Ekaterina Fliginskikh - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Ekaterina Fliginskikh
Proceedings of INTCESS 2022- 9th International Conference on Education & Education of Social Sciences, 2022
Superstitions present a special group of paroemiae which is widespread in any language and any cu... more Superstitions present a special group of paroemiae which is widespread in any language and any culture. They accumulate the experience of generations and present it in the original form. The article analyses superstitions of the English and Russian languages from the syntactical point of view. The authors consider folk superstitions connected with the rites of passage, such as pregnancy, birth, wedding, and death. The authors present two types of analysis: structural analysis and functional analysis. Structural analysis describes different types of sentences according to their structure and connections of words within a sentence. The authors distinguish clauses of conditions and consequence, etc. Functional analysis describes different types of sentences according to their functions. Authors distinguish prognostic superstitions, intention superstitions, taboo superstitions, and apotropaic superstitions. All of them have different structure depending on the function they perform. It is interesting to note that functional analysis is common for all three languages under study. Sentences have similar structure and may be presented as loan translation. At the same time, structural analysis underlines the difference between the languages in general and between sentence building of different languages in particular. In the research to select the material for the purpose of study the authors used a continuous sampling method, registration and processing of the data received, observation, analysis of each group of superstitions, a comparative analysis of the superstitions, statistical method. All these methods allow making a comprehensive and detailed analysis of the units under study. The presented examples prove the theoretical statements.
Death and funerals are the last rite of passage in the life of every human being. Despite the phi... more Death and funerals are the last rite of passage in the life of every human being. Despite the philosophical attitude to death on the part of the old people, this rite means the end of life in this world and passing away to the unknown, undiscovered world. These two factors became the reasons why there are a lot of superstitions playing the role of death omens. The authors of the article compare superstitions predicting death in three languages: English, Russian and Mari. All the superstitions were divided into two semantic fields depending on the predicting object and the subject of death. Among all predicting factors it was possible to distinguish lexical-semantic groups naming objects in the first group, and naming subjects in the second group. The first field includes such lexical-semantic groups as ‘Human body’ ‘Shoes, jewelry’, ‘House’, ‘Household appliances’, ‘Food’, Inanimate nature’, ‘Animals’, ‘Birds’, ‘Insects’, ‘Reptiles and fish’, ‘Plants’, ‘Religious symbols’, ‘Funerals...
Review of European Studies, 2015
The article presents the frame structure of the concept Family in the Finnish paroemiological fun... more The article presents the frame structure of the concept Family in the Finnish paroemiological fund, describing three top levels: "Nuclear Family", "Androcentric Family" and "Affinal Family" which include five terminals and four sub-slots. The Finnish mentality reflected in proverbs and sayings is characterized by three cognitive levels according to their inner form and meaning, plane of content and plane of expression. The results of the research suggest that in the analyzed fragment of the linguistic view of the world metaphorical paroemiae make up 51% (70 out of 137 units). In Finnish proverbs and sayings the leadership belongs to the man; fathers are responsible for the formation of national self-consciousness and women are home-keepers. Four types of metaphors are typical of the paroemiae: anthropomorphic, naturemorphic, sociomorphic and artefactual among which the last ones prevail. According to their axiological status the frames are divided into three groups: meliorative, pejorative and ambivalent.
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2015
Colour naming is reflected in all the languages of the world, namely, in phraseological units whe... more Colour naming is reflected in all the languages of the world, namely, in phraseological units where one of the components denotes a colour. The objective of the article is to study idioms in three unrelated languages: English, German and Mari and to reveal how they are organized around universal focal colours. The article analyses 205 idioms of the English language, where one of the components includes colour naming. The research shows that in the English language 'black' (47 units, 23 %), 'blue' (39 units, 19 %), 'red' (32 units, 16 %) and 'white' (32 units, 16 %) form the core of the category. In the German language 185 phraseological units have been found, among which 'schwarz/black' (42 units, 21 %), 'grün/green' (36 units, 20 %) and 'blau/blue' (35 units, 19 %) are dominating colours. In the Mari language-18 idioms: ' /black' (8 units, 44,5 %), the same amount of ' /white' (8 units, 44,5 %),' /green' (1 idiom, 5,5 %) and ' /red' (1 idiom, 5,5 %). Taking into account their semantic meaning, all the idioms in three languages have been divided into nine groups. According to their semantic organization, four classes of idioms have been distinguished.
Issues and Trends in Interdisciplinary Behavior and Social Science, 2018
The article is the first of two which considers the expression of the frame "pregnancy and birth"... more The article is the first of two which considers the expression of the frame "pregnancy and birth" in the superstitions of the English, Russian, and Mari languages. Pregnancy is one of the most important periods in the life of every family and especially in the life of a woman. It is one of the rites of passage which gives a woman a new status of a mother and secures her status as a wife. The birth of a child is another rite of passagethe first for everybody in this lifewhen an immaterial soul becomes a real person. These two events are inextricably linked as the mother is connected with her child. That is why a lot of superstitions are related both to mothers and children. Authors distributed all the superstitions of three languages among three top-level groups: preliminary, 'liminary', and postliminary. The preliminary level includes the slots: 1) predictions (predictions about being or not being pregnant, pieces of advice how to become or not become pregnant, as well as guesses about the gender of children); 2) prohibitions (what the pregnant woman shall do and must not do, and different ways how to protect her from evil spirits). The 'liminary' level gives the advice of what shall or shall not be done during the process of giving the birth to make it easy and successful. All this is presented in folk superstitions which reflect world view of peoples under study.
The objective of the article is to present a comparative analysis of English, German, French, Spa... more The objective of the article is to present a comparative analysis of English, German, French, Spanish and Russian idiomatic expressions containing the component of colour in their structure. Colour meaning important for focal colours and their synonyms is converted to a figurative meaning that goes beyond colour by means of metaphoric or metonymic transfer. Colour and its shades expressed by different models and constructions are used in comparisons and metaphors. Colourless vocabulary used in figurative meaning in the context obtains the colour meaning. Colour symbolism is expressed in the context, in different ways of colour denoting, in the colour term itself. Colour oppositions (for example, black-and-white opposition) that contain their figurative meaning are based on the colour differences. There are several ways to convey colour tones. Thus, unsaturated tones can be expressed by joining the colour name of the element general to focal adjectives to the stem. It has been reveal...
The article describes ornythonims, having a transparent inner form, in the German and English lan... more The article describes ornythonims, having a transparent inner form, in the German and English languages, which can be viewed as the reflection of the linguistic scientific pictures of the world (SPW) of the two languages. Cognitive methods have been used to analyse special German and English terminology aiming at the revealing of similarities and differences in the languages to observe unique and common features in the linguistic scientific pictures of the world. The metaphorical transfer of ornythonims in the abovementioned languages is the object of the research. Its subject is a comparative analysis of the metaphorical transfer of ornythonims in German and English. In the framework of this analysis the task is to characterize specific features forming the basis of metaphorical transfers in naming birds with a transparent inner form. To do the research, the Dictionary of Animal Names in Five Languages: Birds. Latin, Russian, English, German, French by R. L. Boeme and V. E. Flint, ...
Superstitions always played a very important role in the life of folks determining their behaviou... more Superstitions always played a very important role in the life of folks determining their behaviour, foreseeing future events, warning about something that can happen or prohibiting some actions which may bring damages and misfortunes. The article considers folk superstitions connected with the rites of passage in the English, Russian, and Mari languages. These rites include pregnancy and birth of a child, wedding, and funerals. All the rites of passage are studied from the point of view of three time periods. Authors analysed the superstitions, found adjectives, and grouped them according to their meaning. The analysis has revealed seven groups of adjectives: 1) adjectives naming colours, 2) adjectives describing appearance of people and things, 3) adjectives naming time, age, and distance, 4) adjectives naming condition, quality or features, 5) adjectives giving assessment, 6) adjectives naming material and origin, 7) adjectives talking about fate. The results of the studies had so...
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Education Science and Social Development (ESSD 2019), 2019
The purpose of the article is to compare folk ritual superstitions of the English, Russian, and M... more The purpose of the article is to compare folk ritual superstitions of the English, Russian, and Mari languages containing the names of the household goods. All superstitions were chosen using a continuous sampling method. The analysis was prepared using methods of comparison and statistics. All superstitions were divided into four big groups depending on the included lexical unit. Group one is 'House, parts of the house'. Group two is 'Kitchen appliances'. Group three is 'Bed, bedroom accessories'. Group four is 'Household goods'. The analysis has shown that the biggest number of superstitions with the names of household items is in the Russian language, the biggest group is Group 4 'Household Goods', the most spread units are 'mirror' and 'broom', the universal units are 'window'
Pedagogical Review, 2019
Рассматривается вопрос о значимости кросс-культурной компетентности субъектов образовательной сре... more Рассматривается вопрос о значимости кросс-культурной компетентности субъектов образовательной среды. Анализируются социокультурные и языковые барьеры, возникающие в условиях кросс-культурной ситуации, определяются затруднения, которые испытывают коммуниканты, и уровень их готовности к коммуникативному взаимодействию. Отмечается, что кросс-культурная ситуация возникает не только в общении представителей разных национальностей, но и при общении педагогов с детьми мигрантов, обучающимися различных вероисповеданий, детьми с особыми образовательными потребностями. Представляются результаты анкетирования студентов ФГБОУ ВО «Марийский государственный университет» на предмет их готовности к коммуникативному взаимодействию в условиях кросс-культурной ситуации. В университете обучаются студенты марийской, русской, татарской, чувашской, грузинской, армянской, чеченской, удмуртской, башкирской и других национальностей, а также иностранные студенты из Индии, Таджикистана, Туркменистана, Египта, Венгрии, Финляндии и др. Все они исповедуют разную религию (христианство, ислам, буддизм, индуизм, язычество и т. д.), ориентируются на свои правила коммуникации, придерживаются своих ценностных установок. Результаты исследования показывают, что иностранные студенты в качестве основного затруднения называют прежде всего языковой барьер, испытываемый ими при приезде для обучения в другую страну. Отмечаются социокультурные различия, которые также затрудняют коммуникативное взаимодействие. Даются количественные и качественные показатели высокого, среднего и низкого уровней готовности к коммуникативному взаимодействию в условиях кросс-культурной ситуации.
Vestnik of the Mari State University, 2019
Vestnik of the Mari State University, 2019
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2015
The article presents the comparative analysis of the concept Family in the Finnish and Mari paroe... more The article presents the comparative analysis of the concept Family in the Finnish and Mari paroemiological funds, both belonging to the Finno-Ugric languages, from the point of view of their metaphorical conceptualization. We define a metaphorical model as an interaction between different conceptual spheres as a result of which new linguistic units with a figurative meaning are formed. The Finnish and Mari mentalities reflected in proverbs and sayings are characterized by three cognitive levels according to their inner form and meaning, plane of content and plane of expression. In the analyzed fragment of the linguistic worldview metaphorical paroemiae make up in the Finnish language 51 % (70 out of 137 units) and in the Mari language-74 % (128 out of 173), which means that in the Mari paroemiological fund metaphorical conceptualization prevails. Four types of metaphors are typical of the paroemiae in both funds: anthropomorphic, naturomorphic, sociomorphic and artefact. Artefact metaphors occupy a significant place in the paroemiological funds of both languages.
Proceedings of INTCESS 2022- 9th International Conference on Education & Education of Social Sciences, 2022
Proverbs always played a very important role in the life of folks as they accumulate the experien... more Proverbs always played a very important role in the life of folks as they accumulate the experience of previous generations and show the attitude to different issues. They cover all spheres of life, including private relations. The article analyses the most widespread proverbs and sayings of the folks living in the European countries that are devoted to the issues of love and family (239 units). It presents differences and similarities in the linguistic world view of different ethnic groups. The groups of proverbs under study are Love, Marriage, Husband & Wife, Parents & Children, and Home. The statistical analysis has shown that the biggest number of proverbs is devoted to love making it the most discussed issue (108 units). Among the countries where the topic of love and family is one of the most important there are Spain, Germany, France, Italy, and Romania (more than 20 units). In the research to select the material for the purpose of study the author used a continuous sampling method, registration and processing of the data received, observation, analysis of each group of proverbs, a comparative analysis of the proverbs, statistical method. Proverbs of the group Love describes different type of love. Proverbs of the group Marriage give the characteristic of the types of marriages. Proverbs of the group Husband & Wife consider the relations between spouses. Most of the proverbs are devoted to wives giving them different treatment. Proverbs of the group Parents & Children describe relations between generations. Both parents and children may behave good or bad. Proverbs of the group Home are devoted to attitude to homes. Home is considered as the best and most important place for people.
Proceedings of INTCESS 2022- 9th International Conference on Education & Education of Social Sciences, 2022
Superstitions present a special group of paroemiae which is widespread in any language and any cu... more Superstitions present a special group of paroemiae which is widespread in any language and any culture. They accumulate the experience of generations and present it in the original form. The article analyses superstitions of the English and Russian languages from the syntactical point of view. The authors consider folk superstitions connected with the rites of passage, such as pregnancy, birth, wedding, and death. The authors present two types of analysis: structural analysis and functional analysis. Structural analysis describes different types of sentences according to their structure and connections of words within a sentence. The authors distinguish clauses of conditions and consequence, etc. Functional analysis describes different types of sentences according to their functions. Authors distinguish prognostic superstitions, intention superstitions, taboo superstitions, and apotropaic superstitions. All of them have different structure depending on the function they perform. It is interesting to note that functional analysis is common for all three languages under study. Sentences have similar structure and may be presented as loan translation. At the same time, structural analysis underlines the difference between the languages in general and between sentence building of different languages in particular. In the research to select the material for the purpose of study the authors used a continuous sampling method, registration and processing of the data received, observation, analysis of each group of superstitions, a comparative analysis of the superstitions, statistical method. All these methods allow making a comprehensive and detailed analysis of the units under study. The presented examples prove the theoretical statements.
Death and funerals are the last rite of passage in the life of every human being. Despite the phi... more Death and funerals are the last rite of passage in the life of every human being. Despite the philosophical attitude to death on the part of the old people, this rite means the end of life in this world and passing away to the unknown, undiscovered world. These two factors became the reasons why there are a lot of superstitions playing the role of death omens. The authors of the article compare superstitions predicting death in three languages: English, Russian and Mari. All the superstitions were divided into two semantic fields depending on the predicting object and the subject of death. Among all predicting factors it was possible to distinguish lexical-semantic groups naming objects in the first group, and naming subjects in the second group. The first field includes such lexical-semantic groups as ‘Human body’ ‘Shoes, jewelry’, ‘House’, ‘Household appliances’, ‘Food’, Inanimate nature’, ‘Animals’, ‘Birds’, ‘Insects’, ‘Reptiles and fish’, ‘Plants’, ‘Religious symbols’, ‘Funerals...
Review of European Studies, 2015
The article presents the frame structure of the concept Family in the Finnish paroemiological fun... more The article presents the frame structure of the concept Family in the Finnish paroemiological fund, describing three top levels: "Nuclear Family", "Androcentric Family" and "Affinal Family" which include five terminals and four sub-slots. The Finnish mentality reflected in proverbs and sayings is characterized by three cognitive levels according to their inner form and meaning, plane of content and plane of expression. The results of the research suggest that in the analyzed fragment of the linguistic view of the world metaphorical paroemiae make up 51% (70 out of 137 units). In Finnish proverbs and sayings the leadership belongs to the man; fathers are responsible for the formation of national self-consciousness and women are home-keepers. Four types of metaphors are typical of the paroemiae: anthropomorphic, naturemorphic, sociomorphic and artefactual among which the last ones prevail. According to their axiological status the frames are divided into three groups: meliorative, pejorative and ambivalent.
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2015
Colour naming is reflected in all the languages of the world, namely, in phraseological units whe... more Colour naming is reflected in all the languages of the world, namely, in phraseological units where one of the components denotes a colour. The objective of the article is to study idioms in three unrelated languages: English, German and Mari and to reveal how they are organized around universal focal colours. The article analyses 205 idioms of the English language, where one of the components includes colour naming. The research shows that in the English language 'black' (47 units, 23 %), 'blue' (39 units, 19 %), 'red' (32 units, 16 %) and 'white' (32 units, 16 %) form the core of the category. In the German language 185 phraseological units have been found, among which 'schwarz/black' (42 units, 21 %), 'grün/green' (36 units, 20 %) and 'blau/blue' (35 units, 19 %) are dominating colours. In the Mari language-18 idioms: ' /black' (8 units, 44,5 %), the same amount of ' /white' (8 units, 44,5 %),' /green' (1 idiom, 5,5 %) and ' /red' (1 idiom, 5,5 %). Taking into account their semantic meaning, all the idioms in three languages have been divided into nine groups. According to their semantic organization, four classes of idioms have been distinguished.
Issues and Trends in Interdisciplinary Behavior and Social Science, 2018
The article is the first of two which considers the expression of the frame "pregnancy and birth"... more The article is the first of two which considers the expression of the frame "pregnancy and birth" in the superstitions of the English, Russian, and Mari languages. Pregnancy is one of the most important periods in the life of every family and especially in the life of a woman. It is one of the rites of passage which gives a woman a new status of a mother and secures her status as a wife. The birth of a child is another rite of passagethe first for everybody in this lifewhen an immaterial soul becomes a real person. These two events are inextricably linked as the mother is connected with her child. That is why a lot of superstitions are related both to mothers and children. Authors distributed all the superstitions of three languages among three top-level groups: preliminary, 'liminary', and postliminary. The preliminary level includes the slots: 1) predictions (predictions about being or not being pregnant, pieces of advice how to become or not become pregnant, as well as guesses about the gender of children); 2) prohibitions (what the pregnant woman shall do and must not do, and different ways how to protect her from evil spirits). The 'liminary' level gives the advice of what shall or shall not be done during the process of giving the birth to make it easy and successful. All this is presented in folk superstitions which reflect world view of peoples under study.
The objective of the article is to present a comparative analysis of English, German, French, Spa... more The objective of the article is to present a comparative analysis of English, German, French, Spanish and Russian idiomatic expressions containing the component of colour in their structure. Colour meaning important for focal colours and their synonyms is converted to a figurative meaning that goes beyond colour by means of metaphoric or metonymic transfer. Colour and its shades expressed by different models and constructions are used in comparisons and metaphors. Colourless vocabulary used in figurative meaning in the context obtains the colour meaning. Colour symbolism is expressed in the context, in different ways of colour denoting, in the colour term itself. Colour oppositions (for example, black-and-white opposition) that contain their figurative meaning are based on the colour differences. There are several ways to convey colour tones. Thus, unsaturated tones can be expressed by joining the colour name of the element general to focal adjectives to the stem. It has been reveal...
The article describes ornythonims, having a transparent inner form, in the German and English lan... more The article describes ornythonims, having a transparent inner form, in the German and English languages, which can be viewed as the reflection of the linguistic scientific pictures of the world (SPW) of the two languages. Cognitive methods have been used to analyse special German and English terminology aiming at the revealing of similarities and differences in the languages to observe unique and common features in the linguistic scientific pictures of the world. The metaphorical transfer of ornythonims in the abovementioned languages is the object of the research. Its subject is a comparative analysis of the metaphorical transfer of ornythonims in German and English. In the framework of this analysis the task is to characterize specific features forming the basis of metaphorical transfers in naming birds with a transparent inner form. To do the research, the Dictionary of Animal Names in Five Languages: Birds. Latin, Russian, English, German, French by R. L. Boeme and V. E. Flint, ...
Superstitions always played a very important role in the life of folks determining their behaviou... more Superstitions always played a very important role in the life of folks determining their behaviour, foreseeing future events, warning about something that can happen or prohibiting some actions which may bring damages and misfortunes. The article considers folk superstitions connected with the rites of passage in the English, Russian, and Mari languages. These rites include pregnancy and birth of a child, wedding, and funerals. All the rites of passage are studied from the point of view of three time periods. Authors analysed the superstitions, found adjectives, and grouped them according to their meaning. The analysis has revealed seven groups of adjectives: 1) adjectives naming colours, 2) adjectives describing appearance of people and things, 3) adjectives naming time, age, and distance, 4) adjectives naming condition, quality or features, 5) adjectives giving assessment, 6) adjectives naming material and origin, 7) adjectives talking about fate. The results of the studies had so...
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Education Science and Social Development (ESSD 2019), 2019
The purpose of the article is to compare folk ritual superstitions of the English, Russian, and M... more The purpose of the article is to compare folk ritual superstitions of the English, Russian, and Mari languages containing the names of the household goods. All superstitions were chosen using a continuous sampling method. The analysis was prepared using methods of comparison and statistics. All superstitions were divided into four big groups depending on the included lexical unit. Group one is 'House, parts of the house'. Group two is 'Kitchen appliances'. Group three is 'Bed, bedroom accessories'. Group four is 'Household goods'. The analysis has shown that the biggest number of superstitions with the names of household items is in the Russian language, the biggest group is Group 4 'Household Goods', the most spread units are 'mirror' and 'broom', the universal units are 'window'
Pedagogical Review, 2019
Рассматривается вопрос о значимости кросс-культурной компетентности субъектов образовательной сре... more Рассматривается вопрос о значимости кросс-культурной компетентности субъектов образовательной среды. Анализируются социокультурные и языковые барьеры, возникающие в условиях кросс-культурной ситуации, определяются затруднения, которые испытывают коммуниканты, и уровень их готовности к коммуникативному взаимодействию. Отмечается, что кросс-культурная ситуация возникает не только в общении представителей разных национальностей, но и при общении педагогов с детьми мигрантов, обучающимися различных вероисповеданий, детьми с особыми образовательными потребностями. Представляются результаты анкетирования студентов ФГБОУ ВО «Марийский государственный университет» на предмет их готовности к коммуникативному взаимодействию в условиях кросс-культурной ситуации. В университете обучаются студенты марийской, русской, татарской, чувашской, грузинской, армянской, чеченской, удмуртской, башкирской и других национальностей, а также иностранные студенты из Индии, Таджикистана, Туркменистана, Египта, Венгрии, Финляндии и др. Все они исповедуют разную религию (христианство, ислам, буддизм, индуизм, язычество и т. д.), ориентируются на свои правила коммуникации, придерживаются своих ценностных установок. Результаты исследования показывают, что иностранные студенты в качестве основного затруднения называют прежде всего языковой барьер, испытываемый ими при приезде для обучения в другую страну. Отмечаются социокультурные различия, которые также затрудняют коммуникативное взаимодействие. Даются количественные и качественные показатели высокого, среднего и низкого уровней готовности к коммуникативному взаимодействию в условиях кросс-культурной ситуации.
Vestnik of the Mari State University, 2019
Vestnik of the Mari State University, 2019
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2015
The article presents the comparative analysis of the concept Family in the Finnish and Mari paroe... more The article presents the comparative analysis of the concept Family in the Finnish and Mari paroemiological funds, both belonging to the Finno-Ugric languages, from the point of view of their metaphorical conceptualization. We define a metaphorical model as an interaction between different conceptual spheres as a result of which new linguistic units with a figurative meaning are formed. The Finnish and Mari mentalities reflected in proverbs and sayings are characterized by three cognitive levels according to their inner form and meaning, plane of content and plane of expression. In the analyzed fragment of the linguistic worldview metaphorical paroemiae make up in the Finnish language 51 % (70 out of 137 units) and in the Mari language-74 % (128 out of 173), which means that in the Mari paroemiological fund metaphorical conceptualization prevails. Four types of metaphors are typical of the paroemiae in both funds: anthropomorphic, naturomorphic, sociomorphic and artefact. Artefact metaphors occupy a significant place in the paroemiological funds of both languages.
Proceedings of INTCESS 2022- 9th International Conference on Education & Education of Social Sciences, 2022
Proverbs always played a very important role in the life of folks as they accumulate the experien... more Proverbs always played a very important role in the life of folks as they accumulate the experience of previous generations and show the attitude to different issues. They cover all spheres of life, including private relations. The article analyses the most widespread proverbs and sayings of the folks living in the European countries that are devoted to the issues of love and family (239 units). It presents differences and similarities in the linguistic world view of different ethnic groups. The groups of proverbs under study are Love, Marriage, Husband & Wife, Parents & Children, and Home. The statistical analysis has shown that the biggest number of proverbs is devoted to love making it the most discussed issue (108 units). Among the countries where the topic of love and family is one of the most important there are Spain, Germany, France, Italy, and Romania (more than 20 units). In the research to select the material for the purpose of study the author used a continuous sampling method, registration and processing of the data received, observation, analysis of each group of proverbs, a comparative analysis of the proverbs, statistical method. Proverbs of the group Love describes different type of love. Proverbs of the group Marriage give the characteristic of the types of marriages. Proverbs of the group Husband & Wife consider the relations between spouses. Most of the proverbs are devoted to wives giving them different treatment. Proverbs of the group Parents & Children describe relations between generations. Both parents and children may behave good or bad. Proverbs of the group Home are devoted to attitude to homes. Home is considered as the best and most important place for people.