Boris Mysykkaty - (original) (raw)
Papers by Boris Mysykkaty
The main subject of this article is the reflection of the so-called female argot “maiden language... more The main subject of this article is the reflection of the so-called female argot “maiden language” in the Ossetian Nartiada. Although this secret dialogue is characterized as “xatiag language”, a common epic designation for cryptolects, however, the context of the saga clearly shows that the dialogue is in “maiden language”, which is confirmed by one of the versions of the saga. The second part of the article describes what is the “maiden language” in a linguistic context and all its known analogies used by other people related to the Ossetеs and their neighbors. Also, a new view to the language of the Amazons, described by Herodotus, is offered. In the third part, an attempt is undertaken to decipher the meaning of the symbolism behind the allegorical phrase contained in the dialogue. This allegory which compares a woman with a horse seems to have a very archaic mythological origin, with a number of Indo-European analogies, including Sarmatians. Most of these analogies trace back to the character of the Goddess of horses.
В статье рассматривается отражение секретного «девичьего языка» в осетинской Нартиаде. В сказании сам диалог квалифицируется общим для осетинского эпоса наименованием криптолектов, термином «хатиагский язык», однако контекст сказания указывает, что речь идет именно о «девичьем языке», что подтверждается также одним из вариантов сказания. Во второй части статьи рассматривается что представлял сам «девичий язык» в лингвистическом плане, а также приводятся все известные его аналогии, бытующие у соседних и родственных осетинам народов. В приложении, исходя из осетинских аналогий, предлагается новый взгляд на язык амазонок, описанный в «Скифском логосе» Геродота. В третьей главе предпринимается попытка вскрыть смысл иносказания, содержащегося в рассматриваемом диалоге на «девичьем языке», имеющем вид аллегорического отождествления женщины и лошади. Получается, что в конечном итоге оно восходит к образу «Хозяйки коней», богини чей культ засвидетельствован в памятниках целого ряда индоевропейских культур, в том числе сарматов.
ИФА N°10, 2021
В настоящей статье разрабатываются три вопроса, связанные с образом аланского знамени с изображен... more В настоящей статье разрабатываются три вопроса, связанные с образом аланского знамени с изображением
кошачьего хищника. В первой части рассматривается мифологический и идеологический смысл образа, а также его
происхождение в среде среднеазиатских кочевников сако-массагетского круга. Во второй реконструируется аланское происхождение сванского зооморфного знамени лем. В третьей прослеживается присутствие образа аланского барса на гербе португальского города Коимбра.
Three problems related to the Alanian flag with the image of a feline predator are being developed in the article. The
first part deals with the mythological and ideological meanings of the image and its origin among the Central Asian nomads
of the Saka-Massageteans. In the second part, the Alanian origin of the Svanetian zoomorphic flag lemi is reconstructed.
The third part traces the presence of the image of the Alanian leopard on the coat of arms of the Portuguese city of Coimbra.
ALLON. On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Honored Scientist of the Republic of South Ossetia, Professor Yu. A. Dzitstsoyty: Collective monograph, 2021
The secret warrior language which the heroes of the Ossetian epics use on certain occasions, seem... more The secret warrior language which the heroes of the Ossetian epics use on certain occasions, seems to retain some very archaic motives and information. In this particular case it is analyzed how the name of the elder leader of the nart heroes has retained in these allegorical dialogues, its ancient meaning of "Wild boar", which in the modern Ossetic language is not in use anymore, and which was reconstructed only through etymological comparison with other Indo-Iranian languages. This archaic meaning of "Boar-man" for a leader and warrior has plenty of analogues in Scythian, Iranian and Indian material.
ALLON. On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Honored Scientist of the Republic of South Ossetia, Professor Yu. A. Dzitstsoyty: Collective monograph, 2021
The Ossetian Nartiada contains a unique feature: the main heroes use an argot warrior language to... more The Ossetian Nartiada contains a unique feature: the main heroes use an argot warrior language to communicate during battles and conflicts in order to keep the meaning of their dialogues in secret. In that way they obtain a strategic advantage over their enemies. Three such examples are analyzed and compared with real Scythian stratagems described in antique literary sources.
ALLON. On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Honored Scientist of the Republic of South Ossetia, Professor Yu. A. Dzitstsoyty: Collective monograph, 2021
In this article are compared two similar plots, one from the Ossetian Nartiada and another from t... more In this article are compared two similar plots, one from the Ossetian Nartiada and another from the Indian Mahabharata. The main plot of both narratives is an ambush, in which the enemies of the heroes will try to kill them, but their plans are ruined due to the intervention of a third party, who using a secret language, advises the heroes not to fall into the ambush. In both cases the secret dialogue has a form of a parable , in which the subject is allegorically substituted by an animal.
It is possible that we are dealing with an influence of Sakan folklore on Indian epics, in that case the “Mleccha language” thanks to which Vidura saves the Pandava heroes, is a Sakan analogue of the Ossetian secret “xatiag language”.
Историсо-филологический архив N°9, 2019
This article analyses the colour-code of the Indo-Aryan and Iranian tribes, also its symbolic ref... more This article analyses the colour-code of the Indo-Aryan and Iranian tribes, also its symbolic reflections on their
mythology, ideology and material culture. In conclusion, the white-red-yellow colour combination seems to have
a common Aryan (Indo-Iranian) origin.
It is also offered a new etymological explanation for the Scythian
hydronym Borysthenes.
Key words: Aryan / Indo-Iranian colour-code, colour combination, tripartite ideology, flag of Аlaniа, river
Nartamongæ, 2021
The basic ternary core of the Scythian animal style consists of representations of three types of... more The basic ternary core of the Scythian animal style consists of representations of three types of animals (birds, hoofed animals and predators/reptiles). Each of them normally represent one of the three levels of the Scythian cosmology, birds are markers of the sky and the world of gods, hoofed animals represent the earth, where people live, predators are markers of the underworld and the force of death. In this article are presented three examples of how this mythological scheme has been reflected in the Ossetian epic poetry and mythology. Some sagas conserved even an association between the Indoeuropean three social functions and the three types of animals, corresponding a bird to the priests (a white rooster of the Acætæ family), a predator to the warriors (the dog Silæm of the Æxsærtæggatæ family) and a hoofed animal to representatives of the third function (the yellow donkey of the Borætæ family). Due to the fact that this scheme is unknown in the mythology of the Koban culture, makes sence to trace the origin of these Ossetian believes in the Iranian nomadic cultures of the steppes (Scythians, Sarmatians, Alans).
Nartamongae, 2020
The lasso in the ethno-cultural tradition of the Alans-Ossetians. The lasso was an important tool... more The lasso in the ethno-cultural tradition of the Alans-Ossetians. The lasso was an important tool among the pastoral nomadic tribes of the Great Steppe. According to the Latin sources, the Alans were experts in the use of the lasso. In this article are collected the written and material evidences of use of the lasso among mostly all of the Northern Iranian tribes. There is also enough evidence to believe that the Ossetians, dispite the fact that they lost the possibility of large-scale horse breeding due to the lack of pastures, mantained the use of the lasso as a tool and weapon. This is also reflected in the Ossetian Nart Sagas, where the lasso is frequently mentioned.
Nartamongæ vol. XV, 2020
Indoeuropean poetic formulae "Unfading Glory" in the Ossetian Nartiada (Nart Sagas). In this arti... more Indoeuropean poetic formulae "Unfading Glory" in the Ossetian Nartiada (Nart Sagas).
In this article I try to identify traces of the archaic Indoeuropean poetic formulae "Unfading Glory" in the Ossetic epic poetry. These relicts are reflected in the final chapter of the epic. The cult of the heroic glory is also reflected in the funeral rituals (kurgans and stelae) of the Northern Iranians, being the physical embodyment of the poetic concept of glory. As a clear example of these believes surviving among the ethnographic Ossetians yet in the early 20th C., in the last chapter of the article are pressented three versions of the "heroic song" and a complete description of the traditional momorial stelae, dedicated to one of the Ossetian heroes, died during the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905).
Nartamongæ vol. XIV, 2019
Enebro № 51, 2019
Estudio sobre la mitología relacionada con la cadena del hogar tradicional, llamada llar. Se busc... more Estudio sobre la mitología relacionada con la cadena del hogar tradicional, llamada llar. Se buscan sus origenes en la religión romana, concretamente en la figura de los lares o dioses domesticos. En cuanto a semántica se trazan analogías con la religión tradicional de los osetas del Cáucaso, últimos descendientes de los alanos. Como eslabon de unión figura el pueblo de los visigodos, con su mito cosmológico germano del arbor mundi.
Enebro № 49-50, 2018
Artículo popular sobre el origen y las gestas del pueblo de los alanos, que invadió la Hispania r... more Artículo popular sobre el origen y las gestas del pueblo de los alanos, que invadió la Hispania romana, junto a vándalos y suevos, en el siglo V. La segunda parte trata de las causas y consecuencias de la derrota sufrida por los alanos ante los visigodos de Walia, de la unificación de los supervivientes con los vándalos de Gunderico, el éxodo via el Estrecho de Gibraltar, la conquista de la provincia africana, la creacion del Reino de vándalos y alanos y de su caida a manos de los bizantinos en el siglo VI.
Enebro № 48, 2017
Artículo popular sobre el origen y las gestas del pueblo de los alanos, que invadió la Hispania r... more Artículo popular sobre el origen y las gestas del pueblo de los alanos, que invadió la Hispania romana, junto a vándalos y suevos, en el siglo V. La primera parte habla de la trayectoria seguida por los alanos antes de su entrada en la panínsula, de su reinado en Hispania y de los posibles vestigios dejados por este pueblo guerrero en el territorio de España y Portugal.
Nartamongæ vol. XIII , 2018
В статье предлагается подтверждение и дальнейшее развитие теории В.И. Абаева о связи осетинского ... more В статье предлагается подтверждение и дальнейшее развитие теории В.И. Абаева о связи осетинского бога кузнеца Уаргона с латинским Вулканом. Привлекаются новые параллели из европейских (кельтские, германские, греческие, славянские, латинские, балтийские) и кавказских традиций (адыгские, ингушские). Наибольший интерес представляет образ кельтского кузнеца Олка, равнофункционального аналога данного мифологического образа, в чьем имени сохранился отголосок того же индоевропейского корня обозначающего волка.
The main subject of this article is the reflection of the so-called female argot “maiden language... more The main subject of this article is the reflection of the so-called female argot “maiden language” in the Ossetian Nartiada. Although this secret dialogue is characterized as “xatiag language”, a common epic designation for cryptolects, however, the context of the saga clearly shows that the dialogue is in “maiden language”, which is confirmed by one of the versions of the saga. The second part of the article describes what is the “maiden language” in a linguistic context and all its known analogies used by other people related to the Ossetеs and their neighbors. Also, a new view to the language of the Amazons, described by Herodotus, is offered. In the third part, an attempt is undertaken to decipher the meaning of the symbolism behind the allegorical phrase contained in the dialogue. This allegory which compares a woman with a horse seems to have a very archaic mythological origin, with a number of Indo-European analogies, including Sarmatians. Most of these analogies trace back to the character of the Goddess of horses.
В статье рассматривается отражение секретного «девичьего языка» в осетинской Нартиаде. В сказании сам диалог квалифицируется общим для осетинского эпоса наименованием криптолектов, термином «хатиагский язык», однако контекст сказания указывает, что речь идет именно о «девичьем языке», что подтверждается также одним из вариантов сказания. Во второй части статьи рассматривается что представлял сам «девичий язык» в лингвистическом плане, а также приводятся все известные его аналогии, бытующие у соседних и родственных осетинам народов. В приложении, исходя из осетинских аналогий, предлагается новый взгляд на язык амазонок, описанный в «Скифском логосе» Геродота. В третьей главе предпринимается попытка вскрыть смысл иносказания, содержащегося в рассматриваемом диалоге на «девичьем языке», имеющем вид аллегорического отождествления женщины и лошади. Получается, что в конечном итоге оно восходит к образу «Хозяйки коней», богини чей культ засвидетельствован в памятниках целого ряда индоевропейских культур, в том числе сарматов.
ИФА N°10, 2021
В настоящей статье разрабатываются три вопроса, связанные с образом аланского знамени с изображен... more В настоящей статье разрабатываются три вопроса, связанные с образом аланского знамени с изображением
кошачьего хищника. В первой части рассматривается мифологический и идеологический смысл образа, а также его
происхождение в среде среднеазиатских кочевников сако-массагетского круга. Во второй реконструируется аланское происхождение сванского зооморфного знамени лем. В третьей прослеживается присутствие образа аланского барса на гербе португальского города Коимбра.
Three problems related to the Alanian flag with the image of a feline predator are being developed in the article. The
first part deals with the mythological and ideological meanings of the image and its origin among the Central Asian nomads
of the Saka-Massageteans. In the second part, the Alanian origin of the Svanetian zoomorphic flag lemi is reconstructed.
The third part traces the presence of the image of the Alanian leopard on the coat of arms of the Portuguese city of Coimbra.
ALLON. On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Honored Scientist of the Republic of South Ossetia, Professor Yu. A. Dzitstsoyty: Collective monograph, 2021
The secret warrior language which the heroes of the Ossetian epics use on certain occasions, seem... more The secret warrior language which the heroes of the Ossetian epics use on certain occasions, seems to retain some very archaic motives and information. In this particular case it is analyzed how the name of the elder leader of the nart heroes has retained in these allegorical dialogues, its ancient meaning of "Wild boar", which in the modern Ossetic language is not in use anymore, and which was reconstructed only through etymological comparison with other Indo-Iranian languages. This archaic meaning of "Boar-man" for a leader and warrior has plenty of analogues in Scythian, Iranian and Indian material.
ALLON. On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Honored Scientist of the Republic of South Ossetia, Professor Yu. A. Dzitstsoyty: Collective monograph, 2021
The Ossetian Nartiada contains a unique feature: the main heroes use an argot warrior language to... more The Ossetian Nartiada contains a unique feature: the main heroes use an argot warrior language to communicate during battles and conflicts in order to keep the meaning of their dialogues in secret. In that way they obtain a strategic advantage over their enemies. Three such examples are analyzed and compared with real Scythian stratagems described in antique literary sources.
ALLON. On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Honored Scientist of the Republic of South Ossetia, Professor Yu. A. Dzitstsoyty: Collective monograph, 2021
In this article are compared two similar plots, one from the Ossetian Nartiada and another from t... more In this article are compared two similar plots, one from the Ossetian Nartiada and another from the Indian Mahabharata. The main plot of both narratives is an ambush, in which the enemies of the heroes will try to kill them, but their plans are ruined due to the intervention of a third party, who using a secret language, advises the heroes not to fall into the ambush. In both cases the secret dialogue has a form of a parable , in which the subject is allegorically substituted by an animal.
It is possible that we are dealing with an influence of Sakan folklore on Indian epics, in that case the “Mleccha language” thanks to which Vidura saves the Pandava heroes, is a Sakan analogue of the Ossetian secret “xatiag language”.
Историсо-филологический архив N°9, 2019
This article analyses the colour-code of the Indo-Aryan and Iranian tribes, also its symbolic ref... more This article analyses the colour-code of the Indo-Aryan and Iranian tribes, also its symbolic reflections on their
mythology, ideology and material culture. In conclusion, the white-red-yellow colour combination seems to have
a common Aryan (Indo-Iranian) origin.
It is also offered a new etymological explanation for the Scythian
hydronym Borysthenes.
Key words: Aryan / Indo-Iranian colour-code, colour combination, tripartite ideology, flag of Аlaniа, river
Nartamongæ, 2021
The basic ternary core of the Scythian animal style consists of representations of three types of... more The basic ternary core of the Scythian animal style consists of representations of three types of animals (birds, hoofed animals and predators/reptiles). Each of them normally represent one of the three levels of the Scythian cosmology, birds are markers of the sky and the world of gods, hoofed animals represent the earth, where people live, predators are markers of the underworld and the force of death. In this article are presented three examples of how this mythological scheme has been reflected in the Ossetian epic poetry and mythology. Some sagas conserved even an association between the Indoeuropean three social functions and the three types of animals, corresponding a bird to the priests (a white rooster of the Acætæ family), a predator to the warriors (the dog Silæm of the Æxsærtæggatæ family) and a hoofed animal to representatives of the third function (the yellow donkey of the Borætæ family). Due to the fact that this scheme is unknown in the mythology of the Koban culture, makes sence to trace the origin of these Ossetian believes in the Iranian nomadic cultures of the steppes (Scythians, Sarmatians, Alans).
Nartamongae, 2020
The lasso in the ethno-cultural tradition of the Alans-Ossetians. The lasso was an important tool... more The lasso in the ethno-cultural tradition of the Alans-Ossetians. The lasso was an important tool among the pastoral nomadic tribes of the Great Steppe. According to the Latin sources, the Alans were experts in the use of the lasso. In this article are collected the written and material evidences of use of the lasso among mostly all of the Northern Iranian tribes. There is also enough evidence to believe that the Ossetians, dispite the fact that they lost the possibility of large-scale horse breeding due to the lack of pastures, mantained the use of the lasso as a tool and weapon. This is also reflected in the Ossetian Nart Sagas, where the lasso is frequently mentioned.
Nartamongæ vol. XV, 2020
Indoeuropean poetic formulae "Unfading Glory" in the Ossetian Nartiada (Nart Sagas). In this arti... more Indoeuropean poetic formulae "Unfading Glory" in the Ossetian Nartiada (Nart Sagas).
In this article I try to identify traces of the archaic Indoeuropean poetic formulae "Unfading Glory" in the Ossetic epic poetry. These relicts are reflected in the final chapter of the epic. The cult of the heroic glory is also reflected in the funeral rituals (kurgans and stelae) of the Northern Iranians, being the physical embodyment of the poetic concept of glory. As a clear example of these believes surviving among the ethnographic Ossetians yet in the early 20th C., in the last chapter of the article are pressented three versions of the "heroic song" and a complete description of the traditional momorial stelae, dedicated to one of the Ossetian heroes, died during the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905).
Nartamongæ vol. XIV, 2019
Enebro № 51, 2019
Estudio sobre la mitología relacionada con la cadena del hogar tradicional, llamada llar. Se busc... more Estudio sobre la mitología relacionada con la cadena del hogar tradicional, llamada llar. Se buscan sus origenes en la religión romana, concretamente en la figura de los lares o dioses domesticos. En cuanto a semántica se trazan analogías con la religión tradicional de los osetas del Cáucaso, últimos descendientes de los alanos. Como eslabon de unión figura el pueblo de los visigodos, con su mito cosmológico germano del arbor mundi.
Enebro № 49-50, 2018
Artículo popular sobre el origen y las gestas del pueblo de los alanos, que invadió la Hispania r... more Artículo popular sobre el origen y las gestas del pueblo de los alanos, que invadió la Hispania romana, junto a vándalos y suevos, en el siglo V. La segunda parte trata de las causas y consecuencias de la derrota sufrida por los alanos ante los visigodos de Walia, de la unificación de los supervivientes con los vándalos de Gunderico, el éxodo via el Estrecho de Gibraltar, la conquista de la provincia africana, la creacion del Reino de vándalos y alanos y de su caida a manos de los bizantinos en el siglo VI.
Enebro № 48, 2017
Artículo popular sobre el origen y las gestas del pueblo de los alanos, que invadió la Hispania r... more Artículo popular sobre el origen y las gestas del pueblo de los alanos, que invadió la Hispania romana, junto a vándalos y suevos, en el siglo V. La primera parte habla de la trayectoria seguida por los alanos antes de su entrada en la panínsula, de su reinado en Hispania y de los posibles vestigios dejados por este pueblo guerrero en el territorio de España y Portugal.
Nartamongæ vol. XIII , 2018
В статье предлагается подтверждение и дальнейшее развитие теории В.И. Абаева о связи осетинского ... more В статье предлагается подтверждение и дальнейшее развитие теории В.И. Абаева о связи осетинского бога кузнеца Уаргона с латинским Вулканом. Привлекаются новые параллели из европейских (кельтские, германские, греческие, славянские, латинские, балтийские) и кавказских традиций (адыгские, ингушские). Наибольший интерес представляет образ кельтского кузнеца Олка, равнофункционального аналога данного мифологического образа, в чьем имени сохранился отголосок того же индоевропейского корня обозначающего волка.