of validity coinciding the main invention for that exposition. The methodology used by the author in this study uses a literature study of the literature that is correlated with the subject to study and explore in developing a relevant leadership culture based on Titus 1:5 looking at the leadership of church elders today. In the context of the Bible, the position of elder as a person in charge in the midst of the congregation is not creating a hierarchy in Christian leadership, but as elders who protect, guard, and fortify the congregation from heresy. By reflecting that developing a relevant leadership culture based on Titus 1:5 is a gift from God, whatever the duties and functions, they are still accountable to God in carrying out the ministry.

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Tafsir Surat-surat Paulus dan Implikasinya bagi Mahasiswa Teologi

EPIGNOSIS: Jurnal Pendidikan Kristiani dan Teologi

: As usual theology students at the beginning of the semester fill out a study plan card (KRS). ... more : As usual theology students at the beginning of the semester fill out a study plan card (KRS). To fill out the KRS, students take one of the courses in the study of the interpretation of Paul's letters, so this paper focuses on the significance of the study of the interpretation of Paul's letters and their implications for theology students. The purpose of this paper is to know the importance of the study of commentary and its implications for students in terms of knowing the principles related to several things in Bible interpretation, historical analysis, geographical analysis, context analysis, literary analysis and grammatical and grammatical analysis as well as theological analysis. To be able to find out, the researcher used descriptive qualitative methods with a literature review approach, literature, published journals related to the subject matter by analyzing qualitative data from the commentaries on Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 and 2 Thessalo...

Research paper thumbnail of Persepsi Mengucap Syukur Atas Kasih Karunia Allah Berdasarkan Teks 1 Korintus 1:4-9

Veritas Lux Mea (Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen)

Giving thanks is a positive attitude of believers who have received God's grace. This study e... more Giving thanks is a positive attitude of believers who have received God's grace. This study explores the perception of giving thanks for God's grace based on the text of 1 Corinthians 1:4-9. In Paul's letter this helps strengthen, and evaluate the way of life of Christians in Corinth. Paul gave thanks based on the fact that he knew salvation came entirely from God. It is God who calls His people from spiritual death into His salvation. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method to explain how the text of 1 Corinthians 1:4-9 is aimed at helping to strengthen and evaluate the way of life of Corinthian Christians and Christians today. The result of the research is that Corinthian Christians have been called by God and can have confidence and know that it is God who calls for the grace that He has bestowed in Christ Jesus. Besides that, giving thanks for God's grace The congregation in Corinth is still relevant in the lives of today's believer...

Research paper thumbnail of Teologi Paulus tentang Pengharapan Hidup Kekal dalam Surat Titus

Jurnal EFATA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan

Artikel ini berangkat dari mencari Kitab Titus adalah surat yang ditulis Paulus kepada Titus yang... more Artikel ini berangkat dari mencari Kitab Titus adalah surat yang ditulis Paulus kepada Titus yang dikategorikan dalam surat pastoral. Surat Titus ini pendek terdiri dari 3 pasal dan 46 ayat. aplikasipun membentangkan perilaku Kristen yang layak dan menegaskan bahwa perilaku Kristen harus didasarkan pada kebenaran Kristen. Penulis berfokus teologis tentang Paulus tentang masa kini abadi, masa yang akan datang dalam kitab Titus. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif berusaha mendeskrepsikan serial kehidupan sebelumnya, masa kini yang akan datang dengan eksegesis yaitu dengan menjelaskan atau hermeneutik teks. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk meneliti terus hidup masa kini, masa akan datang yang terkandung dalam (Tit. 1:2; 2:13; 3:7).Paulus memberikan penuntun kepada orang Kristen untuk tetap mengharapkan penggenapan dari penghargaan yang diberikan kepada Allah yang Mahabesar dan kita Yesus Kristus” (Tit. 2:13). Orang-orang tidak percaya pada dasarnya masa ki...

Research paper thumbnail of Teologi Paulus tentang Pengharapan Hidup Kekal dalam Surat Titus

This short letter of Titus consists of 3 chapters and 46 verses; however, it is short. Paul descr... more This short letter of Titus consists of 3 chapters and 46 verses; however, it is short. Paul describes proper Christian behavior and emphasizes that Christian behavior must be based on Christian truth. The author focuses on Paul's theology about the present, future eternal hope in the letter of Titus. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method to describe the hope of eternal life that was promised before, now, and in the future. The results to be achieved provide an overview and confidence in the hope that believers in Christ today have lived in the new age of life in Christ and have eternal life in the future.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengharapan di tengah Pandemi Covid-19: Perspektif Roma 5:1-5

HAGGADAH: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen

This paper is based on the dissemination of the Covid-19 pandemic, which is a virus that causes d... more This paper is based on the dissemination of the Covid-19 pandemic, which is a virus that causes depression in the respiratory system, severe lung infections, and even death. The Covid-19 pandemic has the potential to cause misery and suffering in the fields of economy, business, education, and worship for mankind. Which of course has an impact on human life experiencing anxiety, despair, and lack of hope. However, there is still hope during the Covid-19 pandemic from the perspective of Romans 5:1-5. The method used in writing this paper is a descriptive qualitative method with literature, literature, correlated journal, and a hermeneutic approach to describe the subject descriptively about hope in the midst of a pandemic examined by the perspective of Romans 5:1-5. The results of this paper are concluded even though there is hope in the Covid-19 pandemic, based on expectations examined from the perspective of Romans 5:1-5. In this case, a correct spiritual understanding is needed an...

Research paper thumbnail of Hermeneutik Feminis Terhadap Narasi Kitab Rut 1:16; Karakter, Perkataan Tindakan Dan Kesetiaan

This study aims to observe Ruth's personality as a woman with character and integrity in various ... more This study aims to observe Ruth's personality as a woman with character and integrity in various perspectives in terms of deeds, actions and loyalty as a man and a foreigner from Moab (Ruth 1:16). Faced with various struggles and life journey challenges as Naomi's daughter-in-law and foreigners, Ruth remains committed in words and actions that reflect personal integrity. The author exegetes Ruth 1:16 as a hermeneutic and inspirational validation text for the exposition. The method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative method with a correlated literature approach to explore feminist hermeneutics of the narrative of the Book of Ruth: character, words, actions and loyalty. The results of this study were concluded in the implementation of Ruth's character, words, actions and loyalty and her contribution to women in the family, ecclesiastical leadership and the role of women in society. Thus, this paper presents a theological study of women's contributions through feminist hermeneutics, while upholding the respect and authority of the Bible. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengamati kepribadian Rut sebagai seorang perempuan yang berkarakter dan berintegritas di berbagai perspektif dalam hal perkataan, tindakan dan kesetiaan sebagai menantu dan orang asing dari Moab (Rut 1:16). Berbagai pergumulan dan tantangan perjalanan hidup yang dihadapi sebagai menantu Naomi dan orang asing, Rut tetap berkomitmen dalam perkataan dan tindakan yang mencerminkan pribadi berintegritas. Penulis mengeksegese Rut 1:16 sebagai teks validasi bertepatan hermeneutik dan inspirasi bagi ekposisi itu. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan kepustakaan yang berkorelasi untuk menelusuri hermeneutik feminis terhadap narasi Kitab Rut: karakter, perkataan, tindakan dan kesetiaan. Hasil penelitian ini disimpulkan dalam implementasi karakter, perkataan, tindakan dan kesetiaan Rut dan kontribusinya terhadap kaum perempuan dalam keluarga, kepemimpinan gerejawi dan peran 84-A

Research paper thumbnail of Persepsi Mengucap Syukur Atas Kasih Karunia Allah Berdasarkan Teks 1 Korintus 1:4-9

Giving thanks is a positive attitude of believers who have received God's grace. This study explo... more Giving thanks is a positive attitude of believers who have received God's grace. This study explores the perception of giving thanks for God's grace based on the text of 1 Corinthians 1:4-9. In Paul's letter this helps strengthen, and evaluate the way of life of Christians in Corinth. Paul gave thanks based on the fact that he knew salvation came entirely from God. It is God who calls His people from spiritual death into His salvation. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method to explain how the text of 1 Corinthians 1:4-9 is aimed at helping to strengthen and evaluate the way of life of Corinthian Christians and Christians today. The result of the research is that Corinthian Christians have been called by God and can have confidence and know that it is God who calls for the grace that He has bestowed in Christ Jesus. Besides that, giving thanks for God's grace The congregation in Corinth is still relevant in the lives of today's believers.

Research paper thumbnail of Mengembangkan Budaya Kepemimpinan berdasarkan Titus 1:5 Menilik Gereja Masa Kini

This paper intends to find out the relevant congregational leadership in the church's journey in ... more This paper intends to find out the relevant congregational leadership in the church's journey in the world according to the presbyter while its relevance to the progress of today's church organizations. Various challenges and contemporary conversations seem to be obstacles to the dynamics of ecclesiastical ministry. The author implements the expression in Titus 1:5 as a text of validity coinciding the main invention for that exposition. The methodology used by the author in this study uses a literature study of the literature that is correlated with the subject to study and explore in developing a relevant leadership culture based on Titus 1:5 looking at the leadership of church elders today. In the context of the Bible, the position of elder as a person in charge in the midst of the congregation is not creating a hierarchy in Christian leadership, but as elders who protect, guard, and fortify the congregation from heresy. By reflecting that developing a relevant leadership culture based on Titus 1:5 is a gift from God, whatever the duties and functions, they are still accountable to God in carrying out the ministry.

Research paper thumbnail of Pemberdayaan Kaum Awam dalam Pengembangan Pelayanan Gereja untuk Mewartakan Kabar Keselamatan

DIDASKO: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen

This article presents facts about the dichotomy of ecclesiastical ministry perspective between th... more This article presents facts about the dichotomy of ecclesiastical ministry perspective between the ordained (Pastors, Bible teachers and those with theological education background) and the laity (ordinary church members). The church is present in the midst of the world as an announcer of salvation and must convey references and attributes in its mission so that it can organize and help humans to experience the existence and existence of God in an ever-changing world. The church must be responsive and capable of responding to the challenges that become obstacles in carrying out missions in this world. In significance, the dichotomy between the ordained and the laity (ordinary church members) continues to be pursued and fought for in the ministry of the church to proclaim salvation. The method used in this paper is a qualitative descriptive analysis method with a library approach, related literature, journals as the basis for a descriptive discussion to examine the empowerment of the...

Research paper thumbnail of Konkritisasi Kepercayaan Keselamatan Kaum Baptis Dalam Kisah 4:12 Sebagai Landasan Misiologi Masa Kini

Jurnal Lentera Nusantara

The principle of salvation according to the Baptists is a very basic principle or doctrine in the... more The principle of salvation according to the Baptists is a very basic principle or doctrine in the life of a believer, which must be interpreted correctly and inventively in proportion to the prescriptions of God's Word. Therefore, analyzing, investigating and reviewing and researching it comprehensively is something that is very significant. Salvation is the urgency, interest and hope of all mankind, because humans have fallen into sin both individually and communally. The research method used is a qualitative type through library research and this research stage is carried out by mobilizing and collecting several library sources, both basic and subordinate. This study aims to comprehensively investigate the beliefs of the Baptists: the concretization of the belief in salvation in Acts 4:12 as the foundation of contemporary missiology. Through this research, it is found that the understanding of salvation as the foundation of the present mission given to Baptists has a definite ...

Research paper thumbnail of Mengembangkan Budaya Kepemimpinan berdasarkan Titus 1:5 Menilik Gereja Masa Kini

EPIGNOSIS: Jurnal Pendidikan Kristiani dan Teologi

This paper intends to find out the relevant congregational leadership in the church's journey in ... more This paper intends to find out the relevant congregational leadership in the church's journey in the world according to the presbyter while its relevance to the progress of today's church organizations. Various challenges and contemporary conversations seem to be obstacles to the dynamics of ecclesiastical ministry. The author implements the expression in Titus 1:5 as a text of validity coinciding the main invention for that exposition. The methodology used by the author in this study uses a literature study of the literature that is correlated with the subject to study and explore in developing a relevant leadership culture based on Titus 1:5 looking at the leadership of church elders today. In the context of the Bible, the position of elder as a person in charge in the midst of the congregation is not creating a hierarchy in Christian leadership, but as elders who protect, guard, and fortify the congregation from heresy. By reflecting that developing a relevant leadership culture based on Titus 1:5 is a gift from God, whatever the duties and functions, they are still accountable to God in carrying out the ministry.

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Tafsir Surat-surat Paulus dan Implikasinya bagi Mahasiswa Teologi

EPIGNOSIS: Jurnal Pendidikan Kristiani dan Teologi

: As usual theology students at the beginning of the semester fill out a study plan card (KRS). ... more : As usual theology students at the beginning of the semester fill out a study plan card (KRS). To fill out the KRS, students take one of the courses in the study of the interpretation of Paul's letters, so this paper focuses on the significance of the study of the interpretation of Paul's letters and their implications for theology students. The purpose of this paper is to know the importance of the study of commentary and its implications for students in terms of knowing the principles related to several things in Bible interpretation, historical analysis, geographical analysis, context analysis, literary analysis and grammatical and grammatical analysis as well as theological analysis. To be able to find out, the researcher used descriptive qualitative methods with a literature review approach, literature, published journals related to the subject matter by analyzing qualitative data from the commentaries on Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 and 2 Thessalo...

Research paper thumbnail of Persepsi Mengucap Syukur Atas Kasih Karunia Allah Berdasarkan Teks 1 Korintus 1:4-9

Veritas Lux Mea (Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen)

Giving thanks is a positive attitude of believers who have received God's grace. This study e... more Giving thanks is a positive attitude of believers who have received God's grace. This study explores the perception of giving thanks for God's grace based on the text of 1 Corinthians 1:4-9. In Paul's letter this helps strengthen, and evaluate the way of life of Christians in Corinth. Paul gave thanks based on the fact that he knew salvation came entirely from God. It is God who calls His people from spiritual death into His salvation. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method to explain how the text of 1 Corinthians 1:4-9 is aimed at helping to strengthen and evaluate the way of life of Corinthian Christians and Christians today. The result of the research is that Corinthian Christians have been called by God and can have confidence and know that it is God who calls for the grace that He has bestowed in Christ Jesus. Besides that, giving thanks for God's grace The congregation in Corinth is still relevant in the lives of today's believer...

Research paper thumbnail of Teologi Paulus tentang Pengharapan Hidup Kekal dalam Surat Titus

Jurnal EFATA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan

Artikel ini berangkat dari mencari Kitab Titus adalah surat yang ditulis Paulus kepada Titus yang... more Artikel ini berangkat dari mencari Kitab Titus adalah surat yang ditulis Paulus kepada Titus yang dikategorikan dalam surat pastoral. Surat Titus ini pendek terdiri dari 3 pasal dan 46 ayat. aplikasipun membentangkan perilaku Kristen yang layak dan menegaskan bahwa perilaku Kristen harus didasarkan pada kebenaran Kristen. Penulis berfokus teologis tentang Paulus tentang masa kini abadi, masa yang akan datang dalam kitab Titus. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif berusaha mendeskrepsikan serial kehidupan sebelumnya, masa kini yang akan datang dengan eksegesis yaitu dengan menjelaskan atau hermeneutik teks. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk meneliti terus hidup masa kini, masa akan datang yang terkandung dalam (Tit. 1:2; 2:13; 3:7).Paulus memberikan penuntun kepada orang Kristen untuk tetap mengharapkan penggenapan dari penghargaan yang diberikan kepada Allah yang Mahabesar dan kita Yesus Kristus” (Tit. 2:13). Orang-orang tidak percaya pada dasarnya masa ki...

Research paper thumbnail of Teologi Paulus tentang Pengharapan Hidup Kekal dalam Surat Titus

This short letter of Titus consists of 3 chapters and 46 verses; however, it is short. Paul descr... more This short letter of Titus consists of 3 chapters and 46 verses; however, it is short. Paul describes proper Christian behavior and emphasizes that Christian behavior must be based on Christian truth. The author focuses on Paul's theology about the present, future eternal hope in the letter of Titus. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method to describe the hope of eternal life that was promised before, now, and in the future. The results to be achieved provide an overview and confidence in the hope that believers in Christ today have lived in the new age of life in Christ and have eternal life in the future.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengharapan di tengah Pandemi Covid-19: Perspektif Roma 5:1-5

HAGGADAH: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen

This paper is based on the dissemination of the Covid-19 pandemic, which is a virus that causes d... more This paper is based on the dissemination of the Covid-19 pandemic, which is a virus that causes depression in the respiratory system, severe lung infections, and even death. The Covid-19 pandemic has the potential to cause misery and suffering in the fields of economy, business, education, and worship for mankind. Which of course has an impact on human life experiencing anxiety, despair, and lack of hope. However, there is still hope during the Covid-19 pandemic from the perspective of Romans 5:1-5. The method used in writing this paper is a descriptive qualitative method with literature, literature, correlated journal, and a hermeneutic approach to describe the subject descriptively about hope in the midst of a pandemic examined by the perspective of Romans 5:1-5. The results of this paper are concluded even though there is hope in the Covid-19 pandemic, based on expectations examined from the perspective of Romans 5:1-5. In this case, a correct spiritual understanding is needed an...

Research paper thumbnail of Hermeneutik Feminis Terhadap Narasi Kitab Rut 1:16; Karakter, Perkataan Tindakan Dan Kesetiaan

This study aims to observe Ruth's personality as a woman with character and integrity in various ... more This study aims to observe Ruth's personality as a woman with character and integrity in various perspectives in terms of deeds, actions and loyalty as a man and a foreigner from Moab (Ruth 1:16). Faced with various struggles and life journey challenges as Naomi's daughter-in-law and foreigners, Ruth remains committed in words and actions that reflect personal integrity. The author exegetes Ruth 1:16 as a hermeneutic and inspirational validation text for the exposition. The method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative method with a correlated literature approach to explore feminist hermeneutics of the narrative of the Book of Ruth: character, words, actions and loyalty. The results of this study were concluded in the implementation of Ruth's character, words, actions and loyalty and her contribution to women in the family, ecclesiastical leadership and the role of women in society. Thus, this paper presents a theological study of women's contributions through feminist hermeneutics, while upholding the respect and authority of the Bible. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengamati kepribadian Rut sebagai seorang perempuan yang berkarakter dan berintegritas di berbagai perspektif dalam hal perkataan, tindakan dan kesetiaan sebagai menantu dan orang asing dari Moab (Rut 1:16). Berbagai pergumulan dan tantangan perjalanan hidup yang dihadapi sebagai menantu Naomi dan orang asing, Rut tetap berkomitmen dalam perkataan dan tindakan yang mencerminkan pribadi berintegritas. Penulis mengeksegese Rut 1:16 sebagai teks validasi bertepatan hermeneutik dan inspirasi bagi ekposisi itu. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan kepustakaan yang berkorelasi untuk menelusuri hermeneutik feminis terhadap narasi Kitab Rut: karakter, perkataan, tindakan dan kesetiaan. Hasil penelitian ini disimpulkan dalam implementasi karakter, perkataan, tindakan dan kesetiaan Rut dan kontribusinya terhadap kaum perempuan dalam keluarga, kepemimpinan gerejawi dan peran 84-A