Eka Darbaidze - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Eka Darbaidze
Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, Jan 20, 2022
Gender equality is closely linked to sustainable development and is a prerequisite for realizatio... more Gender equality is closely linked to sustainable development and is a prerequisite for realization of all human rights. Gender equality in political participation remains one of the essential components of gender equality. The active participation of women in politics at all levels of decision-making and integration of their experience into the political process contributes to equality, peace and sustainable development, which can be considered a support of democracy. Achieving gender equality in the political sphere is one of the central issues of gender equality. The low involvement of women in political
Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, Mar 31, 2023
For centuries, many women have been at the forefront of the struggle for emancipation and politic... more For centuries, many women have been at the forefront of the struggle for emancipation and political changes. Efforts at integrating the idea of emancipation into society was an important part of the Bolshevik ideology; thus, the October Revolution of 1917 brought women new hope and new expectations. The Soviet Union was the first country in the world to successfully open the door to new economic and educational opportunities for women. In 1917, the Bolshevik legislative initiatives provided them with full political and civil rights while new legislation made women legally equal to men. The constitution adopted in July 1918 secured the political and civil equality of women and men. However, the gender policy developed and implemented by Lenin significantly changed after his death. Until the second half of the 1930s, the Soviet Union remained the world leader in terms of providing women with equal rights. However, after the new leader of the Soviet Union, Stalin, came to power, the government policy on women and equality substantially transformed. During Stalin's rule, the concept of "a new type of woman" was created. The early Bolshevik policy, which started with a radical liberal vision of individual freedom and women's rights, devolved into an abyss of cynicism that burdened women with a disproportionate responsibility for unpaid work in the household. The purpose of this work is to study the role of women during the early Soviet period and to examine legal and political changes in women's status. The study aims at explaining what the main goal of the Soviet gender policy was in fact, whether it actually changed the status of women and what crucial changes it ultimately brought to them. Using the method of content analysis, the content of official documents, press and scientific literature was analyzed. At the same time, attempts were made to identify and analyze the positive and negative results of the Soviet policy by applying the method of critical research.
2010 წლიდან ევროპა უპრეცედენტო მიგრაციული კრიზისის წინაშე აღმოჩნდა. ევროკავშირის სახელმწიფოები დღ... more 2010 წლიდან ევროპა უპრეცედენტო მიგრაციული კრიზისის წინაშე აღმოჩნდა. ევროკავშირის სახელმწიფოები დღემდე ცდილობენ, შეთანხმდნენ მიგრაციაზე. ბოლო რამდენიმე წლის განმავლობაში აღზევებულმა ულტრა მემარჯვენე პოლიტიკურმა ძალებმა ევროპაში მოახერხეს ამომრჩეველთა მზარდი ნაკადების მობილიზება, რომლებიც აქტიურად ცდილობენ წარმოაჩინონ ერთგვარი კავშირი მიგრაციული ნაკადების ზრდას, ტერორიზმს, ისლამური ფუნდამენტალიზმის ზრდასა და ევროკავშირის წევრობას შორის. აღნიშნულ კონტექსტში, იმიგრანტთა ინტეგრაციის დამკვიდრებული მოდელების შესწავლა მკვლევარებში მზარდ ინტერესს იწვევს, რაც უაღრესად მნიშვნელოვანია, რათა შეფასდეს, აღნიშნული მოდელების ეფექტურობა ზემოთ აღნიშნული გამოწვევების დასაძლევად. 1980-იანი წლებიდან მიღებული აქტიურად მიმდინარეობს ინტეგრაციის იდეის ასოცირება ერთგვარ „მოდელთან“, რომლის მიხედვით თითოეულ ქვეყანას აუცილებლად უნდა ჰქონოდა შემუშავებული კონკრეტული მოდელი იმიგრანტებთან ურთიერთობისას. აღნიშნული ცნება არ არის საფუძველს მოკლებული, თუმცა იწვევს ქვეყნების მრავალფეროვნების მართვის გამარტივებულ და ნაწილ...
The American Journal of Comparative Law, 1972
The far-right populism in modern world has become more powerful, and Brexit in the UK, the electi... more The far-right populism in modern world has become more powerful, and Brexit in the UK, the election of Donald Trump as a President of the United States, and the strengthening of ultra-right forces in European countries and the European Parliament is a proof of it. Ultra-right-wing forces are particularly supported in Germany, France, Italy and Hungary. The French National Rally is party that never had so much support in France as in the last national and European elections, in which radical right-wing forces were able to mobilize and support a significant portion of the electorate.The arrival of Marine Le Pen as chairman of the National Front in 2011 gave the party a breath of fresh air and took it to a new level of development. Under Marine Le Pen, the National Rally has managed to modernize some of its conservative positions on gender, sexuality, and family issues. With the new discourse, the leader of the National Rally aims to attract a segment of voters who have traditionally b...
Women’s political participation is an internationally agreed women’s human right. The Convention ... more Women’s political participation is an internationally agreed women’s human right. The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) stipulates equality between women and men in terms of access to, and opportunities in, political and public life, including the right to vote and stand for election. Gender equality is an integral part of the democratic values. Men and women have equal rights to participate in all spheres of private and public life. Women's political participation in representative bodies of the country while increase their active participation in democratic process and will contribute to the successful implementation of the political and social processes. Low representation of women in parliament affects its representativeness and undermines the quality, inclusiveness, and effectiveness of the democratic debate and policy development.In 90s in the wake of the Soviet collapse, when the country's national liberation movement h...
The imbalance of representation of men and women in Georgian politics diminishes the problems aff... more The imbalance of representation of men and women in Georgian politics diminishes the problems affecting women in society, making them less prominent and more difficult for the authorities to address. Women account for more than a half of Georgia’s population, while the overall number of women involved in politics in Georgia has little increased at legislative elections, going from 7% of MPs in 2008 to 16% presently. However, it has yet to reach the standard the UN recognizes: 30% minimum, there has been progress, but at the international level, Georgia has regressed. In the process of democratic state-building of Georgia partnership between women and men in the social and political decisions is extremely important. The political process and their participation in policy formation are fundamental characteristic of the subject, and its lack of social vulnerability of the primary product. Although the role of women in public life in Georgia recently increased significantly, unfortunate...
Government and Opposition, 2017
Women make up just 6.1 per cent of Pacific parliamentarians. Increasing women’s representation is... more Women make up just 6.1 per cent of Pacific parliamentarians. Increasing women’s representation is a key area of focus for political leaders and aid donors, both as a human rights issue and as a vehicle for the substantive representation of women. Women’s participation in politics in the Pacific Islands is often seen as a form of social contract between women. Female voters are expected to vote for female candidates. In exchange, female parliamentarians are expected to act, not just for the constituency that elected them, but for women as a group. This article examines the expectations that are placed on the political participation of Pacific women, and argues that attempts to increase women’s participation in politics in the region should avoid reinforcing these expectations through an emphasis on substantive representation.
... Page 73. inteleqtuali~,# 18, 2012INTELLECTUAL~,# 18, 2012 saerTaSoriso samecniero Jurnali INT... more ... Page 73. inteleqtuali~,# 18, 2012INTELLECTUAL~,# 18, 2012 saerTaSoriso samecniero Jurnali INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL 72 SUMMARY SOUTH CAUCASUS AS UNITED SECURITY COMPLEX EKA DARBAIDZE After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the South ...
Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, Jan 20, 2022
Gender equality is closely linked to sustainable development and is a prerequisite for realizatio... more Gender equality is closely linked to sustainable development and is a prerequisite for realization of all human rights. Gender equality in political participation remains one of the essential components of gender equality. The active participation of women in politics at all levels of decision-making and integration of their experience into the political process contributes to equality, peace and sustainable development, which can be considered a support of democracy. Achieving gender equality in the political sphere is one of the central issues of gender equality. The low involvement of women in political
Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, Mar 31, 2023
For centuries, many women have been at the forefront of the struggle for emancipation and politic... more For centuries, many women have been at the forefront of the struggle for emancipation and political changes. Efforts at integrating the idea of emancipation into society was an important part of the Bolshevik ideology; thus, the October Revolution of 1917 brought women new hope and new expectations. The Soviet Union was the first country in the world to successfully open the door to new economic and educational opportunities for women. In 1917, the Bolshevik legislative initiatives provided them with full political and civil rights while new legislation made women legally equal to men. The constitution adopted in July 1918 secured the political and civil equality of women and men. However, the gender policy developed and implemented by Lenin significantly changed after his death. Until the second half of the 1930s, the Soviet Union remained the world leader in terms of providing women with equal rights. However, after the new leader of the Soviet Union, Stalin, came to power, the government policy on women and equality substantially transformed. During Stalin's rule, the concept of "a new type of woman" was created. The early Bolshevik policy, which started with a radical liberal vision of individual freedom and women's rights, devolved into an abyss of cynicism that burdened women with a disproportionate responsibility for unpaid work in the household. The purpose of this work is to study the role of women during the early Soviet period and to examine legal and political changes in women's status. The study aims at explaining what the main goal of the Soviet gender policy was in fact, whether it actually changed the status of women and what crucial changes it ultimately brought to them. Using the method of content analysis, the content of official documents, press and scientific literature was analyzed. At the same time, attempts were made to identify and analyze the positive and negative results of the Soviet policy by applying the method of critical research.
2010 წლიდან ევროპა უპრეცედენტო მიგრაციული კრიზისის წინაშე აღმოჩნდა. ევროკავშირის სახელმწიფოები დღ... more 2010 წლიდან ევროპა უპრეცედენტო მიგრაციული კრიზისის წინაშე აღმოჩნდა. ევროკავშირის სახელმწიფოები დღემდე ცდილობენ, შეთანხმდნენ მიგრაციაზე. ბოლო რამდენიმე წლის განმავლობაში აღზევებულმა ულტრა მემარჯვენე პოლიტიკურმა ძალებმა ევროპაში მოახერხეს ამომრჩეველთა მზარდი ნაკადების მობილიზება, რომლებიც აქტიურად ცდილობენ წარმოაჩინონ ერთგვარი კავშირი მიგრაციული ნაკადების ზრდას, ტერორიზმს, ისლამური ფუნდამენტალიზმის ზრდასა და ევროკავშირის წევრობას შორის. აღნიშნულ კონტექსტში, იმიგრანტთა ინტეგრაციის დამკვიდრებული მოდელების შესწავლა მკვლევარებში მზარდ ინტერესს იწვევს, რაც უაღრესად მნიშვნელოვანია, რათა შეფასდეს, აღნიშნული მოდელების ეფექტურობა ზემოთ აღნიშნული გამოწვევების დასაძლევად. 1980-იანი წლებიდან მიღებული აქტიურად მიმდინარეობს ინტეგრაციის იდეის ასოცირება ერთგვარ „მოდელთან“, რომლის მიხედვით თითოეულ ქვეყანას აუცილებლად უნდა ჰქონოდა შემუშავებული კონკრეტული მოდელი იმიგრანტებთან ურთიერთობისას. აღნიშნული ცნება არ არის საფუძველს მოკლებული, თუმცა იწვევს ქვეყნების მრავალფეროვნების მართვის გამარტივებულ და ნაწილ...
The American Journal of Comparative Law, 1972
The far-right populism in modern world has become more powerful, and Brexit in the UK, the electi... more The far-right populism in modern world has become more powerful, and Brexit in the UK, the election of Donald Trump as a President of the United States, and the strengthening of ultra-right forces in European countries and the European Parliament is a proof of it. Ultra-right-wing forces are particularly supported in Germany, France, Italy and Hungary. The French National Rally is party that never had so much support in France as in the last national and European elections, in which radical right-wing forces were able to mobilize and support a significant portion of the electorate.The arrival of Marine Le Pen as chairman of the National Front in 2011 gave the party a breath of fresh air and took it to a new level of development. Under Marine Le Pen, the National Rally has managed to modernize some of its conservative positions on gender, sexuality, and family issues. With the new discourse, the leader of the National Rally aims to attract a segment of voters who have traditionally b...
Women’s political participation is an internationally agreed women’s human right. The Convention ... more Women’s political participation is an internationally agreed women’s human right. The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) stipulates equality between women and men in terms of access to, and opportunities in, political and public life, including the right to vote and stand for election. Gender equality is an integral part of the democratic values. Men and women have equal rights to participate in all spheres of private and public life. Women's political participation in representative bodies of the country while increase their active participation in democratic process and will contribute to the successful implementation of the political and social processes. Low representation of women in parliament affects its representativeness and undermines the quality, inclusiveness, and effectiveness of the democratic debate and policy development.In 90s in the wake of the Soviet collapse, when the country's national liberation movement h...
The imbalance of representation of men and women in Georgian politics diminishes the problems aff... more The imbalance of representation of men and women in Georgian politics diminishes the problems affecting women in society, making them less prominent and more difficult for the authorities to address. Women account for more than a half of Georgia’s population, while the overall number of women involved in politics in Georgia has little increased at legislative elections, going from 7% of MPs in 2008 to 16% presently. However, it has yet to reach the standard the UN recognizes: 30% minimum, there has been progress, but at the international level, Georgia has regressed. In the process of democratic state-building of Georgia partnership between women and men in the social and political decisions is extremely important. The political process and their participation in policy formation are fundamental characteristic of the subject, and its lack of social vulnerability of the primary product. Although the role of women in public life in Georgia recently increased significantly, unfortunate...
Government and Opposition, 2017
Women make up just 6.1 per cent of Pacific parliamentarians. Increasing women’s representation is... more Women make up just 6.1 per cent of Pacific parliamentarians. Increasing women’s representation is a key area of focus for political leaders and aid donors, both as a human rights issue and as a vehicle for the substantive representation of women. Women’s participation in politics in the Pacific Islands is often seen as a form of social contract between women. Female voters are expected to vote for female candidates. In exchange, female parliamentarians are expected to act, not just for the constituency that elected them, but for women as a group. This article examines the expectations that are placed on the political participation of Pacific women, and argues that attempts to increase women’s participation in politics in the region should avoid reinforcing these expectations through an emphasis on substantive representation.
... Page 73. inteleqtuali~,# 18, 2012INTELLECTUAL~,# 18, 2012 saerTaSoriso samecniero Jurnali INT... more ... Page 73. inteleqtuali~,# 18, 2012INTELLECTUAL~,# 18, 2012 saerTaSoriso samecniero Jurnali INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL 72 SUMMARY SOUTH CAUCASUS AS UNITED SECURITY COMPLEX EKA DARBAIDZE After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the South ...