CHANDRA FITRA ARIFIANTO - (original) (raw)
Journal of Business Management and Economic Development, Dec 30, 2023
This research focuses on the freelancer policy published in the electronic daily, Kompas, from 20... more This research focuses on the freelancer policy published in the electronic daily, Kompas, from 2003 to 2022 with a Discourse Network Analysis approach. This form of research includes qualitative research. The technique used for data collection is library research. The data analyzed is secondary data, namely in the form of online news articles on the portal. There are 98 pro and con statements. Data analysis using DNA Analyzer. It was obtained that the economic value of pro statements was 28 statements and there were 10 counter statements. In the autonomy value, there are 27 pro statements and 4 counter statements. The value of work-life balance has 18 pro statements and 1 counter statement. There are 4 social values for pro statements and 3 counter statements. There are 6 pro statement development values and 1 counter statement, then visualized using the Visone application. The research results show that there are six value propositions for daily freelancers, there is only one value that is not discussed, namely hedonic value. Regarding economic value, the focus of the discussion focuses on holiday allowances for freelancers. Meanwhile, the autonomy value discussed is freelancers who have no bargaining value. In terms of social values, discussions on the recruitment of freelancers still experience many obstacles, thus triggering conflict. Next, the balance value discusses daily freelancers who are forced to work outside company working hours. Lastly, the development value discusses the large number of daily freelancers in Indonesia.
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kewirausahaan
Tidak semua karyawan akan langsung sukses dalam meniti karier sebagai wirausahawan. Terdapat bebe... more Tidak semua karyawan akan langsung sukses dalam meniti karier sebagai wirausahawan. Terdapat beberapa guncangan yang dapat mematahkan semangat untuk beralih karier sebagai wirausahawan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan guncangan karier (terdiri atas: pilihan karier, pengembangan karier, dan adaptasi karier) yang dialami wirusahawan milenial saat beralih karir dari karyawan menjadi pengusaha. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi, sebagai teknik pengumpulan datanya. Reduksi data dilakukan untuk mendapatkan makna dari jawaban-jawaban informan. Makna inilah yang akan diselaraskan untuk memperoleh penjelasan dari pertanyaan penelitian, Untuk itulah, penelitian ini menggunakan 5 (lima) informan yang merupakan pengusaha milenial, memilih untuk beralih karier dari karyawan menjadi wirausahawan dan berdomisili di Kota Tangerang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam menghadapi guncangan karier sebagai wiraus...
Jurnal Disrupsi Bisnis
Delapan puluh persen mahasiswa Indonesia tidak bekerja sesuai dengan jurusannya. Salah satu jurus... more Delapan puluh persen mahasiswa Indonesia tidak bekerja sesuai dengan jurusannya. Salah satu jurusan yang lulusannya tidak bekerja sesuai kompetensi di bidang keilmuannya adalah jurusan pengajaran dan pendidikan. Banyak lulusan S1 pendidikan yang tidak bekerja di jalur pendidikan dan ini menjadi fenomena yang sudah ada sejak lama. Hal inilah yang disebut dengan diskrepansi pekerjaan dalam profesi guru. Menanggapi fenomena tersebut, penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui wawancara, observasi dan pengumpulan dokumen, untuk menganalisis diskrepansi yang terjadi pada guru dan kaitannya dengan institusi pendidikan dimana mereka bekerja. Satu informan kunci dan lima informan terlibat dalam pengumpulan data untuk penelitian. Informan kunci merupakan ketua yayasan, yang melakukan verifikasi terhadap pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang akan ditanyakan dan menentukan para informan, dengan kriteria guru Yayasan dan berlatar belakang non Pendidikan. Data yang terkumpul direduksi, disaji...
Citizen : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Indonesia
This study examines perceived electronic Service Quality (PeSQ) and e-Satisfaction concerning e-T... more This study examines perceived electronic Service Quality (PeSQ) and e-Satisfaction concerning e-Trust in Shopee e-commerce. The population in this study was all student-workers at Pamulang University, who were Shopee users with 149 respondents. This study uses a quantitative descriptive method with non-probability sampling, simple regression analysis, and multiple regression analysis using the SPSS program. The results of this study indicate that Perceived electronic Service Quality (PeSQ) and e-Satisfaction have a positive and significant influence on student-worker e-Trust, either partially or simultaneously.
SOSMANIORA: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora
The purpose of this study was to analyze the impulsive behavior of employees in response to compa... more The purpose of this study was to analyze the impulsive behavior of employees in response to company policies. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach as a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from 8 informants, namely employees of PT. Adhimix Precast Indonesia plant BSD 1, South Tangerang. The interactive model used in this study includes data collection, data reduction, data exposure, and drawing conclusions. The results obtained indicate that impulsive behavior that occurs can be in the form of acceptance or rejection of employees against policies issued by the company when they find policies that are felt to affect them, where the impulsive behavior that occurs is still at a safe level.
Journal of Business and Economic Analysis
The purpose of this research is to analyse the role of Koperasi Wana Lestari Menoreh (KWLM) in im... more The purpose of this research is to analyse the role of Koperasi Wana Lestari Menoreh (KWLM) in implementing certification, the role in Community Economic Development and the role of external parties to develop the KWLM it-self. This research is qualitative with a case study method at KWLM with five subjects as a member of KWLM and five subjects as a non-member of KWLM. Interviews were conducted in-depth using semi-structured questions. Data and information use key informants and reviewed by several experts. This study concludes that, first, KWLM has met FSC certification standards in accordance with the demands of the world market and consumers. Next, regarding community economic development, there are several principles according to Bruce (2001) that need to be improved in KWLM including the need for a comprehensive strategy, building human resources, building local capacity, integrating economic objectives, and empowering communities. Finally, the role of external parties, namely ...
Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan (e-journal), Mar 3, 2022
This study aimed to analyze how effective the use of social media was to maximize recognition and... more This study aimed to analyze how effective the use of social media was to maximize recognition and sales. On social media, users had tried to reveal information they already knew about financial technology startup businesses. User Generated Content (UGC) information, which was a track record left by users on social media, can be used as a mapping for users who communicate on social media. This study itself had used this phenomenon to measure the performance of companies (through brands) that were popular on social media, namely Gopay and DANA, in an effort to measure a person's awareness and interest. The method used was Social Network Analysis (SNA). This qualitative research aimed to describe the results of a phenomenon that were occurs. The results of this study indicated that DANA had advantages in the community and it was easy for users to communicate because there were few accounts that must be passed in conveying information. Meanwhile, Gopay had the advantage of having a large number of users and being have many relationships between users.
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkap motivasi bertahan hidup pada komunitas miskin perkotaan di Ke... more Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkap motivasi bertahan hidup pada komunitas miskin perkotaan di Kelurahan Wonokromo Surabaya. Kemiskinan selalu berkaitan dengan masalah kesejahteraan dan kemelaratan. Penduduk yang miskin didefinisikan dengan berbagai kriteria dan wilayah miskin memiliki beberapa karakteristik seperti sumber daya alam, sumber daya manusia, teknologi dan sarana/prasarana yang sangat rendah. Motivasi di sini terkait dengan kebutuhan-¬kebutuhan yang harus segera terpenuhi pada komunitas miskin. Kebutuhan dasar seperti fisiologis merupakan suatu hal yang urgen di dalam kehidupan komunitas miskin perkotaan. Keinginan untuk bertahan hidup di kota Surabaya menjadikan mereka berusaha di dalam kesehariannya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan paradigma fenomenologis. Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tematik, dengan menggunakan prosedur EPP (Empherical Phenomenal Psychology). Prosedur analisis ini terdiri dari lima tahapa...
International Journal of Science, Technology & Management, 2020
This study explored the concept of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) in relation to stude... more This study explored the concept of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) in relation to student employees. The dimensions of religiosity is used as an independent variable in this study. This study expands the extant research by examining OCB of student employees, where very few studies exist. For this research 174 student employees completed an online survey, where we looked to identify correlations between OCB and three dimensions: participation, importance and meaning. Data collection in this study used a qustionnaire that developed a variable of religiosity totaling 9 items and variables totaling 15 items which isusing multiple linear regression. The statistically significant correlation between three of these dimensions and OCB will help campusidentify and encourage OCB in their student employees. The result of study shows that there is effect of the participation dimension (XL) and the meaning dimension (X3), but there is no efect of the meaning dimension (X3) on OCB.
TA'AWUN, 2021
This community service aims to provide a solution to the limitation of the movement of the Nahwa ... more This community service aims to provide a solution to the limitation of the movement of the Nahwa Nur Amil Zakat Institution (LAZ) in seeking potential Zakat, Infaq and Sodakoh (ZIS) funds during the Covid-19 pandemic. The materials were given online and then assistance was given to lighten the funding burden in ZIS management. LAZ Nahwa Nur personnel apparently still do not fully understand the fundraising strategy during the Covid-19 pandemic as it is today, even though they have used an online strategy using their own platform, it is still not optimal. So it is advisable to use an external platform that already exists in ZIS fundraising
This community service aims to help open the paradigm of Mulia Buana Parung Panjang SMK teachers ... more This community service aims to help open the paradigm of Mulia Buana Parung Panjang SMK teachers to want to explore in teaching and provide an understanding of the real conditions outside of the threat of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. which was then given material on developing the skills of SMK Mulia Buana's teachers in implementing creative and innovative teaching in accordance with the development of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. The problem faced by the Mulia Buana Parung Panjang Vocational School Teacher is the lack of ability of the Mulia Buana Parung Panjang Vocational School teacher in mastering technology and many teachers who have not been able to utilize ICT devices for teaching and learning. This certainly has an impact on the lack of enthusiasm for student learning. Through the training method in the form of providing material and practice, at the end of the activity a question and answer session was conducted as a form of evaluation, the teachers received trainin...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi pendidikan karakter dengan perspektif go... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi pendidikan karakter dengan perspektif good character di SMK Negeri 1 Bojonggede. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan menggunakan 4 informan, yaitu 1 orang Kepala Sekolah dan 3 peserta didik. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan antara lain wawancara, observasi, dan studi kepustakaan. Analisis data yang digunakan ialah reduksi data dan triangulasi data. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan pendidikan karakter di SMK Negeri 1 Bojonggede sudah baik karena telah terintegrasi dengan kurikulum dan perangkat pendukung lainnya. Hal ini terjadi karena sistem Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter (PPK) di sekolah tersebut telah terbentuk dengan baik dan mampu digambarkan ke dalam beberapa program sekolah dengan dibuktikan adanya perencanaan, penyusunan, pengawasan, hingga kelengkapan evaluasi. Sedangkan pelaksana pendidikan karakter di sekolah telah memahami dan mampu menjalankan program dan kegiatan penguatan p...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kinerja organisasi dengan menggunakan konsep percepti... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kinerja organisasi dengan menggunakan konsep perception, potential dan practice dalam perspektif Six-P(6-P).Penelitian ini melihat kondisi sebelum dan sesudahnya dengan investasi sosial organisasi dengan mengimplementasikan 6-P ke dalamnya. Penelitian ini berbentuk kualitatif melalui metode wawancara kepada stakeholder dengan menyajikan variabel-variabel yang diturunkan dari teori proses pelatihan sebagai suatu investasi sosial.Penelitian ini menggunakan teori proses pelatihan dimana telah dimodifikasi dengan memasukkan teori-teori tambahan untuk memberikan makna lebih dari variabel-variabel yang digunakan. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa PT Semen Gresik (Persero) Tbk. berhasil mengembangkan individual social responsible, kesadaran dari individu untuk selalu bertanggung jawab terhadap setiap tindakannya yang berdampak terhadap komunitas dan organisasi.
This research was conducted to see the preferences of studen-workers in the Greater Tangerang are... more This research was conducted to see the preferences of studen-workers in the Greater Tangerang area in determining 3 marketplaces (marketplaces), namely: Lazada, Shopee and Tokopedia, which they considered better. The literature review in this study was sourced from Svobodova and Rajchlova (2020) regarding the identification of online buying behavior which consists of 13 components, namely: reviews and complaints, certification and security, advertising and communication, product prices, websites, organizational factors, product descriptions, payment methods, store chains, transportation, and discounts. This is a descriptive survey study that uses 55 student-workers as respondents in answering the questionnaire submitted by the researcher. Simple percentages were used for data analysis. The research findings show that Tokopedia has the highest average respondent's answer assessment. So it can be assumed that Tokopedia is superior in fulfilling the 13 components to identify online...
This research was conducted to see the attitudes of student-employees at the undergraduate level ... more This research was conducted to see the attitudes of student-employees at the undergraduate level towards the implementation of erotic capital in their workplaces and without a large implementation of this erotic capital is built up in the world of work, especially the recruitment of an employee. The literature review in this study originates from the concept of erotic capital or sexual capital from Hakim (2010), namely: beauty, sexual attractiveness, social skill, liveliness, social presentation, sexuality, and fertility. A descriptive survey research was used for this study with 295 student-employees as respondents who answered the questionnaire proposed by the researcher. Simple percentages are used for data analysis. The findings of the study revealed that of the 7 indicators of erotic capital, only liveliness was addressed by student-employees both cognitive, behavior and affective. Meanwhile, social skills are only addressed in a cognitive manner and sexual attraction is addres...
Jubaedah : Jurnal Pengabdian dan Edukasi Sekolah (Indonesian Journal of Community Services and School Education)
Today is the understanding of the values of Pancasila in the younger generation is getting erod... more Today is the understanding of the values of Pancasila in the younger generation is getting eroded. Of course, it is hoped that this will not happen to young santri. With a solid Islamic background, santri find it easier to understand the values of Pancasila and do not fall into a negative understanding of Pancasila. Therefore, this community service activity aims to provide a new understanding of the use of visual media in the form of the Pancasila Comic (abbreviated as KOPALA). In realizing this goal, the methods used are lectures and evaluation using games by utilizing devices that can display comic visuals. At the same time, the participants who were included in this activity were the santri, who were also students at the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah and Madrasah Tsanawiyah benches, totalling 17 santri. They are santri of Pesantren Yatim Cahaya Madinah in South Tangerang. In general, the implementation of the activities was successful although with some shortcomings, such as facilitie...
International Journal of Social Learning (IJSL)
Online learning is the right choice to do during the Covid-19 pandemic. So that the challenges th... more Online learning is the right choice to do during the Covid-19 pandemic. So that the challenges that teachers in implementing learning must face are in themselves. Therefore, this study assesses the influence of attitudes, interests, and motivation on teachers' online readiness in learning from home due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is quantitative by using a questionnaire for data collection. The sample was determined using an accidental sampling method, namely elementary school teachers and equivalent to senior high school teachers and equivalent from all regions of Indonesia, totaling 281 respondents. While the analysis technique used is multiple linear regression. The results of this study indicate that attitude has a significant influence on online readiness, with the most dominant indicator being behavior, interest also has a significant influence on online readiness, with the most dominant indicator being personal, and motivation has a minor influence on online r...
JURPIKAT (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat)
Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan paradigma perlunya meningkatkan kapab... more Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan paradigma perlunya meningkatkan kapabilitas penggunaan teknologi terutama ponsel pintar pada generasi milenial. Ternyata banyak konsumen yang membeli kebutuhannya secara daring dan itu merupakan kesempatan. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh para generasi milenial adalah pemanfaatan ponsel pintar yang tidak maksimal karena kurangnya minat dan tidak menariknya wirausaha melalui daring. Metode pelatihan berupa pemberian materi secara daring melalui webinar, peserta dapat bertanya secara langsung tanpa perlu berkumpul. Pada akhir kegiatan dilakukan dengan sesi tanya jawab sebagai bentuk evaluasinya. Hasil setelah mengikuti pelatihan, paradigma mereka terbuka untuk memunculkan minat mereka untuk memulai usaha secara daring dengan memanfaatkan ponsel pintar mereka
International Journal of Science, Technology & Management
Cooperatives are a form of social entrepreneurship. In addition to financial capital and human ca... more Cooperatives are a form of social entrepreneurship. In addition to financial capital and human capital, social capital is an important factor for the sustainability of an organization. This case study aims to analyze the bonding social capital's role in cooperative development based on volunteers in KHJL, South Konawe, Indonesia. A qualitative approach was used in this study with the case study as a strategy for this research. The method of data collection is done by observing, interviewing, and studying documents. Interviews use semi-structured and in-depth. By using purposive sampling, there were eight persons to be interviewed. For the data validity and reliability to be optimal, the authors use triangulation in terms of primary and secondary data collection. Data analysis is done together, from the reduction to the presentation of the data, then there are conclusions and verification to create conclusions. It was found that the role of social capital especially trust plays a...
This study explored the concept of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) in relation to stude... more This study explored the concept of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) in relation to student employees. The dimensions of religiosity is used as an independent variable in this study. This study expands the extant research by examining OCB of student employees, where very few studies exist. For this research 174 student employees completed an online survey, where we looked to identify correlations between OCB and three dimensions: participation, importance and meaning. Data collection in this study used a qustionnaire that developed a variable of religiosity totaling 9 items and variables totaling 15 items which isusing multiple linear regression. The statistically significant correlation between three of these dimensions and OCB will help campusidentify and encourage OCB in their student employees. The result of study shows that there is effect of the participation dimension (XL) and the meaning dimension (X3), but there is no efect of the meaning dimension (X3) on OCB.
Journal of Business Management and Economic Development, Dec 30, 2023
This research focuses on the freelancer policy published in the electronic daily, Kompas, from 20... more This research focuses on the freelancer policy published in the electronic daily, Kompas, from 2003 to 2022 with a Discourse Network Analysis approach. This form of research includes qualitative research. The technique used for data collection is library research. The data analyzed is secondary data, namely in the form of online news articles on the portal. There are 98 pro and con statements. Data analysis using DNA Analyzer. It was obtained that the economic value of pro statements was 28 statements and there were 10 counter statements. In the autonomy value, there are 27 pro statements and 4 counter statements. The value of work-life balance has 18 pro statements and 1 counter statement. There are 4 social values for pro statements and 3 counter statements. There are 6 pro statement development values and 1 counter statement, then visualized using the Visone application. The research results show that there are six value propositions for daily freelancers, there is only one value that is not discussed, namely hedonic value. Regarding economic value, the focus of the discussion focuses on holiday allowances for freelancers. Meanwhile, the autonomy value discussed is freelancers who have no bargaining value. In terms of social values, discussions on the recruitment of freelancers still experience many obstacles, thus triggering conflict. Next, the balance value discusses daily freelancers who are forced to work outside company working hours. Lastly, the development value discusses the large number of daily freelancers in Indonesia.
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kewirausahaan
Tidak semua karyawan akan langsung sukses dalam meniti karier sebagai wirausahawan. Terdapat bebe... more Tidak semua karyawan akan langsung sukses dalam meniti karier sebagai wirausahawan. Terdapat beberapa guncangan yang dapat mematahkan semangat untuk beralih karier sebagai wirausahawan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan guncangan karier (terdiri atas: pilihan karier, pengembangan karier, dan adaptasi karier) yang dialami wirusahawan milenial saat beralih karir dari karyawan menjadi pengusaha. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi, sebagai teknik pengumpulan datanya. Reduksi data dilakukan untuk mendapatkan makna dari jawaban-jawaban informan. Makna inilah yang akan diselaraskan untuk memperoleh penjelasan dari pertanyaan penelitian, Untuk itulah, penelitian ini menggunakan 5 (lima) informan yang merupakan pengusaha milenial, memilih untuk beralih karier dari karyawan menjadi wirausahawan dan berdomisili di Kota Tangerang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam menghadapi guncangan karier sebagai wiraus...
Jurnal Disrupsi Bisnis
Delapan puluh persen mahasiswa Indonesia tidak bekerja sesuai dengan jurusannya. Salah satu jurus... more Delapan puluh persen mahasiswa Indonesia tidak bekerja sesuai dengan jurusannya. Salah satu jurusan yang lulusannya tidak bekerja sesuai kompetensi di bidang keilmuannya adalah jurusan pengajaran dan pendidikan. Banyak lulusan S1 pendidikan yang tidak bekerja di jalur pendidikan dan ini menjadi fenomena yang sudah ada sejak lama. Hal inilah yang disebut dengan diskrepansi pekerjaan dalam profesi guru. Menanggapi fenomena tersebut, penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui wawancara, observasi dan pengumpulan dokumen, untuk menganalisis diskrepansi yang terjadi pada guru dan kaitannya dengan institusi pendidikan dimana mereka bekerja. Satu informan kunci dan lima informan terlibat dalam pengumpulan data untuk penelitian. Informan kunci merupakan ketua yayasan, yang melakukan verifikasi terhadap pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang akan ditanyakan dan menentukan para informan, dengan kriteria guru Yayasan dan berlatar belakang non Pendidikan. Data yang terkumpul direduksi, disaji...
Citizen : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Indonesia
This study examines perceived electronic Service Quality (PeSQ) and e-Satisfaction concerning e-T... more This study examines perceived electronic Service Quality (PeSQ) and e-Satisfaction concerning e-Trust in Shopee e-commerce. The population in this study was all student-workers at Pamulang University, who were Shopee users with 149 respondents. This study uses a quantitative descriptive method with non-probability sampling, simple regression analysis, and multiple regression analysis using the SPSS program. The results of this study indicate that Perceived electronic Service Quality (PeSQ) and e-Satisfaction have a positive and significant influence on student-worker e-Trust, either partially or simultaneously.
SOSMANIORA: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora
The purpose of this study was to analyze the impulsive behavior of employees in response to compa... more The purpose of this study was to analyze the impulsive behavior of employees in response to company policies. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach as a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from 8 informants, namely employees of PT. Adhimix Precast Indonesia plant BSD 1, South Tangerang. The interactive model used in this study includes data collection, data reduction, data exposure, and drawing conclusions. The results obtained indicate that impulsive behavior that occurs can be in the form of acceptance or rejection of employees against policies issued by the company when they find policies that are felt to affect them, where the impulsive behavior that occurs is still at a safe level.
Journal of Business and Economic Analysis
The purpose of this research is to analyse the role of Koperasi Wana Lestari Menoreh (KWLM) in im... more The purpose of this research is to analyse the role of Koperasi Wana Lestari Menoreh (KWLM) in implementing certification, the role in Community Economic Development and the role of external parties to develop the KWLM it-self. This research is qualitative with a case study method at KWLM with five subjects as a member of KWLM and five subjects as a non-member of KWLM. Interviews were conducted in-depth using semi-structured questions. Data and information use key informants and reviewed by several experts. This study concludes that, first, KWLM has met FSC certification standards in accordance with the demands of the world market and consumers. Next, regarding community economic development, there are several principles according to Bruce (2001) that need to be improved in KWLM including the need for a comprehensive strategy, building human resources, building local capacity, integrating economic objectives, and empowering communities. Finally, the role of external parties, namely ...
Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan (e-journal), Mar 3, 2022
This study aimed to analyze how effective the use of social media was to maximize recognition and... more This study aimed to analyze how effective the use of social media was to maximize recognition and sales. On social media, users had tried to reveal information they already knew about financial technology startup businesses. User Generated Content (UGC) information, which was a track record left by users on social media, can be used as a mapping for users who communicate on social media. This study itself had used this phenomenon to measure the performance of companies (through brands) that were popular on social media, namely Gopay and DANA, in an effort to measure a person's awareness and interest. The method used was Social Network Analysis (SNA). This qualitative research aimed to describe the results of a phenomenon that were occurs. The results of this study indicated that DANA had advantages in the community and it was easy for users to communicate because there were few accounts that must be passed in conveying information. Meanwhile, Gopay had the advantage of having a large number of users and being have many relationships between users.
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkap motivasi bertahan hidup pada komunitas miskin perkotaan di Ke... more Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkap motivasi bertahan hidup pada komunitas miskin perkotaan di Kelurahan Wonokromo Surabaya. Kemiskinan selalu berkaitan dengan masalah kesejahteraan dan kemelaratan. Penduduk yang miskin didefinisikan dengan berbagai kriteria dan wilayah miskin memiliki beberapa karakteristik seperti sumber daya alam, sumber daya manusia, teknologi dan sarana/prasarana yang sangat rendah. Motivasi di sini terkait dengan kebutuhan-¬kebutuhan yang harus segera terpenuhi pada komunitas miskin. Kebutuhan dasar seperti fisiologis merupakan suatu hal yang urgen di dalam kehidupan komunitas miskin perkotaan. Keinginan untuk bertahan hidup di kota Surabaya menjadikan mereka berusaha di dalam kesehariannya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan paradigma fenomenologis. Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tematik, dengan menggunakan prosedur EPP (Empherical Phenomenal Psychology). Prosedur analisis ini terdiri dari lima tahapa...
International Journal of Science, Technology & Management, 2020
This study explored the concept of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) in relation to stude... more This study explored the concept of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) in relation to student employees. The dimensions of religiosity is used as an independent variable in this study. This study expands the extant research by examining OCB of student employees, where very few studies exist. For this research 174 student employees completed an online survey, where we looked to identify correlations between OCB and three dimensions: participation, importance and meaning. Data collection in this study used a qustionnaire that developed a variable of religiosity totaling 9 items and variables totaling 15 items which isusing multiple linear regression. The statistically significant correlation between three of these dimensions and OCB will help campusidentify and encourage OCB in their student employees. The result of study shows that there is effect of the participation dimension (XL) and the meaning dimension (X3), but there is no efect of the meaning dimension (X3) on OCB.
TA'AWUN, 2021
This community service aims to provide a solution to the limitation of the movement of the Nahwa ... more This community service aims to provide a solution to the limitation of the movement of the Nahwa Nur Amil Zakat Institution (LAZ) in seeking potential Zakat, Infaq and Sodakoh (ZIS) funds during the Covid-19 pandemic. The materials were given online and then assistance was given to lighten the funding burden in ZIS management. LAZ Nahwa Nur personnel apparently still do not fully understand the fundraising strategy during the Covid-19 pandemic as it is today, even though they have used an online strategy using their own platform, it is still not optimal. So it is advisable to use an external platform that already exists in ZIS fundraising
This community service aims to help open the paradigm of Mulia Buana Parung Panjang SMK teachers ... more This community service aims to help open the paradigm of Mulia Buana Parung Panjang SMK teachers to want to explore in teaching and provide an understanding of the real conditions outside of the threat of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. which was then given material on developing the skills of SMK Mulia Buana's teachers in implementing creative and innovative teaching in accordance with the development of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. The problem faced by the Mulia Buana Parung Panjang Vocational School Teacher is the lack of ability of the Mulia Buana Parung Panjang Vocational School teacher in mastering technology and many teachers who have not been able to utilize ICT devices for teaching and learning. This certainly has an impact on the lack of enthusiasm for student learning. Through the training method in the form of providing material and practice, at the end of the activity a question and answer session was conducted as a form of evaluation, the teachers received trainin...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi pendidikan karakter dengan perspektif go... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi pendidikan karakter dengan perspektif good character di SMK Negeri 1 Bojonggede. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan menggunakan 4 informan, yaitu 1 orang Kepala Sekolah dan 3 peserta didik. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan antara lain wawancara, observasi, dan studi kepustakaan. Analisis data yang digunakan ialah reduksi data dan triangulasi data. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan pendidikan karakter di SMK Negeri 1 Bojonggede sudah baik karena telah terintegrasi dengan kurikulum dan perangkat pendukung lainnya. Hal ini terjadi karena sistem Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter (PPK) di sekolah tersebut telah terbentuk dengan baik dan mampu digambarkan ke dalam beberapa program sekolah dengan dibuktikan adanya perencanaan, penyusunan, pengawasan, hingga kelengkapan evaluasi. Sedangkan pelaksana pendidikan karakter di sekolah telah memahami dan mampu menjalankan program dan kegiatan penguatan p...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kinerja organisasi dengan menggunakan konsep percepti... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kinerja organisasi dengan menggunakan konsep perception, potential dan practice dalam perspektif Six-P(6-P).Penelitian ini melihat kondisi sebelum dan sesudahnya dengan investasi sosial organisasi dengan mengimplementasikan 6-P ke dalamnya. Penelitian ini berbentuk kualitatif melalui metode wawancara kepada stakeholder dengan menyajikan variabel-variabel yang diturunkan dari teori proses pelatihan sebagai suatu investasi sosial.Penelitian ini menggunakan teori proses pelatihan dimana telah dimodifikasi dengan memasukkan teori-teori tambahan untuk memberikan makna lebih dari variabel-variabel yang digunakan. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa PT Semen Gresik (Persero) Tbk. berhasil mengembangkan individual social responsible, kesadaran dari individu untuk selalu bertanggung jawab terhadap setiap tindakannya yang berdampak terhadap komunitas dan organisasi.
This research was conducted to see the preferences of studen-workers in the Greater Tangerang are... more This research was conducted to see the preferences of studen-workers in the Greater Tangerang area in determining 3 marketplaces (marketplaces), namely: Lazada, Shopee and Tokopedia, which they considered better. The literature review in this study was sourced from Svobodova and Rajchlova (2020) regarding the identification of online buying behavior which consists of 13 components, namely: reviews and complaints, certification and security, advertising and communication, product prices, websites, organizational factors, product descriptions, payment methods, store chains, transportation, and discounts. This is a descriptive survey study that uses 55 student-workers as respondents in answering the questionnaire submitted by the researcher. Simple percentages were used for data analysis. The research findings show that Tokopedia has the highest average respondent's answer assessment. So it can be assumed that Tokopedia is superior in fulfilling the 13 components to identify online...
This research was conducted to see the attitudes of student-employees at the undergraduate level ... more This research was conducted to see the attitudes of student-employees at the undergraduate level towards the implementation of erotic capital in their workplaces and without a large implementation of this erotic capital is built up in the world of work, especially the recruitment of an employee. The literature review in this study originates from the concept of erotic capital or sexual capital from Hakim (2010), namely: beauty, sexual attractiveness, social skill, liveliness, social presentation, sexuality, and fertility. A descriptive survey research was used for this study with 295 student-employees as respondents who answered the questionnaire proposed by the researcher. Simple percentages are used for data analysis. The findings of the study revealed that of the 7 indicators of erotic capital, only liveliness was addressed by student-employees both cognitive, behavior and affective. Meanwhile, social skills are only addressed in a cognitive manner and sexual attraction is addres...
Jubaedah : Jurnal Pengabdian dan Edukasi Sekolah (Indonesian Journal of Community Services and School Education)
Today is the understanding of the values of Pancasila in the younger generation is getting erod... more Today is the understanding of the values of Pancasila in the younger generation is getting eroded. Of course, it is hoped that this will not happen to young santri. With a solid Islamic background, santri find it easier to understand the values of Pancasila and do not fall into a negative understanding of Pancasila. Therefore, this community service activity aims to provide a new understanding of the use of visual media in the form of the Pancasila Comic (abbreviated as KOPALA). In realizing this goal, the methods used are lectures and evaluation using games by utilizing devices that can display comic visuals. At the same time, the participants who were included in this activity were the santri, who were also students at the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah and Madrasah Tsanawiyah benches, totalling 17 santri. They are santri of Pesantren Yatim Cahaya Madinah in South Tangerang. In general, the implementation of the activities was successful although with some shortcomings, such as facilitie...
International Journal of Social Learning (IJSL)
Online learning is the right choice to do during the Covid-19 pandemic. So that the challenges th... more Online learning is the right choice to do during the Covid-19 pandemic. So that the challenges that teachers in implementing learning must face are in themselves. Therefore, this study assesses the influence of attitudes, interests, and motivation on teachers' online readiness in learning from home due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is quantitative by using a questionnaire for data collection. The sample was determined using an accidental sampling method, namely elementary school teachers and equivalent to senior high school teachers and equivalent from all regions of Indonesia, totaling 281 respondents. While the analysis technique used is multiple linear regression. The results of this study indicate that attitude has a significant influence on online readiness, with the most dominant indicator being behavior, interest also has a significant influence on online readiness, with the most dominant indicator being personal, and motivation has a minor influence on online r...
JURPIKAT (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat)
Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan paradigma perlunya meningkatkan kapab... more Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan paradigma perlunya meningkatkan kapabilitas penggunaan teknologi terutama ponsel pintar pada generasi milenial. Ternyata banyak konsumen yang membeli kebutuhannya secara daring dan itu merupakan kesempatan. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh para generasi milenial adalah pemanfaatan ponsel pintar yang tidak maksimal karena kurangnya minat dan tidak menariknya wirausaha melalui daring. Metode pelatihan berupa pemberian materi secara daring melalui webinar, peserta dapat bertanya secara langsung tanpa perlu berkumpul. Pada akhir kegiatan dilakukan dengan sesi tanya jawab sebagai bentuk evaluasinya. Hasil setelah mengikuti pelatihan, paradigma mereka terbuka untuk memunculkan minat mereka untuk memulai usaha secara daring dengan memanfaatkan ponsel pintar mereka
International Journal of Science, Technology & Management
Cooperatives are a form of social entrepreneurship. In addition to financial capital and human ca... more Cooperatives are a form of social entrepreneurship. In addition to financial capital and human capital, social capital is an important factor for the sustainability of an organization. This case study aims to analyze the bonding social capital's role in cooperative development based on volunteers in KHJL, South Konawe, Indonesia. A qualitative approach was used in this study with the case study as a strategy for this research. The method of data collection is done by observing, interviewing, and studying documents. Interviews use semi-structured and in-depth. By using purposive sampling, there were eight persons to be interviewed. For the data validity and reliability to be optimal, the authors use triangulation in terms of primary and secondary data collection. Data analysis is done together, from the reduction to the presentation of the data, then there are conclusions and verification to create conclusions. It was found that the role of social capital especially trust plays a...
This study explored the concept of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) in relation to stude... more This study explored the concept of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) in relation to student employees. The dimensions of religiosity is used as an independent variable in this study. This study expands the extant research by examining OCB of student employees, where very few studies exist. For this research 174 student employees completed an online survey, where we looked to identify correlations between OCB and three dimensions: participation, importance and meaning. Data collection in this study used a qustionnaire that developed a variable of religiosity totaling 9 items and variables totaling 15 items which isusing multiple linear regression. The statistically significant correlation between three of these dimensions and OCB will help campusidentify and encourage OCB in their student employees. The result of study shows that there is effect of the participation dimension (XL) and the meaning dimension (X3), but there is no efect of the meaning dimension (X3) on OCB.
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkap motivasi bertahan hidup pada komunitas miskin perkotaan di Ke... more Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkap motivasi bertahan hidup pada komunitas miskin perkotaan di Kelurahan Wonokromo, Surabaya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan paradigma fenomenologis.
Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah tematik, dengan menggunakan prosedur EPP (Empherical Phenomenal Psychology)