Branko Mušič - (original) (raw)

Papers by Branko Mušič

Research paper thumbnail of Die römische Siedlungsstelle bei Lassenberg. Ein Vicus im Lassnitztal (Steiermark). Surveys und Geoprospektionen 1992-1994

Römische Vici und Verkehrsinfrastruktur in Raetien und Noricum, 2016

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A variety of non-destructive and remote sensing techniques have been used to identify and assess ... more A variety of non-destructive and remote sensing techniques have been used to identify and assess buried urbaninfrastructure (utility pipes) without the need for excavation. This paper summarizes the challenges withapplying a Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) technique to locate subsurface voids and buried infrastructure in acomplex urban environment of the Vodnik Square in Ljubljana. The data from this and other test fields willenable the development of a library that will utilise the parameters and GPR signal response to reliable data of pipe position, diameter, target depth, and pipe materials

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Research paper thumbnail of Extracting archaeological features from very high resolution Quickbird-2 remote sensing imagery. A methodological approach basd on Sagalassos (Southwest Turkey)

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Research paper thumbnail of The integrated urban survey at Sagalassos

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Research paper thumbnail of Naselbinske strukture iz starejše železne dobe na Hajndlu pri Ormožu - arheološka izkopavanja in geofizikalne raziskave

Na najdišču Hajndl, v neposredni bližini mesta Ormož, ki leži v severovzhodni Sloveniji, so v let... more Na najdišču Hajndl, v neposredni bližini mesta Ormož, ki leži v severovzhodni Sloveniji, so v letih 1999 in 2000 potekala arheološka izkopavanja v okviru projekta gradnje hitre ceste Ormož-Ptuj. V članku predstavljamo hišo iz časa starejše železne dobe, ki je bila odkrita pri arheoloških izkopavanjih, in nove rezultate geofizikalne prospekcije, ki smo jo izvedli v letu 2004 v neposredni bližini arheoloških izkopavanj. Pri naši raziskavi smo primerjali rezultate magnetne metode, geoelektrične upornostne metode in georadarske metode z rezultati izkopavanj. At the archaeological site of Hajndl in the immediate vicinity of the town Ormož, north-eastern Slovenia, rescue archaeological excavations were conducted in 1999 and 2000 in the course of high-way construction between Ormož and Ptuj. In the following article, a house dated to the Early Iron Age, which was discovered during these archaeological excavations, is presented together with some results of the geophysical exploration which...

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Research paper thumbnail of Landscape structures survey in the CHORA OF PHAROS: GIS support, visualisation and landscape micro-analysis

Archaeological survey in the chora of the 4th c. B. C. Parian colony of Pharos on the island of H... more Archaeological survey in the chora of the 4th c. B. C. Parian colony of Pharos on the island of Hvar in Central Dalmatia (Croatia) has by now a respectable history and has gone through different phases. Started in 1981/82 as a small scale venture among friends and colleagues, upon invitation by Branko Kirigin of the Archaeological Museum in Split and by the Center for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of the Island of Hvar, it soon became an important arena for experimentation in survey techniques for at least two generations of archaeologists here. The background experience of the Ljubljana University team was the general archaeological survey as concieved within the framework of the project of the Archaeological Institute here, modelled upon the German Archaeologische Aumahme approach. On the other side, we were fascinated by the results of the systematic surveys discussed at the time, as presented at the Archaeological Survey in the Mediterranean conference in Athens in 1981 (K...

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Research paper thumbnail of Recognition and interpretation of shallow microrelief features in limestone bedrock using Ground penetrating radar method, the case of El Cabo, Dominican Republic

The basic intention of geophysical survey is the identification of shallow, micromorphological fe... more The basic intention of geophysical survey is the identification of shallow, micromorphological features in limestone bedrock for archaeological prospection with analysis of Ground Penetrating Radar echoes. Small negative archaeological features in limestone bedrock (post holes) are still considered as a very difficult or unsolvable problem for the geophysical method. Weak contrasts of small negative targeted objects are often curtained by several magnitude order stronger signals received from the morphologically variable surface of non-homogenous, frequently thinly bedded limestone with sub vertical inclination and different karstic features. As a key study, GPR results were used from the Taino settlement in El Cabo, Dominican Republic, where archaeological research has been conducted since 2005. Identical prehistoric archaeological settlement remains can be encountered also everywhere in Karst regions. In the article the accent is placed on analysis of GPR profiles attained by high...

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Research paper thumbnail of Networks in the Hellenistic World According to the pottery in the Eastern Mediterranean and beyond Edited by

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Research paper thumbnail of Določanje položaja z enofrekvenčnim sprejemnikom GPS na podlagi kode C/A signala za potrebe arheo-geofizikalnih preiskav / Positioning with a single-frequency GPS receiver on the basis of the signal C/A code for the needs of field archeo-geophysical surveying

Elektrotehniski Vestnik/Electrotechnical Review

Geophysical measurements made for the needs of extensive surveys at archaeologically unexplored s... more Geophysical measurements made for the needs of extensive surveys at archaeologically unexplored sites usually performed according to general terrestrial geodetic procedures can be efficiently aided by satellite navigation methods. The reason for applying inexpensive, single-frequency (L1) global positioning systems (GPS) in geophysical surveying needed for extensive archaeological activities is their simple use and the need of flexibility and effectiveness of such work. A sufficient degree of flexibility can only be assured by a complete autonomy of the team in planning and executing the field work through positioning of identified anomalous areas. The currently available geophysical instruments allow for detection of changes in local soil conductivity, deviations of the vertical component of the magnetic field density gradient and besides detection beneath surface structure boundaries also their visualization with different microwave reflection or absorption coefficients. Archeolog...

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of different geophysical techniques in relation to archaeological data for settlement reconstruction – the case study of Nauportus, Slovenia

The vicus of Nauportus, situated on the northeastern edge of the territory of the colony of Aquil... more The vicus of Nauportus, situated on the northeastern edge of the territory of the colony of Aquileia, functioned as a freight and reloading station during the second half of the 1st century BC and at the beginning of the 1st century AD. Large archaeological campaigns in 1934 and 1936 revealed a ground plan of a fortified settlement. Precise spatial positioning of architectural remains was impossible without additional investigation. Thus, the aim of applying geophysical survey methods was to ascertain the reliability of a ground plan based on old archaeological excavations and to produce a more detailed settlement reconstruction. Information needed for effective geophysical research design was obtained from revised archaeological documentation and completed by additional information extracted from Ground Probing Radar profiles carried out in the initial phase of geophysical survey by several randomly directed profiles, georeferenced by applying an inexpensive, single frequency GPS s...

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Research paper thumbnail of An example of an integrated GPS and DR positioning system designed for arheological prospecting

Informacije Midem -Ljubljana-

Geophysical prospecting at archeological sites requires a flexible and relatively inexpensive pos... more Geophysical prospecting at archeological sites requires a flexible and relatively inexpensive positioning system, capable of determining positions within a circle with 30 cm error radius. GPS positioning technology is capable to achieve this accuracy only under favorable conditions, but can be supplemented, for more general use, with a dead reckoning (DR) MEMS accelerometer positioning system. In this contribution we describe such a hybrid GPS-DR system, developed for archeological applications, capable of reducing the trajectory orientation errors, which for the GPS alone can amount to ± 1 °, by 60 %. The improvement in the position data to the required precision in archeological fieldwork is demonstrated.

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Research paper thumbnail of On Calibration and Processing of MEMS Outputs as a part of INS for the Archeo-geophysical Surveying Purposes

In this paper, we present a comparison of a double integration using Simpsons's rule and a Ka... more In this paper, we present a comparison of a double integration using Simpsons's rule and a Kalman filtering in MEMS measurement device output processing for accurate position estimation suitable for the kinematics of an object dragged along a path on the floor. A special purpose experimental setup was designed to allow for an accurate (ground truth) device acceleration and position determination. This is utilized to compute "exact" device output, used as a reference, required to verify Kalman filtering assumptions and to apply different measures of position estimation quality. A Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistical test was applied to test the output noise distribution. To compare the efficiency of the double integrator and the Kalman filtering in the role of position estimation we explored position estimation error, total variance of the output error and the variance of the output error. Means and variances for double integrator and Kalman filtering are listed. Several type...

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Research paper thumbnail of Attaining Required Positioning Accuracy in Archeo-Geophysical Surveying by GPS

2006 12th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of The metal production at Düzen Tepe (Southwest Turkey): an archaeological and archaeometric study

Open Journal of Archaeometry, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrating Multi-element Geochemical and Magnetic Survey at Ancient Sagalassos (Southwest Turkey): Anthropogenic Versus Natural Anomalies

Archaeological Prospection, 2013

ABSTRACT Several studies in the field of archaeological prospection have suggested that multi-ele... more ABSTRACT Several studies in the field of archaeological prospection have suggested that multi-element soil geochemical survey holds potential as an archaeological survey method, complementing more common techniques such as magnetometry and fieldwalking. Despite this, only limited research regarding this topic has been carried out. In this study, a geochemical survey was conducted in the Eastern Suburbium of the Roman to Byzantine city of Sagalassos, with the aim of investigating the possibilities and limitations of the technique in facilitating the interpretation of magnetic survey data. To explore the multivariate patterns present within the chemical dataset, the data were statistically analysed using a contiguity-constrained spatial clustering algorithm. The resulting spatial clusters revealed that an area characterized by high-frequency magnetic anomalies was spatially associated with a chemical cluster rich in Cu, K, P, Pb and Zn. This is interpreted as resulting from the accumulation and decomposition of occupational debris. Enhancements of Al, As and Ba helped to interpret an area with a low magnetic signal as a region where limestone bedrock was located close to the soil surface. Finally, two zones of enhanced magnetization were shown to spatially overlap with two clusters of soils containing elevated levels of Co, Cr, Mg, Mn, Ni and (Fe) and Ti, V and (Fe), respectively, indicating the presence of two different types of mafic to ultramafic ophiolitic bedrock near the soil surface. This study confirms that multi-element geochemistry has potential as a survey technique, because it offers direct information on soil bedrock or ancient human disturbance, thereby adding an extra dimension to the interpretation of geophysical survey data. It is shown that soil chemical data are particularly valuable for distinguishing anthropogenic and natural impacts creating geophysical anomalies. Contiguity-constrained clustering was found to be a promising data analysis technique for multivariate geochemical survey data. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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Research paper thumbnail of ‘Pisidian’ culture? The Classical-Hellenistic site at Düzen Tepe near Sagalassus (southwest Turkey)

Anatolian Studies, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Karst Dolinas: Evidence of Population Pressure and Exploitation of Agricultural Resources in Karstic Landscapes

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Research paper thumbnail of Karst dolinas: Evidence of population pressure and exploitation of agricultural resources in karstic landscapes

Ph. Levau, Trement, F., Walsh, K. & Barker Gr. (eds): Environmental reconstruction in Mediterranean landscape archaeology , Oxford: Oxbow Books, p. 123-134, 1999

The authors examine the relationship between the agricultural use of Karstic dolinas and demograp... more The authors examine the relationship between the agricultural use of Karstic dolinas and demography in the past.Conclusions are based on the results of the archaeological survey of 19 dolinas in 1995. Archaeological and historical data speak for the most intensive use of dolinas in 2 clearly distinguished periods - later prehistory (1st mil. BC) and in 18th-19th c. Soil magnetic susceptibility measurements showed that such methods can accompany successfully the archaeological survey.

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Research paper thumbnail of Pogledi v preteklost: Poštela – »staro mesto« na obronkih Pohorja in njegova okolica

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Talks by Branko Mušič

Research paper thumbnail of Die römische Siedlungsstelle von Lassenberg (Weststeiermark) – ein Vicus im Laßnitztal

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Research paper thumbnail of Die römische Siedlungsstelle bei Lassenberg. Ein Vicus im Lassnitztal (Steiermark). Surveys und Geoprospektionen 1992-1994

Römische Vici und Verkehrsinfrastruktur in Raetien und Noricum, 2016

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A variety of non-destructive and remote sensing techniques have been used to identify and assess ... more A variety of non-destructive and remote sensing techniques have been used to identify and assess buried urbaninfrastructure (utility pipes) without the need for excavation. This paper summarizes the challenges withapplying a Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) technique to locate subsurface voids and buried infrastructure in acomplex urban environment of the Vodnik Square in Ljubljana. The data from this and other test fields willenable the development of a library that will utilise the parameters and GPR signal response to reliable data of pipe position, diameter, target depth, and pipe materials

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Research paper thumbnail of Extracting archaeological features from very high resolution Quickbird-2 remote sensing imagery. A methodological approach basd on Sagalassos (Southwest Turkey)

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Research paper thumbnail of The integrated urban survey at Sagalassos

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Research paper thumbnail of Naselbinske strukture iz starejše železne dobe na Hajndlu pri Ormožu - arheološka izkopavanja in geofizikalne raziskave

Na najdišču Hajndl, v neposredni bližini mesta Ormož, ki leži v severovzhodni Sloveniji, so v let... more Na najdišču Hajndl, v neposredni bližini mesta Ormož, ki leži v severovzhodni Sloveniji, so v letih 1999 in 2000 potekala arheološka izkopavanja v okviru projekta gradnje hitre ceste Ormož-Ptuj. V članku predstavljamo hišo iz časa starejše železne dobe, ki je bila odkrita pri arheoloških izkopavanjih, in nove rezultate geofizikalne prospekcije, ki smo jo izvedli v letu 2004 v neposredni bližini arheoloških izkopavanj. Pri naši raziskavi smo primerjali rezultate magnetne metode, geoelektrične upornostne metode in georadarske metode z rezultati izkopavanj. At the archaeological site of Hajndl in the immediate vicinity of the town Ormož, north-eastern Slovenia, rescue archaeological excavations were conducted in 1999 and 2000 in the course of high-way construction between Ormož and Ptuj. In the following article, a house dated to the Early Iron Age, which was discovered during these archaeological excavations, is presented together with some results of the geophysical exploration which...

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Research paper thumbnail of Landscape structures survey in the CHORA OF PHAROS: GIS support, visualisation and landscape micro-analysis

Archaeological survey in the chora of the 4th c. B. C. Parian colony of Pharos on the island of H... more Archaeological survey in the chora of the 4th c. B. C. Parian colony of Pharos on the island of Hvar in Central Dalmatia (Croatia) has by now a respectable history and has gone through different phases. Started in 1981/82 as a small scale venture among friends and colleagues, upon invitation by Branko Kirigin of the Archaeological Museum in Split and by the Center for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of the Island of Hvar, it soon became an important arena for experimentation in survey techniques for at least two generations of archaeologists here. The background experience of the Ljubljana University team was the general archaeological survey as concieved within the framework of the project of the Archaeological Institute here, modelled upon the German Archaeologische Aumahme approach. On the other side, we were fascinated by the results of the systematic surveys discussed at the time, as presented at the Archaeological Survey in the Mediterranean conference in Athens in 1981 (K...

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Research paper thumbnail of Recognition and interpretation of shallow microrelief features in limestone bedrock using Ground penetrating radar method, the case of El Cabo, Dominican Republic

The basic intention of geophysical survey is the identification of shallow, micromorphological fe... more The basic intention of geophysical survey is the identification of shallow, micromorphological features in limestone bedrock for archaeological prospection with analysis of Ground Penetrating Radar echoes. Small negative archaeological features in limestone bedrock (post holes) are still considered as a very difficult or unsolvable problem for the geophysical method. Weak contrasts of small negative targeted objects are often curtained by several magnitude order stronger signals received from the morphologically variable surface of non-homogenous, frequently thinly bedded limestone with sub vertical inclination and different karstic features. As a key study, GPR results were used from the Taino settlement in El Cabo, Dominican Republic, where archaeological research has been conducted since 2005. Identical prehistoric archaeological settlement remains can be encountered also everywhere in Karst regions. In the article the accent is placed on analysis of GPR profiles attained by high...

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Research paper thumbnail of Networks in the Hellenistic World According to the pottery in the Eastern Mediterranean and beyond Edited by

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Research paper thumbnail of Določanje položaja z enofrekvenčnim sprejemnikom GPS na podlagi kode C/A signala za potrebe arheo-geofizikalnih preiskav / Positioning with a single-frequency GPS receiver on the basis of the signal C/A code for the needs of field archeo-geophysical surveying

Elektrotehniski Vestnik/Electrotechnical Review

Geophysical measurements made for the needs of extensive surveys at archaeologically unexplored s... more Geophysical measurements made for the needs of extensive surveys at archaeologically unexplored sites usually performed according to general terrestrial geodetic procedures can be efficiently aided by satellite navigation methods. The reason for applying inexpensive, single-frequency (L1) global positioning systems (GPS) in geophysical surveying needed for extensive archaeological activities is their simple use and the need of flexibility and effectiveness of such work. A sufficient degree of flexibility can only be assured by a complete autonomy of the team in planning and executing the field work through positioning of identified anomalous areas. The currently available geophysical instruments allow for detection of changes in local soil conductivity, deviations of the vertical component of the magnetic field density gradient and besides detection beneath surface structure boundaries also their visualization with different microwave reflection or absorption coefficients. Archeolog...

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of different geophysical techniques in relation to archaeological data for settlement reconstruction – the case study of Nauportus, Slovenia

The vicus of Nauportus, situated on the northeastern edge of the territory of the colony of Aquil... more The vicus of Nauportus, situated on the northeastern edge of the territory of the colony of Aquileia, functioned as a freight and reloading station during the second half of the 1st century BC and at the beginning of the 1st century AD. Large archaeological campaigns in 1934 and 1936 revealed a ground plan of a fortified settlement. Precise spatial positioning of architectural remains was impossible without additional investigation. Thus, the aim of applying geophysical survey methods was to ascertain the reliability of a ground plan based on old archaeological excavations and to produce a more detailed settlement reconstruction. Information needed for effective geophysical research design was obtained from revised archaeological documentation and completed by additional information extracted from Ground Probing Radar profiles carried out in the initial phase of geophysical survey by several randomly directed profiles, georeferenced by applying an inexpensive, single frequency GPS s...

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Research paper thumbnail of An example of an integrated GPS and DR positioning system designed for arheological prospecting

Informacije Midem -Ljubljana-

Geophysical prospecting at archeological sites requires a flexible and relatively inexpensive pos... more Geophysical prospecting at archeological sites requires a flexible and relatively inexpensive positioning system, capable of determining positions within a circle with 30 cm error radius. GPS positioning technology is capable to achieve this accuracy only under favorable conditions, but can be supplemented, for more general use, with a dead reckoning (DR) MEMS accelerometer positioning system. In this contribution we describe such a hybrid GPS-DR system, developed for archeological applications, capable of reducing the trajectory orientation errors, which for the GPS alone can amount to ± 1 °, by 60 %. The improvement in the position data to the required precision in archeological fieldwork is demonstrated.

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Research paper thumbnail of On Calibration and Processing of MEMS Outputs as a part of INS for the Archeo-geophysical Surveying Purposes

In this paper, we present a comparison of a double integration using Simpsons's rule and a Ka... more In this paper, we present a comparison of a double integration using Simpsons's rule and a Kalman filtering in MEMS measurement device output processing for accurate position estimation suitable for the kinematics of an object dragged along a path on the floor. A special purpose experimental setup was designed to allow for an accurate (ground truth) device acceleration and position determination. This is utilized to compute "exact" device output, used as a reference, required to verify Kalman filtering assumptions and to apply different measures of position estimation quality. A Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistical test was applied to test the output noise distribution. To compare the efficiency of the double integrator and the Kalman filtering in the role of position estimation we explored position estimation error, total variance of the output error and the variance of the output error. Means and variances for double integrator and Kalman filtering are listed. Several type...

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Research paper thumbnail of Attaining Required Positioning Accuracy in Archeo-Geophysical Surveying by GPS

2006 12th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of The metal production at Düzen Tepe (Southwest Turkey): an archaeological and archaeometric study

Open Journal of Archaeometry, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrating Multi-element Geochemical and Magnetic Survey at Ancient Sagalassos (Southwest Turkey): Anthropogenic Versus Natural Anomalies

Archaeological Prospection, 2013

ABSTRACT Several studies in the field of archaeological prospection have suggested that multi-ele... more ABSTRACT Several studies in the field of archaeological prospection have suggested that multi-element soil geochemical survey holds potential as an archaeological survey method, complementing more common techniques such as magnetometry and fieldwalking. Despite this, only limited research regarding this topic has been carried out. In this study, a geochemical survey was conducted in the Eastern Suburbium of the Roman to Byzantine city of Sagalassos, with the aim of investigating the possibilities and limitations of the technique in facilitating the interpretation of magnetic survey data. To explore the multivariate patterns present within the chemical dataset, the data were statistically analysed using a contiguity-constrained spatial clustering algorithm. The resulting spatial clusters revealed that an area characterized by high-frequency magnetic anomalies was spatially associated with a chemical cluster rich in Cu, K, P, Pb and Zn. This is interpreted as resulting from the accumulation and decomposition of occupational debris. Enhancements of Al, As and Ba helped to interpret an area with a low magnetic signal as a region where limestone bedrock was located close to the soil surface. Finally, two zones of enhanced magnetization were shown to spatially overlap with two clusters of soils containing elevated levels of Co, Cr, Mg, Mn, Ni and (Fe) and Ti, V and (Fe), respectively, indicating the presence of two different types of mafic to ultramafic ophiolitic bedrock near the soil surface. This study confirms that multi-element geochemistry has potential as a survey technique, because it offers direct information on soil bedrock or ancient human disturbance, thereby adding an extra dimension to the interpretation of geophysical survey data. It is shown that soil chemical data are particularly valuable for distinguishing anthropogenic and natural impacts creating geophysical anomalies. Contiguity-constrained clustering was found to be a promising data analysis technique for multivariate geochemical survey data. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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Research paper thumbnail of ‘Pisidian’ culture? The Classical-Hellenistic site at Düzen Tepe near Sagalassus (southwest Turkey)

Anatolian Studies, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Karst Dolinas: Evidence of Population Pressure and Exploitation of Agricultural Resources in Karstic Landscapes

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Research paper thumbnail of Karst dolinas: Evidence of population pressure and exploitation of agricultural resources in karstic landscapes

Ph. Levau, Trement, F., Walsh, K. & Barker Gr. (eds): Environmental reconstruction in Mediterranean landscape archaeology , Oxford: Oxbow Books, p. 123-134, 1999

The authors examine the relationship between the agricultural use of Karstic dolinas and demograp... more The authors examine the relationship between the agricultural use of Karstic dolinas and demography in the past.Conclusions are based on the results of the archaeological survey of 19 dolinas in 1995. Archaeological and historical data speak for the most intensive use of dolinas in 2 clearly distinguished periods - later prehistory (1st mil. BC) and in 18th-19th c. Soil magnetic susceptibility measurements showed that such methods can accompany successfully the archaeological survey.

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Research paper thumbnail of Pogledi v preteklost: Poštela – »staro mesto« na obronkih Pohorja in njegova okolica

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Research paper thumbnail of 1st International Archaeological Conference New Discoveries between the Alps and the Black Sea. (Conference Program and Book of Abstracts)

by Blaž Orehek, Center for Preventive Archaeology IPCHS, Branko Mušič, Bernarda Zupanek, Aleksandra Nestorovic, Adrian Anastasi, Anja Ragolic, Jasmina Davidovic, bojan djuric, Jure Krajsek, Susanne Lamm, Julijana Visočnik, Maja Jerala, Ivana Ožanić Roguljić, Eleni Schindler, and Ana Konestra

1st International Archaeological Conference New Discoveries between the Alps and the Black Sea. R... more 1st International Archaeological Conference New Discoveries between the Alps and the Black Sea. Results from the Roman Sites in the Period between 2005 and 2015. In memoriam Iva Mikl Curk

Ptuj, 8.-9. 10. 2015

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