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Papers by Emilio Sisi

Research paper thumbnail of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. NO THANKS

My study shows how "political correctness" represents a dangerous vision because it rejects Histo... more My study shows how "political correctness" represents a dangerous vision because it rejects History and replaces it with Moralism and Anachronism. It is divided into several chapters in alphabetical order where the numerous aspects that characterize this movement are analyzed and dissected in their weaknesses and errors.

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Research paper thumbnail of Antisemitismo islamico

L'antisemitismo in Medio Oriente risale ai primi decenni del secolo scorso ed è ispirato direttam... more L'antisemitismo in Medio Oriente risale ai primi decenni del secolo scorso ed è ispirato direttamente e profondamente dall'Islam come propagandato dal Gran Mufti di Costantinopoli, dalla Fratellanza Musulmana e per un decennio dalla Germania Nazista. Dunque ben prima della presenza dello Stato di Israele.
Qui di seguito l’insieme degli articoli pubblicati sul mio sito che traggono spunto dal libro dello storico tedesco MATTHIAS KÜNTZEL: NAZIS, ISLAMIC ANTISEMITISM AND THE MIDDLE EAST (London Centre for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism-ROUTLEDGE Taylor and Francis Group – LONDON AND NEW YORK) – 2024
Rielaborazione del tema, ma soprattutto una recensione del libro.

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Research paper thumbnail of Flows and Interconnections: New Criteria for Studying History Related to the Science of Complexity

Academia letters, Aug 24, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Literature and Complexity

Academia letters, Jul 9, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Estetica ENGLISH EDIT

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Research paper thumbnail of Flows and Interconnections: New Criteria for Studying History Related to the Science of Complexity

Academia Letters, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Literature and Complexity

Academia Letters, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of PAPER

WORDS AND REFLECTION It is precisely this aspect that is decisive. The consciousness of the self ... more WORDS AND REFLECTION It is precisely this aspect that is decisive. The consciousness of the self forces us to a reflective dimension, to look in the mirror, to describe ourselves as we see ourselves, in the multiple representation of ourselves to ourselves, to others, to the world of things. The value of the word has to do with this dimension and is something different from how the word has been lived up to now. Particularly, the beauty of the word is not at stake, but its ability to create life. And it is here, in this rarely touched ravine, that one can understand how an evolutionary dimension, that recognizes the role of a supporting actor or even a substitute for the word, is completely inadequate. Science, in its various articulations, has gone from opening horizons of domination over nature to find in animals an almost identity with the human being: from stars to stables. The brain is the heritage of all living beings, language is common to different species and for people I respect like G. Bateson there is also an epistemology of the chameleon. In this sense, the natural sciences and the human sciences do not appear to be so far away: man who, with God or without God, can reach infinity and can be reduced to a cockroach. From this point of view and from this perspective, we moved in an extraordinary and confused way, managing to recognize the fragility of the human being, but at the same time opening new doors and following paths that were unthinkable even just a short time before. This is how we grew up: slowly, spiraling, with fantastic clarity and sublime confusion. Clarity and confusion cannot be exhaustive and for this I have to make some clarifications. As a species, as humanity, as human beings, there is no doubt that we have grown up and are better off than ever before. As an individual, however, these sentences are incongruous and unsuitable, especially because they go against the thesis and intent of these pages. These last lines have shifted the attention of my thought outside of the protagonist, that is, outside of me. I recognize the limit, but these clarifications really want to prevent the person, concrete and real, which I am, from losing its centrality. I grew up, nourishing myself on everything that the species has produced over the millennia in which it has moved: medicines, means of communication, knowledge, words. Words. From the wheel and medicines to the word. Here is a field of investigation that requires some attention and that, scientifically, must be done on ourselves. I liked, at the time, about the film Blu, centered on the power of music, that it was necessary for the director to end the film with the use of a sentence that would explain to the public the meaning of that film: the creative power of music needed the trigger of the word. For many, mathematics is the universal equivalent, the main tool for everyday life, for the observation of phenomena and for the creation of all that is innovative. With the significant background of the Greek world, when Galileo wrote that the Book of Nature was written in the alphabet of mathematical characters, he gave way to something so important that we still think we cannot do without it. The absolute power of mathematics is now at stake, as Nobel Prize winner R. Laughlin recalls. Mathematics is important and no one wants to question its value, but the loss of its universal character leaves a mark that cannot be indifferent. I will not dwell on this aspect and on the numerous variations it implies, especially on the epistemological side: I want to return instead to the more personal side and in particular on the relationship between words, numbers, symbols and mathematics.

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Academia Letters, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of LITERATURE AND COMPLEXITY

Academia Letters, 2021

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Avvicinare materie considerate non scientifiche come la letteratura a quell’universo in trasforma... more Avvicinare materie considerate non scientifiche come la letteratura a quell’universo in trasformazione rappresentato da discipline come la fisica e la biologia. La scienza della complessità, mettendo in discussione il principio dell’oggettività e del determinismo come elemento fondante della scienza, ha aperto un terreno vastissimo in cui anche la letteratura può entrare e avere voce in capitolo. E’ necessario però un salto nell’avvicinamento alle opere, un salto che sposti l’attenzione dalla dimensione estetica a quella di conoscenza e costruzione. Non è un caso che sia stata proprio la letteratura a partire dalla metà del 1800 ad aver anticipato tanti di quegli aspetti che meno di un secolo dopo saranno alla base della scienza della complessità. La letteratura (e in particolare la poesia) cessa di essere rappresentazione della realtà per diventare strumento di creazione della realtà: è quello che in genere è chiamato il passaggio dalla mimesi all’epifania.

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Research paper thumbnail of 1-x-FRAMMENTI DI UN DISCORSO DELL'ANIMA.docx

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Drafts by Emilio Sisi



The twelve lessons You can find in https://flussidistoria.blogspot.com/ are not intended to be a ... more The twelve lessons You can find in https://flussidistoria.blogspot.com/ are not intended to be a history manual for high school, but to propose a different perspective from the usual one. They arise from the need as professor of History to question myself on how the new perspectives posed by the Science of complexity could orient the study of History in a new way. The open nature of Complex Thinking made it possible to break the rigid separation between human sciences and physical sciences, making the Nobel Prize for Chemistry Ilya Prigogine speak of "New alliance". It was the 70s of the last century, but things have developed considerably since then. The reflection of professional historians did not at all keep pace with the physical sciences, so much so that the first historian to speak clearly of complex vision was the English Gaddis with The landscape of history (2004) while Rélier les connaissances (Conference of Morin of 2000) had left no traces. Some contributions came from disciplines that meet with history such as Economics, Epistemology, Biology, but not from History as such: yet Prigogine had already spoken of the "arrow of time" with regard to Nature. The Santa Fe Institute, which has been working in an interdisciplinary perspective since 1994, has done and is doing much more. The choice of topics corresponds to the need to focus on a theme that does not end in itself but has many openings and allows connections and interconnections: contrary to what we often read, there are no objectives to be achieved in this path, but horizons to be identified. There are characters and events that appear decisive, but the meaning of the pages is to see the flows in which those events and characters are inserted: a river that when it flows into the sea has collected the waters Academia Letters preprint.

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Research paper thumbnail of Estetica ENGLISH EDIT


After having developed a reflection on Literature, History, Word and Love from the point of view ... more After having developed a reflection on Literature, History, Word and Love from the point of view of complexity, a thesis is presented here regarding the aesthetic approach that represents a new branch of that tree.
What is expressed here interconnects in a reticular way with the previous reflections that sustain it and of which it represents a further support.
Mass society, mass culture, modern art, science of complexity require a different perspective regarding aesthetics: from representation to creation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Literature and complexity BAUDELAIRE RIMBAUD

In 2020 I extracted an introductory summary from a study of the literature analyzed in terms of... more In 2020 I extracted an introductory summary from a study of the literature analyzed in terms of complexity and presented it on Academia in English. Having received several appreciations, I decided to proceed with the English translation of the entire chapters to be presented at Academia. I start here with the two poets who are considered the founders of modern literature, Baudelaire and Rimbaud, also because the study's thesis is that literature, especially modern literature, from the mid-1800s onwards, anticipated elements that a century later would constitute concepts basics of the science of complexity.

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Research paper thumbnail of LETTER TO MY DAUGHTER BEATRICE (intro to the book)

There is nothing more beautiful than seeing your little girl grow up smiling and smiling at you. ... more There is nothing more beautiful than seeing your little girl grow up smiling and smiling at you. She is close to you and you are close to her. You talk to her, you caress her, you play with her and she plays with you. You know that slowly she will move away. You know it from the start. Thought cannot torment you, because your future also depends on the joy experienced in those long moments. From the start you realize that she expects more from you than just a few candies and a few games: her growth depends on your construction. And around you, around her, revolves the world that is more and more chaotic and interconnected and she and you are already in it, you cannot do without it and the rules that were good once have changed and you cannot retreat into a desert island to enjoy the last years of life. You must be there and above all you must be able to speak to her in an authentic way. The greatest challenge is in proposing ideas, that is, paths, not with simple invitations and declarations, but by making those ideas live in daily dialogue. A dialogue that begins the day she was born and will end only when your breathing ceases.

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Avvicinare materie considerate non scientifiche come la letteratura a quell’universo in trasforma... more Avvicinare materie considerate non scientifiche come la letteratura a quell’universo in trasformazione rappresentato da discipline come la fisica e la biologia. La scienza della complessità, mettendo in discussione il principio dell’oggettività e del determinismo come elemento fondante della scienza, ha aperto un terreno vastissimo in cui anche la letteratura può entrare e avere voce in capitolo. E’ necessario però un salto nell’avvicinamento alle opere, un salto che sposti l’attenzione dalla dimensione estetica a quella di conoscenza e costruzione. Non è un caso che sia stata proprio la letteratura a partire dalla metà del 1800 ad aver anticipato tanti di quegli aspetti che meno di un secolo dopo saranno alla base della scienza della complessità. La letteratura (e in particolare la poesia) cessa di essere rappresentazione della realtà per diventare strumento di creazione della realtà: è quello che in genere è chiamato il passaggio dalla mimesi all’epifania.

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Research paper thumbnail of 12 LEZIONI DI STORIA.FLUSSI


La scelta degli argomenti corrisponde all’esigenza di mettere a fuoco un tema che non si esaurisc... more La scelta degli argomenti corrisponde all’esigenza di mettere a fuoco un tema che non si esaurisca in sé ma abbia molte aperture e permetta connessioni e interconnessioni: contrariamente a quanto spesso si legge non esistono obbiettivi da realizzare in questo percorso, ma orizzonti da individuare. Esistono personaggi ed eventi che appaiono decisivi, ma il senso delle mie pagine è quello di vedere i flussi in cui quegli eventi e quei personaggi sono inseriti: un fiume che quando sbocca nel mare ha raccolto le acque di diversi affluenti. Il metodo è dunque questo: flussi, continuità-rottura, rifiuto di una visione moralistica (bene e male) e anacronistica (valutazione del passato con criteri odierni).

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Research paper thumbnail of FRAMMENTI DI UN DISCORSO SUI LUOGHI COMUNI.docx

Luoghi comuni o stereotipi esprimono certezze, ma in un mondo evolutivo vanno superati. Questi fr... more Luoghi comuni o stereotipi esprimono certezze, ma in un mondo evolutivo vanno superati. Questi frammenti, curiosamente in ordine alfabetico, cercano di individuare vie d'uscita. Non aforismi. Percorsi. Orizzonti.

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Books by Emilio Sisi

Research paper thumbnail of COMPLEXITY. Roots and meaning of a concept that we cannot do without. A manual against clichés.

The word "complexity" for many remains a terra incognita, so much so that some mistake it for "co... more The word "complexity" for many remains a terra incognita, so much so that some mistake it for "complication" while for others it is synonymous with "confusion", a way of not wanting to see reality in its clear contours. Unfortunately, for decades now it has not been possible to go beyond the cultural contrast between the use of absolute laws-values and unpredictability, which automatically leads to cultural relativism.
In this book I will try to show how there is a path other than determinism and unpredictability and this path is what complexity science has been developing for at least 30 years. This path is the path of complexity.
The greater complexity of individuals and societies today does not mean that simple aspects have disappeared: there are times when I must choose, either this or that and war is one of them. Complexity does not deny data, information, indeed there is no complexity without content and information. Complexity is made up of networks, hubs, links, vision, strategy, priorities and requires a new mental approach and is what people and institutions (primarily schools) are missing.
This book aims to introduce elements of understanding of a reality with which we must increasingly come to terms; we are immersed in a complex world but we face it with inadequate tools because they were fine once or with fantasies without cultural foundations.
Complexity is not a simple word, but a cultural universe whose characteristics we must know and recognize.

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Research paper thumbnail of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. NO THANKS

My study shows how "political correctness" represents a dangerous vision because it rejects Histo... more My study shows how "political correctness" represents a dangerous vision because it rejects History and replaces it with Moralism and Anachronism. It is divided into several chapters in alphabetical order where the numerous aspects that characterize this movement are analyzed and dissected in their weaknesses and errors.

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Research paper thumbnail of Antisemitismo islamico

L'antisemitismo in Medio Oriente risale ai primi decenni del secolo scorso ed è ispirato direttam... more L'antisemitismo in Medio Oriente risale ai primi decenni del secolo scorso ed è ispirato direttamente e profondamente dall'Islam come propagandato dal Gran Mufti di Costantinopoli, dalla Fratellanza Musulmana e per un decennio dalla Germania Nazista. Dunque ben prima della presenza dello Stato di Israele.
Qui di seguito l’insieme degli articoli pubblicati sul mio sito che traggono spunto dal libro dello storico tedesco MATTHIAS KÜNTZEL: NAZIS, ISLAMIC ANTISEMITISM AND THE MIDDLE EAST (London Centre for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism-ROUTLEDGE Taylor and Francis Group – LONDON AND NEW YORK) – 2024
Rielaborazione del tema, ma soprattutto una recensione del libro.

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Research paper thumbnail of Flows and Interconnections: New Criteria for Studying History Related to the Science of Complexity

Academia letters, Aug 24, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Literature and Complexity

Academia letters, Jul 9, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Estetica ENGLISH EDIT

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Research paper thumbnail of Flows and Interconnections: New Criteria for Studying History Related to the Science of Complexity

Academia Letters, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Literature and Complexity

Academia Letters, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of PAPER

WORDS AND REFLECTION It is precisely this aspect that is decisive. The consciousness of the self ... more WORDS AND REFLECTION It is precisely this aspect that is decisive. The consciousness of the self forces us to a reflective dimension, to look in the mirror, to describe ourselves as we see ourselves, in the multiple representation of ourselves to ourselves, to others, to the world of things. The value of the word has to do with this dimension and is something different from how the word has been lived up to now. Particularly, the beauty of the word is not at stake, but its ability to create life. And it is here, in this rarely touched ravine, that one can understand how an evolutionary dimension, that recognizes the role of a supporting actor or even a substitute for the word, is completely inadequate. Science, in its various articulations, has gone from opening horizons of domination over nature to find in animals an almost identity with the human being: from stars to stables. The brain is the heritage of all living beings, language is common to different species and for people I respect like G. Bateson there is also an epistemology of the chameleon. In this sense, the natural sciences and the human sciences do not appear to be so far away: man who, with God or without God, can reach infinity and can be reduced to a cockroach. From this point of view and from this perspective, we moved in an extraordinary and confused way, managing to recognize the fragility of the human being, but at the same time opening new doors and following paths that were unthinkable even just a short time before. This is how we grew up: slowly, spiraling, with fantastic clarity and sublime confusion. Clarity and confusion cannot be exhaustive and for this I have to make some clarifications. As a species, as humanity, as human beings, there is no doubt that we have grown up and are better off than ever before. As an individual, however, these sentences are incongruous and unsuitable, especially because they go against the thesis and intent of these pages. These last lines have shifted the attention of my thought outside of the protagonist, that is, outside of me. I recognize the limit, but these clarifications really want to prevent the person, concrete and real, which I am, from losing its centrality. I grew up, nourishing myself on everything that the species has produced over the millennia in which it has moved: medicines, means of communication, knowledge, words. Words. From the wheel and medicines to the word. Here is a field of investigation that requires some attention and that, scientifically, must be done on ourselves. I liked, at the time, about the film Blu, centered on the power of music, that it was necessary for the director to end the film with the use of a sentence that would explain to the public the meaning of that film: the creative power of music needed the trigger of the word. For many, mathematics is the universal equivalent, the main tool for everyday life, for the observation of phenomena and for the creation of all that is innovative. With the significant background of the Greek world, when Galileo wrote that the Book of Nature was written in the alphabet of mathematical characters, he gave way to something so important that we still think we cannot do without it. The absolute power of mathematics is now at stake, as Nobel Prize winner R. Laughlin recalls. Mathematics is important and no one wants to question its value, but the loss of its universal character leaves a mark that cannot be indifferent. I will not dwell on this aspect and on the numerous variations it implies, especially on the epistemological side: I want to return instead to the more personal side and in particular on the relationship between words, numbers, symbols and mathematics.

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Academia Letters, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of LITERATURE AND COMPLEXITY

Academia Letters, 2021

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Avvicinare materie considerate non scientifiche come la letteratura a quell’universo in trasforma... more Avvicinare materie considerate non scientifiche come la letteratura a quell’universo in trasformazione rappresentato da discipline come la fisica e la biologia. La scienza della complessità, mettendo in discussione il principio dell’oggettività e del determinismo come elemento fondante della scienza, ha aperto un terreno vastissimo in cui anche la letteratura può entrare e avere voce in capitolo. E’ necessario però un salto nell’avvicinamento alle opere, un salto che sposti l’attenzione dalla dimensione estetica a quella di conoscenza e costruzione. Non è un caso che sia stata proprio la letteratura a partire dalla metà del 1800 ad aver anticipato tanti di quegli aspetti che meno di un secolo dopo saranno alla base della scienza della complessità. La letteratura (e in particolare la poesia) cessa di essere rappresentazione della realtà per diventare strumento di creazione della realtà: è quello che in genere è chiamato il passaggio dalla mimesi all’epifania.

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Research paper thumbnail of 1-x-FRAMMENTI DI UN DISCORSO DELL'ANIMA.docx

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The twelve lessons You can find in https://flussidistoria.blogspot.com/ are not intended to be a ... more The twelve lessons You can find in https://flussidistoria.blogspot.com/ are not intended to be a history manual for high school, but to propose a different perspective from the usual one. They arise from the need as professor of History to question myself on how the new perspectives posed by the Science of complexity could orient the study of History in a new way. The open nature of Complex Thinking made it possible to break the rigid separation between human sciences and physical sciences, making the Nobel Prize for Chemistry Ilya Prigogine speak of "New alliance". It was the 70s of the last century, but things have developed considerably since then. The reflection of professional historians did not at all keep pace with the physical sciences, so much so that the first historian to speak clearly of complex vision was the English Gaddis with The landscape of history (2004) while Rélier les connaissances (Conference of Morin of 2000) had left no traces. Some contributions came from disciplines that meet with history such as Economics, Epistemology, Biology, but not from History as such: yet Prigogine had already spoken of the "arrow of time" with regard to Nature. The Santa Fe Institute, which has been working in an interdisciplinary perspective since 1994, has done and is doing much more. The choice of topics corresponds to the need to focus on a theme that does not end in itself but has many openings and allows connections and interconnections: contrary to what we often read, there are no objectives to be achieved in this path, but horizons to be identified. There are characters and events that appear decisive, but the meaning of the pages is to see the flows in which those events and characters are inserted: a river that when it flows into the sea has collected the waters Academia Letters preprint.

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Research paper thumbnail of Estetica ENGLISH EDIT


After having developed a reflection on Literature, History, Word and Love from the point of view ... more After having developed a reflection on Literature, History, Word and Love from the point of view of complexity, a thesis is presented here regarding the aesthetic approach that represents a new branch of that tree.
What is expressed here interconnects in a reticular way with the previous reflections that sustain it and of which it represents a further support.
Mass society, mass culture, modern art, science of complexity require a different perspective regarding aesthetics: from representation to creation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Literature and complexity BAUDELAIRE RIMBAUD

In 2020 I extracted an introductory summary from a study of the literature analyzed in terms of... more In 2020 I extracted an introductory summary from a study of the literature analyzed in terms of complexity and presented it on Academia in English. Having received several appreciations, I decided to proceed with the English translation of the entire chapters to be presented at Academia. I start here with the two poets who are considered the founders of modern literature, Baudelaire and Rimbaud, also because the study's thesis is that literature, especially modern literature, from the mid-1800s onwards, anticipated elements that a century later would constitute concepts basics of the science of complexity.

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Research paper thumbnail of LETTER TO MY DAUGHTER BEATRICE (intro to the book)

There is nothing more beautiful than seeing your little girl grow up smiling and smiling at you. ... more There is nothing more beautiful than seeing your little girl grow up smiling and smiling at you. She is close to you and you are close to her. You talk to her, you caress her, you play with her and she plays with you. You know that slowly she will move away. You know it from the start. Thought cannot torment you, because your future also depends on the joy experienced in those long moments. From the start you realize that she expects more from you than just a few candies and a few games: her growth depends on your construction. And around you, around her, revolves the world that is more and more chaotic and interconnected and she and you are already in it, you cannot do without it and the rules that were good once have changed and you cannot retreat into a desert island to enjoy the last years of life. You must be there and above all you must be able to speak to her in an authentic way. The greatest challenge is in proposing ideas, that is, paths, not with simple invitations and declarations, but by making those ideas live in daily dialogue. A dialogue that begins the day she was born and will end only when your breathing ceases.

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Avvicinare materie considerate non scientifiche come la letteratura a quell’universo in trasforma... more Avvicinare materie considerate non scientifiche come la letteratura a quell’universo in trasformazione rappresentato da discipline come la fisica e la biologia. La scienza della complessità, mettendo in discussione il principio dell’oggettività e del determinismo come elemento fondante della scienza, ha aperto un terreno vastissimo in cui anche la letteratura può entrare e avere voce in capitolo. E’ necessario però un salto nell’avvicinamento alle opere, un salto che sposti l’attenzione dalla dimensione estetica a quella di conoscenza e costruzione. Non è un caso che sia stata proprio la letteratura a partire dalla metà del 1800 ad aver anticipato tanti di quegli aspetti che meno di un secolo dopo saranno alla base della scienza della complessità. La letteratura (e in particolare la poesia) cessa di essere rappresentazione della realtà per diventare strumento di creazione della realtà: è quello che in genere è chiamato il passaggio dalla mimesi all’epifania.

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Research paper thumbnail of 12 LEZIONI DI STORIA.FLUSSI


La scelta degli argomenti corrisponde all’esigenza di mettere a fuoco un tema che non si esaurisc... more La scelta degli argomenti corrisponde all’esigenza di mettere a fuoco un tema che non si esaurisca in sé ma abbia molte aperture e permetta connessioni e interconnessioni: contrariamente a quanto spesso si legge non esistono obbiettivi da realizzare in questo percorso, ma orizzonti da individuare. Esistono personaggi ed eventi che appaiono decisivi, ma il senso delle mie pagine è quello di vedere i flussi in cui quegli eventi e quei personaggi sono inseriti: un fiume che quando sbocca nel mare ha raccolto le acque di diversi affluenti. Il metodo è dunque questo: flussi, continuità-rottura, rifiuto di una visione moralistica (bene e male) e anacronistica (valutazione del passato con criteri odierni).

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Research paper thumbnail of FRAMMENTI DI UN DISCORSO SUI LUOGHI COMUNI.docx

Luoghi comuni o stereotipi esprimono certezze, ma in un mondo evolutivo vanno superati. Questi fr... more Luoghi comuni o stereotipi esprimono certezze, ma in un mondo evolutivo vanno superati. Questi frammenti, curiosamente in ordine alfabetico, cercano di individuare vie d'uscita. Non aforismi. Percorsi. Orizzonti.

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Research paper thumbnail of COMPLEXITY. Roots and meaning of a concept that we cannot do without. A manual against clichés.

The word "complexity" for many remains a terra incognita, so much so that some mistake it for "co... more The word "complexity" for many remains a terra incognita, so much so that some mistake it for "complication" while for others it is synonymous with "confusion", a way of not wanting to see reality in its clear contours. Unfortunately, for decades now it has not been possible to go beyond the cultural contrast between the use of absolute laws-values and unpredictability, which automatically leads to cultural relativism.
In this book I will try to show how there is a path other than determinism and unpredictability and this path is what complexity science has been developing for at least 30 years. This path is the path of complexity.
The greater complexity of individuals and societies today does not mean that simple aspects have disappeared: there are times when I must choose, either this or that and war is one of them. Complexity does not deny data, information, indeed there is no complexity without content and information. Complexity is made up of networks, hubs, links, vision, strategy, priorities and requires a new mental approach and is what people and institutions (primarily schools) are missing.
This book aims to introduce elements of understanding of a reality with which we must increasingly come to terms; we are immersed in a complex world but we face it with inadequate tools because they were fine once or with fantasies without cultural foundations.
Complexity is not a simple word, but a cultural universe whose characteristics we must know and recognize.

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The field to which I am referring concerns the theme of the person and her behaviour. In this fie... more The field to which I am referring concerns the theme of the person and her behaviour. In this field, a mass interest has only recently spread and has its basis not in studies of a scientific nature, but in freer and more open areas that make personal experience and a vague philosophical or sociological approach the real hub. The Ego is an elusive and slippery, broad and complex, unique and multiple field that collides with the need for acceptance of one's person: while a tsunami, like war, affects me only if I find myself in the middle; love otherwise obliges me to a continuous and daily confrontation.

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Research paper thumbnail of TESTO - English


The field to which I am referring concerns the theme of the person and her behaviour. In this fie... more The field to which I am referring concerns the theme of the person and her behaviour. In this field, a mass interest has only recently spread and has its basis not in studies of a scientific nature, but in freer and more open areas that make personal experience and a vague philosophical or sociological approach the real hub. The Ego is an elusive and slippery, broad and complex, unique and multiple field that collides with the need for acceptance of one's person: while a tsunami, like war, affects me only if I find myself in the middle; love otherwise obliges me to a continuous and daily confrontation.

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Research paper thumbnail of EMOZIONI, SENTIMENTI, PENSIERI

Premessa La storia del pensiero su ciò che siano le emozioni, i sentimenti, le riflessioni e cose... more Premessa
La storia del pensiero su ciò che siano le emozioni, i sentimenti, le riflessioni e cose simili è talmente vasta che non è facile fare una ricostruzione e tanto meno una sintesi di ciò che è stato prodotto in questi ambiti. Naturalmente non è mia intenzione qui aggiungere qualche pagina alla quantità già presente e che persino Wikipedia stenta a raccogliere in un insieme unitario; non c'è bisogno di nuove acquisizioni dal momento che il mondo accademico ormai quotidianamente non cessa di aggiornarci con sempre nuovi risultati. E questo

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Research paper thumbnail of PAROLE E IL LABIRINTO DELLA VITA


Non si tratta di autobiografia, perché l’autobiografia si concentra sugli episodi e sugli eventi.... more Non si tratta di autobiografia, perché l’autobiografia si concentra sugli episodi e sugli eventi. Non si tratta neanche della scrittura come metabolizzazione o elaborazione del lutto. Si tratta invece di ciò che rimane dopo aver usato la materia prima metabolizzata. Non credo ci sia nulla di più chiaro di quanto espresso da Rimbaud con l’esempio della quintessenza. Gli episodi e gli eventi ci sono come noi li abbiamo coltivati, li abbiamo sottoposti a distillazione-metabolizzazione, che può essere anche un procedimento non scritto, ed ecco infine le gocce che scendono dall’alambicco.
Questa è la scrittura di queste pagine.
Che non sono un romanzo, lineare o circolare che sia, perché gli episodi-eventi sono trans-curati.
Che non sono poesia, non tanto per l’assenza di rima e ritmo, quanto perché distesa è la scrittura di quelle gocce.
Che non sono un saggio perché, pur procedendo in modo euristico, non sostengono una tesi né più tesi, ma raccontano un percorso.
Viene alla mente il bel libro di Semprun, L’écriture ou la vie, ma quel libro appartiene al sacro e queste pagine al profano. Alla fine comunque Semprun sceglie la scrittura, facendo suo l’insegnamento di Levi. Ancora il sacro.
Queste pagine non scelgono la scrittura rispetto alla vita. Sostengono, anzi pretendono, che la scrittura sia tout court la vita. E lo possono fare perché sanno di appartenere al mondo profano, rispettando la sacralità degli autori citati a cui sanno di non potersi nemmeno lontanamente avvicinare.

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Research paper thumbnail of WORDS AND COMPLEXITY


This is not autobiography, because autobiography focuses on episodes and events. It is not even a... more This is not autobiography, because autobiography focuses on episodes and events. It is not even a question of writing as metabolizing or processing mourning. Instead, it is what remains after using the metabolized raw material. I do not think there is anything clearer than what Rimbaud expressed with the example of quintessence. The episodes and events are there as we have cultivated them, we have subjected them to distillation-metabolization, which can also be an unwritten procedure, and finally, here are the drops that fall from the still. This is the writing of these pages. That they are not a novel, linear or circular as it is, because the episodes-events are dis-regarded.
Which is not poetry, not so much because of the absence of rhyme and rhythm, but because the writing of those drops is spread out.
Which is non-fiction because, while proceeding in a heuristic way, they do not support a thesis or more theses, but they tell a journey.
Semprun's beautiful book, L'écriture ou la vie, comes to mind, but that book belongs to the sacred and these pages to the profane. In the end, however, Semprun chooses writing, making him the teaching of Levi. Still the sacred.
These pages do not choose writing over life. They argue, indeed they claim, that writing is life tout court. And they can do it because they know they belong to the profane world, respecting the sacredness of the mentioned authors to whom they know they can not even remotely approach.

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Research paper thumbnail of LA POESIA COSTRUISCE L'IO


How poetry built my person

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Research paper thumbnail of ALLUCINAZIONE


Entering the Soul and Self very deeply

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Research paper thumbnail of CAPIRE LA COMPLESSITA'


In questo blog cercherò di mostrare come esista una via diversa dal determinismo e dall’imprevedi... more In questo blog cercherò di mostrare come esista una via diversa dal determinismo e dall’imprevedibilità e questa via è quanto la Scienza della complessità sta sviluppando da almeno 30 anni. Questa via è la via della complessità, una via che è sempre più percorsa da scienziati e studiosi di ogni disciplina e che dunque non è una delle tante fantasie che popolano la mente umana, ma una visione culturale che parte dallo studio sempre più approfondito dell’uomo e del mondo che lo circonda.

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