Dijana Maric - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Dijana Maric
Arhitektura i Urbanizam, Oct 20, 2014
Arhitektura i Urbanizam, Aug 20, 2013
Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes zinātniskie raksti, Dec 1, 2015
The article considers the architectural works designed and realized in contemporary Serbian archi... more The article considers the architectural works designed and realized in contemporary Serbian architectural practice in the context of questions and thinking about local-global but also of visible tendencies and dilemmas, that the architects deal with in smaller local environments like in Serbia, from the position of architectural historians, theoreticians and critics. The multi-layered, often vague double meaning and nuanced ties and interpretations of the mentioned relationships will be traced in the works of such important Serbian architects as I. Antić, M. Jovanović, B. Petrović, D. and M. Marušić, S. Krunić, I. Marić, B. Mitrović, I. Rašković, who were chosen in order to trace the line of development of the relationship between the local and global during 1950-2000, the period which was also marked by turbulent social and political changes.
In the paper, an overview is given of the Serbian historical research on the personality and work... more In the paper, an overview is given of the Serbian historical research on the personality and work of the architect Milan Zlokovic (1898-1965), the founder of modern movements in architecture in Serbia, professor and theoretician author of major modern architectural accomplishments. Historical research studies, contributions and texts on his personality and work have been shown and grouped here in the chronological order. One part is devoted to texts published in memoriam in the sixties, followed by historical research during the seventies to recent research efforts by architectural historians at the end of the century. The major contribution of Milan Zlokovic in forming and ensuing modern architecture development in Serbia, although elucidated in several studies of architectural historians, has still not gained a resolute expert, cultural and public affirmation, evaluation and preservation. A striking example for this is the complete devastation of the most eminent building of the e...
In light of the development of contemporary Serbian architecture in the late 20th and early 21st ... more In light of the development of contemporary Serbian architecture in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, the work of the team of architects Milenija and Darko Marusic is indicative of trends in Serbia?s Belgrade architectural scene. Their substantial and affirmed architectural activities encompass a series of issues and themes related both to the changes in Serbian architecture permeated with dialogues between modernism and postmodernism in the last decades of the twentieth century and to the specificity of the author?s contribution based on the personal foothold around which their architectural poetics weaves. The context of postmodernism, particularly the Neo-Rationalist European current, has been a suitable ambience in the genesis and upgrade of their creativity. It can be considered through several typical themes on the Modernism versus Postmodernism - relation, starting from the issue of contextuality as determination, through duality, mutual dialogue as an impetus, attitude...
Glasnik Etnografskog instituta, 2017
The purpose of this paper is to point out the change in women's position in architecture in the p... more The purpose of this paper is to point out the change in women's position in architecture in the period from the early 20th century to date through a prism of their architectural and professional achievements as a form of exercising their rights and achieving the equality with their male colleagues. The purpose of this paper is to also shed light on the reasons of tacit acceptance of the system of discriminatory character that allowed the women architects to be only the "anonymous associates" (so that they could be able to deal with the job of architect), "assistants in the profession" (urban planners or critics and publicists where they gained the most popularity and success) or to become "female reformers" particularly in the domain of legal reforms, planning and development, which they essentially became only after the Second World War when the modernisation and emancipation processes took place and when the Law on Invalidity of the Previous Discriminatory Regulations was passed by which the women acquired suffrage. The paper particularly addresses the status of women architects today who are, besides all professional temptations, also in a conflicting situation. They are a pillar of family and social life, on the one hand, while they are constantly facing the attempts to be pushed from the mainstream of professional life and the attempts to deny their importance, role and influence in society, on the other hand.
Spatium, 2012
To date, the Serbian architecture of the nineteen-fifties has not yet been more comprehensively s... more To date, the Serbian architecture of the nineteen-fifties has not yet been more comprehensively studied albeit the fact that there are sufficient sources, data, literature, and structures built at that time. The reason for the lack of interest in architecture of that period may be found in the relationship between the non-understanding and insufficient valuation of architectural results of the modern architecture of the time, but also in the general opinion that the immediate postwar years were the time of a poor social housing development, which is also characterized by the lack of distinct architectural values. Furthermore, there has been an obvious unreadiness to analyze in more detail and in time distance the subject of the sociorealistic construction, which was also partially present in this period. After a short period of the so-called Socio-Realism 1945-1950, characterized by reconstruction of the war devastated country with extensive participation of youth brigades, the hous...
Life and activities of Ian Dubovi (1892-1996), architect of the Belgrade Astronomical Observatory... more Life and activities of Ian Dubovi (1892-1996), architect of the Belgrade Astronomical Observatory are presented.
Arhitektura i urbanizam, 2011
Arhitektura i urbanizam, 49, 2019
The subject of this paper is urban innovations that emerged from the Belgrade Master Plan, adopte... more The subject of this paper is urban innovations that emerged from the Belgrade Master Plan, adopted by the Belgrade Assembly in September 2003. Twelve new spatial solutions that were directly related to the overall goals of the plan are presented. These are proposals for grand city projects created in 2001-2003 during the development of the Master Plan, which did not exist in the earlier master plans from 1951, 1972, and 1985, and their revisions. These projects were a response to the difficult economic, social, and urban situation of Belgrade in the aftermath of the breakup of Yugoslavia. They relate to the city region, the Confluence, the Danube orientation of Belgrade, the greenery system, the lasting values of the city, spontaneously constructed settlements, cultural assets, city centres, business and industrial zones and environment, social housing, transport, and modern architecture. Urban planners of different profiles who wrote this article were also engaged in the formulation of the Master Plan and are well acquainted with it. In the analysis, the authors relied on a formal document published in the Official Gazette of the City of Belgrade, and a CD-ROM containing the official maps of the Master Plan. For each project, its definition, the motive for the creation and its urban solution are given. An analysis of urban innovation has given a new understanding of Belgrade’s intention to thoroughly improve the city and open up new ways of development, after the tragic 1990s, while safeguarding its identity based on features that differentiate it from other European metropolises and making it as self-contained cities.
Урбанистичке иновације које су се појавиле у Генералном плану Београда, који је Скупштина града Београда усвојила септембра 2003. год., предмет су овог рада. Приказано је дванаест нових просторних решења која су директно повезана са општим циљевима плана. То су предлози за велике градске пројекте који су креирани током израде Плана 2001–2003. год., а који нису постојали у ранијим генералним плановима из 1951, 1972. и 1985. год., и њиховим ревизијама. Пројекти су били одговор на комплексно економско, социјално и урбанистичко стање Београда настало након распада Југославије. Односили су се на регион града, Ушће, дунавску оријентацију Београда, систем зеленила, трајне вредности града, спонтано грађена насеља, културна добра, градске центре, привредне зоне и животну средину, социјално становање, саобраћај и модерну архитектуру. Чланак су написали урбанисти различитих профила, који су учествовали у изради Генералног плана 2003. год. и који су његови врсни познаваоци. Примарни извори које су аутори користили за анализу били су формални документ публикован у Службеном листу града Београда, као и званични графички прилози Генералног плана објављени на ЦД-РОМ-у. За сваки од приказаних пројеката дати су дефиниција, мотив због кога је креиран и његово урбанистичко решење. Анализа урбанистичких иновација дала је ново разумевање намере тадашњег Београда да град буде темељно обновљен и да отвори нове путеве развоја после трагичних деведесетих година прошлог века, али уз чување сопственог идентитета заснованог на особеностима које га разликују од других европских метропола, а у исто време га чине самосвојним градом.
Arhitektura i Urbanizam, Oct 20, 2014
Arhitektura i Urbanizam, Aug 20, 2013
Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes zinātniskie raksti, Dec 1, 2015
The article considers the architectural works designed and realized in contemporary Serbian archi... more The article considers the architectural works designed and realized in contemporary Serbian architectural practice in the context of questions and thinking about local-global but also of visible tendencies and dilemmas, that the architects deal with in smaller local environments like in Serbia, from the position of architectural historians, theoreticians and critics. The multi-layered, often vague double meaning and nuanced ties and interpretations of the mentioned relationships will be traced in the works of such important Serbian architects as I. Antić, M. Jovanović, B. Petrović, D. and M. Marušić, S. Krunić, I. Marić, B. Mitrović, I. Rašković, who were chosen in order to trace the line of development of the relationship between the local and global during 1950-2000, the period which was also marked by turbulent social and political changes.
In the paper, an overview is given of the Serbian historical research on the personality and work... more In the paper, an overview is given of the Serbian historical research on the personality and work of the architect Milan Zlokovic (1898-1965), the founder of modern movements in architecture in Serbia, professor and theoretician author of major modern architectural accomplishments. Historical research studies, contributions and texts on his personality and work have been shown and grouped here in the chronological order. One part is devoted to texts published in memoriam in the sixties, followed by historical research during the seventies to recent research efforts by architectural historians at the end of the century. The major contribution of Milan Zlokovic in forming and ensuing modern architecture development in Serbia, although elucidated in several studies of architectural historians, has still not gained a resolute expert, cultural and public affirmation, evaluation and preservation. A striking example for this is the complete devastation of the most eminent building of the e...
In light of the development of contemporary Serbian architecture in the late 20th and early 21st ... more In light of the development of contemporary Serbian architecture in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, the work of the team of architects Milenija and Darko Marusic is indicative of trends in Serbia?s Belgrade architectural scene. Their substantial and affirmed architectural activities encompass a series of issues and themes related both to the changes in Serbian architecture permeated with dialogues between modernism and postmodernism in the last decades of the twentieth century and to the specificity of the author?s contribution based on the personal foothold around which their architectural poetics weaves. The context of postmodernism, particularly the Neo-Rationalist European current, has been a suitable ambience in the genesis and upgrade of their creativity. It can be considered through several typical themes on the Modernism versus Postmodernism - relation, starting from the issue of contextuality as determination, through duality, mutual dialogue as an impetus, attitude...
Glasnik Etnografskog instituta, 2017
The purpose of this paper is to point out the change in women's position in architecture in the p... more The purpose of this paper is to point out the change in women's position in architecture in the period from the early 20th century to date through a prism of their architectural and professional achievements as a form of exercising their rights and achieving the equality with their male colleagues. The purpose of this paper is to also shed light on the reasons of tacit acceptance of the system of discriminatory character that allowed the women architects to be only the "anonymous associates" (so that they could be able to deal with the job of architect), "assistants in the profession" (urban planners or critics and publicists where they gained the most popularity and success) or to become "female reformers" particularly in the domain of legal reforms, planning and development, which they essentially became only after the Second World War when the modernisation and emancipation processes took place and when the Law on Invalidity of the Previous Discriminatory Regulations was passed by which the women acquired suffrage. The paper particularly addresses the status of women architects today who are, besides all professional temptations, also in a conflicting situation. They are a pillar of family and social life, on the one hand, while they are constantly facing the attempts to be pushed from the mainstream of professional life and the attempts to deny their importance, role and influence in society, on the other hand.
Spatium, 2012
To date, the Serbian architecture of the nineteen-fifties has not yet been more comprehensively s... more To date, the Serbian architecture of the nineteen-fifties has not yet been more comprehensively studied albeit the fact that there are sufficient sources, data, literature, and structures built at that time. The reason for the lack of interest in architecture of that period may be found in the relationship between the non-understanding and insufficient valuation of architectural results of the modern architecture of the time, but also in the general opinion that the immediate postwar years were the time of a poor social housing development, which is also characterized by the lack of distinct architectural values. Furthermore, there has been an obvious unreadiness to analyze in more detail and in time distance the subject of the sociorealistic construction, which was also partially present in this period. After a short period of the so-called Socio-Realism 1945-1950, characterized by reconstruction of the war devastated country with extensive participation of youth brigades, the hous...
Life and activities of Ian Dubovi (1892-1996), architect of the Belgrade Astronomical Observatory... more Life and activities of Ian Dubovi (1892-1996), architect of the Belgrade Astronomical Observatory are presented.
Arhitektura i urbanizam, 2011
Arhitektura i urbanizam, 49, 2019
The subject of this paper is urban innovations that emerged from the Belgrade Master Plan, adopte... more The subject of this paper is urban innovations that emerged from the Belgrade Master Plan, adopted by the Belgrade Assembly in September 2003. Twelve new spatial solutions that were directly related to the overall goals of the plan are presented. These are proposals for grand city projects created in 2001-2003 during the development of the Master Plan, which did not exist in the earlier master plans from 1951, 1972, and 1985, and their revisions. These projects were a response to the difficult economic, social, and urban situation of Belgrade in the aftermath of the breakup of Yugoslavia. They relate to the city region, the Confluence, the Danube orientation of Belgrade, the greenery system, the lasting values of the city, spontaneously constructed settlements, cultural assets, city centres, business and industrial zones and environment, social housing, transport, and modern architecture. Urban planners of different profiles who wrote this article were also engaged in the formulation of the Master Plan and are well acquainted with it. In the analysis, the authors relied on a formal document published in the Official Gazette of the City of Belgrade, and a CD-ROM containing the official maps of the Master Plan. For each project, its definition, the motive for the creation and its urban solution are given. An analysis of urban innovation has given a new understanding of Belgrade’s intention to thoroughly improve the city and open up new ways of development, after the tragic 1990s, while safeguarding its identity based on features that differentiate it from other European metropolises and making it as self-contained cities.
Урбанистичке иновације које су се појавиле у Генералном плану Београда, који је Скупштина града Београда усвојила септембра 2003. год., предмет су овог рада. Приказано је дванаест нових просторних решења која су директно повезана са општим циљевима плана. То су предлози за велике градске пројекте који су креирани током израде Плана 2001–2003. год., а који нису постојали у ранијим генералним плановима из 1951, 1972. и 1985. год., и њиховим ревизијама. Пројекти су били одговор на комплексно економско, социјално и урбанистичко стање Београда настало након распада Југославије. Односили су се на регион града, Ушће, дунавску оријентацију Београда, систем зеленила, трајне вредности града, спонтано грађена насеља, културна добра, градске центре, привредне зоне и животну средину, социјално становање, саобраћај и модерну архитектуру. Чланак су написали урбанисти различитих профила, који су учествовали у изради Генералног плана 2003. год. и који су његови врсни познаваоци. Примарни извори које су аутори користили за анализу били су формални документ публикован у Службеном листу града Београда, као и званични графички прилози Генералног плана објављени на ЦД-РОМ-у. За сваки од приказаних пројеката дати су дефиниција, мотив због кога је креиран и његово урбанистичко решење. Анализа урбанистичких иновација дала је ново разумевање намере тадашњег Београда да град буде темељно обновљен и да отвори нове путеве развоја после трагичних деведесетих година прошлог века, али уз чување сопственог идентитета заснованог на особеностима које га разликују од других европских метропола, а у исто време га чине самосвојним градом.