Deisy Drunkler - (original) (raw)
Papers by Deisy Drunkler
International Journal of Dairy Technology, 2019
Lactobacillus acidophilus or Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis Bb-12 and green banana pulp w... more Lactobacillus acidophilus or Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis Bb-12 and green banana pulp were used in order to obtain potentially probiotic and prebiotic yoghurts, which were compared over a 45-day storage period. Goat milk yoghurts demonstrated probiotic effects up to 45 days of storage. Cow milk yoghurts produced with B. animalis subsp. lactis Bb-12 showed a probiotic effect reduction during the storage period (1.74 log CFU/g). The type of milk affected the yoghurts' chemical and physicochemical properties. Sensory acceptance was also affected, where cow milk yoghurts were better accepted than goat milk ones.
Analytica Chimica Acta, Jun 1, 2014
The mobile phase chosen consists acetic acid:acetonitrile:methanol (55:10:35). We obtained a sepa... more The mobile phase chosen consists acetic acid:acetonitrile:methanol (55:10:35). We obtained a separation factor of 2.3 for AFLAB 1 and AFLAM 1. The milk samples were contaminated by aflatoxins above the legislated limits. Aflatoxins tend to get attached to clot after acid precipitation of milk.
Food Chemistry, Mar 1, 2023
Brazilian Journal of Development, 2019
Saccharomyces boulardii viable cells have probiotic action. This study aimed to evaluate the effe... more Saccharomyces boulardii viable cells have probiotic action. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of aeration on the production of S. boulardii viable cells in liquid cultivation medium with different initial glucose concentrations. Yeast has grown on yeast extract peptone dextrose medium with or without aeration (2 Lar min-1 to obtain 30 ± 1% of oxygen) and different initial glucose concentrations (20, 40 and 60 g L-1). The viable cells were determined by serial dilution method and glucose concentration was determined by 3-5 dinitrosalicylic acid. The number of viable cells changed from 7.54 ± 0.04 to 7.77 ± 0.02 log of CFU mL-1 when glucose increased from 20 to 60 g L-1, respectively. The aeration of the cultivation medium increased the number of viable cells from 7.78 ± 0.04 to 8.27 ± 0.04 log of CFU mL-1 in the cultivation medium with 40 g L-1 glucose. The yeast biomass was ~3 times greater than 60 g L-1 glucose with aeration when compared to cultivation medium with 20 g L-1 glucose without aeration. Thus, the glucose increase and the cultivation medium aeration increment S. boulardii production and viability.
RECEN - Revista Ciências Exatas e Naturais, Aug 8, 2011
A região oeste do Paraná apresenta condições favoráveis à produção leiteira, a qual possui um con... more A região oeste do Paraná apresenta condições favoráveis à produção leiteira, a qual possui um considerável impacto social e econômico, devido ao número de indústrias de laticínios aqui situadas que gera desenvolvimento da região e do mercado de trabalho. O Leite Instável não Ácido (LINA) é uma alteração no leite, cujas causas não estão definidas claramente e a falta de informação pode provocar significativos prejuízos à cadeia produtiva do leite. A principal consequência é a instabilidade da caseína, ocorrendo à alteração da composição química do leite, que apesar de ser próprio para consumo por ter seus parâmetros dentro da Instrução Normativa 51, é rejeitado pelas indústrias. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a Recebido em 31/05/2011-Aceito em 08/08/2011. RECEN Guarapuava, Paraná v. 13 n • 1 p. 101-112 jan/jun 2011 brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at provided by Universidade do Centro Oeste do Paraná (UNICENTRO): Revistas eletrônicas
Elsevier eBooks, 2020
Abstract The need to develop new sources of foods is growing, especially due to malnutrition in u... more Abstract The need to develop new sources of foods is growing, especially due to malnutrition in underdeveloped and developing countries. Also, the growth of the world’s population has led to the exploration of alternative food sources that can maintain food security. The high protein content of several macro and microalgal species would make them a great component of different foods, increasing their nutritional value. Parallel studies have shown that microalgae consumption may bring additional health benefits due to their variety of active biological compounds that are not found in other organisms. Considering this evidence and the potential commodity-scale production of algae, we aimed to conduct a survey of the biochemical, biological, and functional properties of different microalgae and to explore their techno-functional characteristics that can improve food processing, including their protein solubility, foaming, emulsifying, and gelling properties.
Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2022
Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2021
Handbook of Algal Science, Technology and Medicine, 2020
Abstract The need to develop new sources of foods is growing, especially due to malnutrition in u... more Abstract The need to develop new sources of foods is growing, especially due to malnutrition in underdeveloped and developing countries. Also, the growth of the world’s population has led to the exploration of alternative food sources that can maintain food security. The high protein content of several macro and microalgal species would make them a great component of different foods, increasing their nutritional value. Parallel studies have shown that microalgae consumption may bring additional health benefits due to their variety of active biological compounds that are not found in other organisms. Considering this evidence and the potential commodity-scale production of algae, we aimed to conduct a survey of the biochemical, biological, and functional properties of different microalgae and to explore their techno-functional characteristics that can improve food processing, including their protein solubility, foaming, emulsifying, and gelling properties.
The organolep:c evalua:on of table olives aiming their commercial classifica:on according to sens... more The organolep:c evalua:on of table olives aiming their commercial classifica:on according to sensory trade categories, although not being legally required, is recommended by the Interna:onal Olive Council. This classifica:on is based on the organolep:c evalua:on of nega:ve a\ributes usually found in table olives (and their respec:ve brine solu:ons), performed by trained sensory panels. However, the training and implementa:on of such panels is :me-consuming, costly and has some drawbacks like the low number of samples that can be assessed per day as well as the intrinsic degree of subjec:vity of the evalua:ons carried out by the trained panelists. Besides the percep:on of sensory defects (type and intensity), panelists are usually asked, among other characteris:cs, to assess the intensity of basic gustatory a\ributes (e.g., acid, bi\er and salty), which knowledge is useful for table olives quality control. In this work, and for the first :me, the poten:al use of a home-made electronic tongue for discrimina:ng standard aqueous solu:ons of chemical compounds (obtained with mineral water and in the concentra:on ranges used during sensory panels training sessions) that mimic the 3 basic tastes is evaluated: tartaric and citric acids (0.01 to 2 g/L; for acid taste); caffeine and anhydrous quinine (0.01 to 3 g/L; for bi\er taste); and, sodium and potassium chloride (0.5 to 25 g/L; for salty taste). The results showed that a linear discriminant model based on the poten:ometric signals recorded by a sub-set of 5 sensors (composed by cross-sensi:vity lipidic membranes) could correctly classify the standard solu:ons according to the basic taste mimicked with sensi:vi:es of: (i) 98% for the leave-one-out cross-valida:on; and (ii) 98% ± 3% (ranging from 91% to 100%) for the repeated K-folds cross-valida:on (K = 4 folds with 10 repeats, guaranteeing that 25% of the original data was kept for internal-valida:on purposes). Furthermore, the poten:ometric signal profiles recorded by the electronic tongue during the analysis of table olives and respec:ve brine solu:ons (40 different samples) were used, for the first :me, to quan:ta:vely es:mate the median intensity of the same gustatory a\ributes (acid, bi\er and salty) perceived by a sensory panel (composed by 8 trained panelists) during the simultaneous analysis of table olives and brine solu:ons. The results showed that it was possible to establish sa:sfactory mul:ple linear regression models based on sub-sets of signals gathered during the analysis of the table olives and/or brine solu:ons (varying from 21 to 25 depending on the basic taste), also selected by applying the simulated annealing variable selec:on algorithm: (i) R2 ≥ 0.968 for leave- one-out cross-valida:on; and (ii) R2 ≥ 0.97 ± 0.02 for the repeated K-folds cross-valida:on (K=4 folds with 10 repeats). These preliminary qualita:ve and quan:ta:ve results allow foreseen the prac:cal applica:on of the electronic tongue for assessing gustatory basic tastes on table olive real samples, which could be used as a helpful tool for the hard task required to sensory
Journal of Food Safety, 2020
This study aimed at evaluating the physicochemical and microbiological quality, besides the occur... more This study aimed at evaluating the physicochemical and microbiological quality, besides the occurrence of aflatoxins M 1 and B 1 , in samples (229) of the whole, semiskimmed and skimmed milk processed by the ultra-high-temperature system, in the three Brazilian southern states (Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Paraná). After incubation at 37 C for 7 days, it was found, a sample that had protein precipitation, regarding microbiological standards, 19.7% did not comply with the legislation (10 2 CFU ml −1). The values of defatted dry extract and acidity were presented the highest occurrence of irregularities. AFM 1 was found in 13.2%and AFB 1 was found in seven samples. The principal component analysis (PCA) confirmed that defatted dry extract (PC 1) and fat (PC 2) were related to the contamination by aflatoxin. Key findings • The microbiological parameters were in no compliance in 20% of samples. • The aflatoxins M 1 and B 1 was detected in 49 and 3% of samples, respectively. • The PCA analyses verified irregularities in samples collected in spring and winter.
Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2017
Table olives are prone to the appearance of sensory defects that decrease their quality and in so... more Table olives are prone to the appearance of sensory defects that decrease their quality and in some cases result in olives unsuitable for consumption. The evaluation of the type and intensity of the sensory negative attributes of table olives is recommended by the International Olive Council, although not being legally required for commercialization. However, the accomplishment of this task requires the training and implementation of sensory panels according to strict directives, turning out in a time-consuming and expensive procedure that involves a degree of subjectivity. In this work, an electronic tongue is proposed as a taste sensor device for evaluating the intensity of sensory defects of table olives. The potentiometric signal profiles gathered allowed establishing multiple linear regression models, based on the most informative subsets of signals (from 24 to 29 recorded during the analysis of olive aqueous pastes and brine solutions) selected using a simulated annealing meta-heuristic algorithm. The models enabled the prediction of the median intensities (R 2 ≥ 0.942 and RMSE ≤ 0.356, for leave-one-out or repeated K-fold cross-validation procedures) of butyric, musty, putrid, winey-vinegary, and zapateria negative sensations being, in general, the predicted intensities within the range of intensities perceived by the sensory panel. Indeed, based on the predicted mean intensities of the sensory defects, the electroche micalchemometric approach developed could correctly classify 86.4% of the table olive samples according to their trade category based on a sensory panel evaluation and following the International Olive Council regulations (i.e., extra, 1st choice, 2nd choice, and olives that may not be sold as table olives). So, the satisfactory overall predictions achieved demonstrate that the electronic tongue could be a complementary tool for assessing table olive defects, reducing the effort of trained panelists and minimizing the risk of subjective evaluations.
Sicite 2012, Sep 25, 2012
No presente trabalho objetivou-se determinar a fracao nitrogenada proteica e nao proteica do leit... more No presente trabalho objetivou-se determinar a fracao nitrogenada proteica e nao proteica do leite e correlacionar com a ocorrencia de Leite Instavel Nao Acido (LINA) na regiao oeste do Parana, uma vez que o Estado se encontra entre os principais produtores e o leite LINA traz grandes prejuizos economicos a industria e aos produtores leiteiros. Dentre os constituintes do leite, a proteina ocupa importante papel, relacionados a producao de derivados lacteos e a estabilidade, que influencia diretamente as propriedades tecnologicas desta materia-prima. Pode-se concluir que a ocorrencia do leite LINA e bastante expressiva (35,53% do total de amostras) e que a epoca do ano pode ser um dos fatores que influenciam nesta instabilidade e na composicao quimica do leite. Verificou-se tambem, certa influencia da instabilidade da caseina na porcentagem da fracao nitrogenada proteica e nao proteica do leite, o que pode resultar na reducao do rendimento dos derivados lacteos. O assunto ainda e pouco discutido e por isso a falta de respostas prejudica o setor leiteiro.
Anais do XX Seminário de Iniciação Científica e Tecnológica da UTFPR, 2015
International Journal of Dairy Technology, 2019
Lactobacillus acidophilus or Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis Bb-12 and green banana pulp w... more Lactobacillus acidophilus or Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis Bb-12 and green banana pulp were used in order to obtain potentially probiotic and prebiotic yoghurts, which were compared over a 45-day storage period. Goat milk yoghurts demonstrated probiotic effects up to 45 days of storage. Cow milk yoghurts produced with B. animalis subsp. lactis Bb-12 showed a probiotic effect reduction during the storage period (1.74 log CFU/g). The type of milk affected the yoghurts' chemical and physicochemical properties. Sensory acceptance was also affected, where cow milk yoghurts were better accepted than goat milk ones.
Analytica Chimica Acta, Jun 1, 2014
The mobile phase chosen consists acetic acid:acetonitrile:methanol (55:10:35). We obtained a sepa... more The mobile phase chosen consists acetic acid:acetonitrile:methanol (55:10:35). We obtained a separation factor of 2.3 for AFLAB 1 and AFLAM 1. The milk samples were contaminated by aflatoxins above the legislated limits. Aflatoxins tend to get attached to clot after acid precipitation of milk.
Food Chemistry, Mar 1, 2023
Brazilian Journal of Development, 2019
Saccharomyces boulardii viable cells have probiotic action. This study aimed to evaluate the effe... more Saccharomyces boulardii viable cells have probiotic action. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of aeration on the production of S. boulardii viable cells in liquid cultivation medium with different initial glucose concentrations. Yeast has grown on yeast extract peptone dextrose medium with or without aeration (2 Lar min-1 to obtain 30 ± 1% of oxygen) and different initial glucose concentrations (20, 40 and 60 g L-1). The viable cells were determined by serial dilution method and glucose concentration was determined by 3-5 dinitrosalicylic acid. The number of viable cells changed from 7.54 ± 0.04 to 7.77 ± 0.02 log of CFU mL-1 when glucose increased from 20 to 60 g L-1, respectively. The aeration of the cultivation medium increased the number of viable cells from 7.78 ± 0.04 to 8.27 ± 0.04 log of CFU mL-1 in the cultivation medium with 40 g L-1 glucose. The yeast biomass was ~3 times greater than 60 g L-1 glucose with aeration when compared to cultivation medium with 20 g L-1 glucose without aeration. Thus, the glucose increase and the cultivation medium aeration increment S. boulardii production and viability.
RECEN - Revista Ciências Exatas e Naturais, Aug 8, 2011
A região oeste do Paraná apresenta condições favoráveis à produção leiteira, a qual possui um con... more A região oeste do Paraná apresenta condições favoráveis à produção leiteira, a qual possui um considerável impacto social e econômico, devido ao número de indústrias de laticínios aqui situadas que gera desenvolvimento da região e do mercado de trabalho. O Leite Instável não Ácido (LINA) é uma alteração no leite, cujas causas não estão definidas claramente e a falta de informação pode provocar significativos prejuízos à cadeia produtiva do leite. A principal consequência é a instabilidade da caseína, ocorrendo à alteração da composição química do leite, que apesar de ser próprio para consumo por ter seus parâmetros dentro da Instrução Normativa 51, é rejeitado pelas indústrias. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a Recebido em 31/05/2011-Aceito em 08/08/2011. RECEN Guarapuava, Paraná v. 13 n • 1 p. 101-112 jan/jun 2011 brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at provided by Universidade do Centro Oeste do Paraná (UNICENTRO): Revistas eletrônicas
Elsevier eBooks, 2020
Abstract The need to develop new sources of foods is growing, especially due to malnutrition in u... more Abstract The need to develop new sources of foods is growing, especially due to malnutrition in underdeveloped and developing countries. Also, the growth of the world’s population has led to the exploration of alternative food sources that can maintain food security. The high protein content of several macro and microalgal species would make them a great component of different foods, increasing their nutritional value. Parallel studies have shown that microalgae consumption may bring additional health benefits due to their variety of active biological compounds that are not found in other organisms. Considering this evidence and the potential commodity-scale production of algae, we aimed to conduct a survey of the biochemical, biological, and functional properties of different microalgae and to explore their techno-functional characteristics that can improve food processing, including their protein solubility, foaming, emulsifying, and gelling properties.
Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2022
Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2021
Handbook of Algal Science, Technology and Medicine, 2020
Abstract The need to develop new sources of foods is growing, especially due to malnutrition in u... more Abstract The need to develop new sources of foods is growing, especially due to malnutrition in underdeveloped and developing countries. Also, the growth of the world’s population has led to the exploration of alternative food sources that can maintain food security. The high protein content of several macro and microalgal species would make them a great component of different foods, increasing their nutritional value. Parallel studies have shown that microalgae consumption may bring additional health benefits due to their variety of active biological compounds that are not found in other organisms. Considering this evidence and the potential commodity-scale production of algae, we aimed to conduct a survey of the biochemical, biological, and functional properties of different microalgae and to explore their techno-functional characteristics that can improve food processing, including their protein solubility, foaming, emulsifying, and gelling properties.
The organolep:c evalua:on of table olives aiming their commercial classifica:on according to sens... more The organolep:c evalua:on of table olives aiming their commercial classifica:on according to sensory trade categories, although not being legally required, is recommended by the Interna:onal Olive Council. This classifica:on is based on the organolep:c evalua:on of nega:ve a\ributes usually found in table olives (and their respec:ve brine solu:ons), performed by trained sensory panels. However, the training and implementa:on of such panels is :me-consuming, costly and has some drawbacks like the low number of samples that can be assessed per day as well as the intrinsic degree of subjec:vity of the evalua:ons carried out by the trained panelists. Besides the percep:on of sensory defects (type and intensity), panelists are usually asked, among other characteris:cs, to assess the intensity of basic gustatory a\ributes (e.g., acid, bi\er and salty), which knowledge is useful for table olives quality control. In this work, and for the first :me, the poten:al use of a home-made electronic tongue for discrimina:ng standard aqueous solu:ons of chemical compounds (obtained with mineral water and in the concentra:on ranges used during sensory panels training sessions) that mimic the 3 basic tastes is evaluated: tartaric and citric acids (0.01 to 2 g/L; for acid taste); caffeine and anhydrous quinine (0.01 to 3 g/L; for bi\er taste); and, sodium and potassium chloride (0.5 to 25 g/L; for salty taste). The results showed that a linear discriminant model based on the poten:ometric signals recorded by a sub-set of 5 sensors (composed by cross-sensi:vity lipidic membranes) could correctly classify the standard solu:ons according to the basic taste mimicked with sensi:vi:es of: (i) 98% for the leave-one-out cross-valida:on; and (ii) 98% ± 3% (ranging from 91% to 100%) for the repeated K-folds cross-valida:on (K = 4 folds with 10 repeats, guaranteeing that 25% of the original data was kept for internal-valida:on purposes). Furthermore, the poten:ometric signal profiles recorded by the electronic tongue during the analysis of table olives and respec:ve brine solu:ons (40 different samples) were used, for the first :me, to quan:ta:vely es:mate the median intensity of the same gustatory a\ributes (acid, bi\er and salty) perceived by a sensory panel (composed by 8 trained panelists) during the simultaneous analysis of table olives and brine solu:ons. The results showed that it was possible to establish sa:sfactory mul:ple linear regression models based on sub-sets of signals gathered during the analysis of the table olives and/or brine solu:ons (varying from 21 to 25 depending on the basic taste), also selected by applying the simulated annealing variable selec:on algorithm: (i) R2 ≥ 0.968 for leave- one-out cross-valida:on; and (ii) R2 ≥ 0.97 ± 0.02 for the repeated K-folds cross-valida:on (K=4 folds with 10 repeats). These preliminary qualita:ve and quan:ta:ve results allow foreseen the prac:cal applica:on of the electronic tongue for assessing gustatory basic tastes on table olive real samples, which could be used as a helpful tool for the hard task required to sensory
Journal of Food Safety, 2020
This study aimed at evaluating the physicochemical and microbiological quality, besides the occur... more This study aimed at evaluating the physicochemical and microbiological quality, besides the occurrence of aflatoxins M 1 and B 1 , in samples (229) of the whole, semiskimmed and skimmed milk processed by the ultra-high-temperature system, in the three Brazilian southern states (Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Paraná). After incubation at 37 C for 7 days, it was found, a sample that had protein precipitation, regarding microbiological standards, 19.7% did not comply with the legislation (10 2 CFU ml −1). The values of defatted dry extract and acidity were presented the highest occurrence of irregularities. AFM 1 was found in 13.2%and AFB 1 was found in seven samples. The principal component analysis (PCA) confirmed that defatted dry extract (PC 1) and fat (PC 2) were related to the contamination by aflatoxin. Key findings • The microbiological parameters were in no compliance in 20% of samples. • The aflatoxins M 1 and B 1 was detected in 49 and 3% of samples, respectively. • The PCA analyses verified irregularities in samples collected in spring and winter.
Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2017
Table olives are prone to the appearance of sensory defects that decrease their quality and in so... more Table olives are prone to the appearance of sensory defects that decrease their quality and in some cases result in olives unsuitable for consumption. The evaluation of the type and intensity of the sensory negative attributes of table olives is recommended by the International Olive Council, although not being legally required for commercialization. However, the accomplishment of this task requires the training and implementation of sensory panels according to strict directives, turning out in a time-consuming and expensive procedure that involves a degree of subjectivity. In this work, an electronic tongue is proposed as a taste sensor device for evaluating the intensity of sensory defects of table olives. The potentiometric signal profiles gathered allowed establishing multiple linear regression models, based on the most informative subsets of signals (from 24 to 29 recorded during the analysis of olive aqueous pastes and brine solutions) selected using a simulated annealing meta-heuristic algorithm. The models enabled the prediction of the median intensities (R 2 ≥ 0.942 and RMSE ≤ 0.356, for leave-one-out or repeated K-fold cross-validation procedures) of butyric, musty, putrid, winey-vinegary, and zapateria negative sensations being, in general, the predicted intensities within the range of intensities perceived by the sensory panel. Indeed, based on the predicted mean intensities of the sensory defects, the electroche micalchemometric approach developed could correctly classify 86.4% of the table olive samples according to their trade category based on a sensory panel evaluation and following the International Olive Council regulations (i.e., extra, 1st choice, 2nd choice, and olives that may not be sold as table olives). So, the satisfactory overall predictions achieved demonstrate that the electronic tongue could be a complementary tool for assessing table olive defects, reducing the effort of trained panelists and minimizing the risk of subjective evaluations.
Sicite 2012, Sep 25, 2012
No presente trabalho objetivou-se determinar a fracao nitrogenada proteica e nao proteica do leit... more No presente trabalho objetivou-se determinar a fracao nitrogenada proteica e nao proteica do leite e correlacionar com a ocorrencia de Leite Instavel Nao Acido (LINA) na regiao oeste do Parana, uma vez que o Estado se encontra entre os principais produtores e o leite LINA traz grandes prejuizos economicos a industria e aos produtores leiteiros. Dentre os constituintes do leite, a proteina ocupa importante papel, relacionados a producao de derivados lacteos e a estabilidade, que influencia diretamente as propriedades tecnologicas desta materia-prima. Pode-se concluir que a ocorrencia do leite LINA e bastante expressiva (35,53% do total de amostras) e que a epoca do ano pode ser um dos fatores que influenciam nesta instabilidade e na composicao quimica do leite. Verificou-se tambem, certa influencia da instabilidade da caseina na porcentagem da fracao nitrogenada proteica e nao proteica do leite, o que pode resultar na reducao do rendimento dos derivados lacteos. O assunto ainda e pouco discutido e por isso a falta de respostas prejudica o setor leiteiro.
Anais do XX Seminário de Iniciação Científica e Tecnológica da UTFPR, 2015