Birgül Bozkurt - (original) (raw)

Papers by Birgül Bozkurt

Research paper thumbnail of The Elections in İçel (Mersi̇n) in the Period of Governorship of Democratic Party

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Jun 19, 2022

The period where the Democratic Party (DP) was on the political power is an important phase of th... more The period where the Democratic Party (DP) was on the political power is an important phase of the Turkish Political Life. This study focusses on İçel region in the changing Turkish political life of the 1950 elections. The relationships between the parties is assessed from the perspective of the ruling party and the opposition in the period of 1950, 1954 and finally 1957 which was the last general election of the Democratic Party. The election campaigns of the parties and the candidate determination processes are also discussed. İçel is an harbour city of the Çukurova region which connects the region to the Mediterranean. Fort his reason it represents a dynamic instance in the political conflict of the whole election processes. DP became significant in the political life of the city with the passege of the multy party political system. It was also a city supporting DP in all of the elections between the period of 1950-60. The great majority of the İçel population participated the elections and the competition between the parties were very dense. Refik Koraltan who was among the founding members of the DP thouh was entitled in two places preferred the İçel parliamentarism and continued his work as a member of parliament in the İçel region in the TBMM. Before the 1954 elections the division within the DP resulted with the resignation of the members of the parliament and the party members and some changes happened both in 1954 and 1957 elections in the members of the parliament. Although the opposition parties continued their work in the İçel region in each election period, their efforts did not change the results of the elections.

Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye'nin İlk Kadın İl Belediye Başkanı Müfide İlhan' ve Mersin'deki çalışmaları

Cumhuriyet Tarihi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2014

Modernisation process in Turkey from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic includes important stru... more Modernisation process in Turkey from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic includes
important structural differences which also affected the status of women. In Turkey
women acquired the right to participate in local elections in 1930. Afterwards, they
were given the right to participate in general elections in 1934. Despite those legal
arrangements the representation of women both in national and local administration
remained lower than the expected. The number of women deputies in the National
Assembly remained very low as well. The first woman provincial mayor was elected
twenty years later than the concerning legal arrangements. In a period when important
steps for democratisation process were taken, Müfide İlhan, was elected as the first
woman mayor from the Mersin province, where the Democrat Party won the 1950
elections. Thus, this study aims to evaluate Müfide İlhan’s election as a mayor, her
activities in the office as well as her resignation within the perspective of womens’
participation to political life in Turkey.

Research paper thumbnail of İki̇nci̇ Dönem TBMM’De Mersi̇n Ve İçel Mi̇lletveki̇lleri̇ni̇n Yasama Faali̇yetleri̇

Ankara Üniversitesi Türk İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü Atatürk Yolu Dergisi, 2021

It was decided that the first period of Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) to be disbanded ... more It was decided that the first period of Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) to be disbanded and the elections to be renewed on April 1, 1923. The new elections were made in accordance with the new regulation made in the electoral law, on April 3 and, TBMM started its second legislative period on August 11, 1923. Mersin was represented with two and İçel was represented with two members of the parliament in the Assembly of 1923-27. In the Ottoman period, there was no administrative connection between Mersin and İçel but as they reacted towards the invasions jointly throughout the War of Independence, they were united historically. Mersin and İçel were two separate prefectures in the period we study however, they were united with the regulation of 1933 and at first it was named İçel Province, and in 2002 its name became Mersin. For this reason in this study the deputies of Mersin and İçel have been referred together. The elections occurred during the transmission from the Müdafa-i Hukuk Cemiyeti to the Halk Fırkası, two deputies from Mersin and four deputies from İçel were nominated for Müdafa-i Hukuk. Apart from the candidates of the Müdafa-i Hukuk, many different candidates also took part in the elections. İçel elections were highly controversial, and this was reflected in the national press. Niyazi Ramazanoğlu and Besim Özek were elected as the representatives of Mersin and Hafiz Mehmet Emin İnankur and Dr. Mehmet Tevfik Marulyalı were elected as the representatives of İçel. The second legislative period was a period where TBMM determined the fundamental structural regulations of the Turkish Republic. The Assembly, which approved the Treaty of Lozan, prepared the Law of Teşkîlât-ı Esâsîye and continued its activities in the period when the Republic was declared, played an important role in the Turkish political life. On the other hand, in a period where the first political opposition was established, Mersin deputy of the parliament, Besim Bey was among the founding members of the Terakkiperver Cumhuriyet Fırkası (TCF).

Research paper thumbnail of Mersi̇n Halkevi̇'Ni̇n Kuruluşu Ve Tari̇hsel İşlevi̇

Journal Of History School, 2016

The public houses which started to be opened by February 19, 1932, played the role of developping... more The public houses which started to be opened by February 19, 1932, played the role of developping the social and cultural aspect of the republic's modernisation ideology which integrated with the principles of the Ataturk's thoughts. Starting initially from 14 cities, then getting organised throughout Turkey, the public houses possessed a particular position in the history and the culture of the city in which they were founded. After they were closed in 1951, they did not function the same way, but at least, they continued their effect until today with their buildings and cultural heritage. The Mersin Public House, which opened its gates on February 24, 1933, had important impacts on the historical and culltural development of Mersin. While it was difficult to create nine branches for many public houses, the branches of Mersin Public House were founded on the cultural dynamics which were available on the city's very basis. Then they functioned accordigly. Apart from its organic ties with the Republic People Party, (CHP), the Public Houses had also strong relationships with the institutions such as the Turkish Language Institution. These institutions were integrated with the basic values of the republic's ideology. The language and literature branches of all of the public houses were also functioned as the local representatives of the Turkish Language Institution. In addition to operating as the branches of language and literature, the Mersin, Tarsus and Adana Public Houses worked as the 'Culture Comitee' 'Hars Komitesi'. This study aims to put forward the impact of the activities of the Mersin Public House in the development of the Mersin's city culture and identity.

Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye’de Çok Partili Düzene Geçişte Chp ve Eğitim Sistemindeki Gelişmeler (1946-1950)

Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP), 1923 yilinda kurulusunun ardindan -Ataturk donemindeki cok partili... more Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP), 1923 yilinda kurulusunun ardindan -Ataturk donemindeki cok partili yasama gecme deneyimleri disinda- uzun sure tek partili bir duzen icinde ulkeyi yonetmistir. Dogal olarak, CHP, 1923 yilindan 1950 yilina kadar 27 yillik iktidar surecinde, ulke siyasetini belirleyen en onemli dinamik olmustur. Ote yandan, gerek ulke icindeki ekonomik ve toplumsal gelismeler gerek dunyadaki gelismeler CHP’nin izledigi siyaseti sekillendirmis ve degistirmistir. Bu degisimin en belirgin ornegi, II. Dunya Savasi kosullarinin 1940’li yillarda yarattigi toplumsal, ekonomik gelismeler ve dunya siyasetinin yeni bicimine uyum saglama cabalari sonucunda Turkiye’de cok partili duzene gecilmesidir. Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi, cok partili siyasal yasama gecme karari alindiktan sonra yeni duruma uygun bir degisim icine girmistir. Partinin 1946 Olaganustu ve 1947 Kurultaylarinda alinan kararlar ve kabul edilen program degisimi acikca ortaya koymaktadir. Calismamiz, 1946 (Olaganustu) ve ...

Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye'de “milli şef” dönemi CHP politikalarının eğitim sistemine etkileri üzerine bir değerlendirme

9 Eylul 1923 tarihinde kurulan Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP), Turk siyasal sisteminin temel eksen... more 9 Eylul 1923 tarihinde kurulan Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP), Turk siyasal sisteminin temel eksenini olusturmustur. 1923 yilindan 1950 yilina dek, 27 yil boyunca iktidarda kalmistir. 27 yillik bu tarihsel surec icinde iki isim CHP siyasetinin dolayisiyla Turkiye’deki gelismelerin sekillenmesinde etkili olmustur. Birincisi; Mustafa Kemal Ataturk’tur. Ikincisi ise; Ismet Inonu’dur. Ataturk’un olumu uzerine Ismet Inonu once Cumhurbaskani, ardindan CHP’nin yeni degismez genel baskani secilmistir. CHP’nin 1938 Olaganustu Kurultayi’ndan sonra Ismet Inonu, “Milli Şef” unvanini almistir. “Milli Şef”, Ismet Inonu’nun resmi sifati oldugu kadar bir donemin adi da olmustur. Ismet Inonu, Milli Şef olarak hem ulke yonetiminde hem de partide iktidarin merkezine yerlesirken kendi kadrosu ile kendine ozgu bir siyasetin de uygulayicisi olmustur. Calismamizda, Turk siyasal yasami icinde “Milli Şef Donemi” olarak adlandirilan 1938-1945 yillari arasinda iktidar partisi olan CHP ekseninde egitim sistemin...

Research paper thumbnail of Yeni Alfabenin Kabulü Sonrası Mersin'de Açılan Millet Mektepleri ve Çalışmaları

Turkiye’de Harf Devrimi’nin gerceklesmesi sonrasinda oncelikli hedef en kisa surede en cok sayida... more Turkiye’de Harf Devrimi’nin gerceklesmesi sonrasinda oncelikli hedef en kisa surede en cok sayida vatandasa yeni harfleri ogretebilmek olmustur. Bu amacla 1 Ocak 1929’dan baslayarak Millet Mektepleri ulkenin bircok bolgesinde orgutlenmesini tamamlayarak egitim seferberligine baslamistir. Turkiye’de diger illerde oldugu uzere Mersin’de de yeni harflerin kabulu sonrasinda “Millet Mektepleri” acilmis ve toplumun her kesimine okuma-yazma ogretimi uygulamasina baslanmistir. Millet Mekteplerine halkin ilgisini cekebilmek amaciyla yararlanilan en onemli propaganda araclari ise yerel ve ulusal basin olmustur. Mersinlilere, Millet Mektepleri’nin acilisi, calismalari ve diger konularda bilgilendirme gorevini ustlenen yayin organi ise “Yeni Mersin Gazetesi” olmustur. Yeni Mersin Gazetesi, 1929 yilinda yayin hayatina baslamis ve daha ilk sayilardan baslamak uzere Harf Devrimi, Millet Mektepleri, okuma-yazma bilmenin onemi, Gazi Mustafa Kemal Ataturk ve Harf Devrimi gibi konulara yer vermistir



It was decided that the first period of Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) to be disbanded ... more It was decided that the first period of Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) to be disbanded and the elections to be renewed on April 1, 1923. The new elections were made in accordance with the new regulation made in the electoral law, on April 3 and, TBMM started its second legislative period on August 11, 1923. Mersin was represented with two and İçel was represented with two members of the parliament in the Assembly of 1923-27. In the Ottoman period, there was no administrative connection between Mersin and İçel but as they reacted towards the invasions jointly throughout the War of Independence, they were united historically. Mersin and İçel were two separate prefectures in the period we study however, they were united with the regulation of 1933 and at first it was named İçel Province, and in 2002 its name became Mersin. For this reason in this study the deputies of Mersin and İçel have been referred together. The elections occurred during the transmission from the Müdafa-i Hukuk Cemiyeti to the Halk Fırkası, two deputies from Mersin and four deputies from İçel were nominated for Müdafa-i Hukuk. Apart from the candidates of the Müdafa-i Hukuk, many different candidates also took part in the elections. İçel elections were highly controversial, and this was reflected in the national press. Niyazi Ramazanoğlu and Besim Özek were elected as the representatives of Mersin and Hafiz Mehmet Emin İnankur and Dr. Mehmet Tevfik Marulyalı were elected as the representatives of İçel. The second legislative period was a period where TBMM determined the fundamental structural regulations of the Turkish Republic. The Assembly, which approved the Treaty of Lozan, prepared the Law of Teşkîlât-ı Esâsîye and continued its activities in the period when the Republic was declared, played an important role in the Turkish political life. On the other hand, in a period where the first political opposition was established, Mersin deputy of the parliament, Besim Bey was among the founding members of the Terakkiperver Cumhuriyet Fırkası (TCF).


Atatürk Üniversitesi, Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2021

When the republic was declared, there was an old railway line of a total of 4137 km. This old net... more When the republic was declared, there was an old railway line of a total of 4137 km. This old network was an heritage from the Ottoman Empire. These lines were constructed and managed by the alien companies and they were formed in accordance with the interests of the European capital. The development of the railway transportation was among the priorities of the republican governments for the military defense and the economic benefits of the country. The principle of nationalisation of the existing lines as well as the construction of the new networks was accepted as the railroad policy. The acceptance of the 506th law on April 22, 1924 led to the purchase of the Anatolian railroad. This event was the start of the nationalisation process of the railway networks. In this study, the nationalisation aspect of the railroads is examined. The nationalisation of the railroads started with the purchase of the Anatolian railroad and the Mersin-Tarsus – Adana line. Although the legislative regulation related to the purchase in question was accepted in 1924, the contract of purchase was only possible in 1928 December 10. The rights given to the companies based on the priviledge contracts in the devolution process of the imperial period, and the additional problems coming from the war period led the purchase process to prolong. The different viewpoints between the company representatives and the government was overcome with the foundation of a commission presided by Şükrü Saraçoğlu.


Right after the Turkish Indepence War, efforts to bring the education system into a contemporary ... more Right after the Turkish Indepence War, efforts to bring the education system into a contemporary nation-state form were considered, in many aspects, as important and a priority. Founders of the New Turkey not only set the basic principles of the education system, but also gathered opinions of the experts on identifying the methods that will be followed in the new education policies. Particularly, the Scientific Committee (Heyet-i İlmiye) meetings led by Ministry of Education are the outcomes of these efforts. The First Scientific Committee met under the leadership of the Minister of Education Ismail Safa Bey on July 15th, 1923, continued for one month, and contributed greatly to the education and cultural evolution. The Minister of Education Vasıf Çınar led the Second Scientific Committee meeting on April 22nd 1924 and Mustafa Necati Bey led the Third Scientific Committee meeting that was held on December 26th 1925. In this study, the scientific committees that were
foreseen to give direction to the education system during the foundation and instutionalization of Turkish Republic are evaluated. While the Presidential National Archives and the newspapers and journals of the period are the main sources for this study, many research papers on the history of Turkish education are also used.


Tarih Okulu (Journal of History School), 2016

Özet 19 Şubat 1932'de açılmaya başlayan halkevleri, Atatürkçü düşüncenin ilkeleriyle bütünleşen C... more Özet 19 Şubat 1932'de açılmaya başlayan halkevleri, Atatürkçü düşüncenin ilkeleriyle bütünleşen Cumhuriyet'in modernleşme ideolojisinin, sosyal ve kültürel yönünü geliştirmek işlevini üstlenmiştir. Önce 14 ilde, ardından Türkiye genelinde örgütlenerek çalışmalarına başlayan halkevleri, kuruldukları kentin tarihi ve kültüründe önemli bir yer edinmiştir. 1951 yılında kapatılmalarından sonra, aynı işlevi sürdürmeseler bile, hiç olmazsa sahip oldukları binalar ve kültürel miraslarıyla günümüze kadar etkilerini devam ettirmişlerdir. 24 Şubat 1933 tarihinde çalışmalarına başlayan Mersin Halkevi, Mersin tarihi ve kültürünün gelişiminde önemli etkileri olmuştur. Pek çok halkevi için dokuz şubenin oluşturulması zor iken Mersin Halkevi şubeleri, kentin zemininde var olan kültürel dinamikleri üzerine kurulmuş ve çalışmalar sürdürmüştür. Halkevlerinin Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP) ile organik bağları dışında Türk Dil Kurumu (TDK) gibi Cumhuriyet ideolojisinin temel değerleriyle bütünleşen kurumlarla da ilişkileri kuvvetlidir. Tüm halkevleri dil, edebiyat şubeleri aynı zamanda TDK'nın yereldeki temsilcisi işlevini üstlenmiştir. Mersin, Tarsus ve Adana Halkevleri bu işlevi yerine getirmek üzere dil, edebiyat şubesi dışında "Hars Komitesi" çalışmalarını da sürdürmüştür. Bu bağlamda araştırmanın amacını; Mersin Halkevi ve çalışmalarını, Mersin'in kent kültürünün ve kimliğinin oluşumundaki etkilerini irdelemek olarak betimleyebiliriz.

Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye'nin İlk Kadın İl Belediye Başkanı 'Müfide İlhan' ve Mersin'deki Çalışmaları Birgül BOZKURT-Mersin Üniversitesi

Research paper thumbnail of The Elections in İçel (Mersi̇n) in the Period of Governorship of Democratic Party

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Jun 19, 2022

The period where the Democratic Party (DP) was on the political power is an important phase of th... more The period where the Democratic Party (DP) was on the political power is an important phase of the Turkish Political Life. This study focusses on İçel region in the changing Turkish political life of the 1950 elections. The relationships between the parties is assessed from the perspective of the ruling party and the opposition in the period of 1950, 1954 and finally 1957 which was the last general election of the Democratic Party. The election campaigns of the parties and the candidate determination processes are also discussed. İçel is an harbour city of the Çukurova region which connects the region to the Mediterranean. Fort his reason it represents a dynamic instance in the political conflict of the whole election processes. DP became significant in the political life of the city with the passege of the multy party political system. It was also a city supporting DP in all of the elections between the period of 1950-60. The great majority of the İçel population participated the elections and the competition between the parties were very dense. Refik Koraltan who was among the founding members of the DP thouh was entitled in two places preferred the İçel parliamentarism and continued his work as a member of parliament in the İçel region in the TBMM. Before the 1954 elections the division within the DP resulted with the resignation of the members of the parliament and the party members and some changes happened both in 1954 and 1957 elections in the members of the parliament. Although the opposition parties continued their work in the İçel region in each election period, their efforts did not change the results of the elections.

Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye'nin İlk Kadın İl Belediye Başkanı Müfide İlhan' ve Mersin'deki çalışmaları

Cumhuriyet Tarihi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2014

Modernisation process in Turkey from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic includes important stru... more Modernisation process in Turkey from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic includes
important structural differences which also affected the status of women. In Turkey
women acquired the right to participate in local elections in 1930. Afterwards, they
were given the right to participate in general elections in 1934. Despite those legal
arrangements the representation of women both in national and local administration
remained lower than the expected. The number of women deputies in the National
Assembly remained very low as well. The first woman provincial mayor was elected
twenty years later than the concerning legal arrangements. In a period when important
steps for democratisation process were taken, Müfide İlhan, was elected as the first
woman mayor from the Mersin province, where the Democrat Party won the 1950
elections. Thus, this study aims to evaluate Müfide İlhan’s election as a mayor, her
activities in the office as well as her resignation within the perspective of womens’
participation to political life in Turkey.

Research paper thumbnail of İki̇nci̇ Dönem TBMM’De Mersi̇n Ve İçel Mi̇lletveki̇lleri̇ni̇n Yasama Faali̇yetleri̇

Ankara Üniversitesi Türk İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü Atatürk Yolu Dergisi, 2021

It was decided that the first period of Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) to be disbanded ... more It was decided that the first period of Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) to be disbanded and the elections to be renewed on April 1, 1923. The new elections were made in accordance with the new regulation made in the electoral law, on April 3 and, TBMM started its second legislative period on August 11, 1923. Mersin was represented with two and İçel was represented with two members of the parliament in the Assembly of 1923-27. In the Ottoman period, there was no administrative connection between Mersin and İçel but as they reacted towards the invasions jointly throughout the War of Independence, they were united historically. Mersin and İçel were two separate prefectures in the period we study however, they were united with the regulation of 1933 and at first it was named İçel Province, and in 2002 its name became Mersin. For this reason in this study the deputies of Mersin and İçel have been referred together. The elections occurred during the transmission from the Müdafa-i Hukuk Cemiyeti to the Halk Fırkası, two deputies from Mersin and four deputies from İçel were nominated for Müdafa-i Hukuk. Apart from the candidates of the Müdafa-i Hukuk, many different candidates also took part in the elections. İçel elections were highly controversial, and this was reflected in the national press. Niyazi Ramazanoğlu and Besim Özek were elected as the representatives of Mersin and Hafiz Mehmet Emin İnankur and Dr. Mehmet Tevfik Marulyalı were elected as the representatives of İçel. The second legislative period was a period where TBMM determined the fundamental structural regulations of the Turkish Republic. The Assembly, which approved the Treaty of Lozan, prepared the Law of Teşkîlât-ı Esâsîye and continued its activities in the period when the Republic was declared, played an important role in the Turkish political life. On the other hand, in a period where the first political opposition was established, Mersin deputy of the parliament, Besim Bey was among the founding members of the Terakkiperver Cumhuriyet Fırkası (TCF).

Research paper thumbnail of Mersi̇n Halkevi̇'Ni̇n Kuruluşu Ve Tari̇hsel İşlevi̇

Journal Of History School, 2016

The public houses which started to be opened by February 19, 1932, played the role of developping... more The public houses which started to be opened by February 19, 1932, played the role of developping the social and cultural aspect of the republic's modernisation ideology which integrated with the principles of the Ataturk's thoughts. Starting initially from 14 cities, then getting organised throughout Turkey, the public houses possessed a particular position in the history and the culture of the city in which they were founded. After they were closed in 1951, they did not function the same way, but at least, they continued their effect until today with their buildings and cultural heritage. The Mersin Public House, which opened its gates on February 24, 1933, had important impacts on the historical and culltural development of Mersin. While it was difficult to create nine branches for many public houses, the branches of Mersin Public House were founded on the cultural dynamics which were available on the city's very basis. Then they functioned accordigly. Apart from its organic ties with the Republic People Party, (CHP), the Public Houses had also strong relationships with the institutions such as the Turkish Language Institution. These institutions were integrated with the basic values of the republic's ideology. The language and literature branches of all of the public houses were also functioned as the local representatives of the Turkish Language Institution. In addition to operating as the branches of language and literature, the Mersin, Tarsus and Adana Public Houses worked as the 'Culture Comitee' 'Hars Komitesi'. This study aims to put forward the impact of the activities of the Mersin Public House in the development of the Mersin's city culture and identity.

Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye’de Çok Partili Düzene Geçişte Chp ve Eğitim Sistemindeki Gelişmeler (1946-1950)

Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP), 1923 yilinda kurulusunun ardindan -Ataturk donemindeki cok partili... more Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP), 1923 yilinda kurulusunun ardindan -Ataturk donemindeki cok partili yasama gecme deneyimleri disinda- uzun sure tek partili bir duzen icinde ulkeyi yonetmistir. Dogal olarak, CHP, 1923 yilindan 1950 yilina kadar 27 yillik iktidar surecinde, ulke siyasetini belirleyen en onemli dinamik olmustur. Ote yandan, gerek ulke icindeki ekonomik ve toplumsal gelismeler gerek dunyadaki gelismeler CHP’nin izledigi siyaseti sekillendirmis ve degistirmistir. Bu degisimin en belirgin ornegi, II. Dunya Savasi kosullarinin 1940’li yillarda yarattigi toplumsal, ekonomik gelismeler ve dunya siyasetinin yeni bicimine uyum saglama cabalari sonucunda Turkiye’de cok partili duzene gecilmesidir. Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi, cok partili siyasal yasama gecme karari alindiktan sonra yeni duruma uygun bir degisim icine girmistir. Partinin 1946 Olaganustu ve 1947 Kurultaylarinda alinan kararlar ve kabul edilen program degisimi acikca ortaya koymaktadir. Calismamiz, 1946 (Olaganustu) ve ...

Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye'de “milli şef” dönemi CHP politikalarının eğitim sistemine etkileri üzerine bir değerlendirme

9 Eylul 1923 tarihinde kurulan Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP), Turk siyasal sisteminin temel eksen... more 9 Eylul 1923 tarihinde kurulan Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP), Turk siyasal sisteminin temel eksenini olusturmustur. 1923 yilindan 1950 yilina dek, 27 yil boyunca iktidarda kalmistir. 27 yillik bu tarihsel surec icinde iki isim CHP siyasetinin dolayisiyla Turkiye’deki gelismelerin sekillenmesinde etkili olmustur. Birincisi; Mustafa Kemal Ataturk’tur. Ikincisi ise; Ismet Inonu’dur. Ataturk’un olumu uzerine Ismet Inonu once Cumhurbaskani, ardindan CHP’nin yeni degismez genel baskani secilmistir. CHP’nin 1938 Olaganustu Kurultayi’ndan sonra Ismet Inonu, “Milli Şef” unvanini almistir. “Milli Şef”, Ismet Inonu’nun resmi sifati oldugu kadar bir donemin adi da olmustur. Ismet Inonu, Milli Şef olarak hem ulke yonetiminde hem de partide iktidarin merkezine yerlesirken kendi kadrosu ile kendine ozgu bir siyasetin de uygulayicisi olmustur. Calismamizda, Turk siyasal yasami icinde “Milli Şef Donemi” olarak adlandirilan 1938-1945 yillari arasinda iktidar partisi olan CHP ekseninde egitim sistemin...

Research paper thumbnail of Yeni Alfabenin Kabulü Sonrası Mersin'de Açılan Millet Mektepleri ve Çalışmaları

Turkiye’de Harf Devrimi’nin gerceklesmesi sonrasinda oncelikli hedef en kisa surede en cok sayida... more Turkiye’de Harf Devrimi’nin gerceklesmesi sonrasinda oncelikli hedef en kisa surede en cok sayida vatandasa yeni harfleri ogretebilmek olmustur. Bu amacla 1 Ocak 1929’dan baslayarak Millet Mektepleri ulkenin bircok bolgesinde orgutlenmesini tamamlayarak egitim seferberligine baslamistir. Turkiye’de diger illerde oldugu uzere Mersin’de de yeni harflerin kabulu sonrasinda “Millet Mektepleri” acilmis ve toplumun her kesimine okuma-yazma ogretimi uygulamasina baslanmistir. Millet Mekteplerine halkin ilgisini cekebilmek amaciyla yararlanilan en onemli propaganda araclari ise yerel ve ulusal basin olmustur. Mersinlilere, Millet Mektepleri’nin acilisi, calismalari ve diger konularda bilgilendirme gorevini ustlenen yayin organi ise “Yeni Mersin Gazetesi” olmustur. Yeni Mersin Gazetesi, 1929 yilinda yayin hayatina baslamis ve daha ilk sayilardan baslamak uzere Harf Devrimi, Millet Mektepleri, okuma-yazma bilmenin onemi, Gazi Mustafa Kemal Ataturk ve Harf Devrimi gibi konulara yer vermistir



It was decided that the first period of Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) to be disbanded ... more It was decided that the first period of Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) to be disbanded and the elections to be renewed on April 1, 1923. The new elections were made in accordance with the new regulation made in the electoral law, on April 3 and, TBMM started its second legislative period on August 11, 1923. Mersin was represented with two and İçel was represented with two members of the parliament in the Assembly of 1923-27. In the Ottoman period, there was no administrative connection between Mersin and İçel but as they reacted towards the invasions jointly throughout the War of Independence, they were united historically. Mersin and İçel were two separate prefectures in the period we study however, they were united with the regulation of 1933 and at first it was named İçel Province, and in 2002 its name became Mersin. For this reason in this study the deputies of Mersin and İçel have been referred together. The elections occurred during the transmission from the Müdafa-i Hukuk Cemiyeti to the Halk Fırkası, two deputies from Mersin and four deputies from İçel were nominated for Müdafa-i Hukuk. Apart from the candidates of the Müdafa-i Hukuk, many different candidates also took part in the elections. İçel elections were highly controversial, and this was reflected in the national press. Niyazi Ramazanoğlu and Besim Özek were elected as the representatives of Mersin and Hafiz Mehmet Emin İnankur and Dr. Mehmet Tevfik Marulyalı were elected as the representatives of İçel. The second legislative period was a period where TBMM determined the fundamental structural regulations of the Turkish Republic. The Assembly, which approved the Treaty of Lozan, prepared the Law of Teşkîlât-ı Esâsîye and continued its activities in the period when the Republic was declared, played an important role in the Turkish political life. On the other hand, in a period where the first political opposition was established, Mersin deputy of the parliament, Besim Bey was among the founding members of the Terakkiperver Cumhuriyet Fırkası (TCF).


Atatürk Üniversitesi, Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2021

When the republic was declared, there was an old railway line of a total of 4137 km. This old net... more When the republic was declared, there was an old railway line of a total of 4137 km. This old network was an heritage from the Ottoman Empire. These lines were constructed and managed by the alien companies and they were formed in accordance with the interests of the European capital. The development of the railway transportation was among the priorities of the republican governments for the military defense and the economic benefits of the country. The principle of nationalisation of the existing lines as well as the construction of the new networks was accepted as the railroad policy. The acceptance of the 506th law on April 22, 1924 led to the purchase of the Anatolian railroad. This event was the start of the nationalisation process of the railway networks. In this study, the nationalisation aspect of the railroads is examined. The nationalisation of the railroads started with the purchase of the Anatolian railroad and the Mersin-Tarsus – Adana line. Although the legislative regulation related to the purchase in question was accepted in 1924, the contract of purchase was only possible in 1928 December 10. The rights given to the companies based on the priviledge contracts in the devolution process of the imperial period, and the additional problems coming from the war period led the purchase process to prolong. The different viewpoints between the company representatives and the government was overcome with the foundation of a commission presided by Şükrü Saraçoğlu.


Right after the Turkish Indepence War, efforts to bring the education system into a contemporary ... more Right after the Turkish Indepence War, efforts to bring the education system into a contemporary nation-state form were considered, in many aspects, as important and a priority. Founders of the New Turkey not only set the basic principles of the education system, but also gathered opinions of the experts on identifying the methods that will be followed in the new education policies. Particularly, the Scientific Committee (Heyet-i İlmiye) meetings led by Ministry of Education are the outcomes of these efforts. The First Scientific Committee met under the leadership of the Minister of Education Ismail Safa Bey on July 15th, 1923, continued for one month, and contributed greatly to the education and cultural evolution. The Minister of Education Vasıf Çınar led the Second Scientific Committee meeting on April 22nd 1924 and Mustafa Necati Bey led the Third Scientific Committee meeting that was held on December 26th 1925. In this study, the scientific committees that were
foreseen to give direction to the education system during the foundation and instutionalization of Turkish Republic are evaluated. While the Presidential National Archives and the newspapers and journals of the period are the main sources for this study, many research papers on the history of Turkish education are also used.


Tarih Okulu (Journal of History School), 2016

Özet 19 Şubat 1932'de açılmaya başlayan halkevleri, Atatürkçü düşüncenin ilkeleriyle bütünleşen C... more Özet 19 Şubat 1932'de açılmaya başlayan halkevleri, Atatürkçü düşüncenin ilkeleriyle bütünleşen Cumhuriyet'in modernleşme ideolojisinin, sosyal ve kültürel yönünü geliştirmek işlevini üstlenmiştir. Önce 14 ilde, ardından Türkiye genelinde örgütlenerek çalışmalarına başlayan halkevleri, kuruldukları kentin tarihi ve kültüründe önemli bir yer edinmiştir. 1951 yılında kapatılmalarından sonra, aynı işlevi sürdürmeseler bile, hiç olmazsa sahip oldukları binalar ve kültürel miraslarıyla günümüze kadar etkilerini devam ettirmişlerdir. 24 Şubat 1933 tarihinde çalışmalarına başlayan Mersin Halkevi, Mersin tarihi ve kültürünün gelişiminde önemli etkileri olmuştur. Pek çok halkevi için dokuz şubenin oluşturulması zor iken Mersin Halkevi şubeleri, kentin zemininde var olan kültürel dinamikleri üzerine kurulmuş ve çalışmalar sürdürmüştür. Halkevlerinin Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP) ile organik bağları dışında Türk Dil Kurumu (TDK) gibi Cumhuriyet ideolojisinin temel değerleriyle bütünleşen kurumlarla da ilişkileri kuvvetlidir. Tüm halkevleri dil, edebiyat şubeleri aynı zamanda TDK'nın yereldeki temsilcisi işlevini üstlenmiştir. Mersin, Tarsus ve Adana Halkevleri bu işlevi yerine getirmek üzere dil, edebiyat şubesi dışında "Hars Komitesi" çalışmalarını da sürdürmüştür. Bu bağlamda araştırmanın amacını; Mersin Halkevi ve çalışmalarını, Mersin'in kent kültürünün ve kimliğinin oluşumundaki etkilerini irdelemek olarak betimleyebiliriz.

Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye'nin İlk Kadın İl Belediye Başkanı 'Müfide İlhan' ve Mersin'deki Çalışmaları Birgül BOZKURT-Mersin Üniversitesi