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Papers by Distori Heritage

Research paper thumbnail of Report dell'indagine pilota su Digitale e digitalizzazione nei musei italiani (2020-2021): un'analisi e prospettive future

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jun 23, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Combining Pattern Projection and Cross Polarization to Enhance 3D Reconstruction of Featureless Reflective Surfaces

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences

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Research paper thumbnail of Misura e Historical Information Building: sfide e opportunità nella rappresentazione di contenuti 3D semanticamente strutturati

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jun 1, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Ctesibius, Vitruvius and Leonardo: A Digital Reconstruction of the Water Clockwork Timeline

Springer eBooks, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of The third dimension of Leonardo's Vitruvian Man

Lo scritto illustra una nuova metodica di descrizione e visione del disegno pi\uf9 famoso al mond... more Lo scritto illustra una nuova metodica di descrizione e visione del disegno pi\uf9 famoso al mondo, l\u2019Uomo Vitruviano di Leonardo da Vinci: una efficace filiera di acquisizione, elaborazione, visualizzazione e fruizione digitale 3D del supporto cartaceo tesa ad esaltare il realismo della percezione raggiungendo un dettaglio visivo del centesimo di millimetro. Si tratta di un sistema che quindi \ue8 in grado di mettere in luce sul disegno dettagli e particolari non rintracciabili ad una sua ispezione diretta. Il workflow sviluppato va a definire complessivamente un modello di definizione speditiva di modelli digitali di disegni finalizzati a nuovi studi e spettacolari modalit\ue0 di loro fruizione, comunicazione e divulgazione

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Research paper thumbnail of I geo-modelli per la PALLADIOLibrary: un archivio condiviso e in divenire

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Research paper thumbnail of Esperienze di rilevamento automatico

CLUA, 1994

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Research paper thumbnail of Furniture and reality augmented at the Doge's Palace of Urbino: the museum is digital

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Research paper thumbnail of EDITORIAL. DIGITAL CULTURAL HERITAGE, ARTS REPRODUCTION AND MUSEUM systems. Languages and techniques in a Covid and post-covid scenario FOR NEW FORMS OF HERITAGE AGAINST THE SILENCE OF A FRAGILE CULTURE


The pandemic and post-pandemic scenario makes it urgent to reflect on potentials of digital trans... more The pandemic and post-pandemic scenario makes it urgent to reflect on potentials of digital transition for Cultural Heritage in order to boost critical awareness and to democratise art supporting the heritage communities and the common goods. Nowadays, digital facsimiles can be considered as heritage itself, including the so called born digital heritage, whose processes, methods and evolution over time, have to be preserved and reused as a potential source of knowledge for future generations. This issue collects positions in favor of a scientifically based ‘digital culture’ and to bring together best practices in the definition of digital transformation strategies for museum and cultural heritage. It also reports some theoretical-methodological reflections as well as success cases applications in the field of DCH, assessing the scientific reliability, technical feasibility and economic sustainability of outstanding experiences. © 2021. All Rights Reserved.

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Research paper thumbnail of Digital Experience of the Work of Vitruvius and Leonardo

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020

On the celebrations for the 500th year since Leonardo da Vinci’s death, the city of Fano (I) orga... more On the celebrations for the 500th year since Leonardo da Vinci’s death, the city of Fano (I) organized an exhibition on the works of Leonardo to put in evidence the influence of the previous studies of Vitruvius, who left in Fano remarkable signs of his talent. Among the original drawings that were shown, some sheets showed the design of three machines originally described by Vitruvius and then re-interpreted by Leonardo: the water clockwork, the ballista and the odometer. The Authors realized a digital reconstruction of such works, with the aim to let the visitors of the exhibition understand the operation of the machines but also to study the differences in the concepts, to explore their feasibility and to assess their possible performance.

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Research paper thumbnail of Digital Facsimiles of Architectural Heritage: New Forms of Fruition, Management and Enhancement. The Exemplary Case of the Ducal Palace at Urbino

Graphical Heritage, 2020

The digitalization of cultural heritage is a necessary multidimensional process to protect histor... more The digitalization of cultural heritage is a necessary multidimensional process to protect historical and cultural heritage, enabling in-depth knowledge and to manage it as completely as possible. The case study here presented shows the first challenging task of a multidisciplinary research project: the general aim is to improve an exemplary architectural object starting from its complete digitalization and to propose multisensory fruition solutions. This article analyzes the early stage that is the architectural survey, modeling and parameterization. The integration of different techniques is mandatory to obtain a final outcome representing a reliable basis for conservation and valorization of the Cultural Heritage. The digitalization workflow includes different sensors and scales, such as terrestrial and portable laser scanners, 360 and HD images. The achieved goal is a digital model, scientifically validated, with high accuracy that contains 3D data and that is configured as a starting point for the reconstruction of the artifact historical phases and for VR/AR applications. The research shows a solid and interdisciplinary approach applied to the case study: the activities and addressed challenges reveal a response to multifaceted problems.

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Research paper thumbnail of Il San Giovanni di Girolamo Genga: codici e strumenti per la conservazione

Lo studio si \ue8 avvalso di contributi specialistici offerti da differenti ambiti disciplinari c... more Lo studio si \ue8 avvalso di contributi specialistici offerti da differenti ambiti disciplinari che hanno prodotto un quadro articolato delle differenti istanze teoriche e delle molteplici problematiche che attengono agli interventi sui beni monumentali; dalle indagini documentarie, alle metodiche di rilievo e restituzione fotogrammetrica, a quelle diagnostiche sui materiali e sugli elementi di fabbrica, alla caratterizzazione tipologico-costruttiva della fabbrica, fino all\u2019individuazione di criteri e soluzioni di intervento con specifico riferimento alle tecniche di prevenzione sismica. La mediazione posta fra teoria e prassi, fra i codici che informano gli indirizzi teorici e gli strumenti che ne decretano la fattibilit\ue0 tecnica ed operativa, rappresenta infatti il filo conduttore e al contempo l\u2019obiettivo che ha guidato il percorso di ricerca seguito dagli autori del presente lavoro

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Research paper thumbnail of Digital Transition for Heritage Management and Dissemination: via Flaminia and Corduba-Emerita

FrancoAngeli srl eBooks, Sep 13, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Virtualization and Vice Versa: A New Procedural Model of the Reverse Virtualization for the User Behavior Tracking in the Virtual Museums

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Leonardo Digitale, Applicazioni Virtuali Per Il Cinquecentenario Leonardiano Alla Mostra "Leonardo e Vitruvio. Oltre Il Cerchio e Il QUADRATO.”

DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals - DOAJ, Feb 1, 2020

The development of tools for digital representation and the diffusion of media to display it offe... more The development of tools for digital representation and the diffusion of media to display it offer an effective mean for the creation and dissemination of cultural contents. This article presents a research work for the exhibition “Leonardo e Vitruvio. Oltre il cerchio e il quadrato.” hosted in the city of Fano for the celebration of the 500 th anniversary of Leonardo’s death. Starting from the original drawings exposed, Leonardo’s crossbow, odometer and water clock were 3D modelled reproducing up to the smallest component and virtually simulating their exact functioning. Hence, two different applications were developed using these digital reconstruction to support visitors. They explain the represented machines from conception to use and compare Leonardo’s models with those of the past, making possible a dynamic fruition that goes beyond the passive experience of contemplating the original work of art.

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Research paper thumbnail of Remote Touch Interaction with High Quality Models Using an Autostereoscopic 3D Display

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2017

The use of 3D models to document archaeological findings witnessed to boost in the latest years, ... more The use of 3D models to document archaeological findings witnessed to boost in the latest years, mainly thanks to the large adoption of digital photogrammetry for the virtual reconstruction of ancient artifatcs. For this reason, the widespread availability of digital 3D objects obliges the research community to face with a hard challenge: which is the best way for allowing visitors being in contact with the real estate of cultural goods? The work described in these pages answers to these questions by describing a novel solution for the enhanced interaction and visualization of a complex 3D model. The installation consists in an autostereoscopic display paired with a remotely connected (with a wired connection) touch-pad for the interaction with the contents displayed in it. The main advantage of using such technology is represented by the fact that one is not obliged to wear cumbersome devices but at the same time one can have a 3D view of the object without any additional aid. The system allows, through a touch-pad, to manage the 3D views and interact with a very small object that in its virtual dimension is magnified with respect to a classical museum arrangement. The research results, applied to the real case exhibition presented, have proved the innovation and usability of the multimedia solutions, which required the use of complex hardware components and a tricky implementation of the whole software architecture. The digital disruption in the CH domain should be also entrusted in the use of advanced interfaces that at the same time are intuitive and usable interaction methods.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ntegrated Methodologies for the Study , Enhancement and Sharing of Archaeological Heritage : The a Rcheo F Ano Project

The fear that knowledge regarding the archaeological remains of the historic centre of Fano could... more The fear that knowledge regarding the archaeological remains of the historic centre of Fano could be lost led to an agreement between the authorities concerned, with the goal of providing the city with a modern archaeological map, to create a uniform data base to use as a starting point for a final analysis of the urban context of the ancient Fanum Fortunae. Starting with the bare bibliographic and archival material, supporting topographical investigations were carried out via total stations systems and GNSS of known archaeological sites, and laser scanner point clouds were subsequently taken from a few roughly known sample areas. Some areas were pinpointed, gravitating around the apparent forum area, and ground penetrating radar surveys were carried out in order to detect underground structures attributable to Roman era remains. All captured material was placed inside an Open Source GIS platform.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cultural Heritage and Landscape: Analysis, Digitization and Design Aiming at a Resilient Future

The First Outstanding 50 Years of “Università Politecnica delle Marche”, 2019

The paper aims to present research activities about cultural and built heritage at various scales... more The paper aims to present research activities about cultural and built heritage at various scales, from architecture to landscape, highlighting how innovative analysis and design approaches can challenge the current methods and pursue the main scope of increasing heritage resilience. The main scientific focus, heritage, works as a cross-cutting topic that is investigated according to the different disciplinary perspectives. At the same time this issue is able to merge the diverse souls of the research team: history of architecture, geomatics, drawing and survey, restoration, regeneration and design. Major results and findings are discussed throughout a set of case studies. These allowed to develop tools to perform rapid surveys and multilevel readings (stylistic, structural, historical, behavioral, etc.) as well as robust procedures for interventions and recycle at different scales of built heritage. Technologies and procedures are tested and validated on these cases that serve as p...

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Research paper thumbnail of Facsimili digitali del patrimonio architettonico per nuove forme di fruizione, gestione e valorizzazione. Il caso esemplare del Palazzo Ducale di Urbino

La digitalizzazione del patrimonio culturale \\ue8 un processo multidimen-sionale necessario per ... more La digitalizzazione del patrimonio culturale \\ue8 un processo multidimen-sionale necessario per salvaguardare i beni storico-artistici, per averne una cono-scenza profonda e per gestirli nel modo pi\\uf9 completo possibile. Il caso studio presentato mostra il primo stimolante obiettivo di un progetto di ricerca multidi-sciplinare che intende migliorare un oggetto architettonico esemplare a partire dalla sua completa digitalizzazione e proporre soluzioni di godimento multisen-soriale. Questo articolo mostra i primi risultati nel campo del rilievo architetto-nico, della modellazione e della parametrizzazione. L'integrazione di diverse tec-niche \\ue8 necessaria per ottenere un prodotto finale valido che possa costituire una base per la conservazione e la valorizzazione del Patrimonio Culturale. Il flusso di lavoro della digitalizzazione comprende sensori e scale diverse, come laser scanner statici e portatili, immagini 360 e HD. L'obiettivo raggiunto \\ue8 un modello digitale, scientificamente validato, ad alta accuratezza che contenga dati 3D e che si configuri come punto di partenza per la ricostruzione delle fasi storiche dell'ar-tefatto e per le applicazioni VR / AR. La ricerca mostra un approccio solido e interdisciplinare applicato al caso studio: le attivit\\ue0 e le sfide affrontate indicano che possono dimostrare problemi multilivello

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Research paper thumbnail of La città Ideale in AR. Per uno smart museum a Palazzo Ducale di Urbino

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Research paper thumbnail of Report dell'indagine pilota su Digitale e digitalizzazione nei musei italiani (2020-2021): un'analisi e prospettive future

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jun 23, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Combining Pattern Projection and Cross Polarization to Enhance 3D Reconstruction of Featureless Reflective Surfaces

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences

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Research paper thumbnail of Misura e Historical Information Building: sfide e opportunità nella rappresentazione di contenuti 3D semanticamente strutturati

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jun 1, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Ctesibius, Vitruvius and Leonardo: A Digital Reconstruction of the Water Clockwork Timeline

Springer eBooks, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of The third dimension of Leonardo's Vitruvian Man

Lo scritto illustra una nuova metodica di descrizione e visione del disegno pi\uf9 famoso al mond... more Lo scritto illustra una nuova metodica di descrizione e visione del disegno pi\uf9 famoso al mondo, l\u2019Uomo Vitruviano di Leonardo da Vinci: una efficace filiera di acquisizione, elaborazione, visualizzazione e fruizione digitale 3D del supporto cartaceo tesa ad esaltare il realismo della percezione raggiungendo un dettaglio visivo del centesimo di millimetro. Si tratta di un sistema che quindi \ue8 in grado di mettere in luce sul disegno dettagli e particolari non rintracciabili ad una sua ispezione diretta. Il workflow sviluppato va a definire complessivamente un modello di definizione speditiva di modelli digitali di disegni finalizzati a nuovi studi e spettacolari modalit\ue0 di loro fruizione, comunicazione e divulgazione

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Research paper thumbnail of I geo-modelli per la PALLADIOLibrary: un archivio condiviso e in divenire

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Research paper thumbnail of Esperienze di rilevamento automatico

CLUA, 1994

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Research paper thumbnail of Furniture and reality augmented at the Doge's Palace of Urbino: the museum is digital

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Research paper thumbnail of EDITORIAL. DIGITAL CULTURAL HERITAGE, ARTS REPRODUCTION AND MUSEUM systems. Languages and techniques in a Covid and post-covid scenario FOR NEW FORMS OF HERITAGE AGAINST THE SILENCE OF A FRAGILE CULTURE


The pandemic and post-pandemic scenario makes it urgent to reflect on potentials of digital trans... more The pandemic and post-pandemic scenario makes it urgent to reflect on potentials of digital transition for Cultural Heritage in order to boost critical awareness and to democratise art supporting the heritage communities and the common goods. Nowadays, digital facsimiles can be considered as heritage itself, including the so called born digital heritage, whose processes, methods and evolution over time, have to be preserved and reused as a potential source of knowledge for future generations. This issue collects positions in favor of a scientifically based ‘digital culture’ and to bring together best practices in the definition of digital transformation strategies for museum and cultural heritage. It also reports some theoretical-methodological reflections as well as success cases applications in the field of DCH, assessing the scientific reliability, technical feasibility and economic sustainability of outstanding experiences. © 2021. All Rights Reserved.

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Research paper thumbnail of Digital Experience of the Work of Vitruvius and Leonardo

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020

On the celebrations for the 500th year since Leonardo da Vinci’s death, the city of Fano (I) orga... more On the celebrations for the 500th year since Leonardo da Vinci’s death, the city of Fano (I) organized an exhibition on the works of Leonardo to put in evidence the influence of the previous studies of Vitruvius, who left in Fano remarkable signs of his talent. Among the original drawings that were shown, some sheets showed the design of three machines originally described by Vitruvius and then re-interpreted by Leonardo: the water clockwork, the ballista and the odometer. The Authors realized a digital reconstruction of such works, with the aim to let the visitors of the exhibition understand the operation of the machines but also to study the differences in the concepts, to explore their feasibility and to assess their possible performance.

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Research paper thumbnail of Digital Facsimiles of Architectural Heritage: New Forms of Fruition, Management and Enhancement. The Exemplary Case of the Ducal Palace at Urbino

Graphical Heritage, 2020

The digitalization of cultural heritage is a necessary multidimensional process to protect histor... more The digitalization of cultural heritage is a necessary multidimensional process to protect historical and cultural heritage, enabling in-depth knowledge and to manage it as completely as possible. The case study here presented shows the first challenging task of a multidisciplinary research project: the general aim is to improve an exemplary architectural object starting from its complete digitalization and to propose multisensory fruition solutions. This article analyzes the early stage that is the architectural survey, modeling and parameterization. The integration of different techniques is mandatory to obtain a final outcome representing a reliable basis for conservation and valorization of the Cultural Heritage. The digitalization workflow includes different sensors and scales, such as terrestrial and portable laser scanners, 360 and HD images. The achieved goal is a digital model, scientifically validated, with high accuracy that contains 3D data and that is configured as a starting point for the reconstruction of the artifact historical phases and for VR/AR applications. The research shows a solid and interdisciplinary approach applied to the case study: the activities and addressed challenges reveal a response to multifaceted problems.

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Research paper thumbnail of Il San Giovanni di Girolamo Genga: codici e strumenti per la conservazione

Lo studio si \ue8 avvalso di contributi specialistici offerti da differenti ambiti disciplinari c... more Lo studio si \ue8 avvalso di contributi specialistici offerti da differenti ambiti disciplinari che hanno prodotto un quadro articolato delle differenti istanze teoriche e delle molteplici problematiche che attengono agli interventi sui beni monumentali; dalle indagini documentarie, alle metodiche di rilievo e restituzione fotogrammetrica, a quelle diagnostiche sui materiali e sugli elementi di fabbrica, alla caratterizzazione tipologico-costruttiva della fabbrica, fino all\u2019individuazione di criteri e soluzioni di intervento con specifico riferimento alle tecniche di prevenzione sismica. La mediazione posta fra teoria e prassi, fra i codici che informano gli indirizzi teorici e gli strumenti che ne decretano la fattibilit\ue0 tecnica ed operativa, rappresenta infatti il filo conduttore e al contempo l\u2019obiettivo che ha guidato il percorso di ricerca seguito dagli autori del presente lavoro

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Research paper thumbnail of Digital Transition for Heritage Management and Dissemination: via Flaminia and Corduba-Emerita

FrancoAngeli srl eBooks, Sep 13, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Virtualization and Vice Versa: A New Procedural Model of the Reverse Virtualization for the User Behavior Tracking in the Virtual Museums

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Leonardo Digitale, Applicazioni Virtuali Per Il Cinquecentenario Leonardiano Alla Mostra "Leonardo e Vitruvio. Oltre Il Cerchio e Il QUADRATO.”

DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals - DOAJ, Feb 1, 2020

The development of tools for digital representation and the diffusion of media to display it offe... more The development of tools for digital representation and the diffusion of media to display it offer an effective mean for the creation and dissemination of cultural contents. This article presents a research work for the exhibition “Leonardo e Vitruvio. Oltre il cerchio e il quadrato.” hosted in the city of Fano for the celebration of the 500 th anniversary of Leonardo’s death. Starting from the original drawings exposed, Leonardo’s crossbow, odometer and water clock were 3D modelled reproducing up to the smallest component and virtually simulating their exact functioning. Hence, two different applications were developed using these digital reconstruction to support visitors. They explain the represented machines from conception to use and compare Leonardo’s models with those of the past, making possible a dynamic fruition that goes beyond the passive experience of contemplating the original work of art.

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Research paper thumbnail of Remote Touch Interaction with High Quality Models Using an Autostereoscopic 3D Display

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2017

The use of 3D models to document archaeological findings witnessed to boost in the latest years, ... more The use of 3D models to document archaeological findings witnessed to boost in the latest years, mainly thanks to the large adoption of digital photogrammetry for the virtual reconstruction of ancient artifatcs. For this reason, the widespread availability of digital 3D objects obliges the research community to face with a hard challenge: which is the best way for allowing visitors being in contact with the real estate of cultural goods? The work described in these pages answers to these questions by describing a novel solution for the enhanced interaction and visualization of a complex 3D model. The installation consists in an autostereoscopic display paired with a remotely connected (with a wired connection) touch-pad for the interaction with the contents displayed in it. The main advantage of using such technology is represented by the fact that one is not obliged to wear cumbersome devices but at the same time one can have a 3D view of the object without any additional aid. The system allows, through a touch-pad, to manage the 3D views and interact with a very small object that in its virtual dimension is magnified with respect to a classical museum arrangement. The research results, applied to the real case exhibition presented, have proved the innovation and usability of the multimedia solutions, which required the use of complex hardware components and a tricky implementation of the whole software architecture. The digital disruption in the CH domain should be also entrusted in the use of advanced interfaces that at the same time are intuitive and usable interaction methods.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ntegrated Methodologies for the Study , Enhancement and Sharing of Archaeological Heritage : The a Rcheo F Ano Project

The fear that knowledge regarding the archaeological remains of the historic centre of Fano could... more The fear that knowledge regarding the archaeological remains of the historic centre of Fano could be lost led to an agreement between the authorities concerned, with the goal of providing the city with a modern archaeological map, to create a uniform data base to use as a starting point for a final analysis of the urban context of the ancient Fanum Fortunae. Starting with the bare bibliographic and archival material, supporting topographical investigations were carried out via total stations systems and GNSS of known archaeological sites, and laser scanner point clouds were subsequently taken from a few roughly known sample areas. Some areas were pinpointed, gravitating around the apparent forum area, and ground penetrating radar surveys were carried out in order to detect underground structures attributable to Roman era remains. All captured material was placed inside an Open Source GIS platform.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cultural Heritage and Landscape: Analysis, Digitization and Design Aiming at a Resilient Future

The First Outstanding 50 Years of “Università Politecnica delle Marche”, 2019

The paper aims to present research activities about cultural and built heritage at various scales... more The paper aims to present research activities about cultural and built heritage at various scales, from architecture to landscape, highlighting how innovative analysis and design approaches can challenge the current methods and pursue the main scope of increasing heritage resilience. The main scientific focus, heritage, works as a cross-cutting topic that is investigated according to the different disciplinary perspectives. At the same time this issue is able to merge the diverse souls of the research team: history of architecture, geomatics, drawing and survey, restoration, regeneration and design. Major results and findings are discussed throughout a set of case studies. These allowed to develop tools to perform rapid surveys and multilevel readings (stylistic, structural, historical, behavioral, etc.) as well as robust procedures for interventions and recycle at different scales of built heritage. Technologies and procedures are tested and validated on these cases that serve as p...

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Research paper thumbnail of Facsimili digitali del patrimonio architettonico per nuove forme di fruizione, gestione e valorizzazione. Il caso esemplare del Palazzo Ducale di Urbino

La digitalizzazione del patrimonio culturale \\ue8 un processo multidimen-sionale necessario per ... more La digitalizzazione del patrimonio culturale \\ue8 un processo multidimen-sionale necessario per salvaguardare i beni storico-artistici, per averne una cono-scenza profonda e per gestirli nel modo pi\\uf9 completo possibile. Il caso studio presentato mostra il primo stimolante obiettivo di un progetto di ricerca multidi-sciplinare che intende migliorare un oggetto architettonico esemplare a partire dalla sua completa digitalizzazione e proporre soluzioni di godimento multisen-soriale. Questo articolo mostra i primi risultati nel campo del rilievo architetto-nico, della modellazione e della parametrizzazione. L'integrazione di diverse tec-niche \\ue8 necessaria per ottenere un prodotto finale valido che possa costituire una base per la conservazione e la valorizzazione del Patrimonio Culturale. Il flusso di lavoro della digitalizzazione comprende sensori e scale diverse, come laser scanner statici e portatili, immagini 360 e HD. L'obiettivo raggiunto \\ue8 un modello digitale, scientificamente validato, ad alta accuratezza che contenga dati 3D e che si configuri come punto di partenza per la ricostruzione delle fasi storiche dell'ar-tefatto e per le applicazioni VR / AR. La ricerca mostra un approccio solido e interdisciplinare applicato al caso studio: le attivit\\ue0 e le sfide affrontate indicano che possono dimostrare problemi multilivello

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Research paper thumbnail of La città Ideale in AR. Per uno smart museum a Palazzo Ducale di Urbino

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