Azimah Hanifah - (original) (raw)
Papers by Azimah Hanifah
IMC 2016 Proceedings, Apr 29, 2017
t table or 14.024> 2.048) (2) impact of service quality to the brand image (t> t table or 8.791> ... more t table or 14.024> 2.048) (2) impact of service quality to the brand image (t> t table or 8.791> 2.048) (3) the effect of word of mouth on customer value (t> t table or 9.640> 2.048) (4) impact of service quality to the image of customer value (t> t table or 27.333> 2.048) (5) impact of service quality on customer value ((t > t table or 9.475> 2.048).
Journal Of Accounting And Finance Management, Jan 5, 2021
This study aims to analyze the effect of solvency, company growth and profitability as well as di... more This study aims to analyze the effect of solvency, company growth and profitability as well as dividend policy on firm value at LQ 45 companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI). This research is an associative quantitative study and uses secondary data. Population and sample. The population in this study are manufacturing companies in LQ 45 companies which are also listed on the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) which are still listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2012-2016. There are 8 companies. Determination of the sample using nonprobability sampling technique, namely purposive sampling obtained by 5 companies registered in the period 2012-2016. The criteria are a) manufacturing companies that have been and are still listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2012-2016, b.) Manufacturing companies that publish financial reports for the period 2012-2016, c. Companies that have positive profits during the 2012-2016 period, d. Companies that have complete financial data calculate the variables in this study during the 2012-2016 period. The analysis method used is path analysis with pruning models. The results of this study concluded that solvency has a direct effect on dividend policy, profitability has a direct effect on dividend policy, company growth does not have a direct effect on dividend policy. Solvency does not have a direct effect on Firm Value, Profitability has a direct effect on Firm Value, Company growth has no direct effect on Firm Value, Dividend Policy has a direct effect on Firm Value, Solvency has a direct effect on Firm Value through Dividend Policy and Profitability has a direct effect on Firm Value through Policy dividends and company growth do not have a direct effect on firm value through dividend policy in LQ 45 companies.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Masyarakat LPPM UMJ, Apr 30, 2019
Sampah telah menjadi masalah yang penting bagi masyarakat di perkotaan. Berbagai alternatif pengo... more Sampah telah menjadi masalah yang penting bagi masyarakat di perkotaan. Berbagai alternatif pengolahan sampah telah banyak ditawarkan, mulai dari proses pembakaran, composting, hingga daur ulang. Upaya-upaya pengelolaan sampah ini telah dilakukan oleh Komunitas Bank Sampah di Kelurahan Pancoran Mas Kota Depok. Beberapa ibu rumah tangga di wilayah ini telah berhasil memproduksi sampah menjadi produk daur ulang. Permasalahan yang ditemukan pada Komunitas Bank Sampah ini dalam membuat produk daur ulang adalah mereka membuat produk daur ulang sesuai keinginan mereka saja tanpa mendesain terlebih dahulu dan memikirkan siapa target pasar mereka. Metode pelatihan desain produk daur ulang ini dilakukan dengan presentasi dan diskusi. Tim pengabdian kepada masyarakat mempresentasikan materi tentang desain produk daur ulang. Peserta pelatihan dapat berdiskusi dengan tim pengabdian kepada masyarakat tentang produk daur ulang yang telah dibuat maupun ide produk yang akan dibuat. Peserta pelatihan dapat menceritakan keluhan dan masalah yang dihadapi selama memproduksi produk ulang sampai tahap menjual produk yang dibuatnya kepada penjual. Tim menjawab setiap pertanyaan dari peserta pelatihan dan memberikan solusi yang dihadapi selama ini dengan memberikan masukan yang membangun. Kesimpulan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah pelaksanaan pelatihan desain produk daur ulang pada komunitas bank sampah di Kelurahan Pancoran Mas Kota Depok berjalan dengan lancar. Keberhasilan pelaksanaan pelatihan ini didukung oleh kompetensi dan pengalaman yang cukup oleh pemateri dan tempat pelatihan dan suasana pelatihan yang kondusif.
Jurnal Muhammadiyah Manajemen Bisnis, Feb 23, 2020
Keberadaan Koperasi Simpan Pinjam (KSP) saat ini dirasakan sangat membantu masyarakat terutama ya... more Keberadaan Koperasi Simpan Pinjam (KSP) saat ini dirasakan sangat membantu masyarakat terutama yang menjadi anggotanya. Koperasi berhubungan erat dengan UMKM, di mana koperasi mempunyai peran yang sangat penting dalam mengembangkan perekonomian masyarakat. Dengan adanya koperasi simpan pinjam masyarakat yang membutuhkan pinjaman uang untuk modal dapat terbantu, karena persyaratan dan prosedurnya yang tidak sulit dan berbelit-belit dengan bunga yang relatif ringan. Adapun tujuan umum dari penelitian ini adalah "Pengembangan Pengelolaan Koperasi Simpan Pinjam (KSP) di Wilayah Jakarta Selatan". Sehingga KSP dapat lebih mengembangkan usaha koperasi menjadi lebih berkembang. Dengan adanya Koperasi Simpan Pinjam (KSP), dapat membuka jalan untuk peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat pada umumnya dan anggota pada khususnya. Sehingga koperasi simpan pinjam harus berorientasi pada pelayanan kepada anggota dan masyarakat sekitarnya. Pengembangan pengelolaan koperasi simpan pinjam dapat dilakukan dengan beberapa cara yaitu Peningkatan kualitas pelayanan (service excellent) sebagai sumber kepercayaan dan permodalan koperasi.
Journal of Accounting and Finance Management
This study aims to analyze the effect of solvency, company growth and profitability as well as di... more This study aims to analyze the effect of solvency, company growth and profitability as well as dividend policy on firm value at LQ 45 companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI). This research is an associative quantitative study and uses secondary data. Population and sample. The population in this study are manufacturing companies in LQ 45 companies which are also listed on the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) which are still listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2012-2016. There are 8 companies. Determination of the sample using nonprobability sampling technique, namely purposive sampling obtained by 5 companies registered in the period 2012-2016. The criteria are a) manufacturing companies that have been and are still listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2012-2016, b.) Manufacturing companies that publish financial reports for the period 2012-2016, c. Companies that have positive profits during the 2012-2016 period, d. Companies that...
Jurnal Madani: Ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi, dan Humaniora
Stock price crash risk is defined as the risk of an extreme decline in stock prices. Stock price ... more Stock price crash risk is defined as the risk of an extreme decline in stock prices. Stock price crash risk destroys the value of investors' portfolios and significantly affects their wealth. A number of literatures find that corporate governance systems can reduce stock price collapse risk. Departing from previous literature, there has been no study of the influence of internal corporate governance on stock price crash risk in the banking sector, especially in developing countries like Indonesia where the banking sector is a very crucial sector in driving Indonesia's economic growth. This study uses panel data on conventional banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2013 to 2020. This study employs panel regression analysis with a fixed effect estimator. The results show that the proportion of independent commissioners has a negative and significant effect on stock price crash risk of conventional banks in Indonesia. Gender diversity has a positive but not signific...
Jurnal Muhammadiyah Manajemen Bisnis, 2020
Keberadaan Koperasi Simpan Pinjam (KSP) saat ini dirasakan sangat membantu masyarakat terutama ya... more Keberadaan Koperasi Simpan Pinjam (KSP) saat ini dirasakan sangat membantu masyarakat terutama yang menjadi anggotanya. Koperasi berhubungan erat dengan UMKM, di mana koperasi mempunyai peran yang sangat penting dalam mengembangkan perekonomian masyarakat. Dengan adanya koperasi simpan pinjam masyarakat yang membutuhkan pinjaman uang untuk modal dapat terbantu, karena persyaratan dan prosedurnya yang tidak sulit dan berbelit-belit dengan bunga yang relatif ringan. Adapun tujuan umum dari penelitian ini adalah “Pengembangan Pengelolaan Koperasi Simpan Pinjam (KSP) di Wilayah Jakarta Selatan”. Sehingga KSP dapat lebih mengembangkan usaha koperasi menjadi lebih berkembang. Dengan adanya Koperasi Simpan Pinjam (KSP), dapat membuka jalan untuk peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat pada umumnya dan anggota pada khususnya. Sehingga koperasi simpan pinjam harus berorientasi pada pelayanan kepada anggota dan masyarakat sekitarnya. Pengembangan pengelolaan koperasi simpan pinjam dapat dilakuk...
PENANOMICS: International Journal of Economics
This study is aimed at analyzing the influence of Intellectual Capital and Company Value on Minin... more This study is aimed at analyzing the influence of Intellectual Capital and Company Value on Mining Companies (Metal and Mineral Sub-Sector) listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) peride 2015-2020. The sample of this study used four companies obtained using the purposive sampling method, namely PT. Antam, PT Cita, PT. DKFT and PT Tins. The variables used, for the Dependent variable, namely Company Value (TobinsQ) and Independent variables (Intellectual Capital) which consist of Value Added Capital Employeed (VACA), Value Added Human Capital (VAHU), Stuctural Capital Value Added (SCVA) and Value Added Intelectual Coeficient (VAIC). The results of the VACA study have a positive and sig effect, VAHU has a negative and significant effect, STVA has a negative and significant effect and CVIA has a positive and significant effect. The value of R square of 0.384 means that 38.4 %. The value of the company is determined by the variable intellectual capitaland the remaining 61.6% is dete...
Procedia of Social Sciences and Humanities
This study discusses the company's activities on the Indonesia Stock Exchange that conduct a... more This study discusses the company's activities on the Indonesia Stock Exchange that conduct a Stock Split. The purpose of this study was to analyze whether there were differences in financial performance before and after the company did a stock split. 12 companies carried out a stock split in 2018 that met the research criteria to be used as research samples. This study uses a comparative test or a test that compares the company's financial performance before and after the company conducts a stock split. The year the researcher chose was 2018. Using data from 2016 and 2017 for the year before the company did the stock split and 2019 and 2020 after the company did the stock split. Researchers used financial ratios, namely Current Ratio (DER), Return On Assets (ROA) and Debt to Equity Ratio (DER). The results showed that there were no differences in the company's financial performance before and after the company did a stock split.
Procedia of Social Sciences and Humanities
Kedai Moji Grill was initiated by three young people who have creative minds in finding current b... more Kedai Moji Grill was initiated by three young people who have creative minds in finding current business opportunities. This business is motivated by their desire to increase their income (the Covid 19 condition) has decreased, this happens because most of them work the WFH way. Starting with chatting with the three of them and finally they have an idea, how they can open a culinary (food) business that has contemporary values with the aim of attracting young consumers, the business was founded with limited capital with shared capital. Finally, the three of them created their business by renting a place (parking a shophouse) in the Kampung utan Ciputat area, South Tangerang. They open their business from 17.30 - 10.00 WIB by using a tent. The problems that exist are; does not yet have the right way to distribute profits or losses to investors; Still using tents in running their business; There is still 1 variant of food offered to consumers. The solutions offered to moji grill shop ...
Business and Entrepreneurial Review
This research can be classified as explanatory research, which explains the causal relationship a... more This research can be classified as explanatory research, which explains the causal relationship and the interrelationship of research variables that include wage earners and human resource audits of employee performance through employee work motivation. The population used in this study was 189 employees with a sample of 128 respondents. The data collection method in this study is through questionnaires through data contained in research objects both in primary. The analysis tool used in this study is path analysis, used to know the direct and indirect influence of free variables with variables bound through intervening variables. The free variables in this study are wages and human resource audits, variables tied to this study are employee performance, and the intervening variable is motivation. The results showed wages had a significant influence on the motivation. Human resources audit have significant effect on the motivation. In this study, there are analysis results that show ...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Masyarakat LPPM UMJ, Nov 16, 2021
Objective: (1) To determine and assess the effect of word of mouth to the brand image (2) To know... more Objective: (1) To determine and assess the effect of word of mouth to the brand image (2) To know To know and assess the impact of service quality to the brand image (3) To determine and assess the effect of word of mouth on the value of the customer (4) To identify and assess the impact of service quality to the image of customer value (5) To determine and assess the impact of service quality on customer value.Results: (1) There is the influence of word of mouth to the brand image (t> t table or 14.024> 2.048) (2) impact of service quality to the brand image (t> t table or 8.791> 2.048) (3) the effect of word of mouth on customer value (t> t table or 9.640> 2.048) (4) impact of service quality to the image of customer value (t> t table or 27.333> 2.048) (5) impact of service quality on customer value ((t > t table or 9.475> 2.048). Keywords: word of mouth communication, service quality, brand image, customer value PRELIMINARY long with the times, to me...
Sampah telah menjadi masalah yang penting bagi masyarakat di perkotaan. Berbagai alternatif pengo... more Sampah telah menjadi masalah yang penting bagi masyarakat di perkotaan. Berbagai alternatif pengolahan sampah telah banyak ditawarkan, mulai dari proses pembakaran, composting, hingga daur ulang. Upaya-upaya pengelolaan sampah ini telah dilakukan oleh Komunitas Bank Sampah di Kelurahan Pancoran Mas Kota Depok. Beberapa ibu rumah tangga di wilayah ini telah berhasil memproduksi sampah menjadi produk daur ulang. Permasalahan yang ditemukan pada Komunitas Bank Sampah ini dalam membuat produk daur ulang adalah mereka membuat produk daur ulang sesuai keinginan mereka saja tanpa mendesain terlebih dahulu dan memikirkan siapa target pasar mereka. Metode pelatihan desain produk daur ulang ini dilakukan dengan presentasi dan diskusi. Tim pengabdian kepada masyarakat mempresentasikan materi tentang desain produk daur ulang. Peserta pelatihan dapat berdiskusi dengan tim pengabdian kepada masyarakat tentang produk daur ulang yang telah dibuat maupun ide produk yang akan dibuat. Peserta pelatiha...
Sosiohumaniora, 2021
5 in recent years, employees of company earnings in foodhall in Jakarta fluctuations have relativ... more 5 in recent years, employees of company earnings in foodhall in Jakarta fluctuations have relatively high. This condition is caused by problems about the intention of earnings, The organization, and the company. The purpose of study is to examine the effect of employee organizations and culture in earnings intention, both directly and indirectly through the organization to an enterprise in foodhall in Jakarta. This method uses a method descriptive and explanations at least 200 samples from the survey respondents from 25 outlets in Jakarta that foodhall. Structural Equation Model data verified by lisrel 8.80 modeling methods of using. The results show that cultures of organization a lively and have high impact significant directly to organizations commitment but has a negative and significant effect directly in circulation intention, commitment organization negative and had an impact a significant impact on earnings intention, the culture of organization negative and had an impact a ...
Objective: (1) To determine and assess the effect of word of mouth to the brand image (2) To know... more Objective: (1) To determine and assess the effect of word of mouth to the brand image (2) To know To know andassess the impact of service quality to the brand image (3) To determine and assess the effect of word of mouthon the value of the customer (4) To identify and assess the impact of service quality to the image of customervalue(5) To determine and assess the impact of service quality on customer value.Results: (1) There is theinfluence of word of mouth to the brand image (t> t table or 14.024> 2.048) (2) impact of service quality to thebrand image (t> t table or 8.791> 2.048)(3) the effect of word of mouth on customer value (t> t table or 9.640>2.048) (4) impact of service quality to the image of customer value (t> t table or 27.333> 2.048) (5) impact ofservice quality on customer value ((t > t table or 9.475> 2.048). Keywords : word of mouth communication, service quality, brand image, customer value
KnE Social Sciences, 2019
Objective - This study aims to analyze the effect of Earning Per Share (EPS), Price EarningRatio(... more Objective - This study aims to analyze the effect of Earning Per Share (EPS), Price EarningRatio(PER)andPriceBookValue(PBV)onStockPricesinTelecommunications Sector Companies Included in the Indonesian Syariah Stock Index (ISSI) for the period 2013 - 2017. Thisresearchmethodusessecondarydata,namelydatasourcesdonotdirectlyprovide data to the author, for example through other people or documents. The sampling techniqueispurposivesampling.Ofthepopulationof6Telecommunicationscompanies listed on the Indonesian Syariah Stock Index, 4 companies that met the sample criteria were telecommunication sector companies that were registered in the calculation of theIndonesianSyariahStockIndex(ISSI)in2013-2017,telecommunicationscompanies that experienced 2 years of delisting -according to the calculation of the 2013-2017 Indonesian Sharia Stock Index (ISSI), and telecommunications companies that submit their financial statements regularly in 2013-2017. The analytical method used is the classical assu...
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Accounting, Management and Economics 2018 (ICAME 2018), 2019
IMC 2016 Proceedings, Apr 29, 2017
t table or 14.024> 2.048) (2) impact of service quality to the brand image (t> t table or 8.791> ... more t table or 14.024> 2.048) (2) impact of service quality to the brand image (t> t table or 8.791> 2.048) (3) the effect of word of mouth on customer value (t> t table or 9.640> 2.048) (4) impact of service quality to the image of customer value (t> t table or 27.333> 2.048) (5) impact of service quality on customer value ((t > t table or 9.475> 2.048).
Journal Of Accounting And Finance Management, Jan 5, 2021
This study aims to analyze the effect of solvency, company growth and profitability as well as di... more This study aims to analyze the effect of solvency, company growth and profitability as well as dividend policy on firm value at LQ 45 companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI). This research is an associative quantitative study and uses secondary data. Population and sample. The population in this study are manufacturing companies in LQ 45 companies which are also listed on the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) which are still listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2012-2016. There are 8 companies. Determination of the sample using nonprobability sampling technique, namely purposive sampling obtained by 5 companies registered in the period 2012-2016. The criteria are a) manufacturing companies that have been and are still listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2012-2016, b.) Manufacturing companies that publish financial reports for the period 2012-2016, c. Companies that have positive profits during the 2012-2016 period, d. Companies that have complete financial data calculate the variables in this study during the 2012-2016 period. The analysis method used is path analysis with pruning models. The results of this study concluded that solvency has a direct effect on dividend policy, profitability has a direct effect on dividend policy, company growth does not have a direct effect on dividend policy. Solvency does not have a direct effect on Firm Value, Profitability has a direct effect on Firm Value, Company growth has no direct effect on Firm Value, Dividend Policy has a direct effect on Firm Value, Solvency has a direct effect on Firm Value through Dividend Policy and Profitability has a direct effect on Firm Value through Policy dividends and company growth do not have a direct effect on firm value through dividend policy in LQ 45 companies.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Masyarakat LPPM UMJ, Apr 30, 2019
Sampah telah menjadi masalah yang penting bagi masyarakat di perkotaan. Berbagai alternatif pengo... more Sampah telah menjadi masalah yang penting bagi masyarakat di perkotaan. Berbagai alternatif pengolahan sampah telah banyak ditawarkan, mulai dari proses pembakaran, composting, hingga daur ulang. Upaya-upaya pengelolaan sampah ini telah dilakukan oleh Komunitas Bank Sampah di Kelurahan Pancoran Mas Kota Depok. Beberapa ibu rumah tangga di wilayah ini telah berhasil memproduksi sampah menjadi produk daur ulang. Permasalahan yang ditemukan pada Komunitas Bank Sampah ini dalam membuat produk daur ulang adalah mereka membuat produk daur ulang sesuai keinginan mereka saja tanpa mendesain terlebih dahulu dan memikirkan siapa target pasar mereka. Metode pelatihan desain produk daur ulang ini dilakukan dengan presentasi dan diskusi. Tim pengabdian kepada masyarakat mempresentasikan materi tentang desain produk daur ulang. Peserta pelatihan dapat berdiskusi dengan tim pengabdian kepada masyarakat tentang produk daur ulang yang telah dibuat maupun ide produk yang akan dibuat. Peserta pelatihan dapat menceritakan keluhan dan masalah yang dihadapi selama memproduksi produk ulang sampai tahap menjual produk yang dibuatnya kepada penjual. Tim menjawab setiap pertanyaan dari peserta pelatihan dan memberikan solusi yang dihadapi selama ini dengan memberikan masukan yang membangun. Kesimpulan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah pelaksanaan pelatihan desain produk daur ulang pada komunitas bank sampah di Kelurahan Pancoran Mas Kota Depok berjalan dengan lancar. Keberhasilan pelaksanaan pelatihan ini didukung oleh kompetensi dan pengalaman yang cukup oleh pemateri dan tempat pelatihan dan suasana pelatihan yang kondusif.
Jurnal Muhammadiyah Manajemen Bisnis, Feb 23, 2020
Keberadaan Koperasi Simpan Pinjam (KSP) saat ini dirasakan sangat membantu masyarakat terutama ya... more Keberadaan Koperasi Simpan Pinjam (KSP) saat ini dirasakan sangat membantu masyarakat terutama yang menjadi anggotanya. Koperasi berhubungan erat dengan UMKM, di mana koperasi mempunyai peran yang sangat penting dalam mengembangkan perekonomian masyarakat. Dengan adanya koperasi simpan pinjam masyarakat yang membutuhkan pinjaman uang untuk modal dapat terbantu, karena persyaratan dan prosedurnya yang tidak sulit dan berbelit-belit dengan bunga yang relatif ringan. Adapun tujuan umum dari penelitian ini adalah "Pengembangan Pengelolaan Koperasi Simpan Pinjam (KSP) di Wilayah Jakarta Selatan". Sehingga KSP dapat lebih mengembangkan usaha koperasi menjadi lebih berkembang. Dengan adanya Koperasi Simpan Pinjam (KSP), dapat membuka jalan untuk peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat pada umumnya dan anggota pada khususnya. Sehingga koperasi simpan pinjam harus berorientasi pada pelayanan kepada anggota dan masyarakat sekitarnya. Pengembangan pengelolaan koperasi simpan pinjam dapat dilakukan dengan beberapa cara yaitu Peningkatan kualitas pelayanan (service excellent) sebagai sumber kepercayaan dan permodalan koperasi.
Journal of Accounting and Finance Management
This study aims to analyze the effect of solvency, company growth and profitability as well as di... more This study aims to analyze the effect of solvency, company growth and profitability as well as dividend policy on firm value at LQ 45 companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI). This research is an associative quantitative study and uses secondary data. Population and sample. The population in this study are manufacturing companies in LQ 45 companies which are also listed on the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) which are still listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2012-2016. There are 8 companies. Determination of the sample using nonprobability sampling technique, namely purposive sampling obtained by 5 companies registered in the period 2012-2016. The criteria are a) manufacturing companies that have been and are still listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2012-2016, b.) Manufacturing companies that publish financial reports for the period 2012-2016, c. Companies that have positive profits during the 2012-2016 period, d. Companies that...
Jurnal Madani: Ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi, dan Humaniora
Stock price crash risk is defined as the risk of an extreme decline in stock prices. Stock price ... more Stock price crash risk is defined as the risk of an extreme decline in stock prices. Stock price crash risk destroys the value of investors' portfolios and significantly affects their wealth. A number of literatures find that corporate governance systems can reduce stock price collapse risk. Departing from previous literature, there has been no study of the influence of internal corporate governance on stock price crash risk in the banking sector, especially in developing countries like Indonesia where the banking sector is a very crucial sector in driving Indonesia's economic growth. This study uses panel data on conventional banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2013 to 2020. This study employs panel regression analysis with a fixed effect estimator. The results show that the proportion of independent commissioners has a negative and significant effect on stock price crash risk of conventional banks in Indonesia. Gender diversity has a positive but not signific...
Jurnal Muhammadiyah Manajemen Bisnis, 2020
Keberadaan Koperasi Simpan Pinjam (KSP) saat ini dirasakan sangat membantu masyarakat terutama ya... more Keberadaan Koperasi Simpan Pinjam (KSP) saat ini dirasakan sangat membantu masyarakat terutama yang menjadi anggotanya. Koperasi berhubungan erat dengan UMKM, di mana koperasi mempunyai peran yang sangat penting dalam mengembangkan perekonomian masyarakat. Dengan adanya koperasi simpan pinjam masyarakat yang membutuhkan pinjaman uang untuk modal dapat terbantu, karena persyaratan dan prosedurnya yang tidak sulit dan berbelit-belit dengan bunga yang relatif ringan. Adapun tujuan umum dari penelitian ini adalah “Pengembangan Pengelolaan Koperasi Simpan Pinjam (KSP) di Wilayah Jakarta Selatan”. Sehingga KSP dapat lebih mengembangkan usaha koperasi menjadi lebih berkembang. Dengan adanya Koperasi Simpan Pinjam (KSP), dapat membuka jalan untuk peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat pada umumnya dan anggota pada khususnya. Sehingga koperasi simpan pinjam harus berorientasi pada pelayanan kepada anggota dan masyarakat sekitarnya. Pengembangan pengelolaan koperasi simpan pinjam dapat dilakuk...
PENANOMICS: International Journal of Economics
This study is aimed at analyzing the influence of Intellectual Capital and Company Value on Minin... more This study is aimed at analyzing the influence of Intellectual Capital and Company Value on Mining Companies (Metal and Mineral Sub-Sector) listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) peride 2015-2020. The sample of this study used four companies obtained using the purposive sampling method, namely PT. Antam, PT Cita, PT. DKFT and PT Tins. The variables used, for the Dependent variable, namely Company Value (TobinsQ) and Independent variables (Intellectual Capital) which consist of Value Added Capital Employeed (VACA), Value Added Human Capital (VAHU), Stuctural Capital Value Added (SCVA) and Value Added Intelectual Coeficient (VAIC). The results of the VACA study have a positive and sig effect, VAHU has a negative and significant effect, STVA has a negative and significant effect and CVIA has a positive and significant effect. The value of R square of 0.384 means that 38.4 %. The value of the company is determined by the variable intellectual capitaland the remaining 61.6% is dete...
Procedia of Social Sciences and Humanities
This study discusses the company's activities on the Indonesia Stock Exchange that conduct a... more This study discusses the company's activities on the Indonesia Stock Exchange that conduct a Stock Split. The purpose of this study was to analyze whether there were differences in financial performance before and after the company did a stock split. 12 companies carried out a stock split in 2018 that met the research criteria to be used as research samples. This study uses a comparative test or a test that compares the company's financial performance before and after the company conducts a stock split. The year the researcher chose was 2018. Using data from 2016 and 2017 for the year before the company did the stock split and 2019 and 2020 after the company did the stock split. Researchers used financial ratios, namely Current Ratio (DER), Return On Assets (ROA) and Debt to Equity Ratio (DER). The results showed that there were no differences in the company's financial performance before and after the company did a stock split.
Procedia of Social Sciences and Humanities
Kedai Moji Grill was initiated by three young people who have creative minds in finding current b... more Kedai Moji Grill was initiated by three young people who have creative minds in finding current business opportunities. This business is motivated by their desire to increase their income (the Covid 19 condition) has decreased, this happens because most of them work the WFH way. Starting with chatting with the three of them and finally they have an idea, how they can open a culinary (food) business that has contemporary values with the aim of attracting young consumers, the business was founded with limited capital with shared capital. Finally, the three of them created their business by renting a place (parking a shophouse) in the Kampung utan Ciputat area, South Tangerang. They open their business from 17.30 - 10.00 WIB by using a tent. The problems that exist are; does not yet have the right way to distribute profits or losses to investors; Still using tents in running their business; There is still 1 variant of food offered to consumers. The solutions offered to moji grill shop ...
Business and Entrepreneurial Review
This research can be classified as explanatory research, which explains the causal relationship a... more This research can be classified as explanatory research, which explains the causal relationship and the interrelationship of research variables that include wage earners and human resource audits of employee performance through employee work motivation. The population used in this study was 189 employees with a sample of 128 respondents. The data collection method in this study is through questionnaires through data contained in research objects both in primary. The analysis tool used in this study is path analysis, used to know the direct and indirect influence of free variables with variables bound through intervening variables. The free variables in this study are wages and human resource audits, variables tied to this study are employee performance, and the intervening variable is motivation. The results showed wages had a significant influence on the motivation. Human resources audit have significant effect on the motivation. In this study, there are analysis results that show ...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Masyarakat LPPM UMJ, Nov 16, 2021
Objective: (1) To determine and assess the effect of word of mouth to the brand image (2) To know... more Objective: (1) To determine and assess the effect of word of mouth to the brand image (2) To know To know and assess the impact of service quality to the brand image (3) To determine and assess the effect of word of mouth on the value of the customer (4) To identify and assess the impact of service quality to the image of customer value (5) To determine and assess the impact of service quality on customer value.Results: (1) There is the influence of word of mouth to the brand image (t> t table or 14.024> 2.048) (2) impact of service quality to the brand image (t> t table or 8.791> 2.048) (3) the effect of word of mouth on customer value (t> t table or 9.640> 2.048) (4) impact of service quality to the image of customer value (t> t table or 27.333> 2.048) (5) impact of service quality on customer value ((t > t table or 9.475> 2.048). Keywords: word of mouth communication, service quality, brand image, customer value PRELIMINARY long with the times, to me...
Sampah telah menjadi masalah yang penting bagi masyarakat di perkotaan. Berbagai alternatif pengo... more Sampah telah menjadi masalah yang penting bagi masyarakat di perkotaan. Berbagai alternatif pengolahan sampah telah banyak ditawarkan, mulai dari proses pembakaran, composting, hingga daur ulang. Upaya-upaya pengelolaan sampah ini telah dilakukan oleh Komunitas Bank Sampah di Kelurahan Pancoran Mas Kota Depok. Beberapa ibu rumah tangga di wilayah ini telah berhasil memproduksi sampah menjadi produk daur ulang. Permasalahan yang ditemukan pada Komunitas Bank Sampah ini dalam membuat produk daur ulang adalah mereka membuat produk daur ulang sesuai keinginan mereka saja tanpa mendesain terlebih dahulu dan memikirkan siapa target pasar mereka. Metode pelatihan desain produk daur ulang ini dilakukan dengan presentasi dan diskusi. Tim pengabdian kepada masyarakat mempresentasikan materi tentang desain produk daur ulang. Peserta pelatihan dapat berdiskusi dengan tim pengabdian kepada masyarakat tentang produk daur ulang yang telah dibuat maupun ide produk yang akan dibuat. Peserta pelatiha...
Sosiohumaniora, 2021
5 in recent years, employees of company earnings in foodhall in Jakarta fluctuations have relativ... more 5 in recent years, employees of company earnings in foodhall in Jakarta fluctuations have relatively high. This condition is caused by problems about the intention of earnings, The organization, and the company. The purpose of study is to examine the effect of employee organizations and culture in earnings intention, both directly and indirectly through the organization to an enterprise in foodhall in Jakarta. This method uses a method descriptive and explanations at least 200 samples from the survey respondents from 25 outlets in Jakarta that foodhall. Structural Equation Model data verified by lisrel 8.80 modeling methods of using. The results show that cultures of organization a lively and have high impact significant directly to organizations commitment but has a negative and significant effect directly in circulation intention, commitment organization negative and had an impact a significant impact on earnings intention, the culture of organization negative and had an impact a ...
Objective: (1) To determine and assess the effect of word of mouth to the brand image (2) To know... more Objective: (1) To determine and assess the effect of word of mouth to the brand image (2) To know To know andassess the impact of service quality to the brand image (3) To determine and assess the effect of word of mouthon the value of the customer (4) To identify and assess the impact of service quality to the image of customervalue(5) To determine and assess the impact of service quality on customer value.Results: (1) There is theinfluence of word of mouth to the brand image (t> t table or 14.024> 2.048) (2) impact of service quality to thebrand image (t> t table or 8.791> 2.048)(3) the effect of word of mouth on customer value (t> t table or 9.640>2.048) (4) impact of service quality to the image of customer value (t> t table or 27.333> 2.048) (5) impact ofservice quality on customer value ((t > t table or 9.475> 2.048). Keywords : word of mouth communication, service quality, brand image, customer value
KnE Social Sciences, 2019
Objective - This study aims to analyze the effect of Earning Per Share (EPS), Price EarningRatio(... more Objective - This study aims to analyze the effect of Earning Per Share (EPS), Price EarningRatio(PER)andPriceBookValue(PBV)onStockPricesinTelecommunications Sector Companies Included in the Indonesian Syariah Stock Index (ISSI) for the period 2013 - 2017. Thisresearchmethodusessecondarydata,namelydatasourcesdonotdirectlyprovide data to the author, for example through other people or documents. The sampling techniqueispurposivesampling.Ofthepopulationof6Telecommunicationscompanies listed on the Indonesian Syariah Stock Index, 4 companies that met the sample criteria were telecommunication sector companies that were registered in the calculation of theIndonesianSyariahStockIndex(ISSI)in2013-2017,telecommunicationscompanies that experienced 2 years of delisting -according to the calculation of the 2013-2017 Indonesian Sharia Stock Index (ISSI), and telecommunications companies that submit their financial statements regularly in 2013-2017. The analytical method used is the classical assu...
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Accounting, Management and Economics 2018 (ICAME 2018), 2019