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Papers by Zeynep Baser

Research paper thumbnail of Kısaltılmış İlgi Tümcelerinin Çevirisinde Karşılaşılan Zorluklar

International Journal of Languages' Education and Teaching, Dec 31, 2022

A relative clause (RC) is a dependent clause that modifies a noun. It describes, identifies, or g... more A relative clause (RC) is a dependent clause that modifies a noun. It describes, identifies, or gives details about a noun. RCs begin with a relative pronoun or relativizer: a wh-or that. Relative pronouns might be omitted in English, which results in the reduction form of RCs. Turkish, however, has neither relative pronouns nor a reduction in RCs, which may result in challenges in translation from English into Turkish. This study aims to analyse what these challenges are and how they differ depending on the condition of active and passive voice use in RCs or reduced RCs. By applying a set of questions gathered from Foreign Language Exams administered to the translation students, the present study revealed that students taking the online test had more errors in the questions of non-reduced active RC sentences, which might be related to the length of the sentences, the phrases hard to translate, and other tricky options in the multiple choice test while students translating from the scratch had more difficulty in answering reduced passive RCs because of the temporal ambiguity in meaning. It is expected that this study will help student translators be aware of the ambiguity of meaning in reduced RCs.

Research paper thumbnail of Enacting the national curriculum in a rural elementary school: A qualitative study of a beginning language teacher’s experiences Kırsal bir iköğretim okulunda milli eğitim müfredatının uygulanması: Göreve yeni başlayan bir ingilizce üğretmenin deneyimleri üzerine nitel bir çalışma

This study explored how experiences in a rural setting shaped a beginning language teacher's ... more This study explored how experiences in a rural setting shaped a beginning language teacher's identity and practices. The data were gathered through semi-structured interviews, observations, and open-ended questions. The interpretive analysis revealed four elements regarding becoming successful in teaching; appreciation of rural life, passion for rural teaching, aspiration for teaching profession, and readiness for teaching. We found that the stakeholders in this rural elementary school acknowledged the importance of high quality in language education in general terms. But, our analysis also revealed that, in this setting, foreign language education was not situated as an area with a very high level of importance within the curriculum by the participants. Overall, the results explicate the rural challenges that a beginning teacher encountered while enacting the national curriculu

Research paper thumbnail of Ek hastalığı olmayan koah hastalarında huzursuz bacaklar sendromu

Erciyes tıp dergisi, 2012

Page 1. ÖZGÜN ARAŞTIRMA ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION 24 1Dr. Suat Seren Göğüs Hastalıkları ve Cerrahisi... more Page 1. ÖZGÜN ARAŞTIRMA ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION 24 1Dr. Suat Seren Göğüs Hastalıkları ve Cerrahisi Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Göğüs Hastalıkları Kliniği, İzmir, Türkiye 2Dr. Suat Seren Göğüs Hastalıkları ve Cerrahisi ...

Research paper thumbnail of Evrensel bir çözümleyici ya da dile özgü çözümleme stratejileri: Türkçe’de ilgi tümcelerini isim tamlamalarında tamlayan ya da tamlanan ile bağlama tercihleri

RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, Nov 21, 2019

R u m e l i D E D i l v e E d e b i y a t A r a ş t ı r m a l a r ı D e r g i s i 2 0 1 9 . Ö 6 (... more R u m e l i D E D i l v e E d e b i y a t A r a ş t ı r m a l a r ı D e r g i s i 2 0 1 9 . Ö 6 ( K a s ı m ) / 1 Evrensel bir çözümleyici ya da dile özgü çözümleme stratejileri: Türkçe'de ilgi tümcelerini isim tamlamalarında tamlayan ya da tamlanan ile bağlama tercihleri / Z. Başer (1-21. s.

Research paper thumbnail of Using Game-Based Learning with Kinect Technology in Foreign Language Education Course

Educational Technology & Society, 2018

The present study investigates the effects of game-based language learning with Kinect technology... more The present study investigates the effects of game-based language learning with Kinect technology on students’ self-efficacy beliefs and attitudes toward English. The study was conducted at a state university located in Central Turkey. Foreign language education is promoted in Turkey, yet because of several factors, among which weekly hours of teaching, and student motivation prevail, and students still cannot develop their language skills. The literature shows that these problems might be minimized making use of technological advancements effectively in the classroom. Therefore, game-based language learning, through which students carry out meaningful tasks based on real-life scenarios to develop their communication skills, is getting an increasing attention. In this study, a pre-test/post-test quasi-experimental study was conducted. Participants were the first-year students taking English as a compulsory course. In total, there were 62 participants. The instruments included two questionnaires measuring self-efficacy beliefs and attitude toward English. The results revealed that there was a significant positive increase in some sub-factors of attitude and self-efficacy scores of the students in the experimental group compared to the average scores of the students in the control group. The study explains why game-based learning activities with Kinect technology should be integrated into the foreign language courses.

Research paper thumbnail of Enhancing metacognitive awareness of undergraduates through using an e-educational video environment

Computers & education, Oct 1, 2019

His research interests are pre-and inservice teacher technology education, technology enhanced le... more His research interests are pre-and inservice teacher technology education, technology enhanced learning.

Research paper thumbnail of Restless Legs Syndrome in Copd Patients Without Accompanying Disease

Erciyes tıp dergisi, Mar 1, 2012

Amaç: Kronik obstrüktif akciğer hastalığı (KOAH) hastalarında mortaliteyi etkileyebilen uyku prob... more Amaç: Kronik obstrüktif akciğer hastalığı (KOAH) hastalarında mortaliteyi etkileyebilen uyku problemleri sık görülmektedir, ancak KOAH hastalarında huzursuz bacaklar sendromu (HBS) kaynaklı uyku sorunları ile ilgili çok az sayıda çalışma vardır. Bu çalışmanın amacı ek hastalığı olmayan KOAH hastalarında HBS sıklık ve şiddeti ile ilişkili klinik ve laboratuar parametreleri değerlendirmektir. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Ek hastalık öyküsü olmayan KOAH tanılı 50 erkek hasta ve 20 gönüllü sağlıklı erkek çalışmaya alındı. Hastalar uluslararası standart anket sorularıyla HBS varlığı ve şiddeti açısından tarandı. KOAH'lı hastalarda HBS varlığı ve şiddeti ile ilişkili olabilecek klinik ve laboratuar parametreleri araştırıldı. Bulgular: HBS sıklığı (KOAH: %24, kontrol grubu: %10) ve şiddeti açısından istatistiksel anlamlı fark saptanmadı. KOAH hastalarının %16'sında HBS açısından pozitif aile öyküsü saptandı. HBS varlığı ve şiddeti ile klinik ve laboratuvar parametreleri arasında herhangi bir ilişki saptanmadı. HBS saptanan KOAH hastalarında daha fazla oranda inhale antikolinerjik kullanımı saptandı (11/12 ve 22/38; p<0,05). Sonuç: Bu çalışma bildiğimiz kadarıyla KOAH dışında ek hastalığı olmayan hastalarda HBS sıklığını araştıran ve inhale antikolinerjik tedavisi ve HBS arasındaki ilişkiyi gösteren ilk çalışmadır. Örneklemin küçük olması ve kadın KOAH hastalarının çalışmaya alınmamış olması ana kısıtlılıklardır. Büyük ölçekli, prospektif çalışmalar bu bulguları açıklamaya yardımcı olacaktır.

Research paper thumbnail of Pause Before Reading and Translating Numerals in a Foreign Language

International Journal of Language Academy

This paper analyzes pauses before reading numerals in a sentence in a foreign language. In other ... more This paper analyzes pauses before reading numerals in a sentence in a foreign language. In other words, the main aim in this article is to measure the amount of thinking time before translating threedigit numbers as well as other reading behaviors like chunking numerals during first language (L1)second language (L2) translation in either direction. There are studies showing translation from L2 into L1 is easier. Many people might have also experienced that they pause before reading numbers while reading a sentence in a foreign language. Does processing numbers in a foreign language take longer time compared to one's own native language? Depending on the proficiency level and the age of acquisition of a foreign language, reading numbers written in digit form or letter form must show differences in both directions in translation. In this paper, only seventeen bachelor's degree students studying at an English translation and interpreting department in Turkey were analyzed. The results indicated that the duration of pause before reading the numerals in sentences out loud in the constant flow of reading in L2 (English) or translating them is longer compared to that in L1 (Turkish). Besides in English, unexpected behaviors such as reading the numbers wrong were recorded while and before reading numerals and translating them in L1 (Turkish) as well. Therefore, the results suggest that translating numerals has challenges for both directions of translation.

Research paper thumbnail of Examining translation behaviour of Turkish student translators in scientific text translation with think-aloud protocols

Meta: Journal des traducteurs

The process of translation has been dramatically influenced by the latest developments in technol... more The process of translation has been dramatically influenced by the latest developments in technology. Students’ behaviours during the translation process have also changed as they try to seek information and use different resources. This study aims to investigate the translation behaviour of students in an English translation department. For this purpose, 11 students were recruited. The students were asked to translate a scientific text from English into Turkish. For the analysis of their translation behaviour, Think-Aloud Protocols (TAPs) and their translated texts were used. Monologue Protocol was used to see what goes on in a prospective translator’s mind. The students were audio-recorded while translating. Then, the translations were scored and the transcriptions of the recordings were coded. The results were presented under three main themes: (i) Recruiting translation tools: when and how, (ii) Following a pattern of translation process, and (iii) Challenges: language(s), context and more. All in all, the present study highlights the importance of guiding students in the use of the appropriate tools for the translation of specialised texts, and also suggests that student translators should be more critical of Machine Translation outputs and should practice post-editing procedures in their courses.

Research paper thumbnail of Using Game-Based Learning with Kinect Technology in Foreign Language Education Course

Educational Technology & Society, 2018

The present study investigates the effects of game-based language learning with Kinect technology... more The present study investigates the effects of game-based language learning with Kinect technology on students’ self-efficacy beliefs and attitudes toward English. The study was conducted at a state university located in Central Turkey. Foreign language education is promoted in Turkey, yet because of several factors, among which weekly hours of teaching, and student motivation prevail, and students still cannot develop their language skills. The literature shows that these problems might be minimized making use of technological advancements effectively in the classroom. Therefore, game-based language learning, through which students carry out meaningful tasks based on real-life scenarios to develop their communication skills, is getting an increasing attention. In this study, a pre-test/post-test quasi-experimental study was conducted. Participants were the first-year students taking English as a compulsory course. In total, there were 62 participants. The instruments included two questionnaires measuring self-efficacy beliefs and attitude toward English. The results revealed that there was a significant positive increase in some sub-factors of attitude and self-efficacy scores of the students in the experimental group compared to the average scores of the students in the control group. The study explains why game-based learning activities with Kinect technology should be integrated into the foreign language courses.

Research paper thumbnail of Toward contraceptive self-reliance in Turkey: results from a pilot test of a cost-sharing mechanism. Full report

The pilot study on testing a donation policy for achieving contraceptive self-reliance in turkey ... more The pilot study on testing a donation policy for achieving contraceptive self-reliance in turkey was conducted jointly by the Turkish Ministry of Health General Directorate of Mother and Child Health and Family Planning and the POLICY Project. This report includes findings from a pilot study that: -Assessed the attitudes and behavior of public sector family planning clients when asked to make a donation for contraceptives received at MOH facilities. Specifically it assessed how the donation policy affected demand for family planning services at MOH facilities -Assessed the attitude of MOH providers and administrators toward the targeting plan and their level of compliance with the elements of the plan. -Tested the mechanism designed for the targeting plan. -Collected data for use in estimating national revenue potential and determining optimum donation levels. (authors)

Research paper thumbnail of A political economy perspective on achieving contraceptive self-reliance in Turkey

In 1994 after three decades of donor support to Turkey’s national family program the U.S. Agency ... more In 1994 after three decades of donor support to Turkey’s national family program the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) announced its intention to phase out assistance. On the eve of donor phase-out Turkey’s public sector program was serving nearly 60 percent of the market for modern family planning methods including many non-poor clients. During the transition period the Ministry of Health was challenged not only to obtain new resources to replace donated contraceptive commodities but also to assume new technical responsibilities for the program. The story of how the ministry succeeded is often told in technical terms (e.g. number of procurements budget trends pilot project design etc.). An equally important part of the story is the political and institutional context within which success was achieved. Examining how the MCH-FP Directorate overcame challenges to put in place a sustainable strategy for the public sector family planning program reveals the political dim...

Research paper thumbnail of Enacting the National Curriculum in a Rural Elementary School: A Qualitative Study of a Beginning Language Teacher's Experiences

This study explored how experiences in a rural setting shaped a beginning language teacher's ... more This study explored how experiences in a rural setting shaped a beginning language teacher's identity and practices. The data were gathered through semi-structured interviews, observations, and open-ended questions. The interpretive analysis revealed four elements regarding becoming successful in teaching; appreciation of rural life, passion for rural teaching, aspiration for teaching profession, and readiness for teaching. We found that the stakeholders in this rural elementary school acknowledged the importance of high quality in language education in general terms. But, our analysis also revealed that, in this setting, foreign language education was not situated as an area with a very high level of importance within the curriculum by the participants. Overall, the results explicate the rural challenges that a beginning teacher encountered while enacting the national curriculum

Research paper thumbnail of Examination of Speaking Test Performance in Structured Group Tasks

Design Solutions for Adaptive Hypermedia Listening Software, 2021

This chapter explores the use of structured group tasks in the testing of speaking skills in the ... more This chapter explores the use of structured group tasks in the testing of speaking skills in the context of a tertiary level first year speaking course. Participants included undergraduate university students from the department of English translation and interpreting at a state university located in Central Turkey. The structured task used in the study guided students into a group discussion during the speaking exam. The discussions in the exam sessions were video-recorded and transcribed. The transcriptions were analyzed from an interactional perspective. The students were also given an open-ended questionnaire to reveal their opinions about the ins and outs of the speaking test task tried out in the study. The questionnaire consisted of two parts. The first part required students to fill out their demographic information, and the second part inquired students' opinions about the group speaking task. The results of the analysis and questionnaire responses revealed additional o...

Research paper thumbnail of Is There a Particular RC Attachment Preference in Turkish? Negotiating the Effects of Semantic Factors

Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 2020

The goal of this study is to investigate whether or not Turkish has a particular preference in am... more The goal of this study is to investigate whether or not Turkish has a particular preference in ambiguity resolution of relative clause attachment when two possible NPs are available as in "Someone shot [NP1 the servant] of [NP2 the actress] [RC who was on the balcony]ˮ. The relevant literature has showed that RC attachment preferences-whether NP1 or NP2-vary across languages, which results in contradictory evidence if some universal processing principle is assumed. Turkish differs typologically from English and other European languages in the construction of RC using complex "genitive-possessor" construction. In order to make a valid cross-linguistic comparison it is therefore of particular importance to carefully control potential extraneous factors which might obstruct true attachment preferences-if they exist. The present study, which controls various confounding factors, reveals that both syntactic and non-syntactic factors should be taken into consideration when constructing the stimulus sentences for testing attachment ambiguity resolution. Specifically, we propose that the semantic relations (e.g. part-whole relations) between the noun phrases of the genitive-possessive construction and the semantic associations with the proximal as well as with the distal predicate play a key role in the attachment preferences of monolingual Turkish native speakers in this type of ambiguous sentences. When these extraneous factors were controlled, no preference was observed.

Research paper thumbnail of Enhancing metacognitive awareness of undergraduates through using an e-educational video environment

Computers & Education, 2019

Video portfolios provide students with opportunities of self-monitoring, evaluating and reflectin... more Video portfolios provide students with opportunities of self-monitoring, evaluating and reflecting on their own performance, and receiving feedback from others such as their peers and teachers. However, the literature was lacking an investigation of the extent to which video portfolios might contribute to developing students' metacognitive awareness level in foreign language learning. Therefore, this study aimed to understand the potential effects of using an e-educational video portfolio environment supported with Kinect technology on enhancing students' metacognitive awareness level in foreign language learning. In order to achieve this goal, a pre-test/ post-test quasi-experimental study was conducted at a state university located in Central Turkey. In total, eighty-five students took part in the study. The students had been divided into two sections at the beginning of the academic year. There were 42 students in Section 1, 43 students in Section 2. For the purposes of the study, the sections were randomly identified as the control and experimental group. The same curriculum was taught to both groups by the same instructor; however, the experimental group followed a video portfoliointegrated course supported with Kinect technology in face-to-face learning environment for 7 weeks in the second half of the semester whilst the control group continued the usual methods. The data was gathered by means of a Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI), which is a five-point likert scale, and three focus group interviews. The results showed that using an e-educational video portfolio environment enhanced students' metacognitive awareness level and supported foreign language learning process effectively.

Research paper thumbnail of Posterior Chamber Lens Implantation Techniques in Posterior Capsular Rupture

European Journal of Ophthalmology, 2004

Purpose To evaluate posterior chamber lens implantation techniques and their results in patients ... more Purpose To evaluate posterior chamber lens implantation techniques and their results in patients in whom posterior capsular rupture and zonular dialysis arose during cataract operation. METHODS Forty-three cataractous eyes of 43 consecutive patients with complicated cataract operations such as posterior capsular rupture or zonular dialysis were accepted into this prospective study between November 1999 and January 2001. Intraocular lens implantation to ciliary sulcus was achieved without sutures in 19 cases (Group 1), with one suture from 12 o'clock quadrant in 14 cases (Group 2), and with two sutures from 3 to 9 o'clock quadrants in 10 cases (Group 3). Patients were followed up for 3 months after operation and evaluated for best-corrected visual acuity, refractive astigmatism, corneal edema, anterior chamber depth and inflammation, synechia at angle, intraocular pressure, lens tilt and decentration, intraocular hemorrhage, cystoid macular edema, and retinal detachment. Resu...

Research paper thumbnail of Imagining peace in a conflict environment: Kurdish youths' framing of the Kurdish issue in Turkey

Patterns of Prejudice, 2014

Drawn from focus groups composed of fifty-five Kurdish young people in Diyarbakır, Başer and Çeli... more Drawn from focus groups composed of fifty-five Kurdish young people in Diyarbakır, Başer and Çelik's article concerns the young Kurds' description of the Kurdish issue in Turkey and their visions of peace. In recognition of their social and political agency, the article focuses on the Kurdish young people's framing of both the conflict and peace, based on their individual everyday observations and experiences, and seeks to understand how they frame the Kurdish issue by defining the root causes of the conflict and imagining solutions for its resolution, particularly vis-à-vis the dominant frames regarding the Kurdish issue in Turkey.

Research paper thumbnail of Imagining peace and conflict: the Kurdish children and youth in Diyarbakır

Imagining peace and conflict: the Kurdish children and youth in Diyarbakır. Başer, Zeynep (2011) ... more Imagining peace and conflict: the Kurdish children and youth in Diyarbakır. Başer, Zeynep (2011) Imagining peace and conflict: the Kurdish children and youth in Diyarbakır. ... Repository Staff Only: item control page. Sabanci University Research Database is powered by EPrints 3.

Research paper thumbnail of Enflamatuar Barsak Hastaliğini Takli̇t Eden İntesti̇nal Tüberküloz Olgusu


Tüberküloz; tüm dünyada insidansı halen artmakta olan önemli bir sağlık sorunudur. Tüberkülozlu h... more Tüberküloz; tüm dünyada insidansı halen artmakta olan önemli bir sağlık sorunudur. Tüberkülozlu hastaların yaklaşık %1'i intestinal tüberkülozdur. Ancak tüberküloz insidansının artışı ile birlikte intestinal tüberkülozun da daha sık görüleceği belirtilmektedir. İntestinal tüberkülozun, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Kısaltılmış İlgi Tümcelerinin Çevirisinde Karşılaşılan Zorluklar

International Journal of Languages' Education and Teaching, Dec 31, 2022

A relative clause (RC) is a dependent clause that modifies a noun. It describes, identifies, or g... more A relative clause (RC) is a dependent clause that modifies a noun. It describes, identifies, or gives details about a noun. RCs begin with a relative pronoun or relativizer: a wh-or that. Relative pronouns might be omitted in English, which results in the reduction form of RCs. Turkish, however, has neither relative pronouns nor a reduction in RCs, which may result in challenges in translation from English into Turkish. This study aims to analyse what these challenges are and how they differ depending on the condition of active and passive voice use in RCs or reduced RCs. By applying a set of questions gathered from Foreign Language Exams administered to the translation students, the present study revealed that students taking the online test had more errors in the questions of non-reduced active RC sentences, which might be related to the length of the sentences, the phrases hard to translate, and other tricky options in the multiple choice test while students translating from the scratch had more difficulty in answering reduced passive RCs because of the temporal ambiguity in meaning. It is expected that this study will help student translators be aware of the ambiguity of meaning in reduced RCs.

Research paper thumbnail of Enacting the national curriculum in a rural elementary school: A qualitative study of a beginning language teacher’s experiences Kırsal bir iköğretim okulunda milli eğitim müfredatının uygulanması: Göreve yeni başlayan bir ingilizce üğretmenin deneyimleri üzerine nitel bir çalışma

This study explored how experiences in a rural setting shaped a beginning language teacher's ... more This study explored how experiences in a rural setting shaped a beginning language teacher's identity and practices. The data were gathered through semi-structured interviews, observations, and open-ended questions. The interpretive analysis revealed four elements regarding becoming successful in teaching; appreciation of rural life, passion for rural teaching, aspiration for teaching profession, and readiness for teaching. We found that the stakeholders in this rural elementary school acknowledged the importance of high quality in language education in general terms. But, our analysis also revealed that, in this setting, foreign language education was not situated as an area with a very high level of importance within the curriculum by the participants. Overall, the results explicate the rural challenges that a beginning teacher encountered while enacting the national curriculu

Research paper thumbnail of Ek hastalığı olmayan koah hastalarında huzursuz bacaklar sendromu

Erciyes tıp dergisi, 2012

Page 1. ÖZGÜN ARAŞTIRMA ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION 24 1Dr. Suat Seren Göğüs Hastalıkları ve Cerrahisi... more Page 1. ÖZGÜN ARAŞTIRMA ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION 24 1Dr. Suat Seren Göğüs Hastalıkları ve Cerrahisi Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Göğüs Hastalıkları Kliniği, İzmir, Türkiye 2Dr. Suat Seren Göğüs Hastalıkları ve Cerrahisi ...

Research paper thumbnail of Evrensel bir çözümleyici ya da dile özgü çözümleme stratejileri: Türkçe’de ilgi tümcelerini isim tamlamalarında tamlayan ya da tamlanan ile bağlama tercihleri

RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, Nov 21, 2019

R u m e l i D E D i l v e E d e b i y a t A r a ş t ı r m a l a r ı D e r g i s i 2 0 1 9 . Ö 6 (... more R u m e l i D E D i l v e E d e b i y a t A r a ş t ı r m a l a r ı D e r g i s i 2 0 1 9 . Ö 6 ( K a s ı m ) / 1 Evrensel bir çözümleyici ya da dile özgü çözümleme stratejileri: Türkçe'de ilgi tümcelerini isim tamlamalarında tamlayan ya da tamlanan ile bağlama tercihleri / Z. Başer (1-21. s.

Research paper thumbnail of Using Game-Based Learning with Kinect Technology in Foreign Language Education Course

Educational Technology & Society, 2018

The present study investigates the effects of game-based language learning with Kinect technology... more The present study investigates the effects of game-based language learning with Kinect technology on students’ self-efficacy beliefs and attitudes toward English. The study was conducted at a state university located in Central Turkey. Foreign language education is promoted in Turkey, yet because of several factors, among which weekly hours of teaching, and student motivation prevail, and students still cannot develop their language skills. The literature shows that these problems might be minimized making use of technological advancements effectively in the classroom. Therefore, game-based language learning, through which students carry out meaningful tasks based on real-life scenarios to develop their communication skills, is getting an increasing attention. In this study, a pre-test/post-test quasi-experimental study was conducted. Participants were the first-year students taking English as a compulsory course. In total, there were 62 participants. The instruments included two questionnaires measuring self-efficacy beliefs and attitude toward English. The results revealed that there was a significant positive increase in some sub-factors of attitude and self-efficacy scores of the students in the experimental group compared to the average scores of the students in the control group. The study explains why game-based learning activities with Kinect technology should be integrated into the foreign language courses.

Research paper thumbnail of Enhancing metacognitive awareness of undergraduates through using an e-educational video environment

Computers & education, Oct 1, 2019

His research interests are pre-and inservice teacher technology education, technology enhanced le... more His research interests are pre-and inservice teacher technology education, technology enhanced learning.

Research paper thumbnail of Restless Legs Syndrome in Copd Patients Without Accompanying Disease

Erciyes tıp dergisi, Mar 1, 2012

Amaç: Kronik obstrüktif akciğer hastalığı (KOAH) hastalarında mortaliteyi etkileyebilen uyku prob... more Amaç: Kronik obstrüktif akciğer hastalığı (KOAH) hastalarında mortaliteyi etkileyebilen uyku problemleri sık görülmektedir, ancak KOAH hastalarında huzursuz bacaklar sendromu (HBS) kaynaklı uyku sorunları ile ilgili çok az sayıda çalışma vardır. Bu çalışmanın amacı ek hastalığı olmayan KOAH hastalarında HBS sıklık ve şiddeti ile ilişkili klinik ve laboratuar parametreleri değerlendirmektir. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Ek hastalık öyküsü olmayan KOAH tanılı 50 erkek hasta ve 20 gönüllü sağlıklı erkek çalışmaya alındı. Hastalar uluslararası standart anket sorularıyla HBS varlığı ve şiddeti açısından tarandı. KOAH'lı hastalarda HBS varlığı ve şiddeti ile ilişkili olabilecek klinik ve laboratuar parametreleri araştırıldı. Bulgular: HBS sıklığı (KOAH: %24, kontrol grubu: %10) ve şiddeti açısından istatistiksel anlamlı fark saptanmadı. KOAH hastalarının %16'sında HBS açısından pozitif aile öyküsü saptandı. HBS varlığı ve şiddeti ile klinik ve laboratuvar parametreleri arasında herhangi bir ilişki saptanmadı. HBS saptanan KOAH hastalarında daha fazla oranda inhale antikolinerjik kullanımı saptandı (11/12 ve 22/38; p<0,05). Sonuç: Bu çalışma bildiğimiz kadarıyla KOAH dışında ek hastalığı olmayan hastalarda HBS sıklığını araştıran ve inhale antikolinerjik tedavisi ve HBS arasındaki ilişkiyi gösteren ilk çalışmadır. Örneklemin küçük olması ve kadın KOAH hastalarının çalışmaya alınmamış olması ana kısıtlılıklardır. Büyük ölçekli, prospektif çalışmalar bu bulguları açıklamaya yardımcı olacaktır.

Research paper thumbnail of Pause Before Reading and Translating Numerals in a Foreign Language

International Journal of Language Academy

This paper analyzes pauses before reading numerals in a sentence in a foreign language. In other ... more This paper analyzes pauses before reading numerals in a sentence in a foreign language. In other words, the main aim in this article is to measure the amount of thinking time before translating threedigit numbers as well as other reading behaviors like chunking numerals during first language (L1)second language (L2) translation in either direction. There are studies showing translation from L2 into L1 is easier. Many people might have also experienced that they pause before reading numbers while reading a sentence in a foreign language. Does processing numbers in a foreign language take longer time compared to one's own native language? Depending on the proficiency level and the age of acquisition of a foreign language, reading numbers written in digit form or letter form must show differences in both directions in translation. In this paper, only seventeen bachelor's degree students studying at an English translation and interpreting department in Turkey were analyzed. The results indicated that the duration of pause before reading the numerals in sentences out loud in the constant flow of reading in L2 (English) or translating them is longer compared to that in L1 (Turkish). Besides in English, unexpected behaviors such as reading the numbers wrong were recorded while and before reading numerals and translating them in L1 (Turkish) as well. Therefore, the results suggest that translating numerals has challenges for both directions of translation.

Research paper thumbnail of Examining translation behaviour of Turkish student translators in scientific text translation with think-aloud protocols

Meta: Journal des traducteurs

The process of translation has been dramatically influenced by the latest developments in technol... more The process of translation has been dramatically influenced by the latest developments in technology. Students’ behaviours during the translation process have also changed as they try to seek information and use different resources. This study aims to investigate the translation behaviour of students in an English translation department. For this purpose, 11 students were recruited. The students were asked to translate a scientific text from English into Turkish. For the analysis of their translation behaviour, Think-Aloud Protocols (TAPs) and their translated texts were used. Monologue Protocol was used to see what goes on in a prospective translator’s mind. The students were audio-recorded while translating. Then, the translations were scored and the transcriptions of the recordings were coded. The results were presented under three main themes: (i) Recruiting translation tools: when and how, (ii) Following a pattern of translation process, and (iii) Challenges: language(s), context and more. All in all, the present study highlights the importance of guiding students in the use of the appropriate tools for the translation of specialised texts, and also suggests that student translators should be more critical of Machine Translation outputs and should practice post-editing procedures in their courses.

Research paper thumbnail of Using Game-Based Learning with Kinect Technology in Foreign Language Education Course

Educational Technology & Society, 2018

The present study investigates the effects of game-based language learning with Kinect technology... more The present study investigates the effects of game-based language learning with Kinect technology on students’ self-efficacy beliefs and attitudes toward English. The study was conducted at a state university located in Central Turkey. Foreign language education is promoted in Turkey, yet because of several factors, among which weekly hours of teaching, and student motivation prevail, and students still cannot develop their language skills. The literature shows that these problems might be minimized making use of technological advancements effectively in the classroom. Therefore, game-based language learning, through which students carry out meaningful tasks based on real-life scenarios to develop their communication skills, is getting an increasing attention. In this study, a pre-test/post-test quasi-experimental study was conducted. Participants were the first-year students taking English as a compulsory course. In total, there were 62 participants. The instruments included two questionnaires measuring self-efficacy beliefs and attitude toward English. The results revealed that there was a significant positive increase in some sub-factors of attitude and self-efficacy scores of the students in the experimental group compared to the average scores of the students in the control group. The study explains why game-based learning activities with Kinect technology should be integrated into the foreign language courses.

Research paper thumbnail of Toward contraceptive self-reliance in Turkey: results from a pilot test of a cost-sharing mechanism. Full report

The pilot study on testing a donation policy for achieving contraceptive self-reliance in turkey ... more The pilot study on testing a donation policy for achieving contraceptive self-reliance in turkey was conducted jointly by the Turkish Ministry of Health General Directorate of Mother and Child Health and Family Planning and the POLICY Project. This report includes findings from a pilot study that: -Assessed the attitudes and behavior of public sector family planning clients when asked to make a donation for contraceptives received at MOH facilities. Specifically it assessed how the donation policy affected demand for family planning services at MOH facilities -Assessed the attitude of MOH providers and administrators toward the targeting plan and their level of compliance with the elements of the plan. -Tested the mechanism designed for the targeting plan. -Collected data for use in estimating national revenue potential and determining optimum donation levels. (authors)

Research paper thumbnail of A political economy perspective on achieving contraceptive self-reliance in Turkey

In 1994 after three decades of donor support to Turkey’s national family program the U.S. Agency ... more In 1994 after three decades of donor support to Turkey’s national family program the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) announced its intention to phase out assistance. On the eve of donor phase-out Turkey’s public sector program was serving nearly 60 percent of the market for modern family planning methods including many non-poor clients. During the transition period the Ministry of Health was challenged not only to obtain new resources to replace donated contraceptive commodities but also to assume new technical responsibilities for the program. The story of how the ministry succeeded is often told in technical terms (e.g. number of procurements budget trends pilot project design etc.). An equally important part of the story is the political and institutional context within which success was achieved. Examining how the MCH-FP Directorate overcame challenges to put in place a sustainable strategy for the public sector family planning program reveals the political dim...

Research paper thumbnail of Enacting the National Curriculum in a Rural Elementary School: A Qualitative Study of a Beginning Language Teacher's Experiences

This study explored how experiences in a rural setting shaped a beginning language teacher's ... more This study explored how experiences in a rural setting shaped a beginning language teacher's identity and practices. The data were gathered through semi-structured interviews, observations, and open-ended questions. The interpretive analysis revealed four elements regarding becoming successful in teaching; appreciation of rural life, passion for rural teaching, aspiration for teaching profession, and readiness for teaching. We found that the stakeholders in this rural elementary school acknowledged the importance of high quality in language education in general terms. But, our analysis also revealed that, in this setting, foreign language education was not situated as an area with a very high level of importance within the curriculum by the participants. Overall, the results explicate the rural challenges that a beginning teacher encountered while enacting the national curriculum

Research paper thumbnail of Examination of Speaking Test Performance in Structured Group Tasks

Design Solutions for Adaptive Hypermedia Listening Software, 2021

This chapter explores the use of structured group tasks in the testing of speaking skills in the ... more This chapter explores the use of structured group tasks in the testing of speaking skills in the context of a tertiary level first year speaking course. Participants included undergraduate university students from the department of English translation and interpreting at a state university located in Central Turkey. The structured task used in the study guided students into a group discussion during the speaking exam. The discussions in the exam sessions were video-recorded and transcribed. The transcriptions were analyzed from an interactional perspective. The students were also given an open-ended questionnaire to reveal their opinions about the ins and outs of the speaking test task tried out in the study. The questionnaire consisted of two parts. The first part required students to fill out their demographic information, and the second part inquired students' opinions about the group speaking task. The results of the analysis and questionnaire responses revealed additional o...

Research paper thumbnail of Is There a Particular RC Attachment Preference in Turkish? Negotiating the Effects of Semantic Factors

Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 2020

The goal of this study is to investigate whether or not Turkish has a particular preference in am... more The goal of this study is to investigate whether or not Turkish has a particular preference in ambiguity resolution of relative clause attachment when two possible NPs are available as in "Someone shot [NP1 the servant] of [NP2 the actress] [RC who was on the balcony]ˮ. The relevant literature has showed that RC attachment preferences-whether NP1 or NP2-vary across languages, which results in contradictory evidence if some universal processing principle is assumed. Turkish differs typologically from English and other European languages in the construction of RC using complex "genitive-possessor" construction. In order to make a valid cross-linguistic comparison it is therefore of particular importance to carefully control potential extraneous factors which might obstruct true attachment preferences-if they exist. The present study, which controls various confounding factors, reveals that both syntactic and non-syntactic factors should be taken into consideration when constructing the stimulus sentences for testing attachment ambiguity resolution. Specifically, we propose that the semantic relations (e.g. part-whole relations) between the noun phrases of the genitive-possessive construction and the semantic associations with the proximal as well as with the distal predicate play a key role in the attachment preferences of monolingual Turkish native speakers in this type of ambiguous sentences. When these extraneous factors were controlled, no preference was observed.

Research paper thumbnail of Enhancing metacognitive awareness of undergraduates through using an e-educational video environment

Computers & Education, 2019

Video portfolios provide students with opportunities of self-monitoring, evaluating and reflectin... more Video portfolios provide students with opportunities of self-monitoring, evaluating and reflecting on their own performance, and receiving feedback from others such as their peers and teachers. However, the literature was lacking an investigation of the extent to which video portfolios might contribute to developing students' metacognitive awareness level in foreign language learning. Therefore, this study aimed to understand the potential effects of using an e-educational video portfolio environment supported with Kinect technology on enhancing students' metacognitive awareness level in foreign language learning. In order to achieve this goal, a pre-test/ post-test quasi-experimental study was conducted at a state university located in Central Turkey. In total, eighty-five students took part in the study. The students had been divided into two sections at the beginning of the academic year. There were 42 students in Section 1, 43 students in Section 2. For the purposes of the study, the sections were randomly identified as the control and experimental group. The same curriculum was taught to both groups by the same instructor; however, the experimental group followed a video portfoliointegrated course supported with Kinect technology in face-to-face learning environment for 7 weeks in the second half of the semester whilst the control group continued the usual methods. The data was gathered by means of a Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI), which is a five-point likert scale, and three focus group interviews. The results showed that using an e-educational video portfolio environment enhanced students' metacognitive awareness level and supported foreign language learning process effectively.

Research paper thumbnail of Posterior Chamber Lens Implantation Techniques in Posterior Capsular Rupture

European Journal of Ophthalmology, 2004

Purpose To evaluate posterior chamber lens implantation techniques and their results in patients ... more Purpose To evaluate posterior chamber lens implantation techniques and their results in patients in whom posterior capsular rupture and zonular dialysis arose during cataract operation. METHODS Forty-three cataractous eyes of 43 consecutive patients with complicated cataract operations such as posterior capsular rupture or zonular dialysis were accepted into this prospective study between November 1999 and January 2001. Intraocular lens implantation to ciliary sulcus was achieved without sutures in 19 cases (Group 1), with one suture from 12 o'clock quadrant in 14 cases (Group 2), and with two sutures from 3 to 9 o'clock quadrants in 10 cases (Group 3). Patients were followed up for 3 months after operation and evaluated for best-corrected visual acuity, refractive astigmatism, corneal edema, anterior chamber depth and inflammation, synechia at angle, intraocular pressure, lens tilt and decentration, intraocular hemorrhage, cystoid macular edema, and retinal detachment. Resu...

Research paper thumbnail of Imagining peace in a conflict environment: Kurdish youths' framing of the Kurdish issue in Turkey

Patterns of Prejudice, 2014

Drawn from focus groups composed of fifty-five Kurdish young people in Diyarbakır, Başer and Çeli... more Drawn from focus groups composed of fifty-five Kurdish young people in Diyarbakır, Başer and Çelik's article concerns the young Kurds' description of the Kurdish issue in Turkey and their visions of peace. In recognition of their social and political agency, the article focuses on the Kurdish young people's framing of both the conflict and peace, based on their individual everyday observations and experiences, and seeks to understand how they frame the Kurdish issue by defining the root causes of the conflict and imagining solutions for its resolution, particularly vis-à-vis the dominant frames regarding the Kurdish issue in Turkey.

Research paper thumbnail of Imagining peace and conflict: the Kurdish children and youth in Diyarbakır

Imagining peace and conflict: the Kurdish children and youth in Diyarbakır. Başer, Zeynep (2011) ... more Imagining peace and conflict: the Kurdish children and youth in Diyarbakır. Başer, Zeynep (2011) Imagining peace and conflict: the Kurdish children and youth in Diyarbakır. ... Repository Staff Only: item control page. Sabanci University Research Database is powered by EPrints 3.

Research paper thumbnail of Enflamatuar Barsak Hastaliğini Takli̇t Eden İntesti̇nal Tüberküloz Olgusu


Tüberküloz; tüm dünyada insidansı halen artmakta olan önemli bir sağlık sorunudur. Tüberkülozlu h... more Tüberküloz; tüm dünyada insidansı halen artmakta olan önemli bir sağlık sorunudur. Tüberkülozlu hastaların yaklaşık %1'i intestinal tüberkülozdur. Ancak tüberküloz insidansının artışı ile birlikte intestinal tüberkülozun da daha sık görüleceği belirtilmektedir. İntestinal tüberkülozun, ...