Coşkun Yarar - (original) (raw)
Papers by Coşkun Yarar
Turkish Journal of Pediatrics
A 16-month-old boy was admitted to the clinic because of vomiting and growth failure. His weight ... more A 16-month-old boy was admitted to the clinic because of vomiting and growth failure. His weight and height measurements were under the fifth percentile. He had fair hair and skin, enlarged wrists and rachitic rosaries. The presence of metabolic alkalosis, hypokalemia, hypochloremia, and high renin and aldosterone levels were suggestive of Bartter syndrome. However, in view of the growth failure, fair hair and skin, proteinuria, polyuria and active rickets, cystinosis was considered. Bone marrow smear examination was normal, despite the existence of suspicious crystals in the cornea. Cystine crystals were seen in the conjunctiva biopsy and increased leukocyte cystine level was measured; therefore, definitive cystinosis diagnosis was made. Renal Fanconi syndrome with metabolic acidosis is prominent in cystinosis; however, in rare instances, if sodium-dependent trans-tubular transport defect is present, patients could have Bartter syndrome findings such as hypochloremic metabolic alka...
The Turkish Journal of Pediatrics
Purpose: Neurologic disorders may be seen in patients with cerebral malformations. The aim of thi... more Purpose: Neurologic disorders may be seen in patients with cerebral malformations. The aim of this study is determining epilepsy and the other contributing disorders in the patients with cerebral malformations using Gross Motor Function Classification Scale (GMFCS) and Bimanual Fine Motor Function Scale (BFMFS) are used to determine motor function. Methods: The clinical and neuroradiologic features of 76 patients with cerebral malformations admitted between the dates December 2011 and May 2012 were evaluated and motor prognosis is determined. Result: The most common associated disorders were mental retardation, epilepsy, language and speech disorders, malnutrition, Cerebral Palsy. Epilepsy was seen at half of the patients, and it was most common in cerebral cortex malformations (P<0.05). GMFCS level 5 was most common associated with cerebral cortex malformations. Most of the patients with cerebral palsy had GMFCS level 5. Oromotor dysfunction was most common in cerebral cortex ma...
Özet Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Çocuk Nörolojisi Bilim Dalı’nda L... more Özet Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Çocuk Nörolojisi Bilim Dalı’nda Lennox-Gastaut sendromu tanısı ile izlenen 20 hastanın klinik özellikleri, tedavi ve seyrinin geriye dönük olarak değerlendirilmesidir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Lennox-Gastaut sendromu tanısı, birden fazla değişik nöbet tipi olması, elektroansefalogramda yaygın, yavaş (<3 Hz/sn) diken-dalga örüntüsünün bulunması, psikomotor gerilik olmasıyla konuldu. Etiolojik neden bulunamayan hastalar idiyopatik olarak tanımlandı. Hastaların doğum öncesi, doğum ve doğum sonrası risk etkenleri, nöbet ve klinik özellikleri, nöromotor gelişimleri, tedavi ve seyir özellikleri değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Hastaların 13’ü erkek, yedisi kız, erkek/kız oranı 1,9 idi. On dokuz hastanın klinik belirtisi vardı. En sık saptanan risk etkeni hipoksik iskemik ansefalopatiydi. Yüzde altmış hastada infantil spazm öyküsü vardı.Tonik, tonik klonik ve atonik-drop atak en sık görülen nöbetler, konuşma bozukluğu ve mikrosefali ise ...
The aim of this study was to make a retrospective descriptive analysis of the features of childre... more The aim of this study was to make a retrospective descriptive analysis of the features of children with acute carbon monoxide poisoning (COP). We evaluated 74 children (43 girls, 31 boys; age range 1 to 17.8 years) who were consecutively admitted to our emergency unit and hospitalized with accidental acute COP between June 2003 and June 2005. All patients received normobaric oxygen therapy until their carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) levels were decreased below 2% and their symptoms resolved. Thirty-eight of 74 patients (51.4%) also received hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy as indicated by signs and symptoms or COHb levels. COHb levels were significantly higher and hospitalization period was longer in the children who had abnormal neurological findings (p<0.05 for both). All patients showed complete recovery without neurological sequelae except one who had visual impairment at discharge, and antiepileptic therapy was started because of epilepsy after seven months. Acute COP is an importan...
Amac: Bu calismada Eskisehir Osmangazi Universitesi Tip Fakultesi, Cocuk Sagligi ve Hastaliklari ... more Amac: Bu calismada Eskisehir Osmangazi Universitesi Tip Fakultesi, Cocuk Sagligi ve Hastaliklari Anabilim Dali’nin Cocuk Noroloji Unitesinde yapilmistir. 1998 ile 2011 yillari arasinda Cocuk Noroloji Bilim dalinda SSPE tanisiyla izlenen 14 hasta retrospektif olarak incelenmistir Purpose: In this study we evalutaed fourten patients retrospectivley that had admitted to Eskisehir Osmangazi University pediatric neurology departmen between the years 1998-2011. Gerec: Hastalarin son norolojik durumu norolojik defisit indeksi(NDI) ile tespit edilmistir. Hastalarin asilama durumu, klinik bulgulari goz bulgulari ve beyin goruntuleme yontemleri degerlendirilmistir. Material: Patient’s last neurologic state is examined by neurologic deficiit index (NDI). Vaccination state, clinical findings, visual findings, cerebral imaging findings are evaluated. Yontemler: Hastaligi evrelerken Jabbour'un siniflamasi kullanildi. Hastalarin BOS inclemesi yapildi, BOS kizamik IgG ve IgM antikorlari IFA y...
TT virus (TTV) is a naked, single stranded DNA virus, which has been discovered in the serum of a... more TT virus (TTV) is a naked, single stranded DNA virus, which has been discovered in the serum of a patient with posttransfusion hepatitis of unknown etiology. TTV is widespread in the population, however, the mode of its transmission is unclear. This study was conducted to search for TTV-DNA positivity rates and its relationship with the clinical outcomes of recipients who underwent multiple blood or blood product transfusion, together with healthy children. TTV-DNA was investigated in 52 multitransfused pediatric patients (age range: 3 mnths - 17.5 yrs, mean age: 9.2 +/- 5.7 years) and 18 healthy children (age range: 1 mnth - 16.5 yrs, mean age: 8.1 +/- 4.9 years), by qualitative in-house semi-nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with the primers NG059, NG061 and NG063, generated from ORF1 region of the viral genome. TTV-DNA was found positive in 30.8% of multitransfused, and 16.7% of healthy children. The differences of TTV-DNA positivity rates between the multitransfused and con...
Children with chronic neurological diseases,including cerebral palsy(CP)are especially susceptibl... more Children with chronic neurological diseases,including cerebral palsy(CP)are especially susceptible to vaccine-preventable infections and face an increased risk of severe respiratory infections and decompensation of their disease.This study aims to examine age-appropriate immunization status and related factors in the CP population of our country. This cross-sectional prospective multicentered survey study included 18 pediatric neurology clinics around Turkey,wherein outpatients children with CP were included in the study.Data on patient and CP characteristics,concomitant disorders as well as vaccination status included in the National Immunization Program(NIP),administration and recommendation of influenza vaccine were collected at a single visit. A total of 1194 patients were enrolled.Regarding immunization records,the most frequently administrated and schedule completed vaccines were BCG(90.8%),hepatitis B(88.9%)and oral poliovirus vaccine (88.5%).MMR was administered to 77.3% and...
features of acute carbon monoxide poisoning and hyperbaric oxygen therapy
Journal of Clinical Research in Pediatric Endocrinology
European Journal of Paediatric Neurology
Turkish Journal of Pediatric Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine
Optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD) measurement is a non-invasive and easy imaging technique for t... more Optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD) measurement is a non-invasive and easy imaging technique for the estimation of intracranial pressure in children and adults. We aimed to measure the ONSD in pediatric patients with head trauma. Methods: In this study, 40 patients with head trauma and ageand sex-matched 40 healthy children were included. Nerve sheath diameter was measured by transorbital sonography. Results: Diameter of the mean optic nerve sheath of the right and left eye of the patients were 0.408±0.064 mm and 0.417±0.065 mm, respectively; both results were higher in patients than in controls. In the right eyes of the patients, the ONSD values had a negative correlation with Glasgow Coma Scale scores. There was a positive correlation between systolic and diastolic blood pressures and optic nerve sheath diameters of patients. Clinical status of the patients at admission and blood pH levels were associated with ONSD. Conclusion: The result of our study indicated that ONSD measurement is a non-invasive technique and can be used easily to estimate increased intracranial pressure in pediatric emergency departments.
Balkan Medical Journal
Background: Chronic disease of children can cause changes in the health-related quality of life (... more Background: Chronic disease of children can cause changes in the health-related quality of life (HrQoL) of the family members. Aims: To evaluate the HrQoL of healthy siblings of children with chronic disease. Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Methods: The study included healthy sibling of children with chronic disease (cerebral palsy, epilepsy, diabetes, celiac disease, hematologic/ oncologic disease, or asthma) and healthy sibling of healthy children to evaluate the quality of life. We used the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory questionnaire; the physical health and psychosocial health scores were calculated using the responses of the sibling and parent. The primary endpoint was the comparison of HrQoL scores of healthy siblings of children with chronic disease and that of healthy siblings of healthy children. Results: This study included a respective healthy sibling of 191 children with chronic disease and healthy sibling of 100 healthy children. The physical health, psychosocial health, and total health scores of healthy siblings of children with chronic disease were significantly lower than that of healthy siblings of healthy children (p<0.001). Among the healthy siblings of children with chronic disease, the lowest psychosocial health score was found in the siblings of children with cerebral palsy, hematologic/oncologic disease, and asthma (p<0.001). The global impact on the quality of life for healthy siblings of children with chronic disease was significantly higher in the self-report of the children than that of the parents (30.4% versus 15.1%, p<0.05). Conclusion: Most healthy siblings of children with chronic disease are physically and psychosocially affected and there is low parental awareness of this condition. This can increase the risk of emotional neglect and abuse of these children. Therefore, special support programs are needed for the families of children with chronic diseases.
European Journal of Paediatric Neurology
Özet: Tüberoskleroz kompleksi, sık görülen, birçok organ ve sistemi etkileyen nörokutanöz hastalı... more Özet: Tüberoskleroz kompleksi, sık görülen, birçok organ ve sistemi etkileyen nörokutanöz hastalıklardan biridir. Neden olduğu epilepsi ve nöropsikiyatrik bozukluklar sonucunda hasta ve ailesi için ciddi sağlık ve sosyal problemler oluşmasına yol açar. Biz bu çalışmada kliniğimizde takip ettiğimiz 27 tüberoskleroz kompleks hastasını sunmayı amaçladık. Retrospektif olarak planlanan bu çalışmada, Çocuk Nörolojisi Kliniği'nde 2000-2005 yılları arasında tüberoskleroz kompleks tanısı ile takip edilen 27 hasta çalışmaya alındı. Hastaların, klinik, laboratuvar ve demografik verileri geriye dönük olarak derlendi. Çalışmaya alınan hastaların 15'i (%55,6) erkek ve 12'si (%44,4)kadın idi. Hastaların tanı almadan önce hastaneye başvuru şikayetlerine bakıldığında, 22 (%81,5) hastanın nöbet geçirme nedeni ile, 4 hastanın (%14,8) hipopigmente döküntü nedeni ile ve bir hastanın (%3,7) karın ağrısı nedeni ile hastaneye başvurduğu görüldü. Nöbet geçiren 13 (%48,1) hastada jeneralize nöbet, 6 hastada infantil spasm(%22,2), 3 hastada(%11,1) fokal nöbet saptandı. Ortalama nöbet geçirme yaşı 28 ±7,2 aydı. Hastalığın diğer bulguları arasında, ciltte hipomelanotik maküller hastaların hepsinde vardı. Dokuz hastada (%33,3) yüzde anjiofibrom vardı. Çalışmamızda hastaların, literatürle uyumlu olarak, en sık nöbet geçirme nedeni ile hastaneye başvurduktan sonra tanı aldıkları görüldü. Ancak karın ağrısı gibi tipik olmayan bir yakınma ile başvuran hastamızda mevcuttu. Görüntüleme yöntemlerinin daha ulaşılabilir olmasına rağmen, tanı yaşının 13 yıla kadar uzadığı tespit edildi. Özellikle nöbet geçiren hastalarda yapılacak cilt muayenesinin, halen tüberoskleroz hastalığının tanısı için en önemli yöntem olduğunu hatırlatmak istiyoruz.
Turkish Journal of Pediatrics
A 16-month-old boy was admitted to the clinic because of vomiting and growth failure. His weight ... more A 16-month-old boy was admitted to the clinic because of vomiting and growth failure. His weight and height measurements were under the fifth percentile. He had fair hair and skin, enlarged wrists and rachitic rosaries. The presence of metabolic alkalosis, hypokalemia, hypochloremia, and high renin and aldosterone levels were suggestive of Bartter syndrome. However, in view of the growth failure, fair hair and skin, proteinuria, polyuria and active rickets, cystinosis was considered. Bone marrow smear examination was normal, despite the existence of suspicious crystals in the cornea. Cystine crystals were seen in the conjunctiva biopsy and increased leukocyte cystine level was measured; therefore, definitive cystinosis diagnosis was made. Renal Fanconi syndrome with metabolic acidosis is prominent in cystinosis; however, in rare instances, if sodium-dependent trans-tubular transport defect is present, patients could have Bartter syndrome findings such as hypochloremic metabolic alka...
The Turkish Journal of Pediatrics
Purpose: Neurologic disorders may be seen in patients with cerebral malformations. The aim of thi... more Purpose: Neurologic disorders may be seen in patients with cerebral malformations. The aim of this study is determining epilepsy and the other contributing disorders in the patients with cerebral malformations using Gross Motor Function Classification Scale (GMFCS) and Bimanual Fine Motor Function Scale (BFMFS) are used to determine motor function. Methods: The clinical and neuroradiologic features of 76 patients with cerebral malformations admitted between the dates December 2011 and May 2012 were evaluated and motor prognosis is determined. Result: The most common associated disorders were mental retardation, epilepsy, language and speech disorders, malnutrition, Cerebral Palsy. Epilepsy was seen at half of the patients, and it was most common in cerebral cortex malformations (P<0.05). GMFCS level 5 was most common associated with cerebral cortex malformations. Most of the patients with cerebral palsy had GMFCS level 5. Oromotor dysfunction was most common in cerebral cortex ma...
Özet Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Çocuk Nörolojisi Bilim Dalı’nda L... more Özet Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Çocuk Nörolojisi Bilim Dalı’nda Lennox-Gastaut sendromu tanısı ile izlenen 20 hastanın klinik özellikleri, tedavi ve seyrinin geriye dönük olarak değerlendirilmesidir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Lennox-Gastaut sendromu tanısı, birden fazla değişik nöbet tipi olması, elektroansefalogramda yaygın, yavaş (<3 Hz/sn) diken-dalga örüntüsünün bulunması, psikomotor gerilik olmasıyla konuldu. Etiolojik neden bulunamayan hastalar idiyopatik olarak tanımlandı. Hastaların doğum öncesi, doğum ve doğum sonrası risk etkenleri, nöbet ve klinik özellikleri, nöromotor gelişimleri, tedavi ve seyir özellikleri değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Hastaların 13’ü erkek, yedisi kız, erkek/kız oranı 1,9 idi. On dokuz hastanın klinik belirtisi vardı. En sık saptanan risk etkeni hipoksik iskemik ansefalopatiydi. Yüzde altmış hastada infantil spazm öyküsü vardı.Tonik, tonik klonik ve atonik-drop atak en sık görülen nöbetler, konuşma bozukluğu ve mikrosefali ise ...
The aim of this study was to make a retrospective descriptive analysis of the features of childre... more The aim of this study was to make a retrospective descriptive analysis of the features of children with acute carbon monoxide poisoning (COP). We evaluated 74 children (43 girls, 31 boys; age range 1 to 17.8 years) who were consecutively admitted to our emergency unit and hospitalized with accidental acute COP between June 2003 and June 2005. All patients received normobaric oxygen therapy until their carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) levels were decreased below 2% and their symptoms resolved. Thirty-eight of 74 patients (51.4%) also received hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy as indicated by signs and symptoms or COHb levels. COHb levels were significantly higher and hospitalization period was longer in the children who had abnormal neurological findings (p<0.05 for both). All patients showed complete recovery without neurological sequelae except one who had visual impairment at discharge, and antiepileptic therapy was started because of epilepsy after seven months. Acute COP is an importan...
Amac: Bu calismada Eskisehir Osmangazi Universitesi Tip Fakultesi, Cocuk Sagligi ve Hastaliklari ... more Amac: Bu calismada Eskisehir Osmangazi Universitesi Tip Fakultesi, Cocuk Sagligi ve Hastaliklari Anabilim Dali’nin Cocuk Noroloji Unitesinde yapilmistir. 1998 ile 2011 yillari arasinda Cocuk Noroloji Bilim dalinda SSPE tanisiyla izlenen 14 hasta retrospektif olarak incelenmistir Purpose: In this study we evalutaed fourten patients retrospectivley that had admitted to Eskisehir Osmangazi University pediatric neurology departmen between the years 1998-2011. Gerec: Hastalarin son norolojik durumu norolojik defisit indeksi(NDI) ile tespit edilmistir. Hastalarin asilama durumu, klinik bulgulari goz bulgulari ve beyin goruntuleme yontemleri degerlendirilmistir. Material: Patient’s last neurologic state is examined by neurologic deficiit index (NDI). Vaccination state, clinical findings, visual findings, cerebral imaging findings are evaluated. Yontemler: Hastaligi evrelerken Jabbour'un siniflamasi kullanildi. Hastalarin BOS inclemesi yapildi, BOS kizamik IgG ve IgM antikorlari IFA y...
TT virus (TTV) is a naked, single stranded DNA virus, which has been discovered in the serum of a... more TT virus (TTV) is a naked, single stranded DNA virus, which has been discovered in the serum of a patient with posttransfusion hepatitis of unknown etiology. TTV is widespread in the population, however, the mode of its transmission is unclear. This study was conducted to search for TTV-DNA positivity rates and its relationship with the clinical outcomes of recipients who underwent multiple blood or blood product transfusion, together with healthy children. TTV-DNA was investigated in 52 multitransfused pediatric patients (age range: 3 mnths - 17.5 yrs, mean age: 9.2 +/- 5.7 years) and 18 healthy children (age range: 1 mnth - 16.5 yrs, mean age: 8.1 +/- 4.9 years), by qualitative in-house semi-nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with the primers NG059, NG061 and NG063, generated from ORF1 region of the viral genome. TTV-DNA was found positive in 30.8% of multitransfused, and 16.7% of healthy children. The differences of TTV-DNA positivity rates between the multitransfused and con...
Children with chronic neurological diseases,including cerebral palsy(CP)are especially susceptibl... more Children with chronic neurological diseases,including cerebral palsy(CP)are especially susceptible to vaccine-preventable infections and face an increased risk of severe respiratory infections and decompensation of their disease.This study aims to examine age-appropriate immunization status and related factors in the CP population of our country. This cross-sectional prospective multicentered survey study included 18 pediatric neurology clinics around Turkey,wherein outpatients children with CP were included in the study.Data on patient and CP characteristics,concomitant disorders as well as vaccination status included in the National Immunization Program(NIP),administration and recommendation of influenza vaccine were collected at a single visit. A total of 1194 patients were enrolled.Regarding immunization records,the most frequently administrated and schedule completed vaccines were BCG(90.8%),hepatitis B(88.9%)and oral poliovirus vaccine (88.5%).MMR was administered to 77.3% and...
features of acute carbon monoxide poisoning and hyperbaric oxygen therapy
Journal of Clinical Research in Pediatric Endocrinology
European Journal of Paediatric Neurology
Turkish Journal of Pediatric Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine
Optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD) measurement is a non-invasive and easy imaging technique for t... more Optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD) measurement is a non-invasive and easy imaging technique for the estimation of intracranial pressure in children and adults. We aimed to measure the ONSD in pediatric patients with head trauma. Methods: In this study, 40 patients with head trauma and ageand sex-matched 40 healthy children were included. Nerve sheath diameter was measured by transorbital sonography. Results: Diameter of the mean optic nerve sheath of the right and left eye of the patients were 0.408±0.064 mm and 0.417±0.065 mm, respectively; both results were higher in patients than in controls. In the right eyes of the patients, the ONSD values had a negative correlation with Glasgow Coma Scale scores. There was a positive correlation between systolic and diastolic blood pressures and optic nerve sheath diameters of patients. Clinical status of the patients at admission and blood pH levels were associated with ONSD. Conclusion: The result of our study indicated that ONSD measurement is a non-invasive technique and can be used easily to estimate increased intracranial pressure in pediatric emergency departments.
Balkan Medical Journal
Background: Chronic disease of children can cause changes in the health-related quality of life (... more Background: Chronic disease of children can cause changes in the health-related quality of life (HrQoL) of the family members. Aims: To evaluate the HrQoL of healthy siblings of children with chronic disease. Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Methods: The study included healthy sibling of children with chronic disease (cerebral palsy, epilepsy, diabetes, celiac disease, hematologic/ oncologic disease, or asthma) and healthy sibling of healthy children to evaluate the quality of life. We used the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory questionnaire; the physical health and psychosocial health scores were calculated using the responses of the sibling and parent. The primary endpoint was the comparison of HrQoL scores of healthy siblings of children with chronic disease and that of healthy siblings of healthy children. Results: This study included a respective healthy sibling of 191 children with chronic disease and healthy sibling of 100 healthy children. The physical health, psychosocial health, and total health scores of healthy siblings of children with chronic disease were significantly lower than that of healthy siblings of healthy children (p<0.001). Among the healthy siblings of children with chronic disease, the lowest psychosocial health score was found in the siblings of children with cerebral palsy, hematologic/oncologic disease, and asthma (p<0.001). The global impact on the quality of life for healthy siblings of children with chronic disease was significantly higher in the self-report of the children than that of the parents (30.4% versus 15.1%, p<0.05). Conclusion: Most healthy siblings of children with chronic disease are physically and psychosocially affected and there is low parental awareness of this condition. This can increase the risk of emotional neglect and abuse of these children. Therefore, special support programs are needed for the families of children with chronic diseases.
European Journal of Paediatric Neurology
Özet: Tüberoskleroz kompleksi, sık görülen, birçok organ ve sistemi etkileyen nörokutanöz hastalı... more Özet: Tüberoskleroz kompleksi, sık görülen, birçok organ ve sistemi etkileyen nörokutanöz hastalıklardan biridir. Neden olduğu epilepsi ve nöropsikiyatrik bozukluklar sonucunda hasta ve ailesi için ciddi sağlık ve sosyal problemler oluşmasına yol açar. Biz bu çalışmada kliniğimizde takip ettiğimiz 27 tüberoskleroz kompleks hastasını sunmayı amaçladık. Retrospektif olarak planlanan bu çalışmada, Çocuk Nörolojisi Kliniği'nde 2000-2005 yılları arasında tüberoskleroz kompleks tanısı ile takip edilen 27 hasta çalışmaya alındı. Hastaların, klinik, laboratuvar ve demografik verileri geriye dönük olarak derlendi. Çalışmaya alınan hastaların 15'i (%55,6) erkek ve 12'si (%44,4)kadın idi. Hastaların tanı almadan önce hastaneye başvuru şikayetlerine bakıldığında, 22 (%81,5) hastanın nöbet geçirme nedeni ile, 4 hastanın (%14,8) hipopigmente döküntü nedeni ile ve bir hastanın (%3,7) karın ağrısı nedeni ile hastaneye başvurduğu görüldü. Nöbet geçiren 13 (%48,1) hastada jeneralize nöbet, 6 hastada infantil spasm(%22,2), 3 hastada(%11,1) fokal nöbet saptandı. Ortalama nöbet geçirme yaşı 28 ±7,2 aydı. Hastalığın diğer bulguları arasında, ciltte hipomelanotik maküller hastaların hepsinde vardı. Dokuz hastada (%33,3) yüzde anjiofibrom vardı. Çalışmamızda hastaların, literatürle uyumlu olarak, en sık nöbet geçirme nedeni ile hastaneye başvurduktan sonra tanı aldıkları görüldü. Ancak karın ağrısı gibi tipik olmayan bir yakınma ile başvuran hastamızda mevcuttu. Görüntüleme yöntemlerinin daha ulaşılabilir olmasına rağmen, tanı yaşının 13 yıla kadar uzadığı tespit edildi. Özellikle nöbet geçiren hastalarda yapılacak cilt muayenesinin, halen tüberoskleroz hastalığının tanısı için en önemli yöntem olduğunu hatırlatmak istiyoruz.