Eugenio Zimeo - (original) (raw)

Papers by Eugenio Zimeo

Research paper thumbnail of Graph-based ahead monitoring of vulnerabilities in large dynamic transportation networks


Betweenness Centrality (BC) has proven to be a fundamental metric in many domains to identify the... more Betweenness Centrality (BC) has proven to be a fundamental metric in many domains to identify the components (nodes) of a system modelled as a graph that are mostly traversed by information flows thus being critical to the proper functioning of the system itself. In the transportation domain, the metric has been mainly adopted to discover topological bottlenecks of the physical infrastructure composed of roads or railways. The adoption of this metric to study the evolution of transportation networks that take into account also the dynamic conditions of traffic is in its infancy mainly due to the high computation time needed to compute BC in large dynamic graphs. This paper explores the adoption of dynamic BC,i.e.,BC computed on dynamic large-scale graphs, modeling road networks and the related vehicular traffic, and proposes the adoption of a fast algorithm for ahead monitoring of transportation networks by computing approximated BC values under time constraints. The experimental an...

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Research paper thumbnail of Semantics-Driven Programming of Self-Adaptive Reactive Systems

International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2020

In recent years, new classes of highly dynamic, complex systems are gaining momentum. These class... more In recent years, new classes of highly dynamic, complex systems are gaining momentum. These classes include, but are not limited to IoT, smart cities, cyber-physical systems and sensor networks. These systems are characterized by the need to express behaviors driven by external and/or internal changes, i.e. they are reactive and context-aware. A desirable design feature of these systems is the ability of adapting their behavior to environment changes. In this paper, we propose an approach to support adaptive, reactive systems based on semantic runtime representations of their context, enabling the selection of equivalent behaviors, i.e. behaviors that have the same effect on the environment. The context representation and the related knowledge are managed by an engine designed according to a reference architecture and programmable through a declarative definition of sensors and actuators. The knowledge base of sensors and actuators (hosted by an RDF triplestore) is bound to the real...

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Research paper thumbnail of Context-aware Reactive Systems based on Runtime Semantic Models (S)

International Conferences on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Monitoring Workflows Execution using ECA Rules

A fundamental requirement for modern large-scale distributed applications is the need to quickly ... more A fundamental requirement for modern large-scale distributed applications is the need to quickly adapt to the fast variations in their operational environment. In SOA the need for adaptation influences design, enactment and execution of service compositions (workflows). To maintain a high quality standard and to support continuous improvements of workflows, the quality of intermediate steps has to be assessed during execution and, if needed, interventions have to be performed at the same time. The key concept is to avoid problems, anticipating the detection of their causes. We propose a monitoring system based on the definition of general management policies that are translated in management rules using an event-driven approach. Rules are employed to react to unexpected events, malfunctions, errors or violations of constraints with the objective of dynamically adapting the process in order to overcome the problems still maintaining a high-

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Research paper thumbnail of Exploiting Capacity Planning of Cloud Providers to Limit SLA Violations

Automatic negotiation of Service Level Agreements (SLAs) is a promising way to stipulate contract... more Automatic negotiation of Service Level Agreements (SLAs) is a promising way to stipulate contracts in the Cloud market, where the high dynamicity of customers' requirements and providers' resources availability make it very difficult to statically define Quality of Service (QoS) level and pricing. To achieve high satisfaction levels for both parties, the negotiation decisions about stipulation conditions (or rejection) of contracts should be guided both by an overall strategic business policy and by dynamic information. In this paper, we propose to exploit capacity planning to support bilateral negotiation processes with the aim of optimizing the overall utility for service providers, by avoiding contracts that could incur in SLAs violations, keeping, at the same time, competitive service prices. In particular, the proposed technique exploits a heuristic algorithm to automatically evaluate a non-additive utility function and the acceptable region, taking into account QoS, re...

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Research paper thumbnail of Fast Computation of Betweenness Centrality to enable Real-time Resilience Assessment and Improvement of Complex Transport Networks

With the growth of the population concentrated in urban areas of large agglomerations, the need f... more With the growth of the population concentrated in urban areas of large agglomerations, the need for e cient and resilient multi-modal transportation systems is paramount. To model, analyze and improve transportation dynamics at large scale, complex networks represent an extremely versatile toolkit: multi-modal mobility networks can be modelled as a multi-layered weighted graph. In the last decade, several works [1, 2, 3] have shown that complex network approaches based on computation of centrality metrics can be extremely useful to model and analyze the resilience properties of complex networks. In such representation, each layer of the graph can be associated to a transportation mode (e.g., road, metro, buses, etc); each node of the network is an intersection between roads, a parking spot or a bus/metro stop/station; and the edges are links between the nodes, possibly belonging to di↵erent layers of the transportation network (e.g., links connecting bus with metro stations or parki...

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Research paper thumbnail of An architecture for context-aware reactive systems based on run-time semantic models

In recent years, new classes of highly dynamic, complex systems are gaining momentum. These syste... more In recent years, new classes of highly dynamic, complex systems are gaining momentum. These systems are characterized by the need to express behaviors driven by external and/or internal changes, i.e. they are reactive and context-aware. These classes include, but are not limited to IoT, smart cities, cyber-physical systems and sensor networks. An important design feature of these systems should be the ability of adapting their behavior to environment changes. This requires handling a runtime representation of the context enriched with variation points that relate different behaviors to possible changes of the representation. In this paper, we present a reference architecture for reactive, context-aware systems able to handle contextual knowledge (that defines what the system perceives) by means of virtual sensors and able to react to environment changes by means of virtual actuators, both represented in a declarative manner through semantic web technologies. To improve the ability t...

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Research paper thumbnail of Beacon-based context-aware architecture for crowd sensing public transportation scheduling and user habits

Procedia Computer Science, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Enhancing cooperative playback systems with efficient encrypted multimedia streaming

2003 International Conference on Multimedia and Expo. ICME '03. Proceedings (Cat. No.03TH8698), 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Migrating web application sessions in mobile computing

Special interest tracks and posters of the 14th international conference on World Wide Web - WWW '05, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Hierarchical and Reliable Multicast Communication for Grid Systems

Parco, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Proceedings of the Programming Model Institute Technical meeting 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of A Time and Cost-Based Matching Strategy for Data Parallelizable Tasks of Grid Workflows

Third IEEE International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing (e-Science 2007), 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Different Future Objects Update Strategies in ProActive

2007 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of onQoS-QL: A Query Language for QoS-Based Service Selection and Ranking

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Context-Aware Design of Semantic Web Services to Improve the Precision of Compositions

Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of P2P Architectures for Semantic Service Composition

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Research paper thumbnail of Structure Matching for Enhancing UDDI Queries Results

IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA '07), 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Client-Side Implementation of Dynamic Asynchronous Invocations for Web Services

2007 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Workflow fine-grained concurrency with automatic continuation

Proceedings 20th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Graph-based ahead monitoring of vulnerabilities in large dynamic transportation networks


Betweenness Centrality (BC) has proven to be a fundamental metric in many domains to identify the... more Betweenness Centrality (BC) has proven to be a fundamental metric in many domains to identify the components (nodes) of a system modelled as a graph that are mostly traversed by information flows thus being critical to the proper functioning of the system itself. In the transportation domain, the metric has been mainly adopted to discover topological bottlenecks of the physical infrastructure composed of roads or railways. The adoption of this metric to study the evolution of transportation networks that take into account also the dynamic conditions of traffic is in its infancy mainly due to the high computation time needed to compute BC in large dynamic graphs. This paper explores the adoption of dynamic BC,i.e.,BC computed on dynamic large-scale graphs, modeling road networks and the related vehicular traffic, and proposes the adoption of a fast algorithm for ahead monitoring of transportation networks by computing approximated BC values under time constraints. The experimental an...

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Research paper thumbnail of Semantics-Driven Programming of Self-Adaptive Reactive Systems

International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2020

In recent years, new classes of highly dynamic, complex systems are gaining momentum. These class... more In recent years, new classes of highly dynamic, complex systems are gaining momentum. These classes include, but are not limited to IoT, smart cities, cyber-physical systems and sensor networks. These systems are characterized by the need to express behaviors driven by external and/or internal changes, i.e. they are reactive and context-aware. A desirable design feature of these systems is the ability of adapting their behavior to environment changes. In this paper, we propose an approach to support adaptive, reactive systems based on semantic runtime representations of their context, enabling the selection of equivalent behaviors, i.e. behaviors that have the same effect on the environment. The context representation and the related knowledge are managed by an engine designed according to a reference architecture and programmable through a declarative definition of sensors and actuators. The knowledge base of sensors and actuators (hosted by an RDF triplestore) is bound to the real...

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Research paper thumbnail of Context-aware Reactive Systems based on Runtime Semantic Models (S)

International Conferences on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Monitoring Workflows Execution using ECA Rules

A fundamental requirement for modern large-scale distributed applications is the need to quickly ... more A fundamental requirement for modern large-scale distributed applications is the need to quickly adapt to the fast variations in their operational environment. In SOA the need for adaptation influences design, enactment and execution of service compositions (workflows). To maintain a high quality standard and to support continuous improvements of workflows, the quality of intermediate steps has to be assessed during execution and, if needed, interventions have to be performed at the same time. The key concept is to avoid problems, anticipating the detection of their causes. We propose a monitoring system based on the definition of general management policies that are translated in management rules using an event-driven approach. Rules are employed to react to unexpected events, malfunctions, errors or violations of constraints with the objective of dynamically adapting the process in order to overcome the problems still maintaining a high-

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Research paper thumbnail of Exploiting Capacity Planning of Cloud Providers to Limit SLA Violations

Automatic negotiation of Service Level Agreements (SLAs) is a promising way to stipulate contract... more Automatic negotiation of Service Level Agreements (SLAs) is a promising way to stipulate contracts in the Cloud market, where the high dynamicity of customers' requirements and providers' resources availability make it very difficult to statically define Quality of Service (QoS) level and pricing. To achieve high satisfaction levels for both parties, the negotiation decisions about stipulation conditions (or rejection) of contracts should be guided both by an overall strategic business policy and by dynamic information. In this paper, we propose to exploit capacity planning to support bilateral negotiation processes with the aim of optimizing the overall utility for service providers, by avoiding contracts that could incur in SLAs violations, keeping, at the same time, competitive service prices. In particular, the proposed technique exploits a heuristic algorithm to automatically evaluate a non-additive utility function and the acceptable region, taking into account QoS, re...

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Research paper thumbnail of Fast Computation of Betweenness Centrality to enable Real-time Resilience Assessment and Improvement of Complex Transport Networks

With the growth of the population concentrated in urban areas of large agglomerations, the need f... more With the growth of the population concentrated in urban areas of large agglomerations, the need for e cient and resilient multi-modal transportation systems is paramount. To model, analyze and improve transportation dynamics at large scale, complex networks represent an extremely versatile toolkit: multi-modal mobility networks can be modelled as a multi-layered weighted graph. In the last decade, several works [1, 2, 3] have shown that complex network approaches based on computation of centrality metrics can be extremely useful to model and analyze the resilience properties of complex networks. In such representation, each layer of the graph can be associated to a transportation mode (e.g., road, metro, buses, etc); each node of the network is an intersection between roads, a parking spot or a bus/metro stop/station; and the edges are links between the nodes, possibly belonging to di↵erent layers of the transportation network (e.g., links connecting bus with metro stations or parki...

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Research paper thumbnail of An architecture for context-aware reactive systems based on run-time semantic models

In recent years, new classes of highly dynamic, complex systems are gaining momentum. These syste... more In recent years, new classes of highly dynamic, complex systems are gaining momentum. These systems are characterized by the need to express behaviors driven by external and/or internal changes, i.e. they are reactive and context-aware. These classes include, but are not limited to IoT, smart cities, cyber-physical systems and sensor networks. An important design feature of these systems should be the ability of adapting their behavior to environment changes. This requires handling a runtime representation of the context enriched with variation points that relate different behaviors to possible changes of the representation. In this paper, we present a reference architecture for reactive, context-aware systems able to handle contextual knowledge (that defines what the system perceives) by means of virtual sensors and able to react to environment changes by means of virtual actuators, both represented in a declarative manner through semantic web technologies. To improve the ability t...

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Research paper thumbnail of Beacon-based context-aware architecture for crowd sensing public transportation scheduling and user habits

Procedia Computer Science, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Enhancing cooperative playback systems with efficient encrypted multimedia streaming

2003 International Conference on Multimedia and Expo. ICME '03. Proceedings (Cat. No.03TH8698), 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Migrating web application sessions in mobile computing

Special interest tracks and posters of the 14th international conference on World Wide Web - WWW '05, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Hierarchical and Reliable Multicast Communication for Grid Systems

Parco, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Proceedings of the Programming Model Institute Technical meeting 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of A Time and Cost-Based Matching Strategy for Data Parallelizable Tasks of Grid Workflows

Third IEEE International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing (e-Science 2007), 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Different Future Objects Update Strategies in ProActive

2007 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of onQoS-QL: A Query Language for QoS-Based Service Selection and Ranking

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Context-Aware Design of Semantic Web Services to Improve the Precision of Compositions

Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of P2P Architectures for Semantic Service Composition

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Research paper thumbnail of Structure Matching for Enhancing UDDI Queries Results

IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA '07), 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Client-Side Implementation of Dynamic Asynchronous Invocations for Web Services

2007 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Workflow fine-grained concurrency with automatic continuation

Proceedings 20th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, 2006

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