Sadok Bouzid - (original) (raw)

Papers by Sadok Bouzid

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of some physico-chemical factors on in vitro gynogenesis of three varieties of durum wheat

International journal of innovation and scientific research, Apr 2, 2015

Effet de quelques facteurs physico-chimiques sur la gynogenèse in vitro de trois variétés de Blé ... more Effet de quelques facteurs physico-chimiques sur la gynogenèse in vitro de trois variétés de Blé dur [ Effect of some physico-chemical factors on in vitro gynogenesis of three varieties of durum wheat ]

Research paper thumbnail of Comparative study of two wheat species's seeds (Triticum aestivum, variety Salambô and Triticum durum, variety Karim) submetted to heat constraint during germination

La germination est tres sensible aux conditions externes, en particulier la temperature. Les repo... more La germination est tres sensible aux conditions externes, en particulier la temperature. Les reponses physiologique et biochimique de la germination des grains de ble (Triticum durum, variete Karim et Triticum aestivum, variete Salambo) au cours du temps et a differentes temperatures (5, 15, 25, 35 et 45°C) ont permis de constater que la temperature optimale (25°C) favorise une bonne aptitude a germer alors que la basse (5°C) et la haute temperature (45°C) augmentent le delai de germination. La masse residuelle de matiere seche des grains de ble mis a germer a 5° et a 45°C diminue legerement traduisant une faible mobilisation des reserves vers l'embryon. L'activite des peroxydases solubles totales varie en fonction de la temperature et des phases de la germination des grains de ble. A basse (5°) et a haute (45°C) temperatures, pour les deux especes, l'activite peroxydasique diminue pendant la germination. A l'exception, durant l'imbibition (2 heures), seule la temperature 45°C entraine une forte stimulation de cette activite pour la variete Karim. A la temperature optimale (25°C) nous avons observe une legere augmentation de l'activite peroxydasique en comparaison a celle des grains secs chez les deux especes de ble. Nous avons etudie aussi l'effet du stress thermique sur la teneur en proteines solubles totales. Pendant la germination a 5°C, pour les deux especes, la quantite en proteines n'est pas affectee. Dans les conditions optimales de germination (25°C), le contenu en proteine diminue legerement. La germination des grains de ble de la variete Karim sous temperature elevee induit une synthese rapide des proteines de stress thermique (HSPs) et une faible degradation des proteines normales. Le phenomene inverse est observe pour la variete salambo (faible synthese de HSPs et degradation importante des proteines normales).

Research paper thumbnail of Effet d"une contrainte thermique sur la croissance des plantules de ble dur triticum durum (Effect of thermal stress on seedling growth of durum wheat, Triticum durum, variety Karim)

Research paper thumbnail of Journal of Experimental Botany, Page 1 of 12

This paper is available online free of all access charges (see

Research paper thumbnail of Kinetics of extraction of volatile compounds from leaves of Laurus nobilis L. with supercritical carbon dioxide

Research paper thumbnail of The morphology, chromosome number and nuclear DNA content of Tunisian populations of three Vicia species

African Journal of Biotechnology, 2009

The aim of this work was to determine, for Tunisian populations (wild and cultivated) of Vicia sa... more The aim of this work was to determine, for Tunisian populations (wild and cultivated) of Vicia sativa, V. villosa and V. narbonensis, whether differences in chromosome number, nuclear DNA content or morphology exist among the populations; in the case of V. sativa, with respect to a commercial cultivar from Spain and, in the case of V. villosa, with respect to two accessions from Aleppo (Syria). The idea was to identify variation that could be exploited for agronomic purposes. For the study, nine populations (3 per species) were compared regarding 12 morphological characters.The three species differed significantly with respect to the majority of the characters such as leaf area, node number, ramification, length of the most developed axis, leaf length, and the number of leaflets and inflorescences per plant. The comparison of these characters within each species revealed an intra-population polymorphism especially for V. sativa and V. narbonensis. For V. villosa, the three populatio...

Research paper thumbnail of Le Prosopis en Tunisie

Research paper thumbnail of Le réseau Atriplex. Allier biotechnologies et écologie pour une sécurité alimentaire accrue en régions arides et semi-arides

Cahiers Agricultures, 1999

Il existe une importante variabilite au sein de l’espece Atriplex halimus, sur le plan tant morph... more Il existe une importante variabilite au sein de l’espece Atriplex halimus, sur le plan tant morphologique que physiologique. Cette variabilite presente de nombreux avantages pour la selection de genotypes performants en conditions extremes mais affecte la reproductibilite des resultats. La micropropagation in vitro de l’espece, par bourgeonnement axillaire ou adventif, constitue un objectif realisable, tandis que la multiplication par embryogenese somatique reste jusqu’a present impraticable. D’importantes differences de comportement entre cultures cellulaires et plantes entieres ont ete mises en evidence en presence d’une contrainte hydrique ou saline. Il existe une base cellulaire a la resistance a la salinite chez A. halimus, dont l’expression semble masquee par la complexite physiologique de la plante entiere. Les structures reproductrices et la biologie florale de l’espece sont complexes et necessitent une etude plus approfondie en vue de permettre le developpement de strategie...

Research paper thumbnail of Diversity in natural populations of "Atriplex halimus" L. in Tunisia

espanolAtriplex halimus L. (Chenopodiaceae) (mata salada, armuelle) con dos subespecies, halimus ... more espanolAtriplex halimus L. (Chenopodiaceae) (mata salada, armuelle) con dos subespecies, halimus diploide (2n=2x=l8) y tetraploide schweinfurthii (2n=4x=36), es un arbusto perenne empleado como forraje en las zonas aridas y semiaridas de Africa septentrional y el Cercano Oriente. A. h. halimus es dominante en las zonas semiaridas y subhumedas, mientras que A. h. schweinfurthii es mas comun en las zonas aridas. Las plantas de las poblaciones naturales de A. halimus L. presentan grandes niveles de variabilidad morfologica y fisiologica. En cambio se conoce poco acerca de la variabilidad morfologica de los frutos. En Tunez se localizaron y muestrearon diez poblaciones de A. halimus L. a fin de evaluar la diversidad de sus frutos. En las diez poblaciones cuyas muestras se recogieron la silueta, tamano, longitud, grosor y peso de los frutos medidos fueron sumamente variables, lo que indicaba un elevado nivel de variabilidad fenotipica en las poblaciones naturales de A. halimus L. English...

Research paper thumbnail of Switching from juvenile leaves to phyllode of Acacia saligna (Labill.) H.L.Wendl. proved by the control of seedlings and stump sprout leaves

Pakistan Journal of Botany, 2019

This work investigates the foliage's changes reported on seedlings and regenerated sprouts of Aca... more This work investigates the foliage's changes reported on seedlings and regenerated sprouts of Acacia saligna (Labill.) H.L.Wendl. cultivated in Tunisia. First, a tracking of leaves development on 50 three-month old heteroblastic seedlings was performed. The transition from juvenile foliage to mature leaves occurs through four several stages. The first two leaves were pinnately compound and stand opposite each other (stage 1). The following initiated five leaves are alternate and bipinnately compound (stage 2). The eighth leaf corresponds to a transition form (stage 3). After three months of growth, from the ninth leaf, seedlings start the initiation of phyllodes (stage 4). Second, in order to better understand the leaves' chronological switching and to examine the influence of the cutting height on the sprouting ability and on the biomass production, a total of 60 adult trees of A. saligna were randomly selected and cut at heights of 10, 30 and 50 cm aboveground level (20 trees each). The results indicated that the 50 cm stump height alowed a maximum rejuvenation expressed by the highest number of sprouts and juvenile bipinnately compound leaves; reminding those that have been developed on seedlings. Also, six-month old sprouts promoted the best transition phenomenon rate, the longest and the broadest phyllodes that are more vigorous than those developed on seedlings and adult trees.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of some physico-chemical factors on in vitro gynogenesis of three varieties of durum wheat

International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, Apr 2, 2015

Effet de quelques facteurs physico-chimiques sur la gynogenèse in vitro de trois variétés de Blé ... more Effet de quelques facteurs physico-chimiques sur la gynogenèse in vitro de trois variétés de Blé dur [ Effect of some physico-chemical factors on in vitro gynogenesis of three varieties of durum wheat ]

Research paper thumbnail of Change in antioxidant and lignifying enzyme activities in rubbing tomato ( Solanum lycopersicum ) internodes

African Journal of Biotechnology, Jun 13, 2011

In tomato plant, rubbing applied to a young internode inhibits elongation of the rubbed internode... more In tomato plant, rubbing applied to a young internode inhibits elongation of the rubbed internode and its neighbouring one. These morphological changes were correlated with an increase in lignification enzyme activities, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) and peroxidases (POD), 24 h after rubbing of the forth internode. Furthermore, a decrease in indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) content was detected in the rubbed internode and the upper one. Lignin synthesis in tomato plant measured 14 days after mechanical stress application was significantly stimulated in the rubbed internodes (n°4) as compared with the control. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analyses revealed that lignin synthesized in response to mechanical elicitation displayed a distinct structure, substantially enriched in syringyl (S) units, as compared to constitutive lignin. Taken together, our results suggest that the decrease in rubbed internode length is as a result of IAA oxidation, increases in enzyme activities (PAL and POD) and cell wall rigidification induced by lignification process.

Research paper thumbnail of Impact de la sécheresse sur la croissance de trois espèces forestières en Tunisie (Pinus halepensis Mill., Pinus pinea L. et Pinus pinaster Sol.)

Science et changements planétaires / Sécheresse, Apr 1, 2007

Cette etude dendroclimatologique menee sur trois especes forestieres en Tunisie (Pinus halepensis... more Cette etude dendroclimatologique menee sur trois especes forestieres en Tunisie (Pinus halepensis Mill., Pinus pinea L. et Pinus pinaster Sol.) concerne la relation entre la croissance radiale de ces especes et le climat. L’objectif principal est de determiner la sensibilite de ces trois especes a la secheresse. L’impact de l’evolution climatique actuelle sur la croissance et la survie de ces trois especes est examine sur plusieurs peuplements forestiers dans quatre bioclimats differents en Tunisie. Un modele de relation croissance radiale-bilan hydrique a permis de definir des annees seches et des annees humides. Ce modele, teste sur les trois especes, indique une nette augmentation de la secheresse et l’apparition de cernes minces dans tous les bioclimats pendant la periode 1978-2001 par rapport a la periode 1954-1977. Ce modele a permis aussi de predire la sensibilite de ces trois especes de pin suite a l’augmentation de la secheresse. Les resultats des previsions indiquent que le pin d’Alep montre une forte resistance a la secheresse lorsqu’il se trouve dans les conditions climatiques ou edaphiques les plus difficiles. En revanche, sur les dunes littorales, en bioclimat humide et subhumide, c’est le pin maritime qui montre la plus forte sensibilite a la secheresse.

Research paper thumbnail of Physiological and biochemical responses of wheat cultivars (<italic>Triticum aestivum</italic> L.) to cold stress conditions

Indian Journal Of Agricultural Research, 2015

Field and laboratory experiments were carried out to determine the effect of cold stress on fifte... more Field and laboratory experiments were carried out to determine the effect of cold stress on fifteen wheat (<italic>Triticum aestivum</italic> L.) cultivars. Fifteen cultivars including winter cultivars <italic>viz.</italic>, Sayson, Marton, Gaskoghen, C-82-12, C-82-13, facultative cultivars: Alvand, Mahdavi, Zarrin, Marvdasht, Tous and spring cultivars <italic>viz.</italic>, Shiraz, Pishtaz, M-79-7, M-81-13, Kavir were sown at three dates (15 October, 15 November and 15 December) based on complete blocks design with three replications under field conditions. In laboratory experiment the same cultivars were evaluated under cold stress at two and four leaves growth stages. Results showed that there were significant differences among cultivars in grain yield, potassium accumulation, lethal temperature (LT<sub>50</sub>), ion leakage, chlorophyll content a and b among growing stages, genotypes and interaction between them. Ion leakage was t...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of the Efficiency of <i>Opuntia ficus-indica</i> Cladode Cuttings for Vegetative Multiplication

Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 2015

In Tunisia, Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill., occupying many hundreds of thousand hectares, consti... more In Tunisia, Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill., occupying many hundreds of thousand hectares, constitutes a future plant as a fruit tree, mainly due to its edible fruit and vegetal mass used as food. The continuously increasing demand for young plants for the extension of its cultivation requires the research of rapid, efficiency and economic methods ensuring conformity multiplication. With aim to a large production of plant material, a rapid in situ propagation method of the prickly pear cactus was developed. Varied portions of Opuntia ficus-indica cladodes harvested in spring or in autumn, planted horizontally or vertically were used in order to optimize rhizogenesis and secondary cladode initiation rates. Half, quarter and the tenth of cladode cuttings harvested and planted in spring vertically and in normal polarity show very interesting results concerning rhizogenesis and caulogenesis. Those portions of cladodes demonstrated the best results, vertically planted in normal polarity and 100% of rooting was observed on right ones. The number of roots was the highest on basal right tenth cuttings (80). Contrariwise, the percentage of secondary cladodes initiated was the highest on apical right cuttings (70 and 74%) and the longest roots were initiated on the two basal tenth cuttings, left and right ones (13 and 14 cm). This fragmentation represents a substantially gain of material and time especially for large cultivated surfaces of Opuntia ficus-indica. Reducing the cladode cutting size, do not reduce its rhizogenesis and caulogenesis potentialities.

Research paper thumbnail of Impact of Heat Stress on Germination and Growth in Higher Plants: Physiological, Biochemical and Molecular Repercussions and Mechanisms of Defence

Journal of Biological Sciences, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Seasonal and Geographical Variation of Laurus nobilis L. Essential Oil from Tunisia~!2009-05-04~!2009-09-10~!2009-12-30~!

The Open Natural Products Journal, 2010

Yield and composition of the essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation from leaves of laurel co... more Yield and composition of the essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation from leaves of laurel coming from ten different sites in Tunisia were determined. From each locality, leaves were harvested during four different vegetative stages (October, production of seeds; January, dormancy; April, flowering; July, vegetative activity) to look for some correlation between composition and vegetative stage. All 40 essential oil samples produced similar GC profiles containing a total of 71 peaks. 60 Compounds were identified. 1,8-cineole was, in all samples, the main constituent among different compounds such as methyl eugenol,-terpinyl acetate, sabinene and linalool. All essential oils considered were characterized by a clear predominance of oxygenated compounds chiefly monoterpenes then phenylporpanoids and sesquiterpenes. The concentration of this class generally decreases during the period October-July; the values are in the range 67.5%-86.1%. The yields of essential oil ranged between 0.65 and 2.2% by weight. With only one exception, the higher production of essential oil was obtained during the vegetative period. A seasonal variation in the yield and composition of essential oil was revealed, while geographical variability was not pronounced and no chemotypes were observed among the samples of laurel leaf oil examined.

Research paper thumbnail of Root endophytes modify the negative effects of chickpea on the emergence of durum wheat

Applied Soil Ecology, 2015

Abstract Secondary metabolite production in plants is influenced by biotic and abiotic environmen... more Abstract Secondary metabolite production in plants is influenced by biotic and abiotic environmental factors. We hypothesized that (1) resident root endophytes and (2) water limitation can modify the negative effects of chickpea on durum wheat. A Canadian prairie-resident root endosphere community was used to test these hypotheses. Microcosms were constructed with pasteurized field soil, inoculated or not with surface sterilized roots containing an endophytic community from the same soil, and one of four chickpea cultivars. Microcosms were maintained under conditions of water sufficiency or limitation (70% and 30% of field capacity) until chickpea plants reached maturity. The negative effects of the shoot and root tissues of these chickpea plants was then assessed in the same microcosm, using durum wheat as test plant. The impact of chickpea shoot tissues on durum wheat emergence was as negative as the impact of the positive control, black mustard, but chickpea roots had no effect. Initial introduction of root endophytes in the microcosms modified the pattern of durum wheat seedling emergence in chickpea tissues-amended soil, generally reducing the negative effect of chickpea, except for cultivar CDC Nika whose tissues impacted durum wheat maximum emergence rate more negatively in inoculated than non-inoculated microcosms. Water limitation had no effect on the negative properties of chickpea tissues. We conclude that unfavourable and favourable combinations of chickpea cultivars and resident root-associated microorganisms may explain at least partly, the erratic yield of wheat obtained after a chickpea crop.

Research paper thumbnail of Isolement de deux ADNc de la Pervenche de Madagascar codant des enzymes de la voie du mévalonate

The Madagascar periwinkle, Catharanthus roseus (L) G. Don, is a medicinal plant that produces a n... more The Madagascar periwinkle, Catharanthus roseus (L) G. Don, is a medicinal plant that produces a number of monoterpenoid indole alkaloids (MIA), some of which are used in the treatment of certain forms of cancer through chemotherapy. MIAs are derived from the condensation of tryptamine and secologanin generated via the indole pathway and the monoterpenoid pathway respectively. In order to integrate the role played by the mevalonate pathway, and certain enzymes involved in terpene metabolism (prenyltransferases and terpene synthases), into the biosynthesis and regulation of MIAs we cloned cDNAs that haven’t previously been isolated from C. roseus. The present study is focused on the 20000 C. roseus ESTs deposited in Genbank. Using sequence data from selected ESTs, the strategy consisted of carrying out nested RT-PCR on cDNA generated from C. roseus RNA. The amplicons were cloned into a bacterial plasmid and sequenced. The study aimed to isolate cDNA coding for the full-length open rea...

Research paper thumbnail of Phenolic, Flavonoid and Tannin Contents of Tunisian Barley Landraces

There is a renewed interest throughout the world in barley food because of its nutritional value.... more There is a renewed interest throughout the world in barley food because of its nutritional value. Barley is a rich source of various phytochemicals, including phenolic acids, flavonoids and tannins. Natural compounds in food are an important health protecting factor. In Tunisia, many autochthonous barley landraces have generated interest because their nutritional qualities. In order to provide information on the composition of barley grown under local conditions, 37 landraces were analyzed to evaluate their nutraceutical properties. The nutraceutical properties were determined by evaluating TPC, TFC, TCT. The results showed that and the total phenolic varied widely between ecotypes (from 70 to 195 mg GAE/100 g). The TFC varied from 47 to 123 (mg CE/100g flour) and TCT ranged from 9 to 70 (mg CE/100g flour). Identifying barley landraces growing under local agricultural conditions with significant levels of beneficial factors could not only provide health benefit to consumers but also...

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of some physico-chemical factors on in vitro gynogenesis of three varieties of durum wheat

International journal of innovation and scientific research, Apr 2, 2015

Effet de quelques facteurs physico-chimiques sur la gynogenèse in vitro de trois variétés de Blé ... more Effet de quelques facteurs physico-chimiques sur la gynogenèse in vitro de trois variétés de Blé dur [ Effect of some physico-chemical factors on in vitro gynogenesis of three varieties of durum wheat ]

Research paper thumbnail of Comparative study of two wheat species's seeds (Triticum aestivum, variety Salambô and Triticum durum, variety Karim) submetted to heat constraint during germination

La germination est tres sensible aux conditions externes, en particulier la temperature. Les repo... more La germination est tres sensible aux conditions externes, en particulier la temperature. Les reponses physiologique et biochimique de la germination des grains de ble (Triticum durum, variete Karim et Triticum aestivum, variete Salambo) au cours du temps et a differentes temperatures (5, 15, 25, 35 et 45°C) ont permis de constater que la temperature optimale (25°C) favorise une bonne aptitude a germer alors que la basse (5°C) et la haute temperature (45°C) augmentent le delai de germination. La masse residuelle de matiere seche des grains de ble mis a germer a 5° et a 45°C diminue legerement traduisant une faible mobilisation des reserves vers l'embryon. L'activite des peroxydases solubles totales varie en fonction de la temperature et des phases de la germination des grains de ble. A basse (5°) et a haute (45°C) temperatures, pour les deux especes, l'activite peroxydasique diminue pendant la germination. A l'exception, durant l'imbibition (2 heures), seule la temperature 45°C entraine une forte stimulation de cette activite pour la variete Karim. A la temperature optimale (25°C) nous avons observe une legere augmentation de l'activite peroxydasique en comparaison a celle des grains secs chez les deux especes de ble. Nous avons etudie aussi l'effet du stress thermique sur la teneur en proteines solubles totales. Pendant la germination a 5°C, pour les deux especes, la quantite en proteines n'est pas affectee. Dans les conditions optimales de germination (25°C), le contenu en proteine diminue legerement. La germination des grains de ble de la variete Karim sous temperature elevee induit une synthese rapide des proteines de stress thermique (HSPs) et une faible degradation des proteines normales. Le phenomene inverse est observe pour la variete salambo (faible synthese de HSPs et degradation importante des proteines normales).

Research paper thumbnail of Effet d"une contrainte thermique sur la croissance des plantules de ble dur triticum durum (Effect of thermal stress on seedling growth of durum wheat, Triticum durum, variety Karim)

Research paper thumbnail of Journal of Experimental Botany, Page 1 of 12

This paper is available online free of all access charges (see

Research paper thumbnail of Kinetics of extraction of volatile compounds from leaves of Laurus nobilis L. with supercritical carbon dioxide

Research paper thumbnail of The morphology, chromosome number and nuclear DNA content of Tunisian populations of three Vicia species

African Journal of Biotechnology, 2009

The aim of this work was to determine, for Tunisian populations (wild and cultivated) of Vicia sa... more The aim of this work was to determine, for Tunisian populations (wild and cultivated) of Vicia sativa, V. villosa and V. narbonensis, whether differences in chromosome number, nuclear DNA content or morphology exist among the populations; in the case of V. sativa, with respect to a commercial cultivar from Spain and, in the case of V. villosa, with respect to two accessions from Aleppo (Syria). The idea was to identify variation that could be exploited for agronomic purposes. For the study, nine populations (3 per species) were compared regarding 12 morphological characters.The three species differed significantly with respect to the majority of the characters such as leaf area, node number, ramification, length of the most developed axis, leaf length, and the number of leaflets and inflorescences per plant. The comparison of these characters within each species revealed an intra-population polymorphism especially for V. sativa and V. narbonensis. For V. villosa, the three populatio...

Research paper thumbnail of Le Prosopis en Tunisie

Research paper thumbnail of Le réseau Atriplex. Allier biotechnologies et écologie pour une sécurité alimentaire accrue en régions arides et semi-arides

Cahiers Agricultures, 1999

Il existe une importante variabilite au sein de l’espece Atriplex halimus, sur le plan tant morph... more Il existe une importante variabilite au sein de l’espece Atriplex halimus, sur le plan tant morphologique que physiologique. Cette variabilite presente de nombreux avantages pour la selection de genotypes performants en conditions extremes mais affecte la reproductibilite des resultats. La micropropagation in vitro de l’espece, par bourgeonnement axillaire ou adventif, constitue un objectif realisable, tandis que la multiplication par embryogenese somatique reste jusqu’a present impraticable. D’importantes differences de comportement entre cultures cellulaires et plantes entieres ont ete mises en evidence en presence d’une contrainte hydrique ou saline. Il existe une base cellulaire a la resistance a la salinite chez A. halimus, dont l’expression semble masquee par la complexite physiologique de la plante entiere. Les structures reproductrices et la biologie florale de l’espece sont complexes et necessitent une etude plus approfondie en vue de permettre le developpement de strategie...

Research paper thumbnail of Diversity in natural populations of "Atriplex halimus" L. in Tunisia

espanolAtriplex halimus L. (Chenopodiaceae) (mata salada, armuelle) con dos subespecies, halimus ... more espanolAtriplex halimus L. (Chenopodiaceae) (mata salada, armuelle) con dos subespecies, halimus diploide (2n=2x=l8) y tetraploide schweinfurthii (2n=4x=36), es un arbusto perenne empleado como forraje en las zonas aridas y semiaridas de Africa septentrional y el Cercano Oriente. A. h. halimus es dominante en las zonas semiaridas y subhumedas, mientras que A. h. schweinfurthii es mas comun en las zonas aridas. Las plantas de las poblaciones naturales de A. halimus L. presentan grandes niveles de variabilidad morfologica y fisiologica. En cambio se conoce poco acerca de la variabilidad morfologica de los frutos. En Tunez se localizaron y muestrearon diez poblaciones de A. halimus L. a fin de evaluar la diversidad de sus frutos. En las diez poblaciones cuyas muestras se recogieron la silueta, tamano, longitud, grosor y peso de los frutos medidos fueron sumamente variables, lo que indicaba un elevado nivel de variabilidad fenotipica en las poblaciones naturales de A. halimus L. English...

Research paper thumbnail of Switching from juvenile leaves to phyllode of Acacia saligna (Labill.) H.L.Wendl. proved by the control of seedlings and stump sprout leaves

Pakistan Journal of Botany, 2019

This work investigates the foliage's changes reported on seedlings and regenerated sprouts of Aca... more This work investigates the foliage's changes reported on seedlings and regenerated sprouts of Acacia saligna (Labill.) H.L.Wendl. cultivated in Tunisia. First, a tracking of leaves development on 50 three-month old heteroblastic seedlings was performed. The transition from juvenile foliage to mature leaves occurs through four several stages. The first two leaves were pinnately compound and stand opposite each other (stage 1). The following initiated five leaves are alternate and bipinnately compound (stage 2). The eighth leaf corresponds to a transition form (stage 3). After three months of growth, from the ninth leaf, seedlings start the initiation of phyllodes (stage 4). Second, in order to better understand the leaves' chronological switching and to examine the influence of the cutting height on the sprouting ability and on the biomass production, a total of 60 adult trees of A. saligna were randomly selected and cut at heights of 10, 30 and 50 cm aboveground level (20 trees each). The results indicated that the 50 cm stump height alowed a maximum rejuvenation expressed by the highest number of sprouts and juvenile bipinnately compound leaves; reminding those that have been developed on seedlings. Also, six-month old sprouts promoted the best transition phenomenon rate, the longest and the broadest phyllodes that are more vigorous than those developed on seedlings and adult trees.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of some physico-chemical factors on in vitro gynogenesis of three varieties of durum wheat

International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, Apr 2, 2015

Effet de quelques facteurs physico-chimiques sur la gynogenèse in vitro de trois variétés de Blé ... more Effet de quelques facteurs physico-chimiques sur la gynogenèse in vitro de trois variétés de Blé dur [ Effect of some physico-chemical factors on in vitro gynogenesis of three varieties of durum wheat ]

Research paper thumbnail of Change in antioxidant and lignifying enzyme activities in rubbing tomato ( Solanum lycopersicum ) internodes

African Journal of Biotechnology, Jun 13, 2011

In tomato plant, rubbing applied to a young internode inhibits elongation of the rubbed internode... more In tomato plant, rubbing applied to a young internode inhibits elongation of the rubbed internode and its neighbouring one. These morphological changes were correlated with an increase in lignification enzyme activities, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) and peroxidases (POD), 24 h after rubbing of the forth internode. Furthermore, a decrease in indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) content was detected in the rubbed internode and the upper one. Lignin synthesis in tomato plant measured 14 days after mechanical stress application was significantly stimulated in the rubbed internodes (n°4) as compared with the control. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analyses revealed that lignin synthesized in response to mechanical elicitation displayed a distinct structure, substantially enriched in syringyl (S) units, as compared to constitutive lignin. Taken together, our results suggest that the decrease in rubbed internode length is as a result of IAA oxidation, increases in enzyme activities (PAL and POD) and cell wall rigidification induced by lignification process.

Research paper thumbnail of Impact de la sécheresse sur la croissance de trois espèces forestières en Tunisie (Pinus halepensis Mill., Pinus pinea L. et Pinus pinaster Sol.)

Science et changements planétaires / Sécheresse, Apr 1, 2007

Cette etude dendroclimatologique menee sur trois especes forestieres en Tunisie (Pinus halepensis... more Cette etude dendroclimatologique menee sur trois especes forestieres en Tunisie (Pinus halepensis Mill., Pinus pinea L. et Pinus pinaster Sol.) concerne la relation entre la croissance radiale de ces especes et le climat. L’objectif principal est de determiner la sensibilite de ces trois especes a la secheresse. L’impact de l’evolution climatique actuelle sur la croissance et la survie de ces trois especes est examine sur plusieurs peuplements forestiers dans quatre bioclimats differents en Tunisie. Un modele de relation croissance radiale-bilan hydrique a permis de definir des annees seches et des annees humides. Ce modele, teste sur les trois especes, indique une nette augmentation de la secheresse et l’apparition de cernes minces dans tous les bioclimats pendant la periode 1978-2001 par rapport a la periode 1954-1977. Ce modele a permis aussi de predire la sensibilite de ces trois especes de pin suite a l’augmentation de la secheresse. Les resultats des previsions indiquent que le pin d’Alep montre une forte resistance a la secheresse lorsqu’il se trouve dans les conditions climatiques ou edaphiques les plus difficiles. En revanche, sur les dunes littorales, en bioclimat humide et subhumide, c’est le pin maritime qui montre la plus forte sensibilite a la secheresse.

Research paper thumbnail of Physiological and biochemical responses of wheat cultivars (<italic>Triticum aestivum</italic> L.) to cold stress conditions

Indian Journal Of Agricultural Research, 2015

Field and laboratory experiments were carried out to determine the effect of cold stress on fifte... more Field and laboratory experiments were carried out to determine the effect of cold stress on fifteen wheat (<italic>Triticum aestivum</italic> L.) cultivars. Fifteen cultivars including winter cultivars <italic>viz.</italic>, Sayson, Marton, Gaskoghen, C-82-12, C-82-13, facultative cultivars: Alvand, Mahdavi, Zarrin, Marvdasht, Tous and spring cultivars <italic>viz.</italic>, Shiraz, Pishtaz, M-79-7, M-81-13, Kavir were sown at three dates (15 October, 15 November and 15 December) based on complete blocks design with three replications under field conditions. In laboratory experiment the same cultivars were evaluated under cold stress at two and four leaves growth stages. Results showed that there were significant differences among cultivars in grain yield, potassium accumulation, lethal temperature (LT<sub>50</sub>), ion leakage, chlorophyll content a and b among growing stages, genotypes and interaction between them. Ion leakage was t...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of the Efficiency of <i>Opuntia ficus-indica</i> Cladode Cuttings for Vegetative Multiplication

Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 2015

In Tunisia, Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill., occupying many hundreds of thousand hectares, consti... more In Tunisia, Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill., occupying many hundreds of thousand hectares, constitutes a future plant as a fruit tree, mainly due to its edible fruit and vegetal mass used as food. The continuously increasing demand for young plants for the extension of its cultivation requires the research of rapid, efficiency and economic methods ensuring conformity multiplication. With aim to a large production of plant material, a rapid in situ propagation method of the prickly pear cactus was developed. Varied portions of Opuntia ficus-indica cladodes harvested in spring or in autumn, planted horizontally or vertically were used in order to optimize rhizogenesis and secondary cladode initiation rates. Half, quarter and the tenth of cladode cuttings harvested and planted in spring vertically and in normal polarity show very interesting results concerning rhizogenesis and caulogenesis. Those portions of cladodes demonstrated the best results, vertically planted in normal polarity and 100% of rooting was observed on right ones. The number of roots was the highest on basal right tenth cuttings (80). Contrariwise, the percentage of secondary cladodes initiated was the highest on apical right cuttings (70 and 74%) and the longest roots were initiated on the two basal tenth cuttings, left and right ones (13 and 14 cm). This fragmentation represents a substantially gain of material and time especially for large cultivated surfaces of Opuntia ficus-indica. Reducing the cladode cutting size, do not reduce its rhizogenesis and caulogenesis potentialities.

Research paper thumbnail of Impact of Heat Stress on Germination and Growth in Higher Plants: Physiological, Biochemical and Molecular Repercussions and Mechanisms of Defence

Journal of Biological Sciences, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Seasonal and Geographical Variation of Laurus nobilis L. Essential Oil from Tunisia~!2009-05-04~!2009-09-10~!2009-12-30~!

The Open Natural Products Journal, 2010

Yield and composition of the essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation from leaves of laurel co... more Yield and composition of the essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation from leaves of laurel coming from ten different sites in Tunisia were determined. From each locality, leaves were harvested during four different vegetative stages (October, production of seeds; January, dormancy; April, flowering; July, vegetative activity) to look for some correlation between composition and vegetative stage. All 40 essential oil samples produced similar GC profiles containing a total of 71 peaks. 60 Compounds were identified. 1,8-cineole was, in all samples, the main constituent among different compounds such as methyl eugenol,-terpinyl acetate, sabinene and linalool. All essential oils considered were characterized by a clear predominance of oxygenated compounds chiefly monoterpenes then phenylporpanoids and sesquiterpenes. The concentration of this class generally decreases during the period October-July; the values are in the range 67.5%-86.1%. The yields of essential oil ranged between 0.65 and 2.2% by weight. With only one exception, the higher production of essential oil was obtained during the vegetative period. A seasonal variation in the yield and composition of essential oil was revealed, while geographical variability was not pronounced and no chemotypes were observed among the samples of laurel leaf oil examined.

Research paper thumbnail of Root endophytes modify the negative effects of chickpea on the emergence of durum wheat

Applied Soil Ecology, 2015

Abstract Secondary metabolite production in plants is influenced by biotic and abiotic environmen... more Abstract Secondary metabolite production in plants is influenced by biotic and abiotic environmental factors. We hypothesized that (1) resident root endophytes and (2) water limitation can modify the negative effects of chickpea on durum wheat. A Canadian prairie-resident root endosphere community was used to test these hypotheses. Microcosms were constructed with pasteurized field soil, inoculated or not with surface sterilized roots containing an endophytic community from the same soil, and one of four chickpea cultivars. Microcosms were maintained under conditions of water sufficiency or limitation (70% and 30% of field capacity) until chickpea plants reached maturity. The negative effects of the shoot and root tissues of these chickpea plants was then assessed in the same microcosm, using durum wheat as test plant. The impact of chickpea shoot tissues on durum wheat emergence was as negative as the impact of the positive control, black mustard, but chickpea roots had no effect. Initial introduction of root endophytes in the microcosms modified the pattern of durum wheat seedling emergence in chickpea tissues-amended soil, generally reducing the negative effect of chickpea, except for cultivar CDC Nika whose tissues impacted durum wheat maximum emergence rate more negatively in inoculated than non-inoculated microcosms. Water limitation had no effect on the negative properties of chickpea tissues. We conclude that unfavourable and favourable combinations of chickpea cultivars and resident root-associated microorganisms may explain at least partly, the erratic yield of wheat obtained after a chickpea crop.

Research paper thumbnail of Isolement de deux ADNc de la Pervenche de Madagascar codant des enzymes de la voie du mévalonate

The Madagascar periwinkle, Catharanthus roseus (L) G. Don, is a medicinal plant that produces a n... more The Madagascar periwinkle, Catharanthus roseus (L) G. Don, is a medicinal plant that produces a number of monoterpenoid indole alkaloids (MIA), some of which are used in the treatment of certain forms of cancer through chemotherapy. MIAs are derived from the condensation of tryptamine and secologanin generated via the indole pathway and the monoterpenoid pathway respectively. In order to integrate the role played by the mevalonate pathway, and certain enzymes involved in terpene metabolism (prenyltransferases and terpene synthases), into the biosynthesis and regulation of MIAs we cloned cDNAs that haven’t previously been isolated from C. roseus. The present study is focused on the 20000 C. roseus ESTs deposited in Genbank. Using sequence data from selected ESTs, the strategy consisted of carrying out nested RT-PCR on cDNA generated from C. roseus RNA. The amplicons were cloned into a bacterial plasmid and sequenced. The study aimed to isolate cDNA coding for the full-length open rea...

Research paper thumbnail of Phenolic, Flavonoid and Tannin Contents of Tunisian Barley Landraces

There is a renewed interest throughout the world in barley food because of its nutritional value.... more There is a renewed interest throughout the world in barley food because of its nutritional value. Barley is a rich source of various phytochemicals, including phenolic acids, flavonoids and tannins. Natural compounds in food are an important health protecting factor. In Tunisia, many autochthonous barley landraces have generated interest because their nutritional qualities. In order to provide information on the composition of barley grown under local conditions, 37 landraces were analyzed to evaluate their nutraceutical properties. The nutraceutical properties were determined by evaluating TPC, TFC, TCT. The results showed that and the total phenolic varied widely between ecotypes (from 70 to 195 mg GAE/100 g). The TFC varied from 47 to 123 (mg CE/100g flour) and TCT ranged from 9 to 70 (mg CE/100g flour). Identifying barley landraces growing under local agricultural conditions with significant levels of beneficial factors could not only provide health benefit to consumers but also...