David Efendi - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Books by David Efendi

Research paper thumbnail of Krisis Sosio Ekologis Tambang Fosfat Sumenep

Research paper thumbnail of Memperkuat Demokrasi dan Civil Society di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19?

samudra biru, 2021

Tulisan ini menjelaskan pentingnya merawat demokrasi dimasa depan, yakni demokrasi yang sedang me... more Tulisan ini menjelaskan pentingnya merawat demokrasi dimasa depan,
yakni demokrasi yang sedang mengarah kepada Post-Democracy atau
biasa dikenal dengan sebuah keadaan, politik demokrasi seolah-olah
berjalan baik, namun kehilangan semangat atau progresivitasnya, ini dikarenakan politik telah diambil alih oleh segelintir aktor politik yang menggunakan kekuasaannya untuk mengambil keputusan-keputusan penting orang banyak. seperti contoh adanya patronase yang menguat yang cenderung menimbulkan penguatan oligarki diranah lokal dan pusat, serta semakin maraknya pelemahan (depolitisasi) Civil Society. Beberapa pelajaran penting dari adanya post-demoracy yaitu kebijakan yang dihasilkan cenderung menimbulkan kontraversional seperti pelajaran dari Omnibuslaw, UU Mineral dan Batubara (Minerba), dan Test Wawasan Kebangsaan Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (TWK KPK) yang justru melemahkan demokrasi itu sendiri. Langkah startegis yang disarankan dalam memperkuat Demokrasi ditengah Pandemi dan dimasa datang yaitu Pertama, dibutuhkan gerakan sosial politik arus bawah yang kuat dengan kerja kolaborasi lintas organisasi civil society. Kedua, dibutuhkan Reformasi Partai Politik dan Ketiga, Penguatan Kelembagaan. Tujuan adanya reformasi ini yaitu sebagai bentuk adanya checks and balances sehingga demokrasi bekerja dengan prima.

Research paper thumbnail of KAMPUNG HIJAU GAMBIRAN

adalah hak eksklusif pencipta yang timbul secara otomatis berdasarkan prinsip deklaratif setelah ... more adalah hak eksklusif pencipta yang timbul secara otomatis berdasarkan prinsip deklaratif setelah suatu ciptaan diwujudkan dalam bentuk nyata tanpa mengurangi pembatasan sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan. (Pasal 1 ayat [1]). 2. Pencipta atau Pemegang Hak Cipta sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 8 memiliki hak ekonomi untuk melakukan: a. Penerbitan cip taan; b. Penggandaan ciptaan dalam segala bentuknya; c. Pener jemahan ciptaan; d. Pengadaptasian, pengaransemenan, atau pentransformasian ciptaan; e. pendistribusian ciptaan atau salinannya; f. Pertunjukan Ciptaan; g. Pengumuman ciptaan; h. Komunikasi ciptaan; dan i. Penyewaan ciptaan. (Pasal 9 ayat [1]). 3. Setiap Orang yang dengan tanpa hak dan/atau tanpa izin Pencipta atau pemegang Hak Cipta melakukan pelanggaran hak ekonomi Pencipta sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 9 ayat (1) huruf a, huruf b, huruf e, dan/atau huruf g untuk Penggunaan Secara Komersial dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 4 (empat) tahun dan/atau pidana denda paling banyak Rp1.000.000.000,00 (satu miliar rupiah). (Pasal 113 ayat [3]). 4. Setiap Orang yang memenuhi unsur sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (3) yang dilakukan dalam bentuk pembajakan, dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 10 (sepuluh) tahun dan/atau pidana denda paling banyak Rp4.000.000.000,00 (empat miliar rupiah). (Pasal 113 ayat [4]).

Research paper thumbnail of industri pariwisata dan komersialisasi budaya di Yogyakarta: Tinjauan Ekonomi Politik Lokal.pdf

This paper aims to explain and figure out the relationship between local politics, culture and bu... more This paper aims to explain and figure out the relationship between local politics, culture and business ten years before and shortly after UUK DIY has been implemented in this region. However, there are strong relationship between what is going on today in Yogyakarta and what was happening in the past time as people, in general, see them self as never be apart from their historical background. In so doing, this paper will discuss about local elite, which are consisting of politicians, royal families, and also ‘ethnic based-local businessmen’. Those actors provide a clear explanation about ’who get what and how’ in the field of local economic and market competition under the banner of Decentralization and Yogyakarta Special Privilege of regions status as well.

Keywords: Decentralized Democracy, Political Dynasty, Bourgeoisie, Local Politics, Cultural Production, Tourism.

Research paper thumbnail of Big budget, Low impact: An Alternative Evaluation on Benefit and Impact of Special Allocation Fund in DI Yogyakarta

Journal Government and Politics, 2017

Special region of Yogyakarta is the newest area that has reached constitutionality privilege sta... more Special region of Yogyakarta is the newest area that has reached constitutionality privilege status of three other special regions: Aceh, Papua and Jakarta. This paper is the results of combination from several data collection method such as survey, interview, and Focus Group Discussion in order to gather a more comprehensive data analysis. In Addition, data are collected from government document, library literature, and media report. And the method of analysis is using descriptive and chronological. Lastly, conclusion are produced by induction and deduction model.

As conclusion, this research findings are anomaly with another finding. First, good governance approach in funding are made to be preferred procedure in creating various program and privilege activities. Second, the philosophical debate were so dominant in three years instead in more substantial programs related to social welfare. Third, a large proportion of the budget allocation had been spent in cultural events creating a serious public apathy where the principle of privilege and power for the welfare is still far away. It is becoming provocative summery that the implementation of privilege regions during first three years is facing a condition like big budgets but low Impact.

Keywords: Asymmetrical democracy, DIY, Evaluation, Welfare.

Research paper thumbnail of " Unfinished Nation " : Interrogating Ideological Typology of Indonesia as a Democratic and Multicultural State within Its Decentralized Politics

This paper deals with the Indonesian typology of states are key challenges for Indonesia as a 'na... more This paper deals with the Indonesian typology of states are key challenges for Indonesia as a 'nation-state'. In response to questions on whether Indonesia should be categorized as a successful or a failed nation-state, this article provides an explanation of how Indonesia experienced the transition from colonial to independent state, transition to peace after the dual 'revolutions ' of 1965 and 1998, and transition from centralized 'to decentralized 'sovereignty' and from an authoritarian regime to democratic state. In this essay,we therefore use historical constructs to address on going public and scholarly debates about the establishment of the Indonesian state in the democracy era which is confrontation between islamic-conservatism and secular-liberalism. Finally, this discursive study found out there have been a number of challenges to Indonesian nation-state building. The most pressing is the emergence of ethnic and religious conflicts, and separatism caused by domestic factors in the failure of economic development and the decline in democratic governance. Thus, ideological typology of Indonesia as a democratic yet multicultural state remains unconsolidated.

Research paper thumbnail of politik elektoral Muhammadiyah di Aras Lokal Kabupaten Sleman dan Maros.pdf

paper ini berbicara tentang bagaimana Muhammadiyah di daerah berinteraksi dengan politik dengan m... more paper ini berbicara tentang bagaimana Muhammadiyah di daerah berinteraksi dengan politik dengan mengambil kasus Sleman d DIY dan Maros di sulawesi selatan. Faktanya, dinamika Muhammadiyah lokal dama elektoralisme sangat bervariasi.

Research paper thumbnail of Transformasi GerakanPelajar: Dari Gerakan Advokasi ke Perlawanansehari-hari

Gerakan pelajar di Indonesia dalam lintasan sejarah telah melalui tahapan yang sangat dinamis bai... more Gerakan pelajar di Indonesia dalam lintasan sejarah telah melalui tahapan yang sangat dinamis baik sebelum kemerdekaan/periode revolusi, setelah kemerdekaan (orde lama/baru), dan pasca reformasi. Peran-peran dimulai dari pengorganisasian struktur wacana, aksi, dan aktor kesejarahan dalam pemerintahan. Peran politiknya telah berada dalam ranah state politics (politik formal) dan politik advokasi—dalam berbagai organisasi sosial kemasyarakatan/NGO. Perjuangan-perjuangan ini akhir-akhir ini dianggap telah mentok dan menjadi sangat ‘konvensional’artinya gerakan-gerakan yang dilabeli ‘sosial movement” atau baik estra maupun ‘intra parlementer’ telah tidak lagi menjadi minat utama pelajar (mungkin tidak efektif?). tulisna hendak melihat potensi dan probablitas gerakan keseharian untuk merespon situasi sosial, politik, dan budaya untuk dijadikan model analis betapa ‘perlawanan’ itu dapat dilakukan secara sangat privat/individual.

Research paper thumbnail of Childcare policy in Muhammadiyah A case of Institutional support to family strangthening in Yogyakarta

This Appreciative Inquiry approach (AI) research identified the appropriate system applied in Muh... more This Appreciative Inquiry approach (AI) research identified the appropriate system applied in Muhammadiyah’s institutional care as the best option for the children. Therefore, this research model is one of the breakthroughs to help Muhammadiyah with two objectives: first, Muhammadiyah enable social workers in their organizations to work effectively with children and families so that children can grow up safe and protected within their family. Second, this work includes professional social workers and social volunteers who carry social work tasks. The study aims to find the best practice in terms of returning the child (re- integration) at the orphanage institutions to their families. This research has a focus so that Muhammadiyah can work effectively with children and families, that these children can grow up in a best, safe and secure environment within the family and community environment.

Research paper thumbnail of Childcare policy in Muhammadiyah A case of Institutional support to family strangthening in Yogyakarta

This Appreciative Inquiry approach (AI) research identified the appropriate system applied in Muh... more This Appreciative Inquiry approach (AI) research identified the appropriate system applied in Muhammadiyah’s institutional care as the best option for the children. Therefore, this research model is one of the breakthroughs to help Muhammadiyah with two objectives: first, Muhammadiyah enable social workers in their organizations to work effectively with children and families so that children can grow up safe and protected within their family. Second, this work includes professional social workers and social volunteers who carry social work tasks. The study aims to find the best practice in terms of returning the child (re- integration) at the orphanage institutions to their families. This research has a focus so that Muhammadiyah can work effectively with children and families, that these children can grow up in a best, safe and secure environment within the family and community environment.

Research paper thumbnail of The Decline of Bourgeoisie (David Efendi)

Pada awal dan pertengahan abad 20, Kotagede terkenal dengan keberadaan “Orang Kalang” yakni klas ... more Pada awal dan pertengahan abad 20, Kotagede terkenal dengan keberadaan “Orang Kalang” yakni klas kaya di Kotagede. Pada perkembangannya, klas orang kaya tidak hanya terbatas di kalangan orang Kalang. Orang-orang yang berhasil menduduki klas ekonomi atas muncul dari berbagai latar belakang, terutama paska Indonesia merdeka dan akhir abad 20. Telah terjadi dinamika orang kaya dan peranan sosialnya di Kotagede, terutama menjelang pergantian milenium.

Papers by David Efendi

Research paper thumbnail of GRAFFITI SEBAGAI MEDIA KOMUNIKASI POLITIK KAUM URBAN (Respon Pekerja Seni atas Dominasi Pembangunan di Kota Yogyakarta

Graffiti sebagai media komunikasi politik dengan mengangkat isu politik keseharian (Daily Politic... more Graffiti sebagai media komunikasi politik dengan mengangkat isu politik keseharian (Daily Politics) anak muda di Kota Yogyakarta, serta responnya dalam masalah pembangunan perkotaan baik pembangun fisik maupun non fisik (sosial, politik, dan ekonomi). Selain itu penelitian ini melihat graffiti sebagai salah satu street art yang digunakan untuk mengkritisi permasalahan di ruang publik serta komunikasi politik graffiti dalam ranah media sosial dan internet. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Dalam penelitian ini didapatkan hasil, graffiti sebagai media komunikasi politik yang terjadi dan marak di Kota Yogyakarta karena adanya pelaku seni yang kritis dan memiliki kesadaran tinggi atas situasi perkotaan yang buruk dari dampak pembangunan, dengan perpaduan graffiti dan mural serta poster menjadi inovasi baru dalam dunia street art, serta kehadiran graffiti dalam media sosial dan internet memperluas area propaganda dan ikut menghiasi lorong-lorong digital.

Research paper thumbnail of Acehnese coffeshop as public space-political participation.pdf

Humanities & Social Science Reviews, 2019

Purpose: This paper aims to recognize a new form of political participation that is expressed by ... more Purpose: This paper aims to recognize a new form of political participation that is expressed by Acehnese coffee shop drinkers in supporting and criticizing local Acehnese politics, particularly those in Yogyakarta. Furthermore, this research examines the role of informal movements and clubs involved in decision-making related issues of Acehnese living in Yogyakarta.
Methodology: This is a critical qualitative approach with in-depth interviews and participatory observation over several months. Participatory observation was conducted through immersive participation in Acehnese coffee shops as public spaces and in-depth interviews with coffee shop managers, community leaders, and regular customers.
Findings: The Acehnese unique cultural and social culture of coffee drinking plays a dynamic role with Acehnese community’s relationship with politics. This culture facilitates the existence of Acehnese identity in Yogyakarta and intensifies political participation through informal discussion. Acehnese coffee shops are free and autonomous public spaces, which are collectively owned and persevered by the community.
Implication: Informal politics and local identity expressed through far political distances are interesting in Indonesia to examine social cohesion and capital nationwide. Out study also develops a model contributes to political science in Indonesian by explaining the relationship between informal and formal politics. It helps explain differences of different cultural and ethnic groups in Indonesia.
Originality: Our paper investigates the perspective of local politics within Indonesian politics. Furthermore, most contemporary political research focuses on formal and official politics, while this paper uncovers long distance informal politics embedded in unique Acehnese social culture in coffee shops. The civic contribution of Acehnese coffee shops as a public place in Indonesian democracy is convincingly established in this paper.
Keywords: Public Spaces, Acehnese Coffee Shops, Political Participation, Identity, Local Politics

Research paper thumbnail of To what extent is social media used in city government policy making_Case studies in three asean cities.pdf

public policy and administration, 2018

Social media has a significant impact on political and social life, particu- larly in policy maki... more Social media has a significant impact on political and social life, particu- larly in policy making. In order to examine social media use in policy making, the resear- chers obtained and analyzed data on Twitter or Facebook using a NodeXL program from January to June 2016 in three ASEAN cities, Bandung (Indonesia), Iligan (Philippines) and Pukhet (Thailand). Research found that Bandung City has made significant achie- vement at the engagement level by engaging with the city community in daily city affairs. Meanwhile, Iligan City and Pukhet City are still in the stage of transforming their res- pective internal organizations. The pivotal factors of social media use in three cities is top and middle leader role, legal standing for social media use, policy framework and internal change management
Keywords: Social local government, socialmedia use, networking, transformation, engagement.

Research paper thumbnail of art and Urban Politics-political impact of graffiti politics toward neoliberal urban development.pdf

This study aims to explain the social and political impact of creative-protest movement organized... more This study aims to explain the social and political impact of creative-protest movement organized by artists as alternative/informal politics of young people by installing graffiti, mural, white space, zine and poster in city spaces. This collective movement as respons to the environmental degradation and ecological security caused by neoliberal planned-urban development led by market and the city government. By narrative analysis if qualitative data this paper criticizes how art as life style and contemporary means of social expression challenge the hegemony of planned-development in the city in lower income country like in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Intensively observation, interviews and documentation were conducted during the research and critical discourse analysis has been used to making-meaning of this new social movement. The findings of this political ethnographic research are as follow. First, a widespread politics of graffiti is influenced by the cultural and art as social and traditional Infrastructure of Yogyakarta society. Second, protesting any practice of neoliberalism in city development is almost as everyday politics among young people both privately and publicly, direct and indirect with creative media as a means of power. Also, it is good to notice that in democratic system, there are many citizen’s aspiration still remains underground as the method of expression. In addition, by employing social media this art-based movement able to transform its method from covert to overt, spontaneous to more systematic and making viral as political pressure to negotiate and refuse many form of development agenda event stop several city projects of private building in the last five years.
keywords: Developmentalism, Graffiti, Protest movement, everyday politics, resistance

Research paper thumbnail of Flying doctors-A Collaborative Governance Model in Delivering Public Health Service to the Border Areas.pdf

Although health service is the right of citizens and is the obligation of the government to provi... more Although health service is the right of citizens and is the obligation of the government to provide it, empirical findings show that the service is not available evenly and has not been fully accessible to people in need. This study shows that the era of decentralization which gives broad of authority in the field of health services to local governments is able to bring an innovative spirit to provide the best service in the midst of limitations that are owned by regions that have border areas. The Flying Doctors program initiated by the North Kalimantan provincial government is a collabora- tive model that demonstrates the spirit of innovation to bring services to the people in the border areas that are difficult to reach by land transportation modes. Although initiated by the provincial government, other stakeholders also contributed significantly, be it the regency governments as the location of program implementation, the communitiesas the beneficiary groups, or the private sectors, especially the pioneer airlines that allow this program to run. As the conclusion, there are at least fourfactors encouraging the actors to collaborate. First, geographical aspect such as areas that are difficult to reach will encourage actors to collaborate. Second, limitation in allocated bud- get, structure and infrastructure, will push the actors to joint their resources into a collaborative actions. Three, relations between the central and local governments that are decentralized will encourage local governments to make innovative decisions in providing the best services to the community.Four, sharing action will be possible if there is a sharing vision between stakeholders.

Research paper thumbnail of From Riots to Revolution: Investigating Democratization Prospect in Indonesia and Malaysia

This paper aims to compare popular revolutions and riot movements in Malaysia and Indonesia as we... more This paper aims to compare popular revolutions and riot movements in Malaysia and Indonesia as well as their impact on democracy in each of these countries. Whilere volutions in these countries have been the subject of the research in the social and political sciences, no study has measured how the intensity of resistance affects the prospects for democracy. With all other factors being constant, this article argues that social movements and resistance efforts have their own social impacts. A variety of popular resistance movements occurred in Malaysia, which was colonized by Great Britain, and in Indonesia, which was colonized by the Dutch.These states created different models of control that influenced society directly and indirectly. As what was seen, a lot of radical movements in the Indonesian society existed during the colonial and post-revolution eras, continuing to the current day. Meanwhile, in Malaysia, as examined by Scott, everyday forms of resistance have tended to act individually and symbolically. In addition, this article will discuss why certain countries experience democratization quickly while others do not, and why certain countries experience better economic development rather than political development and vice versa. For example, Indonesia is considered politically developed but economically, not as developed. Meanwhile, Malaysia, a post-British colony, is argued to experience the opposite; it has developed its economy rapidly but, at the same time, political freedom and democracies are less developed. Freedom of the press, human rights enforcement,a multi-party system, and group opposition are indicators of democracy that are easy to find in Indonesia but not in Malaysia.

Research paper thumbnail of Senjakala Intelektualisme dan Eksperimen Politik Literasi di Zaman Anti-Kebenaran 1

Pendahuluan: Matinya kaum intelektual? Menyelamatkan kebenaran adalah menyelamatkan idealism kema... more Pendahuluan: Matinya kaum intelektual? Menyelamatkan kebenaran adalah menyelamatkan idealism kemanusiaan. Sehingga benarlah apa yang dimantrakan oleh Tan Malaka: 'idealisme adalah kemenangan terakhir yang dimiliki oleh pemuda.' Sehingga, bersikeras mempertahankan obyektifikasi pengetahuan sebagai kerja-kerja utama sekaligus sebagai tugas pokok seorang intelektual. Intelektual yang memposisikan dirinya sebagai ekspresi nalar sehat masyarakat di mana dia berada dan mengada. Kaum intelegensia di zaman kacau ini sudah mati berkali-kali. Oleh John Horgan (2005), kematian ditandai dengan involusi ilmu pengetahuan, J Benda (1997) meneriakkan bahwa kaum intelektual telah menggadaikan diri di hadapan mahkamah politik pragmatis sebagai praktik pengkhianatan, dan oleh netizen, kaum intelektual telah dihabisi keberadaannya sebagai 'pakar'—era dimana kepakaran milik siapa saja dan menjadi tidak bermakna/tidak dipentingkan.

Research paper thumbnail of Making Informal Politics Work: A Case of Local-Direct Election In

—The existence of informal actors like local strongman and the like is another consequent of loca... more —The existence of informal actors like local strongman and the like is another consequent of localizing democracy in Indonesia nationwide. This research-based paper aims to analyze the existence of informal actors in influencing and shaping electoral process namely local election in Bangka Selatan, Sumatra, Indonesia. To acknowledge the local-informal actor in this case, researchers employ some theoretical frameworks like informal politics, elites, and Bourdieu's theory of capitals, in concerning the post-authoritarian state and transitional democracy in Indonesia which is signed by informal actors, process and also patronage model. It is obvious then, that money is not always a central actor within electoral process but another factor like informal networks is quite effective and significant ones. This finding will be very contributive to get better and factual understanding in seeing local politics dynamic in the contemporary democratic regime in Indonesia.

Research paper thumbnail of Political Volunteerism: Electoral Process of Independent Candidates in Jogja Independent (JOINT

— There is a new phenomenon organized by people in Yogyakarta city-affiliated with a volunteerism... more — There is a new phenomenon organized by people in Yogyakarta city-affiliated with a volunteerism movement called Jogja Independent (JOINT). It endeavored to nominate and demonstrate how independent candidates battled in Yogyakarta city's election in 2017. It was conducted by electing several candidates in public. This research was conducted to apprehend the process of independent candidate's election conducted by JOINT. By doing observation, interview and theory analysis, this paper determined some conclusions that the process of independent candidate's election conducted by JOINT had been a bandwagon and democratic. The election processes were divided into four steps: candidate nomination, appointing selectors, public fit, and proper test, and deciding the final candidate. It resulted in a couple of candidates elected democratically.

Research paper thumbnail of Krisis Sosio Ekologis Tambang Fosfat Sumenep

Research paper thumbnail of Memperkuat Demokrasi dan Civil Society di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19?

samudra biru, 2021

Tulisan ini menjelaskan pentingnya merawat demokrasi dimasa depan, yakni demokrasi yang sedang me... more Tulisan ini menjelaskan pentingnya merawat demokrasi dimasa depan,
yakni demokrasi yang sedang mengarah kepada Post-Democracy atau
biasa dikenal dengan sebuah keadaan, politik demokrasi seolah-olah
berjalan baik, namun kehilangan semangat atau progresivitasnya, ini dikarenakan politik telah diambil alih oleh segelintir aktor politik yang menggunakan kekuasaannya untuk mengambil keputusan-keputusan penting orang banyak. seperti contoh adanya patronase yang menguat yang cenderung menimbulkan penguatan oligarki diranah lokal dan pusat, serta semakin maraknya pelemahan (depolitisasi) Civil Society. Beberapa pelajaran penting dari adanya post-demoracy yaitu kebijakan yang dihasilkan cenderung menimbulkan kontraversional seperti pelajaran dari Omnibuslaw, UU Mineral dan Batubara (Minerba), dan Test Wawasan Kebangsaan Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (TWK KPK) yang justru melemahkan demokrasi itu sendiri. Langkah startegis yang disarankan dalam memperkuat Demokrasi ditengah Pandemi dan dimasa datang yaitu Pertama, dibutuhkan gerakan sosial politik arus bawah yang kuat dengan kerja kolaborasi lintas organisasi civil society. Kedua, dibutuhkan Reformasi Partai Politik dan Ketiga, Penguatan Kelembagaan. Tujuan adanya reformasi ini yaitu sebagai bentuk adanya checks and balances sehingga demokrasi bekerja dengan prima.

Research paper thumbnail of KAMPUNG HIJAU GAMBIRAN

adalah hak eksklusif pencipta yang timbul secara otomatis berdasarkan prinsip deklaratif setelah ... more adalah hak eksklusif pencipta yang timbul secara otomatis berdasarkan prinsip deklaratif setelah suatu ciptaan diwujudkan dalam bentuk nyata tanpa mengurangi pembatasan sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan. (Pasal 1 ayat [1]). 2. Pencipta atau Pemegang Hak Cipta sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 8 memiliki hak ekonomi untuk melakukan: a. Penerbitan cip taan; b. Penggandaan ciptaan dalam segala bentuknya; c. Pener jemahan ciptaan; d. Pengadaptasian, pengaransemenan, atau pentransformasian ciptaan; e. pendistribusian ciptaan atau salinannya; f. Pertunjukan Ciptaan; g. Pengumuman ciptaan; h. Komunikasi ciptaan; dan i. Penyewaan ciptaan. (Pasal 9 ayat [1]). 3. Setiap Orang yang dengan tanpa hak dan/atau tanpa izin Pencipta atau pemegang Hak Cipta melakukan pelanggaran hak ekonomi Pencipta sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 9 ayat (1) huruf a, huruf b, huruf e, dan/atau huruf g untuk Penggunaan Secara Komersial dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 4 (empat) tahun dan/atau pidana denda paling banyak Rp1.000.000.000,00 (satu miliar rupiah). (Pasal 113 ayat [3]). 4. Setiap Orang yang memenuhi unsur sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (3) yang dilakukan dalam bentuk pembajakan, dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 10 (sepuluh) tahun dan/atau pidana denda paling banyak Rp4.000.000.000,00 (empat miliar rupiah). (Pasal 113 ayat [4]).

Research paper thumbnail of industri pariwisata dan komersialisasi budaya di Yogyakarta: Tinjauan Ekonomi Politik Lokal.pdf

This paper aims to explain and figure out the relationship between local politics, culture and bu... more This paper aims to explain and figure out the relationship between local politics, culture and business ten years before and shortly after UUK DIY has been implemented in this region. However, there are strong relationship between what is going on today in Yogyakarta and what was happening in the past time as people, in general, see them self as never be apart from their historical background. In so doing, this paper will discuss about local elite, which are consisting of politicians, royal families, and also ‘ethnic based-local businessmen’. Those actors provide a clear explanation about ’who get what and how’ in the field of local economic and market competition under the banner of Decentralization and Yogyakarta Special Privilege of regions status as well.

Keywords: Decentralized Democracy, Political Dynasty, Bourgeoisie, Local Politics, Cultural Production, Tourism.

Research paper thumbnail of Big budget, Low impact: An Alternative Evaluation on Benefit and Impact of Special Allocation Fund in DI Yogyakarta

Journal Government and Politics, 2017

Special region of Yogyakarta is the newest area that has reached constitutionality privilege sta... more Special region of Yogyakarta is the newest area that has reached constitutionality privilege status of three other special regions: Aceh, Papua and Jakarta. This paper is the results of combination from several data collection method such as survey, interview, and Focus Group Discussion in order to gather a more comprehensive data analysis. In Addition, data are collected from government document, library literature, and media report. And the method of analysis is using descriptive and chronological. Lastly, conclusion are produced by induction and deduction model.

As conclusion, this research findings are anomaly with another finding. First, good governance approach in funding are made to be preferred procedure in creating various program and privilege activities. Second, the philosophical debate were so dominant in three years instead in more substantial programs related to social welfare. Third, a large proportion of the budget allocation had been spent in cultural events creating a serious public apathy where the principle of privilege and power for the welfare is still far away. It is becoming provocative summery that the implementation of privilege regions during first three years is facing a condition like big budgets but low Impact.

Keywords: Asymmetrical democracy, DIY, Evaluation, Welfare.

Research paper thumbnail of " Unfinished Nation " : Interrogating Ideological Typology of Indonesia as a Democratic and Multicultural State within Its Decentralized Politics

This paper deals with the Indonesian typology of states are key challenges for Indonesia as a 'na... more This paper deals with the Indonesian typology of states are key challenges for Indonesia as a 'nation-state'. In response to questions on whether Indonesia should be categorized as a successful or a failed nation-state, this article provides an explanation of how Indonesia experienced the transition from colonial to independent state, transition to peace after the dual 'revolutions ' of 1965 and 1998, and transition from centralized 'to decentralized 'sovereignty' and from an authoritarian regime to democratic state. In this essay,we therefore use historical constructs to address on going public and scholarly debates about the establishment of the Indonesian state in the democracy era which is confrontation between islamic-conservatism and secular-liberalism. Finally, this discursive study found out there have been a number of challenges to Indonesian nation-state building. The most pressing is the emergence of ethnic and religious conflicts, and separatism caused by domestic factors in the failure of economic development and the decline in democratic governance. Thus, ideological typology of Indonesia as a democratic yet multicultural state remains unconsolidated.

Research paper thumbnail of politik elektoral Muhammadiyah di Aras Lokal Kabupaten Sleman dan Maros.pdf

paper ini berbicara tentang bagaimana Muhammadiyah di daerah berinteraksi dengan politik dengan m... more paper ini berbicara tentang bagaimana Muhammadiyah di daerah berinteraksi dengan politik dengan mengambil kasus Sleman d DIY dan Maros di sulawesi selatan. Faktanya, dinamika Muhammadiyah lokal dama elektoralisme sangat bervariasi.

Research paper thumbnail of Transformasi GerakanPelajar: Dari Gerakan Advokasi ke Perlawanansehari-hari

Gerakan pelajar di Indonesia dalam lintasan sejarah telah melalui tahapan yang sangat dinamis bai... more Gerakan pelajar di Indonesia dalam lintasan sejarah telah melalui tahapan yang sangat dinamis baik sebelum kemerdekaan/periode revolusi, setelah kemerdekaan (orde lama/baru), dan pasca reformasi. Peran-peran dimulai dari pengorganisasian struktur wacana, aksi, dan aktor kesejarahan dalam pemerintahan. Peran politiknya telah berada dalam ranah state politics (politik formal) dan politik advokasi—dalam berbagai organisasi sosial kemasyarakatan/NGO. Perjuangan-perjuangan ini akhir-akhir ini dianggap telah mentok dan menjadi sangat ‘konvensional’artinya gerakan-gerakan yang dilabeli ‘sosial movement” atau baik estra maupun ‘intra parlementer’ telah tidak lagi menjadi minat utama pelajar (mungkin tidak efektif?). tulisna hendak melihat potensi dan probablitas gerakan keseharian untuk merespon situasi sosial, politik, dan budaya untuk dijadikan model analis betapa ‘perlawanan’ itu dapat dilakukan secara sangat privat/individual.

Research paper thumbnail of Childcare policy in Muhammadiyah A case of Institutional support to family strangthening in Yogyakarta

This Appreciative Inquiry approach (AI) research identified the appropriate system applied in Muh... more This Appreciative Inquiry approach (AI) research identified the appropriate system applied in Muhammadiyah’s institutional care as the best option for the children. Therefore, this research model is one of the breakthroughs to help Muhammadiyah with two objectives: first, Muhammadiyah enable social workers in their organizations to work effectively with children and families so that children can grow up safe and protected within their family. Second, this work includes professional social workers and social volunteers who carry social work tasks. The study aims to find the best practice in terms of returning the child (re- integration) at the orphanage institutions to their families. This research has a focus so that Muhammadiyah can work effectively with children and families, that these children can grow up in a best, safe and secure environment within the family and community environment.

Research paper thumbnail of Childcare policy in Muhammadiyah A case of Institutional support to family strangthening in Yogyakarta

This Appreciative Inquiry approach (AI) research identified the appropriate system applied in Muh... more This Appreciative Inquiry approach (AI) research identified the appropriate system applied in Muhammadiyah’s institutional care as the best option for the children. Therefore, this research model is one of the breakthroughs to help Muhammadiyah with two objectives: first, Muhammadiyah enable social workers in their organizations to work effectively with children and families so that children can grow up safe and protected within their family. Second, this work includes professional social workers and social volunteers who carry social work tasks. The study aims to find the best practice in terms of returning the child (re- integration) at the orphanage institutions to their families. This research has a focus so that Muhammadiyah can work effectively with children and families, that these children can grow up in a best, safe and secure environment within the family and community environment.

Research paper thumbnail of The Decline of Bourgeoisie (David Efendi)

Pada awal dan pertengahan abad 20, Kotagede terkenal dengan keberadaan “Orang Kalang” yakni klas ... more Pada awal dan pertengahan abad 20, Kotagede terkenal dengan keberadaan “Orang Kalang” yakni klas kaya di Kotagede. Pada perkembangannya, klas orang kaya tidak hanya terbatas di kalangan orang Kalang. Orang-orang yang berhasil menduduki klas ekonomi atas muncul dari berbagai latar belakang, terutama paska Indonesia merdeka dan akhir abad 20. Telah terjadi dinamika orang kaya dan peranan sosialnya di Kotagede, terutama menjelang pergantian milenium.

Research paper thumbnail of GRAFFITI SEBAGAI MEDIA KOMUNIKASI POLITIK KAUM URBAN (Respon Pekerja Seni atas Dominasi Pembangunan di Kota Yogyakarta

Graffiti sebagai media komunikasi politik dengan mengangkat isu politik keseharian (Daily Politic... more Graffiti sebagai media komunikasi politik dengan mengangkat isu politik keseharian (Daily Politics) anak muda di Kota Yogyakarta, serta responnya dalam masalah pembangunan perkotaan baik pembangun fisik maupun non fisik (sosial, politik, dan ekonomi). Selain itu penelitian ini melihat graffiti sebagai salah satu street art yang digunakan untuk mengkritisi permasalahan di ruang publik serta komunikasi politik graffiti dalam ranah media sosial dan internet. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Dalam penelitian ini didapatkan hasil, graffiti sebagai media komunikasi politik yang terjadi dan marak di Kota Yogyakarta karena adanya pelaku seni yang kritis dan memiliki kesadaran tinggi atas situasi perkotaan yang buruk dari dampak pembangunan, dengan perpaduan graffiti dan mural serta poster menjadi inovasi baru dalam dunia street art, serta kehadiran graffiti dalam media sosial dan internet memperluas area propaganda dan ikut menghiasi lorong-lorong digital.

Research paper thumbnail of Acehnese coffeshop as public space-political participation.pdf

Humanities & Social Science Reviews, 2019

Purpose: This paper aims to recognize a new form of political participation that is expressed by ... more Purpose: This paper aims to recognize a new form of political participation that is expressed by Acehnese coffee shop drinkers in supporting and criticizing local Acehnese politics, particularly those in Yogyakarta. Furthermore, this research examines the role of informal movements and clubs involved in decision-making related issues of Acehnese living in Yogyakarta.
Methodology: This is a critical qualitative approach with in-depth interviews and participatory observation over several months. Participatory observation was conducted through immersive participation in Acehnese coffee shops as public spaces and in-depth interviews with coffee shop managers, community leaders, and regular customers.
Findings: The Acehnese unique cultural and social culture of coffee drinking plays a dynamic role with Acehnese community’s relationship with politics. This culture facilitates the existence of Acehnese identity in Yogyakarta and intensifies political participation through informal discussion. Acehnese coffee shops are free and autonomous public spaces, which are collectively owned and persevered by the community.
Implication: Informal politics and local identity expressed through far political distances are interesting in Indonesia to examine social cohesion and capital nationwide. Out study also develops a model contributes to political science in Indonesian by explaining the relationship between informal and formal politics. It helps explain differences of different cultural and ethnic groups in Indonesia.
Originality: Our paper investigates the perspective of local politics within Indonesian politics. Furthermore, most contemporary political research focuses on formal and official politics, while this paper uncovers long distance informal politics embedded in unique Acehnese social culture in coffee shops. The civic contribution of Acehnese coffee shops as a public place in Indonesian democracy is convincingly established in this paper.
Keywords: Public Spaces, Acehnese Coffee Shops, Political Participation, Identity, Local Politics

Research paper thumbnail of To what extent is social media used in city government policy making_Case studies in three asean cities.pdf

public policy and administration, 2018

Social media has a significant impact on political and social life, particu- larly in policy maki... more Social media has a significant impact on political and social life, particu- larly in policy making. In order to examine social media use in policy making, the resear- chers obtained and analyzed data on Twitter or Facebook using a NodeXL program from January to June 2016 in three ASEAN cities, Bandung (Indonesia), Iligan (Philippines) and Pukhet (Thailand). Research found that Bandung City has made significant achie- vement at the engagement level by engaging with the city community in daily city affairs. Meanwhile, Iligan City and Pukhet City are still in the stage of transforming their res- pective internal organizations. The pivotal factors of social media use in three cities is top and middle leader role, legal standing for social media use, policy framework and internal change management
Keywords: Social local government, socialmedia use, networking, transformation, engagement.

Research paper thumbnail of art and Urban Politics-political impact of graffiti politics toward neoliberal urban development.pdf

This study aims to explain the social and political impact of creative-protest movement organized... more This study aims to explain the social and political impact of creative-protest movement organized by artists as alternative/informal politics of young people by installing graffiti, mural, white space, zine and poster in city spaces. This collective movement as respons to the environmental degradation and ecological security caused by neoliberal planned-urban development led by market and the city government. By narrative analysis if qualitative data this paper criticizes how art as life style and contemporary means of social expression challenge the hegemony of planned-development in the city in lower income country like in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Intensively observation, interviews and documentation were conducted during the research and critical discourse analysis has been used to making-meaning of this new social movement. The findings of this political ethnographic research are as follow. First, a widespread politics of graffiti is influenced by the cultural and art as social and traditional Infrastructure of Yogyakarta society. Second, protesting any practice of neoliberalism in city development is almost as everyday politics among young people both privately and publicly, direct and indirect with creative media as a means of power. Also, it is good to notice that in democratic system, there are many citizen’s aspiration still remains underground as the method of expression. In addition, by employing social media this art-based movement able to transform its method from covert to overt, spontaneous to more systematic and making viral as political pressure to negotiate and refuse many form of development agenda event stop several city projects of private building in the last five years.
keywords: Developmentalism, Graffiti, Protest movement, everyday politics, resistance

Research paper thumbnail of Flying doctors-A Collaborative Governance Model in Delivering Public Health Service to the Border Areas.pdf

Although health service is the right of citizens and is the obligation of the government to provi... more Although health service is the right of citizens and is the obligation of the government to provide it, empirical findings show that the service is not available evenly and has not been fully accessible to people in need. This study shows that the era of decentralization which gives broad of authority in the field of health services to local governments is able to bring an innovative spirit to provide the best service in the midst of limitations that are owned by regions that have border areas. The Flying Doctors program initiated by the North Kalimantan provincial government is a collabora- tive model that demonstrates the spirit of innovation to bring services to the people in the border areas that are difficult to reach by land transportation modes. Although initiated by the provincial government, other stakeholders also contributed significantly, be it the regency governments as the location of program implementation, the communitiesas the beneficiary groups, or the private sectors, especially the pioneer airlines that allow this program to run. As the conclusion, there are at least fourfactors encouraging the actors to collaborate. First, geographical aspect such as areas that are difficult to reach will encourage actors to collaborate. Second, limitation in allocated bud- get, structure and infrastructure, will push the actors to joint their resources into a collaborative actions. Three, relations between the central and local governments that are decentralized will encourage local governments to make innovative decisions in providing the best services to the community.Four, sharing action will be possible if there is a sharing vision between stakeholders.

Research paper thumbnail of From Riots to Revolution: Investigating Democratization Prospect in Indonesia and Malaysia

This paper aims to compare popular revolutions and riot movements in Malaysia and Indonesia as we... more This paper aims to compare popular revolutions and riot movements in Malaysia and Indonesia as well as their impact on democracy in each of these countries. Whilere volutions in these countries have been the subject of the research in the social and political sciences, no study has measured how the intensity of resistance affects the prospects for democracy. With all other factors being constant, this article argues that social movements and resistance efforts have their own social impacts. A variety of popular resistance movements occurred in Malaysia, which was colonized by Great Britain, and in Indonesia, which was colonized by the Dutch.These states created different models of control that influenced society directly and indirectly. As what was seen, a lot of radical movements in the Indonesian society existed during the colonial and post-revolution eras, continuing to the current day. Meanwhile, in Malaysia, as examined by Scott, everyday forms of resistance have tended to act individually and symbolically. In addition, this article will discuss why certain countries experience democratization quickly while others do not, and why certain countries experience better economic development rather than political development and vice versa. For example, Indonesia is considered politically developed but economically, not as developed. Meanwhile, Malaysia, a post-British colony, is argued to experience the opposite; it has developed its economy rapidly but, at the same time, political freedom and democracies are less developed. Freedom of the press, human rights enforcement,a multi-party system, and group opposition are indicators of democracy that are easy to find in Indonesia but not in Malaysia.

Research paper thumbnail of Senjakala Intelektualisme dan Eksperimen Politik Literasi di Zaman Anti-Kebenaran 1

Pendahuluan: Matinya kaum intelektual? Menyelamatkan kebenaran adalah menyelamatkan idealism kema... more Pendahuluan: Matinya kaum intelektual? Menyelamatkan kebenaran adalah menyelamatkan idealism kemanusiaan. Sehingga benarlah apa yang dimantrakan oleh Tan Malaka: 'idealisme adalah kemenangan terakhir yang dimiliki oleh pemuda.' Sehingga, bersikeras mempertahankan obyektifikasi pengetahuan sebagai kerja-kerja utama sekaligus sebagai tugas pokok seorang intelektual. Intelektual yang memposisikan dirinya sebagai ekspresi nalar sehat masyarakat di mana dia berada dan mengada. Kaum intelegensia di zaman kacau ini sudah mati berkali-kali. Oleh John Horgan (2005), kematian ditandai dengan involusi ilmu pengetahuan, J Benda (1997) meneriakkan bahwa kaum intelektual telah menggadaikan diri di hadapan mahkamah politik pragmatis sebagai praktik pengkhianatan, dan oleh netizen, kaum intelektual telah dihabisi keberadaannya sebagai 'pakar'—era dimana kepakaran milik siapa saja dan menjadi tidak bermakna/tidak dipentingkan.

Research paper thumbnail of Making Informal Politics Work: A Case of Local-Direct Election In

—The existence of informal actors like local strongman and the like is another consequent of loca... more —The existence of informal actors like local strongman and the like is another consequent of localizing democracy in Indonesia nationwide. This research-based paper aims to analyze the existence of informal actors in influencing and shaping electoral process namely local election in Bangka Selatan, Sumatra, Indonesia. To acknowledge the local-informal actor in this case, researchers employ some theoretical frameworks like informal politics, elites, and Bourdieu's theory of capitals, in concerning the post-authoritarian state and transitional democracy in Indonesia which is signed by informal actors, process and also patronage model. It is obvious then, that money is not always a central actor within electoral process but another factor like informal networks is quite effective and significant ones. This finding will be very contributive to get better and factual understanding in seeing local politics dynamic in the contemporary democratic regime in Indonesia.

Research paper thumbnail of Political Volunteerism: Electoral Process of Independent Candidates in Jogja Independent (JOINT

— There is a new phenomenon organized by people in Yogyakarta city-affiliated with a volunteerism... more — There is a new phenomenon organized by people in Yogyakarta city-affiliated with a volunteerism movement called Jogja Independent (JOINT). It endeavored to nominate and demonstrate how independent candidates battled in Yogyakarta city's election in 2017. It was conducted by electing several candidates in public. This research was conducted to apprehend the process of independent candidate's election conducted by JOINT. By doing observation, interview and theory analysis, this paper determined some conclusions that the process of independent candidate's election conducted by JOINT had been a bandwagon and democratic. The election processes were divided into four steps: candidate nomination, appointing selectors, public fit, and proper test, and deciding the final candidate. It resulted in a couple of candidates elected democratically.

Research paper thumbnail of Indonesia in the post-Soeharto Era-Identifying State Ideological Typology.pdf

his paper deals with the Indonesian typology of states, which are key challenges for Indonesia as... more his paper deals with the Indonesian typology of states, which are key challenges for Indonesia as a nation-state. In response to questions on how Indonesia’s political identity is underway, this article provides an explanation of how Indonesia experienced the transition from being a colonial to an independent state, the transition to peace after the dual revolutions of 1965 and 1998, the transition from centralized to decentralized sovereignty, and from being an authoritarian to a democratic state. This article develops a discursive study, which shows that there have been a number of challenges to Indonesia’s nation-state building. The most pressing concern is the emergence of ethnic and religious conflicts and the call for separatism as a result of the failure in domestic economic development and the decline in democratic governance.

Research paper thumbnail of Lokalisasi Demokrasi: Politik Identitas dalam Gerakan Keistimewaan di Yogyakarta Pasca Orde Baru, 2003-2012

A liberalization of political system in Indonesia has created so many social and political proble... more A liberalization of political system in Indonesia has created so many social and political problems due to the 'unintended' consequance of democratization in local level. Giving privilege for a certain aristocrat in one hand was believed as an 'Asian Value'—authoritarian can be accepted by the people, but incompatible with democracy on the other hand. The decentralization and the third wave of democratization in Indonesia by installing 'liberal democracy' created a bad situation within society: localizing corruption and the emergence of 'old' elites. Those are the reasons why Yogyakarta opposes a liberal democracy in thir movement to support non-elected governor mechanism. The finding is clear that people in Yogyakarta succeed in mobilizing local identity and culture to win the political bargaining toward national policy. In addition, the role of community as voluntary organization in this movement are significant as kind of social capital mobilization within the special regions.

Research paper thumbnail of Problem Ketimpangan dan Kutukan Rezim Pertumbuhan PDB: Pandangan Wacana Pinggiran yang belum selesai) 1

Kelompok akademisi di Yogyakarta paling alfa membincang persoalan kesenjangan di DI Yoyakarta. Ba... more Kelompok akademisi di Yogyakarta paling alfa membincang persoalan kesenjangan di DI Yoyakarta. Bahwa ‘situasi ekonomi politik dan sosial di Yogyakarta tidak sedang baik-baik’ saja banyak yang menghindari pengungkapan ini, termasuk bahwa situasi di bawah pemerintahan Jokowi banyak persoalan banyak orang lebih senang berposisi membela ketimbang mengkritik. Di Yogyakarta, kalaupun ada rasan-rasan terasa ‘malu-malu’ karena membicarakan ‘wajah paradok’ kemiskinan dan ketimpangan di DIY ini dianggap akan berhadapan dengan kekuatan besar ‘oligarki’ yang siap kapan saja meminggirkan siapa pun yang kontra rezim. Ketika rilis angka kemiskinan dan ketimpangan di DIY tahun 2017 yang menempatkan DIY paling tinggi indeks gininya justru akademisi dari luar Jogja yang memulai mengusik persoalan ini dengan menuliskan analisis di Kedaulatan rakyat yang diberikan judul ketimpangan di balik keistimewaan. Di saat yang sama ada apologi besar-besaran dilakukan pemerintahan daerah dan arus-utama di DIY bahwa indeks kebahagiaan, indeks demokrasi, dan indeks pembangunan manusia sangat tinggi di DIY—biar miskin asal bahagia. Sesuatu yang bisa sangat terdistorsi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari terutama generasi baru. Lebih-lebih menurut perhitungan statistic, angka pertumbuhan ekonomi di DIY sangat positif, mencapai 5,17 % di tahun 2017 ini dengan diiringi angka kemiskinan sampai 13,01 % (488.830 jiwa)—terbesar di propinsi di pulau Jawa (BPS, 2017). Dugaan penulis, jumlahnya lebih dari itu dan belum lagi kualitas kemiskinan yang tak mampu diceritakan dengan angka-angka—karena terlalu mudah angka dipakai memanipulasi

Research paper thumbnail of Modalitas dan Profesionalisasi Tim Pemenangan Dalam Pileg 2014 di Jawa Tengah, Indonesia

Telah menjadi " common sense " di daerah pemilihan (Dapil) Jawa Tengah III (Grobogan, Blora, Pati... more Telah menjadi " common sense " di daerah pemilihan (Dapil) Jawa Tengah III (Grobogan, Blora, Pati, Rembang) bahwa setiap ajang pemilihan umum mensyaratkan kekuatan uang untuk merebut suara pemilih. Fenomena ini telah mendapatkan penjelasan dari beragam nara sumber yang menunjukkan mahalnya biaya menjadi kepala desa/lurah, menjadi kepala daerah (bupati/wakil bupati, dan gubernur/wakil gubernur). Di sinilah argumentasi sentralnya kekuatan uang yang juga menjadikan para kompetitor dalam menilai masyarakat secara umum sebagai masyarakat yang 'sakit'—pemilih yang mengharapkan uang dari kandidat yang berlaga. Di saat yang sama, para pemilik hak suara juga mengkontruksi pemahaman bahwa caleg terpilih baik yang memberi uang/amplop maupun yang tidak sama-sama punya peluang yang sama untuk 'melupakan' para konstituen. Hal inilah yang kerap menjadi pembenar bahwa " pemilu adalah pesta rakyat " —kesempatan masyarakat mendapatkan uang sebanyak-banyaknya dari caleg atau tim sukses. Baik caleg incumbent maupun penantang baru seringkali diperlakukan sama oleh masyarakat atau sabet pada umumnya. Faktor kekerabatan dan ikatan sosial lainnya dianggap tidak selalu menjamin keutuhan dukungan terhadap kandidat. Paragraf di atas hanyalah 'konstruksi' masyarakat mengenai makna pemilu dan pola hubungan antara pemilih dan 'representasi' (wakil/calon wakil rakyat) yang terekam dalam proses menjelang pemilihan umum legislatif tahun 2014 di Jateng III. Tentu fenomena ini menjadi penting untuk mendapatkan konfirmasi dengan menggunakan data empirik dengan menjawab pertanyaan utama dalam paper ini yaitu (1) apakah benar peran uang begitu sentral (staretegi berbasis patronase-clientalisme)?, (2) Bagaimana peluang strategi-strategi " baru " di luar kekuatan uang/barang dan janji peluang ekonomi seperti kekuatan pengetahuan/profesional, Ikatan sosial (jaringan kekerabatan dan pertemanan) dan kesepakatan politik (tandem) dalam menjaring suara pemilih?, dan (3) bagaimana strategi tersebut dikombinasikan oleh caleg (calon legislatif) di level yang berbeda (pusat, propinsi, dan daerah). Daya tawar pemilih menjadi sangat tinggi (baca: mahal) dikarenakan beberapa faktor seperti banyaknya caleg yang menjadi peserta, modalitas yang dimiliki masing-masing 'caleg jadi' dari partai dianggap seimbang, dan kepercayaan diri yang tinggi masing-masing kandidat untuk meraih dukungan suara. Kepercayaan diri caleg DPR RI dan DPRD Propinsi misalnya, seringkali dilahirkan dari proses konsultasi dengan lembaga-lembaga profesional seperti konsultan politik dan lembaga survey. Selain itu juga karena posisi sebagai petahana yang merasa 'sudah banyak membantu masyarakat' dengan berbagai program hibah dan bantuan sosial (bansos). Sementara keyakinan 'terpilih' caleg DPRD di kabupaten lebih karena merasa mempunyai jaringan sosial (sociel network) baik berupa jaringan kekeluargaan, pertemanan, dengan orang-orang berpengaruh di pedesaan: kepala desa, tokoh agama, organisasi masayarakat, dan lain-lain.

Research paper thumbnail of GRAFFITI SEBAGAI MEDIA KOMUNIKASI POLITIK KAUM URBAN (Respon Pekerja Seni atas Dominasi Pembangunan di Kota Yogyakarta

Graffiti sebagai media komunikasi politik dengan mengangkat isu politik keseharian (Daily Politic... more Graffiti sebagai media komunikasi politik dengan mengangkat isu politik keseharian (Daily Politics) anak muda di Kota Yogyakarta, serta responnya dalam masalah pembangunan perkotaan baik pembangun fisik maupun non fisik (sosial, politik, dan ekonomi). Selain itu penelitian ini melihat graffiti sebagai salah satu street art yang digunakan untuk mengkritisi permasalahan di ruang publik serta komunikasi politik graffiti dalam ranah media sosial dan internet. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Dalam penelitian ini didapatkan hasil, graffiti sebagai media komunikasi politik yang terjadi dan marak di Kota Yogyakarta karena adanya pelaku seni yang kritis dan memiliki kesadaran tinggi atas situasi perkotaan yang buruk dari dampak pembangunan, dengan perpaduan graffiti dan mural serta poster menjadi inovasi baru dalam dunia street art, serta kehadiran graffiti dalam media sosial dan internet memperluas area propaganda dan ikut menghiasi lorong-lorong digital.

Research paper thumbnail of Democracy and Political Consciousness Investigating Difabel Toward Political Participation in the 2014 Presidential Election in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

—Every citizen has right to choose and to participate in general election, and the state must pro... more —Every citizen has right to choose and to participate in general election, and the state must protect that basic right of politic. The high percentage of people with different abilities' ('difabel') participated in the 2014 presidential election in Yogyakarta (66,5%) indicated the remarkable work of inclusive democracy in this city. Community participation is the main barometer to measure how the democracy is meaningful. This paper aims to explain the group of difabel responses electoral process in Yogyakarta towards the democractic space provided by Local General Election Commissions (KPUD). This narrative research was conducted through interview and documentation which consists of several stakeholders, such as Election Commissions of Yogyakarta city, SIGAB and difabel group. By conducting filed research, there are two main findings of this study. First, difabel community's competences in responding the existence of participation space in Yogyakarta city was influenced by the awareness level, these are semi intransitive, naïve transitivity and critical consciousness. In Yogyakarta, difabel groups will obtain stronger power in encouraging an enhancement of general election implementation, when they had critical consciousness. Second, critical participation of difabel categories were not only giving vote contribution (voters) or became an object in electoral process, but they were considered as subject by participating in election time, for instances, they decided to be team member of 'democracy volunteers' and voting committee's officers. Moreover, difabel communities also did political practices as the manifestation of their political consciousness level.

Research paper thumbnail of Governing State Borders An Investigating " Collaborative Governances " in Strengthening Social Welfare Development in Nunukan Regency, Indonesia

—this research has aim to explain about existences of practical collaborative governance which ca... more —this research has aim to explain about existences of practical collaborative governance which can strengthen process and impact in development schema of welfare in frontier area, particularly in Sebatik, Nunukan. This research investigated the involvement of non-state stakeholders as voluntarily participation by various component of groups either by external project or who were emergence various from local initiative. By conducting interviews, focus group discussion, literature research, documentation, and observation our findings are going as follow: Firstly, minimum collaboration has occurred between many sectors within government causes directly to the quality of construction project in which have not optimal for public satisfaction, and also a certain group of citizen criticize the goal of the regional development. Second, the local initiative to collaborate actually have grown in various sector such as health, education, information, alternative education, awareness of sustainable economy practices at local level. Interestingly, this research that public have awareness that infrastructure is not single-most importance issue in border area due to social capital is also local concern. Big budget from local and national are not merely the answer, but more collaborative governance and openly public engagement will be meaningful and powerful weapon to make state border's much better.

Research paper thumbnail of POLITICS OF EDUCATION: Multiculturalism Practice in Universitas Muhammadiyah Kupang, NTT

In Indonesia post authoritarian era, the education practice in many districts is facing several d... more In Indonesia post authoritarian era, the education practice in many districts is facing several dynamics especially as logical consuqeunce from political decentralization including in education sector. There have been many horizontal conflicts in regions as political response in opposing central government acts to build local identity that frequently being clashed with racial/race/region based social conflict.This research aims to analyze the dynamic of higher education in Muhammadiyah university of Kupang (UMK) that managed by Muhammadiyah as private institution, to eventually understand how the design and practice of multiculturalism education in this Islam based university in Kupang. Of several FGD and interviews that we combine with political theory analysis about multiculturalism education, we find several conclusions that lead us to say that multicultural education design in UMK is not sufficient. Practice of respecting diversity in UMK is mostly based in individual awareness to naturally accept pluralism. This is also supported by family experience of student that since their early has been living in diversity. Abstract-Pasca Orde Baru, praktik pendidikan di daerah-daerah mengalami dinamika terutama sebagai konsekuensi logis dari desentralisasi politik termasuk di lembaga pendidikan. Banyak persoalan konflik horisontal di daerah sebagai bagian dari respon politik yang menantang pusat untuk membangun identitas daerah masing-masing yang kerap bersinggungan dengan konflik sosial yang dilatari masalah SARA. Riset ini dilakukan untuk melihat bagaimana dinamika pendidikan tinggi di UM Kupang dimana kampus ini dikelola oleh lembaga sawasta yaitu Muhammadiyah, yaitu menjawab bagaimana desain dan praktik pendidikan multikultural di lingkungan pendidikan David Efendi & Suswanta 48-ISEEDU Volume 1, Nomor 1, November 2017 tinggi islam (Muhammadiyah) di Kupang. Dari serangkaian FGD dan wawancara dan analisis teori politik pendidikan Multikulturalisme, maka ditemukan beberapa kesimpulan bahwa desain pendidikan multikultural di UM Kupang belum memadai. Praktik penghargaan terhadap keberagaman di lingkungan UMK lebih didasari pada kesadaran individu untuk menerima keragaman. Hal ini juga didukung oleh pengalaman kehidupan keluarga mahasiswa yang sudah cukup beragam sejak usia dini.

Research paper thumbnail of State's Labels and the Challenges of Nation-State Building in the Decentralized Politics in Indonesia

This paper argues that the Indonesian state's labels are key challenges for Indonesia as a nation... more This paper argues that the Indonesian state's labels are key challenges for Indonesia as a nation-state. In response to questions on whether Indonesia should be categorized as a successful or a failed nation-state, this article provides an explanation of how the country experienced the transition from colonial to independent state, transition to peace after the dual 'revolutions' of 1965 and 1998, transition from centralized 'to decentralized 'sovereignty' and from authoritarian regime to democratic state. In this essay, therefore, I have decided to use historical evidence to address on going public and scholarly debates about the form of the Indonesian state in the democracy era which is a confrontation between Islamic-conservatism and secular-liberalism. To understand Indonesia as a contemporary state, I make reference to Benedict Anderson's concepts of imagined community, power, and responsibility in the post-9/11 era of international threats. Finally, of a number of challenges to Indonesian nation-state building, the most pressing is the emergence of ethnic and religious conflicts, and separatism caused by domestic factors in the failure of economic development and the lack of democratic governance. Thus, the label of Indonesia as a multicultural state is questionable.


Abstrak Salah satu isu penting perbatasan adalah pengelolaan batas wilayah negara. Kemampuan suat... more Abstrak Salah satu isu penting perbatasan adalah pengelolaan batas wilayah negara. Kemampuan suatu negara menjaga batas wilayahnya menjadi salah satu indikator apakah negara tersebut negara kuat (strong state) atau negara lemah (weak state). Jika sebuah negara mampu menjaga dan mengelola wilayah perbatasannya dengan baik, maka isu disintegrasi, migrasi penduduk, pencaplokan wilayah oleh negara lain ataupun gerakan separatisme akan dapat diminimalkan. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, tulisan ini bertujuan menjelaskan problem batas wilayah negara dan strategi pengelolaannya dalam perspektif stakeholder collaborative governance dengan pijakan empirik di Kabupaten Kupang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masih terdapat Un-Resolved segment pada garis batas darat antara kecamatan Amfoang Timur (Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia-NKRI) dengan Distrik Ambenu (Republik Democratik Timor Leste-RDTL) sepanjang 5,4 kilometer. Perbedaan interpretasi antara tim teknis RI dan RDTL terhadap hasil perjanjian (Treaty 1904) menjadi faktor penyebabnya. Akibatnya, segmen Naktuka (1069 Ha) menjadi daerah yang diperebutkan. Di sisi lain, masyarakat RDTL melakukan pendudukan sepihak dan membangun beberapa fasilitas publik di Naktuka yang notabene daerah streril. Pemerintah kabupaten Kupang sudah melakukan berbagai upaya penyelesaian namun belum berhasil. Dengan demikian, menjadi penting penggunaan pendekatan integratif, yakni tidak hanya pertahanan keamanan, tapi juga kesejahteraan, lingkungan, sosial budaya dan sejarah serta pelibatan semua pihak yang berkepentingan secara kolaboratif dalam mengelola batas wilayah negara. Kata Kunci : Pengelolaan Batas wilayah negara, Stakeholder Collaborative Governance PENDAHULUAN Territorial boundaries – selanjutnya disebut perbatasan – adalah konsepsi sekaligus elemen empiris dari konstruksi Negara-bangsa. Perbatasan menjadi penanda bagi bekerjanya otoritas kedaulatan dan identitas kebangsaan dari suatu Negara-bangsa. Garis perbatasan berikut dengan tata kelola wilayah perbatasannya memiliki arti dan fungsi strategis bagi Negara untuk menegakkan entitas kedaulatan teritorial sekaligus basis dari identitas kolektif suatu bangsa.(Joash dan Erwin, 2012 : ix). Wilayah perbatasan memiliki makna yang sangat vital dan sangat strategis baik dalam sudut pandang pertahanan keamanan, maupun dalam sudut pandang ekonomi, sosial, budaya (Dahuri dan Nugroho, 2012:351). Kawasan perbatasan suatu Negara merupakan manifestasi utama kedaulatan wilayah Negara.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Perkembangan Kemampuan Keuangan Daerah Dalam Mendukung Pelaksanaan Otoda DI Kabupaten Nganjuk

Prosiding Seminar Nasional, 2011


J u ml a h S u k a 5 , 9 3 9 J u ml a h J a n gk a u a n 6 J u ml a h k o me n t a r 2 J u ml a h... more J u ml a h S u k a 5 , 9 3 9 J u ml a h J a n gk a u a n 6 J u ml a h k o me n t a r 2 J u ml a h Po s t i n ga n Ak t i v i t a s I n t e r a k t i f : 1 , 0 9 6 @l h k p _ p p mu h J u ml a h Pe n g i k u t : 1 , 8 0 4 J u ml a h Po s t i n g

Research paper thumbnail of Ayat -Ayat Ekoliterasi dan Hukum Keseimbangan

Kita percaya pada alam, dana lam percaya pada kita. "( W.S Rendra dalam percakapan di film Lari d... more Kita percaya pada alam, dana lam percaya pada kita. "( W.S Rendra dalam percakapan di film Lari dari Blora). Harus diapresiasi dengan nyata gerakan-gerakan otonom di dalam Muhammadiyah yang peduli pada isu-isu ekologi, menyasar pembangunan kesadaran lingkungan yang terlalu lama dimarginalkan baik oleh masyarakat Islam, negara, maupun oleh dunia pasar kapitalistik. Tulisan ini hendak menjadi bagian dari 'gayung bersambut' sekaligus menjadi penghubung antara dunia aktifisme ummat Islam yang seolah jauh dan berjarak dengan isu ekologi/ekoliterasi dengan menghadirkan ayat-ayat Qur-an terkait hukum keseimbangan—tugas khalifah bukan hanya mendoa memuliakan Allah, memprioritaskan manusia, tetapi juga tak terpisah tugas dan tangung jawab kekhalifahan manusia di bumi: menjaga dan melestarikan alam sebagai amanah dari sang Khalik itu sendiri. Fondasi qur-ani mazab ekologis Muhammadiyah jelas terkamtub dalam pedoman hidup islami warga Muhammadiyah tentang kehidupan dalam melestarikan lingkungan. Jadi, di Muhammadiyah tidak dikenal 'sekulerisasi' atau pemisahan urusan agama dengan urusan lingkungan. 2 Salah satu keputusan Muktamar Muhammadiyah ke-47 di usia yang melampaui 1 abad adalah perhatian Muhammadiyah terhadap persoalan ekologi global. Dalam tanfidz keputusannya dalam BRM edisi 01/September 2015 isu perubahan iklim dan pemanasan global dimasukkan sebagai isu strategis kemanusiaan universal (halaman 126-127). Wacana keamanan lingkungan global dari berbagai dokumen rapat penting Muhammadiyah sangat minim diketemukan. Sama halnya dengan Nahdlotul Ulama (NU), dalam muktamarnya yang terakhir baru mulai merespon persoalan-persoalan agrarian yang juga terikat kuat dengan fondasi ekologi. Di NU, elemen-elemennya telah merespon urgensi gerakan lingkungan ini dengan menelurkan gagasan daulat hijau, pesantren agraria, dan sebagainya. Kedua organisasi islam terbesar di Indonesia ini dapat secara pengamatan sederhana dikatakan agak terlambat di dalam merespon persoalan lingkungan global baik climate change maupun global warming—termasuk isu-isu mendasar ketahanan pangan, konservasi, dan kehancuran ekosistem hutan yang melanda di dalam negeri sendiri. Artikel ini barangkali ingin mengisi kekosongan penjelasan peran-peran gerakan ekologi di Muhammadiyah sebagai gerakan Islam yang memiliki keyakinan tidak hanya menjaga hubungan tauhid (hablum minaallah), manusia dengan manusia (hablum mina annas), tetapi juga bagaimana implementasi kesadaran teologis berkontribusi terhadap hubungan relasional manusia dengan alam semesta (sebagai hubungan antara manusia-tuhan-dan ciptaanya lainnya). 1 WS Rendra atau si Mbah sebagai sesepuh Samin Sikep dalam film 'Lari dari Blora' yang diproduksi tahun 2009 ini. Film ini bagus untuk menemani film Samin dan Semen produksu Watchdoc. 2 dalam pedoman hidup islami warga Muhammadihan disebutkan: " lingkungan hidup merupakan alam sekitar dengan segala isi yang terkandung di dalamnya merupakan anugerah dan ciptaan Allah yang harus diolah/dimakmurkan, diperlihara, dan tidak boleh dirusak. " Dasar dari pemahaman ini adalah dari surat Al Baqoroh ayat 27 &60; Asy-uara 152, al qashash ayat 77.

Research paper thumbnail of Penguatan Literasi Sejarah Sebagai Motor Perubahan Sosial

kekuatan literasi adalah satu keniscayaan di dalam pergerakan sejarah manusia

Research paper thumbnail of Mencari Model Gerakan Literasi Masyarakat 1

Sebagai upaya mencari model gerakan, literasi juga dipahami sebagai proses belajar sepanjang masa... more Sebagai upaya mencari model gerakan, literasi juga dipahami sebagai proses belajar sepanjang masa (life-long learning) dalam rangka menjadi Subjek, yaitu karakter manusia yang bijak, kritis, kreatif, dan peduli serta dapat bersimpati, berempati, dan berkompati (compathy) pada diri, sesama manusia, serta lingkungan hidupnya. Sebagai contoh gerakan literasi aktual ini adalah model-model ekoliterasi yang dikembangkan oleh beberapa taman baca dan banyak komunitas buku, juga model sekolah rimba dan beragam kelompok yang mamadukan kebudayaan, pengetahuan, keberpihakan terhadap lingkungan dan kearifan lokal.

Praktik gerakan Literasi aktual juga semakin kompleks bila dikaitkan dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi yang semakin cepat. Miliaran informasi dari berbagai belahan dunia dapat mudah diakses setiap hari. Padahal tidak semua informasi itu bermanfaat, banyak di antaranya yang tidak konstruktif atau bahkan berbahaya bagi pembangunan keadaban. Dalam konteks itu perlu dikembangkan literasi digital yang mengedepankan keutamaan-keutamaan hidup bersama. Hal ini mendesak semua orang untuk terlibat di dalam gerakan ini sehingga berbagai kreatifitas, taktik, gaya, model, pola di dalam mengembangkan aspek-aspek literasi dalam arti luas dapat bekerja lebih baik. Semoga bermanfaat dan selamat bergerak menggembirakan takdir literasi bangsa ini.

Research paper thumbnail of Desain Penelitian Politik Pemerintahan: Paradigma, Pendekatan, dan Taktik

Pendahuluan Kajian ilmu pemerintahan (government studies) secara genealogis dan filosofis tidak p... more Pendahuluan Kajian ilmu pemerintahan (government studies) secara genealogis dan filosofis tidak pernah berbeda dengan studi ilmu politik (political science) karenanya kiblat riset di jurusan ilmu pemerintahan UMY sejatinya memiliki kiblat yang sangat stabil yaitu bidang ilmu politik yang merentang berbagai macam sub kajian misalnya dalam bentuk penjurusan dalam fakultas maupun genre ilmu sosial dan politik lainnya yang tidak pernah jelas demarkasinya—justru akhir-akhir ini riset ilmu sosial harus memperlihatkan dimensi multidisplin yang kuat. Misalnya, ilmu politik di dalam madzab Amerika memiliki bagian area studi seperti comparative politics, international politics, dan public policy atau public administration. Di saat yang sama terlihat dari mata kuliah yang ditawarkan kuatnya relasi antar disiplin ilmu seperti sosiologi politik, komunikasi politik, antropologi politik, politik Islam, dan berbagai studi kawasan yang membuat hubungan interseksi yang tidak terpisahkan. Hal ini mengilustrasikan bahwa keberagaman topik dan judul penelitian di jurusan Ilmu pemerintahan UMY terutama lima tahun terakhir ini menunjukkan bahwa jurusan kita berada di track yang benar—alias tidak tersesat. Lebih menarik lagi di Jurusan kita ini, tidak ada saling baku olok antara riset kualitatif (naratif) dengan kuantitatif (statistic), case study dengan yang non-case; studi kepustakaan dengan grounded research, yang deksriptif dengan interpretatif, yang fenomenologi dengan yang biografi, dan sebagainya termasuk tidak ada debat sengit yang mem-viral antara klaster negara, intermediate, dan klaster masyarakat (Nurmandi et.al, 2006) dalam klaim obyektifikasi penelitian. Klasterisasi ini sekedar membingkai riset agar jelas genealoginya dan memang secara akademik ada kebutuhan untuk terlibat di tiga ranah tersebut baik dalam konteks makro: state, intermediate, dan society atau sedikit diturunkan dengan klaster governance, kolaborasi/politik perwakilan, maupun partisipasi publk/politik grassroot. Ada juga fokus governance yang dua decade terakhir menjadi konsen penelitian penting antara lain terkait isu demokrasi, transparansi, dan akuntabilitas di lembaga pemerintahan. Juga termasuk memberikan kredit terhadap 'proyek' desentralisasi/otonomi daerah dengan segala konsekuensi sub kajian di dalamnya termasuk hadinya regulasi penguatan desa, dan resentralisasi peran pemerintah pusat (keadaan aktual). Pembagian kajian politik pemerintahan juga terdapat dalam beberapa referensi yang cukup mirip dengan gagasan di atas, misalnya pembagian level politik atau type of politics yang digagas oleh Benedict K Kerkvliet (2010) dengan membagi tiga ranah politik yaitu official politics, advocacy politics, dan everyday politics. Official politics dapat disbeut juga formal politik sedangkan everyday politics adalah informal dan private serta tidak terorganisir/tak terlembaga. Tipe advokasi politik adalah model

Research paper thumbnail of Mencari 'Gerakan Sosial Islam' Transformatif

Kemampuan asosiasional atau bangunan sosial networks kelas menengah yang dilipatgandakan serta da... more Kemampuan asosiasional atau bangunan sosial networks kelas menengah yang dilipatgandakan serta dayagunakan melampau ruang spasial lokalitas (sentripetal) menjadikan politik lokal, dana tau negara di daerah menjadi penting posisinya di hadapan struktur politik pusat. Kecenderungan yang sama terjadi di 200 kota menengah di Indonesia baik karena motiv ingin diperhatikan pusat maupun mengikat populasi di wilayahnya telah memberi andil, bagaimana menjawab kalimat senada dengan pertanyaan penting di atas: bagaimana Indonesia tidak pecah? Mengapa Indonesia tidak bubar atau menjadi negara gagal (failed state). Kelompok intelektual muslim apakah punya jawaban lebih akurat?

Research paper thumbnail of Kesadaran Demokratis: Partisipasi Politik Kaum Difabel dalam Pilpres 2014 di Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Abstrak Setiap warga berhak memilih dan terlibat dalam pemilu dan negara wajib melindungi hak ter... more Abstrak Setiap warga berhak memilih dan terlibat dalam pemilu dan negara wajib melindungi hak tersebut. Tingginya partisipasi penyandang difabel di Kota Yogyakarta dalam Pemilu presiden 2014 (66,5%) mengindikasikan berjalannya demokrasi yang inklusif. Dalam demokrasi subtansial, partisipasi masyarakat tersebut menjadi barometer bagaimana demokrasi itu bermakna. Paper ini dimaksudkan untuk mendiskusikan respon dan partisipasi masyarakat difabel di Kota Yogyakarta terhadap ruang partisipasi yang dibangun oleh KPUD Kota Yogyakarta pada pemilihan presiden (pilpres) tahun 2014. Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dilakukan melalui wawancara dan dokumentasi yang meliputi stakeholder yaitu di KPUD, SIGAB dan penyandang difabel. Kesimpulan dari penelitian adalah pertama, bahwa kemampuan kelompok difabel dalam merespon keberadaan ruang partisipasi di Kota Yogyakarta dipengerahui tingkat kesadaran yakni kesadaran semi intransitif (semi intransitive), kesadaran naif (naïve transitivity) dan kesadaran kritis (critical consiouness). Di Yogyakarta, ketika penyandang difabel memiliki kesadaran kritis, kemampuan mereka cukup kuat dalam mengupayakan atau mendorong perbaikan pelaksanaan pemilu. Kedua, partisipasi kelompok difabel yang kritis tidak hanya menjadi penyumbang suara (voters) atau 'obyek' dalam rutinitas proses elektoral tetapi lebih bermakna daripada itu yaitu menjadi 'subyek' dengan berpartisipasi dalam penyelanggaraan pemilu seperti menjadi anggota tim relawan demokrasi (relasi) dan petugas TPS. Selain itu, kelompok difable juga melakukan 'lobby' atau 'kontrak politik' untuk memastikan hasil pemilu nantinya berpihak pada difabel.

Research paper thumbnail of " Unfinished Nation " : Interrogating Ideological Typology of Indonesia as a Democratic and Multicultural State within Its Decentralized Politics

This paper deals with the Indonesian typology of states are key challenges for Indonesia as a 'na... more This paper deals with the Indonesian typology of states are key challenges for Indonesia as a 'nation-state'. In response to questions on whether Indonesia should be categorized as a successful or a failed nation-state, this article provides an explanation of how Indonesia experienced the transition from colonial to independent state, transition to peace after the dual 'revolutions' of 1965 and 1998, and transition from centralized 'to decentralized 'sovereignty' and from an authoritarian regime to democratic state. In this essay,we therefore use historical constructs to address on going public and scholarly debates about the establishment of the Indonesian state in the democracy era which is confrontation between islamic-conservatism and secular-liberalism. Finally, this discursive study found out there have been a number of challenges to Indonesian nation-state building. The most pressing is the emergence of ethnic and religious conflicts, and separatism caused by domestic factors in the failure of economic development and the decline in democratic governance. Thus, ideological typology of Indonesia as a democratic yet multicultural state remains unconsolidated.


Presidential elections as the political sites among people especially elites of mass organization... more Presidential elections as the political sites among people especially elites of mass organization have been playing a very crucial role in shaping and reshaping official politics in Indonesia since 1999 up to now. The public expectation might be to high to demand for more democratic state and participatory policy at the event of electoral politics. However, a lot of case has been expressed about the unconsolidated picture between elites of civil society organization and its followers. The worst things even had happened which was an elite fragmentation in term of political interests and maneuver—and it had ended in the failed politics due to their candidate was totally defeated. This case can be explained by seeing one specific case of Muhammadiyah elite in facing two presidential elections in 2004 (second round) and in 2009.


keberadaan organisasi islam sebagai kekuatan masyarakat sipil sudah cukup memadai untuk memenuhi ... more keberadaan organisasi islam sebagai kekuatan masyarakat sipil sudah cukup memadai untuk memenuhi definisi posisi dan eksistensinya selama ini, namun pasca reformasi nampaknya sepak terjang kelompok ormas islam dalam berbagai pemilihan kepala daerah secara langsung menandai model baru keterlibatan politik baik secara pragmatis, high politik, dan transaksional sampai pada level ideologis dan idealis dimana pertarungan politik riil di daerah semakin kentara nuansa polarisasi ormas-ormas yang ada di dalamnya.

Research paper thumbnail of Paradigma Teori Sosial Kritis dan Gerakan Sosial 4.0 1

Untuk memberikan genealogis gerakan sosial atau gerakan sosial baru perlu penulis mengajak untuk ... more Untuk memberikan genealogis gerakan sosial atau gerakan sosial baru perlu penulis mengajak untuk membincangkan teori-teori sosial dan paradigmanya. Dalam kesempatan ini yang terpenting adalah paradigm kritis dalam teori-teori sosial. Buku karya Ben Agger paling sering dijadikan rujukan dalam beragam perbincangan setidaknya 20 tahun terakhir ini. Judul aslinya adalah Critical Social Science: an Introduction. Sementara edisi Indonesia yang diterbitkan oleh kreasi wacana adalah Teori Sosial Kritis: Kritik, Penerapan, dan impikasinya. Perdebatan sengit mengenai kritik terhadap positivism dan di Indonesia terhadap rezim pembangunanisme (teknokratisme) yang masih berlanjut sampai hari ini. Perdebatan di dalam gerakan masyarakat sipil lebih kongkrit ketimbang memperdebatkan epistimologis teori-teori sosial.