Piotr D - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Piotr D

Research paper thumbnail of Dlaczego digitalizacja może stać się przyczyną anarchizacji

Studia Polityczne, Oct 28, 2022

This article deals with the phenomenon of socio-political anarchization related to the dynamic pr... more This article deals with the phenomenon of socio-political anarchization related to the dynamic process of digitisation, primarily connected with the functioning of social media. All issues are analysed from several perspectives, including the research areas of political science, sociology and psychology. According to the authors, many mechanisms of the internet described in this article not only contribute to the growing social and political polarisation, but may also lead to a recession of liberal democracy and the most important state institutions. The authors argue that the specifi c way in which digital media * Tekst jest pierwszym efektem projektu DigiPatch:

Research paper thumbnail of Is democracy a universal phenomenon? : Allama Muhammad Iqbal’s contribution to a contemporary debate on democracy

The article deals with the selected global phenomena of democracy as redefined at the end of the ... more The article deals with the selected global phenomena of democracy as redefined at the end of the 20th century and the first decades of the 21st century, and focuses on Allama Muhammad Iqbal’s vision of a democratic state rooted in Islamic tradition. The author refers to Samuel Huntington’s concept of Democracy’s Third Wave and to the survey conducted by the Pew Research Center in the Middle East following the Arab Spring, which generally confirms the demands for democracy in the whole region. He also re-reads the work of Francis Fukuyama "The End of History" in the light of political and social transformations that have occurred in various places around the globe during the last 30 years and puts forward a thesis based on the concept of the "long duration" as proposed by the French Annales school of historical writing that there is no one universally approved model of democracy that could be implemented in every country. Nevertheless, the author makes a reference...

Research paper thumbnail of Global diplomacy in the regional dimension : an example of relations between the Małopolska Province with India

Już po raz ósmy oddajemy w ręce Czytelników publikację, która jest pokłosiem Konferencji Krakowsk... more Już po raz ósmy oddajemy w ręce Czytelników publikację, która jest pokłosiem Konferencji Krakowskiej. Zasadniczym motywem podejmowanym * * * Chciałbym gorąco podziękować wszystkim Autorom, których teksty tworzą niniejszy tom. Mam nadzieję, że spotka się z akceptacją Czytelników i pobudzi do twórczej refleksji.

Research paper thumbnail of On the illusion of universal values

Otaz religijny p un kt widzenia nie moze opisanej sytuacji falsyfi wwae. O bjawiajqcy si~ Bag ni ... more Otaz religijny p un kt widzenia nie moze opisanej sytuacji falsyfi wwae. O bjawiajqcy si~ Bag ni e przestaje, objawiajCjc si~, bye Abso utem, Tajemniq, czyli-w stylizacji personalistycznej-objawiajCjq ;i~ 0 r a z skrywajCjq wolnoSciq. Dobitnym tego swiadectwem jest)orazajCjca swojq wielkosciCj samoprezentacja Boga z biblijnej Ksi~gi WyjScia: "Jestem, ktory Jestem". Niezliczone ilosci komentarzy na ej temat podkreSlajCj suwerennCj wolnose i tajemniczose tych slow, N ktorych Jahwe, odsianiajCjc swojCj jedynose i absolutnCj wyjqtko NOSe, zakrywa rownoczesnie oblicze, jako w Scislym sensie niewy powiadalne, transcendentne. Oznacza to, ze nikt, zaden czlowiek ani zadna religia, nie moze Boga m 0 n 0 pol i z 0 wac, przywiasz czae Go sobie bez reszty; nie czyni tego nawet biblijny narod wybra ny, ktory, pomimo "zazdroSci" swojego Boga, dopuszcza "figury otwarcia" , jak kaplan Melchizedek; a przede wszystkim ktory usta mi swoich prorokow coraz konsekwentniej umieszcza objawienie i wybranie w swiadectwie ludzi czystego i milosiernego serca. W tym jednak wlasnie punkcie trzeba nam przystCjpie do tego, co rozstrzygajCjce. Chrzescijanin-tak jak przedstawiciel kazdej innej reli gii-nie moze wyprzee si~ wiary w decydujCjq prawdziwose swojej "narracji"; nie moze, inaczej mowiCjc, zanegowae b6stwa Chrystusa, a wraz z tym-i to jest kluczowe-chrzeScijaitskiej dogmatyki na czele z dogmatem 0 Trojcy Swi~tej. Otoz dogmat ten-tak przynajmniej jak zostal zinterpretowany przez Sob6r Watykaitski II-pociCjga za sobCj wiar~ w obecnose Ducha Swi~tego w Kosciele, ktory nie ogranicza si~ o widzialnej instytucji Kosciola katolickiego ani nawet Ludu Bozego "Starego i Nowego Testamentu", lecz rozciCjga si~ na rozne "kr~gi przy aleznoSci"; kr~gi te obejmujCj takZe czlonk6w innych religii, a osta ecznie-wszystkich ludzi "dobrej woli". Nie nalezy jednak tego os tat iego terminu brae zbyt lekko: nie oznacza on w moim przekonaniu po prostu wszystkich ludzi, jacy by nie byli, lecz wszystkich tych, w kto ych zamieszkuje "duch prawdy" i ktorzy otwarci sCj w jakiejkolwiek ierze na prawd~, dobro i pi~kno. Nie mozemy naturalnie powie ziec, ze ktokolwiek jest na t~ tradycyjnq trojc~ najwyzszych wartosci zamkni~ty, zdarzajCj si~ jednak tacy, ktorzy wydajq si~ dose skutecznie przed nimi zaryglowywae-zwlaszcza tam, gdzie wartosci te domaga Cj si~ konkretnych i nieefektownych gest6w zwyklej prawdomowno

Research paper thumbnail of Globalization of hate : on the intracivilizational rupture and a new face of the enemy

Research paper thumbnail of A metaphysical "homo viator", or an endless tale of travel

14. Janusz Poniewierski "W tym znaku zwyciężysz". "W tym znaku zwyciężysz". "W tym znaku zwycięży... more 14. Janusz Poniewierski "W tym znaku zwyciężysz". "W tym znaku zwyciężysz". "W tym znaku zwyciężysz". "W tym znaku zwyciężysz". "W tym znaku zwyciężysz". Krótka historia miesięcznika "Znak" (część II) Krótka historia miesięcznika "Znak" (część II) Krótka historia miesięcznika "Znak" (część II) Krótka historia miesięcznika "Znak" (część II) Krótka historia miesięcznika "Znak" (część II) TEMAT MIESIĄCA DEFINICJE DEFINICJE DEFINICJE DEFINICJE DEFINICJE 24. Małgorzata Łukasiewicz Nie ma jak podróż Nie ma jak podróż Nie ma jak podróż Nie ma jak podróż Nie ma jak podróż 29. "Wszystko mi jedno, muszę jechać" "Wszystko mi jedno, muszę jechać" "Wszystko mi jedno, muszę jechać" "Wszystko mi jedno, muszę jechać" "Wszystko mi jedno, muszę jechać"

Research paper thumbnail of Człowiek w obliczu pandemii : psychologiczne i społeczne uwarunkowania zachowań w warunkach kryzysu zdrowotnego

Research paper thumbnail of Pandemic and Cultural Differences

Human Behaviour in Pandemics, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Socjalizm, świeckość, wolny rynek i hindutwa. Indyjska narracja o państwie i jego ideologii w perspektywie historycznej

Sprawy Międzynarodowe, 2019

The Republic of India, as probably the most culturally and religiously diverse country in the wor... more The Republic of India, as probably the most culturally and religiously diverse country in the world, has built a very unique socio-political system which is based on cross-cultural compromises between various communities. The ideological foundations of secularism and socialist development were implemented by Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. For almost half a century, they symbolised the identity of the state and constituted the essential elements of every official narrative by the Indian National Congress. Nehru was also the maker of India’s main foreign policy vectors, which were generally approved by subsequent governments. Although the ideology of socialist development was eventually replaced with a free market economy, the concept of secularism remained relevant in the public sphere. The author presents the gradual process of socio-economic transformation and describes the international context of building the image of the country in the 20th century. With the Bharatiya Janata...

Research paper thumbnail of Azjatycka Realpolitik : Chiny i Indie w sporze o własne bezpieczeństwo i przyszłą dominację na kontynencie

Research paper thumbnail of Projekt budowania azjatyckiego mocarstwa XXI wieku. Polityka zagraniczna Indii w strategii rządów Manmohana Singha i Narendry Modiego

Research paper thumbnail of Imperium boga Hanumana : Indie w trzech odsłonach

Research paper thumbnail of Nowy spór o uniwersalia, czyli o wspólnocie muzułmańskiej w Europie XXI wieku

Research paper thumbnail of Rządy Boga czy system demokracji– ideologiczny spór o kształtRepubliki Islamskiej Pakistanuw XX i w XXI wieku

Research paper thumbnail of Zdrada i herezja – na granicy polityki i teologii islamu

Research paper thumbnail of Islam in India: Ideological Conflicts on the Subcontinent and Their Political and Social Consequences in the Early 21st Century

The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs, 2017

The Indian subcontinent is home to nearly half a billion Muslims, or around a third of all follow... more The Indian subcontinent is home to nearly half a billion Muslims, or around a third of all followers of Islam globally. In India, their number is estimated at 180 million, or just above 14% of the country's total population,1 which makes them the world's largest religious minority. Their relations with India's Hindu majority largely determine social stability and cultural coherence (or lack of it) in the country, and is greatly influenced by the shared history of both communities. This history, with its symbolic elements, has been and continues to be used to devise more or less radical ideologies and push specific agendas in central and regional politics. Periods of relatively peaceful coexistence were interrupted by bloody conflicts, and memories of them affect the political identity of both Hindus and Muslims-if not the whole respective communities, then at least their most politically active representatives. The two-way tensions, while tending to be eased by the secul...

Research paper thumbnail of Ideological Counter-Narrative as a Response to Fundamentalist Ideology in Europe and South Asia. An Analysis of Selected Cases in Their Cultural Context and an Outline of Recommended Activities

The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture New Series, 2021

The article discusses the issues of religious radicalisation and de-radicalisation in contemporar... more The article discusses the issues of religious radicalisation and de-radicalisation in contemporary Islam. Its authors present complex phenomena of ideological, historical, cultural and political contexts of radicalisation processes, investigate the distribution of radical propagandist materials among various Muslim communities around the world and analyse the consequences of ideological transformation of Islamic fundamentalism in selected European countries. The authors conclude that radicalisation propaganda has a global appeal due to the fact it has adopted a carefully selected group of globally recognised ideologues (Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, Abul A’la Maududi, Sayyid Qutb), but the recommended de-radicalisation processes should be rooted locally or regionally. The article proposes a constructive theoretical framework, a working hypothesis that should be constantly revised and modified in the changing socio-political environment.

Research paper thumbnail of Doskonały smak Orientu: Barwy iluzji

Research paper thumbnail of Story of the Clashing Images of the Country. the Case of India's Image at Home and in Poland

Polish Sociological Review, 2012

Abstract: The article deals with the complex process of creating a country image, both at home an... more Abstract: The article deals with the complex process of creating a country image, both at home and abroad. It consists of two parts, being interrelated with each other, however not in a direct way. In part one the focus is laid on the image of India created by Indians themselves, which is partly a result of the grand economic transformation initiated in the beginning of the 1990s, and partly a heritage of much older cultural and political tradition. In part two the case of India's changing image in Poland is analyzed, viz. the case of a country, which unlike other European states, never ventured to establish its own political presence overseas, but nevertheless it was able to build a complex structure of various images of the civilization it hardly had any direct political contact with.Keywords: India, Poland, history, country images.The main objective of my article is to demonstrate the complex process of creating a country image. It consists of two parts, being interrelated wi...

Research paper thumbnail of Ideological Counter-Narrative as a Response to Fundamentalist Ideology in Europe and South Asia. An Analysis of Selected Cases in Their Cultural Context and an Outline of Recommended Activities

The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series 13, 2021

The article discusses the issues of religious radicalisation and de-radicalisation in contemporar... more The article discusses the issues of religious radicalisation and de-radicalisation in contemporary Islam. Its authors present complex phenomena of ideological, historical, cultural and political contexts of radicalisation processes, investigate the distribution of radical propagandist materials among various Muslim communities around the world and analyse the consequences of ideological transformation of Islamic fundamentalism in selected European countries. The authors conclude that radicalisation propaganda has a global appeal due to the fact it has adopted a carefully selected group of globally recognised ideologues (Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, Abul A'la Maududi, Sayyid Qutb), but the recommended de-radicalisation processes should be rooted locally or regionally. The article proposes a constructive theoretical framework, a working hypothesis that should be constantly revised and modified in the changing socio-political environment.

Research paper thumbnail of Dlaczego digitalizacja może stać się przyczyną anarchizacji

Studia Polityczne, Oct 28, 2022

This article deals with the phenomenon of socio-political anarchization related to the dynamic pr... more This article deals with the phenomenon of socio-political anarchization related to the dynamic process of digitisation, primarily connected with the functioning of social media. All issues are analysed from several perspectives, including the research areas of political science, sociology and psychology. According to the authors, many mechanisms of the internet described in this article not only contribute to the growing social and political polarisation, but may also lead to a recession of liberal democracy and the most important state institutions. The authors argue that the specifi c way in which digital media * Tekst jest pierwszym efektem projektu DigiPatch:

Research paper thumbnail of Is democracy a universal phenomenon? : Allama Muhammad Iqbal’s contribution to a contemporary debate on democracy

The article deals with the selected global phenomena of democracy as redefined at the end of the ... more The article deals with the selected global phenomena of democracy as redefined at the end of the 20th century and the first decades of the 21st century, and focuses on Allama Muhammad Iqbal’s vision of a democratic state rooted in Islamic tradition. The author refers to Samuel Huntington’s concept of Democracy’s Third Wave and to the survey conducted by the Pew Research Center in the Middle East following the Arab Spring, which generally confirms the demands for democracy in the whole region. He also re-reads the work of Francis Fukuyama "The End of History" in the light of political and social transformations that have occurred in various places around the globe during the last 30 years and puts forward a thesis based on the concept of the "long duration" as proposed by the French Annales school of historical writing that there is no one universally approved model of democracy that could be implemented in every country. Nevertheless, the author makes a reference...

Research paper thumbnail of Global diplomacy in the regional dimension : an example of relations between the Małopolska Province with India

Już po raz ósmy oddajemy w ręce Czytelników publikację, która jest pokłosiem Konferencji Krakowsk... more Już po raz ósmy oddajemy w ręce Czytelników publikację, która jest pokłosiem Konferencji Krakowskiej. Zasadniczym motywem podejmowanym * * * Chciałbym gorąco podziękować wszystkim Autorom, których teksty tworzą niniejszy tom. Mam nadzieję, że spotka się z akceptacją Czytelników i pobudzi do twórczej refleksji.

Research paper thumbnail of On the illusion of universal values

Otaz religijny p un kt widzenia nie moze opisanej sytuacji falsyfi wwae. O bjawiajqcy si~ Bag ni ... more Otaz religijny p un kt widzenia nie moze opisanej sytuacji falsyfi wwae. O bjawiajqcy si~ Bag ni e przestaje, objawiajCjc si~, bye Abso utem, Tajemniq, czyli-w stylizacji personalistycznej-objawiajCjq ;i~ 0 r a z skrywajCjq wolnoSciq. Dobitnym tego swiadectwem jest)orazajCjca swojq wielkosciCj samoprezentacja Boga z biblijnej Ksi~gi WyjScia: "Jestem, ktory Jestem". Niezliczone ilosci komentarzy na ej temat podkreSlajCj suwerennCj wolnose i tajemniczose tych slow, N ktorych Jahwe, odsianiajCjc swojCj jedynose i absolutnCj wyjqtko NOSe, zakrywa rownoczesnie oblicze, jako w Scislym sensie niewy powiadalne, transcendentne. Oznacza to, ze nikt, zaden czlowiek ani zadna religia, nie moze Boga m 0 n 0 pol i z 0 wac, przywiasz czae Go sobie bez reszty; nie czyni tego nawet biblijny narod wybra ny, ktory, pomimo "zazdroSci" swojego Boga, dopuszcza "figury otwarcia" , jak kaplan Melchizedek; a przede wszystkim ktory usta mi swoich prorokow coraz konsekwentniej umieszcza objawienie i wybranie w swiadectwie ludzi czystego i milosiernego serca. W tym jednak wlasnie punkcie trzeba nam przystCjpie do tego, co rozstrzygajCjce. Chrzescijanin-tak jak przedstawiciel kazdej innej reli gii-nie moze wyprzee si~ wiary w decydujCjq prawdziwose swojej "narracji"; nie moze, inaczej mowiCjc, zanegowae b6stwa Chrystusa, a wraz z tym-i to jest kluczowe-chrzeScijaitskiej dogmatyki na czele z dogmatem 0 Trojcy Swi~tej. Otoz dogmat ten-tak przynajmniej jak zostal zinterpretowany przez Sob6r Watykaitski II-pociCjga za sobCj wiar~ w obecnose Ducha Swi~tego w Kosciele, ktory nie ogranicza si~ o widzialnej instytucji Kosciola katolickiego ani nawet Ludu Bozego "Starego i Nowego Testamentu", lecz rozciCjga si~ na rozne "kr~gi przy aleznoSci"; kr~gi te obejmujCj takZe czlonk6w innych religii, a osta ecznie-wszystkich ludzi "dobrej woli". Nie nalezy jednak tego os tat iego terminu brae zbyt lekko: nie oznacza on w moim przekonaniu po prostu wszystkich ludzi, jacy by nie byli, lecz wszystkich tych, w kto ych zamieszkuje "duch prawdy" i ktorzy otwarci sCj w jakiejkolwiek ierze na prawd~, dobro i pi~kno. Nie mozemy naturalnie powie ziec, ze ktokolwiek jest na t~ tradycyjnq trojc~ najwyzszych wartosci zamkni~ty, zdarzajCj si~ jednak tacy, ktorzy wydajq si~ dose skutecznie przed nimi zaryglowywae-zwlaszcza tam, gdzie wartosci te domaga Cj si~ konkretnych i nieefektownych gest6w zwyklej prawdomowno

Research paper thumbnail of Globalization of hate : on the intracivilizational rupture and a new face of the enemy

Research paper thumbnail of A metaphysical "homo viator", or an endless tale of travel

14. Janusz Poniewierski "W tym znaku zwyciężysz". "W tym znaku zwyciężysz". "W tym znaku zwycięży... more 14. Janusz Poniewierski "W tym znaku zwyciężysz". "W tym znaku zwyciężysz". "W tym znaku zwyciężysz". "W tym znaku zwyciężysz". "W tym znaku zwyciężysz". Krótka historia miesięcznika "Znak" (część II) Krótka historia miesięcznika "Znak" (część II) Krótka historia miesięcznika "Znak" (część II) Krótka historia miesięcznika "Znak" (część II) Krótka historia miesięcznika "Znak" (część II) TEMAT MIESIĄCA DEFINICJE DEFINICJE DEFINICJE DEFINICJE DEFINICJE 24. Małgorzata Łukasiewicz Nie ma jak podróż Nie ma jak podróż Nie ma jak podróż Nie ma jak podróż Nie ma jak podróż 29. "Wszystko mi jedno, muszę jechać" "Wszystko mi jedno, muszę jechać" "Wszystko mi jedno, muszę jechać" "Wszystko mi jedno, muszę jechać" "Wszystko mi jedno, muszę jechać"

Research paper thumbnail of Człowiek w obliczu pandemii : psychologiczne i społeczne uwarunkowania zachowań w warunkach kryzysu zdrowotnego

Research paper thumbnail of Pandemic and Cultural Differences

Human Behaviour in Pandemics, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Socjalizm, świeckość, wolny rynek i hindutwa. Indyjska narracja o państwie i jego ideologii w perspektywie historycznej

Sprawy Międzynarodowe, 2019

The Republic of India, as probably the most culturally and religiously diverse country in the wor... more The Republic of India, as probably the most culturally and religiously diverse country in the world, has built a very unique socio-political system which is based on cross-cultural compromises between various communities. The ideological foundations of secularism and socialist development were implemented by Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. For almost half a century, they symbolised the identity of the state and constituted the essential elements of every official narrative by the Indian National Congress. Nehru was also the maker of India’s main foreign policy vectors, which were generally approved by subsequent governments. Although the ideology of socialist development was eventually replaced with a free market economy, the concept of secularism remained relevant in the public sphere. The author presents the gradual process of socio-economic transformation and describes the international context of building the image of the country in the 20th century. With the Bharatiya Janata...

Research paper thumbnail of Azjatycka Realpolitik : Chiny i Indie w sporze o własne bezpieczeństwo i przyszłą dominację na kontynencie

Research paper thumbnail of Projekt budowania azjatyckiego mocarstwa XXI wieku. Polityka zagraniczna Indii w strategii rządów Manmohana Singha i Narendry Modiego

Research paper thumbnail of Imperium boga Hanumana : Indie w trzech odsłonach

Research paper thumbnail of Nowy spór o uniwersalia, czyli o wspólnocie muzułmańskiej w Europie XXI wieku

Research paper thumbnail of Rządy Boga czy system demokracji– ideologiczny spór o kształtRepubliki Islamskiej Pakistanuw XX i w XXI wieku

Research paper thumbnail of Zdrada i herezja – na granicy polityki i teologii islamu

Research paper thumbnail of Islam in India: Ideological Conflicts on the Subcontinent and Their Political and Social Consequences in the Early 21st Century

The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs, 2017

The Indian subcontinent is home to nearly half a billion Muslims, or around a third of all follow... more The Indian subcontinent is home to nearly half a billion Muslims, or around a third of all followers of Islam globally. In India, their number is estimated at 180 million, or just above 14% of the country's total population,1 which makes them the world's largest religious minority. Their relations with India's Hindu majority largely determine social stability and cultural coherence (or lack of it) in the country, and is greatly influenced by the shared history of both communities. This history, with its symbolic elements, has been and continues to be used to devise more or less radical ideologies and push specific agendas in central and regional politics. Periods of relatively peaceful coexistence were interrupted by bloody conflicts, and memories of them affect the political identity of both Hindus and Muslims-if not the whole respective communities, then at least their most politically active representatives. The two-way tensions, while tending to be eased by the secul...

Research paper thumbnail of Ideological Counter-Narrative as a Response to Fundamentalist Ideology in Europe and South Asia. An Analysis of Selected Cases in Their Cultural Context and an Outline of Recommended Activities

The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture New Series, 2021

The article discusses the issues of religious radicalisation and de-radicalisation in contemporar... more The article discusses the issues of religious radicalisation and de-radicalisation in contemporary Islam. Its authors present complex phenomena of ideological, historical, cultural and political contexts of radicalisation processes, investigate the distribution of radical propagandist materials among various Muslim communities around the world and analyse the consequences of ideological transformation of Islamic fundamentalism in selected European countries. The authors conclude that radicalisation propaganda has a global appeal due to the fact it has adopted a carefully selected group of globally recognised ideologues (Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, Abul A’la Maududi, Sayyid Qutb), but the recommended de-radicalisation processes should be rooted locally or regionally. The article proposes a constructive theoretical framework, a working hypothesis that should be constantly revised and modified in the changing socio-political environment.

Research paper thumbnail of Doskonały smak Orientu: Barwy iluzji

Research paper thumbnail of Story of the Clashing Images of the Country. the Case of India's Image at Home and in Poland

Polish Sociological Review, 2012

Abstract: The article deals with the complex process of creating a country image, both at home an... more Abstract: The article deals with the complex process of creating a country image, both at home and abroad. It consists of two parts, being interrelated with each other, however not in a direct way. In part one the focus is laid on the image of India created by Indians themselves, which is partly a result of the grand economic transformation initiated in the beginning of the 1990s, and partly a heritage of much older cultural and political tradition. In part two the case of India's changing image in Poland is analyzed, viz. the case of a country, which unlike other European states, never ventured to establish its own political presence overseas, but nevertheless it was able to build a complex structure of various images of the civilization it hardly had any direct political contact with.Keywords: India, Poland, history, country images.The main objective of my article is to demonstrate the complex process of creating a country image. It consists of two parts, being interrelated wi...

Research paper thumbnail of Ideological Counter-Narrative as a Response to Fundamentalist Ideology in Europe and South Asia. An Analysis of Selected Cases in Their Cultural Context and an Outline of Recommended Activities

The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series 13, 2021

The article discusses the issues of religious radicalisation and de-radicalisation in contemporar... more The article discusses the issues of religious radicalisation and de-radicalisation in contemporary Islam. Its authors present complex phenomena of ideological, historical, cultural and political contexts of radicalisation processes, investigate the distribution of radical propagandist materials among various Muslim communities around the world and analyse the consequences of ideological transformation of Islamic fundamentalism in selected European countries. The authors conclude that radicalisation propaganda has a global appeal due to the fact it has adopted a carefully selected group of globally recognised ideologues (Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, Abul A'la Maududi, Sayyid Qutb), but the recommended de-radicalisation processes should be rooted locally or regionally. The article proposes a constructive theoretical framework, a working hypothesis that should be constantly revised and modified in the changing socio-political environment.