Determinants of Motivation and its Implications on Employee Performance (original) (raw)
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Factors that can Affect Employee Work Motivation
Almana : Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis
Human resources in a company organization can not be separated to achieve the organization's goal. The negative impact of work motivation has become a severe problem for a company. The negative impacts that can be felt are the lack of performance provided by the employee and reduced curiosity about the regulations that exist in the company and consider work as unimportant or the lack of incentives provided by an organization that reduces work motivation. Work motivation is expected to provide more value to carry out work properly and correctly, which aims to benefit a company organization that is being run. In this study, the number of resource persons who participated was three consisting of the Head, Leader, and Staff employees within the company. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the company to find out what factors affect the work motivation of employees and are expected to be implemented within the company. The method used in this research is qualitativ...
The study was about the effect of employees’ motivation on employees’ performance. A case study of National Social Security Fund: Head Quarters. The main objective of the study was to assess the influence of employees’ motivation on the employees’ performance. While the specific objectives were to examine the influence of: working environment on employees’ performance, intrinsic factors on employees’ performance and extrinsic factors on employees’ performance. The methodology of the study included the use of Primary data. The method used to collect data/information was questionnaire and reviews from different Management and Motivation books, documents and journals concerning with the topic of employees retrenchment. Analysis and interpretation of the findings revealed the influence of employees’ motivation on the employees’ performance in parastatal organizations can be influenced with the environment of work itself which comprises physical environment and support also intrinsic and extrinsic factors if carefully used they can improve general employees’ performance. Some of recommendations and suggestions provided to organizations is to provide training and seminars to the managers on how to motivate their employees which will result to improve their performance Therefore if organizations observe the given recommendations and suggestions concern with what to do when doing employees motivation because the recommendation will help the organization to attain a required performance as well as satisfy employees needs in the organization.
Analysis of Motivation Factors: Dependance on Personal and Professional Characteristics of Employees
Economic Themes
Organizations invest in different types of resources, which enable them to achieve and maintain their market position and remain competitive. With global competition and changing market environment, one of the key resources, which considerably contributes to improvement of organizations’ competitive posture, are human resources, i.e. employees. The subject of research presented in this paper are factors of employees’ motivation. The aim of the research is to determine the impact of certain factors on employee motivation, based on the importance that different motivation factors have, depending on certain personal and professional characteristics of employees. Based on the results of the survey, the most important factors of motivation are financial factors, specifically the “salary” and “financial rewards”, as well as “job security” as non-financial factor. The variance of repeated measurements showed that there is statistically significant influence of financial motivation factors ...
Analysis of Influence of Motivation, Competence, Compensation toward Performance of Employee
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences, 2020
Motivation, competence, compensation and performance are important factors in an organization to achieve its stated goals. This study will examine empirically related to motivation, competence and compensation for its effect on employee performance. The research method used in this research is quantitative with survey techniques. The sample in this study were employees. Determination of the sample is done by proportional random sampling. Sources of data in this study are primary and secondary data. The analysis technique used in this study is path analysis. The results of the study prove that motivation, competence, compensation and performance are in the category of being headed well. While the results of verification studies prove that motivation, competence and compensation have a significant effect both partially and simultaneously on employee performance.
This research was conducted to see the determinants of employee performance with work motivation in mediating compensation and transformational leadership at the PTPN X Bobbin Industrial Unit Office. The sample of the study was 274 female employees in the cutting department with different criteria and backgrounds. Sampling was done by random sampling technique, that is, all populations were taken randomly to become the research sample. This is done to improve employee performance in cutting Bobbin through work motivation seen from compensation and transformational leadership. The analysis used is Path Analysis or path analysis assisted by the Sobel Test to determine the determinants of employee performance. The results showed that compensation has an effect on employee work motivation, transformational leadership on work motivation, compensation for employee performance, transformational leadership on employee performance, work motivation on employee performance, compensation through work motivation on employee performance, and transformational leadership through work motivation on employee performance.
Employee motivation describes an employee‘s intrinsic enthusiasm about and drives to accomplish work. Every employee is motivated about something in his or her life. Motivating employees about work is the combination of fulfilling the employee's needs and expectations from work and workplace factors that enable employee motivation or not. These variables make motivating employees challenging. Information about motivating employees is readily available but it‘s hard to apply the ideas in many workplaces. Too many workplaces still act as if the employee should be grateful to have a job. Managers are on power trips and employee policies and procedures are formulated based on the assumption that you cannot trust employees to do the right thing. Communication is never transparent and there is always a secret message or a hidden agenda. Motivating employees in this work environment is tough, if not impossible. Fortunately, most work environments are not in this extreme. They each have their own set of problems, but managers appreciate that motivating employees will bring positive results for the Organization. This study used a multi-method approach. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected to answer the research questions. Both interviews and questionnaires were used to gather these data and analysis were done using words, graphs, tables and statistics. The one on one interviews and the administration of questionnaires was of an enormous help to the researcher for effective comparison of all responses. After the study it was found that motivation serves as a factor which influenced performance and hence increases productivity. It is therefore important that employees of Phinphonrat Tangtrongjit 12 School are well motivated to ensure continuous good performance in terms of student’s development, competitions and external examination results.
The Effect of Remuneration on Motivation That Implicates Employee’s Performance in Xyz Company
Indonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, 2016
PT XYZ is foreign investment company on food and beverages manufacturer with health benefit positioning. PT XYZ is willing to consistent of safety, quality and productivity (SQP) aspect, therefore should be encouraged by high quality human resources. Employee motivation was stimulated by remuneration program in order to increase employee performance in PT XYZ. The aim of this study was to analyze remuneration effect towards employee motivation and it's implication to employee performance at PT XYZ using employee perception. The population of this study is taken from staff level to supervisor level from 10 Departments. The numbers of sample are 132 people. The sampling technique used in the study was stratified with purposive and convenience sampling method with the analytical method using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The result of this study shows remuneration has significant effect towards employee motivation and employee performance, while motivation has insignificant effect towards employee performance. SEM results show each highest coefficient are wages based on needs indicator at remuneration variable, individual development indicator at variable motivation and obedience indicator at employee performance variable. Management of PT XYZ should be maintaining components of remuneration, motivation and employee performance that's already had good score and also pay attention to component of remuneration which has low score index to enhance employee motivation and also employee performance. aBstraK PT XYZ merupakan perusahaan penanaman modal asing (PMA) dibidang manufaktur makanan dan minuman dengan positioning manfaat kesehatan. PT XYZ ingin konsisten pada aspek safety, quality and productivity (SQP), oleh karena itu perlu didorong sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang bermutu. PT XYZ memberikan stimulan remunerasi untuk memotivasi pegawai dalam rangka meningkatkan kinerja SDM. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh remunerasi terhadap motivasi yang berimplikasi pada kinerja pegawai di PT XYZ menggunakan persepsi pegawai. Populasi penelitian ini merupakan seluruh pegawai jabatan staf sampai jabatan supervisor dari 10 departemen di PT XYZ, dengan jumlah contoh 132 orang. Teknik pengambilan contoh menggunakan stratified with purposive and convenience sampling. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan remunerasi berpengaruh nyata terhadap motivasi pegawai dan kinerja pegawai, akan tetapi motivasi tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap kinerja pegawai. Hasil analisis SEM menunjukkan masing-masing koefisien tertinggi adalah indikator upah berdasarkan kebutuhan pada peubah remunerasi, indikator pengembangan kemajuan individu pada peubah motivasi dan indikator ketaatan pada peubah kinerja pegawai. Manajemen perusahaan PT XYZ sebaiknya memelihara komponen penyusun remunerasi, motivasi dan kinerja pegawai yang sudah baik serta memberi perhatian pada komponen penyusun remunerasi dengan nilai indeks rendah untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan kinerja pegawainya. Kata Kunci: kinerja pegawai, motivasi, remunerasi, SEM
Assessing the role of work Motivation on Employee Performance
The main purpose of this study was to" assess the role of work motivation on employee performance". This study in an assessment of this purpose used deductive approach in which a qualitative survey was carried out among students at of Umeå Business School (USBE) who are assumed to be future employees .The survey was intended to get their responses on what they feel is (are) the best factors that could motivate them as future employees among a list of ten motivational factors. In this light the study sets to identify the most ranked factors among the ten motivational factors.
JENIUS (Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia)
Employee performance can be used as a benchmark for an agency in managing its human resources. This study, among others, examines and analyzes the factors in improving employee performance by developing human resources through work motivation. This research was conducted at the public works and spatial planning services with a population of 198 using a sample of 150 respondents. The questionnaire method was distributed using an interval scale of 1 strongly disagree to 10 strongly agree—data analysis technique using SEM PLS 4. The results of this study indicate that there is an influence of human resource development on employee performance, there is an influence of human resource development on work motivation, there is an influence of work motivation on employee performance, and work motivation can be a mediation in improving employee performance.
The Effect of Motivation on Human Resource Performance
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
This study aims to determine the influence of the level of motivation on performance in the Inspectorate General (ITJEN) is the Government Internal Supervision Apparatus (APIP) within the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek). ITJEN Kemendikbudristek has a vital role in realizing the quality and accountable management of state university (PTN) governance. For this reason, it is essential to conduct research related to the audit performance produced by ITJEN and how the level of motivation affects what has a causality relationship with the resulting audit performance. Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that the level of motivation and employee performance is not optimal. As for statistical analysis, it is known that the level of motivation has a positive and significant influence in carrying out its role in the organization.