FÁBIO MACHADO MILAN - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Anais do Salão de Ensino e de Extensão, Oct 21, 2015
O projeto "Reabilitando sorrisos em busca de uma melhor qualidade de vida da populacao"... more O projeto "Reabilitando sorrisos em busca de uma melhor qualidade de vida da populacao", tem, entre outros objetivos, melhorar a autoestima dos pacientes sem condicoes financeiras para realizar tratamento dentario, melhorando a eficiencia da funcao mastigatoria, fonetica, estetica e integracao social. Segundo Boselli e Pascotto: "A analise estetica do sorriso deve abranger varios aspectos, desde os segmentos mais amplos, como a composicao facial, ate os mais especificos, como as caracteristicas de morfologia dentaria." Diante disso, este trabalho tem por objetivo reabilitar o sorriso da paciente selecionada, devolver a ela a saude gengival adequada, e possibilitar uma melhora em sua autoestima. A paciente, do sexo feminino, procurou o projeto, por meio do qual passou pela assistente social, apresentando como queixa principal a falta de alguns dentes, relatando tambem que, por este motivo, era alvo de piadas em seu local de trabalho, alem de se sentir constrangida ao se relacionar com outras pessoas. Os dentes presentes em sua cavidade oral demonstravam mobilidade elevada e necessidade de restauracoes devido a lesoes cariosas e a retracao gengival, assim, apos um exame clinico e analise fotografica, o planejamento estetico foi concluido, a partir do qual foi constatada a necessidade de confeccionar protese parcial removivel tanto na arcada superior quanto na inferior, alem de restauracoes classe V conforme a classificacao de Black, e restauracoes classe III. A pessoa descrita neste estudo presentava, ainda, uma protese parcial de acrilico, a qual estava com a ausencia dos dentes 21 e 22, que foram adaptados de maneira provisoria. E importante ressaltar que o tratamento adequado das imperfeicoes no plano estetico depende da interacao de conhecimentos relacionados a estetica, aos materiais restauradores e as tecnicas disponiveis atualmente (Baratieri, L. N. et al.). A placa bacteriana e uma massa densa, nao calcificada, firmemente aderida aos dentes, calculos e outras superficies da cavidade bucal que, na maioria das vezes, se desenvolve sobre a pelicula adquirida, que e um biofilme derivado da saliva que reveste toda a cavidade bucal (Lascala, 1997). Levando em conta essas consideracoes, foi realizada na paciente uma RAP (raspagem e alisamento radicular), com a finalidade de remover a placa bacteriana, presente em grande quantidade, nos elementos dentarios, manobra executada com o aparelho ultrassom. Apos o procedimento da raspagem, como complemento, foram transmitidas instrucoes de higiene oral, para que a paciente pudesse seguir realizando a limpeza dos dentes de maneira adequada. Uma semana apos a RAP, a paciente retornou ao projeto para avaliacao das condicoes de saude bucal, que demonstrou significativa melhora na escovacao acompanhada pelo uso do fio dental. A remocao mecânica do biofilme dental e uma medida preventiva e a escova dental e um recurso simples, eficaz, com alcance coletivo e boa repercussao social, indispensavel para a realizacao da higiene bucal, com vistas a manutencao da saude bucal, podendo, assim, ser considerada uma arma na prevencao da carie e da doenca periodontal (Barros Z. Cariologia, Long SR, Santos AS, Nascimento CMO). Atraves do exposto, conclui-se que, para se obter uma harmonia no sorriso e necessaria uma saude gengival e que os dentes se mantenham sempre bem higienizados; para isso, tambem e importante que o paciente colabore e siga com o tratamento a domicilio.
Introducao: A carie e presentemente reconhecida como uma doenca multifatorial, sendo seu desencad... more Introducao: A carie e presentemente reconhecida como uma doenca multifatorial, sendo seu desencadeamento e evolucao dependente da interacao de diversos fatores: suscetibilidade do hospedeiro, microrganismos cariogenicos e substrato adequado, presentes por um periodo suficiente de tempo. Dentro de uma proposta atual na Odontologia, o profissional nao deve se limitar apenas ao tratamento curativo, e sim, introduzir uma pratica odontologica de promocao de saude antes do tratamento restaurador propriamente dito, a fim de eliminar os fatores etiologicos da doenca para que um tratamento definitivo em longo prazo possa ter sucesso. Objetivos: Reestabelecer a condicao de saude bucal do paciente, atraves da educacao em saude, uso de metodos e materiais que possam contribuir para a paralisacao e posterior reversao da carie. Metodologia: Nas sessoes de adequacao de meio bucal, foi realizado em paciente da Clinica de Odontologia da UNISC anamnese, exame clinico e radiografico, profilaxia, RAP e...
Sabe-se que os tratamentos esteticos de hoje vem sendo cada vez mais exigidos e procurados pela p... more Sabe-se que os tratamentos esteticos de hoje vem sendo cada vez mais exigidos e procurados pela populacao, sendo assim, se faz necessario que os profissionais dessa area estejam aptos, exigindo um aperfeicoamento para maior conhecimento da tecnica e aprendizados especificos. Um grande numero de pessoas que buscam atendimento no curso de odontologia queixa-se da estetica de seus dentes, para os quais o tratamento ideal nem sempre e possivel, devido a falta de recursos economicos. Assim, por meio do projeto de extensao "Reabilitando Sorrisos em Busca de uma Melhor Qualidade de Vida da Populacao", a area de Estetica e Cosmetica dos Dentes Anteriores procura suprir essas necessidades. Diante disso, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo expor um caso clinico, que visa a melhora na aparencia e harmonia do sorriso dos pacientes, devido a presenca de restauracoes com resinas autopolimerizaveis, caries proximais e escurecimento dos dentes anteriores, no intuito de buscar a satisfac...
O presente trabalho objetiva relatar um caso clinico ocorrido durante o Projeto de Extensao de Es... more O presente trabalho objetiva relatar um caso clinico ocorrido durante o Projeto de Extensao de Estetica e Cosmetica do Curso de Odontologia, que visa, atraves da reabilitacao estetica e funcional, a reinsercao do paciente na sociedade. A paciente selecionada chegou ao projeto com muitas perdas dentarias, restos radiculares de dentes posteriores e anteriores e com os incisivos centrais colados um ao outro com cianoacrilato, ambos os dentes apresentavam fistula e tambem muitas caries, e dentes anteriores inferiores com bastante perda da estrutura e problemas periodontais. Apos exame clinico, fisico, anamnese e confeccao dos modelos superior e inferior, montamos o plano de tratamento para a paciente, e, com o objetivo de melhorar a funcao e a estetica dos dentes, atraves do plano de tratamento, foi decidido fazer a adequacao do meio bucal, para que ao remover todo tecido cariado fosse possivel avaliar o que poderia ser preservado. O trabalho tambem visou a atender a paciente em sua tot...
Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia - UPF, Mar 16, 2011
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the porosity of complete crowns made ofpalladium-silver... more The purpose of this study was to evaluate the porosity of complete crowns made ofpalladium-silver (Pors-on) and silver-palladium (Palliag-M) alloys. For the casting of the alloys, three heat sources were used: acetilen-oxigen, gasoxigen and electric resistance. Thirty specimens were prepared with casting wax in stainless steel die, and divided into two groups of 15 specimens each, according to the alloy used. Then, the specimens were subdivided into three groups of5 specimens each, accordingto the heat sources. Then a:ftercasting, the specimens were finished and polished. Two methods were used to determine the porosity of the specimens: densitometric and microscopic ones. In the densitometric determination, the alloydensities before and after casting were compared. For the microscopic observation, the specimens were cut, polished and then evaluated using scanning electronic microscopy. The results showed that the highest porosity occurred when acetilenoxigenheat sourcewas used, followed by gas-oxigen and electric sources. This was observed in both methods. ln general, the Palliag-M alloy showed more trend to the higher levels of porosity than the Pors-on 4 alloy,in both methods of evaluation. Key words: porosity, metal ceramic alloys, dental casting technique.
Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia - UPF, Dec 15, 2010
The purpose of this study was to examine the shear bond strength of resin composite to dentin aft... more The purpose of this study was to examine the shear bond strength of resin composite to dentin after the application oftwo dentine bonding systems: (A) Pro Bond (CaulklDentsply) and (B) Scotchbond Multipurpose Plus (3M). Two experimental groups (A = Pro Bond, BeScotchbond Multipurpose Plus) of ten specimens were tested for shear bond strength in an universal testing machine. The mean shear bond strengths were 7,27 ± 0,47 for group A and 6,96 ± 0,39 for group B. No statistical differences were found. Key words: dentine bonding agents, shear bond strength, dentin.
The purpose of this study was to verify the superficial roughness produced by the association too... more The purpose of this study was to verify the superficial roughness produced by the association toothbrush-dentifrices on acrylic resin samples. Metallic molds (47x20x2 mm) were included in metallic flasks (Safrany) and removed after the gypsum setting. The molds obtained were then, filled with heat-cured acrylic resin (Clássico). They were divided into four groups according to the used toothpaste, that is, Sorriso (Anakol), Liqui Fresh (Gessy Lever), an experimental toothpaste (specific for prosthesis) and water (control). Each group was subdivided into three sub-groups, according to the used toothbrush: Denture (Anakol, specific for prosthesis), Doctor (Anakol) and Oral-B 30 (Gillete do Brasil). Guimarães Dutra Patrão et al.
The relationship between the application of die-spacer prior to wax pattern fabrication and metal... more The relationship between the application of die-spacer prior to wax pattern fabrication and metal removal from the inner surface of the casting on marginal and internal discrepancies of complete cast crowns was evaluated. One hundred and twenty complete crowns were cast with palladium-silver alloy melted by gas-oxygen torch or electrical resistance and cast with a centrifuge casting machine. After casting, the crowns were seated on each type of different marginal configuration dies (90-degree shoulder, 20-degree beveled shoulder, and 45-degree chamfered shoulder) with a static load of 90 N during 1 min. Evaluation of the marginal fit of the specimens was made using a digital micrometer. The crowns were embedded in acrylic resin and longitudinally sectioned to verify the internal discrepancy that occurred in lateral and occlusal interfaces with a digital micrometer. The data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey’s test with a significance level of 5%. The best marginal and inner fits wer...
This study verifies whether there is any temperature change during photoactivation of two resin c... more This study verifies whether there is any temperature change during photoactivation of two resin composites (Filtek Z250 and Filtek Flow) with three different light curing methods (conventional halogen light curing unit, light emitting diodes curing unit and xenon plasma arc curing unit) and the relationship of temperature change with resin composite hardness. A type-K thermocouple registered the temperature rise peak in an elastomer mold during photoactivation. After photoactivation, the specimens were submitted to Knoop hardness test performed by an indenter (HMV-2000) under a load of 50g for 15 seconds. Both the temperature change data and results of the Knoop hardness test were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey's test at the 5% significance level. No statistical differences in temperature rise were recorded for the different composites following processing by light curing unit (p>0.05). The conventional halogen source produced statistically higher temperatures (p<0.05) than ...
Brazilian Dental Science, 2010
The aim of this research was to evaluate the load cycling influence in resin composite restoratio... more The aim of this research was to evaluate the load cycling influence in resin composite restorations through marginal leakage analysis, in enamel and cementum. Forty bovine incisors were allocated in four groups (n=10): I-Z250 resin composite / Single Bond adhesive system; II-Charisma resin composite / Gluma One Bond adhesive system; III-Z250 resin composite / Single Bond adhesive system submitted to 1,000 cycles (10Kgf); group IV-Charisma resin composite / Gluma One Bond adhesive system submitted to 1,000 cycles. The class V restorations were located at cementum-enamel junction and the load was applied on the incisal edge. The samples were immersed in 2% buffered methylene blue solution. The samples were cross-sectioned and the leakage, which received a score, was evaluated through stereomicroscope (45 X). Data were submitted to Kruskal-Wallis' test (5%). Analysis showed no statistical differences among margins localized in enamel or in cementum, for loaded and unloaded groups (p>0,05). However, enamel showed better results than cementum in the same sample (p<0,05).Load cycling did not increase the microleakage in enamel or in cement margins. Comparing the infiltration degree in the same sample, the staining solution penetration was higher in cementum margins, for both loaded and unloaded groups.
Operative dentistry
This study verifies whether there is any temperature change during photoactivation of two resin c... more This study verifies whether there is any temperature change during photoactivation of two resin composites (Filtek Z250 and Filtek Flow) with three different light curing methods (conventional halogen light curing unit, light emitting diodes curing unit and xenon plasma arc curing unit) and the relationship of temperature change with resin composite hardness. A type-K thermocouple registered the temperature rise peak in an elastomer mold during photoactivation. After photoactivation, the specimens were submitted to Knoop hardness test performed by an indenter (HMV-2000) under a load of 50g for 15 seconds. Both the temperature change data and results of the Knoop hardness test were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey's test at the 5% significance level. No statistical differences in temperature rise were recorded for the different composites following processing by light curing unit (p>0.05). The conventional halogen source produced statistically higher temperatures (p<0.05) than ...
Brazilian Dental Journal, 2004
The relationship between the application of die-spacer prior to wax pattern fabrication and metal... more The relationship between the application of die-spacer prior to wax pattern fabrication and metal removal from the inner surface of the casting on marginal and internal discrepancies of complete cast crowns was evaluated. One hundred and twenty complete crowns were cast with palladium-silver alloy melted by gas-oxygen torch or electrical resistance and cast with a centrifuge casting machine. After casting, the crowns were seated on each type of different marginal configuration dies (90-degree shoulder, 20-degree beveled shoulder, and 45-degree chamfered shoulder) with a static load of 90 N during 1 min. Evaluation of the marginal fit of the specimens was made using a digital micrometer. The crowns were embedded in acrylic resin and longitudinally sectioned to verify the internal discrepancy that occurred in lateral and occlusal interfaces with a digital micrometer. The data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey's test with a significance level of 5%. The best marginal and inner fits were obtained with the gas-oxygen torch source. The 45-degree chamfered shoulder showed the best marginal and inner fit, and better internal relief was obtained in the crowns abraded with 50 µm Al 2 O 3 particles.
The relationship between the application of die-spacer prior to wax pattern fabrication and metal... more The relationship between the application of die-spacer prior to wax pattern fabrication and metal removal from the inner surface of the casting on marginal and internal discrepancies of complete cast crowns was evaluated. One hundred and twenty complete crowns were cast with palladium-silver alloy melted by gas-oxygen torch or electrical resistance and cast with a centrifuge casting machine. After casting, the crowns were seated on each type of different marginal configuration dies (90-degree shoulder, 20-degree beveled shoulder, and 45-degree chamfered shoulder) with a static load of 90 N during 1 min. Evaluation of the marginal fit of the specimens was made using a digital micrometer. The crowns were embedded in acrylic resin and longitudinally sectioned to verify the internal discrepancy that occurred in lateral and occlusal interfaces with a digital micrometer. The data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey's test with a significance level of 5%. The best marginal and inner fits were obtained with the gas-oxygen torch source. The 45-degree chamfered shoulder showed the best marginal and inner fit, and better internal relief was obtained in the crowns abraded with 50 µm Al 2 O 3 particles.
Anais do Salão de Ensino e de Extensão, Oct 21, 2015
O projeto "Reabilitando sorrisos em busca de uma melhor qualidade de vida da populacao"... more O projeto "Reabilitando sorrisos em busca de uma melhor qualidade de vida da populacao", tem, entre outros objetivos, melhorar a autoestima dos pacientes sem condicoes financeiras para realizar tratamento dentario, melhorando a eficiencia da funcao mastigatoria, fonetica, estetica e integracao social. Segundo Boselli e Pascotto: "A analise estetica do sorriso deve abranger varios aspectos, desde os segmentos mais amplos, como a composicao facial, ate os mais especificos, como as caracteristicas de morfologia dentaria." Diante disso, este trabalho tem por objetivo reabilitar o sorriso da paciente selecionada, devolver a ela a saude gengival adequada, e possibilitar uma melhora em sua autoestima. A paciente, do sexo feminino, procurou o projeto, por meio do qual passou pela assistente social, apresentando como queixa principal a falta de alguns dentes, relatando tambem que, por este motivo, era alvo de piadas em seu local de trabalho, alem de se sentir constrangida ao se relacionar com outras pessoas. Os dentes presentes em sua cavidade oral demonstravam mobilidade elevada e necessidade de restauracoes devido a lesoes cariosas e a retracao gengival, assim, apos um exame clinico e analise fotografica, o planejamento estetico foi concluido, a partir do qual foi constatada a necessidade de confeccionar protese parcial removivel tanto na arcada superior quanto na inferior, alem de restauracoes classe V conforme a classificacao de Black, e restauracoes classe III. A pessoa descrita neste estudo presentava, ainda, uma protese parcial de acrilico, a qual estava com a ausencia dos dentes 21 e 22, que foram adaptados de maneira provisoria. E importante ressaltar que o tratamento adequado das imperfeicoes no plano estetico depende da interacao de conhecimentos relacionados a estetica, aos materiais restauradores e as tecnicas disponiveis atualmente (Baratieri, L. N. et al.). A placa bacteriana e uma massa densa, nao calcificada, firmemente aderida aos dentes, calculos e outras superficies da cavidade bucal que, na maioria das vezes, se desenvolve sobre a pelicula adquirida, que e um biofilme derivado da saliva que reveste toda a cavidade bucal (Lascala, 1997). Levando em conta essas consideracoes, foi realizada na paciente uma RAP (raspagem e alisamento radicular), com a finalidade de remover a placa bacteriana, presente em grande quantidade, nos elementos dentarios, manobra executada com o aparelho ultrassom. Apos o procedimento da raspagem, como complemento, foram transmitidas instrucoes de higiene oral, para que a paciente pudesse seguir realizando a limpeza dos dentes de maneira adequada. Uma semana apos a RAP, a paciente retornou ao projeto para avaliacao das condicoes de saude bucal, que demonstrou significativa melhora na escovacao acompanhada pelo uso do fio dental. A remocao mecânica do biofilme dental e uma medida preventiva e a escova dental e um recurso simples, eficaz, com alcance coletivo e boa repercussao social, indispensavel para a realizacao da higiene bucal, com vistas a manutencao da saude bucal, podendo, assim, ser considerada uma arma na prevencao da carie e da doenca periodontal (Barros Z. Cariologia, Long SR, Santos AS, Nascimento CMO). Atraves do exposto, conclui-se que, para se obter uma harmonia no sorriso e necessaria uma saude gengival e que os dentes se mantenham sempre bem higienizados; para isso, tambem e importante que o paciente colabore e siga com o tratamento a domicilio.
Introducao: A carie e presentemente reconhecida como uma doenca multifatorial, sendo seu desencad... more Introducao: A carie e presentemente reconhecida como uma doenca multifatorial, sendo seu desencadeamento e evolucao dependente da interacao de diversos fatores: suscetibilidade do hospedeiro, microrganismos cariogenicos e substrato adequado, presentes por um periodo suficiente de tempo. Dentro de uma proposta atual na Odontologia, o profissional nao deve se limitar apenas ao tratamento curativo, e sim, introduzir uma pratica odontologica de promocao de saude antes do tratamento restaurador propriamente dito, a fim de eliminar os fatores etiologicos da doenca para que um tratamento definitivo em longo prazo possa ter sucesso. Objetivos: Reestabelecer a condicao de saude bucal do paciente, atraves da educacao em saude, uso de metodos e materiais que possam contribuir para a paralisacao e posterior reversao da carie. Metodologia: Nas sessoes de adequacao de meio bucal, foi realizado em paciente da Clinica de Odontologia da UNISC anamnese, exame clinico e radiografico, profilaxia, RAP e...
Sabe-se que os tratamentos esteticos de hoje vem sendo cada vez mais exigidos e procurados pela p... more Sabe-se que os tratamentos esteticos de hoje vem sendo cada vez mais exigidos e procurados pela populacao, sendo assim, se faz necessario que os profissionais dessa area estejam aptos, exigindo um aperfeicoamento para maior conhecimento da tecnica e aprendizados especificos. Um grande numero de pessoas que buscam atendimento no curso de odontologia queixa-se da estetica de seus dentes, para os quais o tratamento ideal nem sempre e possivel, devido a falta de recursos economicos. Assim, por meio do projeto de extensao "Reabilitando Sorrisos em Busca de uma Melhor Qualidade de Vida da Populacao", a area de Estetica e Cosmetica dos Dentes Anteriores procura suprir essas necessidades. Diante disso, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo expor um caso clinico, que visa a melhora na aparencia e harmonia do sorriso dos pacientes, devido a presenca de restauracoes com resinas autopolimerizaveis, caries proximais e escurecimento dos dentes anteriores, no intuito de buscar a satisfac...
O presente trabalho objetiva relatar um caso clinico ocorrido durante o Projeto de Extensao de Es... more O presente trabalho objetiva relatar um caso clinico ocorrido durante o Projeto de Extensao de Estetica e Cosmetica do Curso de Odontologia, que visa, atraves da reabilitacao estetica e funcional, a reinsercao do paciente na sociedade. A paciente selecionada chegou ao projeto com muitas perdas dentarias, restos radiculares de dentes posteriores e anteriores e com os incisivos centrais colados um ao outro com cianoacrilato, ambos os dentes apresentavam fistula e tambem muitas caries, e dentes anteriores inferiores com bastante perda da estrutura e problemas periodontais. Apos exame clinico, fisico, anamnese e confeccao dos modelos superior e inferior, montamos o plano de tratamento para a paciente, e, com o objetivo de melhorar a funcao e a estetica dos dentes, atraves do plano de tratamento, foi decidido fazer a adequacao do meio bucal, para que ao remover todo tecido cariado fosse possivel avaliar o que poderia ser preservado. O trabalho tambem visou a atender a paciente em sua tot...
Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia - UPF, Mar 16, 2011
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the porosity of complete crowns made ofpalladium-silver... more The purpose of this study was to evaluate the porosity of complete crowns made ofpalladium-silver (Pors-on) and silver-palladium (Palliag-M) alloys. For the casting of the alloys, three heat sources were used: acetilen-oxigen, gasoxigen and electric resistance. Thirty specimens were prepared with casting wax in stainless steel die, and divided into two groups of 15 specimens each, according to the alloy used. Then, the specimens were subdivided into three groups of5 specimens each, accordingto the heat sources. Then a:ftercasting, the specimens were finished and polished. Two methods were used to determine the porosity of the specimens: densitometric and microscopic ones. In the densitometric determination, the alloydensities before and after casting were compared. For the microscopic observation, the specimens were cut, polished and then evaluated using scanning electronic microscopy. The results showed that the highest porosity occurred when acetilenoxigenheat sourcewas used, followed by gas-oxigen and electric sources. This was observed in both methods. ln general, the Palliag-M alloy showed more trend to the higher levels of porosity than the Pors-on 4 alloy,in both methods of evaluation. Key words: porosity, metal ceramic alloys, dental casting technique.
Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia - UPF, Dec 15, 2010
The purpose of this study was to examine the shear bond strength of resin composite to dentin aft... more The purpose of this study was to examine the shear bond strength of resin composite to dentin after the application oftwo dentine bonding systems: (A) Pro Bond (CaulklDentsply) and (B) Scotchbond Multipurpose Plus (3M). Two experimental groups (A = Pro Bond, BeScotchbond Multipurpose Plus) of ten specimens were tested for shear bond strength in an universal testing machine. The mean shear bond strengths were 7,27 ± 0,47 for group A and 6,96 ± 0,39 for group B. No statistical differences were found. Key words: dentine bonding agents, shear bond strength, dentin.
The purpose of this study was to verify the superficial roughness produced by the association too... more The purpose of this study was to verify the superficial roughness produced by the association toothbrush-dentifrices on acrylic resin samples. Metallic molds (47x20x2 mm) were included in metallic flasks (Safrany) and removed after the gypsum setting. The molds obtained were then, filled with heat-cured acrylic resin (Clássico). They were divided into four groups according to the used toothpaste, that is, Sorriso (Anakol), Liqui Fresh (Gessy Lever), an experimental toothpaste (specific for prosthesis) and water (control). Each group was subdivided into three sub-groups, according to the used toothbrush: Denture (Anakol, specific for prosthesis), Doctor (Anakol) and Oral-B 30 (Gillete do Brasil). Guimarães Dutra Patrão et al.
The relationship between the application of die-spacer prior to wax pattern fabrication and metal... more The relationship between the application of die-spacer prior to wax pattern fabrication and metal removal from the inner surface of the casting on marginal and internal discrepancies of complete cast crowns was evaluated. One hundred and twenty complete crowns were cast with palladium-silver alloy melted by gas-oxygen torch or electrical resistance and cast with a centrifuge casting machine. After casting, the crowns were seated on each type of different marginal configuration dies (90-degree shoulder, 20-degree beveled shoulder, and 45-degree chamfered shoulder) with a static load of 90 N during 1 min. Evaluation of the marginal fit of the specimens was made using a digital micrometer. The crowns were embedded in acrylic resin and longitudinally sectioned to verify the internal discrepancy that occurred in lateral and occlusal interfaces with a digital micrometer. The data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey’s test with a significance level of 5%. The best marginal and inner fits wer...
This study verifies whether there is any temperature change during photoactivation of two resin c... more This study verifies whether there is any temperature change during photoactivation of two resin composites (Filtek Z250 and Filtek Flow) with three different light curing methods (conventional halogen light curing unit, light emitting diodes curing unit and xenon plasma arc curing unit) and the relationship of temperature change with resin composite hardness. A type-K thermocouple registered the temperature rise peak in an elastomer mold during photoactivation. After photoactivation, the specimens were submitted to Knoop hardness test performed by an indenter (HMV-2000) under a load of 50g for 15 seconds. Both the temperature change data and results of the Knoop hardness test were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey's test at the 5% significance level. No statistical differences in temperature rise were recorded for the different composites following processing by light curing unit (p>0.05). The conventional halogen source produced statistically higher temperatures (p<0.05) than ...
Brazilian Dental Science, 2010
The aim of this research was to evaluate the load cycling influence in resin composite restoratio... more The aim of this research was to evaluate the load cycling influence in resin composite restorations through marginal leakage analysis, in enamel and cementum. Forty bovine incisors were allocated in four groups (n=10): I-Z250 resin composite / Single Bond adhesive system; II-Charisma resin composite / Gluma One Bond adhesive system; III-Z250 resin composite / Single Bond adhesive system submitted to 1,000 cycles (10Kgf); group IV-Charisma resin composite / Gluma One Bond adhesive system submitted to 1,000 cycles. The class V restorations were located at cementum-enamel junction and the load was applied on the incisal edge. The samples were immersed in 2% buffered methylene blue solution. The samples were cross-sectioned and the leakage, which received a score, was evaluated through stereomicroscope (45 X). Data were submitted to Kruskal-Wallis' test (5%). Analysis showed no statistical differences among margins localized in enamel or in cementum, for loaded and unloaded groups (p>0,05). However, enamel showed better results than cementum in the same sample (p<0,05).Load cycling did not increase the microleakage in enamel or in cement margins. Comparing the infiltration degree in the same sample, the staining solution penetration was higher in cementum margins, for both loaded and unloaded groups.
Operative dentistry
This study verifies whether there is any temperature change during photoactivation of two resin c... more This study verifies whether there is any temperature change during photoactivation of two resin composites (Filtek Z250 and Filtek Flow) with three different light curing methods (conventional halogen light curing unit, light emitting diodes curing unit and xenon plasma arc curing unit) and the relationship of temperature change with resin composite hardness. A type-K thermocouple registered the temperature rise peak in an elastomer mold during photoactivation. After photoactivation, the specimens were submitted to Knoop hardness test performed by an indenter (HMV-2000) under a load of 50g for 15 seconds. Both the temperature change data and results of the Knoop hardness test were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey's test at the 5% significance level. No statistical differences in temperature rise were recorded for the different composites following processing by light curing unit (p>0.05). The conventional halogen source produced statistically higher temperatures (p<0.05) than ...
Brazilian Dental Journal, 2004
The relationship between the application of die-spacer prior to wax pattern fabrication and metal... more The relationship between the application of die-spacer prior to wax pattern fabrication and metal removal from the inner surface of the casting on marginal and internal discrepancies of complete cast crowns was evaluated. One hundred and twenty complete crowns were cast with palladium-silver alloy melted by gas-oxygen torch or electrical resistance and cast with a centrifuge casting machine. After casting, the crowns were seated on each type of different marginal configuration dies (90-degree shoulder, 20-degree beveled shoulder, and 45-degree chamfered shoulder) with a static load of 90 N during 1 min. Evaluation of the marginal fit of the specimens was made using a digital micrometer. The crowns were embedded in acrylic resin and longitudinally sectioned to verify the internal discrepancy that occurred in lateral and occlusal interfaces with a digital micrometer. The data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey's test with a significance level of 5%. The best marginal and inner fits were obtained with the gas-oxygen torch source. The 45-degree chamfered shoulder showed the best marginal and inner fit, and better internal relief was obtained in the crowns abraded with 50 µm Al 2 O 3 particles.
The relationship between the application of die-spacer prior to wax pattern fabrication and metal... more The relationship between the application of die-spacer prior to wax pattern fabrication and metal removal from the inner surface of the casting on marginal and internal discrepancies of complete cast crowns was evaluated. One hundred and twenty complete crowns were cast with palladium-silver alloy melted by gas-oxygen torch or electrical resistance and cast with a centrifuge casting machine. After casting, the crowns were seated on each type of different marginal configuration dies (90-degree shoulder, 20-degree beveled shoulder, and 45-degree chamfered shoulder) with a static load of 90 N during 1 min. Evaluation of the marginal fit of the specimens was made using a digital micrometer. The crowns were embedded in acrylic resin and longitudinally sectioned to verify the internal discrepancy that occurred in lateral and occlusal interfaces with a digital micrometer. The data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey's test with a significance level of 5%. The best marginal and inner fits were obtained with the gas-oxygen torch source. The 45-degree chamfered shoulder showed the best marginal and inner fit, and better internal relief was obtained in the crowns abraded with 50 µm Al 2 O 3 particles.