RIRIN DWI AGUSTIN - Academia.edu (original) (raw)


Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing (Guided Inquiry) Terhadap Berpikir Lateral Siswa Kelas VII Smpi As-Shodiq Bululawang

Dinamika Pendidikan, Mar 21, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Kesalahan Mahasiswa Pendidikan Matematika Dalam Investigasi Segiempat

Kesalahan tersebut dapat dilakukan oleh siapa saja, baik oleh guru ataupun oleh siswa bahkan maha... more Kesalahan tersebut dapat dilakukan oleh siapa saja, baik oleh guru ataupun oleh siswa bahkan mahasiswa. Tujuan hal ini adalah menunjukkan hasil investigasi dan mengetahui kesalahan- kesalahan ataupun kesulitan yang dialami para mahasiswa dalam menginvestigasi atau menyelidiki tentang segiempat.. Kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa dapat diketahui melalui serangkaian kegiatan yang dilakukan dengan memberikan tes untuk mengidentifikasi letak kesalahan siswa dan hal-hal yang menyebabkan kesalahan, termasuk kesulitan yang dialami siswa saat menggambarkan segiempat dan menklasifikasikannya. Terdapat 34 orang (82,93%) mahasiswa, yang dalam menggambarkan segiempat. Sedangkan 7 mahasiswa lainnya, sekitar 17,07% memberikan menggambar segiempat dengan kurang tepat. Ada beberapa mahasiswa yang menggambar segitiga dan menggambar segienam serta yang menggambar segitiga dan segienam. Hampir (50%) yang mengklasifikasikan berdasarkan bentuknya dan 50% bermacam-macam ada yang mengklasifikasikan ...

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Pemecahan Masalah Dengan Pendekatan "What’s Another Way" Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Siswa

This research background overshadow the existence of strategy learn giving a break wide at studen... more This research background overshadow the existence of strategy learn giving a break wide at student to active learn, by study fox which centre on teacher become to bent the mind to student. To comprehend the concepts in mathematics developed a study method having the character of practical and earn the application in approach learn. One of study method orienting at student activity What’s Another Way. What’s Another Way represent an approach presenting to problem student which can lead the understanding of their opinion hit the items or concept to be learned. This research aim to to know the aktifitas of student student in method of study of What’s Another Way at mathematics study in class 4 SD. Others this study target also to know how far creative ability thinking student after taught by using approach of What’s Another Way. Approach used in this research is approach qualitative. type of medium Research is descriptive research. Subyek in this research is method of What’s Another Way. Medium becoming obyek in this research is all student from one class 4 SDN Kedung Kembar amounting to 31 student people. Method data collecting use the observation and tes. While instrument used is sheet of observation and Tes. Pursuant to result analyse the activity student in method of study of What’s Another Way during study process executed better. Activity student in method of What’s Another Way experiencing of improvement. This matter happened at creative thinking.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Buku Ajar Matematika Berbantuan QR-Code Technology Pada Kelas 4 Sekolah Dasar

Laplace : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika

Pengembangan buku ajar ini didasari oleh proses pembelajaran jarak jauh selama pandemi covid 19, ... more Pengembangan buku ajar ini didasari oleh proses pembelajaran jarak jauh selama pandemi covid 19, permasalahan yang didapat di SDIT Ya Bunayya Pujon Kelas 4 menunjukkan bahwa tingkat ketuntasan belajar matematika rendah dan orang tua merasa kesulitan untuk menjelaskan materi dan mendampingi siswa dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh. Perkembangan teknologi menuntut tenaga pendidik agar mampu menggunakan dan mengoperasikan teknologi yang mampu mendukung dalam proses pembelajaran jarak jauh. Menggunakan media pembelajaran berbasis IT mampu meningkatkan minat siswa dalam belajar, pembelajaran akan lebih bermakna dan menyenangkan. Termasuk pada mata pelajaran matematika semester 1 Kelas 4. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan buku ajar berbantuan QR Code Technology yang berisi materi, video pembalajaran dan latihan soal. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian pengembangan model 4D. Tahapan pada penelitian ini adalah Pendefinisian, Perancangan, Pengembangan dan Penyebaran. Peneli...

Research paper thumbnail of E-Modul dengan Pendekatan Saintifik Menggunakan Flip PDF Profesional pada Materi Persegi dan Persegi Panjang

This research is motivated by the development of technology as a learning medium that must be app... more This research is motivated by the development of technology as a learning medium that must be applied in schools to facilitate the teaching and learning process during the Covid 19 period. Using e-modules will make it easier for students to learn from home. The research objective is to produce an E-module with a scientific approach using Flip PDF Professional on square and rectangular material. E-module is expected to develop students' higher-order thinking. E-modules can be used with or without the active role of a teacher who provides material explanations. E-module rectangles and squares aim so that students can understand the concept of the properties, perimeter, and area of ​​rectangles and squares and use them in solving problems that occur in everyday life and it is hoped that by using this e-module students quickly understand the material rectangles and squares, and can do lessons without depending on the explanation from the teacher

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Buku Pintar Geometri untuk Peserta Didik SMP Berbasis Konstruktivisme

The research was carried out with the aim of producing a Geometry Smart Book for triangular and q... more The research was carried out with the aim of producing a Geometry Smart Book for triangular and quadrilateral material for junior high school students based on constructivism that was valid, effective and practical. This media development process uses a 4D development model. This model was developed by S. Thiagarajan, Dorothy S. Semmel, and Melvyn I. Semmel. The 4d development model consists of 4 main stages, namely: Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate. The validity of this product can be seen from the results of the validation of material experts and media experts, the effectiveness of the product can be seen from the average test results of students at least reaching good criteria, while the practicality of the product can be seen from the results of limited trials obtained an average percentage of 3.58 with very good criteria. good

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan E-Comic sebagai Media Pembelajaran Matematika Kelas IV SD pada Materi Pecahan

This study aims to produce E-Comic Math learning media for the fourth grade of SD Negeri Dadapan ... more This study aims to produce E-Comic Math learning media for the fourth grade of SD Negeri Dadapan 02 Wajak on Fractions. The model used in this E-Comic development research is the 4-D model, namely Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate. Data collection techniques used in this development research were validation questionnaires from material experts, media experts, and mathematics teachers, as well as student response questionnaires. The average percentage result of validation by material experts reached 89,21% which was categorized as “very feasible”. E-Comic learning media is worth trying out. The average percentage of validation results from media experts reached 86,17% which was categorized as "very feasible". The results of the math teacher validation show that the percentage of the feasibility of E-Comic reaches 87,95% which is categorized as "very feasible". The data on the test results of students' responses to the attractiveness of the E-Comic media...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) pada Materi Statistika Bebasis Kontekstual untuk Siswa Kelas VIII SMP

The purpose of this study was to produce a mathematics module with a contextual approach for SMP ... more The purpose of this study was to produce a mathematics module with a contextual approach for SMP VIII SMP in terms of 3 values of validity, effectiveness, and practicality. This type of research is development research with a Research and Development model that aims to produce new products through a development process which is further validated by 3 validators as material experts, media experts, and language experts. The validation results show an average score of 81% which is included in the good category. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the statistical module (mean, median, and mode) with a contextual approach is feasible to be used as teaching material for class VIII junior high school students

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Materials in Materials Module With Appropriate Resolution Application

Proceedings of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang's 1st International Conference of Mathematics Education (INCOMED 2017), 2018

The purpose of this research is (1) development of matrix module with problem solving approach fo... more The purpose of this research is (1) development of matrix module with problem solving approach for vocational students of class X. (2) To know and describe the quality of matrix module with problem solving approach in XK SMK students viewed from the aspect of validity, effectiveness, and practicality. This research is a development research using 4-D development model. In this development model is adopted until the third stage of D, namely the development stage due to time constraints and tailored to the needs and development of the module. This research produces matrix module with problem solving approach for students of class X SMK. The result of the research shows that: (1) based on the evaluation of the quality of the module by the validator, the module is valid with 79% percentage and the category is good, (2) based on the pilot test developed module is effective with 80% test error, 3) based on student response questionnaire developed module expressed practical with 84% percentage and very good category.

Research paper thumbnail of The Development of E-Module Mathematics Based on Contextual Problems

European Journal of Education Studies, 2020

Student' mathematics learning outcomes in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 still have... more Student' mathematics learning outcomes in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 still have many problems. Meanwhile, teachers are required to be able to make innovations by involving technology. The purpose of this study is to produce a valid and appropriate mathematics e-module based on contextual problems. The research method used is Research & Development with the ADDIE model. The research participants were 78 students in 7th grade junior high schools who were selected purposively. The results showed that the e-module mathematics based on contextual problems developed was feasible to be used to improve student learning outcomes on set material. Student learning outcomes increase effectively due to the active involvement of students' mathematical knowledge, which is built from a digital real-life context. Researchers recommend that teachers and practitioners familiarize themselves with the use of e-module by integrating them with math problems that are close to students...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing (Guided Inquiry) Terhadap Berpikir Lateral Siswa Kelas VII Smpi As-Shodiq Bululawang

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing (guidedi... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing (guidedinquiry) terhadap berpikir lateral siswa kelas VII SMPI As-Shodiq Bululawang.Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian quasi eksperimental dengan rancangan pretest postest control group design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VII SMPI As-Shodiq Bululawang tahun pelajaran 2017/2018. Penentuan sampel dengan teknik random sampling (sampel acak) dan diperoleh jumlah sampel sebanyak 42 siswa dari 46 siswa. Nilai berpikir lateral diperoleh dari pretes dan postest berpikir lateral kemudian dicari selisihnya (N-gain). Kemudian data yang diperoleh di analisis dengan Uji Independent T Test dengan bantuan SPSS 17.0 for Windows pada taraf signifikan 5%. Berdasarkan hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ada peningkatan yang signifikan terhadap berpikir lateral siswa yang ditunjukkan oleh hasil Uji Independent T Test yakni nilai (sig.) lebih kecil dari 0,05 (sig. < 0,05) yaitu 0,0...

Research paper thumbnail of E-Encyclopedia of Mathematics Based on Android For Class VIII Junior High School

Mathematics is a broad science in life. Therefore learning media innovation must be done. The pur... more Mathematics is a broad science in life. Therefore learning media innovation must be done. The purpose of this research is to create applications that can expand knowledge and skills by attracting and flexible with android based systems for grade VIII students of junior high school. Android is an operating system that is Open Source which gives freedom for developers to develop an application, with the advantages of the Android operating system, will help Android-based users to be able to joyfull a variety of applications, one of the applications is e-encyclopedia. The stages of the research carried out refer to the ADDIE development model including Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The stages of the research that have been carried out are the Stages of research that have been carried out are goal analysis (goal analysis, analysis of learning tools and materials, analysis of ability levels and characteristics of target users), design (application design t...

Research paper thumbnail of Developing Interactive Mobile Mathematics Inquiry to Enhance Students' Problem-solving Skill

Int. J. Interact. Mob. Technol., 2021

The research aimed to develop interactive multimedia based on scientific inquiry to improve stude... more The research aimed to develop interactive multimedia based on scientific inquiry to improve student mathematics problem-solving as a provision for the era of Society 5.0. The research method used is the Agile Method, which is a software development method. This study involved 120 students from the first, second, to third years who were programming mathematics-related subjects at the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education department, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo. The results of the development of Interactive Mobile Mathematics Inquiry (IMMI) were valid and proven to improve student problem-solving abilities. In particular, this increase is significant in planning and implementing student plans for a problem. The significance is due to the training in the inquiry aspects during the use of IMMI. The implication of this research in the field of educational technology is that IMMI can be a preliminary study and a pioneer for lecturers, experts, and practitioners to use and further de...

Research paper thumbnail of Penggunaan Algoritma Floyd-Warshall untuk Menentukan Rute Terpendek Menuju Air Terjun Waimarang

Laplace : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 2020

Algoritma Floyd-Warshall yaitu metode pemecahan masalah dengan memandang solusi yang diperoleh se... more Algoritma Floyd-Warshall yaitu metode pemecahan masalah dengan memandang solusi yang diperoleh sebagai keputusan yang saling terkait. Algoritma yang ditemukan Warshall ini untuk mencari rute terpendek. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Studi kasus meneliti kasus tertentu yang ada di dalam masyarakat yang dilakukan secara mendalam untuk mempelajari latar belakang, keadaan dan interaksi yang terjadi. Hasil penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan rute terpendek menuju Air Terjun Waimarang dengan menggunakan Algoritma Floyd-Warshall di Sumba Timur. Tahap awal dari pencarian Rute Terpendek yaitu dengan mencari rute-rute yang menuju ke Air Terjun Waimarang dengan jarak, waktu dan biaya yang lebih sedikit. Titik-titik yang ada kemudian saling dihubungkan sesuai dengan jalan yang dilewati oleh kendaraan sehingga menjadi suatu jalur. Kemudian jalur yang sudah terbentuk dibuat matriks ketetanggaan dan dihitung menggunakan Algoritma Floyd-Warshall sehin...

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Numerical Materials Based on Computer Method in IKIP Budi Utomo Malang

Proceedings of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang's 1st International Conference of Mathematics Education (INCOMED 2017), 2018

The purpose of this reseach is to (1) compose textbooks of computer-based numerical method in IKI... more The purpose of this reseach is to (1) compose textbooks of computer-based numerical method in IKIP Budi Utomo Malang, (2) the validity and effectiveness of textbook of computer-based numerical method in IKIP Budi Utomo Malang. This research uses Research and Development method of Borg and Gall model with the last 4 step deduction, grouped in preliminary stage (petition and problem, information gathering), development stage (product design, design validation, design revision), Phase evaluation (product trial). The trial target of the textbook developed is a student of class of 2014 Mathematics Education Study Program IKIP Budi Utomo Malang. The instrument used in this research is validation sheet filled by validator, and student opinion polls filled out by students after trial textbook. The results of the analysis in the preliminary stage shows that the textbook of numerical methods that exist in IKIP Budi utomo Malang is still very minimal, in the process of learning using only one textbook and that too the book used for the engineering study program. Expert judgments on teaching materials developed in the criterion of the prevalence obtained an average score of 86.80 with a percentage of 86.80% so that the textbook developed has a validity criterion is very valid. The effectiveness of textbooks developed was seen from the questionnaire of student opinions obtained after trial textbooks obtained an average score of 42 with 87.5% percentage so that developed textbooks have effective effectiveness criteria.

Research paper thumbnail of Development of mathematical learning instruments based on ethnomathematics in character education learning

International Journal on Teaching and Learning Mathematics, 2018

The purpose of this research is to develope mathematical learning instrument based on ethnomatema... more The purpose of this research is to develope mathematical learning instrument based on ethnomatematics in strengthening students’ character education. The learning instruments consist of syllabus, lesson plan, and student worksheet. This research is a development study. This research was conducted in grade 8 of junior high school in Indonesia. This research was implemented in three stages, namely: define, design, and develop. The define phase includes the analysis of syllabus, syllabus, lesson plan, and student worksheet; the design stage includes the preparation of learning instruments draft and research instruments; the development stage includes the test of learning instruments, evaluation and perfection of learning instruments. The validation results of expert validators were as follows: syllabus device with a value of 4.62 with a very valid category, student worksheet instruments with a value of 4.59 with a very valid category, while the materials learning device with a value of...

Research paper thumbnail of Two Dimensional Object in square and rectangles: Batik artwork approach

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019

This study aims to describe the ethnomatematics study: square and rectangular on the motif of Mal... more This study aims to describe the ethnomatematics study: square and rectangular on the motif of Malang batik artwork. This research is a qualitative-explorative research that is exploring batik motifs in square and rectangular shapes. The data in this study are in the form of library study data from both documents and electronic media. In addition, in the form of interview records related to Malang batik artwork and observations. The results of the study from this study indicate that: 1) on the kawung motif and Malang written batik there is a square concept; and 2) in Malang’s masked batik motif there is a rectangular concept. The concept of square and rectangle in Malang batik artwork can be applied in mathematics learning. Especially in two-dimentional figure material.

Research paper thumbnail of Development of e-learning mathematics encyclopedia as learning tools for class viii junior high school

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019

The purpose of this study was to describe the development of e-learning-based mathematics encyclo... more The purpose of this study was to describe the development of e-learning-based mathematics encyclopedia as a learning tools and test the validity and eligibility of e-learning based mathematics encyclopedia as a learning tools for junior high school students. The many terms and formulas in mathematics, sometimes make students difficult in learning mathematics. Students often forget to apply a formula to solve certain math problems. To help students in learning mathematics, it is necessary to make a computer software (software) through computer-based learning in the form of a mathematical encyclopedia. The development of e-learning based mathematics encyclopedia that is integrated into learning can be through the development of learning tools. This learning tools can be applied in all devices based online. The use of tools in learning is intended to be able to help overcome various obstacles in the learning process including psychological barriers, physical barriers, cultural barriers...

Research paper thumbnail of Ethnomatematics as Indonesia Batik Artwork in Mathematics Learning Two-dimensional Figure Materials

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP), 2019

This study aims to describe Indonesia ethnomathematics in Malang batik art in mathematics learnin... more This study aims to describe Indonesia ethnomathematics in Malang batik art in mathematics learning of twodimensional figure material. This research is a qualitative-explorative study which explores batik motifs in the form of the twodimensional figure. The data in this research are in the form of data from the study of literature both from documents and electronic media. Also, in the form of recorded interviews related to Malang batik art and observations. The results of this study indicate that: 1) in Malang motifs there is the concept of a two-dimensional figure; and 2) the batik motifs contained in the concept of the two-dimensional figure can be applied in learning with innovative learning models

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Kesalahan Mahasiswa Dalam Memecahkan Masalah Matematika Berdasarkan Analisis Newman Ditinjau Dari Gender

PRISMATIKA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Riset Matematika, 2019

Difficulties in learning are caused by student study programs in mathematics education to solve p... more Difficulties in learning are caused by student study programs in mathematics education to solve problems in solving mathematics. The mistake was made by both male and female students. In the course, algebraic structure is one of the material that requires the right procedure in its completion. This research includes descriptive analysis with qualitative data analysis. Data collection was carried out by test and interview methods conducted twice, namely TPM 1 and TPM 2. Subjects were considered as 2 students from 35 students of class 2016, consisting of one male student and one female student. The student has high mathematical skills. Each research subject was interviewed regarding the results of his work at TPM 1. To find the credibility of the data, the second test was conducted, which means that this study uses time triangulation. Furthermore, the data were analyzed to determine the types of student errors according to Newman's analysis. Based on the results of the study, data...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing (Guided Inquiry) Terhadap Berpikir Lateral Siswa Kelas VII Smpi As-Shodiq Bululawang

Dinamika Pendidikan, Mar 21, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Kesalahan Mahasiswa Pendidikan Matematika Dalam Investigasi Segiempat

Kesalahan tersebut dapat dilakukan oleh siapa saja, baik oleh guru ataupun oleh siswa bahkan maha... more Kesalahan tersebut dapat dilakukan oleh siapa saja, baik oleh guru ataupun oleh siswa bahkan mahasiswa. Tujuan hal ini adalah menunjukkan hasil investigasi dan mengetahui kesalahan- kesalahan ataupun kesulitan yang dialami para mahasiswa dalam menginvestigasi atau menyelidiki tentang segiempat.. Kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa dapat diketahui melalui serangkaian kegiatan yang dilakukan dengan memberikan tes untuk mengidentifikasi letak kesalahan siswa dan hal-hal yang menyebabkan kesalahan, termasuk kesulitan yang dialami siswa saat menggambarkan segiempat dan menklasifikasikannya. Terdapat 34 orang (82,93%) mahasiswa, yang dalam menggambarkan segiempat. Sedangkan 7 mahasiswa lainnya, sekitar 17,07% memberikan menggambar segiempat dengan kurang tepat. Ada beberapa mahasiswa yang menggambar segitiga dan menggambar segienam serta yang menggambar segitiga dan segienam. Hampir (50%) yang mengklasifikasikan berdasarkan bentuknya dan 50% bermacam-macam ada yang mengklasifikasikan ...

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Pemecahan Masalah Dengan Pendekatan "What’s Another Way" Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Siswa

This research background overshadow the existence of strategy learn giving a break wide at studen... more This research background overshadow the existence of strategy learn giving a break wide at student to active learn, by study fox which centre on teacher become to bent the mind to student. To comprehend the concepts in mathematics developed a study method having the character of practical and earn the application in approach learn. One of study method orienting at student activity What’s Another Way. What’s Another Way represent an approach presenting to problem student which can lead the understanding of their opinion hit the items or concept to be learned. This research aim to to know the aktifitas of student student in method of study of What’s Another Way at mathematics study in class 4 SD. Others this study target also to know how far creative ability thinking student after taught by using approach of What’s Another Way. Approach used in this research is approach qualitative. type of medium Research is descriptive research. Subyek in this research is method of What’s Another Way. Medium becoming obyek in this research is all student from one class 4 SDN Kedung Kembar amounting to 31 student people. Method data collecting use the observation and tes. While instrument used is sheet of observation and Tes. Pursuant to result analyse the activity student in method of study of What’s Another Way during study process executed better. Activity student in method of What’s Another Way experiencing of improvement. This matter happened at creative thinking.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Buku Ajar Matematika Berbantuan QR-Code Technology Pada Kelas 4 Sekolah Dasar

Laplace : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika

Pengembangan buku ajar ini didasari oleh proses pembelajaran jarak jauh selama pandemi covid 19, ... more Pengembangan buku ajar ini didasari oleh proses pembelajaran jarak jauh selama pandemi covid 19, permasalahan yang didapat di SDIT Ya Bunayya Pujon Kelas 4 menunjukkan bahwa tingkat ketuntasan belajar matematika rendah dan orang tua merasa kesulitan untuk menjelaskan materi dan mendampingi siswa dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh. Perkembangan teknologi menuntut tenaga pendidik agar mampu menggunakan dan mengoperasikan teknologi yang mampu mendukung dalam proses pembelajaran jarak jauh. Menggunakan media pembelajaran berbasis IT mampu meningkatkan minat siswa dalam belajar, pembelajaran akan lebih bermakna dan menyenangkan. Termasuk pada mata pelajaran matematika semester 1 Kelas 4. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan buku ajar berbantuan QR Code Technology yang berisi materi, video pembalajaran dan latihan soal. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian pengembangan model 4D. Tahapan pada penelitian ini adalah Pendefinisian, Perancangan, Pengembangan dan Penyebaran. Peneli...

Research paper thumbnail of E-Modul dengan Pendekatan Saintifik Menggunakan Flip PDF Profesional pada Materi Persegi dan Persegi Panjang

This research is motivated by the development of technology as a learning medium that must be app... more This research is motivated by the development of technology as a learning medium that must be applied in schools to facilitate the teaching and learning process during the Covid 19 period. Using e-modules will make it easier for students to learn from home. The research objective is to produce an E-module with a scientific approach using Flip PDF Professional on square and rectangular material. E-module is expected to develop students' higher-order thinking. E-modules can be used with or without the active role of a teacher who provides material explanations. E-module rectangles and squares aim so that students can understand the concept of the properties, perimeter, and area of ​​rectangles and squares and use them in solving problems that occur in everyday life and it is hoped that by using this e-module students quickly understand the material rectangles and squares, and can do lessons without depending on the explanation from the teacher

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Buku Pintar Geometri untuk Peserta Didik SMP Berbasis Konstruktivisme

The research was carried out with the aim of producing a Geometry Smart Book for triangular and q... more The research was carried out with the aim of producing a Geometry Smart Book for triangular and quadrilateral material for junior high school students based on constructivism that was valid, effective and practical. This media development process uses a 4D development model. This model was developed by S. Thiagarajan, Dorothy S. Semmel, and Melvyn I. Semmel. The 4d development model consists of 4 main stages, namely: Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate. The validity of this product can be seen from the results of the validation of material experts and media experts, the effectiveness of the product can be seen from the average test results of students at least reaching good criteria, while the practicality of the product can be seen from the results of limited trials obtained an average percentage of 3.58 with very good criteria. good

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan E-Comic sebagai Media Pembelajaran Matematika Kelas IV SD pada Materi Pecahan

This study aims to produce E-Comic Math learning media for the fourth grade of SD Negeri Dadapan ... more This study aims to produce E-Comic Math learning media for the fourth grade of SD Negeri Dadapan 02 Wajak on Fractions. The model used in this E-Comic development research is the 4-D model, namely Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate. Data collection techniques used in this development research were validation questionnaires from material experts, media experts, and mathematics teachers, as well as student response questionnaires. The average percentage result of validation by material experts reached 89,21% which was categorized as “very feasible”. E-Comic learning media is worth trying out. The average percentage of validation results from media experts reached 86,17% which was categorized as "very feasible". The results of the math teacher validation show that the percentage of the feasibility of E-Comic reaches 87,95% which is categorized as "very feasible". The data on the test results of students' responses to the attractiveness of the E-Comic media...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) pada Materi Statistika Bebasis Kontekstual untuk Siswa Kelas VIII SMP

The purpose of this study was to produce a mathematics module with a contextual approach for SMP ... more The purpose of this study was to produce a mathematics module with a contextual approach for SMP VIII SMP in terms of 3 values of validity, effectiveness, and practicality. This type of research is development research with a Research and Development model that aims to produce new products through a development process which is further validated by 3 validators as material experts, media experts, and language experts. The validation results show an average score of 81% which is included in the good category. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the statistical module (mean, median, and mode) with a contextual approach is feasible to be used as teaching material for class VIII junior high school students

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Materials in Materials Module With Appropriate Resolution Application

Proceedings of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang's 1st International Conference of Mathematics Education (INCOMED 2017), 2018

The purpose of this research is (1) development of matrix module with problem solving approach fo... more The purpose of this research is (1) development of matrix module with problem solving approach for vocational students of class X. (2) To know and describe the quality of matrix module with problem solving approach in XK SMK students viewed from the aspect of validity, effectiveness, and practicality. This research is a development research using 4-D development model. In this development model is adopted until the third stage of D, namely the development stage due to time constraints and tailored to the needs and development of the module. This research produces matrix module with problem solving approach for students of class X SMK. The result of the research shows that: (1) based on the evaluation of the quality of the module by the validator, the module is valid with 79% percentage and the category is good, (2) based on the pilot test developed module is effective with 80% test error, 3) based on student response questionnaire developed module expressed practical with 84% percentage and very good category.

Research paper thumbnail of The Development of E-Module Mathematics Based on Contextual Problems

European Journal of Education Studies, 2020

Student' mathematics learning outcomes in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 still have... more Student' mathematics learning outcomes in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 still have many problems. Meanwhile, teachers are required to be able to make innovations by involving technology. The purpose of this study is to produce a valid and appropriate mathematics e-module based on contextual problems. The research method used is Research & Development with the ADDIE model. The research participants were 78 students in 7th grade junior high schools who were selected purposively. The results showed that the e-module mathematics based on contextual problems developed was feasible to be used to improve student learning outcomes on set material. Student learning outcomes increase effectively due to the active involvement of students' mathematical knowledge, which is built from a digital real-life context. Researchers recommend that teachers and practitioners familiarize themselves with the use of e-module by integrating them with math problems that are close to students...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing (Guided Inquiry) Terhadap Berpikir Lateral Siswa Kelas VII Smpi As-Shodiq Bululawang

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing (guidedi... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing (guidedinquiry) terhadap berpikir lateral siswa kelas VII SMPI As-Shodiq Bululawang.Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian quasi eksperimental dengan rancangan pretest postest control group design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VII SMPI As-Shodiq Bululawang tahun pelajaran 2017/2018. Penentuan sampel dengan teknik random sampling (sampel acak) dan diperoleh jumlah sampel sebanyak 42 siswa dari 46 siswa. Nilai berpikir lateral diperoleh dari pretes dan postest berpikir lateral kemudian dicari selisihnya (N-gain). Kemudian data yang diperoleh di analisis dengan Uji Independent T Test dengan bantuan SPSS 17.0 for Windows pada taraf signifikan 5%. Berdasarkan hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ada peningkatan yang signifikan terhadap berpikir lateral siswa yang ditunjukkan oleh hasil Uji Independent T Test yakni nilai (sig.) lebih kecil dari 0,05 (sig. < 0,05) yaitu 0,0...

Research paper thumbnail of E-Encyclopedia of Mathematics Based on Android For Class VIII Junior High School

Mathematics is a broad science in life. Therefore learning media innovation must be done. The pur... more Mathematics is a broad science in life. Therefore learning media innovation must be done. The purpose of this research is to create applications that can expand knowledge and skills by attracting and flexible with android based systems for grade VIII students of junior high school. Android is an operating system that is Open Source which gives freedom for developers to develop an application, with the advantages of the Android operating system, will help Android-based users to be able to joyfull a variety of applications, one of the applications is e-encyclopedia. The stages of the research carried out refer to the ADDIE development model including Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The stages of the research that have been carried out are the Stages of research that have been carried out are goal analysis (goal analysis, analysis of learning tools and materials, analysis of ability levels and characteristics of target users), design (application design t...

Research paper thumbnail of Developing Interactive Mobile Mathematics Inquiry to Enhance Students' Problem-solving Skill

Int. J. Interact. Mob. Technol., 2021

The research aimed to develop interactive multimedia based on scientific inquiry to improve stude... more The research aimed to develop interactive multimedia based on scientific inquiry to improve student mathematics problem-solving as a provision for the era of Society 5.0. The research method used is the Agile Method, which is a software development method. This study involved 120 students from the first, second, to third years who were programming mathematics-related subjects at the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education department, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo. The results of the development of Interactive Mobile Mathematics Inquiry (IMMI) were valid and proven to improve student problem-solving abilities. In particular, this increase is significant in planning and implementing student plans for a problem. The significance is due to the training in the inquiry aspects during the use of IMMI. The implication of this research in the field of educational technology is that IMMI can be a preliminary study and a pioneer for lecturers, experts, and practitioners to use and further de...

Research paper thumbnail of Penggunaan Algoritma Floyd-Warshall untuk Menentukan Rute Terpendek Menuju Air Terjun Waimarang

Laplace : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 2020

Algoritma Floyd-Warshall yaitu metode pemecahan masalah dengan memandang solusi yang diperoleh se... more Algoritma Floyd-Warshall yaitu metode pemecahan masalah dengan memandang solusi yang diperoleh sebagai keputusan yang saling terkait. Algoritma yang ditemukan Warshall ini untuk mencari rute terpendek. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Studi kasus meneliti kasus tertentu yang ada di dalam masyarakat yang dilakukan secara mendalam untuk mempelajari latar belakang, keadaan dan interaksi yang terjadi. Hasil penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan rute terpendek menuju Air Terjun Waimarang dengan menggunakan Algoritma Floyd-Warshall di Sumba Timur. Tahap awal dari pencarian Rute Terpendek yaitu dengan mencari rute-rute yang menuju ke Air Terjun Waimarang dengan jarak, waktu dan biaya yang lebih sedikit. Titik-titik yang ada kemudian saling dihubungkan sesuai dengan jalan yang dilewati oleh kendaraan sehingga menjadi suatu jalur. Kemudian jalur yang sudah terbentuk dibuat matriks ketetanggaan dan dihitung menggunakan Algoritma Floyd-Warshall sehin...

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Numerical Materials Based on Computer Method in IKIP Budi Utomo Malang

Proceedings of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang's 1st International Conference of Mathematics Education (INCOMED 2017), 2018

The purpose of this reseach is to (1) compose textbooks of computer-based numerical method in IKI... more The purpose of this reseach is to (1) compose textbooks of computer-based numerical method in IKIP Budi Utomo Malang, (2) the validity and effectiveness of textbook of computer-based numerical method in IKIP Budi Utomo Malang. This research uses Research and Development method of Borg and Gall model with the last 4 step deduction, grouped in preliminary stage (petition and problem, information gathering), development stage (product design, design validation, design revision), Phase evaluation (product trial). The trial target of the textbook developed is a student of class of 2014 Mathematics Education Study Program IKIP Budi Utomo Malang. The instrument used in this research is validation sheet filled by validator, and student opinion polls filled out by students after trial textbook. The results of the analysis in the preliminary stage shows that the textbook of numerical methods that exist in IKIP Budi utomo Malang is still very minimal, in the process of learning using only one textbook and that too the book used for the engineering study program. Expert judgments on teaching materials developed in the criterion of the prevalence obtained an average score of 86.80 with a percentage of 86.80% so that the textbook developed has a validity criterion is very valid. The effectiveness of textbooks developed was seen from the questionnaire of student opinions obtained after trial textbooks obtained an average score of 42 with 87.5% percentage so that developed textbooks have effective effectiveness criteria.

Research paper thumbnail of Development of mathematical learning instruments based on ethnomathematics in character education learning

International Journal on Teaching and Learning Mathematics, 2018

The purpose of this research is to develope mathematical learning instrument based on ethnomatema... more The purpose of this research is to develope mathematical learning instrument based on ethnomatematics in strengthening students’ character education. The learning instruments consist of syllabus, lesson plan, and student worksheet. This research is a development study. This research was conducted in grade 8 of junior high school in Indonesia. This research was implemented in three stages, namely: define, design, and develop. The define phase includes the analysis of syllabus, syllabus, lesson plan, and student worksheet; the design stage includes the preparation of learning instruments draft and research instruments; the development stage includes the test of learning instruments, evaluation and perfection of learning instruments. The validation results of expert validators were as follows: syllabus device with a value of 4.62 with a very valid category, student worksheet instruments with a value of 4.59 with a very valid category, while the materials learning device with a value of...

Research paper thumbnail of Two Dimensional Object in square and rectangles: Batik artwork approach

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019

This study aims to describe the ethnomatematics study: square and rectangular on the motif of Mal... more This study aims to describe the ethnomatematics study: square and rectangular on the motif of Malang batik artwork. This research is a qualitative-explorative research that is exploring batik motifs in square and rectangular shapes. The data in this study are in the form of library study data from both documents and electronic media. In addition, in the form of interview records related to Malang batik artwork and observations. The results of the study from this study indicate that: 1) on the kawung motif and Malang written batik there is a square concept; and 2) in Malang’s masked batik motif there is a rectangular concept. The concept of square and rectangle in Malang batik artwork can be applied in mathematics learning. Especially in two-dimentional figure material.

Research paper thumbnail of Development of e-learning mathematics encyclopedia as learning tools for class viii junior high school

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019

The purpose of this study was to describe the development of e-learning-based mathematics encyclo... more The purpose of this study was to describe the development of e-learning-based mathematics encyclopedia as a learning tools and test the validity and eligibility of e-learning based mathematics encyclopedia as a learning tools for junior high school students. The many terms and formulas in mathematics, sometimes make students difficult in learning mathematics. Students often forget to apply a formula to solve certain math problems. To help students in learning mathematics, it is necessary to make a computer software (software) through computer-based learning in the form of a mathematical encyclopedia. The development of e-learning based mathematics encyclopedia that is integrated into learning can be through the development of learning tools. This learning tools can be applied in all devices based online. The use of tools in learning is intended to be able to help overcome various obstacles in the learning process including psychological barriers, physical barriers, cultural barriers...

Research paper thumbnail of Ethnomatematics as Indonesia Batik Artwork in Mathematics Learning Two-dimensional Figure Materials

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP), 2019

This study aims to describe Indonesia ethnomathematics in Malang batik art in mathematics learnin... more This study aims to describe Indonesia ethnomathematics in Malang batik art in mathematics learning of twodimensional figure material. This research is a qualitative-explorative study which explores batik motifs in the form of the twodimensional figure. The data in this research are in the form of data from the study of literature both from documents and electronic media. Also, in the form of recorded interviews related to Malang batik art and observations. The results of this study indicate that: 1) in Malang motifs there is the concept of a two-dimensional figure; and 2) the batik motifs contained in the concept of the two-dimensional figure can be applied in learning with innovative learning models

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Kesalahan Mahasiswa Dalam Memecahkan Masalah Matematika Berdasarkan Analisis Newman Ditinjau Dari Gender

PRISMATIKA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Riset Matematika, 2019

Difficulties in learning are caused by student study programs in mathematics education to solve p... more Difficulties in learning are caused by student study programs in mathematics education to solve problems in solving mathematics. The mistake was made by both male and female students. In the course, algebraic structure is one of the material that requires the right procedure in its completion. This research includes descriptive analysis with qualitative data analysis. Data collection was carried out by test and interview methods conducted twice, namely TPM 1 and TPM 2. Subjects were considered as 2 students from 35 students of class 2016, consisting of one male student and one female student. The student has high mathematical skills. Each research subject was interviewed regarding the results of his work at TPM 1. To find the credibility of the data, the second test was conducted, which means that this study uses time triangulation. Furthermore, the data were analyzed to determine the types of student errors according to Newman's analysis. Based on the results of the study, data...