Artur Carreiro - (original) (raw)
Papers by Artur Carreiro
Journal of Veterinary Science, 2018
The objective of the present study was to monitor and characterize morphological alterations in o... more The objective of the present study was to monitor and characterize morphological alterations in ovaries of agouti (Dasyprocta prymnolopha), reared in captivity, by using abdominal ultrasonography. All animals underwent daily vaginal cytological examination to identify the current cycle phase. For each phase of the estrous cycle, ultrasound examinations were carried out to identify and describe the morphology of both ovaries. Topographic parameters in an ultrasound window were established to locate the ovaries. The agouti estrous cycle lasted an average of 29.94 ± 6.77 days. During vaginal cytology examinations, all cell types were identified, and each phase of the estrous cycle was established by cell counts. No significant alterations were observed in the assessed ovarian morphometry measurements. In 75% of the animals examined, ovarian follicle presence was observed in the proestrus phase.
Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira
RESUMO: O sagui-de-tufos-brancos (Callithrix jacchus) é um pequeno primata que habita florestas a... more RESUMO: O sagui-de-tufos-brancos (Callithrix jacchus) é um pequeno primata que habita florestas arbustivas da Caatinga e a Mata Atlântica do Nordeste brasileiro. Essa espécie de sagui é muito comum e de fácil adaptação ao cativeiro, aspecto que estimula a captura clandestina desses animais, os quais são vítimas de maus tratos que causam lesões. A falta de conhecimento da anatomia de saguis e outros animais silvestres dificulta a aplicação segura de procedimentos clínicos, cirúrgicos e terapêuticos. O plexo braquial tem sido descrito em algumas espécies animais, porém até o momento não existia descrição em saguis-de-tufos-brancos (Callithrix jacchus). Para estudar o plexo branquial desses animais foram dissecados dez cadáveres de saguis-de-tufos-brancos (Callithrix jacchus) adultos sendo cinco machos e cinco fêmeas. Em todos os animais o plexo braquial originou- se dos nervos espinhais C5, C6, C7, C8 e T1, com poucas variações na origem e nas contribuições dos nervos, em ambos os ant...
Revista Brasileira de Anestesiologia, 2002
Justificativa e Objetivos-Procuramos demonstrar neste estudo a presença constante da fossa infrac... more Justificativa e Objetivos-Procuramos demonstrar neste estudo a presença constante da fossa infraclavicular, com a finalidade de sua utilização como via de acesso para o bloqueio anestésico do plexo braquial por via infraclavicular. Visando solucionar o ponto onde os fascículos do plexo braquial podem ser localizados no interior da fossa, propusemos medidas a partir da face anterior da clavícula e do ângulo formado pelo encontro do músculo deltóide com a clavícula (ângulo deltoclavicular). A primeira medida permite localizar em profundidade o local onde passa o plexo braquial. Já a segunda, determina a projeção dos fascículos dentro da fossa, o que corresponde ao ponto de entrada da agulha na superfície cutânea. Método-Foram efetuadas medidas entre a face anterior da clavícula e os fascículos do plexo braquial, e do ângulo deltoclavicular até a projeção superficial dos fascículos. Com base nos achados anatômicos foi proposta uma técnica de abordagem do plexo braquial por via infraclavicular. Resultados-Foram analisadas 100 regiões infraclaviculares de cadáveres fixados. A fossa infraclavicular foi detectada em 96 casos. Nessas os fascículos do plexo braquial localiza-se totalmente ou parcialmente em 97,9%. A medida aferida entre a face anterior da clavícula e os fascículos do plexo, foi de 2,49 cm e do ângulo deltoclavicular até a projeção superficial dos fascículos estava em 2,21 cm. Conclusões-Os dados obtidos permitem a determinação precisa do ponto de introdução da agulha, a qual, dirigida perpendicular à pele, atinge o plexo braquial sem perigo de provocar pneumotórax ou lesão vascular, possibilitando uma segurança maior aos anestesiologistas, e permitindo a volta da prática do bloqueio do plexo abaixo da clavícula. UNITERMOS-ANATOMIA: plexo braquial; TÉCNICAS ANESTÉSICAS, Regional: bloqueio do plexo braquial SUMMARY Gusmão LCB, Lima JSB, Prates JC-Anatomical Basis for Infraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block Background and Objectives-This study shows the constant infraclavicular fossa presence, aiming at using it as a pathway for infraclavicular brachial plexus block. Determining the point where brachial plexus fascicles may be located within the fossa, the authors have proposed measurements from the anterior surface of the clavicle and the angle formed by the deltoid muscle and the clavicle (deltoclavicular angle). The first measurement allows the in-depth location of the site crossed by the brachial plexus. The second determines fascicles projection within the fossa, corresponding to the needle insertion point on the skin. Methods-Measurements were made between the anterior surface of the clavicle and brachial plexus fascicles, and from the deltoclavicular angle to superficial fascicles projection. Based on the anatomic findings a technique of infraclavicular brachial plexus approach was proposed. Results-A hundred infraclavicular regions in cadavers were analyzed. Infraclavicular fossa was detected in 96 cases where brachial plexus fascicles were totally or partially (97.9%) located. The distance between the anterior surface of the clavicle and brachial plexus fascicles was in average of 2.49 cm and from the deltoclavicular angle to superficial fascicles projection was 2.21 cm. Conclusions-Values obtained allow for the precise location of the needle insertion point which, when perpendicular to the skin, reaches brachial plexus without danger of causing pneumothorax or vascular injury, providing more safety to anesthesiologists and allowing the return to the practice of brachial plexus block below the clavicle.
Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi - Ciências Naturais, 2019
Animais granívoros são frequentemente encontrados entre os mais abundantes em regiões secas. Essa... more Animais granívoros são frequentemente encontrados entre os mais abundantes em regiões secas. Essa estratégia alimentar parece ser bem-sucedida para Coryphospingus pileatus, por conta da disponibilidade, diversidade e estabilidade de sementes. No entanto, a anatomia craniana desta espécie é pouco conhecida. Assim, descrevemos a osteologia craniana de C. pileatus, uma ave granívora-insetívora da região neotropical, bem como aferir seus dados craniométricos, entender um pouco da relação entre o crânio, a alimentação e a ecologia da espécie e identificar características que podem ser usadas em estudos futuros. Foram utilizados quatro espécimes, dissecados, descritos, mensurados, pesados e desenhados. As estruturas observadas no crânio de C. pileatus apresentam particularidades da espécie e características encontradas em outras da ordem Passeriformes. As principias particularidades anatômicas estão no bico, tais como o bico cônico, robusto e com laterais afiadas, associado ao hábito de d...
American Journal of Primatology
Journal of Medical Primatology
Common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) are anthropoid primates belonging to the Cebidae family and... more Common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) are anthropoid primates belonging to the Cebidae family and subfamily Callitrichinae. 1 They are small animals, with weight ranging from 300 to 450 g and that adapt well to life in captivity. 2 They are endemic animals from Brazil, being found in the Amazon forest, southeast and northeast of Brazil. 3 Trafficking wild animals currently represents one of the main threats to the lives of countless animals that make up the Brazilian fauna, including in this situation the common marmosets, which, due to their good adaptation to captivity and small size, have become one of the choices of those who want to raise animals other than domestic ones. The conditions that the animals are put through by the traffic greatly deteriorate their health, as they are kept in tight places, without ventilation and without access to water or food until they reach their final destination. During this process, many of the animals die and others, when
American Journal of Primatology
Research, Society and Development
The increased demand for meat from wild animals for human consumption, as an alternative protein ... more The increased demand for meat from wild animals for human consumption, as an alternative protein source, brings with it the need for research that demonstrates the quality of such product. The technical information about the meat from collared peccaries still needs studies and aiming to collaborate with the already existing knowledge, this research had as its objective to provide subsidies for evaluation of the sanitary quality of the meat from collared peccaries. Twelve animals were used, six males and six females, aged four to five months, from the breeding stock of the Federal Rural University of the Semi-Arid and, after euthanasia by a slaughter technique used in goats, the meat samples were collected through sterile swabs at the locations of the hind leg, loin, belly and axilla of each animal, totaling 48 samples. The maximum mesophilic count found was 1.9 x 103 CFU/ml, the total coliform and thermotolerant coliform counts were below the one determined in the legislation for me...
Acta Veterinaria Brasilica, 2022
Agoutis (Dasyprocta prymnolopha, WAGLER 1831) have been studied in captivity as a potential sourc... more Agoutis (Dasyprocta prymnolopha, WAGLER 1831) have been studied in captivity as a potential source of meat for rural populations in Brazil, as a way of providing low-cost protein and easing hunting pressures in local communities. However, little is known about their physiological blood markers, which are crucial for animal husbandry and effective welfare management. This study provides hemogasometric and ionic venous parameters for female agoutis raised in captivity in the drylands of Brazil. Venous blood samples were collected from six females and analyzed for dissolved gases and ions in the blood. Hemogasometric parameters, especially base excess and anion gap were generally heterogenous, while ions varied little among individuals. Moreover, we observed high chlorine values and negative base excess values, which suggest that some animals might be implementing compensatory mechanisms for ion imbalances. We provide a preliminary note on agouti venous gases and ions, while reiteratin...
Medicina e bem-estar de animais silvestres e exóticos, vol. 1, 2021
Esta obra está licenciada com uma Licença Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.... more Esta obra está licenciada com uma Licença Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0). O conteúdo desta obra e seus dados em sua forma, correção e confiabilidade são de responsabilidade exclusiva dos autores. Permitido o download da obra e o compartilhamento desde que sejam atribuídos créditos aos autores, permitindo-se uso para fins comerciais.
Pubvet, 2018
Os macacos-prego da espécie Sapajus libidinosus são conhecidos como os macacos mais robustos e in... more Os macacos-prego da espécie Sapajus libidinosus são conhecidos como os macacos mais robustos e inteligentes do Novo Mundo, e dentre as espécies neotropicais, é a que apresenta maior distribuição geográfica. Devido a isso e também pelo fácil manuseio e a facilidade de reprodução em cativeiro, o gênero vem sendo utilizado em diversas pesquisas, dada a sua proximidade filogenética com a espécie humana, servindo de modelo biológico em experimentos aplicados a essa espécie, com ampla variedade de pesquisas biomédicas. É uma espécie considerada quase ameaçada no Brasil segundo critérios de avaliação do ICMBio (2012-2014) e o estudo do comportamento animal surge como um meio de pesquisa científica que tem proporcionado importantes contribuições além do estudo do comportamento humano, neurociências, meio ambiente e bem-estar animal, também com a preservação de espécies. Considerando a relevância que a pesquisa do comportamento e biologia animal vem tomando dentro da comunidade científica, esse estudo tem por objetivo uma revisão de literatura acerca da espécie Sapajus libidinosus enfatizando, dentro do tema em questão, sua taxonomia, distribuição geográfica e população, características gerais e adaptações, vida social, alimentação e reprodução. Palavras chave: Cebidae, comportamento animal, preservação de espécies Biological and behavioral aspects of Sapajus libidinosus: Review ABSTRACT. The black striped capuchin monkey of the species Sapajus libidinosus are known as the most robust and intelligent monkeys of the New World, and of the neotropical species, it is the one that presents greater geographical distribution. Due to this and also because of the easy handling and the ease of reproduction in captivity, the genus has been used in several researches, given its phylogenetic proximity to the human species, serving as a biological model in experiments applied to this species, with a wide variety of Biomedical research. It is a species considered almost threatened in Brazil according to ICMBio (2012-2014) evaluation criteria and the study of animal behavior emerges as a means of scientific research that has provided important contributions besides the study of human behavior, neurosciences, environment and animal welfare, also With the preservation of species. Considering the relevance of behavioral research and animal biology within the scientific community, this study aims to review the literature on the species Sapajus libidinosus, emphasizing, within the theme, its taxonomy, geographic distribution and population, general characteristics and adaptations, social life, food and reproduction.
Among the various techniques used for the preservation and management of wild species, biotechniq... more Among the various techniques used for the preservation and management of wild species, biotechniques applied to reproduction are presented as promising alternatives in the conservation of the germplasm of endangered species, as well as providing increasingly detailed data on the reproductive physiology of these species. The present report intends to demonstrate the applicability of the slicing technique in the recovery of postmortem oocytes in a small leopard (Leopardus tigrinus), a victim of trampling, observing the amount of oocytes and their respective morphological degrees for possible cell maturation. A total of 88 oocytes were collected and classified into three grades according to their conformation. The ovarian cutting technique was feasible for the recovery of oocytes in the species and presented a considerable number of ovarian collection in excellent condition, however, it is suggested to carry out additional studies to obtain complementary data.
Journal of Medical Primatology, 2020
Background: The aim of study was to evaluate the efficacy of the supraclavicular brachial plexus ... more Background: The aim of study was to evaluate the efficacy of the supraclavicular brachial plexus block technique in Sapajus libidinosus. Methods: Were used eight animals, which were sedated, anesthetized, kept under hypnosis, and submitted to plexus block using a neurolocalizer. The physiological parameters, the nociception and response threshold (mA), were evaluated before and after the block. The response to electrical stimulation and cutaneous sensitivity were evaluated. The groups were compared by the Tukey or Friedman test at 5%. Results: The technique promoted blockage of the plexus, and movement of the thoracic limb in response to electrical stimulation decreased after 10 minutes. The applied milliampere increased after 5 minutes. The cutaneous sensitivity reflex decreased. The average time of return of spontaneous limb movement exceeded 50 minutes. Conclusions: The use of 5mg/kg of lidocaine 2% promoted loss of cutaneous sensitivity and limb muscle relaxation during the evaluation period.
Animal reproduction, 2017
The use of native wild animals has been an alternative activity for producer income and subsisten... more The use of native wild animals has been an alternative activity for producer income and subsistence in regions that presents many difficulties to have traditional livestock. The agouti is a rodent that has shown efficiency on captivity production, so deeper technics and studies about its reproductive physiology are tools to amplify and optimize its productive scale. The objective of this paper was characterizing ovarian morphological changes in agouti (Dasyprocta primnolopha) species bred in captivity on Patos city, Paraiba, Brazil, by Ultrasonograpy study. The experiment has done in Morphologic Sciences Lab of Veterinary Medicine Academic Unit (UAMV), Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG). The animals were obtained in partnership with NEPAS (Wild Animals Center of Studies and Preservation), in Federal University of Piaui, Teresina-PI. The methodologic protocols were approved by Environment Ministry, SISBIO No 47944-1, and by the UFCG’s Ethic Committee on Animals Use, CEP No 2...
Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira, 2021
ABSTRACT: Leptospirosis is a worldwide zoonosis caused by the bacteria Leptospira spp. that affec... more ABSTRACT: Leptospirosis is a worldwide zoonosis caused by the bacteria Leptospira spp. that affects humans, domestic and wild animals. The present work aimed to conduct a cross-sectional survey for leptospirosis in the canine population of the Brejo Paraibano microregion, semiarid of Northeastern Brazil. From May to October 2017, blood samples from 414 dogs were collected in the counties of Alagoa Grande (n=100), Areia (n=79), Bananeiras (n=72), Alagoa Nova (n=73), Serrraria (n=25), Pilões (n=25), Borborema (n=20) and Matinhas (n=20). The tutors of the sampled dogs answered an epidemiological questionnaire, obtaining information about the animals, owner, residence and breeding of the dogs. Subsequently, the serum samples were subjected to the microscopic agglutination test (MAT), using a collection of 23 serovar pathogenic antigens and using the 1:50 dilution as the cutoff point. Of the 414 dogs analyzed 52 were seroreactive, resulting in an apparent prevalence of 12.6% and a real p...
Bioscience Journal, 2020
Obtaining craniometric data is key to establishing parameters that can help in the anatomic ident... more Obtaining craniometric data is key to establishing parameters that can help in the anatomic identification and understanding of species. The aim of the present study was to establish the craniometric data and describe the main skull bones and structures of Amazona aestiva, which has become common in veterinary clinics, originated from the legalized purchase or trafficking of animals. A total of 20 adult specimens were used, donated for studies by the Paraíba Wild Animal Screening Center (Centro de Triagem de Animais Silvestres da Paraíba (CETAS-PB)/IBAMA-PB, Brazil. The skulls were dissected and macerated with water. First were identified the frontal, maxilla, mandible, nasal, jugal and quadrate bones that served as a base to identify other bone structures that were then compared with the skull of other bird species already described in the literature, especially psitacids. Values were obtained by measuring with a digital pachymeter, and the maximum skull length was 63.0 mm, the max...
Medicina e bem-estar de animais silvestres e exóticos, vol. 1, 2021
Esta obra está licenciada com uma Licença Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.... more Esta obra está licenciada com uma Licença Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0). O conteúdo desta obra e seus dados em sua forma, correção e confiabilidade são de responsabilidade exclusiva dos autores. Permitido o download da obra e o compartilhamento desde que sejam atribuídos créditos aos autores, permitindo-se uso para fins comerciais.
Journal of Veterinary Science, 2018
The objective of the present study was to monitor and characterize morphological alterations in o... more The objective of the present study was to monitor and characterize morphological alterations in ovaries of agouti (Dasyprocta prymnolopha), reared in captivity, by using abdominal ultrasonography. All animals underwent daily vaginal cytological examination to identify the current cycle phase. For each phase of the estrous cycle, ultrasound examinations were carried out to identify and describe the morphology of both ovaries. Topographic parameters in an ultrasound window were established to locate the ovaries. The agouti estrous cycle lasted an average of 29.94 ± 6.77 days. During vaginal cytology examinations, all cell types were identified, and each phase of the estrous cycle was established by cell counts. No significant alterations were observed in the assessed ovarian morphometry measurements. In 75% of the animals examined, ovarian follicle presence was observed in the proestrus phase.
Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira
RESUMO: O sagui-de-tufos-brancos (Callithrix jacchus) é um pequeno primata que habita florestas a... more RESUMO: O sagui-de-tufos-brancos (Callithrix jacchus) é um pequeno primata que habita florestas arbustivas da Caatinga e a Mata Atlântica do Nordeste brasileiro. Essa espécie de sagui é muito comum e de fácil adaptação ao cativeiro, aspecto que estimula a captura clandestina desses animais, os quais são vítimas de maus tratos que causam lesões. A falta de conhecimento da anatomia de saguis e outros animais silvestres dificulta a aplicação segura de procedimentos clínicos, cirúrgicos e terapêuticos. O plexo braquial tem sido descrito em algumas espécies animais, porém até o momento não existia descrição em saguis-de-tufos-brancos (Callithrix jacchus). Para estudar o plexo branquial desses animais foram dissecados dez cadáveres de saguis-de-tufos-brancos (Callithrix jacchus) adultos sendo cinco machos e cinco fêmeas. Em todos os animais o plexo braquial originou- se dos nervos espinhais C5, C6, C7, C8 e T1, com poucas variações na origem e nas contribuições dos nervos, em ambos os ant...
Revista Brasileira de Anestesiologia, 2002
Justificativa e Objetivos-Procuramos demonstrar neste estudo a presença constante da fossa infrac... more Justificativa e Objetivos-Procuramos demonstrar neste estudo a presença constante da fossa infraclavicular, com a finalidade de sua utilização como via de acesso para o bloqueio anestésico do plexo braquial por via infraclavicular. Visando solucionar o ponto onde os fascículos do plexo braquial podem ser localizados no interior da fossa, propusemos medidas a partir da face anterior da clavícula e do ângulo formado pelo encontro do músculo deltóide com a clavícula (ângulo deltoclavicular). A primeira medida permite localizar em profundidade o local onde passa o plexo braquial. Já a segunda, determina a projeção dos fascículos dentro da fossa, o que corresponde ao ponto de entrada da agulha na superfície cutânea. Método-Foram efetuadas medidas entre a face anterior da clavícula e os fascículos do plexo braquial, e do ângulo deltoclavicular até a projeção superficial dos fascículos. Com base nos achados anatômicos foi proposta uma técnica de abordagem do plexo braquial por via infraclavicular. Resultados-Foram analisadas 100 regiões infraclaviculares de cadáveres fixados. A fossa infraclavicular foi detectada em 96 casos. Nessas os fascículos do plexo braquial localiza-se totalmente ou parcialmente em 97,9%. A medida aferida entre a face anterior da clavícula e os fascículos do plexo, foi de 2,49 cm e do ângulo deltoclavicular até a projeção superficial dos fascículos estava em 2,21 cm. Conclusões-Os dados obtidos permitem a determinação precisa do ponto de introdução da agulha, a qual, dirigida perpendicular à pele, atinge o plexo braquial sem perigo de provocar pneumotórax ou lesão vascular, possibilitando uma segurança maior aos anestesiologistas, e permitindo a volta da prática do bloqueio do plexo abaixo da clavícula. UNITERMOS-ANATOMIA: plexo braquial; TÉCNICAS ANESTÉSICAS, Regional: bloqueio do plexo braquial SUMMARY Gusmão LCB, Lima JSB, Prates JC-Anatomical Basis for Infraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block Background and Objectives-This study shows the constant infraclavicular fossa presence, aiming at using it as a pathway for infraclavicular brachial plexus block. Determining the point where brachial plexus fascicles may be located within the fossa, the authors have proposed measurements from the anterior surface of the clavicle and the angle formed by the deltoid muscle and the clavicle (deltoclavicular angle). The first measurement allows the in-depth location of the site crossed by the brachial plexus. The second determines fascicles projection within the fossa, corresponding to the needle insertion point on the skin. Methods-Measurements were made between the anterior surface of the clavicle and brachial plexus fascicles, and from the deltoclavicular angle to superficial fascicles projection. Based on the anatomic findings a technique of infraclavicular brachial plexus approach was proposed. Results-A hundred infraclavicular regions in cadavers were analyzed. Infraclavicular fossa was detected in 96 cases where brachial plexus fascicles were totally or partially (97.9%) located. The distance between the anterior surface of the clavicle and brachial plexus fascicles was in average of 2.49 cm and from the deltoclavicular angle to superficial fascicles projection was 2.21 cm. Conclusions-Values obtained allow for the precise location of the needle insertion point which, when perpendicular to the skin, reaches brachial plexus without danger of causing pneumothorax or vascular injury, providing more safety to anesthesiologists and allowing the return to the practice of brachial plexus block below the clavicle.
Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi - Ciências Naturais, 2019
Animais granívoros são frequentemente encontrados entre os mais abundantes em regiões secas. Essa... more Animais granívoros são frequentemente encontrados entre os mais abundantes em regiões secas. Essa estratégia alimentar parece ser bem-sucedida para Coryphospingus pileatus, por conta da disponibilidade, diversidade e estabilidade de sementes. No entanto, a anatomia craniana desta espécie é pouco conhecida. Assim, descrevemos a osteologia craniana de C. pileatus, uma ave granívora-insetívora da região neotropical, bem como aferir seus dados craniométricos, entender um pouco da relação entre o crânio, a alimentação e a ecologia da espécie e identificar características que podem ser usadas em estudos futuros. Foram utilizados quatro espécimes, dissecados, descritos, mensurados, pesados e desenhados. As estruturas observadas no crânio de C. pileatus apresentam particularidades da espécie e características encontradas em outras da ordem Passeriformes. As principias particularidades anatômicas estão no bico, tais como o bico cônico, robusto e com laterais afiadas, associado ao hábito de d...
American Journal of Primatology
Journal of Medical Primatology
Common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) are anthropoid primates belonging to the Cebidae family and... more Common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) are anthropoid primates belonging to the Cebidae family and subfamily Callitrichinae. 1 They are small animals, with weight ranging from 300 to 450 g and that adapt well to life in captivity. 2 They are endemic animals from Brazil, being found in the Amazon forest, southeast and northeast of Brazil. 3 Trafficking wild animals currently represents one of the main threats to the lives of countless animals that make up the Brazilian fauna, including in this situation the common marmosets, which, due to their good adaptation to captivity and small size, have become one of the choices of those who want to raise animals other than domestic ones. The conditions that the animals are put through by the traffic greatly deteriorate their health, as they are kept in tight places, without ventilation and without access to water or food until they reach their final destination. During this process, many of the animals die and others, when
American Journal of Primatology
Research, Society and Development
The increased demand for meat from wild animals for human consumption, as an alternative protein ... more The increased demand for meat from wild animals for human consumption, as an alternative protein source, brings with it the need for research that demonstrates the quality of such product. The technical information about the meat from collared peccaries still needs studies and aiming to collaborate with the already existing knowledge, this research had as its objective to provide subsidies for evaluation of the sanitary quality of the meat from collared peccaries. Twelve animals were used, six males and six females, aged four to five months, from the breeding stock of the Federal Rural University of the Semi-Arid and, after euthanasia by a slaughter technique used in goats, the meat samples were collected through sterile swabs at the locations of the hind leg, loin, belly and axilla of each animal, totaling 48 samples. The maximum mesophilic count found was 1.9 x 103 CFU/ml, the total coliform and thermotolerant coliform counts were below the one determined in the legislation for me...
Acta Veterinaria Brasilica, 2022
Agoutis (Dasyprocta prymnolopha, WAGLER 1831) have been studied in captivity as a potential sourc... more Agoutis (Dasyprocta prymnolopha, WAGLER 1831) have been studied in captivity as a potential source of meat for rural populations in Brazil, as a way of providing low-cost protein and easing hunting pressures in local communities. However, little is known about their physiological blood markers, which are crucial for animal husbandry and effective welfare management. This study provides hemogasometric and ionic venous parameters for female agoutis raised in captivity in the drylands of Brazil. Venous blood samples were collected from six females and analyzed for dissolved gases and ions in the blood. Hemogasometric parameters, especially base excess and anion gap were generally heterogenous, while ions varied little among individuals. Moreover, we observed high chlorine values and negative base excess values, which suggest that some animals might be implementing compensatory mechanisms for ion imbalances. We provide a preliminary note on agouti venous gases and ions, while reiteratin...
Medicina e bem-estar de animais silvestres e exóticos, vol. 1, 2021
Esta obra está licenciada com uma Licença Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.... more Esta obra está licenciada com uma Licença Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0). O conteúdo desta obra e seus dados em sua forma, correção e confiabilidade são de responsabilidade exclusiva dos autores. Permitido o download da obra e o compartilhamento desde que sejam atribuídos créditos aos autores, permitindo-se uso para fins comerciais.
Pubvet, 2018
Os macacos-prego da espécie Sapajus libidinosus são conhecidos como os macacos mais robustos e in... more Os macacos-prego da espécie Sapajus libidinosus são conhecidos como os macacos mais robustos e inteligentes do Novo Mundo, e dentre as espécies neotropicais, é a que apresenta maior distribuição geográfica. Devido a isso e também pelo fácil manuseio e a facilidade de reprodução em cativeiro, o gênero vem sendo utilizado em diversas pesquisas, dada a sua proximidade filogenética com a espécie humana, servindo de modelo biológico em experimentos aplicados a essa espécie, com ampla variedade de pesquisas biomédicas. É uma espécie considerada quase ameaçada no Brasil segundo critérios de avaliação do ICMBio (2012-2014) e o estudo do comportamento animal surge como um meio de pesquisa científica que tem proporcionado importantes contribuições além do estudo do comportamento humano, neurociências, meio ambiente e bem-estar animal, também com a preservação de espécies. Considerando a relevância que a pesquisa do comportamento e biologia animal vem tomando dentro da comunidade científica, esse estudo tem por objetivo uma revisão de literatura acerca da espécie Sapajus libidinosus enfatizando, dentro do tema em questão, sua taxonomia, distribuição geográfica e população, características gerais e adaptações, vida social, alimentação e reprodução. Palavras chave: Cebidae, comportamento animal, preservação de espécies Biological and behavioral aspects of Sapajus libidinosus: Review ABSTRACT. The black striped capuchin monkey of the species Sapajus libidinosus are known as the most robust and intelligent monkeys of the New World, and of the neotropical species, it is the one that presents greater geographical distribution. Due to this and also because of the easy handling and the ease of reproduction in captivity, the genus has been used in several researches, given its phylogenetic proximity to the human species, serving as a biological model in experiments applied to this species, with a wide variety of Biomedical research. It is a species considered almost threatened in Brazil according to ICMBio (2012-2014) evaluation criteria and the study of animal behavior emerges as a means of scientific research that has provided important contributions besides the study of human behavior, neurosciences, environment and animal welfare, also With the preservation of species. Considering the relevance of behavioral research and animal biology within the scientific community, this study aims to review the literature on the species Sapajus libidinosus, emphasizing, within the theme, its taxonomy, geographic distribution and population, general characteristics and adaptations, social life, food and reproduction.
Among the various techniques used for the preservation and management of wild species, biotechniq... more Among the various techniques used for the preservation and management of wild species, biotechniques applied to reproduction are presented as promising alternatives in the conservation of the germplasm of endangered species, as well as providing increasingly detailed data on the reproductive physiology of these species. The present report intends to demonstrate the applicability of the slicing technique in the recovery of postmortem oocytes in a small leopard (Leopardus tigrinus), a victim of trampling, observing the amount of oocytes and their respective morphological degrees for possible cell maturation. A total of 88 oocytes were collected and classified into three grades according to their conformation. The ovarian cutting technique was feasible for the recovery of oocytes in the species and presented a considerable number of ovarian collection in excellent condition, however, it is suggested to carry out additional studies to obtain complementary data.
Journal of Medical Primatology, 2020
Background: The aim of study was to evaluate the efficacy of the supraclavicular brachial plexus ... more Background: The aim of study was to evaluate the efficacy of the supraclavicular brachial plexus block technique in Sapajus libidinosus. Methods: Were used eight animals, which were sedated, anesthetized, kept under hypnosis, and submitted to plexus block using a neurolocalizer. The physiological parameters, the nociception and response threshold (mA), were evaluated before and after the block. The response to electrical stimulation and cutaneous sensitivity were evaluated. The groups were compared by the Tukey or Friedman test at 5%. Results: The technique promoted blockage of the plexus, and movement of the thoracic limb in response to electrical stimulation decreased after 10 minutes. The applied milliampere increased after 5 minutes. The cutaneous sensitivity reflex decreased. The average time of return of spontaneous limb movement exceeded 50 minutes. Conclusions: The use of 5mg/kg of lidocaine 2% promoted loss of cutaneous sensitivity and limb muscle relaxation during the evaluation period.
Animal reproduction, 2017
The use of native wild animals has been an alternative activity for producer income and subsisten... more The use of native wild animals has been an alternative activity for producer income and subsistence in regions that presents many difficulties to have traditional livestock. The agouti is a rodent that has shown efficiency on captivity production, so deeper technics and studies about its reproductive physiology are tools to amplify and optimize its productive scale. The objective of this paper was characterizing ovarian morphological changes in agouti (Dasyprocta primnolopha) species bred in captivity on Patos city, Paraiba, Brazil, by Ultrasonograpy study. The experiment has done in Morphologic Sciences Lab of Veterinary Medicine Academic Unit (UAMV), Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG). The animals were obtained in partnership with NEPAS (Wild Animals Center of Studies and Preservation), in Federal University of Piaui, Teresina-PI. The methodologic protocols were approved by Environment Ministry, SISBIO No 47944-1, and by the UFCG’s Ethic Committee on Animals Use, CEP No 2...
Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira, 2021
ABSTRACT: Leptospirosis is a worldwide zoonosis caused by the bacteria Leptospira spp. that affec... more ABSTRACT: Leptospirosis is a worldwide zoonosis caused by the bacteria Leptospira spp. that affects humans, domestic and wild animals. The present work aimed to conduct a cross-sectional survey for leptospirosis in the canine population of the Brejo Paraibano microregion, semiarid of Northeastern Brazil. From May to October 2017, blood samples from 414 dogs were collected in the counties of Alagoa Grande (n=100), Areia (n=79), Bananeiras (n=72), Alagoa Nova (n=73), Serrraria (n=25), Pilões (n=25), Borborema (n=20) and Matinhas (n=20). The tutors of the sampled dogs answered an epidemiological questionnaire, obtaining information about the animals, owner, residence and breeding of the dogs. Subsequently, the serum samples were subjected to the microscopic agglutination test (MAT), using a collection of 23 serovar pathogenic antigens and using the 1:50 dilution as the cutoff point. Of the 414 dogs analyzed 52 were seroreactive, resulting in an apparent prevalence of 12.6% and a real p...
Bioscience Journal, 2020
Obtaining craniometric data is key to establishing parameters that can help in the anatomic ident... more Obtaining craniometric data is key to establishing parameters that can help in the anatomic identification and understanding of species. The aim of the present study was to establish the craniometric data and describe the main skull bones and structures of Amazona aestiva, which has become common in veterinary clinics, originated from the legalized purchase or trafficking of animals. A total of 20 adult specimens were used, donated for studies by the Paraíba Wild Animal Screening Center (Centro de Triagem de Animais Silvestres da Paraíba (CETAS-PB)/IBAMA-PB, Brazil. The skulls were dissected and macerated with water. First were identified the frontal, maxilla, mandible, nasal, jugal and quadrate bones that served as a base to identify other bone structures that were then compared with the skull of other bird species already described in the literature, especially psitacids. Values were obtained by measuring with a digital pachymeter, and the maximum skull length was 63.0 mm, the max...
Medicina e bem-estar de animais silvestres e exóticos, vol. 1, 2021
Esta obra está licenciada com uma Licença Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.... more Esta obra está licenciada com uma Licença Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0). O conteúdo desta obra e seus dados em sua forma, correção e confiabilidade são de responsabilidade exclusiva dos autores. Permitido o download da obra e o compartilhamento desde que sejam atribuídos créditos aos autores, permitindo-se uso para fins comerciais.