Badrah Uyuni - (original) (raw)
Papers by Badrah Uyuni
The aim of this study was to evaluate the growth and impact of Christianity as a missionary relig... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the growth and impact of Christianity as a missionary religion on the Islamic da'wah in Indonesia, where the Muslim community has a long history of resistance to colonialization, which was initiated by the Christian community. Furthermore, a qualitative descriptive method was used with data predominantly obtained through the observation of facts in the Christianization field. In addition, the effects of Christianity on the Islamic da'wah were analyzed through a review of documentation and reference studies. The results showed that some of the methods used by Christians in spreading their religion and movements were occupation, politics, Western citizens, poverty, diseases, consciousness weakness, self-preparation, Muslims' indulgence, financial guarantees, Laziness in teachings, preparing the missionaries, and brainwashing. By utilizing these methods, Christians often proclaimed their denomination and congregation, ultimately leading...
Al-Ishlah, Oct 13, 2022
This study aims to analyze whether UIA students have the habit and level of regularly reading the... more This study aims to analyze whether UIA students have the habit and level of regularly reading the Qur'an every day, what are the factors that strengthen these habits, and how they relate to learning achievement. This research uses quantitative methods. Based on the research procedures used in this study, the research instruments will be the results of the pre-test conducted at the first meeting of the lecture and the post-test at the last meeting of the class, as well as measurements of attendance levels during the lecture process. The population used was students of the Islamic Education Study Program, Faculty of Islamic Religion, UIA, who recorded the basic level of understanding of the Qur'an and Tajweed. The results were found on student scores before and after the test. The correlation value between the two variables: The result of 0.613 means that the relationship is quite strong and positive. From the calculation results of the value of thit< ttabel (-19,640<2,0369) Pre-test has a significant effect on the Post Test. They are increasing the intensity of reading the Qur'an in UIA students with programs and stimulation that can measure direct creation and development of habits and love to read the Qur'an because of the willingness factor to improve the reading of the Qur'an and be consistent in attendance during lectures.
Jurnal Bina Ummat: Membina dan Membentengi Ummat
This study aims to analyze the implementation and constraints that affect the application of Isla... more This study aims to analyze the implementation and constraints that affect the application of Islamic inheritance law among Muslims. This research is a qualitative research, using the methods of descriptive approach, sociology, normative theology and historical. Research shows that the implementation of Islamic inheritance law is more dominantly done in the family due to various factors. The special portion provided for the heirs is owned by the parents and is in absolute control. The application of the law for the division of property is always done by distributing it to the heirs by family without looking at the provisions of God's law. Problems in the application of Islamic inheritance law include the thickness of customary law and the low understanding of Islamic inheritance law (Ilmu Faraidh). Here the da'wah to teach the Science of Faraidh and various sciences of jurisprudence that began to understand the science of Faraidh became a must done by the community. And there...
Spektra: Jurnal ilmu-ilmu sosial, 2020
Community development da'wah is a social change planning process based on Islamic values. The tar... more Community development da'wah is a social change planning process based on Islamic values. The target for community development is, therefore, to the social setting of community life, rather than individual by individual. In realizing a legal welfare state as intended by the Qur'an, namely a prosperous state under the auspices of Allah, the Almighty, the state is obliged to regulate and allocate sufficient funds for the purposes of guaranteeing the people who need it. Social security includes unemployment benefits, parental benefits (retirement age), scholarships for those who are studying and others. The state is also obliged to provide facilities for worship, education, orphanages, hospitals and others. In the state of Medina law, there is only one motivation for the welfare principle, namely the Islamic doctrine: hablun min Allah wa hablun min al-nas, namely aspects of worship and aspects of muamalah. The realization of the principle of the welfare state law is solely aimed at realizing social justice in society in accordance with the commands of Allah SWT. The Medina community that was built by the Prophet Muhammad, SAW is a society that has succeeded in enforcing the values of justice, the principle of legal equality, guaranteeing welfare for all citizens, and protecting minority groups. Muslim thinkers regard the people (city) of Medina as a prototype of the ideal society of Islamic products. This is based on the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad, SAW in his saying, "There is no society in this world that is as good as society, or the best of times is my time."
Spektra: Jurnal ilmu-ilmu sosial, Mar 1, 2020
Community development da'wah is a social change planning process based on Islamic values. The tar... more Community development da'wah is a social change planning process based on Islamic values. The target for community development is, therefore, to the social setting of community life, rather than individual by individual. In realizing a legal welfare state as intended by the Qur'an, namely a prosperous state under the auspices of Allah, the Almighty, the state is obliged to regulate and allocate sufficient funds for the purposes of guaranteeing the people who need it. Social security includes unemployment benefits, parental benefits (retirement age), scholarships for those who are studying and others. The state is also obliged to provide facilities for worship, education, orphanages, hospitals and others. In the state of Medina law, there is only one motivation for the welfare principle, namely the Islamic doctrine: hablun min Allah wa hablun min al-nas, namely aspects of worship and aspects of muamalah. The realization of the principle of the welfare state law is solely aimed at realizing social justice in society in accordance with the commands of Allah SWT. The Medina community that was built by the Prophet Muhammad, SAW is a society that has succeeded in enforcing the values of justice, the principle of legal equality, guaranteeing welfare for all citizens, and protecting minority groups. Muslim thinkers regard the people (city) of Medina as a prototype of the ideal society of Islamic products. This is based on the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad, SAW in his saying, "There is no society in this world that is as good as society, or the best of times is my time."
El-Arbah: Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis Dan Perbankan Syariah, Sep 8, 2020
Debt is muamalah which is allowed in Islam. Debt can bring someone to heaven because of their int... more Debt is muamalah which is allowed in Islam. Debt can bring someone to heaven because of their intention to help fellow humans (hablun minannaas) but debt can also bring someone into hellfire when it is not managed properly. Problems due to accounts payable often arise because debtors and borrowers do not pay attention to the manners in debt. Therefore, debt needs to be managed by paying attention to Islamic instructions both as contained in the Koran and in the alhadits so that the activities of accounts payable can bring blessings and become a solution for the ummah. This article is an introduction to the various types of debt in the Fiqh mawaris review. Various arguments and logics of fiqh are placed to understand that debt is an important study. As for the obligations towards Allah that have not been fulfilled such as zakat, going on hajj, paying for kafarah, it is also called debt, by jazy, not haqiqy, because the obligation to fulfill these things is not as a reward for an achievement that has been received by someone, but as fulfillment of obligations that are required when someone is still alive
Proceeding International Da'wah Conference, Sep 3, 2020
تتحدث هذه الورقة عن الدعوة في العصر العالمي. في هذا العصر العالمي الذي تم الكشف عنه أعلاه ، تتلاش... more تتحدث هذه الورقة عن الدعوة في العصر العالمي. في هذا العصر العالمي الذي تم الكشف عنه أعلاه ، تتلاشى الحواجز الإقليمية النسبية بأدوات تكنولوجيا الاتصالات. إن وجود نماذج مختلفة من الاتصال اليوم يجعل الاتصال كأداة ثانوية وأساسية. ومع ذلك ، يمكن للخطباء المسلمين بناء تصميم للاتصال الدعوي على أساس الأسلوب الذي ألقاه النبي محمد عليه الصلاة والسلام لجعلها فعالة. أمثال ضربل امتصال ، وقصاص قراني ، وحوار قرني ، والقدوة الحسنة ، وترغيب وترهيب في تحسين فاعلية الاتصال الدعوي ولمس قلوب الجماهير. وهكذا يصبح كل شيء تحديًا للدعوة. والمسلم كله مسئول عن نقل رسالة الإسلام ، فهي ليست مسئولية أفراد أو مجموعات معينة من الناس فقط. ولضمان فاعلية الدعوة يجب أن تتم من خلال منهجية سليمة وتنظيم منظم وقدرة فكرية وصلاة واعية وإخلاص. ومع ذلك ، فإن القدرات الاتصالية هي التي تجعل الخطاب الدعوي يتم تنفيذه بشكل جيد ، وبالتالي فإن خطاب الدعوة سيكون له قيمة عالية في المجتمع. This paper talks about da’wah in the global era. In this global era as disclosed above relative regional barriers fade with tools of communication technology. The presence of various models of communication today makes communication both as secondary and primary tool. However Moslem preachers can build a design of da’wah communication based on method delivered by the Prophet Muhammad PBUH to make it effective. Such as Dharbul Amtsal, Qashash Quráni, Hiwar Quráni, Al-Qudwah Al-hasanah, and Targhib & Tarhib In improving the effectiveness of da’wah communication and touch the hearts of the audiences (madú). Thus everything becomes the challenge for dakwah. And the whole Muslim ummah are responsible to convey the message of Islam, as it is not only the responsibility of individuals or certain groups of people. And In order to ensure the effectiveness of da'wah, it must be done through a proper methodology, structured organization, intellectual capability, consctious prayer, and sincerity. However, it is communication capabilities which make da’wah rethoric being carried out well, and in turn, da’wah rethoric will have a high value in the community
Spektra: Jurnal ilmu-ilmu sosial, Sep 10, 2019
Mosques have a strategic function in Islamic society. Apart from being a place of worship, the mo... more Mosques have a strategic function in Islamic society. Apart from being a place of worship, the mosque also functions as a medium for guiding people in a holistic manner. Rasulullahh SAW built the first mosque in the city of Medina with the aim of enlightening the people and introducing divine messages. Mosques are not only used for carrying out ceremonial worship activities such as congregational prayers, dzikir, reading the Koran, and praying but can also be used to carry out socio-religious activities in an effort to develop an Islamic community (Yani, 2007: 5). Even today The existence of a mosque is very potential, especially in empowering Muslims for every aspect of their life. The existence of a reading slogan for a mosque was the initial inspiration for the spirit to restore the glory of Islam from the mosque. History has proven that a Rasulullah GERGAJI chose to build a mosque as the first step in his intention to build a civil society. The concept of a mosque at that time was not only a place of prayer, or a gathering place for certain community groups (tribes), but a mosque was a central place for all public activities, namely the center of education, politics, economy, social and culture. Based on the example of the Prophet, mosques are a major part of the development of Muslims. This shows that mosques in Islam distance are very important in order to foster personalities in particular and Muslims in general (Kurniawan, 2014). The role of mosques for the development of the people is very large and vital. Gazalba (1986) argues that apart from being a center of worship, a mosque is also a center of culture or civilization. The mosque is the first and foremost institution or organization in Islam. The mosque as the center of civilization has a significant role in developing social activities, building the intellectual capability of the people, improving the economy of the people, and becoming a discussion space to find solutions to the current community problems. The importance of the existence of mosques for the Muslim world in Indonesia is indicated by the growing number of mosques and prayer rooms
Spektra: Jurnal ilmu-ilmu sosial, Sep 10, 2019
This article discusses mosque-based community empowerment carried out by the Al Mahdy Grand Mosqu... more This article discusses mosque-based community empowerment carried out by the Al Mahdy Grand Mosque, Jatiranggon Village, Kec. Jatisampurna, Bekasi, by conducting survey and interview methods. The results of this study concluded that the Community Empowerment carried out by the Al-Mahdy Grand Mosque can be felt by the surrounding community through social-based programs and Majelis Taklim with mosque management carried out by DKM or mosque administrators. The ground floor of the mosque is usually used for recitation places, weddings, and other social activities, where these activities, especially weddings, have opened business opportunities for the community around the mosque to improve their economy, either with chattering services, parking services, MC, etc.
Hukum yang membahas tentang peralihan harta dalam ilmu hukum disebut hukum kewarisan atau biasa d... more Hukum yang membahas tentang peralihan harta dalam ilmu hukum disebut hukum kewarisan atau biasa dikenal dengan istilah hukum faraidh, yaitu hukum yang mengatur cara-cara peralihan hak dari orang yang meninggal dunia kepada orang yang masih hidup, berdasarkan ketentuan al-Quran dan Sunnah Rasulullah SAW. Artikel ini memperbincangkan tentang bagaimana Islam telah menetapkan pembagian warisan kepada ahli waris berdasarkan ketetapan syar’i, dan kondisi bagaimana penerapan hukum waris Islam di tengah masyarakat. Di mana eksistensi hukum adat juga mengatur pembagian warisan kepada ahli waris berdasarkan adat yang berlaku pada masing-masing daerah. Kedua sistem hukum tersebut baik hukum Islam maupun hukum adat kedua-duanya meletakkan dasar persamaan hak serta dasar kerukunan dalam proses pelaksanaan pembagian warisan. Pewarisan menurut Hukum Islam mengatur mengenai asas-asas pewarisan, syarat dan rukun waris, ahli waris, dan pengaturan mengenai besaran bagian warisan yang diterima ahli war...
Islamic da'wah should be understood as an activity that involves a transformation process tha... more Islamic da'wah should be understood as an activity that involves a transformation process that does not just happen but requires awareness from the community to change the situation and condition of the people towards benefit through education and continuous communication. The study in this article uses a qualitative research model with library research techniques and focuses on the study of Islamic da'wah with a maqashid sharia approach. The question to be answered in this study is how da'wah can answer the needs of the people so that it can bring benefits. And as a conclusion, the importance of placing maqashid sharia in every Islamic da'wah. So that Islamic da'wah is not only understood textually but can also be understood contextually so that what is conveyed can be made sense by reason. Keywords : maqashid syariah, environment, fatwa, ushul fiqih Abstrak Dakwah Islam semestinya dipahami sebagai suatu aktivitas yang melibatkan proses transformasi yang memang ...
Tahdzib Al-Akhlaq: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2018
Islam sebagai agama dan juga cara hidup tidak hanya mengatur tentang aspek ibadah dan ritual sema... more Islam sebagai agama dan juga cara hidup tidak hanya mengatur tentang aspek ibadah dan ritual semata, bahkan lebih lanjut mengatur pola pikir, tindakan bahkan sampai dengan pola makan dan apapun yang dipakai dan konsumsi oleh manusia. Hal ini tentu saja bukan untuk pembatasan atau pembebanan yang tiada artinya tapi lebih dikembalikan kepada kebaikan manusia dan bahkan kesehatan dan kesejahteraan manusia yang juga sampai kepada pembentukan karakter dan terkabulnya doa. Dan salah satu makanan yang diharamkan itu adalah babi. Babi disebutkan dalam berbagai dalil Al-Qurán dan As-Sunnah bahkan juga disebutkan dalam berbagai teks keagamaan lainnya sebagai sesuatu yang menjijikan dan diharamkan penggunaannya. Maka dalam studi ini babi sebagai hewan yang diharamkan menjadi fokus telaah sebagai makanan yang tidak halal, Pendapat Ulama Fiqih akan Keharaman Babi, Sejarah Pengharaman Babi, berbagai alasan kenapa babi tidak layak dikonsumsi dan hikmah dari pengharaman babi. Maka penggunaan atau m...
Al-Risalah, 2021
This article discusses the concept of politics in Islam and its relation to dakwah. Whether polit... more This article discusses the concept of politics in Islam and its relation to dakwah. Whether politics and Islam are contradictory or whether politics itself is from Islam and needed in a series of dakwah. The method used in this study is the Method of Literature Study and analysis of scientific references related to relationship between politics and dakwah in the Qurán and the Sunnah’s perspective. There are several verses and hadiths that are displayed in this study to understand the context. The result shows that politics is a crucial thing for a Muslim, and it is wrong if someone thinks that Islam does not have to be political justice for the entire Indonesian nation.
Jurnal Bina Ummat: Membina dan Membentengi Ummat, 2021
Doing business is one way to earn sustenance. As in a hadith Rasulullah PBUH states that ninety p... more Doing business is one way to earn sustenance. As in a hadith Rasulullah PBUH states that ninety percent of sustenance lies in business, while the remaining ten percent is livestock. The point is that doing business will open nine doors to get wealth, while another door of sustenance is opened by breeding this shows how important business is in meeting the needs of human life, from the material side. Because ninety percent of the income obtained comes from business. A successful business cannot be separated from several things, one of which must be done based on trust, related to ethics, and related to profit. In practice, doing business according to Islamic law has been carried out by the Prophet Muhammad as a guide for Muslims, so that if a businessman does business according to the teachings of the Prophet, it is the same as carrying out the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad. More and more entrepreneurs are implementing the behavior of the Prophet in their business, including custome...
Tahdzib Al-Akhlaq: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2019
Humans are created in pairs, they absolutely cannot be alone and live without the others. Marriag... more Humans are created in pairs, they absolutely cannot be alone and live without the others. Marriage is a natural necessity for every human being that will bring harmony and happiness, a righteous woman (solehah woman) is a dream for every male, he has to know the criterias of unworthy and ideal womans before the marriage contract (‘aqd nikah) is held. It aims to create a permanent relationship between a husband and wife which can arrive the essence of marriage accordance with the purpose of marriage in Islam.
Islam is the way of life. And the Islamic education system is called a holistic approach to learn... more Islam is the way of life. And the Islamic education system is called a holistic approach to learning as it was in the early days of Islamic civilization. Islamic education, therefore, is considered and placed in a very noble position as it emphasizes the importance of the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge over other human activities. The background of this article sets out to assess the Challenges of Islamic Education in the 21st Century by bringing up some brief literature and analysis. In this article there are several topics related to the nature of Islamic education in Islamic education, the reality of Islamic education, Reform of Islamic education in the 21st century in the sectoral sector, curriculum, strengthening human resources, the Islamization of science by embodying Islamic values in science as part of education, the development and strengthening of Soft skills and management as well as entrepreneurial spirit is an inevitable need. But all of that will be able t...
In English: The spread of covid-19 in Indonesia coincides with the arrival of Ramadan. In fact, a... more In English: The spread of covid-19 in Indonesia coincides with the arrival of Ramadan. In fact, apart from fasting, there are also many other religious rituals, both express and implied in Islamic teachings, which have the value of friendship. The government also issued various regulations which in fact prohibit and limit these religious activities. In fact, the MUI also supported it by issuing a fatwa. By using an interpretive subjective approach and qualitative descriptive methods, this study analyzes data in the form of normative phenomena, social values, and the use of the maqasidsyari'ah method. Conclusions obtained, Fatwa MUI is one of the sources of law and guidance for Muslims in conducting religious activities in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic; Fatwa MUI related to the prohibition and restriction of religious activities in congregation in accordance with some concepts of maqasidsyari'ah.
The global pandemic related to Covid-19 that occurred in Indonesia has made humans experience a d... more The global pandemic related to Covid-19 that occurred in Indonesia has made humans experience a difficult situation that requires assistance in terms of support, material and financial. And zakat as a source of social funds in Islam has a strategic role to fulfill these needs. This study uses available literature and news developments from various media as the main reference for analysis. Observations by going directly to get involved in collecting zakat were also conducted. The decision of the Minister of Religion Fachrurozi is in accordance with the instructions of Vice President Ma'ruf Amin so that the community can collect zakat massively even though it is not yet due. So that it is expected to play a role as a social safety net for residents affected by Covid-19. The hope is that it can immediately help ease the burden of life, fulfilling the basic needs, and maintain the purchasing power of residents affected by Covid-19. It turns out that this effort creates conducive con...
يؤكد مفهوم الدعوة في سياق الدراسات المعاصرة على تطوير الدعوة التي تركز على تمكين المجتمع. هذا ال... more يؤكد مفهوم الدعوة في سياق الدراسات المعاصرة على تطوير الدعوة التي تركز على تمكين المجتمع. هذا المفهوم له صلة بالمشكلات الجوهرية التي يعاني منها المسلمون ، خاصة الفقر والجهل والضيق والتخلف والعجز ونقاط الضعف الأخرى. لا يمكن لمفهوم التمكين الدعوي أن يعتمد فقط على إجراء الاستنباط ، ولكن يمكن أيضا تطويره بشكل أكبر من خلال التكيف مع العلوم الاجتماعية الأخرى من خلال الإجراءات العلمية للاقتباسات والاستقرا. وللحصول على هذه النقاط ، يجب على المسلم تطبيق طريقة وفكرة الإسلام في المدينة المنورة (بعد الهجرة) كأفضل توجيه. كما كان النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم قدوة من خلال ميثاق المدينة المنورة ونجاحه كرئيس للحكومة ، بالإضافة إلى عمله كمسؤول موارد المجتمع ومعلم المجتمع ومطور المجتمع. في وقت قصير أصبح أهل المدينة المنورة مرجعا لتطور أفضل حضارة في العالم. حتى يومنا هذا ، يعترف العالم بأنه لا توجد حضارة متقدمة في العالم غير أهل المدينة المنورة. هناك سببان أو أغراض مهمة للتمكين من خلال تحرير البشر من المعتقدات والثقافات المنحرفة (الجهل) والدفاع عن المجتمع المسلم وبنائه. The concept of da'wah in ...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the growth and impact of Christianity as a missionary relig... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the growth and impact of Christianity as a missionary religion on the Islamic da'wah in Indonesia, where the Muslim community has a long history of resistance to colonialization, which was initiated by the Christian community. Furthermore, a qualitative descriptive method was used with data predominantly obtained through the observation of facts in the Christianization field. In addition, the effects of Christianity on the Islamic da'wah were analyzed through a review of documentation and reference studies. The results showed that some of the methods used by Christians in spreading their religion and movements were occupation, politics, Western citizens, poverty, diseases, consciousness weakness, self-preparation, Muslims' indulgence, financial guarantees, Laziness in teachings, preparing the missionaries, and brainwashing. By utilizing these methods, Christians often proclaimed their denomination and congregation, ultimately leading...
Al-Ishlah, Oct 13, 2022
This study aims to analyze whether UIA students have the habit and level of regularly reading the... more This study aims to analyze whether UIA students have the habit and level of regularly reading the Qur'an every day, what are the factors that strengthen these habits, and how they relate to learning achievement. This research uses quantitative methods. Based on the research procedures used in this study, the research instruments will be the results of the pre-test conducted at the first meeting of the lecture and the post-test at the last meeting of the class, as well as measurements of attendance levels during the lecture process. The population used was students of the Islamic Education Study Program, Faculty of Islamic Religion, UIA, who recorded the basic level of understanding of the Qur'an and Tajweed. The results were found on student scores before and after the test. The correlation value between the two variables: The result of 0.613 means that the relationship is quite strong and positive. From the calculation results of the value of thit< ttabel (-19,640<2,0369) Pre-test has a significant effect on the Post Test. They are increasing the intensity of reading the Qur'an in UIA students with programs and stimulation that can measure direct creation and development of habits and love to read the Qur'an because of the willingness factor to improve the reading of the Qur'an and be consistent in attendance during lectures.
Jurnal Bina Ummat: Membina dan Membentengi Ummat
This study aims to analyze the implementation and constraints that affect the application of Isla... more This study aims to analyze the implementation and constraints that affect the application of Islamic inheritance law among Muslims. This research is a qualitative research, using the methods of descriptive approach, sociology, normative theology and historical. Research shows that the implementation of Islamic inheritance law is more dominantly done in the family due to various factors. The special portion provided for the heirs is owned by the parents and is in absolute control. The application of the law for the division of property is always done by distributing it to the heirs by family without looking at the provisions of God's law. Problems in the application of Islamic inheritance law include the thickness of customary law and the low understanding of Islamic inheritance law (Ilmu Faraidh). Here the da'wah to teach the Science of Faraidh and various sciences of jurisprudence that began to understand the science of Faraidh became a must done by the community. And there...
Spektra: Jurnal ilmu-ilmu sosial, 2020
Community development da'wah is a social change planning process based on Islamic values. The tar... more Community development da'wah is a social change planning process based on Islamic values. The target for community development is, therefore, to the social setting of community life, rather than individual by individual. In realizing a legal welfare state as intended by the Qur'an, namely a prosperous state under the auspices of Allah, the Almighty, the state is obliged to regulate and allocate sufficient funds for the purposes of guaranteeing the people who need it. Social security includes unemployment benefits, parental benefits (retirement age), scholarships for those who are studying and others. The state is also obliged to provide facilities for worship, education, orphanages, hospitals and others. In the state of Medina law, there is only one motivation for the welfare principle, namely the Islamic doctrine: hablun min Allah wa hablun min al-nas, namely aspects of worship and aspects of muamalah. The realization of the principle of the welfare state law is solely aimed at realizing social justice in society in accordance with the commands of Allah SWT. The Medina community that was built by the Prophet Muhammad, SAW is a society that has succeeded in enforcing the values of justice, the principle of legal equality, guaranteeing welfare for all citizens, and protecting minority groups. Muslim thinkers regard the people (city) of Medina as a prototype of the ideal society of Islamic products. This is based on the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad, SAW in his saying, "There is no society in this world that is as good as society, or the best of times is my time."
Spektra: Jurnal ilmu-ilmu sosial, Mar 1, 2020
Community development da'wah is a social change planning process based on Islamic values. The tar... more Community development da'wah is a social change planning process based on Islamic values. The target for community development is, therefore, to the social setting of community life, rather than individual by individual. In realizing a legal welfare state as intended by the Qur'an, namely a prosperous state under the auspices of Allah, the Almighty, the state is obliged to regulate and allocate sufficient funds for the purposes of guaranteeing the people who need it. Social security includes unemployment benefits, parental benefits (retirement age), scholarships for those who are studying and others. The state is also obliged to provide facilities for worship, education, orphanages, hospitals and others. In the state of Medina law, there is only one motivation for the welfare principle, namely the Islamic doctrine: hablun min Allah wa hablun min al-nas, namely aspects of worship and aspects of muamalah. The realization of the principle of the welfare state law is solely aimed at realizing social justice in society in accordance with the commands of Allah SWT. The Medina community that was built by the Prophet Muhammad, SAW is a society that has succeeded in enforcing the values of justice, the principle of legal equality, guaranteeing welfare for all citizens, and protecting minority groups. Muslim thinkers regard the people (city) of Medina as a prototype of the ideal society of Islamic products. This is based on the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad, SAW in his saying, "There is no society in this world that is as good as society, or the best of times is my time."
El-Arbah: Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis Dan Perbankan Syariah, Sep 8, 2020
Debt is muamalah which is allowed in Islam. Debt can bring someone to heaven because of their int... more Debt is muamalah which is allowed in Islam. Debt can bring someone to heaven because of their intention to help fellow humans (hablun minannaas) but debt can also bring someone into hellfire when it is not managed properly. Problems due to accounts payable often arise because debtors and borrowers do not pay attention to the manners in debt. Therefore, debt needs to be managed by paying attention to Islamic instructions both as contained in the Koran and in the alhadits so that the activities of accounts payable can bring blessings and become a solution for the ummah. This article is an introduction to the various types of debt in the Fiqh mawaris review. Various arguments and logics of fiqh are placed to understand that debt is an important study. As for the obligations towards Allah that have not been fulfilled such as zakat, going on hajj, paying for kafarah, it is also called debt, by jazy, not haqiqy, because the obligation to fulfill these things is not as a reward for an achievement that has been received by someone, but as fulfillment of obligations that are required when someone is still alive
Proceeding International Da'wah Conference, Sep 3, 2020
تتحدث هذه الورقة عن الدعوة في العصر العالمي. في هذا العصر العالمي الذي تم الكشف عنه أعلاه ، تتلاش... more تتحدث هذه الورقة عن الدعوة في العصر العالمي. في هذا العصر العالمي الذي تم الكشف عنه أعلاه ، تتلاشى الحواجز الإقليمية النسبية بأدوات تكنولوجيا الاتصالات. إن وجود نماذج مختلفة من الاتصال اليوم يجعل الاتصال كأداة ثانوية وأساسية. ومع ذلك ، يمكن للخطباء المسلمين بناء تصميم للاتصال الدعوي على أساس الأسلوب الذي ألقاه النبي محمد عليه الصلاة والسلام لجعلها فعالة. أمثال ضربل امتصال ، وقصاص قراني ، وحوار قرني ، والقدوة الحسنة ، وترغيب وترهيب في تحسين فاعلية الاتصال الدعوي ولمس قلوب الجماهير. وهكذا يصبح كل شيء تحديًا للدعوة. والمسلم كله مسئول عن نقل رسالة الإسلام ، فهي ليست مسئولية أفراد أو مجموعات معينة من الناس فقط. ولضمان فاعلية الدعوة يجب أن تتم من خلال منهجية سليمة وتنظيم منظم وقدرة فكرية وصلاة واعية وإخلاص. ومع ذلك ، فإن القدرات الاتصالية هي التي تجعل الخطاب الدعوي يتم تنفيذه بشكل جيد ، وبالتالي فإن خطاب الدعوة سيكون له قيمة عالية في المجتمع. This paper talks about da’wah in the global era. In this global era as disclosed above relative regional barriers fade with tools of communication technology. The presence of various models of communication today makes communication both as secondary and primary tool. However Moslem preachers can build a design of da’wah communication based on method delivered by the Prophet Muhammad PBUH to make it effective. Such as Dharbul Amtsal, Qashash Quráni, Hiwar Quráni, Al-Qudwah Al-hasanah, and Targhib & Tarhib In improving the effectiveness of da’wah communication and touch the hearts of the audiences (madú). Thus everything becomes the challenge for dakwah. And the whole Muslim ummah are responsible to convey the message of Islam, as it is not only the responsibility of individuals or certain groups of people. And In order to ensure the effectiveness of da'wah, it must be done through a proper methodology, structured organization, intellectual capability, consctious prayer, and sincerity. However, it is communication capabilities which make da’wah rethoric being carried out well, and in turn, da’wah rethoric will have a high value in the community
Spektra: Jurnal ilmu-ilmu sosial, Sep 10, 2019
Mosques have a strategic function in Islamic society. Apart from being a place of worship, the mo... more Mosques have a strategic function in Islamic society. Apart from being a place of worship, the mosque also functions as a medium for guiding people in a holistic manner. Rasulullahh SAW built the first mosque in the city of Medina with the aim of enlightening the people and introducing divine messages. Mosques are not only used for carrying out ceremonial worship activities such as congregational prayers, dzikir, reading the Koran, and praying but can also be used to carry out socio-religious activities in an effort to develop an Islamic community (Yani, 2007: 5). Even today The existence of a mosque is very potential, especially in empowering Muslims for every aspect of their life. The existence of a reading slogan for a mosque was the initial inspiration for the spirit to restore the glory of Islam from the mosque. History has proven that a Rasulullah GERGAJI chose to build a mosque as the first step in his intention to build a civil society. The concept of a mosque at that time was not only a place of prayer, or a gathering place for certain community groups (tribes), but a mosque was a central place for all public activities, namely the center of education, politics, economy, social and culture. Based on the example of the Prophet, mosques are a major part of the development of Muslims. This shows that mosques in Islam distance are very important in order to foster personalities in particular and Muslims in general (Kurniawan, 2014). The role of mosques for the development of the people is very large and vital. Gazalba (1986) argues that apart from being a center of worship, a mosque is also a center of culture or civilization. The mosque is the first and foremost institution or organization in Islam. The mosque as the center of civilization has a significant role in developing social activities, building the intellectual capability of the people, improving the economy of the people, and becoming a discussion space to find solutions to the current community problems. The importance of the existence of mosques for the Muslim world in Indonesia is indicated by the growing number of mosques and prayer rooms
Spektra: Jurnal ilmu-ilmu sosial, Sep 10, 2019
This article discusses mosque-based community empowerment carried out by the Al Mahdy Grand Mosqu... more This article discusses mosque-based community empowerment carried out by the Al Mahdy Grand Mosque, Jatiranggon Village, Kec. Jatisampurna, Bekasi, by conducting survey and interview methods. The results of this study concluded that the Community Empowerment carried out by the Al-Mahdy Grand Mosque can be felt by the surrounding community through social-based programs and Majelis Taklim with mosque management carried out by DKM or mosque administrators. The ground floor of the mosque is usually used for recitation places, weddings, and other social activities, where these activities, especially weddings, have opened business opportunities for the community around the mosque to improve their economy, either with chattering services, parking services, MC, etc.
Hukum yang membahas tentang peralihan harta dalam ilmu hukum disebut hukum kewarisan atau biasa d... more Hukum yang membahas tentang peralihan harta dalam ilmu hukum disebut hukum kewarisan atau biasa dikenal dengan istilah hukum faraidh, yaitu hukum yang mengatur cara-cara peralihan hak dari orang yang meninggal dunia kepada orang yang masih hidup, berdasarkan ketentuan al-Quran dan Sunnah Rasulullah SAW. Artikel ini memperbincangkan tentang bagaimana Islam telah menetapkan pembagian warisan kepada ahli waris berdasarkan ketetapan syar’i, dan kondisi bagaimana penerapan hukum waris Islam di tengah masyarakat. Di mana eksistensi hukum adat juga mengatur pembagian warisan kepada ahli waris berdasarkan adat yang berlaku pada masing-masing daerah. Kedua sistem hukum tersebut baik hukum Islam maupun hukum adat kedua-duanya meletakkan dasar persamaan hak serta dasar kerukunan dalam proses pelaksanaan pembagian warisan. Pewarisan menurut Hukum Islam mengatur mengenai asas-asas pewarisan, syarat dan rukun waris, ahli waris, dan pengaturan mengenai besaran bagian warisan yang diterima ahli war...
Islamic da'wah should be understood as an activity that involves a transformation process tha... more Islamic da'wah should be understood as an activity that involves a transformation process that does not just happen but requires awareness from the community to change the situation and condition of the people towards benefit through education and continuous communication. The study in this article uses a qualitative research model with library research techniques and focuses on the study of Islamic da'wah with a maqashid sharia approach. The question to be answered in this study is how da'wah can answer the needs of the people so that it can bring benefits. And as a conclusion, the importance of placing maqashid sharia in every Islamic da'wah. So that Islamic da'wah is not only understood textually but can also be understood contextually so that what is conveyed can be made sense by reason. Keywords : maqashid syariah, environment, fatwa, ushul fiqih Abstrak Dakwah Islam semestinya dipahami sebagai suatu aktivitas yang melibatkan proses transformasi yang memang ...
Tahdzib Al-Akhlaq: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2018
Islam sebagai agama dan juga cara hidup tidak hanya mengatur tentang aspek ibadah dan ritual sema... more Islam sebagai agama dan juga cara hidup tidak hanya mengatur tentang aspek ibadah dan ritual semata, bahkan lebih lanjut mengatur pola pikir, tindakan bahkan sampai dengan pola makan dan apapun yang dipakai dan konsumsi oleh manusia. Hal ini tentu saja bukan untuk pembatasan atau pembebanan yang tiada artinya tapi lebih dikembalikan kepada kebaikan manusia dan bahkan kesehatan dan kesejahteraan manusia yang juga sampai kepada pembentukan karakter dan terkabulnya doa. Dan salah satu makanan yang diharamkan itu adalah babi. Babi disebutkan dalam berbagai dalil Al-Qurán dan As-Sunnah bahkan juga disebutkan dalam berbagai teks keagamaan lainnya sebagai sesuatu yang menjijikan dan diharamkan penggunaannya. Maka dalam studi ini babi sebagai hewan yang diharamkan menjadi fokus telaah sebagai makanan yang tidak halal, Pendapat Ulama Fiqih akan Keharaman Babi, Sejarah Pengharaman Babi, berbagai alasan kenapa babi tidak layak dikonsumsi dan hikmah dari pengharaman babi. Maka penggunaan atau m...
Al-Risalah, 2021
This article discusses the concept of politics in Islam and its relation to dakwah. Whether polit... more This article discusses the concept of politics in Islam and its relation to dakwah. Whether politics and Islam are contradictory or whether politics itself is from Islam and needed in a series of dakwah. The method used in this study is the Method of Literature Study and analysis of scientific references related to relationship between politics and dakwah in the Qurán and the Sunnah’s perspective. There are several verses and hadiths that are displayed in this study to understand the context. The result shows that politics is a crucial thing for a Muslim, and it is wrong if someone thinks that Islam does not have to be political justice for the entire Indonesian nation.
Jurnal Bina Ummat: Membina dan Membentengi Ummat, 2021
Doing business is one way to earn sustenance. As in a hadith Rasulullah PBUH states that ninety p... more Doing business is one way to earn sustenance. As in a hadith Rasulullah PBUH states that ninety percent of sustenance lies in business, while the remaining ten percent is livestock. The point is that doing business will open nine doors to get wealth, while another door of sustenance is opened by breeding this shows how important business is in meeting the needs of human life, from the material side. Because ninety percent of the income obtained comes from business. A successful business cannot be separated from several things, one of which must be done based on trust, related to ethics, and related to profit. In practice, doing business according to Islamic law has been carried out by the Prophet Muhammad as a guide for Muslims, so that if a businessman does business according to the teachings of the Prophet, it is the same as carrying out the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad. More and more entrepreneurs are implementing the behavior of the Prophet in their business, including custome...
Tahdzib Al-Akhlaq: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2019
Humans are created in pairs, they absolutely cannot be alone and live without the others. Marriag... more Humans are created in pairs, they absolutely cannot be alone and live without the others. Marriage is a natural necessity for every human being that will bring harmony and happiness, a righteous woman (solehah woman) is a dream for every male, he has to know the criterias of unworthy and ideal womans before the marriage contract (‘aqd nikah) is held. It aims to create a permanent relationship between a husband and wife which can arrive the essence of marriage accordance with the purpose of marriage in Islam.
Islam is the way of life. And the Islamic education system is called a holistic approach to learn... more Islam is the way of life. And the Islamic education system is called a holistic approach to learning as it was in the early days of Islamic civilization. Islamic education, therefore, is considered and placed in a very noble position as it emphasizes the importance of the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge over other human activities. The background of this article sets out to assess the Challenges of Islamic Education in the 21st Century by bringing up some brief literature and analysis. In this article there are several topics related to the nature of Islamic education in Islamic education, the reality of Islamic education, Reform of Islamic education in the 21st century in the sectoral sector, curriculum, strengthening human resources, the Islamization of science by embodying Islamic values in science as part of education, the development and strengthening of Soft skills and management as well as entrepreneurial spirit is an inevitable need. But all of that will be able t...
In English: The spread of covid-19 in Indonesia coincides with the arrival of Ramadan. In fact, a... more In English: The spread of covid-19 in Indonesia coincides with the arrival of Ramadan. In fact, apart from fasting, there are also many other religious rituals, both express and implied in Islamic teachings, which have the value of friendship. The government also issued various regulations which in fact prohibit and limit these religious activities. In fact, the MUI also supported it by issuing a fatwa. By using an interpretive subjective approach and qualitative descriptive methods, this study analyzes data in the form of normative phenomena, social values, and the use of the maqasidsyari'ah method. Conclusions obtained, Fatwa MUI is one of the sources of law and guidance for Muslims in conducting religious activities in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic; Fatwa MUI related to the prohibition and restriction of religious activities in congregation in accordance with some concepts of maqasidsyari'ah.
The global pandemic related to Covid-19 that occurred in Indonesia has made humans experience a d... more The global pandemic related to Covid-19 that occurred in Indonesia has made humans experience a difficult situation that requires assistance in terms of support, material and financial. And zakat as a source of social funds in Islam has a strategic role to fulfill these needs. This study uses available literature and news developments from various media as the main reference for analysis. Observations by going directly to get involved in collecting zakat were also conducted. The decision of the Minister of Religion Fachrurozi is in accordance with the instructions of Vice President Ma'ruf Amin so that the community can collect zakat massively even though it is not yet due. So that it is expected to play a role as a social safety net for residents affected by Covid-19. The hope is that it can immediately help ease the burden of life, fulfilling the basic needs, and maintain the purchasing power of residents affected by Covid-19. It turns out that this effort creates conducive con...
يؤكد مفهوم الدعوة في سياق الدراسات المعاصرة على تطوير الدعوة التي تركز على تمكين المجتمع. هذا ال... more يؤكد مفهوم الدعوة في سياق الدراسات المعاصرة على تطوير الدعوة التي تركز على تمكين المجتمع. هذا المفهوم له صلة بالمشكلات الجوهرية التي يعاني منها المسلمون ، خاصة الفقر والجهل والضيق والتخلف والعجز ونقاط الضعف الأخرى. لا يمكن لمفهوم التمكين الدعوي أن يعتمد فقط على إجراء الاستنباط ، ولكن يمكن أيضا تطويره بشكل أكبر من خلال التكيف مع العلوم الاجتماعية الأخرى من خلال الإجراءات العلمية للاقتباسات والاستقرا. وللحصول على هذه النقاط ، يجب على المسلم تطبيق طريقة وفكرة الإسلام في المدينة المنورة (بعد الهجرة) كأفضل توجيه. كما كان النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم قدوة من خلال ميثاق المدينة المنورة ونجاحه كرئيس للحكومة ، بالإضافة إلى عمله كمسؤول موارد المجتمع ومعلم المجتمع ومطور المجتمع. في وقت قصير أصبح أهل المدينة المنورة مرجعا لتطور أفضل حضارة في العالم. حتى يومنا هذا ، يعترف العالم بأنه لا توجد حضارة متقدمة في العالم غير أهل المدينة المنورة. هناك سببان أو أغراض مهمة للتمكين من خلال تحرير البشر من المعتقدات والثقافات المنحرفة (الجهل) والدفاع عن المجتمع المسلم وبنائه. The concept of da'wah in ...