Emelyne Lécuyer - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Emelyne Lécuyer

Research paper thumbnail of Étude des mécanismes de l’insulinorésistance cellulaire dans les lipodystrophies liées aux mutations du gène LMNA

Annales d'Endocrinologie, 2012

Introduction.-La maigreur constitutionnelle (MC) est un état naturel d'IMC bas (13-17,5 kg/m 2) s... more Introduction.-La maigreur constitutionnelle (MC) est un état naturel d'IMC bas (13-17,5 kg/m 2) sans trouble du comportement alimentaire, sans marqueurs de dénutrition, avec un poids bas stable, une balance énergétique stable et une altération de masse osseuse malgré un remodelage osseux normal. Nous avons émis l'hypothèse d'une charge musculaire insuffisante pour expliquer cette ostéoporose. Le but de l'étude était de comparer la typologie des fibres musculaires squelettiques des MC par rapport aux témoins. Méthodes.-Des biopsies musculaires ont été réalisées chez dix femmes MC (IMC < 17,5 kg/m 2) et dix femmes témoins (IMC : 18,5-25 kg/m 2) pour analyse de la typologie des fibres et transcriptomique. Résultats.-Les MC présentent une diminution significative du T-score (p = 0,0029), de la densité minérale osseuse (p = 0,016) et du contenu minéral osseux (CMO, p = 0,001) par rapport aux témoins. Les MC présentent une diminution globale de la surface moyenne des fibres musculaires squelettiques par rapport aux témoins (−23 %, p = 0,01) et surtout une diminution significative du pourcentage des fibres oxydatives de type 1 par rapport aux témoins (−22,6 %, p = 0,05). La surface moyenne des fibres oxydatives est significativement corrélée au CMO (R = 0,5 ; p = 0,04) et au T-score (R = 0,57 ; p = 0,03). L'analyse transcriptomique a retrouvé une sous-expression de gènes codant pour la mitochondrie (p < 0,05) chez les MC. Conclusion.-Les MC ont une diminution de la surface moyenne des fibres musculaires corrélée à la masse osseuse, qui pourrait altérer leur masse osseuse par effet de charge insuffisante et une diminution du métabolisme oxydatif musculaire squelettique.

Research paper thumbnail of Host/microbiota interactions in health and diseases—Time for mucosal microbiology!

Mucosal Immunology, 2021

During the last 20 years, a new field of research delineating the importance of the microbiota in... more During the last 20 years, a new field of research delineating the importance of the microbiota in health and diseases has emerged. Inappropriate host-microbiota interactions have been shown to trigger a wide range of chronic inflammatory diseases, and defining the exact mechanisms behind perturbations of such relationship, as well as ways by which these disturbances can lead to disease states, both remain to be fully elucidated. The mucosa-associated microbiota constitutes a recently studied microbial population closely linked with the promotion of chronic intestinal inflammation and associated disease states. This review will highlight seminal works that have brought into light the importance of the mucosa-associated microbiota in health and diseases, emphasizing the challenges and promises of expending the mucosal microbiology field of research.

Research paper thumbnail of Publisher Correction: Excess calorie intake early in life increases susceptibility to colitis in adulthood

Research paper thumbnail of MOESM3 of The intestinal microbiota regulates host cholesterol homeostasis

Additional file 3: Figure S2: microbiota depletion does not alter hepatic VLDL production. (A) He... more Additional file 3: Figure S2: microbiota depletion does not alter hepatic VLDL production. (A) Hepatic relative expression of genes related to VLDL production in conventionally raised (Conv-R) and microbiota depleted mice (AB-Mdpl). (B) Triglycerides accumulation in the blood of tyloxapol injected mice, reflecting VLDL secretion. Data are represented as mean ± SEM, n = 8–10 mice / group. Data were analyzed with Mann-Whitney test.

Research paper thumbnail of Présentée par

soutien! Aux membres de la « thesis-ending team », Julie, Julien et Raja, vous, mes aînés, qui av... more soutien! Aux membres de la « thesis-ending team », Julie, Julien et Raja, vous, mes aînés, qui avez été présents à mon arrivée dans ce laboratoire, et mes coachs pour ma fin de thèse, après votre départ. Merci pour votre soutien et tous vos conseils. Je remercie tout particulièrement Julien pour son investissement et ses encouragements, ô combien précieux dans les grands moments de doute pendant la rédaction du manuscrit. A Natalia, admirable pour ta force de caractère ! A « tic et tac » ou « coca et cola », les petits du labo, petit-Nicolas et petit-Julien, merci pour votre bonne humeur, votre enthousiasme et votre gentillesse ! Bertrand et Nicolas merci à vous pour vos conseils et votre soutien. Fabienne, merci pour ton amitié. Enfin merci à la « french-team » du Cross-Talk, Elise, Bertrand et Tomas pour les bons moments partagés à voyager au sein de ce fabuleux réseau européen d'étudiants. De façon plus personnelle, je souhaite adresser ces quelques mots : A mes parents, vous qui m'avez portée jusque-là et à qui je dédie ce travail… Papa, tu m'as appris à toujours vouloir aller plus haut, à prendre les étapes une à une sans prétention tout en gardant en point de mire l'étape suivante. Maman, tu m'as appris le courage et tu m'as donné la force d'entreprendre ce long parcours, seul et immense regret, que tu ne puisses pas être là. A ma grande soeur, toi qui as toujours été curieuse de comprendre mon travail de recherche, qui es à mes côtés depuis que j'ai mis les pieds sur terre, tu as été un soutien précieux tout au long de ces années, et tu ne mesures pas à quel point. A mon petit frère qui va être fier de sa grande-soeur ! A Stéphane, merci pour ta présence et ton soutien depuis si longtemps. Merci pour ce que tu es, ce que l'on a été et ce que l'on sera. A toute ma famille et plus particulièrement à ma tante qui me manque et à ma grand-mère, que j'adore et que j'admire. A Christine, amie et colloque qui a partagé mon quotidien tout au long de ces trois dernières années. Merci pour ta présence, ton écoute et ton soutien. Une page importante de notre amitié s'est écrit rue François Bonvin… A Alix, Marc, Melina, Ouafâa, Pauline et Victor, toujours présents dans les bons moments comme dans les moments plus difficiles. Merci d'être toujours à mes côtés quels que soient les kilomètres terrestres ou océaniques qui nous séparent. A Johann parce que tu es fantastique ! Résumé Chez les mammifères, le développement du système immunitaire intestinal est initié in utero par un programme déterminé génétiquement. Cependant, le développement complet de ce système immunitaire et sa maturation finale n'ont lieu qu'après la naissance, sous l'influence des très nombreuses bactéries qui colonisent alors l'intestin et qui composent le microbiote intestinal. L'utilisation de modèles in vivo originaux de souris axéniques, sans germe, et gnotoxéniques, colonisées avec des bactéries individuelles ou des groupes de bactéries plus ou moins complexes, nous a permis d'identifier le rôle particulier de la bactérie segmentée filamenteuse (ou SFB) dans la maturation des réponses immunes intestinales adaptatives, IgA et lymphocytaires T. Sa capacité singulière à adhérer à l'épithélium des plaques de Peyer suggère un rôle important de ces formations lymphoïdes dans l'initiation des réponses immunes induites par la SFB. Nos résultats renforcent l'idée du rôle majeur des plaques de Peyer dans l'initiation des réponses IgA intestinales par le microbiote. De façon inattendue, en l'absence de ces structures, la SFB induit dans le chorion des souris, la néogenèse de structures lymphoïdes tertiaires capables d'initier des réponses IgA associées à une forte réponse IL-17 spécifique de la SFB. Ces résultats suggèrent que les puissantes propriétés immunostimulantes de la SFB sont soutenues par de multiples voies d'induction des réponses immunes qui pourraient être liées à son adhésion à la muqueuse intestinale.

Research paper thumbnail of Impact du microbiote sur la maturation du système immunitaire de l'hôte : analyse des fortes propriétés immunostimulantes de la bactérie segmentée filamenteuse en souris gnotobiotiques

Chez les mammiferes, le developpement du systeme immunitaire intestinal est initie in utero par u... more Chez les mammiferes, le developpement du systeme immunitaire intestinal est initie in utero par un programme determine genetiquement. Cependant, le developpement complet de ce systeme immunitaire et sa maturation finale n’ont lieu qu’apres la naissance, sous l’influence des tres nombreuses bacteries qui colonisent alors l’intestin et qui composent le microbiote intestinal. L’utilisation de modeles in vivo originaux de souris axeniques, sans germe, et gnotoxeniques, colonisees avec des bacteries individuelles ou des groupes de bacteries plus ou moins complexes, nous a permis d’identifier le role particulier de la bacterie segmentee filamenteuse (ou SFB) dans la maturation des reponses immunes intestinales adaptatives, IgA et lymphocytaires T. Sa capacite singuliere a adherer a l’epithelium des plaques de Peyer suggere un role important de ces formations lymphoides dans l’initiation des reponses immunes induites par la SFB. Nos resultats renforcent l’idee du role majeur des plaques de...

Research paper thumbnail of Tolerogenic Dendritic Cells Shape a Transmissible Gut Microbiota that Protects from Metabolic Diseases

ABSTRACTExcess of chronic contact between microbial motifs and intestinal immune cells are known ... more ABSTRACTExcess of chronic contact between microbial motifs and intestinal immune cells are known to trigger a low-grade inflammation involved in many pathologies such as obesity and diabetes.The important skewing of intestinal adaptive immunity in the context of diet-induced obesity (DIO) is well described but how dendritic cells (DCs) participate to these changes is still poorly documented. To address this question, transgenic mice with enhanced DCs lifespan and immunogenicity (DChBcl-2 mice), are challenged with a high fat diet.Those mice display resistance to DIO and metabolic alterations. The DIO resistant phenotype is associated with healthier parameters of intestinal barrier function and lower intestinal inflammation. DChBcl-2 DIO-resistant mice demonstrate a particular increase in tolerogenic DC numbers and function which is associated with strong intestinal IgA, Th17 and T regulatory immune responses.Microbiota composition and function analyses reveal that the DChBcl-2 mice ...

Research paper thumbnail of The intestinal microbiota regulates host cholesterol homeostasis

BMC Biology, 2019

BackgroundManagement of blood cholesterol is a major focus of efforts to prevent cardiovascular d... more BackgroundManagement of blood cholesterol is a major focus of efforts to prevent cardiovascular diseases. The objective of this study was to investigate how the gut microbiota affects host cholesterol homeostasis at the organism scale.ResultsWe depleted the intestinal microbiota of hypercholesterolemic femaleApoe−/−mice using broad-spectrum antibiotics. Measurement of plasma cholesterol levels as well as cholesterol synthesis and fluxes by complementary approaches showed that the intestinal microbiota strongly regulates plasma cholesterol level, hepatic cholesterol synthesis, and enterohepatic circulation. Moreover, transplant of the microbiota from humans harboring elevated plasma cholesterol levels to recipient mice induced a phenotype of high plasma cholesterol levels in association with a low hepatic cholesterol synthesis and high intestinal absorption pattern. Recipient mice phenotypes correlated with several specific bacterial phylotypes affiliated toBetaproteobacteria,Alistip...

Research paper thumbnail of Control of pathogens and microbiota by innate lymphoid cells

Microbes and Infection, 2018

Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) are the innate counterpart of T cells. Upon infection or injury, ILC... more Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) are the innate counterpart of T cells. Upon infection or injury, ILCs react promptly to direct the developing immune response to the one most adapted to the threat facing the organism. Therefore, ILCs play an important role early in resistance to infection, but also to maintain homeostasis with the symbiotic microbiota following perturbations induced by diet and pathogens. Such roles of ILCs have been best characterized in the intestine and lung, mucosal sites that are exposed to the environment and are therefore colonized with diverse but specific types of microbes. Understanding the dialogue between pathogens, microbiota and ILCs may lead to new strategies to reinforce immunity for prevention, vaccination and therapy.

Research paper thumbnail of Excess calorie intake early in life increases susceptibility to colitis in the adult

Epidemiological data report an association between obesity and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). ... more Epidemiological data report an association between obesity and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Furthermore, animal models demonstrate that maternal high fat diet (HFD) and maternal obesity increase susceptibility to IBD in the offsprings. However, the mechanisms that translate maternal obesity and HFD into increased susceptibility to IBD later in life remain unknown. Here we report that excess calorie intake by neonatal mice, as a consequence of maternal HFD, forced feeding of neonates or low litter competition, lead to an increase, during weaning, in intestinal permeability, expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and hydrogen sulfide production by the microbiota. In this context, intestinal permeability, cytokine expression and hydrogen sulfide engaged in a mutual positive feedback that imprinted increased susceptibility to colitis in the adult. This pathological imprinting was prevented by the neutralization of IFNg and TNFa, of the production of hydrogen sulphide, or by norma...

Research paper thumbnail of Mouse models for the study of fate and function of innate lymphoid cells

European Journal of Immunology, 2018

Natural killer (NK) cells and lymphoid tissue inducer (LTi) cells were discovered more than 40 an... more Natural killer (NK) cells and lymphoid tissue inducer (LTi) cells were discovered more than 40 and 20 years ago, respectively. These two cell types were initially studied for their unique functions in the elimination of infected or transformed cells, and in the development of lymphoid tissues. It took an additional 10 years to realize that NK cells and LTi cells were members of a larger family of innate lymphoid cells (ILCs), whose phenotypes and functions mirror those of T cells. Many mouse models have since been developed to identify and isolate ILCs, map their developmental pathways and characterize their functions. Because of the similarity between ILCs and T cells, this exploration remains a challenge. In spite of this, a broad range of mouse models available to researchers has allowed them to make significant progress in untangling the unique roles of ILCs early in defense, regulation of adaptive immunity and homeostasis. Here, we review these mouse models, and discuss their strengths and limitations.

Research paper thumbnail of The Key Role of Segmented Filamentous Bacteria in the Coordinated Maturation of Gut Helper T Cell Responses

Immunity, 2009

Microbiota-induced cytokine responses participate in gut homeostasis, but the cytokine balance at... more Microbiota-induced cytokine responses participate in gut homeostasis, but the cytokine balance at steady-state and the role of individual bacterial species in setting the balance remain elusive. Herein, systematic analysis of gnotobiotic mice indicated that colonization by a whole mouse microbiota orchestrated a broad spectrum of proinflammatory T helper 1 (Th1), Th17, and regulatory T cell responses whereas most tested complex microbiota and individual bacteria failed to efficiently stimulate intestinal T cell responses. This function appeared the prerogative of a restricted number of bacteria, the prototype of which is the segmented filamentous bacterium, a nonculturable Clostridia-related species, which could largely recapitulate the coordinated maturation of T cell responses induced by the whole mouse microbiota. This bacterium, already known as a potent inducer of mucosal IgA, likely plays a unique role in the postnatal maturation of gut immune functions. Changes in the infant flora may thus influence the development of host immune responses.

Research paper thumbnail of Role of microbiota in postnatal maturation of intestinal T-cell responses

Current Opinion in Gastroenterology, 2011

Purpose of review Taking advantage of their rapid growth and capacity for continuous genetic adap... more Purpose of review Taking advantage of their rapid growth and capacity for continuous genetic adaptation, prokaryotes have colonized all possible ecological environments on earth, including the body surfaces of eukaryotes and their gastrointestinal tract. The mammalian gut contains a complex community of 10 14 bacteria with a meta-genome containing 1500-fold more genes than the human genome. The forces that control the relationships between eukaryotic hosts and their intestinal bacterial symbionts have, thus, become a major focus of interest. Recent findings Recent data have highlighted how the dialogue between mammalian hosts and their microbiota stimulates the postnatal maturation of an efficient intestinal barrier that promotes niche colonization by symbiotic bacteria and opposes colonization by pathogens. Herein, we review microbiota-induced T-cell responses and discuss how individual bacteria may shape the balance between regulatory and inflammatory responses. We will also show how host factors might influence the outcome of gut immune responses and affect the structure of the microbiota. Summary Deciphering host-microbiota reciprocal influence may not only help in understanding the recent outburst of intestinal inflammatory diseases but also point to strategies able to maintain or restore intestinal homeostasis.

Research paper thumbnail of Segmented Filamentous Bacterium Uses Secondary and Tertiary Lymphoid Tissues to Induce Gut IgA and Specific T Helper 17 Cell Responses

Immunity, 2014

Segmented filamentous bacterium (SFB) is a symbiont that drives postnatal maturation of gut adapt... more Segmented filamentous bacterium (SFB) is a symbiont that drives postnatal maturation of gut adaptive immune responses. In contrast to nonpathogenic E. coli, SFB stimulated vigorous development of Peyer's patches germinal centers but paradoxically induced only a low frequency of specific immunoglobulin A (IgA)-secreting cells with delayed accumulation of somatic mutations. Moreover, blocking Peyer's patch development abolished IgA responses to E. coli, but not to SFB. Indeed, SFB stimulated the postnatal development of isolated lymphoid follicles and tertiary lymphoid tissue, which substituted for Peyer's patches as inductive sites for intestinal IgA and SFB-specific T helper 17 (Th17) cell responses. Strikingly, in mice depleted of gut organized lymphoid tissue, SFB still induced a substantial but nonspecific intestinal Th17 cell response. These results demonstrate that SFB has the remarkable capacity to induce and stimulate multiple types of intestinal lymphoid tissues that cooperate to generate potent IgA and Th17 cell responses displaying only limited target specificity.

Research paper thumbnail of Étude des mécanismes de l’insulinorésistance cellulaire dans les lipodystrophies liées aux mutations du gène LMNA

Annales d'Endocrinologie, 2012

Introduction.-La maigreur constitutionnelle (MC) est un état naturel d'IMC bas (13-17,5 kg/m 2) s... more Introduction.-La maigreur constitutionnelle (MC) est un état naturel d'IMC bas (13-17,5 kg/m 2) sans trouble du comportement alimentaire, sans marqueurs de dénutrition, avec un poids bas stable, une balance énergétique stable et une altération de masse osseuse malgré un remodelage osseux normal. Nous avons émis l'hypothèse d'une charge musculaire insuffisante pour expliquer cette ostéoporose. Le but de l'étude était de comparer la typologie des fibres musculaires squelettiques des MC par rapport aux témoins. Méthodes.-Des biopsies musculaires ont été réalisées chez dix femmes MC (IMC < 17,5 kg/m 2) et dix femmes témoins (IMC : 18,5-25 kg/m 2) pour analyse de la typologie des fibres et transcriptomique. Résultats.-Les MC présentent une diminution significative du T-score (p = 0,0029), de la densité minérale osseuse (p = 0,016) et du contenu minéral osseux (CMO, p = 0,001) par rapport aux témoins. Les MC présentent une diminution globale de la surface moyenne des fibres musculaires squelettiques par rapport aux témoins (−23 %, p = 0,01) et surtout une diminution significative du pourcentage des fibres oxydatives de type 1 par rapport aux témoins (−22,6 %, p = 0,05). La surface moyenne des fibres oxydatives est significativement corrélée au CMO (R = 0,5 ; p = 0,04) et au T-score (R = 0,57 ; p = 0,03). L'analyse transcriptomique a retrouvé une sous-expression de gènes codant pour la mitochondrie (p < 0,05) chez les MC. Conclusion.-Les MC ont une diminution de la surface moyenne des fibres musculaires corrélée à la masse osseuse, qui pourrait altérer leur masse osseuse par effet de charge insuffisante et une diminution du métabolisme oxydatif musculaire squelettique.

Research paper thumbnail of Host/microbiota interactions in health and diseases—Time for mucosal microbiology!

Mucosal Immunology, 2021

During the last 20 years, a new field of research delineating the importance of the microbiota in... more During the last 20 years, a new field of research delineating the importance of the microbiota in health and diseases has emerged. Inappropriate host-microbiota interactions have been shown to trigger a wide range of chronic inflammatory diseases, and defining the exact mechanisms behind perturbations of such relationship, as well as ways by which these disturbances can lead to disease states, both remain to be fully elucidated. The mucosa-associated microbiota constitutes a recently studied microbial population closely linked with the promotion of chronic intestinal inflammation and associated disease states. This review will highlight seminal works that have brought into light the importance of the mucosa-associated microbiota in health and diseases, emphasizing the challenges and promises of expending the mucosal microbiology field of research.

Research paper thumbnail of Publisher Correction: Excess calorie intake early in life increases susceptibility to colitis in adulthood

Research paper thumbnail of MOESM3 of The intestinal microbiota regulates host cholesterol homeostasis

Additional file 3: Figure S2: microbiota depletion does not alter hepatic VLDL production. (A) He... more Additional file 3: Figure S2: microbiota depletion does not alter hepatic VLDL production. (A) Hepatic relative expression of genes related to VLDL production in conventionally raised (Conv-R) and microbiota depleted mice (AB-Mdpl). (B) Triglycerides accumulation in the blood of tyloxapol injected mice, reflecting VLDL secretion. Data are represented as mean ± SEM, n = 8–10 mice / group. Data were analyzed with Mann-Whitney test.

Research paper thumbnail of Présentée par

soutien! Aux membres de la « thesis-ending team », Julie, Julien et Raja, vous, mes aînés, qui av... more soutien! Aux membres de la « thesis-ending team », Julie, Julien et Raja, vous, mes aînés, qui avez été présents à mon arrivée dans ce laboratoire, et mes coachs pour ma fin de thèse, après votre départ. Merci pour votre soutien et tous vos conseils. Je remercie tout particulièrement Julien pour son investissement et ses encouragements, ô combien précieux dans les grands moments de doute pendant la rédaction du manuscrit. A Natalia, admirable pour ta force de caractère ! A « tic et tac » ou « coca et cola », les petits du labo, petit-Nicolas et petit-Julien, merci pour votre bonne humeur, votre enthousiasme et votre gentillesse ! Bertrand et Nicolas merci à vous pour vos conseils et votre soutien. Fabienne, merci pour ton amitié. Enfin merci à la « french-team » du Cross-Talk, Elise, Bertrand et Tomas pour les bons moments partagés à voyager au sein de ce fabuleux réseau européen d'étudiants. De façon plus personnelle, je souhaite adresser ces quelques mots : A mes parents, vous qui m'avez portée jusque-là et à qui je dédie ce travail… Papa, tu m'as appris à toujours vouloir aller plus haut, à prendre les étapes une à une sans prétention tout en gardant en point de mire l'étape suivante. Maman, tu m'as appris le courage et tu m'as donné la force d'entreprendre ce long parcours, seul et immense regret, que tu ne puisses pas être là. A ma grande soeur, toi qui as toujours été curieuse de comprendre mon travail de recherche, qui es à mes côtés depuis que j'ai mis les pieds sur terre, tu as été un soutien précieux tout au long de ces années, et tu ne mesures pas à quel point. A mon petit frère qui va être fier de sa grande-soeur ! A Stéphane, merci pour ta présence et ton soutien depuis si longtemps. Merci pour ce que tu es, ce que l'on a été et ce que l'on sera. A toute ma famille et plus particulièrement à ma tante qui me manque et à ma grand-mère, que j'adore et que j'admire. A Christine, amie et colloque qui a partagé mon quotidien tout au long de ces trois dernières années. Merci pour ta présence, ton écoute et ton soutien. Une page importante de notre amitié s'est écrit rue François Bonvin… A Alix, Marc, Melina, Ouafâa, Pauline et Victor, toujours présents dans les bons moments comme dans les moments plus difficiles. Merci d'être toujours à mes côtés quels que soient les kilomètres terrestres ou océaniques qui nous séparent. A Johann parce que tu es fantastique ! Résumé Chez les mammifères, le développement du système immunitaire intestinal est initié in utero par un programme déterminé génétiquement. Cependant, le développement complet de ce système immunitaire et sa maturation finale n'ont lieu qu'après la naissance, sous l'influence des très nombreuses bactéries qui colonisent alors l'intestin et qui composent le microbiote intestinal. L'utilisation de modèles in vivo originaux de souris axéniques, sans germe, et gnotoxéniques, colonisées avec des bactéries individuelles ou des groupes de bactéries plus ou moins complexes, nous a permis d'identifier le rôle particulier de la bactérie segmentée filamenteuse (ou SFB) dans la maturation des réponses immunes intestinales adaptatives, IgA et lymphocytaires T. Sa capacité singulière à adhérer à l'épithélium des plaques de Peyer suggère un rôle important de ces formations lymphoïdes dans l'initiation des réponses immunes induites par la SFB. Nos résultats renforcent l'idée du rôle majeur des plaques de Peyer dans l'initiation des réponses IgA intestinales par le microbiote. De façon inattendue, en l'absence de ces structures, la SFB induit dans le chorion des souris, la néogenèse de structures lymphoïdes tertiaires capables d'initier des réponses IgA associées à une forte réponse IL-17 spécifique de la SFB. Ces résultats suggèrent que les puissantes propriétés immunostimulantes de la SFB sont soutenues par de multiples voies d'induction des réponses immunes qui pourraient être liées à son adhésion à la muqueuse intestinale.

Research paper thumbnail of Impact du microbiote sur la maturation du système immunitaire de l'hôte : analyse des fortes propriétés immunostimulantes de la bactérie segmentée filamenteuse en souris gnotobiotiques

Chez les mammiferes, le developpement du systeme immunitaire intestinal est initie in utero par u... more Chez les mammiferes, le developpement du systeme immunitaire intestinal est initie in utero par un programme determine genetiquement. Cependant, le developpement complet de ce systeme immunitaire et sa maturation finale n’ont lieu qu’apres la naissance, sous l’influence des tres nombreuses bacteries qui colonisent alors l’intestin et qui composent le microbiote intestinal. L’utilisation de modeles in vivo originaux de souris axeniques, sans germe, et gnotoxeniques, colonisees avec des bacteries individuelles ou des groupes de bacteries plus ou moins complexes, nous a permis d’identifier le role particulier de la bacterie segmentee filamenteuse (ou SFB) dans la maturation des reponses immunes intestinales adaptatives, IgA et lymphocytaires T. Sa capacite singuliere a adherer a l’epithelium des plaques de Peyer suggere un role important de ces formations lymphoides dans l’initiation des reponses immunes induites par la SFB. Nos resultats renforcent l’idee du role majeur des plaques de...

Research paper thumbnail of Tolerogenic Dendritic Cells Shape a Transmissible Gut Microbiota that Protects from Metabolic Diseases

ABSTRACTExcess of chronic contact between microbial motifs and intestinal immune cells are known ... more ABSTRACTExcess of chronic contact between microbial motifs and intestinal immune cells are known to trigger a low-grade inflammation involved in many pathologies such as obesity and diabetes.The important skewing of intestinal adaptive immunity in the context of diet-induced obesity (DIO) is well described but how dendritic cells (DCs) participate to these changes is still poorly documented. To address this question, transgenic mice with enhanced DCs lifespan and immunogenicity (DChBcl-2 mice), are challenged with a high fat diet.Those mice display resistance to DIO and metabolic alterations. The DIO resistant phenotype is associated with healthier parameters of intestinal barrier function and lower intestinal inflammation. DChBcl-2 DIO-resistant mice demonstrate a particular increase in tolerogenic DC numbers and function which is associated with strong intestinal IgA, Th17 and T regulatory immune responses.Microbiota composition and function analyses reveal that the DChBcl-2 mice ...

Research paper thumbnail of The intestinal microbiota regulates host cholesterol homeostasis

BMC Biology, 2019

BackgroundManagement of blood cholesterol is a major focus of efforts to prevent cardiovascular d... more BackgroundManagement of blood cholesterol is a major focus of efforts to prevent cardiovascular diseases. The objective of this study was to investigate how the gut microbiota affects host cholesterol homeostasis at the organism scale.ResultsWe depleted the intestinal microbiota of hypercholesterolemic femaleApoe−/−mice using broad-spectrum antibiotics. Measurement of plasma cholesterol levels as well as cholesterol synthesis and fluxes by complementary approaches showed that the intestinal microbiota strongly regulates plasma cholesterol level, hepatic cholesterol synthesis, and enterohepatic circulation. Moreover, transplant of the microbiota from humans harboring elevated plasma cholesterol levels to recipient mice induced a phenotype of high plasma cholesterol levels in association with a low hepatic cholesterol synthesis and high intestinal absorption pattern. Recipient mice phenotypes correlated with several specific bacterial phylotypes affiliated toBetaproteobacteria,Alistip...

Research paper thumbnail of Control of pathogens and microbiota by innate lymphoid cells

Microbes and Infection, 2018

Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) are the innate counterpart of T cells. Upon infection or injury, ILC... more Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) are the innate counterpart of T cells. Upon infection or injury, ILCs react promptly to direct the developing immune response to the one most adapted to the threat facing the organism. Therefore, ILCs play an important role early in resistance to infection, but also to maintain homeostasis with the symbiotic microbiota following perturbations induced by diet and pathogens. Such roles of ILCs have been best characterized in the intestine and lung, mucosal sites that are exposed to the environment and are therefore colonized with diverse but specific types of microbes. Understanding the dialogue between pathogens, microbiota and ILCs may lead to new strategies to reinforce immunity for prevention, vaccination and therapy.

Research paper thumbnail of Excess calorie intake early in life increases susceptibility to colitis in the adult

Epidemiological data report an association between obesity and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). ... more Epidemiological data report an association between obesity and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Furthermore, animal models demonstrate that maternal high fat diet (HFD) and maternal obesity increase susceptibility to IBD in the offsprings. However, the mechanisms that translate maternal obesity and HFD into increased susceptibility to IBD later in life remain unknown. Here we report that excess calorie intake by neonatal mice, as a consequence of maternal HFD, forced feeding of neonates or low litter competition, lead to an increase, during weaning, in intestinal permeability, expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and hydrogen sulfide production by the microbiota. In this context, intestinal permeability, cytokine expression and hydrogen sulfide engaged in a mutual positive feedback that imprinted increased susceptibility to colitis in the adult. This pathological imprinting was prevented by the neutralization of IFNg and TNFa, of the production of hydrogen sulphide, or by norma...

Research paper thumbnail of Mouse models for the study of fate and function of innate lymphoid cells

European Journal of Immunology, 2018

Natural killer (NK) cells and lymphoid tissue inducer (LTi) cells were discovered more than 40 an... more Natural killer (NK) cells and lymphoid tissue inducer (LTi) cells were discovered more than 40 and 20 years ago, respectively. These two cell types were initially studied for their unique functions in the elimination of infected or transformed cells, and in the development of lymphoid tissues. It took an additional 10 years to realize that NK cells and LTi cells were members of a larger family of innate lymphoid cells (ILCs), whose phenotypes and functions mirror those of T cells. Many mouse models have since been developed to identify and isolate ILCs, map their developmental pathways and characterize their functions. Because of the similarity between ILCs and T cells, this exploration remains a challenge. In spite of this, a broad range of mouse models available to researchers has allowed them to make significant progress in untangling the unique roles of ILCs early in defense, regulation of adaptive immunity and homeostasis. Here, we review these mouse models, and discuss their strengths and limitations.

Research paper thumbnail of The Key Role of Segmented Filamentous Bacteria in the Coordinated Maturation of Gut Helper T Cell Responses

Immunity, 2009

Microbiota-induced cytokine responses participate in gut homeostasis, but the cytokine balance at... more Microbiota-induced cytokine responses participate in gut homeostasis, but the cytokine balance at steady-state and the role of individual bacterial species in setting the balance remain elusive. Herein, systematic analysis of gnotobiotic mice indicated that colonization by a whole mouse microbiota orchestrated a broad spectrum of proinflammatory T helper 1 (Th1), Th17, and regulatory T cell responses whereas most tested complex microbiota and individual bacteria failed to efficiently stimulate intestinal T cell responses. This function appeared the prerogative of a restricted number of bacteria, the prototype of which is the segmented filamentous bacterium, a nonculturable Clostridia-related species, which could largely recapitulate the coordinated maturation of T cell responses induced by the whole mouse microbiota. This bacterium, already known as a potent inducer of mucosal IgA, likely plays a unique role in the postnatal maturation of gut immune functions. Changes in the infant flora may thus influence the development of host immune responses.

Research paper thumbnail of Role of microbiota in postnatal maturation of intestinal T-cell responses

Current Opinion in Gastroenterology, 2011

Purpose of review Taking advantage of their rapid growth and capacity for continuous genetic adap... more Purpose of review Taking advantage of their rapid growth and capacity for continuous genetic adaptation, prokaryotes have colonized all possible ecological environments on earth, including the body surfaces of eukaryotes and their gastrointestinal tract. The mammalian gut contains a complex community of 10 14 bacteria with a meta-genome containing 1500-fold more genes than the human genome. The forces that control the relationships between eukaryotic hosts and their intestinal bacterial symbionts have, thus, become a major focus of interest. Recent findings Recent data have highlighted how the dialogue between mammalian hosts and their microbiota stimulates the postnatal maturation of an efficient intestinal barrier that promotes niche colonization by symbiotic bacteria and opposes colonization by pathogens. Herein, we review microbiota-induced T-cell responses and discuss how individual bacteria may shape the balance between regulatory and inflammatory responses. We will also show how host factors might influence the outcome of gut immune responses and affect the structure of the microbiota. Summary Deciphering host-microbiota reciprocal influence may not only help in understanding the recent outburst of intestinal inflammatory diseases but also point to strategies able to maintain or restore intestinal homeostasis.

Research paper thumbnail of Segmented Filamentous Bacterium Uses Secondary and Tertiary Lymphoid Tissues to Induce Gut IgA and Specific T Helper 17 Cell Responses

Immunity, 2014

Segmented filamentous bacterium (SFB) is a symbiont that drives postnatal maturation of gut adapt... more Segmented filamentous bacterium (SFB) is a symbiont that drives postnatal maturation of gut adaptive immune responses. In contrast to nonpathogenic E. coli, SFB stimulated vigorous development of Peyer's patches germinal centers but paradoxically induced only a low frequency of specific immunoglobulin A (IgA)-secreting cells with delayed accumulation of somatic mutations. Moreover, blocking Peyer's patch development abolished IgA responses to E. coli, but not to SFB. Indeed, SFB stimulated the postnatal development of isolated lymphoid follicles and tertiary lymphoid tissue, which substituted for Peyer's patches as inductive sites for intestinal IgA and SFB-specific T helper 17 (Th17) cell responses. Strikingly, in mice depleted of gut organized lymphoid tissue, SFB still induced a substantial but nonspecific intestinal Th17 cell response. These results demonstrate that SFB has the remarkable capacity to induce and stimulate multiple types of intestinal lymphoid tissues that cooperate to generate potent IgA and Th17 cell responses displaying only limited target specificity.