Erkan Arı - (original) (raw)

Papers by Erkan Arı

Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of Attitudes and Behaviors Towards Recycling with Theory Planned Behavior

Journal of Economy Culture and Society

Recycling is defined as the re-inclusion of wastes that can be reused in the production process b... more Recycling is defined as the re-inclusion of wastes that can be reused in the production process by undergoing various processes. At the same time, recycling is seen as the most important environmental behavior that reduces the amount of solid waste and conserves resources. Considering the importance of recycling for a sustainable future, it is of great importance to determine the factors affecting the recycling behavior of individuals. Due to the rapid increase in environmental problems and their extremely negative impact on life, it is necessary to determine the environmental and recycling behaviors of individuals and produce solutions. In this study, attitudes and behaviors towards recycling were investigated with the help of a model proposed within the scope of Theory Planned Behavior (TPB). The analysis of the data was made using the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) Smart-PLS software, which can be used successfully in small-volume samples and does not require the assumption of multivariate normality. It was determined because of PLS-SEM fit criteria that TPB is suitable for explaining recycling attitudes and behaviors. As a result of the analysis, it was revealed that attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control positively and significantly affect recycling intentions.

Research paper thumbnail of Impact of climate change information of university students in Turkey on responsibility and environmental behavior through awareness and perceived risk

Environment, Development and Sustainability

In this study, the effects of university students' information scores on global warming and c... more In this study, the effects of university students' information scores on global warming and climate change (GWCC) on their sense of responsibility and environmental behavior through awareness and risk were investigated. For this purpose, first, a research model was proposed to describe the relationships between the factors, and then, the proposed model was tested with the help of Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). In the study, the research model and hypotheses were designed with the assumption that information score on GWCC affects the knowledge and awareness, these effects increase the risk perception of GWCC, and as a result, the sense of responsibility and environmental behaviors are affected. It was seen that the highest coefficient of cause and effect relationship was between risk and awareness variables. It has been determined that a one-unit increase in awareness leads to a 0.638-unit increase in perceived risk. It has also been founded that a one-unit increase in the sense of responsibility for preventing GWCC will reflect on environmental behaviors and increase it by 0.557 units.

Research paper thumbnail of İlköğreti̇m 6-7 Ve 8. Siniflarda Matemati̇k Dersi̇ni̇n İstati̇sti̇k Ve Olasilik Konusunun Öğreni̇mi̇nde Yaşanan Problemler Ve Çözüm Öneri̇leri̇

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Trust Benefit and Risk Perception of GM Foods on Behavior Intention: A Study on University Students

Journal of Economy Culture and Society, 2021

The aim of this study is to examine the attitudes and behaviors of university students towards "f... more The aim of this study is to examine the attitudes and behaviors of university students towards "foods containing Genetically Modified Organisms" (GMO). For this purpose, firstly, a research model was proposed to describe the relationships between attitudes and behaviors towards GMO by making use of the literature review, and then various hypotheses were formed to test the relationships between the factors in the model. The factors in the proposed research model are "Attitude (ATT), ""Attitude towards Knowledge and Technology (KNOW), " "Trust (TRUST), " "Perceived Benefit (BEN), " "Perceived Risk (RISK)" and "Behavior (BEH)". In the study, the proposed research model was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), and the suitability of the proposed model was evaluated according to various fit criteria. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that a one-unit increase in the perceived benefit and perceived risk for GMO will cause an increase of 0.89 units and a decrease of 0.19 units, respectively, in the attitude towards GMO. In addition, it was determined that as trust in scientific research results, media, labeling system and inspection systems increase, the perception that GMO can be beneficial will also increase.

Research paper thumbnail of Bi̇reyleri̇n Umut Düzeyleri̇ İle Gelecek Hakkindaki̇ Düşünceleri̇ Arasindaki̇ İli̇şki̇ni̇n Multi̇nomi̇nal Loji̇sti̇k Regresyon Anali̇zi̇ İle İncelenmesi̇

Bu calismada, bireylerin umut duzeyleri ile gelecek hakkindaki dusunceleri arasindaki iliski mult... more Bu calismada, bireylerin umut duzeyleri ile gelecek hakkindaki dusunceleri arasindaki iliski multinominal lojistik regresyon modeli ile belirlenmeye calisilmistir. Bu amacla, TUIK’in 7984 bireye uyguladigi 2014-Yasam Memnuniyeti Anketi verilerinden yararlanilmistir. Uygulamanin ilk asamasinda, ankette yer alan umut duzeyi ile iliskisi oldugu dusunulen bircok degiskene Ki-Kare bagimsizlik testi uygulanmis ve anlamli olmayan degiskenler veri setinden cikarilarak 4 degiskenle calisilmistir. Arastirmada incelenen modelin gecerliligi en cok olabilirlik tahmin edicisi ile hesaplanarak anlamli bulunmustur. Modeli olusturan degiskenlerin odds oranlari elde edilmis ve secilen referans kategorisine gore katsayi odds oranlarina bagli olarak 3 kategori karsilastirilmasi yapilmistir. Karsilastirma 1 icin gelecek karsilastirmasi, ekonomik, sosyal haklar ve kamu hizmetleri sunumu degiskenlerine iliskin katsayi odds degerleri anlamli bulunmustur. Karsilastirma 2 icin gelecek karsilastirmasi, ekono...

Research paper thumbnail of Tamamlayici ve Alternatif Tip Kullanimina Yönelik Tutum Ve Davranişlarin Önerilen Bir Yapisal Model ile Araştirilmasi

The objective of this study is to present the attitudes and behaviours of the individuals regardi... more The objective of this study is to present the attitudes and behaviours of the individuals regarding the use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) by the help of a suggested research model. A questionnaire has been conducted to 225 individuals, whowork at a desk job, in Istanbul. Structural Equation Modeling (SAM) has been used in the analysis of the data for the purpose of evaluating the conformity of the model and describing the relationship among the factors that affect the attitudes and behaviours regarding the use of CAM. In addition, frequency and percentage calculation were also included in the study in order to determine the knowledge levels of the individuals regarding CAM; which applications they need more and which factors affect them in using CAM. It has been observed as a result of the SAM Analysis that, the use of CAM is mostly affected by the latent variable regarding the use of CAM independent of the social impact.

Research paper thumbnail of İlköğreti̇m 6-7 Ve 8. Siniflarinda Öğreni̇m Gören Öğrenci̇leri̇n Matemati̇k Dersi̇nde İstati̇sti̇k Ve Olasilik Konusuna Karşi Tutumlarinin Sinif Düzeyi̇ Bakimindan Değerlendi̇ri̇lmesi̇: Afyonkarahi̇sar İli̇ Örneği̇

Erzincan University Journal of Science and Technology, 2014

This research is made in order to determine whether the classroom level is effective on students’... more This research is made in order to determine whether the classroom level is effective on students’ attitudes towards statistics and probability in mathematics in the second level of elementary school. The research is applied to 450 students that consist of 220 girls and 230 boys in the 6,7 and 8. grades. Sectional group method is used due to the width of environment and communication difficultly in the choice of research environment. The students’ attitudes towards statistics and probability are determined by means of attitude criterion towards probability that is improved by Bulut (1994). The reliability and validity analysis of this attitude criterion have been made and Coefficent Cronbach Alpha 0,935 has been figured. The data , which have been got from the research, have been analyzed and evaluated in SPPS 15.0 packet program and explained via frequency(f), percentage(%) and one-way variance analyasis method. It was concluded that classroom level was hardly effective on the stude...

Research paper thumbnail of Sıralı lojistik regresyonda paralel doğrular varsayımı ve çözümleme yaklaşımları

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of environmental concern on renewable energy attitude and usage intention : a case of Turkey

Energy use-related environmental and social concerns and problems have led to the development of ... more Energy use-related environmental and social concerns and problems have led to the development of renewable (RE) energy types such as wind, solar, hydraulic, and geothermal energy. Increasing environmental concerns, as well as public awareness and positive attitudes towards sustainable energy types, have played an important role in this development. The present study investigated the effects of the mentioned environmental concerns on the attitudes towards renewable energy and renewable energy usage intention with a proposed structural model. In the first part of the proposed model, the effect of environmental concerns on the awareness and perceived benefits of RE, and in the second part, the effect of awareness and perceived benefits of RE on the RE usage intention was examined. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used to test the model. Regarding the fitness of the model, the chi-square value was calculated as 141.77, and the (χ2/df) value as 2.36. Analysis results demonstrated ...

Research paper thumbnail of Parallel Lines Assumption in Ordinal Logistic Regression and Analysis Approaches

The aim of this article is to examine Proportional Odds Model (POM), NonProportional Odds Model (... more The aim of this article is to examine Proportional Odds Model (POM), NonProportional Odds Model (NPOM) and Partial Proportional Odds Model (PPOM) models and to determine the most suitable model according to the structure of data and assumptions. Data related to the variables which affect job satisfaction of media employees has been used in line with this aim, and Maximum Likelihood Estimator and Odds ratios of the examined models have been obtained. Model validity and comparison have been tested by Likelihood Ratio statistics. It has been concluded in the study that NPOM and PPOM are required to be preferred compared to POM and multinomial logit model when Parallel Lines Assumption is not hold.

Research paper thumbnail of Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Evsel Atık Ayırma Davranışlarının Planlı Davranış Teorisi Yardımıyla Araştırılması

Evsel atiklari ayristirarak geri donusturme, kaynaklari koruyarak kati atik miktarinda azalma sag... more Evsel atiklari ayristirarak geri donusturme, kaynaklari koruyarak kati atik miktarinda azalma saglayan onemli bir cevresel davranistir. Evsel atik ayirma davranisi cevresel faydalarinin yani sira, aslinda etkili ve yeni bir kaynak yaratma aktivitesidir. Her ne kadar bircok ulkede siradan bir evsel atik davranisi olsa da, Turkiye’de hala yeterince yaygin degil. Surdurulebilir yesil ve temiz bir dunya icin, insanlari evsel atik davranislarina yonelten faktorlerin arastirilmasi cok onemlidir. Bu calismada, universite ogrencilerinin evsel atik ayirmaya yonelik tutum ve davranislari Ajzen’in Planlanmis Davranis Teorisi (PDT) modeli temelinde arastirilmistir. Calismada kullanilan arastirma modeli, yapisal esitlik modellemesi (YEM) yardimiyla sinanmistir. Modelin uygunlugu, YEM literaturunde kullanilan cesitli uyum olcutlerine gore degerlendirilmistir. Model uyumu icin hesaplanan ki-kare degeri 156,19 ve (χ2/sd)degeri ise 1,46 olarak hesaplanmistir. Analiz sonucunda “Evsel Atik Ayristirma...

Research paper thumbnail of An extensive structural model proposal to explain online gaming behaviors

Entertainment Computing, 2020

Abstract The aim of this study is to investigate a proposed structural equation model that influe... more Abstract The aim of this study is to investigate a proposed structural equation model that influences the factors predicted to affect the online gaming behaviors of a group of undergraduates. In the proposed structural model, factors such as Visual Appeal, Escape from Reality, Flow Experience, Success, Enjoyment, Self-Efficacy, The Intention of Playing Games and Gaming Behaviour were discussed. In testing of the relationships between these factors included in the model, Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used. The fitting of the model was determined by evaluating various cohesion criteria for SEM in the literature. When the results obtained from the study were evaluated, it was seen that there was a statistically positive significant relationship between Visual Appeal latent variable and Pleasure intrinsic latent variable. According to this, the visual appeal of online game, visual design and the effect of the online game will be increased as the influence increases. Another result obtained from the study is that there is a statistically positive significant relationship between the latent variable of Escape from Reality and the intrinsic latent variable of Pleasure. The fact that players want to escape from reality, away from the stress of daily life and the events that make them unhappy, positively affects the pleasure of the players taken out of online games. There are often studies in the literature that affect the intention of playing online games. In this study, online gaming behavior was defined as an endogenous latent variable, and the factors affecting online gaming intention and behavior were extensively modeled.

Research paper thumbnail of Cep telefonu pazarında müşteri memnuniyetini etkileyen faktörlerin ACSI modeliyle araştırılması

Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2019

Cep telefonu sektörü, teknolojiyle beraber her geçen yıl daha fazla gelişerek inovasyonun en önem... more Cep telefonu sektörü, teknolojiyle beraber her geçen yıl daha fazla gelişerek inovasyonun en önemli faktör olduğu bir sektör haline gelmektedir. Her marka tüketiciyi daha iyiye ve daha yeniye kavuşturmak için çaba göstermekte, yüzlerce ürün tasarlanmaktadır. Bu durum tüketicinin karar vermesi için çok fazla faktörün ortaya çıkmasına neden olmaktadır. Böylelikle özellikle cep telefonu pazarında müşteri memnuniyetini sağlamak büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Amerikan Müşteri Memnuniyeti Modeli (ACSI) ile İzmir'de yaşayan ve akıllı telefon kullanan insanların cep telefonu markalarına olan memnuniyet ve sadakatlerini araştırmaktır. Modelin test edilmesinde Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli (YEM) kullanılmıştır. Araştırma modelinde yer alan faktörler; Algılan Kalite, Algılanan Değer, Müşteri Şikayetleri,

Research paper thumbnail of Çerkezköy Organize Sanayi Bölgesinde Bir Tekstil İşletmesinin En Uygun Kumaş Seçimi Probleminin Analitik Hiyerarşi Prosesi Yöntemi İle Analizi

Anemon Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2019

İşletmeler, üretim sürecinde karar verirken birçok faktör rol oynamaktadır. Çalışmada, tekstil se... more İşletmeler, üretim sürecinde karar verirken birçok faktör rol oynamaktadır. Çalışmada, tekstil sektöründe kumaş üretimi yapan birişletmenin en uygun kumaş seçimi Analitik Hiyerarşi Prosesi ile analiz edilmiştir. Firmanın yoğun olarak ürettiği 4 çeşit kumaş ele alınmıştır. Bu kumaşlar içerisinden karara etki eden kriter ve alt kriterler belirlenmiştir. Analizde 5 çeşit kriter ele alınmış ve bu kriterler de kendi içlerinde alt kriterlere ayrılmıştır. Karar verici olarak, üretimde karar vermeye yetkisi bulunan bir ekip ile değerlemeler yapılmıştır. Kriter ve alt kriterlere Expert Choice programı ile ikili karşılaştırmalar yapılmış ve karar vericiler aracılığı ile değer verilerek analiz sonuçlarına ulaşılmıştır.

Research paper thumbnail of An Investigation on The Social Acceptance of Nuclear Energy: A Case Study on University Students

Dokuz Eylul Universitesi Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Dergisi, 2019

In this study, the causal relationships between the factors related to nuclear energy acceptance ... more In this study, the causal relationships between the factors related to nuclear energy acceptance and the sensitivity of young generations to nuclear energy are examined with structural equation model. The data obtained by the questionnaire applied to 521 students studying at the faculties of the Kütahya Dumlupınar University were analyzed. The students were asked the questions related to the latent variables which are perceived benefits of energy supply, perceived environmental benefits, risk perception, trust and acceptance. While risk perception has a statistically significant and negative effect on acceptance, the effects of other latent variables in the model have found to be positive.

Research paper thumbnail of Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizi ile Şehir Marka Algısını Etkileyen Faktörlerin Araştırılması

Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2019

Bu çalışmanın amacı, Eskişehir'de yaşayan halkın şehir marka algılarını etkileyen faktörleri öner... more Bu çalışmanın amacı, Eskişehir'de yaşayan halkın şehir marka algılarını etkileyen faktörleri önerilen bir araştırma modeliyle ortaya koymaktır. Önerilen modelde, sosyal yaşam, kültür, güven, çevre, iş imkânları, uluslararasılaşma, trafik, eğitim olanakları, boyutları ele alınmıştır. Modelde yer alan boyutlar arasındaki ilişikler birinci düzey, şehir marka algısı olarak tanımlanan üst boyut ile şehrin yaşam kalitesini etkileyen faktörler arasındaki ilişki ikinci Düzey Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizi ile araştırılmıştır. Çalışmada şehir marka algısı olarak tanımlanan üst boyutun varlığı ve şehrin yaşam kalitesini etkilediği varsayılan faktörlerin de üst boyutun alt boyutları olabileceği ikinci düzey doğrulayıcı faktör analiziyle değerlendirilmiştir. Trafik, Eğitim olanakları, Sosyal yaşam ve çevre kalitesi ile şehir marka algısı arasındaki standartlaştırılmış ilişki katsayıları sırasıyla 0,77; 0,76; 0,75 ve 0.61 olarak tahmin edilmiştir.

Research paper thumbnail of Measurement of Service Quality At Tax Chambers by SERVQUAL Analysis

Alphanumeric Journal, 2017

The aim of the research is to come out the difference between expected service and perceived serv... more The aim of the research is to come out the difference between expected service and perceived service at Tax Chamber that taxpayers get service. SERVQUAL Scale was conducted to 90 people who get service from X Tax Chambers between April-May 2016. As a result of the SERVQUAL analysis, the research reveals that the taxpayers of the X Tax Chambers are not satisfied with the service quality and the most difference between expected service quality and perceived service quality is accessibility dimension. The research indicates no significant differences between expectations for service provided and demographics features. However the research shows significant differences between service perceptions and demographics features

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of environmental illiteracy and environmental awareness among middle school students on environmental behavior

Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2016

This study proposes and employs a structural model to examine the effects of environmental litera... more This study proposes and employs a structural model to examine the effects of environmental literacy, environmental awareness, environmental attitudes, and environmental behavior among middle school students in Eskişehir on their purchase of environmentally friendly products. In the proposed structural model, environmental illiteracy and environmental awareness were the exogenous latent variables, while pro-environmental attitude, pro-environmental behavior, and the purchase of environmentally friendly products were the endogenous latent variables. The latent variable of environmental illiteracy did not have a statistically significant effect on environmental attitudes and purchase of environmentally friendly products, whereas environmental awareness had a positive effect on pro-environmental attitudes and the purchase of environmentally friendly products. These findings indicate that students with environmental awareness also develop positive attitudes toward the environment, and the presence of a positive attitude toward the environment leads them to display pro-environmental behaviors and adopt a positive attitude toward environmentally friendly products.

Research paper thumbnail of Consumer attitudes on the use of plastic and cloth bags

Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2016

This paper examines consumer attitudes and behavior on the use of plastic and cloth bags in Eskiş... more This paper examines consumer attitudes and behavior on the use of plastic and cloth bags in Eskişehir, Turkey. To this end, a structural equation model is proposed. Environmental consciousness regarding the use of plastic bags, social pressure, support for the banning of plastic bags, the intention to use cloth bags and behavior to reduce plastic bag use are employed as latent variables in the model. The intention to use cloth bags and the behavior to reduce the use of plastic bags are defined as endogenous latent variables in the structural model. In the conclusion of the study, it is identified that consumers who are environmentally conscious and feel under social pressure, tend to reduce the use of plastic bags and switch to using cloth bags.

Research paper thumbnail of A proposed structural model for housewives' recycling behavior: A case study from Turkey

Ecological Economics, 2016

Recycling is a major factor in environmental behavior as it supports the conservation of natural ... more Recycling is a major factor in environmental behavior as it supports the conservation of natural resources and reduces the amount of solid watablste. In addition to its environmental benefits, recycling is also an effective way to fundraise. Although recycling is commonplace in many countries, it is still relatively rare in Turkey. In this study, the attitudes and behaviors of housewives toward recycling were investigated using Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and the proposed Structural Equation Model (SEM). It was found that the Housewives' Recycling Model (HRM), obtained as a result of the analysis, could be employed to explain their recycling behavior. In particular, the research established that the positive ideas housewives have in terms of their perceived behavioral control and the individuals in their immediate social surroundings, whose opinions they value, have a positive impact on guiding their recycling behavior.

Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of Attitudes and Behaviors Towards Recycling with Theory Planned Behavior

Journal of Economy Culture and Society

Recycling is defined as the re-inclusion of wastes that can be reused in the production process b... more Recycling is defined as the re-inclusion of wastes that can be reused in the production process by undergoing various processes. At the same time, recycling is seen as the most important environmental behavior that reduces the amount of solid waste and conserves resources. Considering the importance of recycling for a sustainable future, it is of great importance to determine the factors affecting the recycling behavior of individuals. Due to the rapid increase in environmental problems and their extremely negative impact on life, it is necessary to determine the environmental and recycling behaviors of individuals and produce solutions. In this study, attitudes and behaviors towards recycling were investigated with the help of a model proposed within the scope of Theory Planned Behavior (TPB). The analysis of the data was made using the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) Smart-PLS software, which can be used successfully in small-volume samples and does not require the assumption of multivariate normality. It was determined because of PLS-SEM fit criteria that TPB is suitable for explaining recycling attitudes and behaviors. As a result of the analysis, it was revealed that attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control positively and significantly affect recycling intentions.

Research paper thumbnail of Impact of climate change information of university students in Turkey on responsibility and environmental behavior through awareness and perceived risk

Environment, Development and Sustainability

In this study, the effects of university students' information scores on global warming and c... more In this study, the effects of university students' information scores on global warming and climate change (GWCC) on their sense of responsibility and environmental behavior through awareness and risk were investigated. For this purpose, first, a research model was proposed to describe the relationships between the factors, and then, the proposed model was tested with the help of Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). In the study, the research model and hypotheses were designed with the assumption that information score on GWCC affects the knowledge and awareness, these effects increase the risk perception of GWCC, and as a result, the sense of responsibility and environmental behaviors are affected. It was seen that the highest coefficient of cause and effect relationship was between risk and awareness variables. It has been determined that a one-unit increase in awareness leads to a 0.638-unit increase in perceived risk. It has also been founded that a one-unit increase in the sense of responsibility for preventing GWCC will reflect on environmental behaviors and increase it by 0.557 units.

Research paper thumbnail of İlköğreti̇m 6-7 Ve 8. Siniflarda Matemati̇k Dersi̇ni̇n İstati̇sti̇k Ve Olasilik Konusunun Öğreni̇mi̇nde Yaşanan Problemler Ve Çözüm Öneri̇leri̇

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Trust Benefit and Risk Perception of GM Foods on Behavior Intention: A Study on University Students

Journal of Economy Culture and Society, 2021

The aim of this study is to examine the attitudes and behaviors of university students towards "f... more The aim of this study is to examine the attitudes and behaviors of university students towards "foods containing Genetically Modified Organisms" (GMO). For this purpose, firstly, a research model was proposed to describe the relationships between attitudes and behaviors towards GMO by making use of the literature review, and then various hypotheses were formed to test the relationships between the factors in the model. The factors in the proposed research model are "Attitude (ATT), ""Attitude towards Knowledge and Technology (KNOW), " "Trust (TRUST), " "Perceived Benefit (BEN), " "Perceived Risk (RISK)" and "Behavior (BEH)". In the study, the proposed research model was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), and the suitability of the proposed model was evaluated according to various fit criteria. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that a one-unit increase in the perceived benefit and perceived risk for GMO will cause an increase of 0.89 units and a decrease of 0.19 units, respectively, in the attitude towards GMO. In addition, it was determined that as trust in scientific research results, media, labeling system and inspection systems increase, the perception that GMO can be beneficial will also increase.

Research paper thumbnail of Bi̇reyleri̇n Umut Düzeyleri̇ İle Gelecek Hakkindaki̇ Düşünceleri̇ Arasindaki̇ İli̇şki̇ni̇n Multi̇nomi̇nal Loji̇sti̇k Regresyon Anali̇zi̇ İle İncelenmesi̇

Bu calismada, bireylerin umut duzeyleri ile gelecek hakkindaki dusunceleri arasindaki iliski mult... more Bu calismada, bireylerin umut duzeyleri ile gelecek hakkindaki dusunceleri arasindaki iliski multinominal lojistik regresyon modeli ile belirlenmeye calisilmistir. Bu amacla, TUIK’in 7984 bireye uyguladigi 2014-Yasam Memnuniyeti Anketi verilerinden yararlanilmistir. Uygulamanin ilk asamasinda, ankette yer alan umut duzeyi ile iliskisi oldugu dusunulen bircok degiskene Ki-Kare bagimsizlik testi uygulanmis ve anlamli olmayan degiskenler veri setinden cikarilarak 4 degiskenle calisilmistir. Arastirmada incelenen modelin gecerliligi en cok olabilirlik tahmin edicisi ile hesaplanarak anlamli bulunmustur. Modeli olusturan degiskenlerin odds oranlari elde edilmis ve secilen referans kategorisine gore katsayi odds oranlarina bagli olarak 3 kategori karsilastirilmasi yapilmistir. Karsilastirma 1 icin gelecek karsilastirmasi, ekonomik, sosyal haklar ve kamu hizmetleri sunumu degiskenlerine iliskin katsayi odds degerleri anlamli bulunmustur. Karsilastirma 2 icin gelecek karsilastirmasi, ekono...

Research paper thumbnail of Tamamlayici ve Alternatif Tip Kullanimina Yönelik Tutum Ve Davranişlarin Önerilen Bir Yapisal Model ile Araştirilmasi

The objective of this study is to present the attitudes and behaviours of the individuals regardi... more The objective of this study is to present the attitudes and behaviours of the individuals regarding the use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) by the help of a suggested research model. A questionnaire has been conducted to 225 individuals, whowork at a desk job, in Istanbul. Structural Equation Modeling (SAM) has been used in the analysis of the data for the purpose of evaluating the conformity of the model and describing the relationship among the factors that affect the attitudes and behaviours regarding the use of CAM. In addition, frequency and percentage calculation were also included in the study in order to determine the knowledge levels of the individuals regarding CAM; which applications they need more and which factors affect them in using CAM. It has been observed as a result of the SAM Analysis that, the use of CAM is mostly affected by the latent variable regarding the use of CAM independent of the social impact.

Research paper thumbnail of İlköğreti̇m 6-7 Ve 8. Siniflarinda Öğreni̇m Gören Öğrenci̇leri̇n Matemati̇k Dersi̇nde İstati̇sti̇k Ve Olasilik Konusuna Karşi Tutumlarinin Sinif Düzeyi̇ Bakimindan Değerlendi̇ri̇lmesi̇: Afyonkarahi̇sar İli̇ Örneği̇

Erzincan University Journal of Science and Technology, 2014

This research is made in order to determine whether the classroom level is effective on students’... more This research is made in order to determine whether the classroom level is effective on students’ attitudes towards statistics and probability in mathematics in the second level of elementary school. The research is applied to 450 students that consist of 220 girls and 230 boys in the 6,7 and 8. grades. Sectional group method is used due to the width of environment and communication difficultly in the choice of research environment. The students’ attitudes towards statistics and probability are determined by means of attitude criterion towards probability that is improved by Bulut (1994). The reliability and validity analysis of this attitude criterion have been made and Coefficent Cronbach Alpha 0,935 has been figured. The data , which have been got from the research, have been analyzed and evaluated in SPPS 15.0 packet program and explained via frequency(f), percentage(%) and one-way variance analyasis method. It was concluded that classroom level was hardly effective on the stude...

Research paper thumbnail of Sıralı lojistik regresyonda paralel doğrular varsayımı ve çözümleme yaklaşımları

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of environmental concern on renewable energy attitude and usage intention : a case of Turkey

Energy use-related environmental and social concerns and problems have led to the development of ... more Energy use-related environmental and social concerns and problems have led to the development of renewable (RE) energy types such as wind, solar, hydraulic, and geothermal energy. Increasing environmental concerns, as well as public awareness and positive attitudes towards sustainable energy types, have played an important role in this development. The present study investigated the effects of the mentioned environmental concerns on the attitudes towards renewable energy and renewable energy usage intention with a proposed structural model. In the first part of the proposed model, the effect of environmental concerns on the awareness and perceived benefits of RE, and in the second part, the effect of awareness and perceived benefits of RE on the RE usage intention was examined. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used to test the model. Regarding the fitness of the model, the chi-square value was calculated as 141.77, and the (χ2/df) value as 2.36. Analysis results demonstrated ...

Research paper thumbnail of Parallel Lines Assumption in Ordinal Logistic Regression and Analysis Approaches

The aim of this article is to examine Proportional Odds Model (POM), NonProportional Odds Model (... more The aim of this article is to examine Proportional Odds Model (POM), NonProportional Odds Model (NPOM) and Partial Proportional Odds Model (PPOM) models and to determine the most suitable model according to the structure of data and assumptions. Data related to the variables which affect job satisfaction of media employees has been used in line with this aim, and Maximum Likelihood Estimator and Odds ratios of the examined models have been obtained. Model validity and comparison have been tested by Likelihood Ratio statistics. It has been concluded in the study that NPOM and PPOM are required to be preferred compared to POM and multinomial logit model when Parallel Lines Assumption is not hold.

Research paper thumbnail of Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Evsel Atık Ayırma Davranışlarının Planlı Davranış Teorisi Yardımıyla Araştırılması

Evsel atiklari ayristirarak geri donusturme, kaynaklari koruyarak kati atik miktarinda azalma sag... more Evsel atiklari ayristirarak geri donusturme, kaynaklari koruyarak kati atik miktarinda azalma saglayan onemli bir cevresel davranistir. Evsel atik ayirma davranisi cevresel faydalarinin yani sira, aslinda etkili ve yeni bir kaynak yaratma aktivitesidir. Her ne kadar bircok ulkede siradan bir evsel atik davranisi olsa da, Turkiye’de hala yeterince yaygin degil. Surdurulebilir yesil ve temiz bir dunya icin, insanlari evsel atik davranislarina yonelten faktorlerin arastirilmasi cok onemlidir. Bu calismada, universite ogrencilerinin evsel atik ayirmaya yonelik tutum ve davranislari Ajzen’in Planlanmis Davranis Teorisi (PDT) modeli temelinde arastirilmistir. Calismada kullanilan arastirma modeli, yapisal esitlik modellemesi (YEM) yardimiyla sinanmistir. Modelin uygunlugu, YEM literaturunde kullanilan cesitli uyum olcutlerine gore degerlendirilmistir. Model uyumu icin hesaplanan ki-kare degeri 156,19 ve (χ2/sd)degeri ise 1,46 olarak hesaplanmistir. Analiz sonucunda “Evsel Atik Ayristirma...

Research paper thumbnail of An extensive structural model proposal to explain online gaming behaviors

Entertainment Computing, 2020

Abstract The aim of this study is to investigate a proposed structural equation model that influe... more Abstract The aim of this study is to investigate a proposed structural equation model that influences the factors predicted to affect the online gaming behaviors of a group of undergraduates. In the proposed structural model, factors such as Visual Appeal, Escape from Reality, Flow Experience, Success, Enjoyment, Self-Efficacy, The Intention of Playing Games and Gaming Behaviour were discussed. In testing of the relationships between these factors included in the model, Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used. The fitting of the model was determined by evaluating various cohesion criteria for SEM in the literature. When the results obtained from the study were evaluated, it was seen that there was a statistically positive significant relationship between Visual Appeal latent variable and Pleasure intrinsic latent variable. According to this, the visual appeal of online game, visual design and the effect of the online game will be increased as the influence increases. Another result obtained from the study is that there is a statistically positive significant relationship between the latent variable of Escape from Reality and the intrinsic latent variable of Pleasure. The fact that players want to escape from reality, away from the stress of daily life and the events that make them unhappy, positively affects the pleasure of the players taken out of online games. There are often studies in the literature that affect the intention of playing online games. In this study, online gaming behavior was defined as an endogenous latent variable, and the factors affecting online gaming intention and behavior were extensively modeled.

Research paper thumbnail of Cep telefonu pazarında müşteri memnuniyetini etkileyen faktörlerin ACSI modeliyle araştırılması

Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2019

Cep telefonu sektörü, teknolojiyle beraber her geçen yıl daha fazla gelişerek inovasyonun en önem... more Cep telefonu sektörü, teknolojiyle beraber her geçen yıl daha fazla gelişerek inovasyonun en önemli faktör olduğu bir sektör haline gelmektedir. Her marka tüketiciyi daha iyiye ve daha yeniye kavuşturmak için çaba göstermekte, yüzlerce ürün tasarlanmaktadır. Bu durum tüketicinin karar vermesi için çok fazla faktörün ortaya çıkmasına neden olmaktadır. Böylelikle özellikle cep telefonu pazarında müşteri memnuniyetini sağlamak büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Amerikan Müşteri Memnuniyeti Modeli (ACSI) ile İzmir'de yaşayan ve akıllı telefon kullanan insanların cep telefonu markalarına olan memnuniyet ve sadakatlerini araştırmaktır. Modelin test edilmesinde Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli (YEM) kullanılmıştır. Araştırma modelinde yer alan faktörler; Algılan Kalite, Algılanan Değer, Müşteri Şikayetleri,

Research paper thumbnail of Çerkezköy Organize Sanayi Bölgesinde Bir Tekstil İşletmesinin En Uygun Kumaş Seçimi Probleminin Analitik Hiyerarşi Prosesi Yöntemi İle Analizi

Anemon Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2019

İşletmeler, üretim sürecinde karar verirken birçok faktör rol oynamaktadır. Çalışmada, tekstil se... more İşletmeler, üretim sürecinde karar verirken birçok faktör rol oynamaktadır. Çalışmada, tekstil sektöründe kumaş üretimi yapan birişletmenin en uygun kumaş seçimi Analitik Hiyerarşi Prosesi ile analiz edilmiştir. Firmanın yoğun olarak ürettiği 4 çeşit kumaş ele alınmıştır. Bu kumaşlar içerisinden karara etki eden kriter ve alt kriterler belirlenmiştir. Analizde 5 çeşit kriter ele alınmış ve bu kriterler de kendi içlerinde alt kriterlere ayrılmıştır. Karar verici olarak, üretimde karar vermeye yetkisi bulunan bir ekip ile değerlemeler yapılmıştır. Kriter ve alt kriterlere Expert Choice programı ile ikili karşılaştırmalar yapılmış ve karar vericiler aracılığı ile değer verilerek analiz sonuçlarına ulaşılmıştır.

Research paper thumbnail of An Investigation on The Social Acceptance of Nuclear Energy: A Case Study on University Students

Dokuz Eylul Universitesi Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Dergisi, 2019

In this study, the causal relationships between the factors related to nuclear energy acceptance ... more In this study, the causal relationships between the factors related to nuclear energy acceptance and the sensitivity of young generations to nuclear energy are examined with structural equation model. The data obtained by the questionnaire applied to 521 students studying at the faculties of the Kütahya Dumlupınar University were analyzed. The students were asked the questions related to the latent variables which are perceived benefits of energy supply, perceived environmental benefits, risk perception, trust and acceptance. While risk perception has a statistically significant and negative effect on acceptance, the effects of other latent variables in the model have found to be positive.

Research paper thumbnail of Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizi ile Şehir Marka Algısını Etkileyen Faktörlerin Araştırılması

Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2019

Bu çalışmanın amacı, Eskişehir'de yaşayan halkın şehir marka algılarını etkileyen faktörleri öner... more Bu çalışmanın amacı, Eskişehir'de yaşayan halkın şehir marka algılarını etkileyen faktörleri önerilen bir araştırma modeliyle ortaya koymaktır. Önerilen modelde, sosyal yaşam, kültür, güven, çevre, iş imkânları, uluslararasılaşma, trafik, eğitim olanakları, boyutları ele alınmıştır. Modelde yer alan boyutlar arasındaki ilişikler birinci düzey, şehir marka algısı olarak tanımlanan üst boyut ile şehrin yaşam kalitesini etkileyen faktörler arasındaki ilişki ikinci Düzey Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizi ile araştırılmıştır. Çalışmada şehir marka algısı olarak tanımlanan üst boyutun varlığı ve şehrin yaşam kalitesini etkilediği varsayılan faktörlerin de üst boyutun alt boyutları olabileceği ikinci düzey doğrulayıcı faktör analiziyle değerlendirilmiştir. Trafik, Eğitim olanakları, Sosyal yaşam ve çevre kalitesi ile şehir marka algısı arasındaki standartlaştırılmış ilişki katsayıları sırasıyla 0,77; 0,76; 0,75 ve 0.61 olarak tahmin edilmiştir.

Research paper thumbnail of Measurement of Service Quality At Tax Chambers by SERVQUAL Analysis

Alphanumeric Journal, 2017

The aim of the research is to come out the difference between expected service and perceived serv... more The aim of the research is to come out the difference between expected service and perceived service at Tax Chamber that taxpayers get service. SERVQUAL Scale was conducted to 90 people who get service from X Tax Chambers between April-May 2016. As a result of the SERVQUAL analysis, the research reveals that the taxpayers of the X Tax Chambers are not satisfied with the service quality and the most difference between expected service quality and perceived service quality is accessibility dimension. The research indicates no significant differences between expectations for service provided and demographics features. However the research shows significant differences between service perceptions and demographics features

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of environmental illiteracy and environmental awareness among middle school students on environmental behavior

Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2016

This study proposes and employs a structural model to examine the effects of environmental litera... more This study proposes and employs a structural model to examine the effects of environmental literacy, environmental awareness, environmental attitudes, and environmental behavior among middle school students in Eskişehir on their purchase of environmentally friendly products. In the proposed structural model, environmental illiteracy and environmental awareness were the exogenous latent variables, while pro-environmental attitude, pro-environmental behavior, and the purchase of environmentally friendly products were the endogenous latent variables. The latent variable of environmental illiteracy did not have a statistically significant effect on environmental attitudes and purchase of environmentally friendly products, whereas environmental awareness had a positive effect on pro-environmental attitudes and the purchase of environmentally friendly products. These findings indicate that students with environmental awareness also develop positive attitudes toward the environment, and the presence of a positive attitude toward the environment leads them to display pro-environmental behaviors and adopt a positive attitude toward environmentally friendly products.

Research paper thumbnail of Consumer attitudes on the use of plastic and cloth bags

Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2016

This paper examines consumer attitudes and behavior on the use of plastic and cloth bags in Eskiş... more This paper examines consumer attitudes and behavior on the use of plastic and cloth bags in Eskişehir, Turkey. To this end, a structural equation model is proposed. Environmental consciousness regarding the use of plastic bags, social pressure, support for the banning of plastic bags, the intention to use cloth bags and behavior to reduce plastic bag use are employed as latent variables in the model. The intention to use cloth bags and the behavior to reduce the use of plastic bags are defined as endogenous latent variables in the structural model. In the conclusion of the study, it is identified that consumers who are environmentally conscious and feel under social pressure, tend to reduce the use of plastic bags and switch to using cloth bags.

Research paper thumbnail of A proposed structural model for housewives' recycling behavior: A case study from Turkey

Ecological Economics, 2016

Recycling is a major factor in environmental behavior as it supports the conservation of natural ... more Recycling is a major factor in environmental behavior as it supports the conservation of natural resources and reduces the amount of solid watablste. In addition to its environmental benefits, recycling is also an effective way to fundraise. Although recycling is commonplace in many countries, it is still relatively rare in Turkey. In this study, the attitudes and behaviors of housewives toward recycling were investigated using Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and the proposed Structural Equation Model (SEM). It was found that the Housewives' Recycling Model (HRM), obtained as a result of the analysis, could be employed to explain their recycling behavior. In particular, the research established that the positive ideas housewives have in terms of their perceived behavioral control and the individuals in their immediate social surroundings, whose opinions they value, have a positive impact on guiding their recycling behavior.