Aqnes Budiarti - (original) (raw)
Papers by Aqnes Budiarti
Media Farmasi
Buah leunca (Solanum nigrum L.) mengandung senyawa flavonoid yang berkhasiat sebagai antioksidan.... more Buah leunca (Solanum nigrum L.) mengandung senyawa flavonoid yang berkhasiat sebagai antioksidan. Flavonoid di dalam buah leunca sebagian besar berupa kuersetin dan turunan glikosidanya. Kuersetin bersifat polar dan dapat dianalisis menggunakan kromatografi cair kinerja tinggi (KCKT). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan metode penetapan kadar kuersetin menggunakan KCKT dan mengaplikasikan metode pada ekstrak etanol buah leunca. Buah leunca diekstraksi dengan pelarut etanol 96% secara metode maserasi dan dipekatkan menggunakan evaporator putar. Sistem KCKT yang digunakan adalah tipe Jazco dengan detektor UV-Vis pada panjang gelombang 370 nm. Fase diam yang digunakan adalah C18, fase gerak berupa campuran akuabides: metanol (41 : 59, v/v) dengan laju alir 1 mL/menit. Validasi metode penetapan kadar meliputi parameter linearitas, sensitivitas, selektivitas, presisi dan akurasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode penetapan kadar kuersetin tervalidasi dengan semua parameter...
Dewandaru (Eugenia uniflora L.) is a plant that has antioxidant activities. The compounds contain... more Dewandaru (Eugenia uniflora L.) is a plant that has antioxidant activities. The compounds contained phenolic compounds and flavonoids. This study aimed to test the antioxidant activity of the ethanol extract of Dewandaru leaves (Eugenia uniflora L.) with ABTS method and determine the content of flavonoid and total phenolic compounds. Ethanol extract of Dewandaru leaves was obtained by maceration using 96% ethanol. The ethanol extract of Dewandaru leaves identified the active compounds by FTIR (Fourier Transform Infra Red) and phytochemical screening. Ethanol extract of Dewandaru leaves was tested for its antioxidant activity using the ABTS method to obtaine the IC50 value and determined total flavonoid and phenolic content using UV/Vis spectrophotometry to obtain the levels (mg/g sample). The identification results show that the ethanol extract of Dewandaru leaves is a flavonoid compound of the dihydroflavonol type which has a bound OH functional group, aliphatic CH, C = O, C = C a...
Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi dan Farmasi Klinik, Jan 12, 2018
ABSTRACT Reduced bone density is an indication of osteoporosis. The study of osteoporosis is cond... more ABSTRACT Reduced bone density is an indication of osteoporosis. The study of osteoporosis is conducted by measure the influence of triggering compound to the enhancement of bone density of ovariectomized rat that have been lifted ovaries. Ovariectomy caused rats have been deficiency of estrogen hormone whose function to maintain bone density.Compound that can increase bone density has the potential as osteoporosis drug. Red ginger rhizome contains flavonoid compound as phytoestrogen whose estrogenic effect that can replace the function of estrogen. Flavonoid is easy to be solved in ethanol so that was extracted using ethanol. The purpose of this study was to measure the enhancement of bone density of ovariectomized rats due to the trigger of ethanol extract of red ginger (EERJM). Research was conducted experimentally to the female Wistar rats by the post test only controlled group design. Treatment was given for 30 days and the determination of bone density using Dual X-Ray radiography method. Data of bone density values were statistically analyzed by One Way ANOVA followed by Tukey test. The results showed that the administration of EERJM dose 500 and 1000 mg/kg BW enhanced bone density of ovariectomized rat. Keywords: bone density, ovariectomized rat, red ginger, osteoporosis
Universitas Wahid Hasyim, Jun 1, 2008
Breast cancer is the prime cause of women death in various parts of the world. Many research to... more Breast cancer is the prime cause of women death in various parts of the world. Many research to get breast cancer drug has been widely applied. The aims of this study were to determine the cytotoxic effect of ethyl acetate fraction of ethanolic extract of the beet root (Beta vulgaris L. var. rubra L.) on T47D cell line which was the breast cancer cell and test their chemical compound. The extract was made by macerare method, and than it was fractionated by using ethyl acetate. Cytotoxicity test using MTT assay method with concentration 500; 250; 125; 62,5; 31,25 µg/ml. Observation was done to get the viability cell absorbance by using ELISA reader. Analytical data carried out toward percentage viability T47D cell line to determine a value IC50. The chemical compound tests done through a process of preliminary test with a chemical reagent and thin layer chromatografi. The chemical compound were qualitative analysis. The result showed that ethyl acetate fraction of etha...
It is assumed that the use of formalin in fresh noddles is still relatively high since its use no... more It is assumed that the use of formalin in fresh noddles is still relatively high since its use not only prolongs the market life of the noddles but also make them tougher, brighter and non-adhesive. This research was intended to (1) analyze the presence of formalin in fresh noddles, (2) find out the levels of formalin contained in fresh noddles produced by three producers and sold in Johar Market, Semarang City and (3) find out the effects of bathing the noddles in warm water on the formalin contents. This was an experimental research with descriptive analyses. Employing a convenient sampling technique, the samples for this research were taken from the noddles produced by three producers and sold at Johar Market, Semarang City. To test the presence of formalin in the noddles, a chromatropatory-acid method was used. The samples containing formalin were analyzed using a spectrophotometer at an A of 569 nm. The samples were bathed for 15 minutes at temperatures of 40° C and 50° C. The ...
Jackfruit leaves (Artocarpus heterophyllus) are known to have antioxidant activity and formulated... more Jackfruit leaves (Artocarpus heterophyllus) are known to have antioxidant activity and formulated in cream. Span 80 and tween 80 are emulsifiers that are widely used in cream formulations. This study aims to determine the antioxidant activity in cream preparations and the effect of concentrations span 80 and tween 80 on the physical characteristics of the cream.The ethanol extract of jackfruit leaves was made by maceration using 70% ethanol. Jackfruit ethanol extract cream is made in 4 formulas based on variations in the concentration of emulgator span 80; tween 80 that is F1 (3%; 3%), F2 (4%; 4%) and F3 (5%; 5%). The cream tested the physical characteristics of the cream including organoleptic, homogeneity, pH, adhesion, spreadability and viscosity, while antioxidant activity carried out by DPPH (1,1-Diphenyl-2-picrylhidrazyl) method. Data on the physical characteristics of the cream obtained were analyzed using linear regression, the results of organoleptic test and homogeneity we...
Rifampisin, isoniazid dan pirazinamid merupakan obat anti tuberkulosis. Ketiga obat ini tersedia ... more Rifampisin, isoniazid dan pirazinamid merupakan obat anti tuberkulosis. Ketiga obat ini tersedia dalam bentuk tablet kombinasi. Penetapan kadar obat kombinasi memerlukan metode analisis yang serempak, salah satunya adalah kromatografi cair kinerja tinggi (KCKT). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan metode tervalidasi untuk menetapkan kadar rifampisin, isoniazid dan pirazinamid dalam sediaan tablet . P enetapan kadar isoniazid, rifampisin dan pirazinamid menggunakan KCKT merk Jasco dengan detektor UV. F ase diam yang digunakan adalah C 18 dan fase gerak berupa campuran a quades : asetonitril: ( 7: 2 5 , v/v) , pada panjang gelombang 280 nm . U ji validasi meliputi parameter presisi, akurasi, linieritas , selektivitas dan sensitivitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukka n bahwa metode memenuhi persyaratan parameter validasi . Uji presisi menghasilkan nilai RSD untuk isoniazid adalah 0,78% , rifampisin 0,53% dan pirazinamid 0,3 6 % . U ji akurasi menghasilkan perolehan kembali 99,41-10...
Therapy failure of breast cancer as a consequence of cell resistention has encouraged the effort ... more Therapy failure of breast cancer as a consequence of cell resistention has encouraged the effort to develop a cancer medicine including herbal medicine. Based on some research, it can be concluded that there is antioxydant and anticancer activity from beetroot involved with betasianin and betasantin substance that belong to flavonoid compound. The purpose of this research was to find the effect cytotoxic of methanolic extract of beetroot (Beta vulgaris L. var. rubra L.) on cell line T47D which was a breast cancer cell. This research was conducted on several experiment step namely plant determination, cell preparation, cell harvest, methanolic extraction, and cytotoxic test. The extraction of beetroot is conducted by maceration method using methanol 70 %. Cytotoxic test on cell line T47D is conducted by MTT assay using five concentration ceries were 500, 250, 125, 62,5 and 31,25 ug/ml. Data analysis uses probit analysis. Research result shows that methanolic extract of beetroot there...
Retinoic acid is commonly used for bleaching facial in the whitening treatment. The concentration... more Retinoic acid is commonly used for bleaching facial in the whitening treatment. The concentration of retinoic acid in a topical preparation is 0.025 to 0.1% based on the cosmetics requirements so that it needs a validated determination method. The aims of this study were to validate the determination method of retinoic acid using HPLC and to apply the validated method on the whitening night cream. Determination of retinoic acid using a HPLC (Jasco PU-2080 plus) equipped with ultraviolet detector (2070 plus) at a wavelength of 340.3 nm. The stationary phase used C18 (12.5 cm x 4 mm) and the mobile phase used a mixture of methanol:water:glacial acetic acid (90:10:0.5, v/v/v), delivered with flow rate of 1.3 mL/min. The method was validated in parameter terms of precision, accuracy, linearity, sensitivity (LOD and LOQ) and selectivity. The applied samples were taken from beauty clinics in Semarang. The proposed method complied with the validity requirements. RSD value of precision test...
Isoniazid (INH) dan piridoksin HCl atau vitamin B6 (vit B6) dikenal sebagai obat kombinasi untuk ... more Isoniazid (INH) dan piridoksin HCl atau vitamin B6 (vit B6) dikenal sebagai obat kombinasi untuk tuberkulosis. Adanya metode penetapan kadar kedua zat ini secara simultan sangat diperlukan dalam uji stabilitas dan studi nasib obat dalam tubuh. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan metode penetapan kadar INH dan vit B6 menggunakan kromatografi cair kinerja tinggi (KCKT) serta aplikasinya dalam sediaan sirup tuberkulosis. Pengembangan metode menggunakan KCKT Jasco dengan detektor UV-Vis. Fase diam adalah C 18 dan f a se gerak berupa campuran dapar fosfat dan asetonitril (75:25, v/v) dengan waktu alir 1 ,2 mL/menit pada panjang gelombang 280 nm. Selanjutnya dilakukan uji validasi meliputi akurasi, presisi, selektivitas, linieritas dan sensitivitas. Metode analisis diaplikasikan pada dua sediaan sirup dari pabrik yang berbeda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode teliti dengan %RSD 0,48 untuk INH dan 0,64% untuk vit B6. Metode akurat dengan % perolehan kembali kedua zat antar...
Dusun Sili merupakan salah satu sentra usaha produksi opak yang terletak di Desa Candisari Kecama... more Dusun Sili merupakan salah satu sentra usaha produksi opak yang terletak di Desa Candisari Kecamatan Mranggen Kabupaten Demak. Usaha ini merupakan usaha kecil yang dilakukan oleh banyak warga dusun secara perorangan. Opak merupakan makanan ringan sejenis kerupuk yang berbahan baku singkong. Proses produksi opak sili sampai saat ini masih terkendala pada proses produksi yang cukup lama serta minimnya pangsa pasar yang dapat ditembus oleh mitra. Proses produksi yang dilakukan selama ini memerlukan waktu lama mengingat proses penghalusan singkong rebus masih dilakukan secara manual dengan tenaga manusia. Secara manual, penghalusan 25 kg singkong membutuhkan waktu sekitar 4 jam, tergantung tingkat kelunakan singkong yang digunakan. Sementara minimnya pangsa pasar salah satunya disebabkan oleh pengemasan produk yang masih sangat sederhana. Adapun kegiatan yang dilaksanakan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut adalah perbaikan proses produksi dengan bantuan alat penghalus singkong rebus ...
Deksametason merupakan bahan kimia obat yang seringkali ditambahkan secara ilegal pada obat tradi... more Deksametason merupakan bahan kimia obat yang seringkali ditambahkan secara ilegal pada obat tradisional pegal linu sehingga dapat membahayakan kesehatan. Dengan demikian perlu dilakukan analisis penetapan kadar bahan kimia obat dalam obat tradisional menggunakan metode yang akurat, tepat dan sensitif untuk memastikan keamanan obat tradisional. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan validasi metode penetapan kadar deksametason menggunakan kromatografi cair kinerja tinggi (KCKT) dan mengaplikasikannya pada obat tradisional pegal linu yang ditambahkan deksametason. Penetapan kadar deksametason menggunakan seperangkat alat KCKT (Jazco) yang dilengkapi dengan detektor UV-Vis. Fase diam yang digunakan yaitu C 18 serta fase gerak berupa campuran 0,1% asam ortofosfat dan asetonitril dengan laju alir 1 mL/menit. Uji validasi yang dilakukan meliputi uji presisi, akurasi, selektivitas (spesifisitas), linieritas dan sensitivitas (LOD dan LOQ). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode penetapa...
Vitamin C is known as an antioxidant. The vitamin C level in food can be affected by temperature ... more Vitamin C is known as an antioxidant. The vitamin C level in food can be affected by temperature and prolonged storage. Red chili (Capsicum annum L) could be decomposed due to storage. This study aims to investigate the influence of temperature and storage time to the vitamin C level in red chili and its antioxidant activity. The determination of vitamin C level used a spectrophotometric method and the antioxidant activity assay using DPPH method. Red chili was storage in 0 (zero) days, three (3) days and 7 (seven) days. Storage temperature varies at 0⁰C; 10⁰C and room temperature. Data were analyzed statistically with a linearity test and model polynomial regression (curve) with a 95% confidence level. The results showed that the duration of storage significantly influenced the vitamin C level in red chili and its antioxidant activity. Contrary to the duration of storage, the storage temperature had no effect on the vitamin C level and antioxidant activity in red chili. The vitamin...
INTISARI Kombinasi klorfeniramin maleat (CTM) dan guaifenesin (GG) digunakan untuk meringankan... more INTISARI Kombinasi klorfeniramin maleat (CTM) dan guaifenesin (GG) digunakan untuk meringankan gejala batuk dan pilek. Kadar CTM dan GG dalam sirup sangat kecil sehingga penetapan kadarnya memerlukan metode yang valid. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memvalidasi metode penetapan kadar CTM dan GG dan mengaplikasikannya dalam beberapa sediaan sirup di pasaran. Penetapankadar CTM dan GG menggunakan KCKTJascoLc-Net II/ADC dengandetektor UV-Visible. Fase diam berupa C18Li Chospher dan fase gerak adalah campuran asetonitril:metanol:air (15:10:75 v/v), waktu alir 1 mL/menit pada panjang gelombang 270 nm. Validasi metode meliputi akurasi, presisi, selektivitas, linieritas dan sensitivitas. Metode analisis diaplikasikan terhadap 3 merk sirup dari pabrik yang berbeda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa validasi metode penetapan kadar CTM dan GG memenuhi persyaratan yaitu: uji presisi menghasilkan %RSD untuk CTM 0,18% dan GG 0,17%;ujiakurasi menghasilkan perolehan kembali ...
Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology, 2010
Background: Neurodermatitis is a common chronic skin disease. Although not life-threatening, it c... more Background: Neurodermatitis is a common chronic skin disease. Although not life-threatening, it can produce an important psychosocial burden, sleep disturbance and sexual dysfunction. Patients with neurodermatitis tend to have poor social skills or interpersonal resources and a lack of flexibility. However quality of life (QoL) of patients with neurodermatitis has seldom investigated. The objective of this study is to assess the impact of neurodermatitis on patients' QoL using the Dermatology Life Quality Index questionnaire, and assess its feasibility and internal consistency. Methods: One hundred and fifty consecutive outpatients seeking treatment for neurodermatitis and 250 patients with psoriasis in the Department of Dermatology, the Second Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, were assessed for eligibility for this prospective study from July 1, 2011 to September 30, 2011. Demographic data and disease-related characteristics were collected. Results: The overall mean DLQI score for neurodermatits (9.34) was lower than that for psoriasis (13.32) (P < 0.001). Patients with neurodermatitis scored significantly lower for all items except Q1 (symptoms) and Q9 (sexual difficulties). No strong relationship between disease-related characteristics and quality of life could be found. The inter-item correlation averaged 0.415 and Cronbach's alpha was 0.889, indicating high internal consistency. Conclusion: This is the first study to attempt to measure the impact of neurodermatitis for both male and female patients on QoL. Neurodermatitis moderately affected the QoL of the patients.
Macromolecular Symposia, 2008
Modified SBR was blended with dried PET bottle wastes in an internal mixer. During the process me... more Modified SBR was blended with dried PET bottle wastes in an internal mixer. During the process mechanical and morphological properties were studied. When PET bottle wastes were blended with unmodified SBR, the final blend had a rough morphology and low impact strength. In contrary, blending of PET with modified SBR lead to smooth and fine morphology. Utilizing grafted SBR in PET blends creates an enormous difference in particle size and morphology, which is a result of powerful interactions and effective chemical bonding between the components of the blend. The final product had high impact strength in comparison with PET and unmodified SBR blend.These results are mainly related to formation in situ of PET/SBR graft copolymer in interface, which is produced by chemical reaction among active maleic anhydride groups and active PET groups.
The research about rationality of using over the counter drugs common cold for self medication in... more The research about rationality of using over the counter drugs common cold for self medication in district of Gajahmungkur Semarang has been carried out. Data gotten from the result of field survey which is using the questioners that has been filled by Gajahmungkur’s people. Data will be analyzed with non analytical descriptive method. Based on the survey result, knowing that people in Gajahmungkur’s district choosing OTC drugs especially analgetic, antihistamin and decongestan (66,4%). The evaluation of rationality of using drugs for common cold has result: 1) Drugs of choice for common cold is correct. 2) Correct patient are 92,1%. 3) Correct dosage form 96,0%. 4) The most adverse drugs happens is sleepy (53,4%). Key words: Drugs rationality, common cold, self medication, people in district of Gajahmungkur Semarang
ABSTRAK Seiring dengan peningkatan penggunaan madu, berkembanglah pemalsuan madu untuk mendapatka... more ABSTRAK Seiring dengan peningkatan penggunaan madu, berkembanglah pemalsuan madu untuk mendapatkan keuntungan. Penambahan larutan gula pasir sering dilakukan karena harganya yang relatif murah. Pemalsuan madu dengan cara seperti ini sangat merugikan masyarakat karena dapat memicu timbulnya penyakit diabetes. Kandungan sukrosa dalam madu menurut persyaratan mutu madu SNI 01-3545-2004 adalah maksimal 5%. Apabila kandungannya jauh lebih tinggi maka dapat dipastikan bahwa madu tersebut tidak asli. Metode didasarkan pada sifat glukosa yang polar sehingga dapat dianalisis menggunakan KCKT dan struktur glukosa yang mengandung kromofor sehingga dapat dideteksi menggunakan detektor UV. Analisis dilakukan dengan kolom C 18 Lichrospher 100 RP-18 (100 mm x 4.6 mm ID, 5 μm). Fase gerak terdiri atas asetonitril dan aquabidest (65: 35, v/v). Fase gerak dihantarkan secara isokratik dengan laju alir 0,8 mL/menit. Detektor UV pada panjang gelombang 191 nm. Metode yang dikembangkan divalidasi berdasar...
Determination ofdrug substance is one of the drug quality control to ensure the safetyof drug. De... more Determination ofdrug substance is one of the drug quality control to ensure the safetyof drug. Determination of cimetidine could use UV spectrophotometry and HPLC. The aim ofthis study were to validate the methode using two instruments, to compare both of the method and to apply it intablet dosage forms. Determination of cimetidin using UV spectrophotometry was set on wave length 219 nm. Determination using HPLC with coloumn C18 and mobile phase mixture of methanol: water- phosphoric acid (30:70, v/v), flow rateat 1mL/min and UV detector. The method was validated in terms of accuracy, precision, linearity, selectivity and sensivity. The method of determination of cimetidine using both instruments were campared by analysis of variant. Validation method using UV spectrophotometry showed precision of 0.94%, recovery from 97.50 to 100.91%, good linearity, LOD 0.76 µg/mL and LOQ 2.52µg/mL.Validation using HPLC method resulted value of precision 0.30%, recovery from 98.42 to 101.83...
Media Farmasi
Buah leunca (Solanum nigrum L.) mengandung senyawa flavonoid yang berkhasiat sebagai antioksidan.... more Buah leunca (Solanum nigrum L.) mengandung senyawa flavonoid yang berkhasiat sebagai antioksidan. Flavonoid di dalam buah leunca sebagian besar berupa kuersetin dan turunan glikosidanya. Kuersetin bersifat polar dan dapat dianalisis menggunakan kromatografi cair kinerja tinggi (KCKT). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan metode penetapan kadar kuersetin menggunakan KCKT dan mengaplikasikan metode pada ekstrak etanol buah leunca. Buah leunca diekstraksi dengan pelarut etanol 96% secara metode maserasi dan dipekatkan menggunakan evaporator putar. Sistem KCKT yang digunakan adalah tipe Jazco dengan detektor UV-Vis pada panjang gelombang 370 nm. Fase diam yang digunakan adalah C18, fase gerak berupa campuran akuabides: metanol (41 : 59, v/v) dengan laju alir 1 mL/menit. Validasi metode penetapan kadar meliputi parameter linearitas, sensitivitas, selektivitas, presisi dan akurasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode penetapan kadar kuersetin tervalidasi dengan semua parameter...
Dewandaru (Eugenia uniflora L.) is a plant that has antioxidant activities. The compounds contain... more Dewandaru (Eugenia uniflora L.) is a plant that has antioxidant activities. The compounds contained phenolic compounds and flavonoids. This study aimed to test the antioxidant activity of the ethanol extract of Dewandaru leaves (Eugenia uniflora L.) with ABTS method and determine the content of flavonoid and total phenolic compounds. Ethanol extract of Dewandaru leaves was obtained by maceration using 96% ethanol. The ethanol extract of Dewandaru leaves identified the active compounds by FTIR (Fourier Transform Infra Red) and phytochemical screening. Ethanol extract of Dewandaru leaves was tested for its antioxidant activity using the ABTS method to obtaine the IC50 value and determined total flavonoid and phenolic content using UV/Vis spectrophotometry to obtain the levels (mg/g sample). The identification results show that the ethanol extract of Dewandaru leaves is a flavonoid compound of the dihydroflavonol type which has a bound OH functional group, aliphatic CH, C = O, C = C a...
Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi dan Farmasi Klinik, Jan 12, 2018
ABSTRACT Reduced bone density is an indication of osteoporosis. The study of osteoporosis is cond... more ABSTRACT Reduced bone density is an indication of osteoporosis. The study of osteoporosis is conducted by measure the influence of triggering compound to the enhancement of bone density of ovariectomized rat that have been lifted ovaries. Ovariectomy caused rats have been deficiency of estrogen hormone whose function to maintain bone density.Compound that can increase bone density has the potential as osteoporosis drug. Red ginger rhizome contains flavonoid compound as phytoestrogen whose estrogenic effect that can replace the function of estrogen. Flavonoid is easy to be solved in ethanol so that was extracted using ethanol. The purpose of this study was to measure the enhancement of bone density of ovariectomized rats due to the trigger of ethanol extract of red ginger (EERJM). Research was conducted experimentally to the female Wistar rats by the post test only controlled group design. Treatment was given for 30 days and the determination of bone density using Dual X-Ray radiography method. Data of bone density values were statistically analyzed by One Way ANOVA followed by Tukey test. The results showed that the administration of EERJM dose 500 and 1000 mg/kg BW enhanced bone density of ovariectomized rat. Keywords: bone density, ovariectomized rat, red ginger, osteoporosis
Universitas Wahid Hasyim, Jun 1, 2008
Breast cancer is the prime cause of women death in various parts of the world. Many research to... more Breast cancer is the prime cause of women death in various parts of the world. Many research to get breast cancer drug has been widely applied. The aims of this study were to determine the cytotoxic effect of ethyl acetate fraction of ethanolic extract of the beet root (Beta vulgaris L. var. rubra L.) on T47D cell line which was the breast cancer cell and test their chemical compound. The extract was made by macerare method, and than it was fractionated by using ethyl acetate. Cytotoxicity test using MTT assay method with concentration 500; 250; 125; 62,5; 31,25 µg/ml. Observation was done to get the viability cell absorbance by using ELISA reader. Analytical data carried out toward percentage viability T47D cell line to determine a value IC50. The chemical compound tests done through a process of preliminary test with a chemical reagent and thin layer chromatografi. The chemical compound were qualitative analysis. The result showed that ethyl acetate fraction of etha...
It is assumed that the use of formalin in fresh noddles is still relatively high since its use no... more It is assumed that the use of formalin in fresh noddles is still relatively high since its use not only prolongs the market life of the noddles but also make them tougher, brighter and non-adhesive. This research was intended to (1) analyze the presence of formalin in fresh noddles, (2) find out the levels of formalin contained in fresh noddles produced by three producers and sold in Johar Market, Semarang City and (3) find out the effects of bathing the noddles in warm water on the formalin contents. This was an experimental research with descriptive analyses. Employing a convenient sampling technique, the samples for this research were taken from the noddles produced by three producers and sold at Johar Market, Semarang City. To test the presence of formalin in the noddles, a chromatropatory-acid method was used. The samples containing formalin were analyzed using a spectrophotometer at an A of 569 nm. The samples were bathed for 15 minutes at temperatures of 40° C and 50° C. The ...
Jackfruit leaves (Artocarpus heterophyllus) are known to have antioxidant activity and formulated... more Jackfruit leaves (Artocarpus heterophyllus) are known to have antioxidant activity and formulated in cream. Span 80 and tween 80 are emulsifiers that are widely used in cream formulations. This study aims to determine the antioxidant activity in cream preparations and the effect of concentrations span 80 and tween 80 on the physical characteristics of the cream.The ethanol extract of jackfruit leaves was made by maceration using 70% ethanol. Jackfruit ethanol extract cream is made in 4 formulas based on variations in the concentration of emulgator span 80; tween 80 that is F1 (3%; 3%), F2 (4%; 4%) and F3 (5%; 5%). The cream tested the physical characteristics of the cream including organoleptic, homogeneity, pH, adhesion, spreadability and viscosity, while antioxidant activity carried out by DPPH (1,1-Diphenyl-2-picrylhidrazyl) method. Data on the physical characteristics of the cream obtained were analyzed using linear regression, the results of organoleptic test and homogeneity we...
Rifampisin, isoniazid dan pirazinamid merupakan obat anti tuberkulosis. Ketiga obat ini tersedia ... more Rifampisin, isoniazid dan pirazinamid merupakan obat anti tuberkulosis. Ketiga obat ini tersedia dalam bentuk tablet kombinasi. Penetapan kadar obat kombinasi memerlukan metode analisis yang serempak, salah satunya adalah kromatografi cair kinerja tinggi (KCKT). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan metode tervalidasi untuk menetapkan kadar rifampisin, isoniazid dan pirazinamid dalam sediaan tablet . P enetapan kadar isoniazid, rifampisin dan pirazinamid menggunakan KCKT merk Jasco dengan detektor UV. F ase diam yang digunakan adalah C 18 dan fase gerak berupa campuran a quades : asetonitril: ( 7: 2 5 , v/v) , pada panjang gelombang 280 nm . U ji validasi meliputi parameter presisi, akurasi, linieritas , selektivitas dan sensitivitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukka n bahwa metode memenuhi persyaratan parameter validasi . Uji presisi menghasilkan nilai RSD untuk isoniazid adalah 0,78% , rifampisin 0,53% dan pirazinamid 0,3 6 % . U ji akurasi menghasilkan perolehan kembali 99,41-10...
Therapy failure of breast cancer as a consequence of cell resistention has encouraged the effort ... more Therapy failure of breast cancer as a consequence of cell resistention has encouraged the effort to develop a cancer medicine including herbal medicine. Based on some research, it can be concluded that there is antioxydant and anticancer activity from beetroot involved with betasianin and betasantin substance that belong to flavonoid compound. The purpose of this research was to find the effect cytotoxic of methanolic extract of beetroot (Beta vulgaris L. var. rubra L.) on cell line T47D which was a breast cancer cell. This research was conducted on several experiment step namely plant determination, cell preparation, cell harvest, methanolic extraction, and cytotoxic test. The extraction of beetroot is conducted by maceration method using methanol 70 %. Cytotoxic test on cell line T47D is conducted by MTT assay using five concentration ceries were 500, 250, 125, 62,5 and 31,25 ug/ml. Data analysis uses probit analysis. Research result shows that methanolic extract of beetroot there...
Retinoic acid is commonly used for bleaching facial in the whitening treatment. The concentration... more Retinoic acid is commonly used for bleaching facial in the whitening treatment. The concentration of retinoic acid in a topical preparation is 0.025 to 0.1% based on the cosmetics requirements so that it needs a validated determination method. The aims of this study were to validate the determination method of retinoic acid using HPLC and to apply the validated method on the whitening night cream. Determination of retinoic acid using a HPLC (Jasco PU-2080 plus) equipped with ultraviolet detector (2070 plus) at a wavelength of 340.3 nm. The stationary phase used C18 (12.5 cm x 4 mm) and the mobile phase used a mixture of methanol:water:glacial acetic acid (90:10:0.5, v/v/v), delivered with flow rate of 1.3 mL/min. The method was validated in parameter terms of precision, accuracy, linearity, sensitivity (LOD and LOQ) and selectivity. The applied samples were taken from beauty clinics in Semarang. The proposed method complied with the validity requirements. RSD value of precision test...
Isoniazid (INH) dan piridoksin HCl atau vitamin B6 (vit B6) dikenal sebagai obat kombinasi untuk ... more Isoniazid (INH) dan piridoksin HCl atau vitamin B6 (vit B6) dikenal sebagai obat kombinasi untuk tuberkulosis. Adanya metode penetapan kadar kedua zat ini secara simultan sangat diperlukan dalam uji stabilitas dan studi nasib obat dalam tubuh. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan metode penetapan kadar INH dan vit B6 menggunakan kromatografi cair kinerja tinggi (KCKT) serta aplikasinya dalam sediaan sirup tuberkulosis. Pengembangan metode menggunakan KCKT Jasco dengan detektor UV-Vis. Fase diam adalah C 18 dan f a se gerak berupa campuran dapar fosfat dan asetonitril (75:25, v/v) dengan waktu alir 1 ,2 mL/menit pada panjang gelombang 280 nm. Selanjutnya dilakukan uji validasi meliputi akurasi, presisi, selektivitas, linieritas dan sensitivitas. Metode analisis diaplikasikan pada dua sediaan sirup dari pabrik yang berbeda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode teliti dengan %RSD 0,48 untuk INH dan 0,64% untuk vit B6. Metode akurat dengan % perolehan kembali kedua zat antar...
Dusun Sili merupakan salah satu sentra usaha produksi opak yang terletak di Desa Candisari Kecama... more Dusun Sili merupakan salah satu sentra usaha produksi opak yang terletak di Desa Candisari Kecamatan Mranggen Kabupaten Demak. Usaha ini merupakan usaha kecil yang dilakukan oleh banyak warga dusun secara perorangan. Opak merupakan makanan ringan sejenis kerupuk yang berbahan baku singkong. Proses produksi opak sili sampai saat ini masih terkendala pada proses produksi yang cukup lama serta minimnya pangsa pasar yang dapat ditembus oleh mitra. Proses produksi yang dilakukan selama ini memerlukan waktu lama mengingat proses penghalusan singkong rebus masih dilakukan secara manual dengan tenaga manusia. Secara manual, penghalusan 25 kg singkong membutuhkan waktu sekitar 4 jam, tergantung tingkat kelunakan singkong yang digunakan. Sementara minimnya pangsa pasar salah satunya disebabkan oleh pengemasan produk yang masih sangat sederhana. Adapun kegiatan yang dilaksanakan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut adalah perbaikan proses produksi dengan bantuan alat penghalus singkong rebus ...
Deksametason merupakan bahan kimia obat yang seringkali ditambahkan secara ilegal pada obat tradi... more Deksametason merupakan bahan kimia obat yang seringkali ditambahkan secara ilegal pada obat tradisional pegal linu sehingga dapat membahayakan kesehatan. Dengan demikian perlu dilakukan analisis penetapan kadar bahan kimia obat dalam obat tradisional menggunakan metode yang akurat, tepat dan sensitif untuk memastikan keamanan obat tradisional. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan validasi metode penetapan kadar deksametason menggunakan kromatografi cair kinerja tinggi (KCKT) dan mengaplikasikannya pada obat tradisional pegal linu yang ditambahkan deksametason. Penetapan kadar deksametason menggunakan seperangkat alat KCKT (Jazco) yang dilengkapi dengan detektor UV-Vis. Fase diam yang digunakan yaitu C 18 serta fase gerak berupa campuran 0,1% asam ortofosfat dan asetonitril dengan laju alir 1 mL/menit. Uji validasi yang dilakukan meliputi uji presisi, akurasi, selektivitas (spesifisitas), linieritas dan sensitivitas (LOD dan LOQ). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode penetapa...
Vitamin C is known as an antioxidant. The vitamin C level in food can be affected by temperature ... more Vitamin C is known as an antioxidant. The vitamin C level in food can be affected by temperature and prolonged storage. Red chili (Capsicum annum L) could be decomposed due to storage. This study aims to investigate the influence of temperature and storage time to the vitamin C level in red chili and its antioxidant activity. The determination of vitamin C level used a spectrophotometric method and the antioxidant activity assay using DPPH method. Red chili was storage in 0 (zero) days, three (3) days and 7 (seven) days. Storage temperature varies at 0⁰C; 10⁰C and room temperature. Data were analyzed statistically with a linearity test and model polynomial regression (curve) with a 95% confidence level. The results showed that the duration of storage significantly influenced the vitamin C level in red chili and its antioxidant activity. Contrary to the duration of storage, the storage temperature had no effect on the vitamin C level and antioxidant activity in red chili. The vitamin...
INTISARI Kombinasi klorfeniramin maleat (CTM) dan guaifenesin (GG) digunakan untuk meringankan... more INTISARI Kombinasi klorfeniramin maleat (CTM) dan guaifenesin (GG) digunakan untuk meringankan gejala batuk dan pilek. Kadar CTM dan GG dalam sirup sangat kecil sehingga penetapan kadarnya memerlukan metode yang valid. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memvalidasi metode penetapan kadar CTM dan GG dan mengaplikasikannya dalam beberapa sediaan sirup di pasaran. Penetapankadar CTM dan GG menggunakan KCKTJascoLc-Net II/ADC dengandetektor UV-Visible. Fase diam berupa C18Li Chospher dan fase gerak adalah campuran asetonitril:metanol:air (15:10:75 v/v), waktu alir 1 mL/menit pada panjang gelombang 270 nm. Validasi metode meliputi akurasi, presisi, selektivitas, linieritas dan sensitivitas. Metode analisis diaplikasikan terhadap 3 merk sirup dari pabrik yang berbeda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa validasi metode penetapan kadar CTM dan GG memenuhi persyaratan yaitu: uji presisi menghasilkan %RSD untuk CTM 0,18% dan GG 0,17%;ujiakurasi menghasilkan perolehan kembali ...
Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology, 2010
Background: Neurodermatitis is a common chronic skin disease. Although not life-threatening, it c... more Background: Neurodermatitis is a common chronic skin disease. Although not life-threatening, it can produce an important psychosocial burden, sleep disturbance and sexual dysfunction. Patients with neurodermatitis tend to have poor social skills or interpersonal resources and a lack of flexibility. However quality of life (QoL) of patients with neurodermatitis has seldom investigated. The objective of this study is to assess the impact of neurodermatitis on patients' QoL using the Dermatology Life Quality Index questionnaire, and assess its feasibility and internal consistency. Methods: One hundred and fifty consecutive outpatients seeking treatment for neurodermatitis and 250 patients with psoriasis in the Department of Dermatology, the Second Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, were assessed for eligibility for this prospective study from July 1, 2011 to September 30, 2011. Demographic data and disease-related characteristics were collected. Results: The overall mean DLQI score for neurodermatits (9.34) was lower than that for psoriasis (13.32) (P < 0.001). Patients with neurodermatitis scored significantly lower for all items except Q1 (symptoms) and Q9 (sexual difficulties). No strong relationship between disease-related characteristics and quality of life could be found. The inter-item correlation averaged 0.415 and Cronbach's alpha was 0.889, indicating high internal consistency. Conclusion: This is the first study to attempt to measure the impact of neurodermatitis for both male and female patients on QoL. Neurodermatitis moderately affected the QoL of the patients.
Macromolecular Symposia, 2008
Modified SBR was blended with dried PET bottle wastes in an internal mixer. During the process me... more Modified SBR was blended with dried PET bottle wastes in an internal mixer. During the process mechanical and morphological properties were studied. When PET bottle wastes were blended with unmodified SBR, the final blend had a rough morphology and low impact strength. In contrary, blending of PET with modified SBR lead to smooth and fine morphology. Utilizing grafted SBR in PET blends creates an enormous difference in particle size and morphology, which is a result of powerful interactions and effective chemical bonding between the components of the blend. The final product had high impact strength in comparison with PET and unmodified SBR blend.These results are mainly related to formation in situ of PET/SBR graft copolymer in interface, which is produced by chemical reaction among active maleic anhydride groups and active PET groups.
The research about rationality of using over the counter drugs common cold for self medication in... more The research about rationality of using over the counter drugs common cold for self medication in district of Gajahmungkur Semarang has been carried out. Data gotten from the result of field survey which is using the questioners that has been filled by Gajahmungkur’s people. Data will be analyzed with non analytical descriptive method. Based on the survey result, knowing that people in Gajahmungkur’s district choosing OTC drugs especially analgetic, antihistamin and decongestan (66,4%). The evaluation of rationality of using drugs for common cold has result: 1) Drugs of choice for common cold is correct. 2) Correct patient are 92,1%. 3) Correct dosage form 96,0%. 4) The most adverse drugs happens is sleepy (53,4%). Key words: Drugs rationality, common cold, self medication, people in district of Gajahmungkur Semarang
ABSTRAK Seiring dengan peningkatan penggunaan madu, berkembanglah pemalsuan madu untuk mendapatka... more ABSTRAK Seiring dengan peningkatan penggunaan madu, berkembanglah pemalsuan madu untuk mendapatkan keuntungan. Penambahan larutan gula pasir sering dilakukan karena harganya yang relatif murah. Pemalsuan madu dengan cara seperti ini sangat merugikan masyarakat karena dapat memicu timbulnya penyakit diabetes. Kandungan sukrosa dalam madu menurut persyaratan mutu madu SNI 01-3545-2004 adalah maksimal 5%. Apabila kandungannya jauh lebih tinggi maka dapat dipastikan bahwa madu tersebut tidak asli. Metode didasarkan pada sifat glukosa yang polar sehingga dapat dianalisis menggunakan KCKT dan struktur glukosa yang mengandung kromofor sehingga dapat dideteksi menggunakan detektor UV. Analisis dilakukan dengan kolom C 18 Lichrospher 100 RP-18 (100 mm x 4.6 mm ID, 5 μm). Fase gerak terdiri atas asetonitril dan aquabidest (65: 35, v/v). Fase gerak dihantarkan secara isokratik dengan laju alir 0,8 mL/menit. Detektor UV pada panjang gelombang 191 nm. Metode yang dikembangkan divalidasi berdasar...
Determination ofdrug substance is one of the drug quality control to ensure the safetyof drug. De... more Determination ofdrug substance is one of the drug quality control to ensure the safetyof drug. Determination of cimetidine could use UV spectrophotometry and HPLC. The aim ofthis study were to validate the methode using two instruments, to compare both of the method and to apply it intablet dosage forms. Determination of cimetidin using UV spectrophotometry was set on wave length 219 nm. Determination using HPLC with coloumn C18 and mobile phase mixture of methanol: water- phosphoric acid (30:70, v/v), flow rateat 1mL/min and UV detector. The method was validated in terms of accuracy, precision, linearity, selectivity and sensivity. The method of determination of cimetidine using both instruments were campared by analysis of variant. Validation method using UV spectrophotometry showed precision of 0.94%, recovery from 97.50 to 100.91%, good linearity, LOD 0.76 µg/mL and LOQ 2.52µg/mL.Validation using HPLC method resulted value of precision 0.30%, recovery from 98.42 to 101.83...