FELIPE EDUARDO CISNEROS ESPINOZA - Academia.edu (original) (raw)


Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of the drought recovery of Andosols on southern Ecuadorian Andean páramos

Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Jun 22, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Forest Impact on Flood Peak Discharge and Sediment Yield in Streamflow

Two recent studies help to define the extent to which forest cover, compared with a cover of shor... more Two recent studies help to define the extent to which forest cover, compared with a cover of shorter vegetation, can reduce flood peaks and sediment yields at the catchment scale as part of an integrated flood control programme. First, field data analysis and model analysis tested the hypothesis that, as the size of the rainfall event increases, the effect of forest cover on peak discharge becomes less important. Second, a systematic model analysis assessed the relationship between specific sediment yield and catchment area for various land use scenarios. The results show that the change in forest cover must apply to 20–30 % of the catchment area to affect the hydrological response; forest cover can affect the peak discharges for small to moderate floods but has little effect on large floods; increased cultivation in headwater areas can increase sediment yield, but the effect becomes attenuated over an order of magnitude increase in catchment area. In an Indian context, these results suggest that altered land use in the Himalayas has little immediate effect on flood magnitude and sediment yield in Bangladesh. However, forests can have a role in controlling floods and sediment yield in smaller headwater catchments.

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Research paper thumbnail of Forest impact on floods due to extreme rainfall and snowmelt in four Latin American environments 1: Field data analysis

Journal of Hydrology, Apr 1, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Forests and floods in Latin America: science, management, policy and the EPIC FORCE project

The EGU General Assembly, 2008

ABSTRACT The EPIC FORCE project aimed to develop science-based policy recommendations for integra... more ABSTRACT The EPIC FORCE project aimed to develop science-based policy recommendations for integrated forest and water resources management, relevant to extreme events for Costa Rica, Ecuador, Chile and Argentina. Data analysis and model application support the hypothesis that, as the size of the flood peak increases, the effect of forest cover becomes less important. Guidelines for integrated water and forest resources management are developed which recognize this effect but emphasize the role that forests play in reducing the flood levels of more moderate events. The research findings are transferred to policy-making for the four focus countries via a set of policy briefs, taking into account the institutional frameworks, achievable policy objectives and key stakeholders.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ecuadorian Mountainous Rivers Classification Using Hydraulic Geometry Theory

AGUFM, Dec 1, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Geomorphology

Los altos pastizales de altura de los Andes tropicales, conocido como páramo, son un ecosistema m... more Los altos pastizales de altura de los Andes tropicales, conocido como páramo, son un ecosistema muy frágil y único. A pesar de las crecientes actividades humanas, muchos de sus procesos geomorfológicos e hidrológicos son todavía muy poco conocidos. Por consiguiente, celebramos el papel de Harden [Harden, CP 2006. Los impactos humanos sobre los sistemas fluviales de cabecera en los Andes del norte y centro. Geomorfología 79, 249-263.] Sobre "Los impactos humanos sobre los sistemas fluviales de cabecera en los Andes del norte y centro" como una valiosa contribución a una mejor comprensión de este complejo ecosistema. Sin embargo, en vista de la literatura disponible, nos gustaría complementar la interpretación de los resultados presentados y discutir algunas de las afirmaciones hechas en el papel.The high altitude grasslands of the tropical Andes, known as páramo, are a very fragile and unique ecosystem. Despite increasing human activities, many of its geomorphological and h...

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrated ecological modelling for evidence-based determination of water management interventions in urbanized river basins: Case study in the Cuenca River basin (Ecuador)

Science of The Total Environment, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Biological water quality in tropical rivers during dry and rainy seasons: A model-based analysis

Ecological Indicators, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Experimental and numerical simulation as a calibration measure of a venturi tube

International Journal of Hydrology, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Gestión integrada de agua, suelo y energía en la cuenca hidrográfica

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jul 12, 2017

International audienc

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Research paper thumbnail of Application of Hydraulic Geometry to High Gradient Rivers in Southern Ecuador

Water Resources Research, 2021

Using hydraulic geometry (HG) theory, we investigated three rivers typical of the Ecuadorian moun... more Using hydraulic geometry (HG) theory, we investigated three rivers typical of the Ecuadorian mountainous region with longitudinal slopes ranging from 0.8% to 10% and coarse bed material with d50 ranging from 3 to 54 mm and values of d90 up to 908 mm. Extensive field measurements were performed to characterize geometric and hydraulic properties at 33 sites. Using these field data, at‐a‐station HG relationships were obtained for top width, average flow depth, and average flow velocity. Dimensional and dimensionless downstream HG relations were obtained for these parameters as well as the channel bed slope using the bankfull discharge estimated with at‐a‐station HG. The correlation coefficients indicate that the dimensionless equations adequately represent the observed data for all quantities with the exception of slope. In addition to a low correlation coefficient, the exponent on non‐dimensional discharge was small in the downstream HG relation for slope. This small exponent indicates that slope is not dependent on discharge. Based on this finding, the non‐dimensional HG relations were reformulated using both dimensionless discharge and bed slope as independent variables. These new relations show improved correlation coefficients and demonstrate the role of slope in determining channel width, flow depth, and average velocity in high gradient rivers.

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessment the spatial and temporary variability of sediments production taken into account the land use and the climate change, In the Paute river basin southern Ecuador

ABSTRACT Erosion processes and sediment production data for The Paute river basin watershed (5000... more ABSTRACT Erosion processes and sediment production data for The Paute river basin watershed (5000 km2) located the south of Ecuador, are analyzed, its importance is in the hydroelectric sector in which the project generates 1200 Mw and that correspond approximately to 55% of the energy for the Ecuador. The anthropogenic intervention, the watershed geomorphologic characteristics, added to the great variability of present land use and to the non-uniform space and temporary distribution of the hydrologic events; contribute to the permanence of the erosive processes of formation of gullies, progressive degradation of land cover that is translated in a constant production of sediments. According to the load of suspended sediment monitoring campaign, values like 90% of the total production would occur during the rainy time and in very little number of variable intensities events, from this data, between 40% to 50% show values up to 25 mm h-1. Therefore it has been taken as an important criterion the Rain fall regime and the annual sediment production. Considering the later results, a scheme for projection of rates of erosion and sediment production has been settled down taken into account factors as: Regime and annual Rainfall average; Land cover type and its surface, and Space zoning of vulnerable areas. According to the degraded areas assessment and considering the current rainfall conditions regime and its land cover, and the available evidence with respect to the influence of the presence or absence of a good forest cover on rainfall it was settled down rates of erosion for the regional projection four main zones with the following ranks of annual erosion: i) natural zones < 5 t ha-1 a-1, II) zones of anthropogenic intervention from 5 to 50 t ha-1 a-1, III) zones of moderate erosion from 50 to 100 t has-1 a-1, and IV) high rates erosion zones > 100 t ha-1 a-1. Starting on 2010 is operating Mazar reservoir in the retention of sediments as support to Amaluza reservoir and therefore beneficial to increase the useful life of the dam that at the present time. The aim of the present paper is to establish if the impact of the processes of erosion and sedimentation in the Paute river basin would have direct consequences in the hydroelectric production and useful life of the dams; a scenario analysis of erosion processes with respect to main works of water retention for hydroelectrically production of the zone was done, the temporary scale of the analysis of sediments has been considered from year 2010 to year 2030; Using ECHAM A2 and the ECHAM B2 climate change scenarios.

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluacion De SWAT2000 Como Herramienta Para El Analisis De Escenarios De Cambio De Uso Del Suelo en Microcuencas De …


De acuerdo con la FAO (2006) la pérdida mundial de áreas de bosque durante el periodo 2000-2005 f... more De acuerdo con la FAO (2006) la pérdida mundial de áreas de bosque durante el periodo 2000-2005 fue estimado en -7.3x 106 ha/año. El continente con mayor tasa de perdida de bosque es Sur América (-0.5% del área de bosque existente) y el país con mayor tasa de ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Artificial Neural Networks for Real Time Inflow Forecasting in the Paute River Reservoir

Hydropower generation, which depends on reservoir inflows, is generally the cheapest power within... more Hydropower generation, which depends on reservoir inflows, is generally the cheapest power within a country's generation facilities. To apply for electricity production quotas an accurate forecast of those inflows is essential. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) models have become a popular choice among the non-linear flow forecasting methods, because of its ability to learn from examples. This paper applies ANN to forecast the river flow at the Amaluza reservoir in the Paute river basin for one lead day, based on river flow and rainfall measured at various upstream stations and at the Amaluza reservoir itself. In a first stage the approach uses measurements from online stations available in the river basin; afterwards as to reduce ANN model complexity, and based on the correlation analysis of the measurements at the online stations, some data were eliminated. The research revealed that the existing station network does not cover adequately rainfall in the catchment, mainly becaus...

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Research paper thumbnail of Experimental Assessment of the Sprinkler Application Rate for Steep Sloping Fields

Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Agua y Energ�a: Actualidad y futuro

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Research paper thumbnail of (Figure 2) Mean discharge per day (total and baseflow part) of the San Francisco River and daily precipitation at station ECPL (Planta), in 2007, supplement to: Bücker, Amelie; Crespo, Patricio; Frede, Hans-Georg; Vaché, Kellie; Cisneros, Felipe; Breuer, Lutz (2010): Identifying controls on water...

We investigated controls on the water chemistry of a South Ecuadorian cloud forest catchment whic... more We investigated controls on the water chemistry of a South Ecuadorian cloud forest catchment which is partly pristine, and partly converted to extensive pasture. From April 2007 to May 2008 water samples were taken weekly to biweekly at nine different subcatchments, and were screened for differences in electric conductivity, pH, anion, as well as element composition. A principal component analysis was conducted to reduce dimensionality of the data set and define major factors explaining variation in the data. Three main factors were isolated by a subset of 10 elements (Ca2+, Ce, Gd, K+, Mg2+, Na+, Nd, Rb, Sr, Y), explaining around 90% of the data variation. Land-use was the major factor controlling and changing water chemistry of the subcatchments. A second factor was associated with the concentration of rare earth elements in water, presumably highlighting other anthropogenic influences such as gravel excavation or road construction. Around 12% of the variation was explained by the...

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluación de estrategias de operación de embalses para el proyecto integral de riego en la cuenca del Río Macul, Ecuador

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Research paper thumbnail of Zonificacion agroecologica del Austro Ecuatoriano

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Research paper thumbnail of A Model for Developing Reservoir Operation Rules for Irrigation Projects

Agrociencia, 2015

At a basin scale the criteria for designing reservoirs for irrigation projects are based in three... more At a basin scale the criteria for designing reservoirs for irrigation projects are based in three aspects: i) Storage required for supplying crop water requirements at an irrigated area, which are calculated for critical drought conditions. ii) Storage required for releasing the minimum ecological river flow under the described weather condition. iii) Spillway dimensions to evacuate high peak flow events. Those aspects are fundamental for designing a reservoir, however, designing reservoir operation rules is also an important aspect and normally it is a big uncertainty for project managers. This study focuses on developing a mathematical model for operating reservoirs for irrigation projects into an integrated basin context. The crop cycle is simulated for several year based on long term historical hydro-meteorological time series in a daily basis. Irrigation requirements are obtained from those simulations. Those results are clustered in 10-day periods during the crop cycle. Freque...

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of the drought recovery of Andosols on southern Ecuadorian Andean páramos

Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Jun 22, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Forest Impact on Flood Peak Discharge and Sediment Yield in Streamflow

Two recent studies help to define the extent to which forest cover, compared with a cover of shor... more Two recent studies help to define the extent to which forest cover, compared with a cover of shorter vegetation, can reduce flood peaks and sediment yields at the catchment scale as part of an integrated flood control programme. First, field data analysis and model analysis tested the hypothesis that, as the size of the rainfall event increases, the effect of forest cover on peak discharge becomes less important. Second, a systematic model analysis assessed the relationship between specific sediment yield and catchment area for various land use scenarios. The results show that the change in forest cover must apply to 20–30 % of the catchment area to affect the hydrological response; forest cover can affect the peak discharges for small to moderate floods but has little effect on large floods; increased cultivation in headwater areas can increase sediment yield, but the effect becomes attenuated over an order of magnitude increase in catchment area. In an Indian context, these results suggest that altered land use in the Himalayas has little immediate effect on flood magnitude and sediment yield in Bangladesh. However, forests can have a role in controlling floods and sediment yield in smaller headwater catchments.

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Research paper thumbnail of Forest impact on floods due to extreme rainfall and snowmelt in four Latin American environments 1: Field data analysis

Journal of Hydrology, Apr 1, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Forests and floods in Latin America: science, management, policy and the EPIC FORCE project

The EGU General Assembly, 2008

ABSTRACT The EPIC FORCE project aimed to develop science-based policy recommendations for integra... more ABSTRACT The EPIC FORCE project aimed to develop science-based policy recommendations for integrated forest and water resources management, relevant to extreme events for Costa Rica, Ecuador, Chile and Argentina. Data analysis and model application support the hypothesis that, as the size of the flood peak increases, the effect of forest cover becomes less important. Guidelines for integrated water and forest resources management are developed which recognize this effect but emphasize the role that forests play in reducing the flood levels of more moderate events. The research findings are transferred to policy-making for the four focus countries via a set of policy briefs, taking into account the institutional frameworks, achievable policy objectives and key stakeholders.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ecuadorian Mountainous Rivers Classification Using Hydraulic Geometry Theory

AGUFM, Dec 1, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Geomorphology

Los altos pastizales de altura de los Andes tropicales, conocido como páramo, son un ecosistema m... more Los altos pastizales de altura de los Andes tropicales, conocido como páramo, son un ecosistema muy frágil y único. A pesar de las crecientes actividades humanas, muchos de sus procesos geomorfológicos e hidrológicos son todavía muy poco conocidos. Por consiguiente, celebramos el papel de Harden [Harden, CP 2006. Los impactos humanos sobre los sistemas fluviales de cabecera en los Andes del norte y centro. Geomorfología 79, 249-263.] Sobre "Los impactos humanos sobre los sistemas fluviales de cabecera en los Andes del norte y centro" como una valiosa contribución a una mejor comprensión de este complejo ecosistema. Sin embargo, en vista de la literatura disponible, nos gustaría complementar la interpretación de los resultados presentados y discutir algunas de las afirmaciones hechas en el papel.The high altitude grasslands of the tropical Andes, known as páramo, are a very fragile and unique ecosystem. Despite increasing human activities, many of its geomorphological and h...

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrated ecological modelling for evidence-based determination of water management interventions in urbanized river basins: Case study in the Cuenca River basin (Ecuador)

Science of The Total Environment, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Biological water quality in tropical rivers during dry and rainy seasons: A model-based analysis

Ecological Indicators, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Experimental and numerical simulation as a calibration measure of a venturi tube

International Journal of Hydrology, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Gestión integrada de agua, suelo y energía en la cuenca hidrográfica

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jul 12, 2017

International audienc

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Research paper thumbnail of Application of Hydraulic Geometry to High Gradient Rivers in Southern Ecuador

Water Resources Research, 2021

Using hydraulic geometry (HG) theory, we investigated three rivers typical of the Ecuadorian moun... more Using hydraulic geometry (HG) theory, we investigated three rivers typical of the Ecuadorian mountainous region with longitudinal slopes ranging from 0.8% to 10% and coarse bed material with d50 ranging from 3 to 54 mm and values of d90 up to 908 mm. Extensive field measurements were performed to characterize geometric and hydraulic properties at 33 sites. Using these field data, at‐a‐station HG relationships were obtained for top width, average flow depth, and average flow velocity. Dimensional and dimensionless downstream HG relations were obtained for these parameters as well as the channel bed slope using the bankfull discharge estimated with at‐a‐station HG. The correlation coefficients indicate that the dimensionless equations adequately represent the observed data for all quantities with the exception of slope. In addition to a low correlation coefficient, the exponent on non‐dimensional discharge was small in the downstream HG relation for slope. This small exponent indicates that slope is not dependent on discharge. Based on this finding, the non‐dimensional HG relations were reformulated using both dimensionless discharge and bed slope as independent variables. These new relations show improved correlation coefficients and demonstrate the role of slope in determining channel width, flow depth, and average velocity in high gradient rivers.

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessment the spatial and temporary variability of sediments production taken into account the land use and the climate change, In the Paute river basin southern Ecuador

ABSTRACT Erosion processes and sediment production data for The Paute river basin watershed (5000... more ABSTRACT Erosion processes and sediment production data for The Paute river basin watershed (5000 km2) located the south of Ecuador, are analyzed, its importance is in the hydroelectric sector in which the project generates 1200 Mw and that correspond approximately to 55% of the energy for the Ecuador. The anthropogenic intervention, the watershed geomorphologic characteristics, added to the great variability of present land use and to the non-uniform space and temporary distribution of the hydrologic events; contribute to the permanence of the erosive processes of formation of gullies, progressive degradation of land cover that is translated in a constant production of sediments. According to the load of suspended sediment monitoring campaign, values like 90% of the total production would occur during the rainy time and in very little number of variable intensities events, from this data, between 40% to 50% show values up to 25 mm h-1. Therefore it has been taken as an important criterion the Rain fall regime and the annual sediment production. Considering the later results, a scheme for projection of rates of erosion and sediment production has been settled down taken into account factors as: Regime and annual Rainfall average; Land cover type and its surface, and Space zoning of vulnerable areas. According to the degraded areas assessment and considering the current rainfall conditions regime and its land cover, and the available evidence with respect to the influence of the presence or absence of a good forest cover on rainfall it was settled down rates of erosion for the regional projection four main zones with the following ranks of annual erosion: i) natural zones < 5 t ha-1 a-1, II) zones of anthropogenic intervention from 5 to 50 t ha-1 a-1, III) zones of moderate erosion from 50 to 100 t has-1 a-1, and IV) high rates erosion zones > 100 t ha-1 a-1. Starting on 2010 is operating Mazar reservoir in the retention of sediments as support to Amaluza reservoir and therefore beneficial to increase the useful life of the dam that at the present time. The aim of the present paper is to establish if the impact of the processes of erosion and sedimentation in the Paute river basin would have direct consequences in the hydroelectric production and useful life of the dams; a scenario analysis of erosion processes with respect to main works of water retention for hydroelectrically production of the zone was done, the temporary scale of the analysis of sediments has been considered from year 2010 to year 2030; Using ECHAM A2 and the ECHAM B2 climate change scenarios.

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluacion De SWAT2000 Como Herramienta Para El Analisis De Escenarios De Cambio De Uso Del Suelo en Microcuencas De …


De acuerdo con la FAO (2006) la pérdida mundial de áreas de bosque durante el periodo 2000-2005 f... more De acuerdo con la FAO (2006) la pérdida mundial de áreas de bosque durante el periodo 2000-2005 fue estimado en -7.3x 106 ha/año. El continente con mayor tasa de perdida de bosque es Sur América (-0.5% del área de bosque existente) y el país con mayor tasa de ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Artificial Neural Networks for Real Time Inflow Forecasting in the Paute River Reservoir

Hydropower generation, which depends on reservoir inflows, is generally the cheapest power within... more Hydropower generation, which depends on reservoir inflows, is generally the cheapest power within a country's generation facilities. To apply for electricity production quotas an accurate forecast of those inflows is essential. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) models have become a popular choice among the non-linear flow forecasting methods, because of its ability to learn from examples. This paper applies ANN to forecast the river flow at the Amaluza reservoir in the Paute river basin for one lead day, based on river flow and rainfall measured at various upstream stations and at the Amaluza reservoir itself. In a first stage the approach uses measurements from online stations available in the river basin; afterwards as to reduce ANN model complexity, and based on the correlation analysis of the measurements at the online stations, some data were eliminated. The research revealed that the existing station network does not cover adequately rainfall in the catchment, mainly becaus...

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Research paper thumbnail of Experimental Assessment of the Sprinkler Application Rate for Steep Sloping Fields

Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Agua y Energ�a: Actualidad y futuro

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Research paper thumbnail of (Figure 2) Mean discharge per day (total and baseflow part) of the San Francisco River and daily precipitation at station ECPL (Planta), in 2007, supplement to: Bücker, Amelie; Crespo, Patricio; Frede, Hans-Georg; Vaché, Kellie; Cisneros, Felipe; Breuer, Lutz (2010): Identifying controls on water...

We investigated controls on the water chemistry of a South Ecuadorian cloud forest catchment whic... more We investigated controls on the water chemistry of a South Ecuadorian cloud forest catchment which is partly pristine, and partly converted to extensive pasture. From April 2007 to May 2008 water samples were taken weekly to biweekly at nine different subcatchments, and were screened for differences in electric conductivity, pH, anion, as well as element composition. A principal component analysis was conducted to reduce dimensionality of the data set and define major factors explaining variation in the data. Three main factors were isolated by a subset of 10 elements (Ca2+, Ce, Gd, K+, Mg2+, Na+, Nd, Rb, Sr, Y), explaining around 90% of the data variation. Land-use was the major factor controlling and changing water chemistry of the subcatchments. A second factor was associated with the concentration of rare earth elements in water, presumably highlighting other anthropogenic influences such as gravel excavation or road construction. Around 12% of the variation was explained by the...

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluación de estrategias de operación de embalses para el proyecto integral de riego en la cuenca del Río Macul, Ecuador

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Research paper thumbnail of Zonificacion agroecologica del Austro Ecuatoriano

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Research paper thumbnail of A Model for Developing Reservoir Operation Rules for Irrigation Projects

Agrociencia, 2015

At a basin scale the criteria for designing reservoirs for irrigation projects are based in three... more At a basin scale the criteria for designing reservoirs for irrigation projects are based in three aspects: i) Storage required for supplying crop water requirements at an irrigated area, which are calculated for critical drought conditions. ii) Storage required for releasing the minimum ecological river flow under the described weather condition. iii) Spillway dimensions to evacuate high peak flow events. Those aspects are fundamental for designing a reservoir, however, designing reservoir operation rules is also an important aspect and normally it is a big uncertainty for project managers. This study focuses on developing a mathematical model for operating reservoirs for irrigation projects into an integrated basin context. The crop cycle is simulated for several year based on long term historical hydro-meteorological time series in a daily basis. Irrigation requirements are obtained from those simulations. Those results are clustered in 10-day periods during the crop cycle. Freque...

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