Bert Zulauf - (original) (raw)
Papers by Bert Zulauf
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Nov 13, 2019
Anyone who has his academic background in a natural science subject is already familiar with it: ... more Anyone who has his academic background in a natural science subject is already familiar with it: the lab notebook. Even in times of digitization, the most common type of laboratory documentation can still be found on paper. But what happens to these books when they are full? When the researcher changes the workgroup? Or if there simply is no longer a contact person for this lab notebook? Deciphering handwriting is not always the easiest task for man and machine, much of the collected knowledge is lost, many experiments are made over and over again instead of focusing on innovation. All this can be achieved with the use of an electronic laboratory notebook (ELN). Electronic lab notebooks are a perfect tool to work collaboratively in the lab. In doing so, they are in no way inferior to their ancestor in paper form: general principles of scientific work are pursued (at the appropriate time the work follows the existing, generally recognized professional standards ("lege artis", state of the art), results are documented and the own outcome can be consistently challenged). All work steps are logged on the basis of a data record, data deletion is not possible, immutability is guaranteed by timestamps and all this is digitally searchable across different experiments. With the right archiving overtime in the laboratory can be prevented and the organizational structure in the daily routine is standardized, resulting in a better quality and more transparent collaborative work can be. We at the Heinrich-Heine-University in Duesseldorf have a laboratory share of 70% within the new buildings of the natural sciences, and we have found out in talks with scientists that you have to start there already.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Mar 8, 2021
Germany, end of March 2020: The start of the lecture period in North Rhine-Westphalia has been po... more Germany, end of March 2020: The start of the lecture period in North Rhine-Westphalia has been postponed. The Rector of the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU) wrote in a circular e-mail: "Not on 6 April, but ... only on 20 April will the courses of the 2020 summer semester begin. The Rectorate of the HHU welcomes the decision and is working together with the faculties on the design of the new semester plans". This uncertain situation made it necessary to completely rethink teaching for the following semester and to organise it digitally online. Apart from many uncertainties, everyday life consisted of a number of challenges and also of new opportunities in a large experimental field of digitisation of teaching. Where can you find help? How can communication with students take place? Such and similar questions were absolutely at the centre of attention and accompanied throughout the entire 2020 summer semester. The Centre for Information and Media Technology (ZIM) of the HHU searched in all different directions and compared which solutions were used by other universities and what capabilities were provided by different services. As well as establishing a new videoconferencing service, a variety of measures were implemented to support distance learning. Many existing services were expanded, not only to improve availability and performance, but also to add staff to support training and counselling. Tutorial videos have been produced and new support formats, such as the e-learning consulting hours in Rocket.Chat were highly appreciated by the lecturers. Problem solutions for VPN and WLAN or help with computer problems could only be offered by e-mail or telephone. Course rooms and PC workstations were also closed for the time being. The disruption of the crisis promoted many newly conceived formats and concepts, such as the integration of the chat into courses or the more extensive provision of lecture recordings, much was tried out and discarded, rethought and redesigned. The students positively emphasised the possibility of being able to rework lecture content at their own pace via screencasts and recordings. The experience gained from lectures that were streamed live also led to a considerable acquisition of skills for online courses by both teachers and students. In addition to didactic and collaborative experiences, all stakeholders involved were able to gain insights into which organisational measures are suitable for good personnel support for live streaming lectures and that synchronous lectures with over 1,000 participants are technically possible with video conferencing tools such as Webex. The experience gained was used at various levels and is a useful basis for planning the current winter semester and beyond. Inter-university online events, quickly offered a lively exchange of information on current plans, but also on initial findings. The different experiences were supplemented by surveys among teachers, students and in the area of infrastructure. In addition to the new formats, aspects of hybrid events, both online and on site, are currently being lived out. As well as developing the infrastructure, building up experience and skills among students and university staff, the university is also generally developing as a learning organisation in the form of double-loop learning.
EPiC Series in Computing
At German universities and universities of applied sciences, a new way of working is currently op... more At German universities and universities of applied sciences, a new way of working is currently opening up in the area of the structure and composition of laboratory work: Documentation by means of electronic laboratory notebooks (ELN). Researchers produce and use a colourful mixture of data such as graphic files, formulas, tables or microscopy files. At Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU), advice and support for researchers in the field of research data management (RDM) is provided on a regular basis. In addition to assistance with applications, we also offer support using various RDM tools, including electronic lab books. Why it makes sense to use electronic lab books, how our path with them has progressed so far, and what are the current hurdles to be overcome are presented in this report.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jan 12, 2023
Dies ist der Preprint des Artikels, den wir bei Bausteine Forschungsdatenmanagement eingereicht h... more Dies ist der Preprint des Artikels, den wir bei Bausteine Forschungsdatenmanagement eingereicht haben. Immer mehr Forschende integrieren die Nutzung eines elektronischen Laborbuchs (ELB) in den Forschungsalltag und dokumentieren ihre Forschung mit diesem Tool digital. Durch die Nutzung eines ELBs ergibt sich eine Reihe von Vorteilen: Forschungsdaten werden langfristig nachvollziehbar beschrieben, Medienbrüche werden minimiert und das Teilen der Forschungsdaten wird erleichtert. Die Einführung und der dauerhafte Betrieb eines ELBs in einer Arbeitsgruppe oder an einer Forschungseinrichtung geht jedoch mit einer Reihe von Herausforderungen einher. Oftmals obliegt es den Infrastruktureinrichtungen, also den Rechenzentren und Bibliotheken, diesen zentralen Dienst für die Forschenden anzubieten. Häufig bieten sich hier Möglichkeiten zur engen Zusammenarbeit dieser Einrichtungen, um den Forschenden eine reibungslose Nutzung dieses Dienstes zu ermöglichen. Der vorliegende Artikel basiert auf dem 6. Workshop der AG ELB im Januar 2022, organisiert von der Landesinitiative für, und fasst zusammen welche Erfahrungen und Best-practices bei der Einführung und dem dauerhaften Betrieb eines ELB berücksichtigt werden können. Behandelt werden die Themen Organisatorische Einführung, technische Umsetzung, Onboarding und Schulungskonzepte, begleitende Servicekonzepte und Sensibilisierung und Information der Forschenden. Als Expert:innen im jeweiligen Handlungsfeld haben die Autor:innen ihre Erfahrungen und Empfehlungen zusammengestellt, um sie Personen, die ebenfalls vor der Herausforderung des Betriebs eines ELB stehen, zur Verfügung zu stellen und den Prozess damit zu unterstützen.
De Gruyter eBooks, Apr 6, 2020
Die Ergebnisse des Projektes Lernwelt Hochschule zeigen, dass die Hochschullandschaft in Deutschl... more Die Ergebnisse des Projektes Lernwelt Hochschule zeigen, dass die Hochschullandschaft in Deutschland derzeit in Bewegung ist, um auf die vielfältigen Herausforderungen der veränderten Lern-und Lehrstrukturen zu reagieren. Die Arbeiten des Centrums für Hochschulentwicklung (CHE) und des HIS-Instituts für Hochschulentwicklung (HIS-HE) weisen ebenfalls auf vielfältige Veränderungsprozesse in der Hochschullandschaft hin, die eine Reaktion auf die aktuellen gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen sind. Dabei legen viele Hochschulen großen Wert auf eine stärkere Studierendenorientierung bei der Entwicklung ihrer Strategien zur Gestaltung der Lern-und Lehrumgebungen. Unter anderem die Aktivitäten des Stifterverbandes für die Deutsche Wissenschaft und des damit verbundenen Hochschulforums Digitalisierung (HFD) haben in den letzten Jahren vermehrt Impulse in diese Richtung gesetzt. So ist die Initiative Digitale Changemaker des Hochschulforums Digitalisierung ein wichtiger Schritt, die Studierenden einzubeziehen: Lernende werden in den aktuellen hochschulpolitischen Debatten und wissenschaftlichen Diskursen rund um die Chancen und Herausforderungen des digitalen Wandels oft noch zu wenig mit eingebunden. Auf diese Weise kommt ihnen zumeist nur die Rolle von passiven Teilnehmenden zu, für innovative Ideen und neue Perspektiven gibt es bisweilen weder die Offenheit des Prozesses, noch eine grundlegende Bereitschaft, von den letztendlichen Nutzer(inne)n her zu denken und zu handeln. Einige hochschulische und außerhochschulische Strukturen, Projekte und Initiativen zeigen jedoch deutschland-und europaweitweit, wie innovativ und aktiv, aber auch kritisch-konstruktiv Studierende Digitalisierungsprozesse auf verschiedenen Ebenen mitgestalten wollen und könnenwenn sie denn die Möglichkeiten hierzu erhalten. Aus diesem Grund hat das Hochschulforum Digitalisierung die Initiative #DigitaleChangeMaker ins Leben gerufen und will Studierenden die Chance bieten, Hochschulbildung gemeinsam neu, kreativ und innovativ zu denken und Diskurse aktiv in einer spannenden Community von Expertinnen und Experten unterschiedlicher Hintergründe mitzugestalten. (HFD 2019) Open Access.
INTED proceedings, Mar 1, 2022
Das Projekt "FoDaKo - Forschungsdatenmanagement in Kooperation" - gefördert vom Bundesm... more Das Projekt "FoDaKo - Forschungsdatenmanagement in Kooperation" - gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (2017-2019) - sollte die Erforschung des Managements von Forschungsdaten in ihrem Lebenszyklus vorantreiben. Die Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, die Bergische Universität Wuppertal und die Universität Siegen haben dazu ihre bestehende Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiet des Forschungsdatenmanagements und der Langzeitarchivierung thematisch und personell erweitert und engmaschiger verknüpft. Mit dem Projekt wurde kooperativ eine Infrastruktur auf den Ebenen Technik, Forschungsprozesse, Beratung und Schulung an allen drei Standorten aufgebaut, welche u.a. als Blaupause von anderen Einrichtungen übernommen werden könnte. Es wurden nachnutzbare Schulungsunterlagen entwickelt, die Prozesse im Forschungsdaten-Lebenszyklus erfasst und typische Anwendungsfälle analysiert, sowie die Erstellung und Umsetzung von Datenmanagementplänen ausgearbeitet. Über die St...
In times of digitalisation, the most common type of laboratory documentation can still be found o... more In times of digitalisation, the most common type of laboratory documentation can still be found on paper: in the lab notebook. The lab notebook is the constant companion of the researcher, no matter whether he changes the laboratory or the working group, or conducts his research at another location for some time. Some researchers treat their laboratory book as personal and private property and are reluctant to hand it over. After it has been completely filled with everyday research life, it is usually stored either in a box at the researcher's home or in the corner of some filing cabinet of the faculty. Even with laboratory books that are still in use, it is technically no easy task to decipher personal manuscripts and to place glued-in printouts in the right context. Much knowledge is lost over time; many experiments are conducted again and again wasting valuable time that could instead be used to build on existing insights and to focus on innovation. All this can be achieved w...
Poster über elektronische Laborbücher, besonders für Forschende deutscher Hochschulen. Was sind e... more Poster über elektronische Laborbücher, besonders für Forschende deutscher Hochschulen. Was sind elektronische Laborbücher? Potentiale Herausforderungen Reifegrad der Digitalisierung
Beschreibung der Zusammenarbeit, Vorgehensweise und Ziele eines kooperativen Forschungsdatenmanag... more Beschreibung der Zusammenarbeit, Vorgehensweise und Ziele eines kooperativen Forschungsdatenmanagement Projekts der Universitäten Düsseldorf, Siegen und Wuppertal (FoDaKo): Ansätze und Ziele Standards und Verfahren: Schulungen Prozesse Datenmanagementpläne Plattformen Anwendungsfälle Analysen Prozessunterstützung und Nachhaltigkeit
Making research data available is an aspect of good scientific practice. The planning, collection... more Making research data available is an aspect of good scientific practice. The planning, collection, processing, storage and sustainable provision of research data must meet recognised standards and high requirements in order to ensure traceability and verifiability as well as further use after publication. In this sense, research data is understood to be all data that is generated during the research process or is the result of it. The research process encompasses the entire cycle from generation (e.g. through digitisation, source research, experiments, documented observations and empirical studies), processing and analysis, to publication and archiving of the data. Research data is generated in all scientific disciplines using different methods. The Centre for Information and Media Technology (ZIM), the University and State Library (ULB) and the Research & Transfer Department support the faculties and institutions of Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf (HHU) in research data management (RDM). The ZIM operates a high-performance storage and long-term archiving infrastructure, the ULB offers researchers advice on the creation of data management plans and on questions concerning metadata and indexing options, and the Research & Transfer Department provides support in the application process. RDM tools are an important part of our RDM portfolio. During our cooperation project with the Universities of Siegen and Wuppertal, we were able to expand and enhance our tool diversity: A new open-source software for the creation of a data management plan was set up in order to keep an optimal overview of the data management during the research project. The three universities also operate a common storage grid, which is redundantly set up at all three locations and thus offers high data security and availability. This storage grid is based on open source repository software, which is also used at all three locations. We were also one of the first universities in Germany to focus more strongly on the topic of "electronic lab notebooks" (ELN), to find a new circle of users, to offer software solutions directly and to establish a sustainable network within North Rhine-Westphalia's universities. The dialogue between the cooperation partners on the RDM solutions and service portfolios created during the collaboration supports transparency in the provision of RDM services for researchers at all three locations and has a positive effect on cooperation between the universities. We specifically approached university researchers and invited them to weekly research data management meetings to discuss individual tasks and problems of the research project. This way, suitable solutions for the researchers could be offered and the use of the available tools could be explained directly using appropriate examples. Our service portfolio also includes the provision of the recorded trainings. Various training formats were tried out, including short and concise "coffee lectures", training sessions at the different locations, exchange of modular topic blocks oriented on the structure of, and all training sessions were evaluated according to specific criteria. We have based the development of our portfolio planning and the orientation of our RDM tools on the evaluation and analysis of consulting and training, and were thus able to effectively support the research projects of our university and its project partners.
In Germany, the so-called dual training system provides practice-oriented vocational training alo... more In Germany, the so-called dual training system provides practice-oriented vocational training alongside the possibility of studying at universities and universities of applied sciences. This dual form of training is divided into a practical part in a company and a school-based part in a vocational school. At present, it is difficult to find good skilled workers in the IT sector in Germany. Vocational training at one's own location is one way of counteracting this shortage of skilled workers and improving personnel development in university computer centres. Many german universities train IT specialists in the IT sector and although there is a strong overall trend towards academic training in Germany, vocational training in the IT sector is of great importance. In terms of content, training at the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf is no different from training in a company. Since 2016, the university's computer centre, i.e. the Centre for Information and Media Technology (ZIM), has been offering training for IT specialists with main focus in application development or system integration. The fields of work of IT specialists are very diverse. In the field of application development, trainees develop and program tailor-made software solutions. For this they use programming languages and tools, such as developer tools. In the field of system integration, the trainees implement customer-specific information and communication solutions. They network hardware and software components to create complex systems. In addition, trainees from both disciplines advise or train users. The training facility at the ZIM was newly established for the first trainees in 2016. It started with various interns in the context of retraining measures to become an IT specialist in order to gain first experiences with project-based training and knowledge with regard to final exams. It started with two applicants per year, so that after three years six trainees are working at the ZIM. In addition, qualified trainers and supervisors for the trainees had to be identified, since at least one trainer must also prove the additional qualification of the training aptitude test. At the same time, as an additional service to the day-today business, the ZIM is represented on the official examination committee, so that an evaluation could be made for how the trainees can be adequately prepared for the final company examination. Based on a company training plan, the trainees are taught different skills through different types of projects. Computer centers offer different services in the universities and only changes to the services are organized through projects. Due to the project-based orientation of IT specialist training, the perspective view of an IT company first had to adapt to this project-oriented approach to teaching training content. Among other things, projects were designed to solve urgent problems, such as the development of a web interface, but also evaluations of software for possible new services or the creation of tutorial videos for existing services were tasks for the trainees. In this way, interesting projects can be developed together with trainees, and at the same time qualified personnel can be trained for their own company. In order to support the special nature and the advantages of vocational training at a university, the trainees take part in computer science lectures and thus additionally gain their first experience in an academic education.
Die Gestaltung von Lernwelten an Hochschulen stellt eine multidimensionale Herausforderung dar. A... more Die Gestaltung von Lernwelten an Hochschulen stellt eine multidimensionale Herausforderung dar. Auf der einen Seite ist sie ein zentraler Auftrag der Hochschule als Bildungsinstitution, auf der anderen Seite spielen die unterschiedlichsten Akteurinnen und Akteure eine bedeutende Rolle dabei. Ausgehend von den politischen Rahmenbedingungen gestalten Hochschulleitung, Hochschulverwaltung, IT- und Infrastrukturabteilungen, Bibliotheken und Medienzentren sowie ganz grundsatzlich die Lehrenden und Studierenden die Lernwelt einer Hochschule. Im Projekt Lernwelt Hochschule (LeHo) wurden die Handlungsstrukturen der einzelnen Akteurinnen und Akteure untersucht, sowie Good Practice-Beispiele genauer in den Blick genommen. Ein wichtiger Aspekt im Projekt war die Entwicklung eines Konzeptes fur die nachhaltige Verankerung der Forschungsergebnisse sowie die Erarbeitung von Vorschlagen fur ihre Umsetzung in Form von Empfehlungen und Handreichungen. Die Forschungsergebnisse wurden in einen Baukast...
Der Beitrag zeigt Perspektiven fur die Gestaltung von Lernraumen an deutschen Hochschulen auf, di... more Der Beitrag zeigt Perspektiven fur die Gestaltung von Lernraumen an deutschen Hochschulen auf, die sich auf Basis der Recherchen und Untersuchungen im Rahmen des Projektes Lernwelt Hochschule herauskristallisiert haben. Dabei werden die Bereiche Hochschulpolitik, Hochschulorganisation, Hochschuldidaktik, digitale Strukturen und physische Lehr- und Lernraume in den Blick genommen.
INTED2021 Proceedings
Germany, end of March 2020: The start of the lecture period in North Rhine-Westphalia has been po... more Germany, end of March 2020: The start of the lecture period in North Rhine-Westphalia has been postponed. The Rector of the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU) wrote in a circular e-mail: "Not on 6 April, but ... only on 20 April will the courses of the 2020 summer semester begin. The Rectorate of the HHU welcomes the decision and is working together with the faculties on the design of the new semester plans". This uncertain situation made it necessary to completely rethink teaching for the following semester and to organise it digitally online. Apart from many uncertainties, everyday life consisted of a number of challenges and also of new opportunities in a large experimental field of digitisation of teaching. Where can you find help? How can communication with students take place? Such and similar questions were absolutely at the centre of attention and accompanied throughout the entire 2020 summer semester. The Centre for Information and Media Technology (ZIM) of the HHU searched in all different directions and compared which solutions were used by other universities and what capabilities were provided by different services. As well as establishing a new videoconferencing service, a variety of measures were implemented to support distance learning. Many existing services were expanded, not only to improve availability and performance, but also to add staff to support training and counselling. Tutorial videos have been produced and new support formats, such as the e-learning consulting hours in Rocket.Chat were highly appreciated by the lecturers. Problem solutions for VPN and WLAN or help with computer problems could only be offered by e-mail or telephone. Course rooms and PC workstations were also closed for the time being. The disruption of the crisis promoted many newly conceived formats and concepts, such as the integration of the chat into courses or the more extensive provision of lecture recordings, much was tried out and discarded, rethought and redesigned. The students positively emphasised the possibility of being able to rework lecture content at their own pace via screencasts and recordings. The experience gained from lectures that were streamed live also led to a considerable acquisition of skills for online courses by both teachers and students. In addition to didactic and collaborative experiences, all stakeholders involved were able to gain insights into which organisational measures are suitable for good personnel support for live streaming lectures and that synchronous lectures with over 1,000 participants are technically possible with video conferencing tools such as Webex. The experience gained was used at various levels and is a useful basis for planning the current winter semester and beyond. Inter-university online events, quickly offered a lively exchange of information on current plans, but also on initial findings. The different experiences were supplemented by surveys among teachers, students and in the area of infrastructure. In addition to the new formats, aspects of hybrid events, both online and on site, are currently being lived out. As well as developing the infrastructure, building up experience and skills among students and university staff, the university is also generally developing as a learning organisation in the form of double-loop learning.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Nov 13, 2019
Anyone who has his academic background in a natural science subject is already familiar with it: ... more Anyone who has his academic background in a natural science subject is already familiar with it: the lab notebook. Even in times of digitization, the most common type of laboratory documentation can still be found on paper. But what happens to these books when they are full? When the researcher changes the workgroup? Or if there simply is no longer a contact person for this lab notebook? Deciphering handwriting is not always the easiest task for man and machine, much of the collected knowledge is lost, many experiments are made over and over again instead of focusing on innovation. All this can be achieved with the use of an electronic laboratory notebook (ELN). Electronic lab notebooks are a perfect tool to work collaboratively in the lab. In doing so, they are in no way inferior to their ancestor in paper form: general principles of scientific work are pursued (at the appropriate time the work follows the existing, generally recognized professional standards ("lege artis", state of the art), results are documented and the own outcome can be consistently challenged). All work steps are logged on the basis of a data record, data deletion is not possible, immutability is guaranteed by timestamps and all this is digitally searchable across different experiments. With the right archiving overtime in the laboratory can be prevented and the organizational structure in the daily routine is standardized, resulting in a better quality and more transparent collaborative work can be. We at the Heinrich-Heine-University in Duesseldorf have a laboratory share of 70% within the new buildings of the natural sciences, and we have found out in talks with scientists that you have to start there already.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Mar 8, 2021
Germany, end of March 2020: The start of the lecture period in North Rhine-Westphalia has been po... more Germany, end of March 2020: The start of the lecture period in North Rhine-Westphalia has been postponed. The Rector of the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU) wrote in a circular e-mail: "Not on 6 April, but ... only on 20 April will the courses of the 2020 summer semester begin. The Rectorate of the HHU welcomes the decision and is working together with the faculties on the design of the new semester plans". This uncertain situation made it necessary to completely rethink teaching for the following semester and to organise it digitally online. Apart from many uncertainties, everyday life consisted of a number of challenges and also of new opportunities in a large experimental field of digitisation of teaching. Where can you find help? How can communication with students take place? Such and similar questions were absolutely at the centre of attention and accompanied throughout the entire 2020 summer semester. The Centre for Information and Media Technology (ZIM) of the HHU searched in all different directions and compared which solutions were used by other universities and what capabilities were provided by different services. As well as establishing a new videoconferencing service, a variety of measures were implemented to support distance learning. Many existing services were expanded, not only to improve availability and performance, but also to add staff to support training and counselling. Tutorial videos have been produced and new support formats, such as the e-learning consulting hours in Rocket.Chat were highly appreciated by the lecturers. Problem solutions for VPN and WLAN or help with computer problems could only be offered by e-mail or telephone. Course rooms and PC workstations were also closed for the time being. The disruption of the crisis promoted many newly conceived formats and concepts, such as the integration of the chat into courses or the more extensive provision of lecture recordings, much was tried out and discarded, rethought and redesigned. The students positively emphasised the possibility of being able to rework lecture content at their own pace via screencasts and recordings. The experience gained from lectures that were streamed live also led to a considerable acquisition of skills for online courses by both teachers and students. In addition to didactic and collaborative experiences, all stakeholders involved were able to gain insights into which organisational measures are suitable for good personnel support for live streaming lectures and that synchronous lectures with over 1,000 participants are technically possible with video conferencing tools such as Webex. The experience gained was used at various levels and is a useful basis for planning the current winter semester and beyond. Inter-university online events, quickly offered a lively exchange of information on current plans, but also on initial findings. The different experiences were supplemented by surveys among teachers, students and in the area of infrastructure. In addition to the new formats, aspects of hybrid events, both online and on site, are currently being lived out. As well as developing the infrastructure, building up experience and skills among students and university staff, the university is also generally developing as a learning organisation in the form of double-loop learning.
EPiC Series in Computing
At German universities and universities of applied sciences, a new way of working is currently op... more At German universities and universities of applied sciences, a new way of working is currently opening up in the area of the structure and composition of laboratory work: Documentation by means of electronic laboratory notebooks (ELN). Researchers produce and use a colourful mixture of data such as graphic files, formulas, tables or microscopy files. At Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU), advice and support for researchers in the field of research data management (RDM) is provided on a regular basis. In addition to assistance with applications, we also offer support using various RDM tools, including electronic lab books. Why it makes sense to use electronic lab books, how our path with them has progressed so far, and what are the current hurdles to be overcome are presented in this report.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jan 12, 2023
Dies ist der Preprint des Artikels, den wir bei Bausteine Forschungsdatenmanagement eingereicht h... more Dies ist der Preprint des Artikels, den wir bei Bausteine Forschungsdatenmanagement eingereicht haben. Immer mehr Forschende integrieren die Nutzung eines elektronischen Laborbuchs (ELB) in den Forschungsalltag und dokumentieren ihre Forschung mit diesem Tool digital. Durch die Nutzung eines ELBs ergibt sich eine Reihe von Vorteilen: Forschungsdaten werden langfristig nachvollziehbar beschrieben, Medienbrüche werden minimiert und das Teilen der Forschungsdaten wird erleichtert. Die Einführung und der dauerhafte Betrieb eines ELBs in einer Arbeitsgruppe oder an einer Forschungseinrichtung geht jedoch mit einer Reihe von Herausforderungen einher. Oftmals obliegt es den Infrastruktureinrichtungen, also den Rechenzentren und Bibliotheken, diesen zentralen Dienst für die Forschenden anzubieten. Häufig bieten sich hier Möglichkeiten zur engen Zusammenarbeit dieser Einrichtungen, um den Forschenden eine reibungslose Nutzung dieses Dienstes zu ermöglichen. Der vorliegende Artikel basiert auf dem 6. Workshop der AG ELB im Januar 2022, organisiert von der Landesinitiative für, und fasst zusammen welche Erfahrungen und Best-practices bei der Einführung und dem dauerhaften Betrieb eines ELB berücksichtigt werden können. Behandelt werden die Themen Organisatorische Einführung, technische Umsetzung, Onboarding und Schulungskonzepte, begleitende Servicekonzepte und Sensibilisierung und Information der Forschenden. Als Expert:innen im jeweiligen Handlungsfeld haben die Autor:innen ihre Erfahrungen und Empfehlungen zusammengestellt, um sie Personen, die ebenfalls vor der Herausforderung des Betriebs eines ELB stehen, zur Verfügung zu stellen und den Prozess damit zu unterstützen.
De Gruyter eBooks, Apr 6, 2020
Die Ergebnisse des Projektes Lernwelt Hochschule zeigen, dass die Hochschullandschaft in Deutschl... more Die Ergebnisse des Projektes Lernwelt Hochschule zeigen, dass die Hochschullandschaft in Deutschland derzeit in Bewegung ist, um auf die vielfältigen Herausforderungen der veränderten Lern-und Lehrstrukturen zu reagieren. Die Arbeiten des Centrums für Hochschulentwicklung (CHE) und des HIS-Instituts für Hochschulentwicklung (HIS-HE) weisen ebenfalls auf vielfältige Veränderungsprozesse in der Hochschullandschaft hin, die eine Reaktion auf die aktuellen gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen sind. Dabei legen viele Hochschulen großen Wert auf eine stärkere Studierendenorientierung bei der Entwicklung ihrer Strategien zur Gestaltung der Lern-und Lehrumgebungen. Unter anderem die Aktivitäten des Stifterverbandes für die Deutsche Wissenschaft und des damit verbundenen Hochschulforums Digitalisierung (HFD) haben in den letzten Jahren vermehrt Impulse in diese Richtung gesetzt. So ist die Initiative Digitale Changemaker des Hochschulforums Digitalisierung ein wichtiger Schritt, die Studierenden einzubeziehen: Lernende werden in den aktuellen hochschulpolitischen Debatten und wissenschaftlichen Diskursen rund um die Chancen und Herausforderungen des digitalen Wandels oft noch zu wenig mit eingebunden. Auf diese Weise kommt ihnen zumeist nur die Rolle von passiven Teilnehmenden zu, für innovative Ideen und neue Perspektiven gibt es bisweilen weder die Offenheit des Prozesses, noch eine grundlegende Bereitschaft, von den letztendlichen Nutzer(inne)n her zu denken und zu handeln. Einige hochschulische und außerhochschulische Strukturen, Projekte und Initiativen zeigen jedoch deutschland-und europaweitweit, wie innovativ und aktiv, aber auch kritisch-konstruktiv Studierende Digitalisierungsprozesse auf verschiedenen Ebenen mitgestalten wollen und könnenwenn sie denn die Möglichkeiten hierzu erhalten. Aus diesem Grund hat das Hochschulforum Digitalisierung die Initiative #DigitaleChangeMaker ins Leben gerufen und will Studierenden die Chance bieten, Hochschulbildung gemeinsam neu, kreativ und innovativ zu denken und Diskurse aktiv in einer spannenden Community von Expertinnen und Experten unterschiedlicher Hintergründe mitzugestalten. (HFD 2019) Open Access.
INTED proceedings, Mar 1, 2022
Das Projekt "FoDaKo - Forschungsdatenmanagement in Kooperation" - gefördert vom Bundesm... more Das Projekt "FoDaKo - Forschungsdatenmanagement in Kooperation" - gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (2017-2019) - sollte die Erforschung des Managements von Forschungsdaten in ihrem Lebenszyklus vorantreiben. Die Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, die Bergische Universität Wuppertal und die Universität Siegen haben dazu ihre bestehende Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiet des Forschungsdatenmanagements und der Langzeitarchivierung thematisch und personell erweitert und engmaschiger verknüpft. Mit dem Projekt wurde kooperativ eine Infrastruktur auf den Ebenen Technik, Forschungsprozesse, Beratung und Schulung an allen drei Standorten aufgebaut, welche u.a. als Blaupause von anderen Einrichtungen übernommen werden könnte. Es wurden nachnutzbare Schulungsunterlagen entwickelt, die Prozesse im Forschungsdaten-Lebenszyklus erfasst und typische Anwendungsfälle analysiert, sowie die Erstellung und Umsetzung von Datenmanagementplänen ausgearbeitet. Über die St...
In times of digitalisation, the most common type of laboratory documentation can still be found o... more In times of digitalisation, the most common type of laboratory documentation can still be found on paper: in the lab notebook. The lab notebook is the constant companion of the researcher, no matter whether he changes the laboratory or the working group, or conducts his research at another location for some time. Some researchers treat their laboratory book as personal and private property and are reluctant to hand it over. After it has been completely filled with everyday research life, it is usually stored either in a box at the researcher's home or in the corner of some filing cabinet of the faculty. Even with laboratory books that are still in use, it is technically no easy task to decipher personal manuscripts and to place glued-in printouts in the right context. Much knowledge is lost over time; many experiments are conducted again and again wasting valuable time that could instead be used to build on existing insights and to focus on innovation. All this can be achieved w...
Poster über elektronische Laborbücher, besonders für Forschende deutscher Hochschulen. Was sind e... more Poster über elektronische Laborbücher, besonders für Forschende deutscher Hochschulen. Was sind elektronische Laborbücher? Potentiale Herausforderungen Reifegrad der Digitalisierung
Beschreibung der Zusammenarbeit, Vorgehensweise und Ziele eines kooperativen Forschungsdatenmanag... more Beschreibung der Zusammenarbeit, Vorgehensweise und Ziele eines kooperativen Forschungsdatenmanagement Projekts der Universitäten Düsseldorf, Siegen und Wuppertal (FoDaKo): Ansätze und Ziele Standards und Verfahren: Schulungen Prozesse Datenmanagementpläne Plattformen Anwendungsfälle Analysen Prozessunterstützung und Nachhaltigkeit
Making research data available is an aspect of good scientific practice. The planning, collection... more Making research data available is an aspect of good scientific practice. The planning, collection, processing, storage and sustainable provision of research data must meet recognised standards and high requirements in order to ensure traceability and verifiability as well as further use after publication. In this sense, research data is understood to be all data that is generated during the research process or is the result of it. The research process encompasses the entire cycle from generation (e.g. through digitisation, source research, experiments, documented observations and empirical studies), processing and analysis, to publication and archiving of the data. Research data is generated in all scientific disciplines using different methods. The Centre for Information and Media Technology (ZIM), the University and State Library (ULB) and the Research & Transfer Department support the faculties and institutions of Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf (HHU) in research data management (RDM). The ZIM operates a high-performance storage and long-term archiving infrastructure, the ULB offers researchers advice on the creation of data management plans and on questions concerning metadata and indexing options, and the Research & Transfer Department provides support in the application process. RDM tools are an important part of our RDM portfolio. During our cooperation project with the Universities of Siegen and Wuppertal, we were able to expand and enhance our tool diversity: A new open-source software for the creation of a data management plan was set up in order to keep an optimal overview of the data management during the research project. The three universities also operate a common storage grid, which is redundantly set up at all three locations and thus offers high data security and availability. This storage grid is based on open source repository software, which is also used at all three locations. We were also one of the first universities in Germany to focus more strongly on the topic of "electronic lab notebooks" (ELN), to find a new circle of users, to offer software solutions directly and to establish a sustainable network within North Rhine-Westphalia's universities. The dialogue between the cooperation partners on the RDM solutions and service portfolios created during the collaboration supports transparency in the provision of RDM services for researchers at all three locations and has a positive effect on cooperation between the universities. We specifically approached university researchers and invited them to weekly research data management meetings to discuss individual tasks and problems of the research project. This way, suitable solutions for the researchers could be offered and the use of the available tools could be explained directly using appropriate examples. Our service portfolio also includes the provision of the recorded trainings. Various training formats were tried out, including short and concise "coffee lectures", training sessions at the different locations, exchange of modular topic blocks oriented on the structure of, and all training sessions were evaluated according to specific criteria. We have based the development of our portfolio planning and the orientation of our RDM tools on the evaluation and analysis of consulting and training, and were thus able to effectively support the research projects of our university and its project partners.
In Germany, the so-called dual training system provides practice-oriented vocational training alo... more In Germany, the so-called dual training system provides practice-oriented vocational training alongside the possibility of studying at universities and universities of applied sciences. This dual form of training is divided into a practical part in a company and a school-based part in a vocational school. At present, it is difficult to find good skilled workers in the IT sector in Germany. Vocational training at one's own location is one way of counteracting this shortage of skilled workers and improving personnel development in university computer centres. Many german universities train IT specialists in the IT sector and although there is a strong overall trend towards academic training in Germany, vocational training in the IT sector is of great importance. In terms of content, training at the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf is no different from training in a company. Since 2016, the university's computer centre, i.e. the Centre for Information and Media Technology (ZIM), has been offering training for IT specialists with main focus in application development or system integration. The fields of work of IT specialists are very diverse. In the field of application development, trainees develop and program tailor-made software solutions. For this they use programming languages and tools, such as developer tools. In the field of system integration, the trainees implement customer-specific information and communication solutions. They network hardware and software components to create complex systems. In addition, trainees from both disciplines advise or train users. The training facility at the ZIM was newly established for the first trainees in 2016. It started with various interns in the context of retraining measures to become an IT specialist in order to gain first experiences with project-based training and knowledge with regard to final exams. It started with two applicants per year, so that after three years six trainees are working at the ZIM. In addition, qualified trainers and supervisors for the trainees had to be identified, since at least one trainer must also prove the additional qualification of the training aptitude test. At the same time, as an additional service to the day-today business, the ZIM is represented on the official examination committee, so that an evaluation could be made for how the trainees can be adequately prepared for the final company examination. Based on a company training plan, the trainees are taught different skills through different types of projects. Computer centers offer different services in the universities and only changes to the services are organized through projects. Due to the project-based orientation of IT specialist training, the perspective view of an IT company first had to adapt to this project-oriented approach to teaching training content. Among other things, projects were designed to solve urgent problems, such as the development of a web interface, but also evaluations of software for possible new services or the creation of tutorial videos for existing services were tasks for the trainees. In this way, interesting projects can be developed together with trainees, and at the same time qualified personnel can be trained for their own company. In order to support the special nature and the advantages of vocational training at a university, the trainees take part in computer science lectures and thus additionally gain their first experience in an academic education.
Die Gestaltung von Lernwelten an Hochschulen stellt eine multidimensionale Herausforderung dar. A... more Die Gestaltung von Lernwelten an Hochschulen stellt eine multidimensionale Herausforderung dar. Auf der einen Seite ist sie ein zentraler Auftrag der Hochschule als Bildungsinstitution, auf der anderen Seite spielen die unterschiedlichsten Akteurinnen und Akteure eine bedeutende Rolle dabei. Ausgehend von den politischen Rahmenbedingungen gestalten Hochschulleitung, Hochschulverwaltung, IT- und Infrastrukturabteilungen, Bibliotheken und Medienzentren sowie ganz grundsatzlich die Lehrenden und Studierenden die Lernwelt einer Hochschule. Im Projekt Lernwelt Hochschule (LeHo) wurden die Handlungsstrukturen der einzelnen Akteurinnen und Akteure untersucht, sowie Good Practice-Beispiele genauer in den Blick genommen. Ein wichtiger Aspekt im Projekt war die Entwicklung eines Konzeptes fur die nachhaltige Verankerung der Forschungsergebnisse sowie die Erarbeitung von Vorschlagen fur ihre Umsetzung in Form von Empfehlungen und Handreichungen. Die Forschungsergebnisse wurden in einen Baukast...
Der Beitrag zeigt Perspektiven fur die Gestaltung von Lernraumen an deutschen Hochschulen auf, di... more Der Beitrag zeigt Perspektiven fur die Gestaltung von Lernraumen an deutschen Hochschulen auf, die sich auf Basis der Recherchen und Untersuchungen im Rahmen des Projektes Lernwelt Hochschule herauskristallisiert haben. Dabei werden die Bereiche Hochschulpolitik, Hochschulorganisation, Hochschuldidaktik, digitale Strukturen und physische Lehr- und Lernraume in den Blick genommen.
INTED2021 Proceedings
Germany, end of March 2020: The start of the lecture period in North Rhine-Westphalia has been po... more Germany, end of March 2020: The start of the lecture period in North Rhine-Westphalia has been postponed. The Rector of the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU) wrote in a circular e-mail: "Not on 6 April, but ... only on 20 April will the courses of the 2020 summer semester begin. The Rectorate of the HHU welcomes the decision and is working together with the faculties on the design of the new semester plans". This uncertain situation made it necessary to completely rethink teaching for the following semester and to organise it digitally online. Apart from many uncertainties, everyday life consisted of a number of challenges and also of new opportunities in a large experimental field of digitisation of teaching. Where can you find help? How can communication with students take place? Such and similar questions were absolutely at the centre of attention and accompanied throughout the entire 2020 summer semester. The Centre for Information and Media Technology (ZIM) of the HHU searched in all different directions and compared which solutions were used by other universities and what capabilities were provided by different services. As well as establishing a new videoconferencing service, a variety of measures were implemented to support distance learning. Many existing services were expanded, not only to improve availability and performance, but also to add staff to support training and counselling. Tutorial videos have been produced and new support formats, such as the e-learning consulting hours in Rocket.Chat were highly appreciated by the lecturers. Problem solutions for VPN and WLAN or help with computer problems could only be offered by e-mail or telephone. Course rooms and PC workstations were also closed for the time being. The disruption of the crisis promoted many newly conceived formats and concepts, such as the integration of the chat into courses or the more extensive provision of lecture recordings, much was tried out and discarded, rethought and redesigned. The students positively emphasised the possibility of being able to rework lecture content at their own pace via screencasts and recordings. The experience gained from lectures that were streamed live also led to a considerable acquisition of skills for online courses by both teachers and students. In addition to didactic and collaborative experiences, all stakeholders involved were able to gain insights into which organisational measures are suitable for good personnel support for live streaming lectures and that synchronous lectures with over 1,000 participants are technically possible with video conferencing tools such as Webex. The experience gained was used at various levels and is a useful basis for planning the current winter semester and beyond. Inter-university online events, quickly offered a lively exchange of information on current plans, but also on initial findings. The different experiences were supplemented by surveys among teachers, students and in the area of infrastructure. In addition to the new formats, aspects of hybrid events, both online and on site, are currently being lived out. As well as developing the infrastructure, building up experience and skills among students and university staff, the university is also generally developing as a learning organisation in the form of double-loop learning.