Dr.chiaravalle Eugenio - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Conference Presentations by Dr.chiaravalle Eugenio
Lo 90 Sr è un pericoloso radionuclide originato artificialmente per fissione dell' 235 U. La radi... more Lo 90 Sr è un pericoloso radionuclide originato artificialmente per fissione dell' 235 U. La radioattività dello 90 Sr si manifesta attraverso il suo decadimento ad 90 Y (t½ = 28.5 anni). L'energia massima di tale emissione è pari a 546 keV. L' 90 Y generato decade a sua volta in 90 Zr stabile, con t½ di 64.1 ore, emettendo particelle beta ad una energia massima di 2284 keV. 90 Sr e 90 Y sono in grado di raggiungere il cosiddetto "equilibrio secolare" ovvero lo stato in cui le concentrazioni di attività dei due isotopi sono equivalenti. Ne consegue la possibilità di determinare la concentrazione di attività dello 90 Sr dosando quella dell' 90 Y. Una volta introdotto nell'ambiente lo 90 Sr viene trasferito dal suolo alla vegetazione entrando così nelle diverse catene alimentari a ciclo breve e lungo: suolo-vegetale-uomo oppure suolo-vegetale-animale-uomo. Dal punto di vista tossicologico lo 90 Sr può depositarsi nel tessuto osseo umano ed animale, provocando osteosarcoma ed altre neoplasie. Inoltre, può influenzare negativamente alcuni processi enzimatici e di trasporto nei quali è coinvolto il calcio. La dose reale di 90 Sr assorbita dall'organismo non dipende esclusivamente dalla quantità presente nell'alimento, ma dal rapporto tra calcio e stronzio presenti. Questo perché il calcio viene assorbito dalle pareti del tratto gastrointestinale più rapidamente rispetto allo stronzio che, invece, tende ad essere maggiormente escreto con le urine (1). Come conseguenza vi è la necessità di monitorare i livelli di 90 Sr non solo negli alimenti ricchi di calcio, ma in tutti gli alimenti maggiormente presenti nella dieta. Attualmente, i metodi disponibili che consentono la determinazione dello 90 Sr in matrici alimentari solide richiedono una serie di precipitazioni sequenziali lunghe e laboriose per la separazione radiochimica degli interferenti a cui fanno seguito misure ripetute mediante contatore proporzionale a flusso di gas (2, 3). Il metodo radiochimico per la determinazione della concentrazione di attività dello 90 Sr nei prodotti carnei ed ittici, mediante scintillatore liquido ad ultra-basso fondo (LSC), sviluppato e validato in questo lavoro, sfrutta la possibilità di determinare la concentrazione di attività dello 90 Sr indirettamente, ovvero misurando quella dell'isotopo figlio 90 Y all'equilibrio secolare. L'ittrio appartiene al gruppo III B dei metalli di transizione; la sua scarsa concentrazione nelle matrici alimentari, il suo comportamento chimico differenziato rispetto ad altri elementi molto più presenti, la propensione a formare complessi ed il caratteristico spettro beta, con energia massima molto elevata, permettono di effettuare una determinazione radiochimica molto più agevole rispetto a quella dello stronzio. BIBLIOGRAFIA (1) J. I. Rodale, 2010, Il libro completo dei minerali per la salute, Cap. 142:365-367. (2) N. Vajda, C. K. Kim, 2010, Determination of radiostrontium isotopes: A review of analytical methodology, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 68:2306-2326. (3) UNI 9888:1991 -Determinazione radiochimica dello 90 Sr.
Campioni analizzati: sono stati analizzati 342 campioni di prodotti ittici di varia tipologia ed ... more Campioni analizzati: sono stati analizzati 342 campioni di prodotti ittici di varia tipologia ed origine (italiana ed estera), prelevati presso punti vendita e stabilimenti di produzione e trasformazione siti nelle regioni della Puglia e della Basilicata. Su tali campioni, raggruppati in 4 categorie (molluschi bivalvi, molluschi cefalopodi, pesce azzurro, altri teleostei) sono state determinate le concentrazioni di Piombo, Cadmio e Mercurio mediante metodica analitica normata [2] e accreditata presso i laboratori dell'IZS-Puglia e Basilicata. Preparazione del campione: La preparazione del campione ha previsto due passaggi fondamentali: omogeneizzazione della parte edibile del campione e mineralizzazione umida. L'aliquota è stata omogeneizzata mediante omogeneizzatore a lame; una parte di essa (circa 1,0 g) è stata pesata su bilancia analitica e mineralizzata in forno a microonde con 6 ml di acido nitrico e 2 ml di perossido di idrogeno. Al termine del ciclo di mineralizzazione, la soluzione acida è stata diluita ad un volume noto (50,0 ml). Determinazione Strumentale: dopo controllo delle performances strumentali, la soluzione analitica è stata sottoposta a determinazione strumentale mediante ICP-MS (Modello Elan DRC II della PerkinElmer), con calibrazione esterna di standard acquosi. Gli isotopi considerati sono il Hg-202, il Cd-111 e il Pb-208 (quest'ultimo rivelato come somma degli isotopi Pb-206, Pb-207 e Pb-208).
90Sr is a radiotoxic isotope due to its long physical and biological half-life. It is produced du... more 90Sr is a radiotoxic isotope due to its long physical and biological half-life. It is produced during nuclear fission processes and then it decays to its radioactive daughter nuclide 90Y, emitting high energy (546 keV) β particles [1]. Animal feeding in polluted soils and with contaminated water is the largest source of exposure to 90Sr, which may be absorbed by following metabolic pathways similar to those of Ca. Once 90Sr enters the blood, it may be accumulated in bones where it is retained, so, it is very important to control the radiocontamination level in the environment and in food. A direct correlation between the activity of 90Sr in soil sample and site altitude was demonstrated [2] and 90Sr content increases also with the age of the animal. The radiochemical determination of 90Sr represents a challenge for Organisms in charge of analytical controls. The most complex analytical step is the separation of 90Sr from other alkaline earth elements, such as Ca and Ba. In this work, a radiochemical procedure using ultra low level liquid scintillation counting (LSC) for the monitoring of 90Sr in animal bone samples, after achieving 90Y secular equilibrium condition, was implemented and validated. The validation parameters, such as trueness, precision, counting efficiency, and measurement uncertainty were determined using samples fortified with known activities of 90Sr (at 10 and 100 Bq kg-1). In order to verify the method applicability for routinely controls, it was then employed for the analyses of 10 cow bone samples.
90Sr is a radiotoxic isotope, chemically analogue to calcium. For this reason, it may follow simi... more 90Sr is a radiotoxic isotope, chemically analogue to calcium. For this reason, it may follow similar pathways to this element, representing an important contaminant of some food supply chains. The analytical methods available for the determination of radiostrontium are optimised for determinations in liquid (milk, water, etc.) and environmental matrices. In this work, a radiochemical analytical method for the determination of radiostrontium in several solid foodstuffs (meat, seafood, dairy products, wheat and derived products) was optimised and validated. Good analytical performances were obtained. Method specificity and linearity were ascertained together with measurement uncertainty (equal to 16.0%). The minimal detectable activity was equal to 8.0 mBq kg-1, while the mean repeatability (CV%) and recovery values were equal to 14.5% and 90.5%, respectively. A test on a reference material was also carried out, confirming method reliability for 90Sr quantifications in solid foodstuffs.
Lo 90Sr è considerato un pericoloso contaminante in quanto, possedendo una spiccata affinità chim... more Lo 90Sr è considerato un pericoloso contaminante in quanto, possedendo una spiccata affinità chimica con il calcio, può depositarsi nelle ossa, causando osteosarcoma ed altre neoplasie, oppure residuare in alcuni prodotti alimentari particolarmente ricchi in calcio come latte e derivati. Ovviamente, tale possibilità di accumulo è strettamente correlata alla capacità di trasferimento del radionuclide dall’ambiente, ai mangimi, fino ai prodotti finiti.
In questo studio viene presentata un’attività di monitoraggio sulla contaminazione ambientale, incentrata sulla determinazione di radionuclidi beta emettitori (stronzio-90) in campioni di foglie e arbusti prelevati in un’area geografica sita a sud-est della Sardegna.
Il metodo radiochimico adoperato in questo lavoro è stato recentemente validato ed accreditato ACCREDIA, ed è attualmente impiegato per la determinazione di 90Sr in matrici alimentari solide e nei mangimi presso il Centro di Referenza Nazionale per la Ricerca della Radioattività nel Settore Zootecnico-Veterinario (IZS Puglia e Basilicata – Foggia). Tale metodo risulta particolarmente utile per i lavori di monitoraggio della contaminazione ambientale in quanto raggiunge livelli di sensibilità molto elevati (M.A.R. = 8.0 mBq kg-1). La tecnica analitica impiegata è la scintillazione liquida ad ultra basso fondo ed il conteggio finale di yttrio-90 dopo raggiungimento dell’equilibrio secolare 90Sr / 90Y.
Sono stati analizzati complessivamente 45 campioni, composti da foglie e arbusti, prelevati in 13 comuni situati a sud-est della Sardegna. In tutti i campioni esaminati è stata rilevata una concentrazione di attività di stronzio-90 superiore alla M.A.R., in un range compreso tra 0.35 e 9.89 Bq kg-1, con un valore di contaminazione medio pari a 2.20 Bq kg-1.
Sebbene in tutti i campioni analizzati i livelli di contaminazione riscontrati siano risultati notevolmente inferiori rispetto ai valori limite indicati nel Regolamento Euratom n. 3954/87, relativamente ai prodotti alimentari, questo studio ha permesso di mettere in evidenza una distribuzione non omogenea della contaminazione ambientale con particolare accumulo di stronzio-90 in una delle tre micro-aree geografiche indagate. Tale risultato può essere considerato particolarmente utile per meglio indirizzare futuri piani di campionamento al fine di ottenere dati maggiormente significativi.
Papers by Dr.chiaravalle Eugenio
Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, 2016
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2016
Italian Journal of Agronomy, 2007
Forage digestibility of berseem clover (Trifolium Alexandrinum L.) is influenced by plant cell wa... more Forage digestibility of berseem clover (Trifolium Alexandrinum L.) is influenced by plant cell wall composition. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of different cutting treatments on cell-wall components of the herbage and plant fractions in two Mediterranean berseem genotypes during growth and to examine the relationship between digestibility and cell wall components in these plant fractions. Cutting treatments were initiated at sixth internode elongation (A) and early flowering (B) and there was an uncut control treatment (C). Spring growth of genotypes of Egyptian (cv. Giza 10) and Italian (cv. Sacromonte) origins was harvested in each of two years beginning 196 days after sowing and thereafter every 6 days (twelve harvests in total) to measure cell wall components. Neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid detergent fibre (ADF) and acid detergent lignin (ADL) concentrations were determined for leaf, stem, and total forage of each cultivar at each harvest. Without defoliation, NDF, ADF and ADL concentrations of herbage increased linearly to a maximum of 528, 375 and 84 g kg-1 DM, respectively, by 220 days after planting, when plant height reached maximum values, then plateaued until 257 days after planting. Plant parts differed in cell-wall concentration, with stems being of higher fibre components than leaves, in the two cutting treatments. Herbage and plant fraction fibre concentrations were negatively correlated with digestibility for all cutting treatments. Defoliation induced a reduction in fibre concentrations and plant height, although a rapid regrowth was observed after cutting, in both treatments A and B. However, delaying defoliation to the early flowering stage (B) increased fibre components concentrations both at cutting time and during the growing season and significantly reduced the regrowth height. Conversely, plants cut at the sixth internode elongation (treatment A) showed lower concentrations of fibre fractions than initiating cutting at early flower (treatment B). Therefore, harvest management in which cuts are applied at the stage of sixth internode elongation appears to be the most favourable for obtaining forage of lower fibre content in berseem clover grown in Mediterranean regions.
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2016
Eggs from hens raised on rural or domestic farms are a good indicator of environmental contaminat... more Eggs from hens raised on rural or domestic farms are a good indicator of environmental contamination, as the hens are in close contact with the ground and the air and can therefore accumulate heavy metals and other toxic contaminants from the environment as well as from the diet. In this paper, we report the results of the determination of 19 trace elements (As, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mo, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sn, Sr, Tl, U, V, Zn) in 39 hen egg samples collected from domestic poultry farms in the territory dubbed the "Land of fires" in the Campania region (Italy). This area is characterized by environmental problems caused by the illegal dumping of industrial or domestic waste in fields or by roadsides. In some cases, these wastes have been burned, thereby spreading persistent contaminants into the atmosphere. The content of trace elements in whole egg samples was determined by mass spectrometer after a microwave-assisted digestion procedure. Because European legislation does not indicate maximum values of these elements in this foodstuff, the results were compared with the content of trace elements reported in literature for eggs, in particular home-produced eggs, in various countries. In some cases (Cd, Cu, Ni, Mn), the content determined in this study was in line with those reported elsewhere, in other cases (Pb, Cr), lower values were found.
Veterinary research communications, 2010
Food irradiation is a preservation method that has been approved by the European Union for a limi... more Food irradiation is a preservation method that has been approved by the European Union for a limited number of foods or food products and within a limited range of doses. European Community legislation states that all foods or food ingredients treated in this manner and authorized for sale in the European Union must be clearly labeled, and that market-level inspections must be carried out to ensure compliance with this regulation. To improve detection of irradiated foods, we evaluated the efficacy of electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy for the identification of seafood that had been subjected to irradiation. Three fish species were tested: gilthead sea bream, cod, and swordfish. For each species, 18 samples of flesh-containing bone were analyzed after either irradiation at 0.5, 1, or 3 kGy or no irradiation (control). Induced radicals in irradiated samples produced distinct ESR signals that allowed differentiation from non-irradiated samples. Within the dose range tested, a l...
Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 2011
Treatment of food with ionising radiations in order to increase its shelf-life is largely employe... more Treatment of food with ionising radiations in order to increase its shelf-life is largely employed in many countries. Because of restrictions issued by different governments on the use of this technique, in addition to the identification of irradiated foodstuffs, it may be important to determine the radiation dose administered to the foodstuffs. An EPR based protocol to reconstruct the administered dose from samples of irradiated meats (rabbit, pork and duck) within an uncertainty of 7 25% is reported.
Chemosphere, 2011
The levels of polychlorodibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorodibenzofurans (PCDFs), dioxin-like p... more The levels of polychlorodibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorodibenzofurans (PCDFs), dioxin-like polychlorobiphenyls (DL-PCBs), non-dioxin-like polychlorobiphenyls (NDL-PCBs), and polybromodiphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in fish collected from two marine offshore farming plants were determined. Each sample was constituted by specimens of the same size collected at the same time in four different seasons along the farming year. The feeds given were of industrial origin and the plants were positioned in two different sites respectively exposed to different environmental characteristics. A chemometric approach was applied to interpret the subtle differences observed in fish body burdens across the three chemical groups taken into consideration. The approach consisted in a stepwise multivariate process including a hierarchical cluster analysis (CA) and a linear discriminant analysis (DA). The two main clusters determined by CA were subjected to the canonical DA, backward and forward selection procedures to select the best discriminative functions. A clear temporal and spatial discrimination was found among the samples. Across the three chemical groups, the monthly separation seemed to depend on the growth process and the main exposure was due to the feed. In addition, the two plants differed significantly from the environmental point of view and the most important discriminating group of chemicals were the NDL-PCBs. The approach resulted really effective in discriminating the subtle differences and in individuating suggestions to improve the quality of culturing conditions.
Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 2014
Strontium-90 is a hazardous radionuclide derived from nuclear fission processes, and it decays em... more Strontium-90 is a hazardous radionuclide derived from nuclear fission processes, and it decays emitting high-energy beta-particles forming yttrium-90. It may be easily absorbed in humans through several food supply chains, since it is chemically similar to some important biological elements such as potassium and calcium. In this work an analytical method for the determination of radiostrontium in milk by liquid scintillation counting was developed in order to obtain a precise quantification at low activity concentration levels. Moreover, a full validative approach was applied to confirm method reliability. Good analytical performance was obtained by developing an in-house validation model according to Regulation 882/2004/EC and Decision 657/2002/EC with a good selectivity, a decision threshold and detection limit corresponding to 0.003 and 0.006 Bq l(-1) (α = β = 0.05) respectively, a repeatability value, expressed as CV%, equal to 13%, a mean recovery value equal to 102.5% and a measurement uncertainty equal to 11.5%. Strontium and yttrium chemical yields were determined by a reliable analytical method by inductively coupled mass spectrometry, assuring a suitable correction of final result. The results of the method validation, combined with a quality control assurance, performed on a reference material, demonstrated that the procedure represents a substantial improvement in the determination of (90)Sr relating to accurate confirmation analyses.
90 Sr is one of the most biologically hazardous radionuclides produced in nuclear fission process... more 90 Sr is one of the most biologically hazardous radionuclides produced in nuclear fission processes and decays emitting high-energy beta particles turning 90 Y. 90 Sr is transferred from soil-plant to cow's milk and then to humans if it is introduced into the environment. Radiostrontium is chemically similar to calcium entering the human body through several food chains and depositing in bone and blood-forming tissue (bone marrow). Among main foodstuffs assumed in human diet, milk is considered of special interest for radiostrontium determination, especially in emergency situations, because the consumption of contaminated milk is the main source of internal radiation exposure, particularly for infants. In this work an analytical method for the determination of radiostrontium in milk was developed and validated in order to determine low activity levels by liquid scintillation counting (LSC) after achieving 90 Y secular equilibrium condition. The analytical procedure was applied both in surveillance and routine programmes to detect radiocontamination in cow's, goat and sheep milk samples.
Lo 90 Sr è un pericoloso radionuclide originato artificialmente per fissione dell' 235 U. La radi... more Lo 90 Sr è un pericoloso radionuclide originato artificialmente per fissione dell' 235 U. La radioattività dello 90 Sr si manifesta attraverso il suo decadimento ad 90 Y (t½ = 28.5 anni). L'energia massima di tale emissione è pari a 546 keV. L' 90 Y generato decade a sua volta in 90 Zr stabile, con t½ di 64.1 ore, emettendo particelle beta ad una energia massima di 2284 keV. 90 Sr e 90 Y sono in grado di raggiungere il cosiddetto "equilibrio secolare" ovvero lo stato in cui le concentrazioni di attività dei due isotopi sono equivalenti. Ne consegue la possibilità di determinare la concentrazione di attività dello 90 Sr dosando quella dell' 90 Y. Una volta introdotto nell'ambiente lo 90 Sr viene trasferito dal suolo alla vegetazione entrando così nelle diverse catene alimentari a ciclo breve e lungo: suolo-vegetale-uomo oppure suolo-vegetale-animale-uomo. Dal punto di vista tossicologico lo 90 Sr può depositarsi nel tessuto osseo umano ed animale, provocando osteosarcoma ed altre neoplasie. Inoltre, può influenzare negativamente alcuni processi enzimatici e di trasporto nei quali è coinvolto il calcio. La dose reale di 90 Sr assorbita dall'organismo non dipende esclusivamente dalla quantità presente nell'alimento, ma dal rapporto tra calcio e stronzio presenti. Questo perché il calcio viene assorbito dalle pareti del tratto gastrointestinale più rapidamente rispetto allo stronzio che, invece, tende ad essere maggiormente escreto con le urine (1). Come conseguenza vi è la necessità di monitorare i livelli di 90 Sr non solo negli alimenti ricchi di calcio, ma in tutti gli alimenti maggiormente presenti nella dieta. Attualmente, i metodi disponibili che consentono la determinazione dello 90 Sr in matrici alimentari solide richiedono una serie di precipitazioni sequenziali lunghe e laboriose per la separazione radiochimica degli interferenti a cui fanno seguito misure ripetute mediante contatore proporzionale a flusso di gas (2, 3). Il metodo radiochimico per la determinazione della concentrazione di attività dello 90 Sr nei prodotti carnei ed ittici, mediante scintillatore liquido ad ultra-basso fondo (LSC), sviluppato e validato in questo lavoro, sfrutta la possibilità di determinare la concentrazione di attività dello 90 Sr indirettamente, ovvero misurando quella dell'isotopo figlio 90 Y all'equilibrio secolare. L'ittrio appartiene al gruppo III B dei metalli di transizione; la sua scarsa concentrazione nelle matrici alimentari, il suo comportamento chimico differenziato rispetto ad altri elementi molto più presenti, la propensione a formare complessi ed il caratteristico spettro beta, con energia massima molto elevata, permettono di effettuare una determinazione radiochimica molto più agevole rispetto a quella dello stronzio. BIBLIOGRAFIA (1) J. I. Rodale, 2010, Il libro completo dei minerali per la salute, Cap. 142:365-367. (2) N. Vajda, C. K. Kim, 2010, Determination of radiostrontium isotopes: A review of analytical methodology, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 68:2306-2326. (3) UNI 9888:1991 -Determinazione radiochimica dello 90 Sr.
Campioni analizzati: sono stati analizzati 342 campioni di prodotti ittici di varia tipologia ed ... more Campioni analizzati: sono stati analizzati 342 campioni di prodotti ittici di varia tipologia ed origine (italiana ed estera), prelevati presso punti vendita e stabilimenti di produzione e trasformazione siti nelle regioni della Puglia e della Basilicata. Su tali campioni, raggruppati in 4 categorie (molluschi bivalvi, molluschi cefalopodi, pesce azzurro, altri teleostei) sono state determinate le concentrazioni di Piombo, Cadmio e Mercurio mediante metodica analitica normata [2] e accreditata presso i laboratori dell'IZS-Puglia e Basilicata. Preparazione del campione: La preparazione del campione ha previsto due passaggi fondamentali: omogeneizzazione della parte edibile del campione e mineralizzazione umida. L'aliquota è stata omogeneizzata mediante omogeneizzatore a lame; una parte di essa (circa 1,0 g) è stata pesata su bilancia analitica e mineralizzata in forno a microonde con 6 ml di acido nitrico e 2 ml di perossido di idrogeno. Al termine del ciclo di mineralizzazione, la soluzione acida è stata diluita ad un volume noto (50,0 ml). Determinazione Strumentale: dopo controllo delle performances strumentali, la soluzione analitica è stata sottoposta a determinazione strumentale mediante ICP-MS (Modello Elan DRC II della PerkinElmer), con calibrazione esterna di standard acquosi. Gli isotopi considerati sono il Hg-202, il Cd-111 e il Pb-208 (quest'ultimo rivelato come somma degli isotopi Pb-206, Pb-207 e Pb-208).
90Sr is a radiotoxic isotope due to its long physical and biological half-life. It is produced du... more 90Sr is a radiotoxic isotope due to its long physical and biological half-life. It is produced during nuclear fission processes and then it decays to its radioactive daughter nuclide 90Y, emitting high energy (546 keV) β particles [1]. Animal feeding in polluted soils and with contaminated water is the largest source of exposure to 90Sr, which may be absorbed by following metabolic pathways similar to those of Ca. Once 90Sr enters the blood, it may be accumulated in bones where it is retained, so, it is very important to control the radiocontamination level in the environment and in food. A direct correlation between the activity of 90Sr in soil sample and site altitude was demonstrated [2] and 90Sr content increases also with the age of the animal. The radiochemical determination of 90Sr represents a challenge for Organisms in charge of analytical controls. The most complex analytical step is the separation of 90Sr from other alkaline earth elements, such as Ca and Ba. In this work, a radiochemical procedure using ultra low level liquid scintillation counting (LSC) for the monitoring of 90Sr in animal bone samples, after achieving 90Y secular equilibrium condition, was implemented and validated. The validation parameters, such as trueness, precision, counting efficiency, and measurement uncertainty were determined using samples fortified with known activities of 90Sr (at 10 and 100 Bq kg-1). In order to verify the method applicability for routinely controls, it was then employed for the analyses of 10 cow bone samples.
90Sr is a radiotoxic isotope, chemically analogue to calcium. For this reason, it may follow simi... more 90Sr is a radiotoxic isotope, chemically analogue to calcium. For this reason, it may follow similar pathways to this element, representing an important contaminant of some food supply chains. The analytical methods available for the determination of radiostrontium are optimised for determinations in liquid (milk, water, etc.) and environmental matrices. In this work, a radiochemical analytical method for the determination of radiostrontium in several solid foodstuffs (meat, seafood, dairy products, wheat and derived products) was optimised and validated. Good analytical performances were obtained. Method specificity and linearity were ascertained together with measurement uncertainty (equal to 16.0%). The minimal detectable activity was equal to 8.0 mBq kg-1, while the mean repeatability (CV%) and recovery values were equal to 14.5% and 90.5%, respectively. A test on a reference material was also carried out, confirming method reliability for 90Sr quantifications in solid foodstuffs.
Lo 90Sr è considerato un pericoloso contaminante in quanto, possedendo una spiccata affinità chim... more Lo 90Sr è considerato un pericoloso contaminante in quanto, possedendo una spiccata affinità chimica con il calcio, può depositarsi nelle ossa, causando osteosarcoma ed altre neoplasie, oppure residuare in alcuni prodotti alimentari particolarmente ricchi in calcio come latte e derivati. Ovviamente, tale possibilità di accumulo è strettamente correlata alla capacità di trasferimento del radionuclide dall’ambiente, ai mangimi, fino ai prodotti finiti.
In questo studio viene presentata un’attività di monitoraggio sulla contaminazione ambientale, incentrata sulla determinazione di radionuclidi beta emettitori (stronzio-90) in campioni di foglie e arbusti prelevati in un’area geografica sita a sud-est della Sardegna.
Il metodo radiochimico adoperato in questo lavoro è stato recentemente validato ed accreditato ACCREDIA, ed è attualmente impiegato per la determinazione di 90Sr in matrici alimentari solide e nei mangimi presso il Centro di Referenza Nazionale per la Ricerca della Radioattività nel Settore Zootecnico-Veterinario (IZS Puglia e Basilicata – Foggia). Tale metodo risulta particolarmente utile per i lavori di monitoraggio della contaminazione ambientale in quanto raggiunge livelli di sensibilità molto elevati (M.A.R. = 8.0 mBq kg-1). La tecnica analitica impiegata è la scintillazione liquida ad ultra basso fondo ed il conteggio finale di yttrio-90 dopo raggiungimento dell’equilibrio secolare 90Sr / 90Y.
Sono stati analizzati complessivamente 45 campioni, composti da foglie e arbusti, prelevati in 13 comuni situati a sud-est della Sardegna. In tutti i campioni esaminati è stata rilevata una concentrazione di attività di stronzio-90 superiore alla M.A.R., in un range compreso tra 0.35 e 9.89 Bq kg-1, con un valore di contaminazione medio pari a 2.20 Bq kg-1.
Sebbene in tutti i campioni analizzati i livelli di contaminazione riscontrati siano risultati notevolmente inferiori rispetto ai valori limite indicati nel Regolamento Euratom n. 3954/87, relativamente ai prodotti alimentari, questo studio ha permesso di mettere in evidenza una distribuzione non omogenea della contaminazione ambientale con particolare accumulo di stronzio-90 in una delle tre micro-aree geografiche indagate. Tale risultato può essere considerato particolarmente utile per meglio indirizzare futuri piani di campionamento al fine di ottenere dati maggiormente significativi.
Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, 2016
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2016
Italian Journal of Agronomy, 2007
Forage digestibility of berseem clover (Trifolium Alexandrinum L.) is influenced by plant cell wa... more Forage digestibility of berseem clover (Trifolium Alexandrinum L.) is influenced by plant cell wall composition. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of different cutting treatments on cell-wall components of the herbage and plant fractions in two Mediterranean berseem genotypes during growth and to examine the relationship between digestibility and cell wall components in these plant fractions. Cutting treatments were initiated at sixth internode elongation (A) and early flowering (B) and there was an uncut control treatment (C). Spring growth of genotypes of Egyptian (cv. Giza 10) and Italian (cv. Sacromonte) origins was harvested in each of two years beginning 196 days after sowing and thereafter every 6 days (twelve harvests in total) to measure cell wall components. Neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid detergent fibre (ADF) and acid detergent lignin (ADL) concentrations were determined for leaf, stem, and total forage of each cultivar at each harvest. Without defoliation, NDF, ADF and ADL concentrations of herbage increased linearly to a maximum of 528, 375 and 84 g kg-1 DM, respectively, by 220 days after planting, when plant height reached maximum values, then plateaued until 257 days after planting. Plant parts differed in cell-wall concentration, with stems being of higher fibre components than leaves, in the two cutting treatments. Herbage and plant fraction fibre concentrations were negatively correlated with digestibility for all cutting treatments. Defoliation induced a reduction in fibre concentrations and plant height, although a rapid regrowth was observed after cutting, in both treatments A and B. However, delaying defoliation to the early flowering stage (B) increased fibre components concentrations both at cutting time and during the growing season and significantly reduced the regrowth height. Conversely, plants cut at the sixth internode elongation (treatment A) showed lower concentrations of fibre fractions than initiating cutting at early flower (treatment B). Therefore, harvest management in which cuts are applied at the stage of sixth internode elongation appears to be the most favourable for obtaining forage of lower fibre content in berseem clover grown in Mediterranean regions.
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2016
Eggs from hens raised on rural or domestic farms are a good indicator of environmental contaminat... more Eggs from hens raised on rural or domestic farms are a good indicator of environmental contamination, as the hens are in close contact with the ground and the air and can therefore accumulate heavy metals and other toxic contaminants from the environment as well as from the diet. In this paper, we report the results of the determination of 19 trace elements (As, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mo, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sn, Sr, Tl, U, V, Zn) in 39 hen egg samples collected from domestic poultry farms in the territory dubbed the "Land of fires" in the Campania region (Italy). This area is characterized by environmental problems caused by the illegal dumping of industrial or domestic waste in fields or by roadsides. In some cases, these wastes have been burned, thereby spreading persistent contaminants into the atmosphere. The content of trace elements in whole egg samples was determined by mass spectrometer after a microwave-assisted digestion procedure. Because European legislation does not indicate maximum values of these elements in this foodstuff, the results were compared with the content of trace elements reported in literature for eggs, in particular home-produced eggs, in various countries. In some cases (Cd, Cu, Ni, Mn), the content determined in this study was in line with those reported elsewhere, in other cases (Pb, Cr), lower values were found.
Veterinary research communications, 2010
Food irradiation is a preservation method that has been approved by the European Union for a limi... more Food irradiation is a preservation method that has been approved by the European Union for a limited number of foods or food products and within a limited range of doses. European Community legislation states that all foods or food ingredients treated in this manner and authorized for sale in the European Union must be clearly labeled, and that market-level inspections must be carried out to ensure compliance with this regulation. To improve detection of irradiated foods, we evaluated the efficacy of electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy for the identification of seafood that had been subjected to irradiation. Three fish species were tested: gilthead sea bream, cod, and swordfish. For each species, 18 samples of flesh-containing bone were analyzed after either irradiation at 0.5, 1, or 3 kGy or no irradiation (control). Induced radicals in irradiated samples produced distinct ESR signals that allowed differentiation from non-irradiated samples. Within the dose range tested, a l...
Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 2011
Treatment of food with ionising radiations in order to increase its shelf-life is largely employe... more Treatment of food with ionising radiations in order to increase its shelf-life is largely employed in many countries. Because of restrictions issued by different governments on the use of this technique, in addition to the identification of irradiated foodstuffs, it may be important to determine the radiation dose administered to the foodstuffs. An EPR based protocol to reconstruct the administered dose from samples of irradiated meats (rabbit, pork and duck) within an uncertainty of 7 25% is reported.
Chemosphere, 2011
The levels of polychlorodibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorodibenzofurans (PCDFs), dioxin-like p... more The levels of polychlorodibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorodibenzofurans (PCDFs), dioxin-like polychlorobiphenyls (DL-PCBs), non-dioxin-like polychlorobiphenyls (NDL-PCBs), and polybromodiphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in fish collected from two marine offshore farming plants were determined. Each sample was constituted by specimens of the same size collected at the same time in four different seasons along the farming year. The feeds given were of industrial origin and the plants were positioned in two different sites respectively exposed to different environmental characteristics. A chemometric approach was applied to interpret the subtle differences observed in fish body burdens across the three chemical groups taken into consideration. The approach consisted in a stepwise multivariate process including a hierarchical cluster analysis (CA) and a linear discriminant analysis (DA). The two main clusters determined by CA were subjected to the canonical DA, backward and forward selection procedures to select the best discriminative functions. A clear temporal and spatial discrimination was found among the samples. Across the three chemical groups, the monthly separation seemed to depend on the growth process and the main exposure was due to the feed. In addition, the two plants differed significantly from the environmental point of view and the most important discriminating group of chemicals were the NDL-PCBs. The approach resulted really effective in discriminating the subtle differences and in individuating suggestions to improve the quality of culturing conditions.
Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 2014
Strontium-90 is a hazardous radionuclide derived from nuclear fission processes, and it decays em... more Strontium-90 is a hazardous radionuclide derived from nuclear fission processes, and it decays emitting high-energy beta-particles forming yttrium-90. It may be easily absorbed in humans through several food supply chains, since it is chemically similar to some important biological elements such as potassium and calcium. In this work an analytical method for the determination of radiostrontium in milk by liquid scintillation counting was developed in order to obtain a precise quantification at low activity concentration levels. Moreover, a full validative approach was applied to confirm method reliability. Good analytical performance was obtained by developing an in-house validation model according to Regulation 882/2004/EC and Decision 657/2002/EC with a good selectivity, a decision threshold and detection limit corresponding to 0.003 and 0.006 Bq l(-1) (α = β = 0.05) respectively, a repeatability value, expressed as CV%, equal to 13%, a mean recovery value equal to 102.5% and a measurement uncertainty equal to 11.5%. Strontium and yttrium chemical yields were determined by a reliable analytical method by inductively coupled mass spectrometry, assuring a suitable correction of final result. The results of the method validation, combined with a quality control assurance, performed on a reference material, demonstrated that the procedure represents a substantial improvement in the determination of (90)Sr relating to accurate confirmation analyses.
90 Sr is one of the most biologically hazardous radionuclides produced in nuclear fission process... more 90 Sr is one of the most biologically hazardous radionuclides produced in nuclear fission processes and decays emitting high-energy beta particles turning 90 Y. 90 Sr is transferred from soil-plant to cow's milk and then to humans if it is introduced into the environment. Radiostrontium is chemically similar to calcium entering the human body through several food chains and depositing in bone and blood-forming tissue (bone marrow). Among main foodstuffs assumed in human diet, milk is considered of special interest for radiostrontium determination, especially in emergency situations, because the consumption of contaminated milk is the main source of internal radiation exposure, particularly for infants. In this work an analytical method for the determination of radiostrontium in milk was developed and validated in order to determine low activity levels by liquid scintillation counting (LSC) after achieving 90 Y secular equilibrium condition. The analytical procedure was applied both in surveillance and routine programmes to detect radiocontamination in cow's, goat and sheep milk samples.