Can Bilgili - (original) (raw)

Papers by Can Bilgili

Research paper thumbnail of Radyo ve Televizyonda Reklama Bağımlılık ve Kuralsız Pazar Düzeni

Marmara iletişim dergisi, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Medya Sektöründe Çalışma İlişkileri Sorunları ve İletişim Hakkına Etkisi

Galatasaray Üniversitesi iletişim dergisi, Apr 1, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Transmedia Awareness of the Media Audience (Ukrainian-Turkish Contexts)

Social Communications: Theory and Practice

The article depicts transmedia projects in Turkey and Ukraine. The main focus concentrates on the... more The article depicts transmedia projects in Turkey and Ukraine. The main focus concentrates on the competencies of transmedia audiences. The research objective is to examine the awareness level of television audiences about transmedia on various social media platforms. The research methods and techniques include the Ukrainian expert interviews and the data obtained through online survey. The sample includes 561 Turkish and 356 Ukrainian media consumers. Results reveal that Ukrainian media consumers, who state that they obtain the truth through social media, reject television as a source of trustworthy information. Turkish media consumers demonstrate that they tend to take reality from television as it is, although they accept the TV content as a fiction. As the time allocated to social media increases, it is clear that especially Turkish media consumers' trust in television decreases, and they find social media more reputable in the truth widespread. The similar situation is clea...

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Research paper thumbnail of Radyo ve Televizyonda Reklama Bağımlılık ve Kuralsız Pazar Düzeni

Anahtar Kelimeler Radyo ve Televizyon, Reklam, Pazarlama, Medya Planlama, Medya İzleme ve Ölçümle... more Anahtar Kelimeler Radyo ve Televizyon, Reklam, Pazarlama, Medya Planlama, Medya İzleme ve Ölçümleme, TİAK (Televizyon İzleme Araştırma Kurulu)

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Study on Transmedia Awareness of Traditional Media Audiences and Social Media Users in Turkey and Ukraine

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism

The theory of mediatization focuses on discussions on the intertwining of the media with social i... more The theory of mediatization focuses on discussions on the intertwining of the media with social institutions such as politics, family and religion, influencing and being affected by these structures. In general, mediatization refers to the social and cultural process in which a field or institution becomes to some extent dependent on the logic of the media (Hjarvard, 2011). Hjarvard draws attention to the processes of mediatization as a concept by cultural and social phenomena through the media, and their symbolic content is more or less under the influence of the media. The media is determinative on the fictional world with it produces and, on its audience (consumers). It influences, directs and shapes them through the discourse it produces. Mediatization is an important issue in the context of media literacy and especially transmedia methods. Because transmedia content practices and methods increase the mediatization effect and affect the orientations of the individual and society...

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Study on Transmedia Awareness of Traditional Media Audiences and Social Media Users in Turkey and Ukraine

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism

The theory of mediatization focuses on discussions on the intertwining of the media with social i... more The theory of mediatization focuses on discussions on the intertwining of the media with social institutions such as politics, family and religion, influencing and being affected by these structures. In general, mediatization refers to the social and cultural process in which a field or institution becomes to some extent dependent on the logic of the media (Hjarvard, 2011). Hjarvard draws attention to the processes of mediatization as a concept by cultural and social phenomena through the media, and their symbolic content is more or less under the influence of the media. The media is determinative on the fictional world with it produces and, on its audience (consumers). It influences, directs and shapes them through the discourse it produces. Mediatization is an important issue in the context of media literacy and especially transmedia methods. Because transmedia content practices and methods increase the mediatization effect and affect the orientations of the individual and society...

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Study on Transmedia Awareness of Traditional Media Audiences and Social Media Users in Turkey and Ukraine


The theory of mediatization focuses on discussions on the intertwining of the media with social i... more The theory of mediatization focuses on discussions on the intertwining of the media with social institutions such as politics, family and religion, influencing and being affected by these structures. In general, mediatization refers to the social and cultural process in which a field or institution becomes to some extent dependent on the logic of the media (Hjarvard, 2011). Hjarvard draws attention to the processes of mediatization as a concept by cultural and social phenomena through the media, and their symbolic content is more or less under the influence of the media. The media is determinative on the fictional world with it produces and, on its audience (consumers). It influences, directs and shapes them through the discourse it produces. Mediatization is an important issue in the context of media literacy and especially transmedia methods. Because transmedia content practices and methods increase the mediatization effect and affect the orientations of the individual and society...

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Research paper thumbnail of Medya Sektöründe Çalışma İlişkileri Sorunları ve İletişim Hakkına Etkisi

In the changing and flourishing conditions of our world now we're respiring in the vital univ... more In the changing and flourishing conditions of our world now we're respiring in the vital universe which is shaped partly by the mass media phenomena. The importance of mass media messages is certain within our decisions which are directly related to our lives. Sometimes we question the messages which salute us by means of mass media channels and sometimes we hurry into the following one without questioning as if the mass media production process competing with the rate of its natural outputs. The main concept of mass media that we internalize in our vital universe and we demand the products of which produced without considering, today faces us the concept of "the right of communication" as a consequence of its natural process and it gains importance as a natural human right. Today in the mass media relations conditions of this right's operability is being discussed and the importance of individuals utilizing mass media equally, democratically, participatorily is be...

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Study on Transmedia Awareness of Traditional Media Audiences and Social Media Users in Turkey and Ukraine


The theory of mediatization focuses on discussions on the intertwining of the media with social i... more The theory of mediatization focuses on discussions on the intertwining of the media with social institutions such as politics, family and religion, influencing and being affected by these structures. In general, mediatization refers to the social and cultural process in which a field or institution becomes to some extent dependent on the logic of the media (Hjarvard, 2011). Hjarvard draws attention to the processes of mediatization as a concept by cultural and social phenomena through the media, and their symbolic content is more or less under the influence of the media. The media is determinative on the fictional world with it produces and, on its audience (consumers). It influences, directs and shapes them through the discourse it produces. Mediatization is an important issue in the context of media literacy and especially transmedia methods. Because transmedia content practices and methods increase the mediatization effect and affect the orientations of the individual and society, especially when it comes to inadequacy in the context of media literacy. Therefore, this study focused on the awareness of the audience (consumers) about transmedia applications. It is seen that the studies conducted in the field of transmedia have developed in terms of content production methods, strategies and audience engagement. It is understood that there are not enough studies on subjects such as audience impacts or audience awareness. In this context and in this study, the competence of multimedia viewers who use social media and follow a traditional media tool to understand and be aware of the content transitions between different media tools has been examined. The television channel was chosen as the traditional media medium for the research study due to its widespread viewing.

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Research paper thumbnail of Radyo ve Televizyonda Reklama Bağımlılık ve Kuralsız Pazar Düzeni

Marmara İletişim Dergisi, 2007

Anahtar Kelimeler Radyo ve Televizyon, Reklam, Pazarlama, Medya Planlama, Medya İzleme ve Ölçümle... more Anahtar Kelimeler
Radyo ve Televizyon, Reklam, Pazarlama, Medya Planlama, Medya İzleme ve Ölçümleme, TİAK (Televizyon İzleme Araştırma Kurulu)

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Research paper thumbnail of Think Twice Conference 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Medya(nın) Ekonomisi ve Medya Ürününe Etki Biçimleri

GSU İletişim, Jan 8, 2005

Medya ürünü, kitle iletişim endüstrisinin üretim biçimlerinin belirleyiciliğiyle oluşmaktadır ve ... more Medya ürünü, kitle iletişim endüstrisinin üretim biçimlerinin belirleyiciliğiyle oluşmaktadır ve bu endüstrinin üreticisi kitle iletişim araçları içinde bulundukları siyasal ekonomik koşullara bağımlıdırlar. Toplumsallaşmanın önemli etkenlerinden biri olan medya ürünlerinin üretim koşullarının, hangi üretim ilişkileri sürecinden geçerek belirlendiği doğal olarak toplumun her kesimini ilgilendirir. Üretimin doğasından ya da mülkiyet ilişkilerinin belirleyiciliğinden kaynaklanan etkiler yoluyla üretilen medya ve medyanın ürünleri tüketim pazarına sunulur. Kitlesellik unsuru taşıyan medyanın ticari metaları, kendileri gibi bu ürünleri tüketen herkesi birörnekleştiriyor. Kitle iletişimi şirketleri, bilginin küresel köyünü değil, ulaşılmaz servetlerle donanmış ve egemen karakterini ortaya koymuş üretim ve mülkiyet ilişkileri köyünü inşa ediyorlar. Medya içinde bulunduğu siyasal ekonominin inşasında ve kendini bu süreç içinde yeniden üretmekte önemli bir kitle iletişim üretim ve dağıtım ekonomisi rolünü gerçekleştiriyor. Medya mesajları/ürünleri hangi etki süreçleri içinde hazırlanır? Medya bilinç yönetimi işlevini, hangi koşullar kümesinin etkisiyle gerçekleştirir? Bu çalışma, amaçlı ve örgütlü medya ekonomisini ve bu ekonomiyi oluşturan üretim ilişkilerinin medya ürünleri üzerindeki etkenlerini eleştirel bir yaklaşımla ele almıştır. Makalede kuramsal olarak medya ekonomisi ele alınmış ve medya üretim ilişkileri sürecinde; medya ürünlerinin biçimlenişine, üretim ilişkileri ve siyasal ekonomik yapının etkileri yönüyle değinilmiştir. Medya üretim ilişkileri sürecinin, medyanın içinde bulunduğu siyasal ekonomik yapıdan bağımsız hareket etmediği, hatta gerçekleştirdiği üretim faaliyetleriyle siyasal ekonomik yapıyı desteklediği belirlenmiştir. Medya üretim ilişkileri sürecinde meta olarak ürün üretildiği kadar, toplumun bilinci ve kendini üretmesi de üretilir. Dolayısıyla bu üretim ilişkileri biçiminin niteliğinin değerlendirilmesi, gerçek anlamda medyanın toplumu nasıl etkilediğinin de belirlenmesi açısından yol göstericidir.

Anahtar Kelimeler
medya ekonomisi, medya ürünü, kitle iletişimi, medya üretim süreci, medya pazarı

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Research paper thumbnail of Basın Mesleğinde Oto-Kontrol ve Ülkemizdeki Durum

Galatasaray Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 1996

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Research paper thumbnail of TİAK, RİAK ve Radyo-Televizyon Yayıncılık Pazarı

Pi Pazarlama ve İletişim Kültürü Dergisi, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Transformation of Traditional Media in Turkey: Are Global Media Organizations Preventing Transformation?

Media, Power and Empowerment: Central and Eastern European Communication and Media Conference CEECOM Prague, 2012

Neoliberal economic policies and the process of globalisation became important features of the gl... more Neoliberal economic policies and the process of globalisation became important features of the global political and economic order in the 1980s. Whereas before the 1980, markets were predominantly under the control of national state structures, today the world markets are ruled mainly by global corporations. Similarly, media markets that were under the control of nation states have also been transformed; they have been opened to global enterprises under the political and economic practice of liberalisation. Today, the international hegemony of global media and advertising corporations that purchase advertising space and sell content now determines the markets of developing countries, one of which is Turkey. The paper researches the transformation of the traditional media in Turkey and explores the working models of global media and international advertising networks.

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Research paper thumbnail of Blogs, Political Participation and the Case of Turkey

Proceedings - The Role of the New Media in Journalism, 2011

In this work, we examine the roles and functions of new information and communication technologie... more In this work, we examine the roles and functions of new information and communication technologies, especially political blogs, in overcoming the crisis of representative democracy. Although new media, and in particular, social media has important transformative potential, we have yet to see any radical change in Turkish political life as a result of the internet or social media. In a conservative political sphere and with highly conventional political actors and deeply divided public opinion political blogs have not been able to dramatically affect political participation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Journal of Media Critiques COMING Special Issue

Journal of Media Critiques, June 2015 doi: 10.17349/jmc115100 Coming Special Issue 4 - 2015 www.m...[ more ](;)Journal of Media Critiques, June 2015
doi: 10.17349/jmc115100
Coming Special Issue 4 - 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Journal of Media Critiques Vol.1 No.1 June 2015

TABLE OF CONTENTS Bollywoodization of Foreign Policy: How Film Discourse Portrays Tension betw... more TABLE OF CONTENTS

Bollywoodization of Foreign Policy: How Film Discourse Portrays Tension between States 11
An Essay on Actor, Actress in Turkish Cinema, Human Ans Sector Ethics in the 21st Century 29
Digital Media Platforms and Education: The Uses of Social Networking in the UAE and China 47
Are you cup of joking? : The “latte salute”, American President Barack Obama’s Visual Rhetoric 91
Advertising in Virtual Worlds: The Example of Second Life 103
Semiotic Analysis of E-Newspapers Interface Views within the Scope of Advertisements 117
Interactivity and Political Communication: New Media Tools and their Impact on Public Political Communication 131
Uses and Effects of Myspace among Christian Teens and Young Adult 145
A Narrative Criticism of Lifestyle Reality Programs 167

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Research paper thumbnail of Digital Communication Impact 2014 Istanbul

by Elif şevik, Nurhan Yel, Gülsüm Çalışır, Goroshko Olena, Bahar Soğukkuyu, Can Bilgili, Simge Kurban Özselçuk, Sedat Özel, Tüba Karahisar, Hasret Aktaş, and Yusuf B A H A D I R Doğru

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Research paper thumbnail of ThinkTwice 2 Istanbul

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Research paper thumbnail of Radyo ve Televizyonda Reklama Bağımlılık ve Kuralsız Pazar Düzeni

Marmara iletişim dergisi, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Medya Sektöründe Çalışma İlişkileri Sorunları ve İletişim Hakkına Etkisi

Galatasaray Üniversitesi iletişim dergisi, Apr 1, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Transmedia Awareness of the Media Audience (Ukrainian-Turkish Contexts)

Social Communications: Theory and Practice

The article depicts transmedia projects in Turkey and Ukraine. The main focus concentrates on the... more The article depicts transmedia projects in Turkey and Ukraine. The main focus concentrates on the competencies of transmedia audiences. The research objective is to examine the awareness level of television audiences about transmedia on various social media platforms. The research methods and techniques include the Ukrainian expert interviews and the data obtained through online survey. The sample includes 561 Turkish and 356 Ukrainian media consumers. Results reveal that Ukrainian media consumers, who state that they obtain the truth through social media, reject television as a source of trustworthy information. Turkish media consumers demonstrate that they tend to take reality from television as it is, although they accept the TV content as a fiction. As the time allocated to social media increases, it is clear that especially Turkish media consumers' trust in television decreases, and they find social media more reputable in the truth widespread. The similar situation is clea...

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Research paper thumbnail of Radyo ve Televizyonda Reklama Bağımlılık ve Kuralsız Pazar Düzeni

Anahtar Kelimeler Radyo ve Televizyon, Reklam, Pazarlama, Medya Planlama, Medya İzleme ve Ölçümle... more Anahtar Kelimeler Radyo ve Televizyon, Reklam, Pazarlama, Medya Planlama, Medya İzleme ve Ölçümleme, TİAK (Televizyon İzleme Araştırma Kurulu)

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Study on Transmedia Awareness of Traditional Media Audiences and Social Media Users in Turkey and Ukraine

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism

The theory of mediatization focuses on discussions on the intertwining of the media with social i... more The theory of mediatization focuses on discussions on the intertwining of the media with social institutions such as politics, family and religion, influencing and being affected by these structures. In general, mediatization refers to the social and cultural process in which a field or institution becomes to some extent dependent on the logic of the media (Hjarvard, 2011). Hjarvard draws attention to the processes of mediatization as a concept by cultural and social phenomena through the media, and their symbolic content is more or less under the influence of the media. The media is determinative on the fictional world with it produces and, on its audience (consumers). It influences, directs and shapes them through the discourse it produces. Mediatization is an important issue in the context of media literacy and especially transmedia methods. Because transmedia content practices and methods increase the mediatization effect and affect the orientations of the individual and society...

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Study on Transmedia Awareness of Traditional Media Audiences and Social Media Users in Turkey and Ukraine

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism

The theory of mediatization focuses on discussions on the intertwining of the media with social i... more The theory of mediatization focuses on discussions on the intertwining of the media with social institutions such as politics, family and religion, influencing and being affected by these structures. In general, mediatization refers to the social and cultural process in which a field or institution becomes to some extent dependent on the logic of the media (Hjarvard, 2011). Hjarvard draws attention to the processes of mediatization as a concept by cultural and social phenomena through the media, and their symbolic content is more or less under the influence of the media. The media is determinative on the fictional world with it produces and, on its audience (consumers). It influences, directs and shapes them through the discourse it produces. Mediatization is an important issue in the context of media literacy and especially transmedia methods. Because transmedia content practices and methods increase the mediatization effect and affect the orientations of the individual and society...

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Study on Transmedia Awareness of Traditional Media Audiences and Social Media Users in Turkey and Ukraine


The theory of mediatization focuses on discussions on the intertwining of the media with social i... more The theory of mediatization focuses on discussions on the intertwining of the media with social institutions such as politics, family and religion, influencing and being affected by these structures. In general, mediatization refers to the social and cultural process in which a field or institution becomes to some extent dependent on the logic of the media (Hjarvard, 2011). Hjarvard draws attention to the processes of mediatization as a concept by cultural and social phenomena through the media, and their symbolic content is more or less under the influence of the media. The media is determinative on the fictional world with it produces and, on its audience (consumers). It influences, directs and shapes them through the discourse it produces. Mediatization is an important issue in the context of media literacy and especially transmedia methods. Because transmedia content practices and methods increase the mediatization effect and affect the orientations of the individual and society...

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Research paper thumbnail of Medya Sektöründe Çalışma İlişkileri Sorunları ve İletişim Hakkına Etkisi

In the changing and flourishing conditions of our world now we're respiring in the vital univ... more In the changing and flourishing conditions of our world now we're respiring in the vital universe which is shaped partly by the mass media phenomena. The importance of mass media messages is certain within our decisions which are directly related to our lives. Sometimes we question the messages which salute us by means of mass media channels and sometimes we hurry into the following one without questioning as if the mass media production process competing with the rate of its natural outputs. The main concept of mass media that we internalize in our vital universe and we demand the products of which produced without considering, today faces us the concept of "the right of communication" as a consequence of its natural process and it gains importance as a natural human right. Today in the mass media relations conditions of this right's operability is being discussed and the importance of individuals utilizing mass media equally, democratically, participatorily is be...

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Study on Transmedia Awareness of Traditional Media Audiences and Social Media Users in Turkey and Ukraine


The theory of mediatization focuses on discussions on the intertwining of the media with social i... more The theory of mediatization focuses on discussions on the intertwining of the media with social institutions such as politics, family and religion, influencing and being affected by these structures. In general, mediatization refers to the social and cultural process in which a field or institution becomes to some extent dependent on the logic of the media (Hjarvard, 2011). Hjarvard draws attention to the processes of mediatization as a concept by cultural and social phenomena through the media, and their symbolic content is more or less under the influence of the media. The media is determinative on the fictional world with it produces and, on its audience (consumers). It influences, directs and shapes them through the discourse it produces. Mediatization is an important issue in the context of media literacy and especially transmedia methods. Because transmedia content practices and methods increase the mediatization effect and affect the orientations of the individual and society, especially when it comes to inadequacy in the context of media literacy. Therefore, this study focused on the awareness of the audience (consumers) about transmedia applications. It is seen that the studies conducted in the field of transmedia have developed in terms of content production methods, strategies and audience engagement. It is understood that there are not enough studies on subjects such as audience impacts or audience awareness. In this context and in this study, the competence of multimedia viewers who use social media and follow a traditional media tool to understand and be aware of the content transitions between different media tools has been examined. The television channel was chosen as the traditional media medium for the research study due to its widespread viewing.

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Research paper thumbnail of Radyo ve Televizyonda Reklama Bağımlılık ve Kuralsız Pazar Düzeni

Marmara İletişim Dergisi, 2007

Anahtar Kelimeler Radyo ve Televizyon, Reklam, Pazarlama, Medya Planlama, Medya İzleme ve Ölçümle... more Anahtar Kelimeler
Radyo ve Televizyon, Reklam, Pazarlama, Medya Planlama, Medya İzleme ve Ölçümleme, TİAK (Televizyon İzleme Araştırma Kurulu)

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Research paper thumbnail of Think Twice Conference 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Medya(nın) Ekonomisi ve Medya Ürününe Etki Biçimleri

GSU İletişim, Jan 8, 2005

Medya ürünü, kitle iletişim endüstrisinin üretim biçimlerinin belirleyiciliğiyle oluşmaktadır ve ... more Medya ürünü, kitle iletişim endüstrisinin üretim biçimlerinin belirleyiciliğiyle oluşmaktadır ve bu endüstrinin üreticisi kitle iletişim araçları içinde bulundukları siyasal ekonomik koşullara bağımlıdırlar. Toplumsallaşmanın önemli etkenlerinden biri olan medya ürünlerinin üretim koşullarının, hangi üretim ilişkileri sürecinden geçerek belirlendiği doğal olarak toplumun her kesimini ilgilendirir. Üretimin doğasından ya da mülkiyet ilişkilerinin belirleyiciliğinden kaynaklanan etkiler yoluyla üretilen medya ve medyanın ürünleri tüketim pazarına sunulur. Kitlesellik unsuru taşıyan medyanın ticari metaları, kendileri gibi bu ürünleri tüketen herkesi birörnekleştiriyor. Kitle iletişimi şirketleri, bilginin küresel köyünü değil, ulaşılmaz servetlerle donanmış ve egemen karakterini ortaya koymuş üretim ve mülkiyet ilişkileri köyünü inşa ediyorlar. Medya içinde bulunduğu siyasal ekonominin inşasında ve kendini bu süreç içinde yeniden üretmekte önemli bir kitle iletişim üretim ve dağıtım ekonomisi rolünü gerçekleştiriyor. Medya mesajları/ürünleri hangi etki süreçleri içinde hazırlanır? Medya bilinç yönetimi işlevini, hangi koşullar kümesinin etkisiyle gerçekleştirir? Bu çalışma, amaçlı ve örgütlü medya ekonomisini ve bu ekonomiyi oluşturan üretim ilişkilerinin medya ürünleri üzerindeki etkenlerini eleştirel bir yaklaşımla ele almıştır. Makalede kuramsal olarak medya ekonomisi ele alınmış ve medya üretim ilişkileri sürecinde; medya ürünlerinin biçimlenişine, üretim ilişkileri ve siyasal ekonomik yapının etkileri yönüyle değinilmiştir. Medya üretim ilişkileri sürecinin, medyanın içinde bulunduğu siyasal ekonomik yapıdan bağımsız hareket etmediği, hatta gerçekleştirdiği üretim faaliyetleriyle siyasal ekonomik yapıyı desteklediği belirlenmiştir. Medya üretim ilişkileri sürecinde meta olarak ürün üretildiği kadar, toplumun bilinci ve kendini üretmesi de üretilir. Dolayısıyla bu üretim ilişkileri biçiminin niteliğinin değerlendirilmesi, gerçek anlamda medyanın toplumu nasıl etkilediğinin de belirlenmesi açısından yol göstericidir.

Anahtar Kelimeler
medya ekonomisi, medya ürünü, kitle iletişimi, medya üretim süreci, medya pazarı

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Research paper thumbnail of Basın Mesleğinde Oto-Kontrol ve Ülkemizdeki Durum

Galatasaray Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 1996

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Research paper thumbnail of TİAK, RİAK ve Radyo-Televizyon Yayıncılık Pazarı

Pi Pazarlama ve İletişim Kültürü Dergisi, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Transformation of Traditional Media in Turkey: Are Global Media Organizations Preventing Transformation?

Media, Power and Empowerment: Central and Eastern European Communication and Media Conference CEECOM Prague, 2012

Neoliberal economic policies and the process of globalisation became important features of the gl... more Neoliberal economic policies and the process of globalisation became important features of the global political and economic order in the 1980s. Whereas before the 1980, markets were predominantly under the control of national state structures, today the world markets are ruled mainly by global corporations. Similarly, media markets that were under the control of nation states have also been transformed; they have been opened to global enterprises under the political and economic practice of liberalisation. Today, the international hegemony of global media and advertising corporations that purchase advertising space and sell content now determines the markets of developing countries, one of which is Turkey. The paper researches the transformation of the traditional media in Turkey and explores the working models of global media and international advertising networks.

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Research paper thumbnail of Blogs, Political Participation and the Case of Turkey

Proceedings - The Role of the New Media in Journalism, 2011

In this work, we examine the roles and functions of new information and communication technologie... more In this work, we examine the roles and functions of new information and communication technologies, especially political blogs, in overcoming the crisis of representative democracy. Although new media, and in particular, social media has important transformative potential, we have yet to see any radical change in Turkish political life as a result of the internet or social media. In a conservative political sphere and with highly conventional political actors and deeply divided public opinion political blogs have not been able to dramatically affect political participation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Journal of Media Critiques COMING Special Issue

Journal of Media Critiques, June 2015 doi: 10.17349/jmc115100 Coming Special Issue 4 - 2015 www.m...[ more ](;)Journal of Media Critiques, June 2015
doi: 10.17349/jmc115100
Coming Special Issue 4 - 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Journal of Media Critiques Vol.1 No.1 June 2015

TABLE OF CONTENTS Bollywoodization of Foreign Policy: How Film Discourse Portrays Tension betw... more TABLE OF CONTENTS

Bollywoodization of Foreign Policy: How Film Discourse Portrays Tension between States 11
An Essay on Actor, Actress in Turkish Cinema, Human Ans Sector Ethics in the 21st Century 29
Digital Media Platforms and Education: The Uses of Social Networking in the UAE and China 47
Are you cup of joking? : The “latte salute”, American President Barack Obama’s Visual Rhetoric 91
Advertising in Virtual Worlds: The Example of Second Life 103
Semiotic Analysis of E-Newspapers Interface Views within the Scope of Advertisements 117
Interactivity and Political Communication: New Media Tools and their Impact on Public Political Communication 131
Uses and Effects of Myspace among Christian Teens and Young Adult 145
A Narrative Criticism of Lifestyle Reality Programs 167

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Research paper thumbnail of Digital Communication Impact 2014 Istanbul

by Elif şevik, Nurhan Yel, Gülsüm Çalışır, Goroshko Olena, Bahar Soğukkuyu, Can Bilgili, Simge Kurban Özselçuk, Sedat Özel, Tüba Karahisar, Hasret Aktaş, and Yusuf B A H A D I R Doğru

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Research paper thumbnail of ThinkTwice 2 Istanbul

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Research paper thumbnail of Yongaların 10000 Yıllık Gizemli Dansı Görsel İletişim & Grafik Tasarımı

Yongaların 10000 Yıllık Gizemli Dansı Görsel İletişim & Grafik Tasarımı, 2006

Konu Başlıkları İnsanlığın Kaderini Etkileyen Yazının Öyküsü Yazının Yaşam Savaşı Uygarlıkların ... more Konu Başlıkları

İnsanlığın Kaderini Etkileyen Yazının Öyküsü
Yazının Yaşam Savaşı
Uygarlıkların Hafızası: Kitaplar
Matbaanın Doğuşu
Ülkemizde Matbaanın Gelişimi
Baskı Teknikleri
Yongaların Dansı: Renkler, Renkli Baskı ve Kağıtlar
İletişim ve Grafik Tasarım
Sayfa Tasarımı ve Uygulamaları

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Research paper thumbnail of KIRILAN KALIPLAR 2- Kültürlerarası İletişim, Çokkültürlülük

Beta Basım Yayım, 2011

İçinde yaşadığımız çağ, pek çok adlandırmanın yanı sıra, tüm toplumsal grupların, kendi kimlik ve... more İçinde yaşadığımız çağ, pek çok adlandırmanın yanı sıra, tüm toplumsal grupların, kendi kimlik ve kültür eksenlerini merkeze alarak, varlık alanlarının yeniden tanzimine yönelik beklentilerini büyük hoparlörlerle dillendirdiği bir ‘talepkarlar çağı olarak da adlandırılabilir. Bu çağın izlerini farklı toplumlarda ve toplumsal katmanlarda takip edebilmek, ortaya çıkardığı yeni ilişki ve iletişim biçimlerini irdeleyebilmekse kitabın ortaya çıkışını tetikleyen ana itkidir. Dünyanın kitle iletişim araçları ve iletişim teknolojileri ile sarmalandığı bir dönemde kitap sosyal bilimlerinin ana ilgi alanları arasında yer alan kültürel sorun ve temaları anlama çalışmalarına iletişim bilimin merceklerini kullanarak katkı vermeyi, konuyu geniş bir skala üzerinden okurunun gündemine taşımayı hedeflemektedir. Bu bağlamda kültürlerarası iletişim ve çokkültürlülük çalışmalarının toplumsal ve toplumlar arası uzlaşı köprülerinin inşasına katkı sunma potansiyeli kitabın temel önkabulleri arasında yer almaktadır.

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Research paper thumbnail of KIRILAN KALIPLAR 1- Kitle İletişimi ve Kültürel Dönüşüm

Beta Basım Yayım, 2011

İçinde yaşadığımız dönem hem kitle iletişim biçimleri ve uygulamaları anlamında hem de kültürün, ... more İçinde yaşadığımız dönem hem kitle iletişim biçimleri ve uygulamaları anlamında hem de kültürün, yaşam biçimlerinin ve toplumsal kurallara ilişkin alışılagelmiş kalıpların bir kez daha kırıldığı bir sürece denk gelmektedir. Duvarların yıkıldığı, toplumlar arası ilişkilerin devletlerin sınırları ötesine geçtiği bu süreçte, ötekini de birlikte yaşamanın, ortak bir geleceğin parçası haline getirme çabasını gösteren yeni toplumsal söylem ve temsiller, kitle iletişim araçlarının hem dönüşümüne denk gelmekte, hem de onun kültür üzerindeki dönüştürücü gücünden etkilenmektedir. Emperyal devletlerin iktidarlarını yıkan, toplumsal otorite kurumlarını değiştiren ve yenilerini üretirken, kitle kültürünü yaratarak, kitlesel iletişimin bir örnek, bütünleştirici üretim gücünden beslenen 20. yüzyılın ulus devleti, kendinden önceki kalıpları nasıl kırdıysa, şimdi kendi kalıplarının kırıldığı bir sürecin içinde bulunuyor. Kültürün korumaya aldığı ulus birlik, kültür tarafından parçalanıyor. Çokuluslu kapitalizm ulusal kültürleri, ulusal ekonomilere yaptığı gibi, kozmopolitleştirerek zayıflatıyor (Eagleton, 2005:77). Yeni süreç ve koşullarda hızla yerini alan yeni medya araçları ve iletişim kurumları, geleneksel olarak yorumlanan mevcut medya araçlarını değişime uğratıyor, yeni iletişim düzeninin kurumları küresel ticari düzenin baskısı altında coğrafi sınırları yok ediyor, bireyselliği teşvik ederken, çok kültürlülüğü toplumsal yaşam içinde var olabilecek düzleme taşıyor. Bu gelişmeler neresinden bakılırsa bakılsın, küresel piyasa politikalarının çıkarlarına hizmet edecek şekilde ulus devlet sınırlarının belirsizleştiği bir döneme denk gelmektedir.

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